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Ladies in their 30s



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,125
    edited March 2019

    ((((((( bc201838)))))) We are so sorry that you have had to join this club nobody wants to join! You sound like you have a very positive attitude, and are taking care of yourself. We are glad you found our group here!


  • Valentina7
    Valentina7 Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2019

    hi bc201838, I am also sorry you had to join. I am 34, diagnosed in November 2017 at 33...

    It was a shock and I still have some days feeling sad but in general I am doing pretty good. I am sure you will find a lot of useful information in these boards, you will meet wonderful people and remember you are not alone.


  • iChan25
    iChan25 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2019

    I just turned 32 and received my initial diagnosis today. IDC 4 cm. Biopsy of axillary lymph node also came back positive. I'll know more early next week when I meet the breast surgeon and oncologist. I just feel numb, this all seems so surreal. I am encouraged to see so many positive stories on here in women under 40. It's nice to know I'm not alone...

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 740
    edited March 2019

    Hi iChan25,

    I'm sorry about your diagnosis. It's never a good time to learn you have cancer.

    Good luck with everything! The beginning can be very stressful. Take care of yourself and go easy on yourself.

  • Parrynd1
    Parrynd1 Member Posts: 343
    edited March 2019

    Being young with cancer can feel isolating,good thing you found this forum. There are more of us out there if you need to reach out or have questions.

  • jaboo
    jaboo Member Posts: 368
    edited March 2019

    iChan, I'm so sorry. I remember those first weeks after my dx all too well - and those were the worst so far. You'll see, when you meet your team and have a plan, it all gets much easier. There are many options, treatment will start and you will just soldier through it all one day at a time. Read through these forums, post questions, there are so many knowledgeable ladies. Take care

  • SLL101984
    SLL101984 Member Posts: 162
    edited March 2019

    ichan I’m so sorry you have joined this group, but there are amazing ladies on these forums!. This coming Tuesday will mark one year since my dr found my lump, 4 short weeks later I had an officially diagnosis. It is definitely surreal, and it still feels that way I never thought I’d be a cancer survivor at 33. But I agree with other posters that this is the scariest time because there’s so many unknowns. Once you have a team and a plan it will feel a little easier. I wish you the best, know you’re not alone and reach out with any questions!

  • iChan25
    iChan25 Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2019

    Thank you all for your kindwords of encouragement and strength. I’m just trying to take it one day at a time, we will know more in a couple of days, trying to keep things as normal as possible for my little boy right now.

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2019

    I just wanted to send some love to all the mothers with little kids out there! It's so incredibly hard to process all the thoughts and feelings about cancer when you have babies and toddlers and not a single moment of down time. My son had just turned 1 and my twins were 2 when I was diagnosed. My son is almost 5 now and my twins are 6 and I'm still here! I am hoping to graduate to the 40's thread as well in 15 months. Not a day goes by that I don't think about cancer but it no longer dominates my waking moments. "There but for the grace of God, go I."

  • palesa2018
    palesa2018 Member Posts: 58
    edited March 2019

    Thank you cajunqueen. Just so scary some days. I too have two little kids. I will be moving to the 40s thread in 3 weeks time but will also probably hang out here as well because the issues are so similar.

    One thing that has been hard for me is relaxing into life after active treatment. I still feel on edge and count the months to my next check up, which is every 3 months because of my Zoladex shot.

    All the best

  • cajunqueen15
    cajunqueen15 Member Posts: 689
    edited March 2019

    Palesa, it feels like a ticking time bomb doesn’t it? The waiting with cancer makes me crazy. But as time ticks on and I have lost friends to things other than cancer and went to the funeral of a 5 year old (car accident), I realize I shall just thank God for however long I have. It might only be today. But that is more than many

  • miss302
    miss302 Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2019

    I am a 12 year breast cancer survivor. Was 26 years old. I am now 39. So weird that I will have been in 20s, 30s, and soon 40s brackets! I also had triple negative. And still deal with lymphedema, neuropathy and brachial plexopathy (eff you chemo, surgery and radiation). 

