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  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Betty and Karen,  Thanks for the well wishes very scary time.  Got a lot done, when I get nervous, I clean or have really high energy.  Most energy since chemo so I go a lot done: laundry, baking, even cleaned one of the bathrooms (ok, 1/2 bath but close enough ).  I asked about cream and they tell me they're no benefit to prevent, just to treat when and if the problems occur.  Geesh!!  Have a great night


    YUMMY Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2011

    Maureen, so gald to hear your good news.  onward and upward and time to get this all over with! woohoo!.  I didn't receive or use anything special for rads.... just no deodorant, and watch long hot showers (and don't rub when you wash) as they just dry out your skin. Since it's winter you're not going to get that sweaty anyway for the most part so it shouldn't be too bad.   Actually, I don' t know if it was losing all the lymph nodes but my armpits really don't sweat that much any more.   When I did get a little burn in the last few treatments I was told to use diaper rash cream, which worked fine.  I have no permanant rad burn marks.  Also, avoid bras if at all possible.  I got some cotton 'wife beaters' and wore those.  Good Luck and congrats again!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Yummy for good thoughts and suggestions,  never thought of the wife beaters but know exactly what you mean (LOL).  1st treatment today, no big deal at all, like laying on a spa table getting eyebrows waxed (if I had eyebrows :)  Feel occasional tingling in arm and breast but could be positioning when working on laptop today.  It will be tough to avoid a bra, kinda busty :(


    YUMMY Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2011

    post TRAM with DD's during radiation...  layers do wonders at work... and if anyone complained, i would have whipped out the twins and asked them 'so, do you REALLY have a problem with me not wearing a bra to work?  oh well, i guess i'll be taking some FMLA time... see ya!" really, i would!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    you are hysterical, I laughed out loud.  I need your attitude. 


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2011

    Maureen - really really great news.  I am so happy for you.

    I was told to use Lindy cream or eucerin cream. I put it on right after my tx. I brought a small bottle with me and used it right after treatment session and again at night before bed.  I loved the lindi cream. It was kind of silky and not greasy at all. They sell it at the medical place on Bailey Ave or on -line. I definately suggest staying on top of the tx and use cream from the start. My RO shares that thats the best way to help the skin heal, keep it moistureized so it hopefully wont peel.

    Just dont put cream on 4 hours before TX.

    I also wore camisols under my clothing.Bra's were very uncomfortable. I did purchase some new bras without underwire and those were OK if I needed to wear one. My tumor was at the back of my chest wall, so focus was underneath and the area there really was tender and sore.

    The shooting pain you feel is normal and does go away after tx ends.  Def do your stretching excercises to keep the arm and lymph gland area flexible.

    Good luck, I am so happy for you that those little buggers were cysts and nothing worrisome.!!



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Thanks Bevin,  How did the pulmonologist go?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Hi Everyone, enjoying the snow? Tongue outJust shoveled for the THIRD time.  Why does it always snow when everyone is working?  Watching the weather channel and they said we had record snowfall today.  Had rads today, did okay came home with upset stomach, anyone ever get this?  Hope everyone is well, warm and plowed out. Quiet thread tonight, everyone watching survivor or something? 


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2011

    Hi Maureen

    Can you believe this snow?? Yuck Yuck Yuck. 

    I just got home from work about an hour ago and am just logging in. I am sorry I havent gotten a call to you. Work has been busy and I have been busy checking on my parents too. Lots of bad excuses and I feel like a terrible friend. 

    I will say, I had a bit of a slight stomache ache the whole course of radiation. lost my appetetie a bit. Unfortunately that didnt translate to weight loss!!

    How is your skin doing? 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    Maureen, so not enjoying the snow, it did everything today, rain, snow, sleet and wind. My poor grandson is so not enjoying being the man in the house.  Never had an upset stomach, towards the end of each week, the cats and I would take a short nap.  I don't think I was ever so aware of being a cancer patient than going each day and lieing in the quiet and watching the machine.  I hate even seeing that building now.  Hope you are not getting that virus that is going around.  Did have a migraine last night and today, I thought I had outgrown them, had them 15 years ago.  I wonder if it is because of the severe weather change and my hormones being messed up with the Arimidex.  I've had a ice pack on my head, that seems to help.  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2011

    HI Karen - ditto on headache issues with the weather change. I find my body is like a barometer that way. Can you take anything to help? I have a script for treximet which is a god send.

