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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Wow, your hair looks really good, Tracy!

    Happy Mother's Day to everyone here who's a mom. Enjoy your day!

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Happy Mother’s Day to you all!! ❤️

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    happy mother's day to all, have a wonderful day!!!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Happy mother's day ladies!🌷

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 518

    Happy Mother’s Day! 🌸🌺🌸

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all May 19th will be 5 months from last chemo, which was Taxol, and my joints are just now starting to hurt less. Exercise has be non existent, expect for my daily walks, because of the joint pain, so maybe now i can get started. I have my 2nd checkup since ending chemo this Wednesday, I'm looking forward to it. All the lumps and bumps across my chest scar need a professional seems like i can just look at food and gain 5 lbs...ugh... hope all is well with everyone

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all, my physical exam and blood work were all good, now to schedule colonoscopy and pelvic and dermatology. Oh how I wish all this was a one shot happy days to all.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 518


    Glad your check up went well! Wouldn’t it be nice if there was one stop shopping for all this stuff? Lol

    I had a colonoscopy in March, the prep was better this time around, and the procedure was easy


  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    I finished radiation treatments today!! So all active treatment for my breast cancer is done! They finally staged me at Stage II. 8 clear lymph nodes at surgery. I opted for a DMX with flat closure. Only my port removal remains.

    My prognosis is good. I'm ever so grateful to be here!


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Yay!!!!Congrats Snaffle

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Great news, Marilyn!!! Congratulations!!!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Gamb - Glad your checkup was good. I hope you'll feel up to exercising soon. It does help a lot of people with joint pain.

    Marilyn - Congratulations!!

    I had a checkup and blood test a few days ago. Everything looks good at this point. My immune system is improving. I see my surgeon in July for a physical check. I hope to get my dog ears removed in September. Not sure when my port comes out, but it doesn't bother me anymore, so I can live with it awhile longer.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 518

    Congratulations Marilyn! I'm so happy for you. 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    Leah, glad your appointment went well.

    My monthly appt. is on Monday for bloodwork and Zoladex, I need to call my surgeon and figure out what the plan is for exchange surgery.

    Hugs to all


  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    Congratulations, Marilyn!!!

    I'm back at work after my DIEP reconstruction. I'm still adjusting to my new body geometry. I tried putting on some non-elastic clothing - it was kind of hilarious. All the bottoms fall off my hips - I will have to have everything taken in or just buy a new wardrobe. :D

    Hair-wise, I had a head full of duck fuzz in black. My last chemo was 12/23, so I'm 21 weeks. My kids are disappointed that it's super straight, but I'm secretly happy. It'll be nice to have one thing go back to normal. I may keep it super short for a while, though. It's not unflattering, which is a surprise - I have had long hair for most of my life. The grey isn't unexpected - it's just been a while since I've seen it since I was coloring so much. I'm determined to embrace the grey, though, so we'll see how it goes.

    I hope everyone is doing okay in SIP and staying positive. It's very much spring here and the sunshine is helping keep me upbeat. Hugs to all!


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Lookin’ good, AC!

    Tracy - I hope you get your exchange surgery soon. Mine was supposed to be on July 2nd but they called me and said they were evaluating cases 2 weeks at a time and it may be longer than that before I can get in.

    I’m glad everyone is checking in. I know we’re all going on with life and wading through this pandemic but it’s nice to hear from you all!!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Ac, hair looks good and thick, Angie I look forward to everyone's updates also and glad life goes on for all of us. Everyone here holds a special place in my heart and I thank you all for all your posts.

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52


    I hope everyone is doing well. Prayers to you all recovering. I finished proton radiation 32 treatments it gave me second degree burns but less effects on the lungs since I have asthma. I would never do it again very painful It's been 3 weeks and still recovering. My hair is growing salt and pepper not much in the front. Just Thankful for Hair and Tracy yours looks great. Happy Birthday to Leah to your son. I had a covid Birthday in April. Happy to have another one. I have tremors and unexpected body for 90 Days now since one week after my last dose of chemo taxol. different doctors have different diagnosis. Dystonia is one of them. On a new medication hope it helps and pray it's temporary. It's very exhausting and depressing trying to keep the faith. Just means more Doctor visits. For replacements was looking at Diep now thinking of implants. What type of implants are most of you getting? Saline? My son who is 19 blew out his knee and chipped a bone. Surgery for him my husband has to drive him more Doctor visits. I really do not have any energy to wait on him. boys are so helpless sometimes. My husband can't wait tell I can do the grocery shopping because of my energy and healing from radiation and covid he won't let me. But I was able to drive this week. Keeping The Faith that all this too will pass. Prayers to you all for healing and getting stronger every day!

