Looking for all of your tips/tricks/wisdom please!



  • The big thing with exercise is that you have to do it. I was drained and tired after finishing up a work project that was vexing me. But what did I do? I laced up my shoes, headed out the door, and went out walking especially since there was a break in the rain. It was still mid afternoon, so plenty of daylight and I put in 5 miles. Came back wet and exhilarated.

    I did a getaway over the weekend to the vineyard where I am friends with the owner and helped out with things like putting the garden to sleep for the winter and punching down endless vats of grapes which is a workout in itself. I walked the vineyard and tasted grapes still on the vine which were amazingly sweet and delicious. I like them even more than the wine they produce and that is saying something.

    I got to watch the moon rise twice over the Yakima Valley including Halloween's Blue Moon. I talked to Rachel (their cat) who is a major love. In between all this, I had to work on revising a market research proposal which I got up early to do. I came back with two huge squashes/marrows, one of which I have made into a lovely baked dish, peeling, deseeding, and cubing. I put all this in the baking dish and covered with a tomato-based sauce to which I had added sausage. Oh my, and I have more for this evening.

    I also came back with apples that I had picked off the tree, as the orchard owner said to go ahead. Most amazing. Otherwise, I would have picked up apples from the ground as there are so many that don't make it into the boxes of apples. They were a red-purple, almost black. Amazingly tasty.

    Did I mention that I got to push the vineyard owner when his lawn mower got mired in the garden? I learned how to use a pressure washer.

    My next dish is a "courgette and apple" soup from one of my English cookbooks. I think you can you guess why.

    In any event, I try to combine any get togethers with friends with a long walk or some outdoor activity. Then a stop for tea, wine, or beer depending on the person and time of day. I find this works well and allows for a bit of indulgence with the least amount of damage.

    Because at the end of the day, I don't want my epitaph to read "she controlled her weight". - Claire

  • It helps to go somewhere you love. For me it was a trip to the Oregon coast, one of my favorite places. Beautiful weather. Spent many days on long walks on the beach and scrambling over rocks. Camped. I guess not enough walking. Managed to gain 2 1/2 pounds, even though I did not think I was eating that much more,only ate out twice, but the clam chowder for lunch and snapper for dinner on another day, were delicious. Now it is back to local walks/hikes. Looking forward to x-country skiing in the winter.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    Day 4 - I’m having a mixed salad and a grapefruit for lunch today, with a black coffee. I’ve stuck to my regime well so far and have got out on my bicycle every day too. Feeling good

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    Claire...thank you! Your trip sounds wonderful! What a nice get away.

    Scot...Yay! I have been doing well too. Nice feeling isn't it?

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    Claire and Blue Girl your trips both sound amazing, thank you for sharing. You’ve both inspired me and I’m hoping to get out for a walk on the beach near here this weekend. I don’t want my epitaph to be about weight control either (who does?) but I do want to lose a little weight after putting on a bit too much post cancer, menopause, arthritis and hip surgery. I truly believe that I’ll feel happier, more comfortable and quite possibly live longer and with more energy if I drop a few more pounds. Before all my health issues started I had just run a half marathon with my friend, was running 3 times a week, feeling great and about 20lbs lighter.

    Now that I am not in pain anymore, I’m confident that I can do this, and I know that it will make me feel better too. I’m on day 5 of a really strict regime to get me back to where I want to be and I’m doing really well on it, and feeling great. Committing to posting here every day is one of the ways I’m holding myself to account between now and Christmas, which astonishingly is just 7 weeks away.

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    Scot I am proud of you! You are doing fantastic!! Also, please tell me how Christmas is just 7 weeks away! For a year that seems to have dragged on forever the end of it is coming awfully quickly. A good day here. I need to be as strict as you are being, but I am doing well.

  • Good Going Scotbird. Keep at it

  • Oh, I don't know. For me, anyway, "she controlled her weight" is a subset of "she loved us," and that's an ok epitaph.

