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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    You know what, prof, CD had pull ups till the middle of last year. Then his ped told me to put a rubber sheet on his bed and just let him go. He peed himself once and that was it! Go, CD!

    Would that be worth a try?

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2012

    I get so confused with everyone's alias name between here and Facebook! I know we've sorted out the connection, but for some reason (call it stress?) my mind can not get it straight! I know some of them, of course, but please forgive me.

    Welcome new ladies! Absolutely know how scary and unbelievable all this bc stuff is, can be hard to relate to your "normal" friends at times. Everyone means well, but often times are just plain clueless! You can be open and honest and scared here all you want. Chances are whatever you might be going through one of has also gone through or is dealing with it now and can offer advice or just lend an ear. I think most of us have some type of sleeping issue so depending where you are in the world, chances are someone will respond sooner than later :)

    My daughter started kindergarten today! Such a great day for her, so excited!

    Profbee, I know who you are, lol! My son is 3 and is just getting the hang of the whole potty thing. Pull ups at night for sure! Happy to report this whole week the diaper as been dry in the morning. Woohoo! I'm still going to keep him in pull ups at least until the giant Costco box is done, because the night he goes without is the night he will flood the bed, you know how that can go! I'm so glad to hear your shoulder is on the mend and that the huz is happy cruising the mod mobile.

    I made an appointment to see my doctor about a back MRI next week. I would just love an answer as to why my back is in such bad shape. Yes, age, yadda yadda, but what if it's a damn tumor or something? A good friend said after I mentioned the tumor/cancer idea, "don't worry it's not a tumor" but really, thats what everyone said about my cancer stuff before it was a confirmed dx, "don't worry, you don't have breast cancer"... Um, yeah, ok. Fingers crossed its a herniated disc (not really, cuz that sucks too), bring on a cortisone shot already!

    I have the Avon 40 mile walk next month in Santa barbara. I will walk to honor all you ladies! Xo

  • Rabbit43
    Rabbit43 Member Posts: 121
    edited August 2012

    Hello's my first time here. I was very excited to see that it is a group for those 40-ish. I am 44 now, diagnosed at 43. I have been reading the last couple of pages of posts and sounds like you are a great group...I read a little about vodka and hanging out on the beach...that all sounds good to me. Lol

    I have 5 kids between the ages of 4-16 and I have one canine kid who is 10 months. It's a full, crazy, fun house.

    You sound like a very upbeat group. I am 1 year out from my diagnosis so, like everyone else, still dealing with a lot of stuff. To all those going through treatment, I hope things are manageable. It's not easy. As for those asking about Tamoxifen, I haven't had too much trouble. Just some warm flashes, especially at night, and some achy joints. Nothing like chemo. and the Neulasta shot!

    I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on here.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

     Good Morning Everyone,

    Welcome Rabbit and congrats on your year out...I think it gets better and better. I am about 2 years out now...Sept I will officially say two!!  The ladies here have had it or done it so it is a wealth of support and knowledge.

    Had a meeting last night and had to go through a mock school day and meet my sons teachers..I had 5 minutes to get to class!!  Was really fun and I LOVE LOVE his teachers..LOVE...Lol.. met new ladies they were funny and excited about the year, but it is tough...I hope he is in the right layer??? We bumped him up a layer but wow..not sure that was a good idea???

    Off to start the day...have a good day

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited August 2012

    momx3 - Yes there are different manufactures for generic Tamoxifen. Here is the thread with some info on it, Differences in SEs with Tamox from different manufacturers

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2012

    Hi All, just a quick hello before I go on my trip.  Don't leave us all for Facebook!! I'm sad to miss the daily news... Still not on it yet...

    Too much to do to get ready and car is coming at 6am tomorrow, we have never left so early with the kids, upside is there is less likely to be delays, hoping the kids will stay awake during the plane ride then crash in the car ride.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2012

    Welcome Rabbit and other newbies. I am 18 months out and honestly feel like I'm thinking of BC much less.

    Chantal - I too struggle with who is who? The FB and BCO names muddle in my head.

    Yay for holidays Meegan! We done a few holidays where we leave early ie. waking them at 4am. They will cope and be tired tomorrow night, which is a good thing! Enjoy your holiday and time away. Are you away for long?

    Kim, I'm happy your "not so little anymore" boy is settling into school. A mock school day sounds fun. How are you getting on without DH? Is he due back soon?

    I'm lying in bed and had better get up or the girls will be late for school. Both girls have a friend each sleeping over tonight. It's Friday here. That means tonight will be great and rowdy in our house! I've already had pizza requests for dinner, followed by chocolate fondue. Fun fun fun!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Hi girls,

    Well, I'm in the boot for another 2-3 weeks, then to a brace, then an insert into my shoe. The orthopod thinks it is because of my flat, flat foot. Ok, at least isnt a cancer broken ankle!