    Hope you're well.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    bevin, I used to take Imatrix injection years ago when I was getting them regular basis.  They were triggered by weather change, the week before my period, not enough sleep and stress.  I am going to a new PCP on April 6th, may need something to take for them.  Great way to diet though, smells of food really bother me, and light and sound.  Hopefully I can sleep it out.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Hi ladies, 

    Bevin,  Give a call when you get a chance.  Hope work slows down and parents are okay.

    Karen, how are you feeling? I used to get migranes years ago, haven't had one in a long time and I don't miss them at all.

    Hubby on his way home, so don't know when I'll get back onto the threads.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    Maureen, still have it, got it Tues. afternoon.  Used to get them too, haven't for 15 years and like you didn't miss them. I've taken Excedrine Migraine and been laying down with a ice pack, only thing that helps a little. hugs  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Karen:  Hope you feel better really soon. Migrane's are nasty stuff.

    I received such a nice surprise tonight.  DH flew home early to take me out to dinner.  Yes, we went to Rizzo's and had a really nice dinner. DS "found" us at the restaurant and joined us for dinner.  Just quiet, fun and delicious.  Took almost the whole dinner home with me cause the salad was huge. Then DH offered to go to treatment with me tomorrow and grocery shop. What a sweetheart.  For St. Patrick's Day he sent me a Vermont Bear all dressed in St. Patrick's day dress.  He is so thoughtful, I'm so lucky, married 23yrs. end of April. I hope my DS follows suit and becomes the same type of man as my hubby.

    Have a good night ladies, think spring :)


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2011

    Karen, I hope you feel better, headache are the pits.  I also use to suffer from them better now since I am post menopausal.

    Maureen, What a great husband you are very lucky.  I know what you mean about your DD.  We want the best for our kids.  I have to work another double tomarrow, so I won't be on.

    Bevin, hows it going? 

    I WANT SUMMER!  Good night ladies

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Kindone:Good Luck with your double shift Betty, hope it is kind to you and not too stressful.

    Karen, hope you are feeling better

    Bevin,  you are a good friend, just a busy friend sandwiched in-between generations. Remember those days, very rough and busy, give a call when you can.

    Hope all our other WNY friends are warm and healthy. 

    I'm doing okay, 3/33 rads today, more of a routine than anything.  They do put a piece of gauze under my treated breast so there's no air pocket?  Let's see how it works.  See the RO on Monday for weekly appt. I'll let you know how I do.  Going to sister's house for a fish fry from her church tonight, it's lent season so you can always find an area church with a fish fry.

    Have a great night


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2011

    Karen - sorry I didn't get right back to you... been so busy... hope you are feeling better...

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    Hi all, just a short post, I still have the headache, it's not quite as bad, I am sick to my stomach  and lightheaded.  You all know where my mind is going on this.  My appt. with my new PCP isn't till April 6, if I still have the headache on Mon., will call and see if she would see me on an emergency basis.  Take care, stay warm.  Starbeauty, I live on Tracy Ave., so not far from you at all.  When this all settles down - maybe we could have coffee at the new coffee house, the one next to where Jubilee was.  Thank you everybody for your concern.  This headache is getting old.  hugs,  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    hi all, headache is gone, finally.  Definitely going to ask PCP for meds to deal with this, if it ever happens again.  I was halfway to brain mets, boy how the mind works.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Hi Karen, so glad you are feeling better. Guess what, I watched the hockey came and they won!!  so excited, maybe the curse is broken?  Anyway making pasta today. I'll freeze some so it's ready when we need it. Getting some of my energy back. Waiting for the second batch to rest so I can roll and cut. Anyone have a good pasta recipe from scratch, I always have to adjust water, oil to the day. Sometimes I think it might be humidity related?


