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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited September 2012

    Hi Stride and welcome. I hope chemo has been not to difficult. How many treatments will you have? For me, I had 6 then 28 rads. I really did pretty well through it all.  I am 46 and was DX at 43 had my bmx right before my 44 birthday...I am now 2 years out from last chemo and doing well..I do have some LE in my arm ( also put into chemo induced menopause)  I guess if this is the worst from the BC ..that will be ok. Look forward to your posts and just know the light at the end of the tunnel is very bright.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2012

    Hope everyone is having a great cancer-free weekend.

    Welcome to you Stride. I was dx at 46 - sometimes it is nice to be told I am young by my MO.  Sometimes treatments have made me feel older. But mostly, I am still me.  Took me awhile to realize I did not need to be anything new & transformed after BC, just me because I was pretty happy before.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited September 2012

    Welcome Stride... I was dx at 40 and am a year out now.. Hope treatment passes quickly.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I managed to squeek out a long weekend so I can see the BS tomorrow (routine follow-up/social visit).....

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2012

    I can't keep track of FB & BCOFoot in mouth I keep jumping back & forth to find out whats going on!!!!

    Thank you Christy & bgirl for  your thoughts & hugs!!!!! I'll get through this too!!! I'm almost becoming an expert!!! An expert at driving the nurses & drs. NUTS!!!!!!

    AND Kim, I'm with you!!!! When they touch my foobs again, they are coming OUT!!!!! PS lied when he sid he would make me look perky!!! Yah right!!!

    Weekend goes by TOOOOOO fast! Time to go back to school. Hoping to keep my job. Too much time out to handle my "issues" and now I'm taking 6wks more:/

    Oh well, we will see. Theyvare suggesting short term disability. I"M NOT DISABLED!!!  Just falling apartand needing repair!!!!! lol

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2012

    Welcome Stride!  So glad you found us!

    Someone named Joyce friended me on Facebook-I accepted her request, but I don't know who you are!  So sorry.  Let me know.

    I am really struggling with my 12 year old daughter right now.  She is totally pushing my buttons.  I understand you have a broken hand, but either let me help you, or quit the constant literal whining.  I love her to death, but I refuse to be her punching bag.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2012

    Welcome Stride. I hope your chemo journey is not too tough. How far through are you?

    Betsy - DIEP is not an option in NZ. I've connected with a few Australian ladies in one forum and it's rare there too.  I think I'm stuck with TRAM.  I am seeing the PS tomorrow and am armed with lots of questions.

    I'm with you Debbie! It's hard to keep track of here and FB.  The FB page is so busy that I miss things all the time!

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2012

    I'm a 40 'something' survivor, hello all Smile

    So the last time I came on here I was filled with dread, anxiety.

    This site helped to calm my fears and nerves.  And now I'm back to share the light.

    My avatar photo was taken in June 2011.  I travelled with my sister through Europe (while my darling husband stayed home and looked after our children). Before C, I planned for the future - now I live my dreams n the now - creating wonderful memories for my family and I.

    Doing the Milford Track for my birthday in December an plannikng a trip to the Northern Hemishphere for 2013.

    Anyone care to come with?

  • stride
    stride Member Posts: 151
    edited September 2012

    Hello all, thanks for the welcome! I'm in the fourth of six rounds of TAC. So I've been posting on a couple of the chemo threads, but like the idea of a 40-something group. I probably don't really count as a "survivor" yet, but I also don't think of myself as a cancer patient. More like a healthy person with a little cancer problem to solve. I had been telling people at work I had a "minor" health issue, but realized I had to be a bit more specific when I learned my hair would fall out.

    For those of you who did chemo, how long did it take to really recover fully from the side effects, particularly muscle weakness? And how long was the recovery period for radiation? 

    kmur when I read survivors' posts it does seem like LE is the most common lasting issue. But it's great to hear you're doing well otherwise!

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited September 2012

    Stride the only side effects that I have had are chronic fatigue, some muscle aches an mild LE to my right arm and upper back..Radiation was much easier than chemo..good luck with the rest of your tx and everyone is different some have no lingering SE..

  • momx3
    momx3 Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2012

    Hi EVERYONE!!!SealedSealedSealed  SMILES!!!

