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Looking for all of your tips/tricks/wisdom please!



  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I know that Lance Armstrong is a controversial person, but his example was very important to me starting out. I was never nearly as sick as he was at his worst, and he came back to win the Tour de France, a point that gets obscured by all the subsequent revelations. Literally a case of getting back on the bicycle. I will say that I think it was his example that prompted me to go for my fourth Seattle-to-Portland within six weeks of completing radiation. I took everything I had and every energy potion in my bag, but I did it!

    The fun part was that I got to call my radiation oncologist, also a cyclist and 20 years my junior, a weenie. He forgave me.

    I also shattered paradigms in Seattle oncology circles, being known as "that patient". To this day, I am proud of this accomplishment.

    On the down side, I was cycling on rainy days during chemo, so have absolutely NO EXCUSES if I don't get out there when the worst that will happen to me is that I will get wet.

    For may years, I didn't need to worry about what I ate, but in the past 5 years or so, this has no longer been the case. So it's a few months of deprivation to reset things. I am guessing that long distance bicycle rides will be a lot easier with 20 lb. less of me to haul around. No guarantees, but a girl can dream.

    Off now to the hardware store to get replacement light bulbs for my tree. That will the best place for me to figure out what I really need and buy the items once. ACE, not Home Depot which is guaranteed to be a zoo, even with Covid. I tried Amazon, but far too many items that looked questionable. Sometimes, actually seeing and touching the item is what works best. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Really enjoyed my bike ride yesterday, despite the fact that I got absolutely soaked. You are s right Claire, we are all capable of much more than we can ever imagine, and the influence of inspiring people can help us to see that and stop giving ourselves excuses. For me it’s about the balance between being kind to oneself and showing self appreciation and love, and also being a bit self-challenging to undertake difficult projects, and not giving ourselves excuses or letting ourselves get away with maintaining unhealthy habits. Living our best lives!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I am fasting again today because we’re now going out to a lovely restaurant on Friday which was not in my plan. So I need to do 2 days of fasting so that I can get back to my “alternate day” regime. As this means I’ll be fasting for an extra day, I might feast for 2 days consecutively at Christmas, seems only fair!

    It barely seems to get light at the moment as we approach the shortest day of the year, but I managed a walk around the garden.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Unfortunately the restaurant cancelled, and I did not find out until yesterday evening. Oh well, scale is down

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I am waiting for a bit more movement on the scale but all is just fine in that area. I am done with the puddings and Rillettes. Nice to have all that in my rear view mirror. I will need to distribute the puddings to friends which I will do Friday and Saturday.

    Bummer on the restaurant being closed. Exercise today will be walking from vehicle repair shop to office and back. I am due for one of the scheduled maintenances plus the winter package.

    Can you visit the butcher or fishmonger and get something fabulous to make to replace the cancelled meal? I just got some special supermarket steaks (Wagyu beef) that were on sale. My nonprofit team is doing lunch tomorrow at the pub across the way. They are open and the place with the special burgers. Our intern is vegetarian, but they also do salads. Plus, they do wonderful chips/fries which she loves. The burgers have Leicester cheese and bacon on top. Heaven.

    Last year, we did this lunch at an expense account place in Bellevue. We had steaks that cost the earth (and were delicious!), but I think the burgers are equally good. It will be beer and not wine, but we are talking about a pub. Funny thing about the pub is that it serves true British food such as meat pies and bangers (also delicious). Reviewers either love or loathe the food.

    I am just going with the flow and what I will remember as "Celebrating 2020 Style". Things may be different, but it doesn't mean that they can't be fun. It does take a bit of creativity though.

    I have two Christmas wines. A Siegerebe that I got during my cycling trip to Lopez Island back in August. Carried from shop to ferry on my bicycle. It's a sweet German varietal that grows in the Puget Sound area, and I think delicious and celebratory. The other is a wine that I loved about 8 years ago, and there are only a few bottles left. It is now showing its age but still elegant and delicious, a Burgundy blend. Steak if I don't get a better invitation. And a shellfish dish for Christmas eve.

    Will burn off with cycling and skiing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I am secretly happy that the restaurant cancelled! Have hardly left the house since COVID and prefer staying in tbh.