    But, then one of my friends who is a PhD nurse told me today he wants me to go to a bone oncologist, because he thinks my severe degeneration in my spine is mets. It went from moderate to advanced in 3 months. I've been putting all my faith in one investigational radiologist. Do I look for another or stay where I am? Testicles! Woop! Sorry, new girls, but you had to be exposed to my favorite word sooner or later.

    However, it is a proven fact: saying "balls," or any derivation there of, in any language, CURES CANCER! Balls!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

    Hey Everyone,

     Meegan...woohoo for vacation!! Have a great time and I bet the kids will do great. nice to have all those girls again...I would love to be that fly at your funny all my life I have been around Males!!  Girls would be so funny...Thanks for asking about me. We have been fine..he has been away now for three weeks ( we miss him) but we stay busy and he will be home Sat. afternoon ( sun. for you) he will likely be half dead with jet lag.. It was great fun meeting his teachers. I actually sent one an email as my son is of the type that never shares about school and he actually got in the car and said "mom, you have to meet Mr. (teacher) so....this said  "alot" to me Lol...can we change that word to mean a lot a lot of something???  Lol

    Eema..I am glad your ankle is not cancer broken ... I remember laughing out loud when Sarah said "my flippin plums"  yet another word for you know whats!! Anyway..I hope the other issues will be fixed by the rock star dr.  we will pray he has been given all the answers!!

    good night everyone

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Plums! Heh. Balls

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited August 2012

    Welcome Rabbit!! 5 kids-- you go girl! You sound like you have it all together but I'm so glad you found us. I know you will find a lot of support and fun here!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Balls Miri!  Yes, get a second opinion...or as many opinions as you need to figure out why your bones are swiss cheese.

    ReadingMama-we won't leave you!  Some of us only check in with Facebook now because they're trying to take a step away from BCO and the negativity and/or drama (not in our group), but the rest of us are still here!  We've definitely lost some members along the way, but I still love our group.

    Welcome Rabbit!  So glad you found us!  Terrific group of ladies here that have gone through absolutely everything under the sun, so we are a wealth of information.

    Happy Friday everyone! 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2012

    Kim - yay for DH arriving home. 3 weeks is a long time! I hope you have a great Saturday, and he's not too jet lagged ... also 3 weeks away must mean a good pressie!!

    Spring feels like its arriving! The last few weeks have seen the daylight hours lengthen and there has been warmth in the sun. Today was a beautiful sunny day - yay for the end of winter! The end of winter for us means the end of summer for you. I hope you get a nice Fall where you are.

  • Catnz
    Catnz Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2012

    Hi there, another newbie to join your group. I'm a 43yo mum to four ranging in age from 17 to 8, so while beyond the toilet training years I'm still a busy mum. Mine are all still in school but the oldest finishes college (high school) this year and new adventures loom for all of us. I've just had my first anniversary of diagnosis and am looking forward to getting rid of this extra weight and getting more energy. I thought the chemo education nurse was kidding when she talked about weight gain during chemo but she was right. So that coupled with our friend Tamoxifen has seen me the heaviest I have ever been apart from when I was pregnant - one year on and it's time to move it, move it. Another kiwi looking forward to learning more, Catherine

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Hi Catherine!  Welcome to the group!  There's a fantastic group of ladies here, in all stages of treatment and post-treatment.  We have a wealth of knowledge to offer :)

    I am also the heaviest I've ever been-I lost weight during chemo, but immediately put it back on with the Tamoxifen.  Then they took my ovaries out 6 months later, and even more weight attacked me.  Now it lands in a different place-my butt and hips.  And it's so hard to lose even 1 pound. 

    Sounds you're definitely busy with the kiddos!  Mine are 12 and 17, but they still keep me busy.

    Again, welcome!  We're looking forward to getting to know you! 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2012

    Hi Catherine - fellow Kiwi! I too am at my heaviest! I expected to get skinny from chemo, not put on weight. The Tamoxifen has also added pounds.

    Yay for your first anniversary. Where in NZ are you?

    This is a great bunch of ladies. I've really enjoyed getting to know them!

    Kim - I've been thinking of you today. DH should be home with you. I'm sure you are thrilled. Yay!!

  • Catnz
    Catnz Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2012

    Hi KiwiMum, I live in Dunedin just about as far south as you can get! It sure seems that way in winter. My kids are bemoaning the fact we've never been to Auckland and seen places like Kelly Tarltons and Auckland Zoo. I spent many summer hols in Auckland on the North Shore growing up but that was in the eighties and I know Auckland's grown since then. I'm originally from Wgtn though but hubby works at Uni of Otago so here we are and have been since '99. I wish I had found these pages earlier and could have had this support while going through treatment.

