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Looking for all of your tips/tricks/wisdom please!



  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    BP thanks for sharing your story. I laughed at “if it tastes good you can’t eat it” and can relate as I have been on a similar regime for the last two weeks. I love dairy and sugar and have been strictly cutting it out. I have a different view on stress. I enjoy challenging myself and putting myself into stressful situations sometimes. I believe stress is not necessarily harmful if it is not too overwhelming and it can even be empowering.

    This morning is a feast day for me so I had toast with butter and marmalade, and a cream doughnut for breakfast. It tasted really good but naughty, which was exactly how I planned it! Over the last 2 weeks I am down 12.5 lbs and back to a healthy BMI. I want to be closer to the middle of the healthy range so I am now going to be switching to alternate day feasting and fasting. I had set myself a target of losing 8lbs by Christmas and as I have already achieved that my new target will be to lose another 6lbs by my 55th birthday in March. That is about a lb every three weeks and I think I will find this target much more difficult. My plan is to create new habits which are sustainable and will allow my weight to go down gradually from here. We shall see whether this can be successful. I had success on this regime a few years ago (pre cancer) but it was also a time when I was training to run a half marathon. I can’t run or even walk or cycle very far now because of joint and foot problems and I don’t fancy swimming because of COVID so am stuck for how to exercise.

    Claire I am going to check out Endura! It’s funny how we get attached to our favourite sports kit and beloved items of clothing isn’t it? I am wearing my favourite cashmere cardigan from the Brora factory shop that I bought on holiday in the highlands a few years ago. It is completely frayed around the sleeves now and shabby but I adore the colour, it reminds me of that holiday, which was great, and it is so soft!

    CM well done, stick with it. I wish I could sit down with you for some of your veggie soup. It is one of my favourite things to eat.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I don't think I would survive winter without cashmere. I even wear it skiing and cycling. Plus, it's what I wear day in and day out at home and at work. I didn't know about Brora and may treat myself to a classic black jumper post Christmas. My birthday is in February.

    ScotBird - I envy you your feast, and totally understand. I am waiting until Thanksgiving which is next week. I am now down 3-4 pounds and starting to see results. I will be fine at the top of the Healthy range as have a large frame and lots of muscles. I admit to dreams about things such as Dundee cake. I also had to walk by the Walker's mince pies when I was in the specialty market the other day.

    I will now own up. I was the outlier who cycled through chemo. True, I was slower than slow and no hills, but I was doing 20 miles at a time. This included cycling in the rain. What I avoided was the need to rebuild my muscles post treatment.

    Which brings me to a key point about muscle mass. It's not inevitable that we lose it; but it will happen if we don't make a point of staying fit. I think this is why women who have been through treatment for breast cancer are more likely to suffer from things such as heart disease. I think I lost some bone density during treatment, but I ended with normal density. The doctor I chatted with a month ago was stunned by this.

    I live in an over 55 community, and what strikes me is how much unnecessary suffering there is from conditions that could be prevented by a decent daily walk. You see people pushing carts for items I sling over my shoulder. People with walkers. People holding onto the rails for balance. I know that some of this is inevitable, but I think much is preventable with exercise.

    Muscle is what supports joints. On the whole, I don't have any problems. The internist I chatted with a month ago also was a bit surprised when I talked about cycling "only" 40 miles this past summer. But that was true. No metric century rides; no Seattle-to-Portland (200+ miles over 2 days). I admit that I enjoy being buff.

    But it takes work and discipline. The rewards are being able to plan things like next year's cycling tour. No, I am not amongst the elite, but I can do the easier rides. I will take this. - Claire

    Plus being able to enjoy scenes like this...


  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Claire...Thank you! I have a World Market very close to me. Next time I am there I will look for these. Thanks for the warning about their website, I didn't realize it was so bad. I enjoy your posts very much and always learn something or something you say gives me pause and makes me think. The picture is beautiful! Oh I wish I lived there.

    Scot...I would love to share veggie soup with you! Mine is really good, and equally healthy, too. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! I am super proud of you!! Enjoy your feast, it sounds delicious!

    I have had a good day. Still no movement on the scales (slight movement down but not much). But I am staying the course. I have also been great about working out almost every day....I aim for 5 days a week.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I enjoyed a day of feasting yesterday. And had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in months. This morning my scale was up 3.5 lbs from the day before. Today is my first day of fasting as I’m going to do alternate days. So far this morning I’ve had a black coffee and a peppermint tea. I’m looking forward to my new way of eating. I hope I can make it work, I think I can Let’s see!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I am continuing to see success so thrilled that things are going in the right direction. I was thinking during my (very wet) walk yesterday how I will need to change things up a bit when I get to where I want to be. Which I am thinking will be early next year.