    Now can I complain :(  MY FOOBS HURT!!!!! I just dont get it!! They even woke me up (maybe it was the nightsweat too) and I had to take an IB. I have noticed that they are swelling. I had on a (constrictive) bra thingie and I had to take it off because it wasn't fittine anymore! How's that...... Grow 1 size during the day and shrink at night!!! LOL

    Opps, Bell rang. Class switch  :D

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2012

    Debbie, sending you another cyberhug - at least that shouldn't make your foobs hurt more!Wink

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2012

    Kiwi - The block party did not have great weather, but it was great fun anyway.  We took about 1/2 hr - 1 hr break when it poured and everyone ran to different houses, but most people came back out again.  It did end earlier, most kids left at 10pm, where we might go closer to midnight other years.  But this is our 4th year and first rain, so I'm not complaining.

    Unfortunately, my blood work came back still elevated.  But still at the same level as August the CEA is 5.  So it was 3.4 in Feb, 4.8 in June and 5 in Aug and Sept.  My MO is not worried and suggests continuing the normal timeline, which would be scans in October, although I will probably try to do late Sept.  My past scans have been a CT scan and a bone scan.  I have never had a PET scan so this time we are doing a CT scan and a PET scan. Of course I'm worried, esp. as I am getting a lot of headaches this week, although deep down I really believe it is because my eyeglass presciption needs updating.

    I would love to go to the Kentucky Derby - never been to a horse race at all, even though there are some tracks near us, including Belmont.

    Kiwi - as for recon, I would highly recommend DIEP or free flap TRAM, but not a "regular/pedicule TRAM".  With a regular TRAM, they tunnel up through the muscle and you can lose a lot of core muscle stength.  I am very happy and have no core issues at all.  A free flap TRAM is 90% like a DIEP (and I wish they would have a different name for it) as you need a microsurgeon to do it and they only use a postage stamp size of muscle.  The most important thing is to get a skilled surgeon that you are comfortable with and that will honor your wishes.  Unfortunately free flap TRAM seems to be used to also cover surgeries that take more than a postage stamp size of muscle, so it's important to talk to your surgeon to know their intentions and your wishes.  Happy to PM about it.

    My issues after surgery were due to the prior radiation on my left breast, which is not reconstruction's friend, and my left boob shrank and lost much of the fat.  Same thing happened in stage 2. Now deciding if I want to pursue anything else or leave it be...I took the summer off from thinking about it!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2012

    Hi KeepingFaith!

    My lingering issues are fatigue, truncal lymphedema, various aches and pains (mostly in my joints), pain in my feet everyday (which I can figure out...maybe neuropathy), thin and short I'm having issues with my teeth.  I hope you don't have any remaining problems!

    Debbie-sorry your foobs hurt.  I hope you can find some relief with Advil or Tylenol.

    Meegan-sorry you're having trouble with your bloodwork.  I'm glad you're getting a PET scan.  They're not that bad-I've had 3.  I do always take a Xanax before, so I typically sleep while I sit for an hour with the IV, then I'm really relaxed when they stick me in the tube.  I was also having a lot of headaches, but it was the Femara.  Once I switched to Aromasin they went away.  Are you taking anything like that?

    If I don't pop on, have a great weekend ladies! 

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2012

    Off for first mammo Monday.  Thinking good thoughts.

    I know I posted this on another thread, but I thought I would repeat it here for you ladies.  My 25th wedding anniversary is on Wednesday.  My husband came home the other day with new rings for me and got down on one knee in our living room and asked me for at least another 25 years.  I love this man, the rings are nice, but most importantly he has been by my side for the last year and doesn't appear to be going anywhere.  There is a kick in the butt to cancer!!!

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited September 2012

    What a beautiful story Jane!! Happy anniversary and many more!

  • Belinda977
    Belinda977 Member Posts: 150
    edited September 2012

    Happy Anniversary Jane !!!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2012

    Happy anniversay Jane, such a sweet story!!

    Well, my scans are scheduled, Sept. 26th.  I guess it is sort of a combined CT/PET scan?  She said no contract with the CT and that it is quicker than normal and the results are combined with the PET scan results.  Sounded like the normal procedure for a PET scan, but since I haven't had one, I'm not sure.