    Thanks burley for the welcome too. Isn't it a bugger (very kiwi slang) that weight is such an issue. I'm so over salads for lunch 3-4 times a week, but just try and jazz them up a bit hoping it will help shift that weight. The kids come home from school and hit the biscuit tin, etc and leave it out and it is so tempting. I'm looking forward to summer and all the fruit that the season brings. Is Arizona pretty warm all year round or only parts of it? I lived in Seattle for six years when first married so that was much like where I live now - all four seasons every year.

    Looking forward to getting to know you, Cath

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited August 2012

    It felt like quite the welcome back to see all the posts here.  I know it has been quiet over the summer.  Been away about 80% of the summer at my parents home.  Dad was diagnosed at the beginning of July with cancer and we brought him home from hospital and provided palliative care.  He passed last Monday morning, but we were so happy to fulfill his wish of passing in the home he had built when he married my mom 55 years ago.

    My only regret is not having more time this summer with my youngest who is off to university next Saturday.  Empty nest!!  My oldest moves back to school this week too.  21 year old decided to move in with boyfriend at school this fall. Yikes, are moms ever ready for that.

    Profbee - I did the sheet thing for one of my kids too.  Once they started school, they did not want to be in pull-ups, but I couldn't handle the mess.  Would put pee pad down - can get at children's store, sheet, another pad, another sheet.  If my daughter woke up wet she would just pull off top stuff and put in hamper and go back to sleep.  Left extra jammies on chair beside bed.  Took away any embarassment she had about wetting the bed, as she was a very indepdent child.

    Eema - If you can stand another dr.'s apt maybe you could get another opinion.  Wishing you well.

    To everyone else, hello, welcome, hope you have all had a great non-cancer summer.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited August 2012

    Jane, I'm so sorry about your dad.  What a gift you all gave him to be at home with you.  Boy, though, that was so fast.  Your head must still be swimming.  Lots of love!  I lived with a guy right after was relieved that I would be nice and safe.  :)  

    Welcome, Cath! 

     I think I'm just a touch thinner than I was at the start of chemo.  I remember freaking OUT the night before chemo b/c I didn't know what to expect.  I complained to a friend, "I don't even know what the room looks like!  The Internet says I could lose weight or gain weight!  What is going ON?!"  I had always thought people on chemo lost weight.

    So, here's a weird thing.  Since being on Tamoxifen, I have had ZERO body odor.  ZERO.  I stopped using deoderant b/c of all the chemicals, and I used that crystal deoderant stuff when I thought of it, but really, I just had no odor at all.  Now, since I separated my shoulder, and I've had my arm in a sling, right next to my torso...ugh...smelly.  And, I don't think that crystal stuff is working now!  The semester starts tomorrow, and I don't want to be the stinky prof!  LOL!  Does anyone use anything poison-free and good? 

     As for Jack's dry bed...Hmmm...I may need to try the sheet thing.  I was thinking maybe sending him to bed nudie...while it's still so hot.  That's how he got potty trained...a day in the house naked, and he was trained!  LOL.  

    I just had pics printed up for Jack to bring up to school to show his fun was great...lots of pool and beach, and Jack had an awesome birthday party.  :)

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited August 2012

    Jane, so sorry for your loss.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Jane, I am so sorry for your loss and am glad the family was able to pull together for his final wishes. May  you take comfort in memories...

    Welcome to the newbies... It always saddens me to see other women continuing to be diagnosed so I am glad you will find friendship & support here.

    Thought I'd share a funny story. Was tasked with picking up my MIL yesterday from the airport. She is getting older but seems so put together most days however apparently got confused between the gates and the terminal. Meanwhile I was circling the arrival area waiting. After over an hour, I asked a security guard about having her paged as I was getting really worried. He looked at me completely serious and said "Ma'am, I have to ask. Are you sure you are at the right airport?" OMG!!! If I had had chemo, I might have freaked out thinking chemo brain.. Luckily we found her and got out of there before anyone got hurt or arrested....... LOL

    It has been a dreary rainy day here so I have been thoroughly lazy.. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

     Hi Everyone,

     Welcome Catherine, I am also in the group of weight gainers during chemo...funny kinda..I kept thinking I better eat just in case I felt sick...but I never felt sick so my theory kinda backfired!!  LOl anyway...I am almost two years out from last chemo...I have a 14 year old son that just started ( what we call High School) I just learned from Kiwimum you all call it college ( I think) . Look forwars to your posts.