    It is hard with a husband and little kids to deal with cancer and its side effect crap!

  • syringa
    syringa Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2019

    Here I am. 4 years ago, just 1 year after I gave birth to my first and only one child, my left breast started bleeding. I had lots of imaging tests and finally they discovered I had cancer. I heard this word just 1 day after my 32nd birthday. 4 years later I am almost OK, but still have my ups and downs emotionally. Almost every 2-3 months I find something new to worry about. I am afraid of new diseases. Now I am waiting for the pathology result of a mole. I already decided that now I have melanoma, and I am trying to convince myself that I'll survive it. My husband is really angry. I am also angry. I hope that my fears will not become true and this time I'll have a good present for my 36th birthday. I just want to stay alive :-(

  • Valentina7
    Valentina7 Member Posts: 53
    edited April 2019

    Syringa, I really understand you. I got diagnosed in November 2017, had my surgery the 21st of December and the 29th of December my dermatologist was removing a mole from my head and sending it to pathology...we were all so worried.

    Then last year my dermatologist was again worried about another mole near my left breast... everything was then ok!

    I hope you also get good news.

    Keep us posted.

  • syringa
    syringa Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2019

    Today, I got the pathology report. The mole was atypical but without melanoma. (although I guess I am at higher risk) I felt so relieved, so that I cried at my workplace. I promised to myself that I'll try my best to have a lovely summer vacations without thinking about cancer and other health issues. Maybe I have to start some sport activities. Probably they'll help for my serotonin levels.

  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142
    edited April 2019

    Syringa That is wonderful news I'm so happy for you! I hope you continue to get good news in the health departments. It truly does suck when our body starts to fall a part in our 30s. What vacation do you hope to go on this summer to celebrate?

    Hugs and Love to all

  • syringa
    syringa Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2019


    sm627, usually we go to some Greek beach resort for 1-2 weeks in the summer. So, this year it will be the same.

    And in addition, most probably we'll spend another week on the Bulgarian Black sea coast Smile The sand is wonderful and there're no stones.


  • sm627
    sm627 Member Posts: 142
    edited May 2019

    Wow Syringa

    That looks so relaxing have fun! How have you been doing lately any other good news to report.

    Wishing you well Take Care and sending lots of Hugs

  • Theo89
    Theo89 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2019

    Hello! I am not a lady, but I am female-bodied, and I identify as non-binary (they/them). Hope that's okay.........

    I am 30 years old and just recently diagnosed with stage IV mets in my liver, spine, and lymph nodes—including neck and breast wall. I was originally diagnosed with stage 2 in 2016 at age 27, but went into remission after chemo.

    I am looking to start treatment soon and was also told that I should never have children because I am ER+, PR+ still. That's devastating to me, especially since my wife has had failing fertility treatments and she's older at age 42. We're stopping with fertility for now but will pick up with her later in the year. Plus considering adoption.

    There is a young breast cancer support group that I need to start going to again, but i hate that I have social anxiety. I’m lonely in regards to this cancer crap.......

    Anyway, nice to meet y'all!


  • lexica
    lexica Member Posts: 138
    edited June 2019

    Hi, Theo - sorry to hear about your progression and the situation with fertility. I too am lonely in all the BC crap... social anxiety + uncomfortable topics + not a whole lot of our peers dealing with stuff this real = a bit of isolation for sure. We're here though - our digital friends can be just as supportive, I find :)

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 740
    edited June 2019

    Hey Theo,

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this.

    My understanding is that pregnancy wreaks havoc on hormones and the current thinking is that it temporarily raises risk for recurrence. Not sure how this plays out for someone in your shoes but I'm thinking it couldn't hurt to look for a second opinion from an oncologist with a lot of experience specifically with fertility issues.

    For a mix of reasons, I'm in the childless not-exactly-by-choice category, and it's not the easiest road to hoe. Wishing you and your wife best luck with whichever route you end up going down. Love makes a family.