    I want to keep my weight under control because my family history is chock-full of obesity, diabetes, fatal cancers, kidney failure, heart disease. Living as healthy as I can is a gift to my husband, kids, and grandkids. I want to be here for them. For me too, of course; I would rather die at 95 from a mountain bike crash than at 65 from a heart attack.

    Blessed are the balanced, and all things in moderation. Enjoy the vast variety of outdoor fun and adventures. Exactly what I'm doing. Always, though, with the determination to never have to buy jeans in a larger size again.

    I know what I don't want my epitaph to be. "She might still be here, if only..."

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    sbelizabeth you have put it so well, I agree with you completely. And you inspired me to dig out my jeans this morning, deep at the bottom of my drawer, which I last wore many months ago and put them on today. I have lost quite a few pound this week and am not eating in moderation, I'm on day 6 of a fairly extreme regime (today breakfast 1 hard boiled egg, lunch a large fruit salad, dinner a salad, 2-3 cups of black coffee per day and water, no other drinks). I will return to moderation at the end of next week when I'm back to what I consider to be an acceptable weight for me

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    So today I have reached day 7 of my 14 day rather extreme weight loss regime which I committed to here, as I was so annoyed with myself for setting vague intentions to eat sensibly and failing to do so. Today I am mostly eating chicken, salad and grapefruit. It’s going well, I have lost a lot of weight and am sleeping better, feeling better and fitting into my jeans again. I am committing to keeping it up for a second week. Then I don’t know what I will do. This new way of living and working in lock down makes us need to invent new habits, so that we don’t have to spend too much time nor energy thinking about boring stuff like diet and exercise.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    Starting week 2 of my strict regime today. It's going really well, but getting a little bit boring. I've decided to try alternate day “fasting" after the 2 weeks is up, because I have never mastered the art of moderation, and that way, I should be able to avoid weight gain, without having to think too much about it. I am pretty sure that I will have reached my goal (to lose 8lbs by Christmas) before the end of this week, so I am going to set a new goal next weekend as well. Today I am back in the “healthy BMI range" for my height, which I am happy about.

    cm2020 how's it going with you

  • Scotbird, after a lifetime of strict diets where I'd lose weight, gain it back, lose weight, gain it back, I'm finding intermittent fasting to be the only long-term solution for me. And it's easy. My own practice is no calories before noon or after 8 PM. No feelings of starvation or deprivation. If I REALLY WANT a burger and fries (and these days, I usually don't; I'm easily choosing healthier options) I just have to wait until noon.

    This is the book that got me started.

    The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Jason Fung

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    ScotBird...you are doing fantastic and such a great motivator for me!

    My birthday was yesterday and I got the most wonderful gift, one day early, when Joe Biden was elected president! WOOHOOO!!!!! After a weekend of celebrating I am taking ScotBird's approach and being very strict. It feels good to take control firmly.

    sbelizabeth...I am a huge fan of intermittent fasting as well. Thank you for all of your wonderful advice.

  • The wonderful news this morning is that it looks like the new Pfizer vaccine will be released in days. My new goal is to share the extra (pre-Covid) 15 pounds so that I emerge from this era svelte and that my clothes truly fit. But no fasting or restrictive diets. More like losing the rich food and treats, as well as my nightly two glasses of wine. Not to mention adding in a mile or 2 here and there to my daily walks.

    I cycled two days in a row of 21 miles each day over the weekend. Wonderful for the spirit as well as my body.

    Thanks for giving me the nudge I needed, Scotbird. And BRAVA on your progress.

    BTW - my August cycling tour of Arran, Islay and Jura with Wilderness Scotland was just confirmed. I think we will be able to travel by then. This will make sure that I train, because who wants to be the person in the SAG wagon? I find that not being dead meat is a major incentive.

    I was actually doing well with the weight-shedding when Covid hit. So no worse off than where I started a year ago.

    And don't worry. I plan to take time out to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in style, including my annual batch of Christmas Puddings!

    Time to think about some real work, as all I have accomplished today is reset my email password across a number of devices.

