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  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    You're welcome. I love it too.

    For Karen, Jill and others . Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercessory prayer. In Jesus name I pray. Amen...

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Day 9: Through the intercession of St. Peregrine and St. Agatha for all my intentions...


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2009

    I am asking for prayers for my step-grandaughter Keira who is being DENIED by her birth father.  He is a professed devout Catholic, pro-life but wanted her adopted.  She is being raised by her mother and her mother's parents along with myself and the father's father.  I know, confusing.  But, this little girl is 20 months old and the joy of our lives and very smart and at risk of losing all of us if this young man decides to come back into her life.  He will isolate everyone that supports her.  I know this if off topic - just asking for prayers for this little wee one - she is precious....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    So the father, that is thinking about coming back into her life is a devout Catholic?

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009


    Not following either...clarify a bit more if possible so that our prayers can address your specific concern....I know it can be so heart wrenching when there are custody concerns.  Sorry you are there...

     On another note, I saw a post from the another board (Stage IV)  where Susan was asking for prayers, so please let us lift her up in prayer as she is beginning treatment with a new dx.

    St. Peregrine....intercede for us....

    God Bless

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009


    Karen ( in my novena) found out yesterday that there are three nodules in her lungs.. but they are NOT CANCER! NED NED NED... the spots are probably scar tissue ..for pneumonia / asthma...

    THank you Jesus!

    Thank you St. Peregrine for your prayers...

    For Jill, Debbie, Genia,Heidi and Diana... Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercessory prayer. In Jesus name.. Amen.

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009


    YEAH! This is great news! Through the intecession of St. Peregrine, we thank you Lord!


  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009


    Today is the feast of St. Monica...patroness of Mothers.  She cried copious tears for over 20 years for the conversion of both her husband and her son...the results? Both converted and her son became a Doctor of the Church...St. Augustine! 

    Our prayers and tears are not for naught. We trust in the Lord, and in the Lord's timing!

    A prayer to St. Monica....

    Blessed Monica, mother of St. Augustine, we give thanks to our Father in heaven Who looked with mercy upon your tears over your wayward son. His conversion and heroic sanctification were the fruit of your prayers. Dear St. Monica, we now ask you to pray with us for all those sons and daughters that have wandered away from God, and to add your prayers to those of all mothers who are worried over their children. Pray also for us that, following your example, we may, in the company of our children, one day enjoy the eternal vision of our Father in heaven. Amen.

    God Bless!

  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited August 2009

    Great news for Karen.Cool

    Laura, I teach 5th grade CCD and the first unit is all about the Nicene Creed. We break it down into sections and follow in the text book to teach what we as Catholics believe. The second unit goes over the sacraments adn then finally bringing our faith into our lives. I also cover the liturgical calendar and parts of the mass.

    Praise to God for all he has done.

  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited August 2009

    I pray today for Heidi...St. Peregrine please intercede on her behalf.

  • artemis
    artemis Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2009

    To God be the glory for all these wonderful praise reports!

    Day 6...for Heidi, Stephanie, and the requests of others in this thread.  In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    Angel, yes... St Monica was said to have prayed for her dh and sons relentlessly...

    Mary. how wonderful.. I used to love teaching CCD...Great thing to be able to break down for children. So they know what and why we say this creed.. maybe even when it was written and when... :) Council of Trent ..right?

    Nancy, I continue to join you and Art for Heidi... I just feel so bad for her. Such a hard cross to bear. I hope that her mind stays the same... God Bless her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Blessings to you all! I work the next two days and my grandson is turning 3 tomorrow.. WOW.. so we have a party Sat. night...:) :).. I will be here.. but If I do not post.. know I am praying with you and praying for each of you here.


  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited August 2009

    I pray today for Heidi...St. Peregrine please intercede on her behalf.

    Laura, You CANNOT have a grandchild. You look like you just graduated from college! Ah, well, Happy 3rd Birthday to him.

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009

    I haven't been posting but I have been praying.  Bless all of you wonderful ladies.  A special prayer for the little girl who's step-grandmother is concerned for her...St. Nicholas pray for this little one.

    St. Peregrine please intercede on behalf of all those in need.

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    For Jill, Debbie, Genia,Heidi and Diana... Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercessory prayer. In Jesus name.. Amen.

    Thank you Nancy...:)

  • artemis
    artemis Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2009

    Day 7...for Heidi and Stephanie.  Amen.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited August 2009

    Thank you Jesus, for all you have given me in life, and for my breast cancer sisters! 

    In sisterhood, xo

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Bobcat...last night I prayed the first decade of the Luminous Mysteries on your behalf.  I hope it helps...actually, I know it will.

    So today is St. Monica's son's feast day...St. Augustine!  Here is a wonderful prayer to the Holy Spirit attributed to him!