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2011

    Aww - Maureen - you are so cute.. I don't have a pasta recipe but me and Danny Wegman can share one with you!! The only reason I have a kitchen is that it came with the house.. Not much of a cook, though I do enjoy it when I do, but seems I'm usually home too late so my husband does most of the coooking or we eat out.

    Karen- So glad your headache is gone. I know how you feel. Every ache and pain takes on a different potential source doesn't it.??

    Kindone - I am well. Had a breathing test this week. It was an odd machine . You sit in this enclosed case and breathe into a machine following their directions. I see the Onco this week and need to call Pulmonary. Another CT in 3 mos. The updake was 3.5 so worrisome as over 2 is a potential issue, but Radiologist thought it was more likely fibrosis from radiation. so hopefully he is right. I haven't talked to the Pulmonary doc since the PET, but I got a great set of questions to now ask. 

    So so ready for spring. whooo hooo Lets Go Buffalo,Lets go..Another win!! 

    We're gonna win that cup, we're gonna win that stanley cup yeah and the buffalo sabres yeah yeah yeah!!

    Ok - did I just age myself with that song or what??


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Hi Bevin, You are so funny. You did not age yourself.  I was singing the sabres song right along with you (LOL). I used to go in the standing room only and watch every game. Remember the fogged out game with Lorenzo killing the bat?  Such fun memories. I agree with the Danny Wegman idea, use it often.  I used to cook with my kids all the time, they had fun but what a mess, kitchen and them covered in flour. (I confess, had a cleaning lady and didn't care, those were the good old days). When you decrease your working time from 50+/week to 20, you bore easily and I'm suffering from pre-empty nest syndrome. DD and DS are so busy with work/school, I bore easily. Cooking seems like a hobby. And I freeze a lot of food for later times.  I freeze in single containers and kids just grab, microwave and eat.  I'm hoping the snowy days are finished for the year, I saw some green poking through the snow, crocus maybe?

    L. Pell. was interviewed for her bc journey in the Buffalo News today. Nice article. Seems her journey is going well.  A few things I would've added to the article: 1.)  mammograms aren't the end-all, it missed my lump. Had one every year and still was dx. at SIIIa. IMHO women with dense breasts should have an MRI yearly or bi-annually. 2.) Her choice was a mx. based on her dx. (IDC and LIC-one in each breast) and I don't plan on being back at Dr. B. 5 years later for another surgery. I had one lump in one breast all else was clear, bothers me should I chose mx route?  Time will tell. 3.) Dr. Bauer's practice will probably increase 10-fold (LOL). He's a good doc, surgeon and nice man.

     If you get a chance, review the article and let us know what you think?

    Good Sunny Sunday morning to all!! I'll post later.


    YUMMY Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2011


    lol.. since I've heard that song before, and the name 'king king korab'!   I think you're in good company so I wouldn't worry too much about 'aging' yourself! Laughing

    Happy Sunday all.  There's frost on the roof here in Chicktovegas, but the sun is out, I'm meeting a HS friend for breakfast, and all is right with the world!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited March 2011

