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Jewish Warrior Sisters



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,900
    edited March 2014


    Oh my goodness! That enough tsuris to last a lifetime! here's hoping that everything moves forward from here. Keeping you in my thoughts and glad you let us know how you're doing.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited March 2014

    Eema.....sorry you've had to deal with all this health stuff and the major move...I hope that Brooklyn will be good for you and your family...Wishing you a complete refuah.  Remind me what you taught.  Hugs..Karen

  • Swimmom2
    Swimmom2 Member Posts: 43
    edited March 2014

    hi Eema, welcome back! 

  • FairyDogMother
    FairyDogMother Member Posts: 154
    edited March 2014

    Eema-  Glad the doctors figured out the sickness. You should write a book about your adventure.

    I just found out I'm schedule for my last major surgery, full hysterectomy, ovarian removal and cervix the week of Passover.  It will feel weird not doing Sedar at my house this year and spending most of it in the hospital. 

  • Swimmom2
    Swimmom2 Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2014

    wishing everyone chag sameach & warm Passover greetings!!  

  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited April 2014

    Thank you.  I share the sentiment.  chag kasher v,sameach.  Happy Passover to all!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited April 2014

    Chag Kasher Sameach Pesach...hope everyone had good sedar(s).  We were out the first night and home the 2nd sedar.   My DD and SIL are here from Toronto for Pesach.  I love having them here, but it makes for so much more cooking.  I didn't do much inviting company for Pesach...just couldn't do it.  We have another couple for the sedar and a friend for lunch....Then Monday we have friends for lunch.  No Shabbat company.  I was so exhausted yesterday.

    Think of everyone often.  Work and taking care of Mom keeps me busy.   Hope everyone is well.  Hugs, karen

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2014

    Chag Kasher v'Sameach to all.

    Seder was wonderful - I had most of my kids and grandchildren. One daughter and her husband have decided to stay home for Seder now since the main purppose of Seder is "V'higadtem l'vincha" - "you shall teach your children" and they concentrate on that during their Seder. So we see them on other days during Pesach.


  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2014

    I hope everyone had a good Pesach. I'm glad we still check in on each other.

    I've made it through my knee (ACL replacement) surgery in February, followed by my first bout of diverticulitis, which landed me in the hospital for a week. GI system is still trying to adapt to normal food again, but hoping things turn around soon. Looking forward to summer. I'm glad to be approaching my 3rd Cancerversary - every year further makes me feel more positive. And I've almost made it through my first year of Hebrew School teaching nearly unscathed. Looking forward to doing even more good next year.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,900
    edited May 2014


    Glad to hear that you're recovering. I bet Hebrew school has changed a lot since I was a child. The esteemed wife of our rabbi was my teacher.She was the most mean, stuck up person I've ever met. It is not surprising that I dropped out. I know you are a wonderful teacher!


  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited May 2014

    I had mean Hebrew teachers way back when also! My saving grace was going to Jewish summer camp, and the youth movement then in the city year round...

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited May 2014

    I didn't have mean Hebrew School teachers, just the dullest imaginable. Like Aviva, summer camps and youth group were what sparked my interest. Sparked my interest? Make that lit a bonfire - from Reform upbringing to Orthodox Jew living in Israel.

    Rachel, I hope you're feeling better and getting back to normal.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited May 2014

    Rachel...wishing you a continued refuah.

    Didn't go to Hebrew school enough to remember good or bad teachers... I just always struggled reading hebrew even in grade 3!!!   I still struggle reading and don't ask me to translate....All 3 of my kids read Hebrew well and son speaks Hebrew....Older daughter comprehends but doesn't speak it well and teenage daughter comprehends and speaks a little and can translate from written....She will be in Israel for 6 weeks this summer with NCSY camp!!!  Sure wish t was me!!!  

    Think of everyone often....really having a hard time.....Dad's yarzheit is not till Shavuot, but on the English calendar, the 1st anniverary is approaching...Its been a very hard year.... struggling with all that Mom is dealing with...she has a nasty, awful form of Parkinsons and continues to decline.  We go back to the movement disorder specialist on Wednesday.    I hope we get some answers as she is on the maximum dose with not good results and lousy side effects....


  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited May 2014

    Good to hear from everyone.  We spent Pesach with my sister and her family in New Jersey.  Had a nice time but good to be back home.