    Went walking 3 miles Friday night and biked 8 miles today, so that was good.  I recommend the YMCA's Living Strong Living Well to another women in my community, hopefully she will find it as helpful as I did.

    Fall is definately here!  Used to be my favorite season, still is I think, although getting dx twice has put some damper on it.  But I love the baseball late season/playoff, football, the fall coolers and the cooler days.  We went to the Yankee game yesterday and it was great fun.  It was a 4pm game and we went early to see Monument Park, which I have never seen, so that was quite good.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2012

    Meegan - sorry to hear you had rain at the Block Party. It sounds like it was fun anyway.

    Thanks for the recon advice. I have an appointment with another surgeon in about a month. My MX side has been radiated, so like you this brings challenges!

    That's a lot of scans. I see you had a 2nd dx. Did you get these scans as routine before this? My onc doesn't do any scans. It does concern me. I'm constantly feeling aches and pains. Oh the joy!!

    Meegan it's Spring here. I can't wait for summer. We have daylight savings in less than 2 weeks - yay for the days getting longer!

    I've signed up to be a collector for Pink Ribbon BC street appeal in a few weeks. Much as I hate the pink, I support all fund raising attempts to find a cure and/or provide services to women fighting this disease.

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited September 2012

    ReadingMama, what's the YMCA Living strong Living well program?

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2012

    Dutchie - its a 12 week strength training program.  It is free, you get a 3 month membership and it meets 2x week.  Different Ys seem to do different programs.  Mine is fully focused on strength training, although you are welcome to try out other classes on your own.  Others the program rotated, trying out spin, yoga, zumba, etc.

    Kiwi - no my MO does not usually do scans.  But since I was dx again so quickly (and after responding so well to the neochemo), she has decided to do them every six months.  I think if not for the elevated bllod work, she may have only done a CT scan this time.  Last time I got a CT scan and a bone scan.  Scary that I can't quite remember (but am sure I have written down), but I think my second dx was a result of my 6 month post lumpectomy MRI.

    Bad week at work this week as they let people go.  3 in my department and 8 more in the rest of the group.  Hearing 30-40 in the Americas, including our offices in South America, but I have only heard of the 11 so far.  Only 'good' news is, I thought there would be another round before year-end, but that does not appear to be the case anymore.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited September 2012

    Dutchie - its a 12 week strength training program.  It is free, you get a 3 month membership and it meets 2x week.  Different Ys seem to do different programs.  Mine is fully focused on strength training, although you are welcome to try out other classes on your own.  Others the program rotated, trying out spin, yoga, zumba, etc.

    Kiwi - no my MO does not usually do scans.  But since I was dx again so quickly (and after responding so well to the neochemo), she has decided to do them every six months.  I think if not for the elevated bllod work, she may have only done a CT scan this time.  Last time I got a CT scan and a bone scan.  Scary that I can't quite remember (but am sure I have written down), but I think my second dx was a result of my 6 month post lumpectomy MRI.

    Bad week at work this week as they let people go.  3 in my department and 8 more in the rest of the group.  Hearing 30-40 in the Americas, including our offices in South America, but I have only heard of the 11 so far.  Only 'good' news is, I thought there would be another round before year-end, but that does not appear to be the case anymore.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2012

    Wow, I can't believe there have been no posts, I must be missing so much not being on Facebook Frown.  I hope everyone is doing well. 

    I got the results of my PET scan yesterday and everything was clean!  So relieved.  Doesn't really explain why my blood levels are up, but my MO is not worried about it, so I will not be for now either.  I am feeling good and that is what most people rely on.  I was thinking last Friday as I walked around the track how I used to have trouble going around twice and now I can go around 5 or 6 times.  Unfortinatly it is raining here today, so I am missing my walk.

    My PS is having a 'Survive and Thrive' dinner for his breast recon patients, dinner, open bar and a "mentalist" as entertainment, from 5-8pm.  I think it is a very nice idea, my husband thinks its a bit egotistical or something. He has no interest in going, which I guess I get.  So I am bringing my girl friend instead of him. 