    One thing is to cook more vegetable-based dishes swapping out a lot of the meat for mushrooms. I never notice this substitution and you can easily cut calories by one third. I love these dishes and they last several meals. I need to make the leek and potato soup for later this week. I have red onions for my fave winter soup of all: Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée. Not difficult to make and I even have the proper lions head soup bowls for it.

    I haven't yet made my semi-annual bean soup, but that is on the list as we go into December. Again, lots of vegetables. You can do vegetarian, but I like to add Italian Sweet Sausage which has fennel to compliment the root vegetables. Very easy to make though requires planning. I get the mixed package of soup beans and lose the seasoning. I think the vegetables supply more than enough along with the usual suspects from my herbs and spices shelf.

    What I have to watch out for is large batches of items high in calories. Other than the puddings which I give away. The hard sauce/brandy butter doesn't help the cause, but I am normally left with just one pudding.

    ScotBird.....I am certain that your new way of eating will work. Let's both plan on celebrating at Christmas. I have champagne ready to go, but I may spring for a bottle of the real thing from France. I will see what my budget looks like when done with presents and the pudding. I have a lovely long red kilt which would be fun to wear. It should fit by then. My (live) tree will be up, so festive even if spent solo.

    cm2020....NEWS FLASH. Just got a text from World Market. Pre Black Friday sale so everything in the store is 20% off. Might be the day to show up.

    I think that this is the year to add to my Christmas tea collection. I have the tea cups. Perhaps 4 and not 2, plus wouldn't it be lovely to have the matching cake plates? Pattern is Royal Grafton "Noel". They can be found on eBay.* - Claire

    * The way to negotiate afternoon tea is to serve something delicate and exquisite on the loveliest of china. Make it an occasion. Truly special and you don't have to give up sweets. If you choose small tea biscuits, it doesn't do any real damage, calorie-wise.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    ScotBird...I agree with Claire and think this new way of eating will work very well.

    Claire....I love having soup and yours sound delicious. I don't eat meat so I use mushrooms a lot and they are great. It is also easy to chop them up and hide them in dishes if you want too. Thanks for the heads up on the World Market sale.

    Another good day today. Small movement downward on the scale. Hopefully a big jump soon.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I managed my first day of “fasting” yesterday. It was completely fine: 4 apples, a couple of black coffees and some herbal tea, and a large glass of wine at 8pm. I woke up very early, amfeeling quite hungry this morning.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Up a smidge from yesterday, but that is to be expected. I am not worried and where I had hoped to be at this point. So wonderful to have my clothes fit better.

    My walk last night was a bit more of an adventure than planned. I had expected a bit of drizzle at most. But as soon as I had walked about ten minutes, it started to rain a bit. This turned into heavy rain, thunder and lightning, and hail. Fortunately, it had let up by the time I got back though was crunchy underfoot for a bit. Needless to say, I didn't need to worry about distancing.

    I learned that my new bright yellow winter walking parker will keep me reasonably dry. I am bringing my umbrella next time.

    Congrats on your first fast day, ScotBird. Looking forward to seeing less of us by Christmas. Thinking about wearing my long kilt with a fitted velvet top. We shall see how that one goes. - Claire

    p.s. Need to test drive the concept of quaffing beers in a fur coat. That one will be fun plus give my gorgeous grey mink (resale shop many years ago) fur coat an outing or 2.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    I had another successful day. It is nice when you get a good string of them going and get into the groove. As much as I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, I am a bit disappointed that it will mess up my good streak. I lost some more weight this morning too.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Claire....That was quite an adventurous walk you had!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I’m getting into my alternate day fasting groove and have stocked up on apples, which I am allowing myself to eat when I’m fasting. I particularly like the “pink lady” ones. CM you are right, it takes a really long time to get the weight down, and it can all go back on all too quickly! This weight maintaining is a permanent way of life. We just need to balance

    Claire your walk sounds interesting! My foot is still sore, I went to the hospital and they couldn’t say what I had done. I might have to see a podiatrist if it doesn’t seem better next week. I can’t really walk at all without limping and pain. It’s so annoying, just as my hip is feeling fine again!

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Member Posts: 530

    Scot....I am sorry your foot is still sore. I swear it is always something isn't it? We fix one thing and another thing gives us trouble. Aging is not for the faint of heart! I am glad your hip is feeling better.

    It was a pretty good day here. My eating was all thrown off by a dr appt at lunch time. I worked out though and feel good.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I had my fasting day yesterday. Black coffee, herbal tea, lots of water, 3 apples and a large glass of wine Today is my wedding anniversary so we have booked a nice restaurant for lunch!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    Lunch sounds appropriate and just lovely ScotBird! Make sure that you order something absolutely delicious. This includes a sweet or nice cake. Champagne too.

