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Looking for all of your tips/tricks/wisdom please!



  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    My weekend wasn't great either....too much grazing!

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Scotbird....How are you doing today? I hope you are feeling better and have had a good day.

    Food wasn't perfect today, which I had hoped, but was far better than it has been so I am taking the win. Plus I worked out.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Yesterday was OK but not great. We had pizza for dinner which I don’t enjoy, but still ate too much of. I wish I had eaten more of the salad and less of the pizza but I seem to persist with bad habits despite good intentions for reasons I don’t myself understand. I agree that having a meal plan for the day and sticking to it is a good idea. So today, I am going to write down a plan which I will faithfully follow.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    scotbird....I understand this completely. I really truly get it.

    I have written down my food plan for the day and I am going to stick to it. I use "lose it" to keep track. It is a website.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    It’s not going badly, but it’s not going well either. Now that I am recovering well from surgery, I feel well enough to go snuffling around the kitchen for snacks, but not well enough to go for a long walk, cycle or do any serious exercise! Yesterday, I did stick to my plan, but overall this week I have added a couple of lbs. I will get back on track. No more excuses

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Scotbird...I'm proud of you for sticking to your plan. It is just so darn hard, I know. Every single day is a struggle for me at some point. Emotional eating issues are NOT fun! I did stick to my eating plan today.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I am doing pretty well, I think. Sticking to my plan mostly, but still eating too many snacks between meals of cookies, pieces of chocolate etc to really reduce my weight meaningfully. I need a new strategy! I have been not too strict with myself due to stopping Codeine for my joint pain 10 days ago. I figured that withdrawal from the drug would be hard work and that I should not be too harsh on myself for not sticking to a healthy diet for the first 30 days of no Codeine. After that, I’m going to take weight loss much more seriously as I want to lose 14lbs at least. Tell me, do you think I am just giving myself an excuse to overeat with this or is it reasonable

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    Just do little steps until you get the codeine out of your system......instead of two cookies, eat one. Skip a piece of chocolate (if you want to enjoy some chocolate and be healthy both, switch to at least 70% cocoa. Studies have shown that 1-2 ounces of really dark chocolate (the darker the better....I go with 85 or 90% cocoa) can actually reduce blood pressure. Once you get used to the taste, it is actually much more satisfying than other chocolate, so you don't even want/need to eat as much of it to get your chocolate fix.

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 786

    I like salty food and not a fan of sweets but when I want something sweet I eat a banana or walnuts mixed with honey. Lots of water to flush it down.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    scotbird....I like the advice that ruth gave you. Making small changes slowly are going to be much more beneficial and you are likely to stick with them. Also, if you don't like dark chocolate try putting it in the freezer and then just break off a square or two and let it melt in your mouth (don't chew). I find it is very satisfying this way and far less bitter than just biting and chewing it.

    lilyishere....I never thought about mixing a banana and honey for something sweet! That is such a good idea. I don't eat honey (vegan)...I wonder if maple syrup would be gross or good with a banana?

    I stayed on my food plan all day. Drank plenty of water.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,579

    Maple Syrup is good on most things Happy

  • lillyishere
    lillyishere Member Posts: 786

    For dessert, I would sauteed bananas in a of bit butter and cinnamon. I haven't tried walnuts with maple syrup but would be worth to try. Let us know. The best Chef's are the creative ones :))

    Funny chef characters Stock Photos - Page 1 : Masterfile

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Thanks that is great advice I have taken it on board and got some dark chocolate in the cupboard ready for my next craving. Yesterday was another good day. I have started cycling. Managed 5 minutes on the static bik. I’m going to increase the time by 5 minutes each day and then add some weightlifting. Today is Friday and I am looking forward to finishing work and having a relaxing weekend.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    LillyIsHere...........Oh that sounds good! I hadn't thought about bananas sauteed in butter (i have vegan butter) and cinnamon. That sounds delicious.

    ruth...You are right...maple syrup is good on most things.