  • HayleyLorene
    HayleyLorene Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2019

    hi All,

    I’m searching for anyone who has a diagnosis similar to mine as can’t find anything in the scientific literature.

    I’m 34 and diagnosed with ILC and pleomorphic, >30%ki-67, tumor 12cm, 16-16 lymph nodes with extracapsular extension.

    Please let me know if there are others out there, I’ve been given very low odds but I’m ready to beat them. Would help to find a champion!

    Thank you!


  • lexica
    lexica Member Posts: 138
    edited July 2019

    hi, Hayley, you can see my stats below, I'm still rather new to this journey, but my diagnosis is a little like yours. I see others post about how huge their 6 cm tumor was and it makes me freak out...mine was 12.5 after chemo. I never got ki67 for some reason... I think they knew I was high risk so chemo was necessary either way. There are others out there that hopefully will chime in!

  • Nik198
    Nik198 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2019

    Hi ladies,

    I am 34 years old and was diagnosed in July 1st. I have a four year old son and had a miscarriage back in May 2019. I’m scared that I may never give my son a sibling. Ow. I had surgery only yesterday and will start radiation in coming weeks. I would really like to connect with someone that I can communicate with in a regular basis.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,125
    edited July 2019

    Hi Nik, and welcome to!

    We're so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis at such a young age, but we're really glad you've found us. You're sure to find this Community a wonderful place for advice, information, and support -- we're all here for you!

    Some other threads you may be interested in:

    July 2019 Surgery Support Group

    Starting Radiation in July 2019

    Thank you for posting and we look forward to hearing more from you soon!

    --The Mods

  • Oceanbreeze7
    Oceanbreeze7 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2019

    Hi everyone! Finding this group makes me feel less alone. I got diagnosed with HER2- positive breast cancer last month at the age of 30. I'm engaged and was planning to get married in September, but now the wedding is postponed. I did fertility preservation before I started chemo, but I'm still afraid I will never be able to have a biological child.

    I started my first cycle of TCHP chemo on 7/12. I'm so nervous to lose my hair, and I'm worried about how bad the side effects will be.

    Take care everyone!

  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2019

    Hi everyone. So glad I found this group because I have been feeling very isolated having breast cancer in my 30’s. It is so encouraging to see I’m not alone. I am 37 years old and found a lump in my breast during my pregnancy. Was diagnosed with breast cancer at 35 weeks pregnant and since then it has just been a whirlwind. Got induced at 37 weeks so I could start treatment. Had a mastectomy and currently doing chemo. Been having alot of anxiety around recurrence so it is good to see some positive stories

  • anna-33
    anna-33 Member Posts: 108
    edited October 2019

    FTM... sorry you are here too. Just wanted to inform you that I was pregnant too. Lumpectomy, mastectomy and removed axillary nodes during pregnanzy. Then C-section...followed by chemo, radiation, antihormones (....). I was only soon three year out...

  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2019

    Thanks for shaAnna-33. So glad you are soon to be 3 years out, it’s always good to hear a positive story! It’s hard coping with a new baby and cancer all at once but it helps to know it can and has been done.

  • Twinklemom
    Twinklemom Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2019

    Wow ladies!! I can't even imagine having this happen while pregnant/with a newborn. The youngest of my 5 kids was 5 when I was diagnosed last year! You are amazing super mommies and I bow to your awesomeness!! :)

    I felt rather alone and isolated during my treatments as well. Though I know there are many younger ladies out there, I was ALWAYS the youngest patient getting treatment everytime I was in my cancer center!

    I'm now 5 months out of chemo, a year from my diagnosis, and getting an MRI soon for bad headaches, fatigue, and generally not feeling well and I'm TERRIFIED of it being metastases!!! I'm really, really hoping it's just stress from the fact that it was a year ago this month that I was diagnosed.

    Wish me luck! (I'll need it to keep from going crazy with worry! 🤪)