Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    I have noticed that GOOD results get more examination too-- because they are ruling out a having made a mistake or missing something on what looks good. For example my pre-surgery Mammo showed NED and that was so surprising that they gave me a US too. (Which make me scared, because I thought they saw something funky that they were checking.) Nope, they were double-checking a perfect mammo.

    Snooky I am crossing my fingers the improvements keep happening! It sounds like a good scan to me.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Snookums, ditto what Sonia, Frisky and Santa say.

    SantaB, I believe they don't want to see improvement, so they look further in hopes of finding something. So we have to continue to spend on treatments!

  • peacestrength2013
    peacestrength2013 Member Posts: 3

    How/where do I order the UK (MSD Animal Health brand from USA?

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Hi peacestrenght, welcome!

    You can use Amazon....make sure to check and pick the best price.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Snooky, there is a lot of variation about how much time and detail the radiologist spends reviewing the scan and typing up the report. The residents usually review them and then they are signed off the attending. Residents usually are much more thorough as they are trying to impress their boss. I often have random comparisons to something that had never been mentioned on a prior scan. Over the series of several intermittent scans, I learned that I have stable vertebrae fractures or deformities that “remain unchanged from prior scans" in at least 4 vertebrae. They are each mentioned in different scans from time to time with no consistency. No one ever told me I had any vertebrae fractures and apparently, I didn't get the memo while I am doing back bends, running and holding my 39 pound 4 year old. My MO has never mentioned them. However, I was in dire shape with my bone at dxand suspect I have had them all along and they are now healed. Don't read too much into it. I think it is overall a good scan with things moving in the right direction.

  • Nyquist
    Nyquist Member Posts: 4

    Hi all,

     I am ER/PR+, HER2-. First diagnosed in 2009, had lumpectomy and rads, no chemo. On tamoxifen since 2009-2017. Had a recurrence in lymph node, did chemo, rads and surgery done and dusted 7/2018. Started Zoladex, Letrozole and Ribociclib since 08/2018. They saw tumour in my liver in Nov 2018. As it was too tiny, they can’t confirm what is that. Did a CT in Feb 2019, the spot has grown bigger. Did. PET to confirm further, but it was light blue light up not red. I was told nothing to worry and sent home happily. July 2019, I did my routine CT and the same spot has grown even bigger (1.3cm to 1.8cm) and there is another one growing next to it. And now biopsy has confirmed it is MET to liver. 

    By the way, I did a DUTCH test to check my hormone while I was on Zoladex, Letrozole and Ribo, it shows my hormone levels were surpressed to almost 0. By looking at the hormone levels, theoretically, the drugs should be doing their job well. But WHY is it now gone to my liver? Oh well....

    I’ve been following Joe’s protocol. I wonder if anyone you have tried and have any update on your progress?   

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Nyquist we can all understand and appreciate your frustrations about cancer medications not working as expected and tests being unreliable....I wish you were the exception, but that's not the case, unfortunately we only have a handful of women on these boards that are long term survivors, and some likewise, including myself, have recently discovered that they had progressed after all...and the tests hadn't shown it

    I'm glad you had a good run for all those year...and who knows future treatments might keep progression at bay for you. It's a crap shoot...no science to speak of...just a lot of guess work and luck.

    Unfortunately, we can expect mediocrity to continue in the business of making money from cancer patients, as it is handsomely rewarded regardless of outcomes.

    Are you planning on taking the fenbendazole for increasing your odds?

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    Hi Nyquist

    Hormones are not the only factor in tumour growth , there are many others. I assume that your original tumour was Er+ hence you were prescribed tamoxifen and hormonal. For the tumour to be considered Er+ certain percentage of the cells has to be responsive to estrogen (not sure what is the cut off point) but if you think about all others that are not responsive then it is not surprise it grows anyway. Has your liver growth been retested as it can change from original tumour?

    I started taking it about a month ago straight after diagnosis but as even my initial tests are not all done yet I would not be able to tell you whether it was helpful - unless I show on this coming tests marked improvement compared to initial test but as they are different type of tests (PET vs CT) and it would be too good to expect noticeable results after just a couple of weeks . Then I will start with chemo and HP so will not know what part of improvement if any is attributable to what.

    Frisky , how long have you been taking it and what is the situation with your tests? Sorry I lost track .

    Another poster, Snookey has reported a scan which showed what looks like possible improvement but again would need confirmation as there was not even an oncologist report on it yet.

  • Nyquist
    Nyquist Member Posts: 4

    hi Frisky,

    Yes I am very tempted to give it a try. That is why I wanted to see if anyone has tried and see some results. I hope someone can explain in simple English. I don't want to be too late to try. I've got 2 young kids. I am so numbed.