    My son completed his Ulpan in the Israeli army and is with the tank corps.  He is still training, so I don't have too much to worry about yet.  He calls me several times a week so that helps somewhat.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited May 2014

    Today, we had the unveiling for my father....the 16th was one year on the English calendar.  His 1st yarzheit will be on the 2nd day of Shavuot.  It has been a long year.  My husband did a beautiful leading the "service".  Both our rabbis attended, but DH did everything.  It made it more meaningful.   WE had a small group of friends we invited.  Long emotional day.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited June 2014

    Please pray for the safe return of the 3 teenage boys abducted on Thursday night. Their names are:

    Yaakov Naftali ben Rachel Devorah

    Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim

    Eyal ben Iris Teshura

    May they return safely soon.


  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2014

    Last night several of the shuls in our neighborhood got together to say t'hillim.  Several hundred people came.  There are t'hillim groups going on continuously here in LA.  We pray that tahe boys will come home soon

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,900
    edited June 2014

    I will pray for their safe return.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited June 2014

    My shul had a tehillim group last night...another orthodox shul is having  a tehillim group tonight.  There are also other venues going on to say tehillim for the boys.   I will continue to keep them in my prayers and thoughts.  Karen

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited July 2014

    Karen - I hope you're doing well. It sounds like it was a beautiful service. Thinking of you and your family.

    Sadly, all our hopes for those three boys were in vain. So sad, and only more sadness followed. Wishing the world was a much more peaceful place.

    I'm getting ready for my ooph - Thursday. I've been pushing the emotions aside because I've been so busy, but they're starting to creep in finally. Chemo put me in menopause, so that ended whatever tiny hopes I had of having my own children, but this will be so definitive, final. I enjoyed my first year of Hebrew School teaching, but I'll always wonder what kind of mother I would have been.

  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited July 2014


    I adopted my 2 sons as a single person and continue to raise them alone.  I adopted both of them at birth.  My older son is now in the Israeli army (though fortunately not in Gaza at the moment) and my younger son will be in 12th grade next year.  Look into adoption.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited July 2014

    Rachel,   will have you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.    Karen 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited August 2014

    Rachel, I hope the surgery went well and you're recuperating easily. The physical part is, I'm sure, easier than the emotional part.

    I am asking everyone to pray for the safety of all of our soldiers, and add the names of my son Moshe Aharon ben Leah and my son-in-law Avraham ben Shoshana. They both received emergency call-up notices. Moshe left today and is near the Syrian border and Avraham is leaving tomorrow and is going south.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,900
    edited August 2014


    I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the last few weeks haven't rattled your nerves, much. My nephew has been working in Tel Aviv since June and is due home later this week. It's hard for us here in the US to understand what the current situation means for daily life in Israel, but my father has been beyond consumed with worry. I spoke to my nephew two weeks ago and he seemed fine and not at all worried.  Thinking of you.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited August 2014

    Leah.....I'm glad that you posted here....Moshe and Avraham are in my prayers.  You and your family are always in my thoughts. 16 year old daughter has been in Israel since July 9th with NCSY Michlelet...she is there till Aug 17th.  They immediately went north near Tiveria till today...and now they are back at the home base in Beit Shemesh.  I talk to my daughter every couple days.  When they were in the north, she said it wasn't as bad as everybody was saying...wonder what she will say if she has to deal with an alarm now that they are in Beit Shemesh.   I am thrilled that she is in Israel and trust NCSY to keep the girls safe (and my faith in Hashem).   I only wish I could have been there this summer, but with my responsibilities to my mother, I just could not travel.

    I think of all the JWS all the time and hope that everyone is doing well.   I rarely post on bco, but I do come to see if there are any posts on a few of the threads.


  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2014

    My son is also in the IDF.  He was not sent to Gaza as he has not yet completed his training.  Am hoping that he will not be sent there.  His name is Yehuda Eliezer ben Sarah.

    An easy fast for those fasting starting tomorrow night for Tish'a B'av.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited August 2014

    Pessa, I will add your son's name to my davening list. He should stay safe.


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,527
    edited August 2014

    Pessa, I too will ad your son to my davening list.  Please G-d he and all the soldiers and citizens of Israel should be safe.

    Wishing everyone an easy and meaningful fast.


  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited August 2014

    thank you.

  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited September 2014

    Wishing everyone a Shana Tova, a year of improved health, contentment and peace.  

    My son is coming home tomorrow from Israel for a 2 week visit.  I am very excited!