    Jane, I am so sorry to read this about your dad. I'm sure your youngest understands. Thinking of you with all you have going on...these days if I have more than one thing going on my brain is in overload!!  I hope you can slow down a bit and take care of you.

    kiwimum......he is home!!!!! So good to have him home.  He really liked Sydney.  He took some pictures at the grocery store and I was so surprised by the prices.  24 packs of coke 16 dollars. This may be just the Sydney area though.  I would love to travel to that part of the world. How was the girl sleepover???  I just imagine girls to be so funny....would love to be a spy and hear the girl chatter!!

    Profbee...struck me funny what you said about no odor...since chemo I have never purchased deodorant... I have no odor either. Even in the heat and I am sweating...nothing. Do you think it is estrogen that makes us stinky??? Maybe that is good if we are not????

    Enough rambling from me.....take care ladies to you all.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2012

    Odie..we posted at the same time....good grief ..I so have something going on with the brain...I was (as I was reading your post) right there with you!!  I think I need a bracelett that says warning chemo brain...may not know where the heck she is!!!  Lol....I am glad you found her!!

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited August 2012

    Hi everyone new to this forum..was dx at 43 and just turned 45 yesterday I have had a tough time with tx, surgery and now I just had my ovaries out..still a worry wort try not to be but it's hard.i have 3 children one in the navy he's 22 and a daughter who is 24 and than my little angel who is 26 with severe cerebral palsy whom I worry so much for..but I keep on going for him..have know one to talk with and these forums give me great comfort..thanks

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited August 2012

    Welcome Sherry67.

    I am sorry you have to join us but hope you will find the comfort and friendship here as invaluable as I have. We are here for you whenever you want to talk, vent, cry or laugh..... 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2012

    Welcome Sherry.

    Yay Kim - he's home!! Sydney is pretty great. It is expensive though. The sleepover was good fun. The girls found "top 40 dance anthems" on MTV and turned the lounge into a disco. The dance anthems were quite retro - picture 2 x 10 year olds and 2 x 7 year olds dancing to the Flashdance theme song!!

    Jane, I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to spend time with your dad and fulfill his last wishes.

    Cath, I'm also originally from Wellington. I moved north when I was 21 and have been here since - 20 years now! I don't know Dunedin well, I've only visited briefly a couple of times. It's a beautiful part of the world! We live very close to the zoo and visit a lot. I found this website, and great group of ladies when I was going through treatment last year. They were amazing and a great source of comfort, knowledge and shared experiences!

    Profbee - did you have rads? I no longer sweat under the arm that was radiated. The hair never grew back on that side either. The other side is normal. I now deodorize only one side. I've swapped to natural deodorants too on the recommendation of my surgeons nurse.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2012

    Sherry - I just read your Signature. That's a lot of treatment and a long journey you've been on. I hope you've reached the end of active treatment. Mine was similar, minus Oophr and no recon yet. I too had a lot of nodes.

    I hope we can give you comfort and somewhere safe to share. Happy Birthday for yesterday.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Hi girls,

    I can't talk about this on facebook and probably shouldn't here, but I'm supposed to go to court today to watch my son's former babysitter plead on the 2 counts of 'endangering the welfare of a child' against him.  Last time the case was adjourned, no reason given.  My advocate says there are only two reasons--they are piss poor and didn't have a court-appointed attorney set up yet, or he's pleading mental illness and needed a work up, or both.  

    He should be arraigned on a  felony, if you ask me, but thank G-d he didn't do more to my boy and his friend.

    Need some prayers.  Hell, I need lots of prayers.  See, sometimes life ISN'T about breast cancer! 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2012

    Jane-I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.  I'm glad you were able to spend some close time with him before his passing-I'm sure that was very comforting to him.  Sending you a cyber hug :)

    Cath-it's warm in my area of Arizona about 8 months out of the year, 3 months of that scorching hot.  We do have some spring and fall like weather, but it doesn't last long.  I was born here and still the summers kill me.

    Welcome Sherry!  Terrific group of ladies here.  We are in all different stages of treatment or recovery, so everyone has a lot of advice to offer.

    EEMA!  I say fry the bastard.  I'm so sorry that happened to CD and your family-what a horribly tough thing to go through.  I'm hoping him pleading will put an end to it.  ??  I don't know how those things work.  Keep us updated-love you girl!

    Everyone else, have a terrific Monday!  

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2012

    Thanks, Love.

    It will take every ounce of energy not to scream at the perps mom.  We were very good friends before this happened.  I can't go on.  You never know who's around.  My sense of safety is completely different than before BC and this.  Good thing I got a therapist...

    Jane, I've been meaning to say, what a blessing to were able to give to your father.  May his memory be a blessing for you, and a source of peace.

    Everyone one else, have a great day!  Think positive thoughts around 2:30!