    I’ve read some earlier post regarding the science behind Fenben and Meben, well I have no idea what’s the scientific thingy about it.

    Did you try it yourself?

  • Nyquist
    Nyquist Member Posts: 4

    hi Anotherone,

    Yes, I’ve always ER/PR+. To be exact it was 95% Er and 1% PR.The recent biopsy still confirmed it’s still the same. I will be on a trial on Fluvastrant or Fluvastrant + Venetoclax depending on which arm I’m assigned to.

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    feeling for you re young kids

    I found it easier to deal with diagnosis if I fo something about it - read , research , change something- may be it makes no difference - just easier for me ..

    Even if it is 100% responsive I guess it does not mean cancer can not grow without hormones..

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Nyquist, I haven't been on it long enough. I started back in May, I think, but got very sick and quit taking it. I just started back up this week. I don't get scans very often, don't like them and I'm not in any pain. My TM's took a huge jump, but I think because I was sick. I will have them done again in about 2 weeks.

    I took my UK FZ yesterday, all is good. So I'm pretty confident it was not that. Yesterday was my day 3, so now off for 4.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Nyquist, Hi and welcome. We are a group of 10-15 that have recently started this protocol. Done of us have done the Fenben long enough for results to start showing. Might I suggest that you and all other newbies read this thread from the beginning....make a night of it. Then you'll know as much as we do. For instance, Yes Frisky is doing the protocol. She was one of the first. Read about her journey is this thread. That way, the thread won't be bogged down with the same questions. I don't mean this to be rude and hope that you do not take that way.

    Another suggestion would be to read Joe's blog and then Join his FB group. Lots of success stories on it will keep you Hope up.

    And to all my friends, I thank you for the cheerful and encouraging emails these last couple of days. Leaving shortly for my ONC appt. where I'll get questions answered.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Snooky, hoping to hear all good things re your appt. Good luck girl!

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    Hi Girls, Yep, Frisky and JFL you were spot on! At my apt my Onc had whole thing printed and gave me that smile while she said bet you have questions! About the lung part, she said that the resident talked about spots that were deemed not cancer two years ago. Scar tissue and old calcifications from bronchitis. Lungs are basically clear a few small nodules that are possibly cancer but are not growing.

    Bones a lot of improvement this past three months. The rad on my T10 took care of the worry of fracture and scan showed healing bones. No new spinal lessions. (first time in a year)

    Now the thing that bothered me about reading the radiologist's report was about my breast issue. There was the primary tumor and then a group of nodules In the ducts non invasive. Well this group of nodules is what had grown out onto my breast. The worry of ulceration is what got me into toxal 6 mos ago. In the first three mos of taxol the nodules had died off. But, about 3 weeks ago, they started growing on my skin again and they are spreading fast. The report said nothing about this group of cells. Well, my ONC said that's because "inside the breast they had all been killed off!!!!" All that's left of that area is what's on the outside. Onc doubt's it will ulcerate and if it does there's no dept to it. So, doing IV chemo had been a good choice.

    We spent lots of time talking about zoleda which is my next TX.

    I'll add more to all of this tomorrow, very tired tonight. ONC said effects from taxol can last months. And neuropathy could take up to a year to heal.

    Have no idea if Fen ben helped in any of this improvement.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Member Posts: 551

    Snooky: I"m so happy for you! You made my day! Whatever it is ... it's working. Thanks for posting, I was waiting for your news 😘

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Very relieved to hear the explanation from your Oncologist. Those radiology reports are really hard to interpret. One radiologist mentions something that others didn't, another uses a different term to describe something. Frightening.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Snooky I'm so happy to read about your positive review with mo and update! I believe it's all working together....chemotherapy doesn't easily reach the bones...so between the radiation and everything else you have a good protocol going! I'm sure you'll keep on seeing good results.

    It's all so exhausting.....I'm back in my little cabin in the country, although I should be in Manhattan taking care of business.

    The truth is: we all need to recharge our batteries and clear our heads

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    snooky wasn't someone on FB quoted in this thread a while back a person using FenBen in a topical paste, for melanoma? If I am not hallucinating, maybe that would be something to try on skin.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Snooky, glad your appointment went well and that your MO interpreted the scan in a way that gives you more comfort!

  • anotherone
    anotherone Member Posts: 555

    for those asking for updates : up to now there was basically "no changes" for Friskey and "improvement " for snookey. Both of them were on other treatments at the same time.