    Checking the weather. We may have enough snow to ski next week (Thanksgiving). Meanwhile, I may sneak in a bicycle ride as it's not raining and I have a flexible day.

    Scale isn't budging in either direction. Not upset though. I am suspecting that diligence and a couple of nice bicycle rides over the weekend will work wonders. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Delicious lunch yesterday: a six course tasting menu, followed by panna cotta with mango sorbet and passion fruit. We had the champagne in the evening because I don’t like drinking before 8pm. Really enjoyed my feast yesterday. Onto my third day of fasting today. I think it will work for me to do alternate days feasting and fasting, but it’s too probably too early to tell. I will know for sure after a month or two

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I am jealous ScotBird. Sounds like a memorable feast. You will know in a few days whether the plan is working. I am guessing it will.

    Scale isn't down today but I am feeling less bulky, I am calling this progress. I need to have fish for a couple of days which always helps the cause. Tonight I need to eat the rest of the scallops. I also need to cook up some of the late autumn veg I have sitting around.

    Looks like a sunny day ahead and a great day for a bicycle ride.

    So glad I was able to get in my autumn adventures! More to come. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Fasting days make me realise how much my life sometimes revolves around food, planning what to eat, shopping, preparing and eating. Fasting creates space and time by removing all of that. My commitment to postin here each day is helping me to stick to my goal of alternate day fasting until Christmas. CM how is it going with you?

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    We'll be here for you ScotBird! I want to be well past the half way point by Christmas. Expecting some more scale movement this week which will take me to the 25% milestone.

    I was noticing about the meal prep yesterday evening when I compared things to the prior evening when I ate most of the rest of the veggie dish I had made early in the week. I just popped it into the oven for a few minutes to reheat. Last night, I spent a good deal of time slicing and dicing veggies that I needed to use up which I ate with the leftover scallops. I think I will have fish on the runup to Thanksgiving. I am not cooking this year, but doing a drive by pickup of turkey and the trimmings from a friend who can't host a regular dinner due to Covid restrictions and was stuck with a 20 lb turkey for himself and his son. We will be talking about this Thanksgiving for years to come!

    Reflecting a bit more, I realize that one of the reasons these meal diet plans delivered to your door work is that you don't actually cook. My sister uses those to great success. But I have seen their advertising, and the food looks revolting. That would cause me to eat a second meal which would defeat the purpose.

    Besides wine, the big one that I have to watch is lunches from the Chinese place and the like. Really easy to tuck away 1000 calories without it registering. A burger and chips at the pub next door would be about the same number of calories and far more satisfying. It's very funny to see how patrons are continuing to show up even if it means a very chilly al fresco meal. Heaters work only up to a point.

    (Funny story. I am an excellent cook and when things started to open up, what I really wanted was a good burger, which isn't something I can easily do at home. I tried a number of OK, but not great, ones. Then one day, I stopped by the pub next door! Theirs is absolutely delicious! So I can easily get one whenever I want. Still shaking my head.)

    I need to stop by the farm for eggs on my way out cycling. I find that if I have eggs in the morning, I am far less tempted later on in the day. They have such delicious ones too. I have an egg card, and am now half way to my second free dozen!

    This day promises to be fair until early evening, so another splendid day for cycling. Hoping to get in a lot of riding over Thanksgiving weekend. That should do wonders for my fitness level and undo the negative effects of a day of feasting.

    Speaking of which, my cycling jacket is a lot less snug than 2 weeks ago. Now there's a measure of progress!!! - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Claire I eat very little meat but do love a good burger, ideally in a brioche bun with lettuce, tomato, cheese and skinny fries. I would find it challenging not to eat burgers on a weekly basis if there was a place next door! I am getting into my alternate day fasting routine now, into week 2! I have not put on weight, which hopefully means I am on the right track. I’m planning to make this way of eating a way of life forever, and am expecting my weight to go down very very slowly over the next six months. That way I’ll be sure it is a habit. My foot still hurts, but it is slowly getting better. I’m going to try a short dog walk today

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I was able to get in another 21 miles on my bicycle yesterday and am seeing the results on my scale this morning. Now 25% of the way to my goal. I am glad that it's only 20 lb., not 100 lb. that I have to shed.

    It was so beautiful yesterday with low light and snow on the mountains in the distance. The earth was an emerald green and now is sleeping for the winter. Chilly though. I was toasty as keep an extra sweater in my car for these occasions. Who cares if it has seen better days?