    I always have Champagne at Christmas and have ordered half bottles as we don’t drink much. Just a couple of glasses a day over the festivities!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I have not been sleeping very well. I usually wake up early and go to bed early, but often wake in the middle of the night and can’t fall back to sleep. Fasting seems to make this worse as I feel hungry when I wake up. Last night I got up at 4am after tossing and turning, baked a batch of blueberry muffins, ate 4 of them (small ones) read a couple of chapters of my book then went back to bed at 5am. This seems a little extreme, but I enjoyed it! Going to definitely get out for a walk or bike ride today. The weather is not too bad

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Enjoyed my bike ride yesterday. My foot is so much better I am starting to feel better than I have felt in years. I want to start training with weights today. There is an Australian class called Les Mills bodypump, which I used to do at my gym. It’s essentially lots of repetitions of light weightlifting, to a pop music soundtrack. I might sign ip to that. I ate a lot yesterday (starting with 4 muffins at 5am). Now I need to burn off calories.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Wonderful progress, ScotBird. Running today and cycling tomorrow as I do the deliveries of Rillettes and Christmas Puddings. Working out is essential body and spirit. Not to mention looking better in clothes. Mine are fitting better....major, major progress on that front, though scale remains unchanged over the past week.

    Yesterday's exercise was (in addition of more than 3 miles of walking and my AM crunches) was carrying in a case of wine. This gift benefits three different groups: the recipient, me - because I get joy in sharing, and the vintner who is a personal friend of mine. I left off a Christmas Pudding and Rillettes. Need to forward on the Brandy Butter recipe. He had these growing up, so a major treat.

    I need to divvy up the Rillettes, and think I need to make a 3rd batch. Fortunately, a lot easier than the puddings.

    I am flush enough to be generous this year and give the true gift of sharing. It was that way when I was growing up. We shared our special holiday items: cakes, jams, wild berries from our freezer, a special roast, mincemeat, Christmas breads. A tradition worth reviving.

    So most of this year's presents are local food and wine. These bring joy to everyone. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I signed up for 3 months of the LesMills online gym/weights classes and did a 30 minute weights session yesterday, with very light weights. Feeling great today. I’m going to aim for a weights workout 3 times each week.

    My weight is stable and in a healthy range - I am 12 lbs lighter than I was a couple of months ago when I started posting here. Committing to a daily update has really helped me to stay on track.

    Alternate day fasting is working well to keep my weight stable. I need to do a 2 day fast if I want to reduce my weight further though, mainly because I over compensate on the non fasting days. I do enjoy this way of eating and can stick to it: I am going to feast today, and will fast on Monday and Tuesday, then do alternate days for the rest of the year. Ideally I would like to lose another 9lbs or more. My ideal weight is around 130-136lbs: today I weighed in at 145lbs after hitting a high of 161lbs in July this year.

    My birthday is in March and my next goal will be to be at 136lbs by my birthday. Saying it here will help me to focus

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Oh gosh ScotBird. My ideal weight is about 25 pounds higher than yours. Also, if you are muscled you may need to adjust your goal weight upwards. But you will know this. I am bony when I get down below what I think is ideal for me.

    I am down another half pound this morning so to stay the course through Wednesday. I did have a couple of glasses of wine yesterday, as thank you gestures for the puddings and rillettes I delivered.

    I got the annual Clarins special on face creams plus a YSL holiday eyeshadow collection yesterday at Nordstrom. Those are under the tree. I missed the lipstick that is in an uber-cool case, so will try to get online. I won't need the creams for several months, and the YSL is just plain fun.

    On the exercise front, I did a 5 mile run yesterday and then logged three more miles delivering Christmas goodies plus getting more belly of pork for another batch of Rillettes de Tours. It was either that or be stingy in my portions. I opted for generous. Got to the butcher just in the nick of time.

    One of my stops was to gift the crew at Tasting Room Seattle who are open for bottle sales, and had spiced wine by the glass. Just amazing and I had one outside on the patio. Perfect photo op as the "intrepid wine club member". Cycling today as too wet to ski. - Claire


  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Haha Claire I am not sure how realistic my goal weight really is but I do like to have a goal, even if I will never get there. For the moment I am happy with the direction of travel. I am fasting today and tomorrow as my last preperation for Christmas feasting. My Christmas wine order has just arrived. I’m very excited about it. I have definitely over ordered as we really don’t drink very much and I ordered 2 cases full of wine! My relations who we would usually be spending Christmas with drink much more than we do. Looking forward to a zoom Christmas....