    (Please correct me if I am wrong , just thought I will resume it here as people ask every now and again to stop them having to go through the thread with a fine toothcombe as when one first reads it all usernames blend into one).

    Wam has started it at about the same time , would be interesting to get an update.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Snooky, that sounds like a good report. And of course there is no way of knowing what did it, chemo or FZ. The important thing is it's good news....PERIOD! Do you get scans every 3 months?

    Frisky, enjoy your days at the cabin. How far is it from where you live?

    Leaving tomorrow for a long weekend trip up to Kanab Utah for Western Legends Round Up. Stars from the old west shows that used to be on, such as Daniel Boone. This is me a couple of years ago with Darby Hinton, he played the little boy Israel on Daniel Boone. I should still be able to check in while away.

    Edited to remove picture

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    That's cool Goldie. Some of my favorites were Gunsmoke, Bonanza, The Lone Ranger, and Have Gun will Travel. A lot of other shows I'd heard of, but I don't think we got them in Canada back then in the days of only 2 or 3 channels.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Goldie enjoy your vacation. I LOVE KANAB! Because it's at the center of all the national parks, and near BEST FRIENDS, my favorite animal rescue organization located in a beautiful canyon.

    My cabin is 2.30 minutes drives without traffic, in the Catskills Park near the border with Pennsylvania and the water reservoirs for NYC. It's in a 10 acres zone and the nearest town has 500 inhabitants.

    Anotherone, what we are seeking from FZ is A CURE, and not some postponement to the inevitable, thus patience and persistence is the name of the game, as we are aware that it doesn't work for everyone. Considering the chance of surviving any cancer—close to nil—the odds with FZ are excellent since it requires no effort, low cost and no SE.

    it's all good as it provides a glimmer of hope so desperately needed, by those of us that are realistic about what relying solely on conventional treatments mean.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    I'm pondering the role that vitamin fortification plays in aiding Fenbendazole. The mice in the report that started it all, got vitamin fortified food, that had pretty much every common vitamin in it, B,C,K,E,D, etc. The E wasn't particularly strong. After the food aged, the treatment stopped working. They attributed that to degradation of the food. I wonder how Joe Tippens came up with his protocol of 800 mg vitamin E, CBD, & curcumin. The E part has some vagueness to it, as the two forms he recommends have different constituents. One possibly higher in tocotrienols than the other. The Life Extension Gamma E full spectrum doesn't break down how much tocotrienols it has. The tocotrienols are listed as part of a tocopherol / tocotrienol blend. I think the best thing to do is mimic exactly what he did to get his success, but of course I wonder if any of the components were not essential and just thrown in for good measure? Like the curcumin and cbd. It would however be foolish to guess at it. But the mice didn't get curcumin or cbd.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Santabarbarian, on the subject of topicals, I read a recently released phase 2 trial of topical diclofenac (also known as voltaren), on superficial basal cell carcinoma. It had a 64% cure rate when applied twice daily, 3% formulation, for 90 days.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    dear Husband, a mice trial, found that vitamin E was essential for FZ to work. The link to the study was posted in the first few pages. I think that following Joe’s protocol as closely as possible is the way to go, but he’s also admitted that cancer patients are successfully adapting it, thus the importance for us to share openly what we are and aren’t doing.

    He and we, are conducting our own clinical trials, and all the bystanders provide the control group.

    Ain’t that a thing of beauty?

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Table 1.

    Vitamin levels in nonsterilizable (regular) and sterilizable (supplemented) diets

    VitaminsRegularSupplementedUnits% Increase
    Available niacin41.287.3mg/kg112
    Pantothenic acid33141.6mg/kg329
    Available biotin0.30.82mg/kg173
  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    The mouse study used only a 25% increase in vitamin E. Some other vitamins were increased by 100%. I'm just not sure why he only focused on the vitamin E, when it was only part of the fortification. That said, the proof is in the pudding, and it worked for him. But I have to wonder why we don't increase intake of all common vitamins, since that was what was done with the mice.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Husband, we most be looking at different studies. The one I'm referring to, found that only FZ and Vitamin E produced results. FZ by itself was not effective....and the other supplements by themselves made no difference. But obviously, they were testing against a limited number of cancer cell types.

    If the source of cancer is indeed of a metabolic nature, the pathways to the disease inducing dysfunctions are probably limitless...thus, we see various results from the combinations of the various supplements and medications we use to disrupt the course of the disease, since it's basically a crap shoot.

    Metaphorically speaking, it's like cracking a safe without having the exact combination. It might turn into a useless exercise, but without effort the closed safe will eventually find its way down the bottom of the ocean into the eternal bliss, finally free from all earthly strives.