    Looking forward to less of us! - Claire

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    Claire that sounds like an amazing trip! Be sure to pm me if you have time to meet up or care to visit Glasgow, I’d be delighted! I’m still doing well on my boring diet. Quite glad that I’m now on day 9 of 14. I’m getting quite excited about the thought of Christmas and the vaccine news etc. Things are definitely looking up at long last

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    I have done really well again on my super strict diet. I am on day 2. There really isn't a timeline I have in my head for how long to stay strict. Just taking it one day at a time.

    Claire your trip sounds incredible!!!

    ScotBird...you are doing so well!!!!!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    cm2020 well done! I am onto day 10 and will definitely stop at day 14, if not before (I might cheat on Friday, which I’m going to allow myself to do as a treat). I’m really starting to crave my favourite foods (the ones that are high in calories and sugar). I’ve injured my foot so can’t walk very well and have to rest it for a week or two. Nothing is broken thank goodness, I just twisted it or something. From next Monday I’m definitely starting alternate day “fasting” which has worked really well for me in the past. The best thing is that I don’t really have to think about it, as the rules are very simple, and if I decide they are rules, I will stick to them. Staying accountable here!

  • ScotBird. Since my cycling tour starts and ends in Glasgow, would love to meet up. I am planning to arrive a couple of days early anyway to adjust to the time. I will be much happier if I do this. Will let you know more when I book my flight.

    I have never seen Glasgow, though I have been to Scotland three times. I think I can understand your difficulty with cakes. The Scots are some of the best bakers on the face of the planet. Gorgeous cakes to have with tea. Which is one area where you can help. Where would be a lovely place for afternoon tea?

    I have always wanted to see the architecture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

    Good luck with the losing weight. I am already feeling that my clothes are less snug. Though I am meeting a friend for outside beers at a local microbrewery tomorrow. I will be wearing my winter attire. He is in his early 40s and going for the next stage in his career. His ex was originally my friend, but she went off to Spain in true Nancy Mitford style (Bolter). He has custody of their son. I helped them move into their new house a few months ago. So I will be drinking beer.

    But then back on for the weekend. It's soup season, so that is what I am eating a lot of. Plus, I go out and exercise every single day unless glazed over with black ice. But those days are very seldom.

    It's all about the gear.

    One funny thing that happened is that I have not been happy with the candied fruit selection available in US supermarkets. I make a dozen Christmas puddings each year, so this is extremely important. I went to Amazon and ended up paying the earth for guess what....Waitrose!!! Or at least for the mix, good peel, and glace cherries. I got the citron from someone in the US who imports it from Italy. I may need to fill in a bit, but at least the fruit quality will be better. We can get good raisins here, but the other items tend to taste of too much sugar and preservatives. I will be excited to taste the results.

    The vaccine news is the light at the end of the tunnel. I had thought early November, and my predictions proved true. Others to follow soon. I don't care which one I get.

    Stretching out my arm for the jab.... - Claire

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    ScotBird...I'm sorry about your foot. That is very frustrating. You are just doing so well!!! So with every other day fasting...is it exactly what it sounds like...every other day you eat as normal and then fast completely every other day? I'm with you, I do much better when I make the rules.

    Claire...I have been making homemade veggie soup and have it every day for lunch. It is delicious! I love soup.

    Day 3 of being strict done!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    Claire that sounds like a great plan, see you next summer in Glasgow - I can definitely help both with Cake and Charles Rennie Mackintosh I am an expert on both! Cm2020 my alternate days of “fasting" consist of eating as many apples as I want (you cannot overeat with apples in my experience), as much tea and coffee as I want, and one glass of wine. Done! I'm starting the new regime next Tuesday after finishing my extreme diet on Sunday and eating whatever I want on Monday. I would definitely prefer to eat normally with everything in moderation but rules seem to work best for me. Sbelizabeth thanks for the book recommendation I will take a look. Alternate day fasting was introduced to me a few years ago by a friend who is a psychiatrist specialising in adolescent eating disorders. She said that there are health benefits other than weight loss, both psychological and physical. Krista Varady of the University of Illinois is the expert on this. I think she wrote a book too. I did use it for quite a long time, enjoyed eating that way and also lost weight. So I am set on my plan!