    karen - I would love to have coffee anytime - just let me know.  Have my MRI this week... so a tad of scan anxiety, but the sun is shining today... so somehow it just feels like it will be ok.  :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    Starbeauty, where are you having your MRI?  I always get anxious before tests too.  As much as I try not to, the anxiety hits.  I think all the women on this site get anxious too.  It is such a beautiful day, love the sun shine, it really does lift your spirits.  An old friend is coming to Buffalo to visit, haven't seen her since 1984, on the 8th of April.  We will be visiting all the friends we worked with, it should be great fun.  Maybe the following week for coffee, this is exciting.  Can you PM me your phone number, so we can make plans?  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    Hi all, isn't it a beautiful day, I had forgotten what the sun looked like, now a few more degrees (like 20) and we'd be all set.  Am driving down to Pa. tmorrow to help my godmother's son pack her clothing, jewelry, and knick knacks to give to a shelter that helps women set up their apartments and prepare for job interviews.  I know there will be tears but the whole family will be there to help.and it will be nice to see them and to comfort each other and talk about all the silly things we used to do.  Then her son will be bringing in some of his belongings that had been in storage, so life goes on.  I lived with him the summer I went to Sports Massage School so his stuff is familiar to me.  I will be taking my journal along, I like to write in it while I am having my morning coffee, it sets the tone for the day.  Maureen, I remember the empty nest after my daughter went off to the University of Maine, it takes a while to reorder your life, so while you are searching for the new normal, there is another normal to adjust to, the quiet was the first thing I noticed, that was fixed by keeping the TV on so there was the sound of people talking and starting a new music collection for myself.  Sounds like cooking will be a part of the new normal, I'm like bevin, I have a kitchen because it came with the house.  All that you have mentioned cooking sounds so good to me, especially home made pasta.  I used to have my mom's recipe for that but it was lost in a move and her Italian cookie recipes.  A lot of the recipes were a pinch of that, about a tblsp.... I wish I still had those.  I'll be off the boards for about a week - will check in when I get back.  Karen 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2011

    Good Evening Ladies,  I just came home from the hospital my daughter just had a beautiful baby girl.  Ava Marie, 7 pounds even.  That's her second one and my second grandchild.  We are so excited she came a week early.  We were having a birthday party for my grandson today with 27 his third birthday. DD had the whole house decorated the food ordered and cake ready. Well Mom and dad had to go to the hospital just before the party began.  My sister had to run the party, but everything turned out great.  

    Starbeauty, good luck with your MRI.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2011

    Yummy,  Hope you had fun with your HS friend and breakfast.  I love the term Chicktavegas. I have a sister who lives in the town and I want to mention your reference-she'll laugh out loud.

    Starbeauty:  Good luck with your MRI, Hope everything is fine.  I'll say a prayer for you.  I hope you and Karen can get together for coffee, have one for the rest of the girls on the I meanWink

    Karen: Hope you check the boards before you take your trip to PA.  Cleaning out the house is very difficult, I remember from my mom's house last year.  Be kind to yourself and journaling will help.  There were brighter moments when we found things that made us smile and you may learn something you didn't know about your godmother.  Please take care during this difficult time.  Just remember she's an angel watching over you.  Have a safe journey and let us know you're okay.  I'm thinking cooking will be on my list. The best recipes are written with a pinch of this or that, finding I'm adjusting recipes all the time. In addition to cooking, I started making wood advent calendars for both my children.  They're in the shape of a Xmas tree with Santa and reindeer holding the tree upright.  The tree is filled with the wooden drawers for 25 days so when I finish the calendar I'll fill the drawers with hand made ornaments.  I've always purchased the calendars every year since they were little so it's become a real tradition.  I hope I finish them by Xmas.  I'll buy the chocolate filled calendars this year and give them the hand made calendars for a Xmas gift. The TV noise sounds like a great idea.  Funny, I think I'm somewhere in the middle of empty nest, they both drive, work and go to school but I still have the laundry, meals, etc...

    Kindone:  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  LaughingWOW, she came at a very memorable time.  Hoping mom and baby are doing well and healthy.  Two-time grandma, you must be so happy!!!!  I'm doing the happy dance with you.  If you can, post pictures.  I love the name Ava Marie.  You'll have fond memories of her arrival into the world on her brother's birthday party.  Your daughter sounds very organized and an amazing woman. What a story to tell Ava when she gets older, her mom had everything ready and then gave birth to her all in one day.  You must be exhausted to work a double yesterday, then the birthday party and then a new grand daughter, what a weekend.  Sleep well tonight my friend, you've earned it!!!

    Off to bed, tomorrow is a busy day, rads, RO appointment, Onc follow up and work meetings tomorrow.  Have a great night ladies.  

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2011

    Hi all, I am leaving for Pa. in an hour, and will not have access to a computer, back in a week.  Talk to you then.  Karen