    St. Augustine's Prayer to the Holy Spirit

    Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.

    For all my intentions and those of my sisters on BCO I pray...Amen

    God Bless!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2009

    Estepp, Mary, NoniJones, Angel, SwimA, Artemis,Nancy, Debbie and all of the other beautiful ladies of this thread that continue to pray for others. I am starting a Novena in your names today.

    It is currently my favorite and had posted it earlier in this thread but will start it today and keep it going for 9 days.

    It is the Novena to St Agatha and if you ever have a chance to google a picture of her, just the image is comforting with the light of God shining down on her almost like "healing rays". When I walk in the hot AZ sun I picture the same thing for myself.


    O Saint Agatha who withstood the unwelcome advances from unwanted suitors, and suffered pain and torture for your devotion to our Lord, we celebrate your faith, dignity, and martyrdom .

    Protect us against rape and other violations, guard us against breast cancer and other afflictions of women, and inspire us to overcome adversity.

    O Saint Agatha virgin and martyr, mercifullly grant that we who venerate your sacrifice may receive your intercession. Amen

    I invite you ladies to join me as "when two or more are gathered in my name" prayers are answered. I love the part about overcoming adversity.

    The Novena should be prayed 9 times in a row for 9 days.

    God Bless all of you!

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2009

    Lovemyfamily,Denver, and Mazy

    Have added your names as well

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009

    mmm5, what a beautiful novena!  I will join you and pray it with you.  I start chemo on the 11th of Sept, and I know this will help me prepare.  Thank you so much for the inspiration.        

    St. Agatha, and St. Peregrine, we pray for your intercessions.


  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Thanks MM5,

    Will join you for all our sisters on this thread and their intentions...

    God Bless!

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited August 2009

    MMM5,,, how sweet of you... ((hug)).

    I have never had anyone add me in a novena except my parents and my Church family. THANK you... I really , really feel special... Thank you!


  • Mary22
    Mary22 Member Posts: 428
    edited August 2009

    Bless you MMM5 and Thank-you

    May God Bless all the lovely ladies on this site.

    Laura yes we do go over the Council of Trent. And fortunately for me, prior to taking over the 5th grade class I was able to take a class about the the History of the Catholic Church and I still have the materails.

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited August 2009

    Morning Ladies!

    Day 2 for the Agatha Novena for all my sistahs and their intentions!

    Today is the Feast Day ofthe Martyrdom of John the Baptist....I am always trying to climb the mountain of holiness that will lead to peace in all matters, but I am obviously not there yet.  Everytime I read the story about how Herodius had her daughter ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter I could spit!  I feel so hurt!  And it was a reward for her dancing! One can only imagine what kind of dancing that was..."pillar dancing" for sure...not sure they had pole dancing then ....but really...I feel the anger rise in me.  I need to check that...but anyway...let us pray for St. John's intercession today that we may handle all our trials and tribulations as well as he did when he was imprisoned for the faith.


    God Bless!

  • nancyd
    nancyd Member Posts: 557
    edited August 2009

    mm5, thank-you so much for the lovely spiritual thought.

    I pray today to St. Peregrine and St. Agatha for their intercession on behalf of our intentions.

  • DenverDiva
    DenverDiva Member Posts: 77
    edited August 2009

    St. Peregrine and St. Agatha I pray this day for your intercession on behalf of our intentions.

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2009

    Day 2 for all of the above ladies-

    I just had a great walk then a very wonderful swim, the water was perfect and the sun was shining down it was a great spiritual private time and took that time to pray for you ladies. St. Agatha please intervene and inspire us "to overcome adversity"!

    I came in and the song "One Life to Love" by 33 miles was on, if you get a chance google it or it is on Itunes. Just a beautiful spiritual song reminding us we don't want to miss out on this one precious gift of Life to Love. AMEN!! (you know by worrying etc, still a lesson I am trying to learn every minute of the day!)

    Love you ladies - Be Well!

  • artemis
    artemis Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2009
    Day 8...for Heidi and Stephanie.  Amen and amen.

    Angel10 ~ Thanks so much for posting St. Augustine's Prayer.

    mmm5 ~ I'm honored and humbled to be part of your Novena to St. Agatha.  Thank you.
  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited August 2009


    I am including Debbie and Heidi, and Stephanie in my daily prayers, I did not want you to think they have been forgotten in fact they are on my mind so very often. I just wanted to do a special Novena for us here in this place as you are all praying for every one else and I just know that you need special prayers as well, I want you all to know YOU ARE WORTHY!!

    This Novena is for Peace and overcoming Fear, Pain, and Adversity.


    So Again day 2 for Laura, Angel, Swim, NoniJ, Mary, Artemis, Mary LovemyFamily,Denver, Nancy etc.