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    Another good day sticking to my eating plan. I have also been good about drinking lots of water.

    Scot..You and Claire are going to have a lot of fun! Wish I lived there so I could invite myself along. Thanks for the info on how you do fasting every other day.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    cm2020 well done! It is hard sticking to rules but the results are worth it when we feel better and live longer. I enjoy my food more than ever when it’s restricted. Appreciate every mouthful! 3 days of my strictdiet to go, and on Monday I’m going to eat whatever I like!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    2 days to go! My clothes feel so much more comfortable after 12 days of strict dieting. I have not cheated at all. I’ve already decided what I’m going to eat on Monday, and it does include chocolate, french fries, a cream doughnut and a glass of wine

  • Brava ScotBird! I am seeing progress as well, but taking things a lot more slowly. I expect to see a lot more progress by Thanksgiving when I plan to feast normally. I am replacing my evening wine with herbal tea which I fully admit is in no way a real replacement. My wine budget will be redirected to Christmas gifts. For some reason, my wine-drinking friends don't object to getting the same gift year after year.

    I can see that I need to get in my bicycle ride relatively early today before the rains roll in. Much as walking is great exercise, it simply isn't the same as cycling. Will bundle up as it's chilly here.

    If I stick to my plan, by Christmas I should be where I was when Covid happened (I was half way to my goal), and done with everything by the time I get the jab. I am looking forward to wearing my nice clothes once again, and having my new slim-fitting parka fit like a glove, not a sausage casing.

    One more thing I will need to do once I get where I want to be weight-wise is to weed out my wardrobe. Right now, very little of it fits. I will have a much better idea of what fits and how things look by then. The goal is luxe, comfortable, functional, and flattering.

    I can't wait to wear my belts once again. Have a fab Cloe one, and a wide assortment that I have collected over the years.

    Fun times ahead! For the record, I never did move into sweats, but I am glad that I have lovely good jeans, not to mention the Lycra part. They saved me. I do have cycling, running and skiing wear. I think it could be time for an upgrade of my ski attire as it lost its luster a number of years ago. Will be fun shopping! - Claire

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    Scot, you are almost there! Nice job!!! Your treats Monday sound delicious. Enjoy every bite.

    Claire, You are doing well too. Nope, tea is not an equal replace for wine, but will pay off huge in both weight loss and money towards Christmas presents. I am impressed by the miles you cycle. You really are getting a great workout.

    Going strong again today. I made another pot of veggie soup and portioned it out for lunch for the next week. Scale is being so stubborn and it is defeating, but I am staying the course. Hoping for some reward on the scale soon.

  • scotbird
    scotbird Posts: 592

    cm2020 it’s very annoying when the scale is stubborn. Don’t let it get to you! My mind plays tricks on me as I naturally want to overeat, and things like that can lead to me giving myself excuses like “it’s not working anyway, I might as well eat this large box of chocolate”. I think training your mind to talk sensibly is one of the keys to success. Those inner voices that lead you astray must be answered with another, sensible one which speaks as a sort of inner counsellor, if that makes anysense. My psychiatrist friend calls it “positive self talk”. I’m actually looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow, to give me a new starting point before starting my new alternate day fasting regime.

  • Not to mention that we are in the midst of November gloom. Fortunately, I have found lovely new treats which are 1) marzipan hot chocolate and 2) marzipan cappuccino from Lubeck, Germany. Just delicious and as satisfying as a slice of nice cake. Probably should not be adding cream, but still in the just over 100 calories range. Strong on the almond, but that is just fine.

    I am down another half pound this morning so see nice progress. I feel results in my clothes more than I actually see them. Seeing results will take another 5 or so pounds.