    Dreary week ahead. I don't see any skiing yet, alas. Just need to stay the course. Also need to think about an "after" strategy. Because l don't want to be doing this one year from now. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    That is great news Claire, well done! Looking a year ahead is a great way to think about maintaining good habits. I am often guilty of being too short term in my thinking. I hope I am still doing my alternate day fasting a year from now. I feel really well on this regime, the scale is stable and my jeans have started to feel super comfortable again

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I am realizing one more thing about weight gain. Mine usually happens when I am slammed with work and drink more caffeine, eat more sweets, and have that extra glass of wine whilst whittling down my daily walks. This year, my business partner and I didn't get a yearend project that would have meant six weeks of my working day and night. Yes, the money would have been lovely, but fortunately I am no longer in a financial position when I need to work quite this hard which I have done over most of the last 5 years.

    So I am taking advantage of this gift of reclaimed time to focus on shedding the excess weight. I was getting to the point where it would have impacted my health. Right now, I am enjoying having a pair of trousers fit me comfortably once again. This wouldn't have been true 3 weeks ago, and certainly wouldn't have been true had we been awarded the project.

    We are coming up on Thanksgiving, and I am indeed thankful for all the abundance in my life. I have a lovely place and wonderful food on the table. I have my health and am very fit. I have great friends, though I have lost my 3 closest ones over the past 7 years.

    We will emerge from Covid to a changed world, but I am been there before. I am excited to see what 2021 will bring. BTW - 2020 has not been bad to me at all. I achieved some career milestones and was able to have new adventures. It has been a year of growth and learning.

    Raising my virtual glass, and looking forward to less of us (weight-wise that is) as we round the bend into 2021. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Great attitude Claire! I have also deliberately reduced my workload recently and feel much happier for it! My feast/fast routine is starting to feel like a habit, which I am happy about. Unfortunately though, my scale is going up. I think I might need to fast a bit more and feast a bit less! I will give it another week and see whether I need to make further changes

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Feeling good today. I have the house to myself for a change (with the dog). Looking forward to a quiet day

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    It's Thanksgiving today, and I am doing a drive by feast with a friend who couldn't face 20 lb of turkey to share between himself and his 16 year old son. He is also sharing some of the Winter Ale that he just brewed and pie. I am making a green bean casserole for the first time in this year of many firsts. Plus cranberry sauce. I will be eating these at home. Cranberry sauce is wonderful with pork so no worries if I have a lot left over.

    I am drinking both beer and wine today as this is truly a day of feasting. Also plan on cycling 20 miles which I do most Thanksgivings. My favorite loop is closed at the moment, so it will be on the flats.

    So much to be thankful for this year. Sending everyone greetings of thanksgiving, abundance, and joy. - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    Hope Thanksgiving was fun. I am also very grateful for all the abundance and blessings in my life. My scale is down a bit today. I have not been doing much exercise since mysteriously injuring my foot a few weeks ago. It feels a lot better, but is still not right. I will try a cycle ride at the weekend and hope that it doesn't hurt. Before I had my hip operation going upstairs was painful. Going upstairs is now fine, but since hurting my foot, going downstairs is painful! I am “fasting" today which means that at 8pm I am going to have a large glass ofwine. I'm already looking forward to it (4pm here!)

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956

    After fasting all day, a large glass of wine will really pack a punch! Enjoy!

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793

    I missed getting in a ride yesterday, but did get my outdoor Christmas lights up! The extra illumination is much needed this time of year. That said, I got in 5 miles of walking!

    Today promises to be fair so it's off on my bicycle today. I am cycling the bicycle trail 20 miles in each direction and delivering a hat to a former work colleague. She left it in the office so this is a great excuse to grab a burger at the Junkyard Grill and catch up. Hopefully, the mountains will be out. They are just glorious with their covering of snow.

    I made the Martha Stewart version of green been casserole, or rather the 45 minute version, not the 6 hour version. I don't do iced water baths to stop vegetables from cooking further when I have a deck with chilly temperatures. It worked just fine. I made a lovely white sauce, and the mushroom-onion mixture is just lovely with the beans. The turkey pie is pushed back to tomorrow. Just had plain leftover turkey with the cranberry sauce I had made.

    Weight is staying constant....hoping some results from a lot of cycling over the weekend. More next week when I go back to leaner fare.

    I had planned on getting a tree yesterday, but it just didn't work out. Too much going on. More important to get in a walk in the glorious sunshine! - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    scale down a bit again - very slowly and steadily and permanently down is how i want it to go - another 10lbs over the next year or so would be perfect

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592

    I really enjoyed my food yesterday and ate far too much. I'm actually thinking that if I want to reduce my weight further I'll need to start fasting for 60 hours at a time rather than the 36 hours (alternate day fasting) that I've been doing for the last few weeks. I'll see how it goes until Christmas but at the moment it seems as though I'll need to do more. The weather is not good and my foot injury is not helping either as I can't really walk for longer than 20 minutes. I was going to try cycling but don't feel like it, maybe tomorrow...