    Scotbird....How was your day? I didn't eat great today due to being out, but I did stay within my calorie limit and resisted eating more than I should have, so I am calling it a win.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    yesterday was a good day. Today will be even better! I’m managing without painkillers and cycling on the static bike. Tomorrow if I feel brave enough I’m going to go out on my actual bike. My mum baked some of my favourite cookies (viennese fingers) and I ate just two small ones, so that was a win. Sticking to my healthy breakfast gives me a good start every day and sets me on the right track to eat healthily and not excessively

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Scotbird....I'm glad you had a good day! Nice job on sticking to 2 small treats. That is so so hard to do. I agree with you that having a good healthy breakfast sets up the day for success.

    I did well today. Stayed with my food plan. I am recording everything I eat on and that helps me quite a bit.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Yesterday I did eat and drink quite a lot. We were celebrating a family birthday (my youngest daughter) which involved a mexican feast with a ton of nachos fajitas guacamole etc, my eldest daughter baked not one but two enormous birthday cakes (because my baby wanted a chocolate birthday cake but my eldest also wanted to bake a vanilla cake) and I also decided to treat myself to a couple of glasses of wine. We all had a lovely time, but it was not conducive to weight loss. Today we are planning a trip to the beach, so at least I should get some fresh air and exercise, even though I will admit that after eating my bran flakes for breakfast, I then had a slice of birthday cake (We only ate about an eighth of the cake yesterday, there is a lot left. Starting on Monday I’m planning to start a stricter regime, honestly!

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    scotbird.....Oh my that food all sounds delicious! Yummy!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it and had fun.

    Today wasn't a great food day. Too many calories and treats. Back to it tomorrow. My f/u with my breast surgeon is Tuesday and I had hoped to have lost some weight...instead the scale will be higher. However! Not as high as it would have been if I hadn't managed to get myself back to healthy eating and working out.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    cm I think we are both doing well in the circumstances. Yesterday I had a lovely walk on the beach. We had fish and chips and I shared with my daughter, so a half portion. A new Croatian restaurant has opened 5 mins from us, so we got takeout from there for dinner. We got 2 starters and 3 main courses between six of us (my daughters do not eat very much). It was great. Definitely going to go back there. I feel really sorry for people who have opened restaurants recently, as our lockdown measure are making it hard for them to make money. Today I am starting to exercise more and goi tontry really hard to restrict my eating. Definitely no more cake for me

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Scotbird....Thank you. We are doing good! I stuck to my eating plan today and ended the day below my calorie goal. It was nice to feel good about my eating for the day. It is always hard to get back on track after messing up so I am proud of myself for not letting one off day turn into a string of them. It sounds like you had such a good weekend with your family! I hope today was a good one for you.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Still going well. There is still a lot of cake left from the weekend birthday celebration and I have resisted it. Yesterday was another really good day for me. I am trying to go to bed very early each night which helps me as I find that eating when tired is a problem for me. My tiredness seems to switch off my “not hungry” signal so avoiding tiredness helps a lot to eliminate unnecessary eating

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Despite good intentions I drank half a bottle of Prosecco and went to bed at 1am last night. But did not eat too much. Only 1 potato at dinner which was grilled fish, and I only had one of the delicious choc chip cookies my daughter had baked. I have continued to avoid the leftover cake (which is still there in the kitchen, getting a bit dried out now) My new daytime snack is 1 square of very dark chocolate (85% cocoa) with 2 walnuts and 1 dried apricot. That is enough to keep me going and also high in nutrients (I think!).

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579

    I treat my food and exercise habits the same way I treat flossing and brushing. I wouldn't skip a day flossing or brushing, so in the same way I do my workouts and I stick to my calorie budget.

    That helps a lot, to think of calories as a budget. Just as with money, I can have anything I want, I just can't have everything. That's very freeing because when I know I really truly want waffles for breakfast, I have them. The rest of my food intake gets adjusted so I can afford those calories.