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2012

    Meegan - great news about your scan.  Sounds like fun to go to dinner.  Not egotistical unless the PS is expecting you to all compare his wonderful work.  Nice to meet others in same boat.  Sound like he is just trying to do something nice.

    Not on facebook either, I guess one of these days I should get around to it.  Hope everyone is just busy post-summer and having a cancer free time.

    My first mammo was also ok, just had endometrial biopsy yesterday and waiting for results again.  So been busy with apts.

    Kids will be home from school this weekend. So look forward to seeing them.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2012

    That's fantastic news Meegan! Your dinner with your girlfriend sounds fun. I hope you have a great time.

    Jane, thinking of you as you wait for your results. Please do come back and let us know when you find out its nothing!!

    I've not posted in over a week as we are away in Australia for 10 days for the school holidays. My girls are off school for 2 weeks, so we've come to Autralia where it's much warmer than home is right now. We are having a blast!

    We are staying in Port Douglas. Yesterday we went out on a boat to the Great Barrier Reef. It was amazing. Both my 7 and 10 year olds were in the water looking at the fish and coral. Holly, my youngest was thrilled to see 2 "Nemos", as she calls clown fish.

    The only downside was my eldest got very seasick on the way to the reef - its a 90 minute boat trip. I spent much of the ride throwing bags of her vomit overboard. Poor thing. The trip back was really rough and I was feeling sick too!

    Today has been a bit rainy. We have 2 days left as we fly home Saturday. I'm hoping for 2 glorious days of sunshine.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2012

    Kiwimum - hope you are having a great holiday.  Time with family is the best, even if a little seasick.

    My brother, his wife and 2 kids are going to Austraila on a teaching exchange for a year.  They leave on Christmas Day.  I am a little jealous.  Maybe I should think about visiting.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2012

    Yeah, my PS agreed to do a Stage 2b surgery!!!  I'm very happy as I wasn't sure he would agree.  He is warning that he doen't see much fat he can take and it will not be nearly as much as last time.  I just want 1 more try on the left side to fill in some of the divots,   I know it will be smaller because of rads. 

    Kiwimum - isn't the Great Barrier Reef, well Great?  We went there in 2001 and went on two Tour boats.  My dd was only 18 months at the time, so we did one of the large tour boats with her and my sister, then dh and I did a small boat out while my sister watched dd.  It was beautiful!  Different place, but I also loved walking on top of the Sydney bridge, amazing!

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2012

    Meegan - hope you get the results that you are hoping for.  I know it is crazy when we cheer more surgery.  I guess we all just want to get as much of ourselves back as we can.

    Get endometrial biopsy results on Monday.  Almost want her to say lets do a hysterectomy even though I don't want more surgery.  Just tired of tests and waiting.

    Think I may have to join facebook, miss everyone around here.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2012

    Jane - the FB 40ish group is crazy busy! I struggle to keep up some days.  Definitely join if you can be bothered signing up to FB as it's a great bunch of ladies.

    I'll be thinking of you Monday getting your results.

    Meegan - yes the Great Barrier Reef is "great", amazing! Sydney is also a great place to holiday ... but for a different city holiday. I hope all is well with you.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2012

     Hi are you all???

    Jane, I hope you had good news and Meegan, I hope you are doing well.  Kiwimum is correct, the FB site is very very active ..every day posts etc.

    Got to meet our Christine47 not long ago ..we had a wonderful time..she is like a sister  I wish I had!! I really hope kiwimum can come now!! I am hoping for Derby.

    I have been doing well I am now 2 years and a couple of months post chemo. I am working to get my body back ..I am almost there...and really I am enjoying life..son is now a big freshman in HS..and loves school, I have been learning to shoot clay pigeons and I am teaching myself to play an instument. So keep on learning and doing .

    Thinking of each of you ladies..the site has become much less active I guess because many use FB as it is easier for them to use with phones

    Take care and I will check on you all

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2012

    Kim - thanks, my biopsy was B9, but need to make decision about hyster/ooph, endometrial ablation, or just putting up with tamox SEs for another 4+ years. Ugh!

    Happy to hear you are feeling healthier.

    My  DD#l is home on reading week and so maybe I should talk to her about FB.