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I got an invite yesterday from my friend whom I helped move last July. We've been friends for years, though his ex wife was originally my friend. Way too young to be of romantic interest, but we share a love of food and I also have helped him out in his career. Confusion is going around because he mentioned Wednesday and not Friday in one of his emails. We got it straightened out, and now having a good laugh over it.

    It will be a veritable medieval feast. I am making a duck with cherry sauce; he is making a rabbit. I love both. Then of course the pudding is a medieval dish. The potatoes aren't medieval, but I could do a yellow turnip. That would be delish with both, and I can make well in advance.

    Worrisome news from my sister. Her husband is in hospital with what looks like a stroke. He is fortunately mobile, but confused. Better now than when they admitted him. She will know more later today. I sent her some more wine to fortify her spirits. The least I can do under the circumstances.

    I am glad to be done with all the pre-Christmas cooking. Wine is easier. I am happy to be flush enough to be generous this year. I have one more present to send out....late because I wasn't told what the person wanted in time. I am taking a pass on that one.

    Don't worry about over-ordering Christmas wine. You are now stocked for the post-Covid celebration (provided you don't drain it over the winter which is also just fine). Because I at least intend to really celebrate that one. And believe it or not, it will be here sooner than later. - Claire

    Forgot to add that friend's son and two dogs will also be feasting.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Claire your medieval feast sounds amazing. My husband went and did our Christmas food shopping last night. There is lots of news about supply shortages for fresh fruit and vegetables coming from Europe because of Brexit. Apparently the planning has not been very thorough..

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I just did some grocery shopping, and came back with more milk, butter, and cream in addition to a trout and fresh spinach for tonight's dinner and cherries for the duck. I couldn't find the bottled ones from Eastern Europe that I would normally use, so ended up with frozen "pie cherries" grown locally. Thinking about a clafoutis for Christmas brunch as I also have lots of eggs.

    I had a giggle at the packaging which extolls all the virtues of cherries other than the bit of critical information: ARE THEY PITTED? I assume so, if they are supposed to be "pie ready" but I think I'll check.

    I suspect that with the upcoming shortages of vegetables and fruits, root vegetables and crucifers should still be plentiful along with apples. At least until things get sorted. As I try to buy local produce where it makes sense, I eat a lot of these anyway this time of year. Red cabbage and apples anyone?

    I am making the vegetable that I grew up calling "yellow turnips", called rutabaga by most of the U.S. and Swede in the UK. I love them when cook past tender in a bit of butter until sweet and rich-tasting. It will be just lovely with the duck. I may get that out of the way this evening. Likewise with the brandy butter which I always find a challenge to make. I find it extremely difficult to get the brandy-butter-sugar combination just right, requiring at least 45 tastes Smile

    Time for another cup of herbal tea as no beer or wine until tomorrow. 4.7 miles logged today. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Sounds as though you are doing really well Claire. My foot has started hurting again but I still managed a cycle ride yesterday, and I will do a weights session today. I am going to post here daily until Christmas Day, as I promised to do, and then will take a break from these daily updates and just post my weight on “Wednesday Weigh in” each week. Posting here daily really helped my to focus on my weight and eating issues, and I have lost 16lbs since July. The discipline of reporting here helped me to stick to my alternate day fasting regime and has also got me exercising again, thanks to all the encouragement and good advice I’ve found here. I hope I can keep it up. I think I can. I will post one last update tomorrow, Christmas Eve, and then will aim to report back here in March.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Today will be my last day of fasting before Christmas. I am going to feast for 2 days and then fast again on 27th December - determined to stick to my new good habits, of regular fasting and regular exercise. I’ve learned so much from this thread over the last few months. Thanks everyone for all your wise words I am wishing you alla very Happy Christmas Holiday. Lots of love and light to everyone. X

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Reporting back here to say that I reached my target weight in March just after my 55th birthday, and I have managed to maintain my weight at the new lower level since then, just within “normal” BMI range. It is hard, but rewarding to see results and worth intermittent deprivation to reduce recurrence risk I think. Any lifestyle adjustments are hard - I want to live a long and healthy life and see this as I price I can pay to give myself an improved chance of that. Intermittent fasting worked really well for me and does feel sustainable (so far!). I’m posting every week on the Wednesday weigh in thread which helps me so much too. Total weight loss around 30 lbs. Feel so much better and healthier, still love cake/ice cream and enjoy french fries and wine too, just not as often as befor.