I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048

    Yes, you need decent people on both sides to get a picture like that.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Posts: 2,270

    And the decent people on the other side are pushed out so they wind up on our side.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited April 2024

    BREAKING: YES! Congressman Moskowitz just roasted Trumper James Comer to his face at today’s hearing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    I need a kind of spiritual inhalation, a spaciousness that comes when I am living from the inside out. Only in this way can I find my joy again, the tenderness I can feel toward myself and the world. Find is the wrong word. I don't think anyone "finds" joy. Rather, we cultivate it by searching for the preciousness of small things, the ordinary miracles, that strengthen our hearts so we can keep them open to what is difficult: delight in taking a shower or a slow walk that has no destination, in touching something soft, in noticing the one small, black bird who sings every morning from the top of the big old pine tree that guards this cabin. I need to give my attention to the simple things that give me pleasure with the same fervor I have been giving it to the complex things with which I drive myself crazy. Dawna MarkovaI Will Not Die an Unlived Life

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    Love that Ruth. Did I read somewhere that could be a dementia sign or something like that. Either that or he really NOW can't sleep at night for the concern of having to defend himself against Biden and all the lefty Democrats who are trying to do him in.

    He also seems to be breaking his gag order fairly severely and I read a piece that opined if the Judge will deal with it today or wait for the hearing that was already scheduled for the Loon's first trip-up likely just as on purpose as this latest one. A re-tweet someone else made only under the Loon's name now. Not sure why he would think because it was original from someone else that he could USE the information.

    Sort of wonder if he is just pushing all the buttons now to make something, anything work for him because he isn't use to having to answer up for his actions. Being made to sit for hours silently is not his style at all either. Having a court and Judge be in charge of how he conducts himself very foreign as well. Not much actually is going right in his life that I can see.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Maybe it's the weather but I think Trump will be our next, likely last, president. Between Maga and the Palestinian protestors, I don't see a Biden win in the future. I am upset by the Arab Americans, not for their cause, they are right, IMO, but the fact that they blame Biden and won't vote for him. US has been committed to Israel for as long as I can remember. I don't think Biden likes what Netanyahu has done anymore than they do, but he is limited as to what he can do.

    Our do-nothing HR is not getting any better. Still no aide to Ukraine! MTG seriously needs to keep her mouth shut! Just when I think she can't sound any more stupid, she can!

    I can't stand my Rep., Brian Fitzpatrick! He is more MAGA every day!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
    • a ray of hope
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    I hope it is just the weather MM and that you'll see things better later on. It is not that I'm not very concerned almost ALL the time, but I tend to keep as many negative thoughts of a future not yet here at bay. If the future is not here, it can be changed, re-arranged and certainly end up better.

    I also think the media tends to harp heavily on the negative for their ratings. Just hoping we don't let all negative news meant for ratings get us so upset we give up in some way. I will remain concerned until 'whatever' happens does and I do have fears from time to time, but I'm more effective when I don't let them stay with me too long.

    The media would still like us to believe the Loon is getting away with things or will when he needs to. In many ways I'm not nearly as upset about such a low-class loser and con as I am a Reps. party with few qualms about kissing up to Putin and people like him and being dirty, underhanded cheats who use suppressive methods to stop voting and sow fear and doubt. I'm more afraid of who the R's may pull out of the woodwork (because I think they may have to at the last minute) to run.

    Just heard that the 12 jurors have been seated and sworn in. Remains to be seen if they all end up staying on, but things moved pretty good today since two from yesterday were dismissed this morning.

    A lot to take in but I'm hopeful that not only will this thing keep going on a fairly decent schedule, but as well that in the end a LOT of justice prevails. People, are going to see a Trump they may have never seen before. Stories may be passed around but when you get in a court room it is facts that are passed around. Everyone has heard many, many stories about Trump, but the facts of a lot of things have been iffy at best.

    So here's to getting on with a very important case and trial.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Jackie, thanks for the trial update. I cannot bring myself to listen to the news or read about it. I hope all 12 jurors listen to the facts and sincerely want to see that justice is upheld. They will no doubt have to withstand death threats, harassment, it could be life changing for them when Trump is found guilty. I do not envy them, but if they do their job right, I will admire and respect them.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    They were to have 6 alternates chosen as well. Were they also picked? The one picked juror was outed by Fox news and another was supposedly approached by their family asking if they could be impartial. Sad when jurors have to be afraid of the media as well as the moron.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Posts: 6,621

    Here’s a paragraph from Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter from yesterday that I thought was interesting:

    Trump’s courtroom appearances—where, among other things, he keeps falling asleep—are unlikely to bolster his support, while his need for money is becoming more and more of a threat both to his image and to his fellow Republicans. Today the Trump campaign asked Republican candidates in downballot races for at least 5% of the money they raise with any fundraising appeal that uses Trump’s name or picture. They went on: “Any split that is higher than 5% will be seen favorably by the RNC and President Trump’s campaign and is routinely reported to the highest levels of leadership within both organizations.”

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    So now the grifter employs other republicans running for office to feed his coffers? I hope they all politely decline and say "every man for himself". I am sure his DIL is behind this scheme. Guess he is trying to own the RNC's purse strings as well?

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Jackie, I felt better listening to Kerry Kennedy speak at a Biden event in Philly. Her speech was very "old school" and not the best, IMO, but the fact that she and many Kennedy family members were there supporting Biden made me feel a lot better! Your words made me feel better too.

    I am concerned that this is going to be a new normal in the world of technology. The media is running our elections, both online and TV. I don't feel anyone is getting it right and who knows if Trump is really being supported by 51% of the voters. I'm sorry, but 51% sounds made up. That said, I don't know what is true.

    It isn't just jurors who are being threatened, many polling places are having difficulty getting people to be poll workers after the lives of two innocent volunteers were ruined by Trump. I loathe Trump, I don't fear him but I do fear his actions and how he incites people to do his dirty work, many of whom hide in plain sight. I do think many true Republicans are being silent on who they will vote for out of fear.

    I want to thank all of you because your posts give me some hope and at least make me realize that I am not alone. I think this morning my thoughts were of trying to deal with the worst outcome. I remember how I felt when I watched the Jan 6 insurrection, and I don't ever want to see violence like that in the USA again!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,048
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    Hysterical !!!😁

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    LOL, shame she can't be on the jury, bias be damned because her role would be to keep them from a j=hung jury and to keep everything above water.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    Still sorry that Hillary wasn't our President. It was a painful loss, but I'm gratified that she actually did get way more votes than Trump. Just unfortunate that we had an EC ( and still do) and still the best reason to do away with a very outdated possibility. ALL votes should count.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    I agree, EC is antiquated!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to express the glory of being alone.    -Paul Tillich

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    Right along with you Fox, but you got a bit of a come-uppance and sing a different tune now and then. Why should you be the only one that is a destroyer of good things.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    This is likely one of the truest statements, ever.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187

    Compliments of who else — Fox.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
    edited April 2024
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,187