    One thing we can do. Hot fragrant baths do not come with calories, so one thing I did for myself yesterday. It was just wonderful!

    Looks like we may have a relatively dry day for another weekend ride. I find that I need to spend time outside, especially in winter.

    ScotBird....you will laugh. My high visibility cycling jacket is from a Scottish company, Endura. Gorgeous shade of neon pink with silver reflective bits. I have matching gloves. Both are important for being seen in low light. I am just outside Seattle, which is much farther north than, say, California or Colorado. So reflective gear is important. I think that Endura does it better than anyone.

    Anyway, my cycling jacket is one of the things that is fitting better Happy As well as my fleece tights. There is hope. - Claire

  • cm2020
    cm2020 Posts: 530

    Another successful day completed. I actually forgot to weigh this morning before I took my vitamins and drank water. I don't feel any lighter though, in fact I feel bloated. Menopause is NOT fun!

    ScotBird...I tend to play those same mind games with eating. I need to practice more positive self talk. Thanks for the reminder.

    Claire, where do you get those hot chocolates? They sound good. Hot baths are lovely!

  • bpgas
    bpgas Posts: 15

    I was given a dreadful prognosis, was told to lose weight as estrogen is stored in fat, eliminate estrogen from my diet which means no meat (beef, pork, chicken, lamb...), no dairy (eggs, butter, ice cream, cheese, yogurt...), and I gave up sugar. I leave 13 hours between my last meal at night til my first meal in the morning. I tried and did lose 30lbs. If you follow my (awful) diet you will lose weight as well. By and large if it tastes good you can't eat it .

    One of the places that recurrence can occur is in the liver so no alcohol. All vitamins & supplements at 100% of daily requirement, no more, they are hard to find.

    Stress is terrible for your health so I work hard to eliminate it. I do not read the news, I gave up cable and only watch movies, I am not on social media. My friends are the biggest problem, trying to engage me in discussions we used to have.

    I am very conscious of stress and work hard to avoid it.

    The cancer did not clear my lymph nodes so cold showers, no messages, acupuncture, or anything else that might stir up my lymph system.

    Exercise: I have 2 dogs so I go out a few times a day to walk them. I see my friends in the park at dog run. Living in NYC I walk all the time (3-6 miles a day). I leave the dogs at home and walk briskly for exercise. We have 'Citibikes' which I ride everywhere including MD appointments and for exercise. I have not taken the subway yet and try to avoid cabs though most have plexiglass dividers, not many Ubers do. My bike is in my apartment on rollers to exercise while watching movies. I have yet to use it.

    I am 5 years out and in perfect health.

    I wear a mask the minute I leave my apt door. If I have to go in a store I wear a N95 mask, grab just what I need and leave as quickly as I can. Uline makes CDC approved N95 masks which are available at Uline.com.

    Best of luck to all.

  • I know it's about who we are, but I can't imagine a life without it's little pleasures. I am adamant though about getting enough exercise as that is key to so many thing other than recurrence. It helps with the heart, lungs, brain, bones, averting diabetes, and mood....and I can't stand myself if grumpy. I do pretty much whatever I want to exercise-wise including lifting, cycling, skiing, hiking. Hoping that we get enough snow to ski over Thanksgiving.

    The weight is more for my general health than specifically about having had breast cancer. I also love to wear nice clothes, and they don't quite look the same when beyond a certain point.

    Have the bread machine going as I write this.

    Cm....found these at Cost Plus/World Market. You can order online though I do warn you that this is one of the worst e-commerce sites I have ever visited. I will wear THREE masks to visit their store and avoid the online hassle if need be.

    Product is: Niederegger Marzipan Cappuccino. These are the makers of the delicious marzipan confections. Both the cappuccino and hot chocolate are fabulous. Amazon has it, but 3x the price.

    Off to the locally-sourced produce market for amazing eggs as just finished one dozen and gave away the other one I had bought. I find that eggs are a great ally in melting off the extra stored energy and staving off hunger. - Claire