    Same for exercise. I work out six days a week (Monday is my rest day, we all need them). Before I broke my foot in May, I ran four days a week, sometimes five, and then did ab work (I have some killer ab workouts from Cathe Friedrich (you can find her online), they are really tough but so good--which I need because I've had 7 major abdominal surgeries). The rest of the time I do intense strength work and balance moves for all the little twitch muscles. I don't want to be that woman who falls and breaks a hip because my balance is crap.

    I will chime in with what others have said:

    • You can't outrun your fork.
    • The best exercise is the one you will actually do
    • There's no more inherent value in running than in walking; you just get done faster (I'm impatient, running works for me)

    And the last thing is this isn't about motivation. There are plenty of mornings I'm not interested in lacing up my shoes and running in the freezing cold dark, or the rain or the super hot humid summer mornings. Working out is a choice that requires discipline. I'm pretty sure you have the discipline to floss and brush. This is the same sort of thing.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    edj3...Thank you!!! This is just the loving but tough talk/advice I needed to hear today. I have had a rough couple of days (life...husband...down....that kind of thing) and have been feeling thoroughly sorry for myself. I have been trying to give myself a pep talk to pull out of it (which has been a theme for a while now). Your words spoke to my heart and I appreciate it. has your day been?

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    My day went well thank you. Another bike ride, healthy eating (bran flakes, salad, steamed fish). The only down moment was that I went to the hospital for my physio appointment and when I arrived they told me it had been cancelled. No idea why. So I’ll have to wait another week before I have my physio. It was annoying but I know the recovery from hip replacement is going well. It’s been nearly 4 weeks now and every day is a lot easier

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Ugh, I am sorry your appointment got cancelled ScotBird. That is frustrating and they could have at least called you ahead of time and told you. I'm glad that you are recovering so well. Pretty good day here. Not as good as I would like and I need to be more active but not a washout either.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Another good day, including my longest bike ride so far through the park for around 30 mins. I was very slow but it felt great to be exercising properly. I was really tired after cycling and didn’t move around much for the rest of the day. I did not eat much at all either. Feeling virtuous

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Not such a good day yesterday. When I get busy at work I find myself reaching for the snacks. Yesterday it was a bag of crisps and a cereal bar in the afternoon, and then some chocolate in the evening after dinner (my daughter bought it for me as a present). Feeling sabotaged by kindness! This weekend I’m going to take it easy and do a long bike ride each day, but otherwise not very much at all. I’m going to eat healthily and sparingly. I haven’t taken any codeine since 7th October, and no Naproxen since 15th October. Previously I had been taking both of these pain killers every day for about 2 years, and most days before that too, for my arthritis. I had my hip replacement operation on 26th September, and am recovering really well, but it all takes time to heal completely. So I’m going to take my time to become completely well and drug free. I reckon by Christmas I’ll be feeling great, and will also be 10lbs lighter due to my healthy diet and exercise.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I must admit I’ve been eating too much for someone who wants to lose weight. My energy levels have felt quite low, and although I’ve been cycling each day, I have not felt like moving around much. I think I may have slight aneamia, so I’ve decided to try to eat more iron rich food. Red meat, spinach, eggs, also plenty of citrus fruit as that is supposed to help iron absorbtion. My daughter is a vegetarian so we tend to avoid meat usually. Today feels like a bit of a breakthrough, I jumped out of bed at 9am (the clocks went back, so it felt like 10am) and cycled off to do some errands. Then when I got back started to tidy upmy garden shed and my home office.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530 weekend eating wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. It has been a busy and somewhat odd few days and that always throws me off unless I have been doing super well for a long time. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday and things should hopefully be back to the normal routine. I have already gone over the day's schedule with my daughter (i homeschool) to ensure that I get my workout done as planned. I have also planned out my food and will go ahead and record it tonight to set myself up for success. I didn't realize you guys changed times a whole week ahead of the US (truthfully i am not sure i ever thought about it). We will get that extra hour of sleep next weekend and I am already excited for it! We can do this!!!!!!!!!!