    Blessings to all


  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52


    I hope everyone is doing well. Prayers to you all recovering. I finished proton radiation 32 treatments it gave me second degree burns but less effects on the lungs since I have asthma. I would never do it again very painful It's been 3 weeks and still recovering. My hair is growing salt and pepper not much in the front. Just Thankful for Hair and Tracy yours looks great. Happy Birthday to Leah to your son. I had a covid Birthday in April. Happy to have another one. I have tremors and unexpected body for 90 Days now since one week after my last dose of chemo taxol. different doctors have different diagnosis. Dystonia is one of them. On a new medication hope it helps and pray it's temporary. It's very exhausting and depressing trying to keep the faith. Just means more Doctor visits. For replacements was looking at Diep now thinking of implants. What type of implants are most of you getting? Saline? My son who is 19 blew out his knee and chipped a bone. Surgery for him my husband has to drive him more Doctor visits. I really do not have any energy to wait on him. boys are so helpless sometimes. My husband can't wait tell I can do the grocery shopping because of my energy and healing from rafiationand covid he won't let me. But I was able to drive this week. Keeping The Faith that all this too will pass. Prayers to you all for healing and getting stronger every day!

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey everyone, weather is getting hot and humid. Saw my breast surgeon today for exam, she said everything felt good and I felt so relieved having her physically exam me, lots of anxiety was lifted. Florida bummer about the side effects you are having, I hope they ease up soon. It took my body 4 months of joint pain to get rid of all the Taxol . I hope every one is finding their way

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Nice to hear (read I guess) updates from everyone as we find our way through this. Everyone's hair is looking awesome!

    I finished radiation today! My Herceptin was on hold due to low ejection fraction of my heart, but it improved enough that I resumed Herceptin yesterday. Also have a plan to go back to work starting part time June 8. (I've been off since diagnosis August 15, 2019) I'm so excited to get back, but a bit anxious too. My struggle has mostly been mental and though it's way better than it was, I still have times when I get down. Hoping getting back into regular life again will help that, not hinder it.

    I hope that you are all doing well, I could not have gotten through the dark days without you all. 🥰

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    Hi Ac your hair looks great!! I have a question on your Diep surgery where you happy with the results? I heard it can be multiple surgery for shaping. What was your recovery time and hospital time?. I was going to get Diep but after 9 months of treatment now just thinking implants. with hospital time and covid. Thanks for sharing info.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 518

    I've been on Letrazole + Zoladex for 3 months now, and the joint pain has increased over the last two months. The MO has me taking fish oil (I take krill oil, no fishy taste), which helped. It was getting so bad that I would wake up stiff and sore, then walking hurt, and getting up from sitting hurt. I did some research (because 5-10 years of this would be a challenge), and a week ago I added curcumin and ginger to my daily supplements. It took a few days, but the pain is greatly improved.

    My company has extended mandatory work from home until at least 9/14, and I'm struggling mentally with the isolation. I don't enjoy being full time work from home. Tomorrow is my 1 year diagnosis anniversary. My family and I are headed to Jekyll Island in South Georgia for TWO weeks starting next Sunday. We rent a house, so social distancing won't be an issue. It's my happy place, and we'll be celebrating my 1 year and also my youngest son's 12th birthday there.

    Christi - I'm getting silicone implants when I can get my surgery scheduled. They are supposed to look and feel more natural. The silicone is cohesive, so even if an implant ruptures it will stay in the “breast"

    ACChaos - your hair is looking great

    It's great to “see“ you all, I'm glad every one is finishing treatments, getting their surgeries, and recovering!


  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Tracy - I hear you about struggling with the isolation of working from home. I tried to go back to my office several weeks ago and my bosses nixed it. They think it may be too risky. I feel like a goober saying that I really dislike being in my house all day and that I crave a normal day of getting up and going into work. But sitting in my house all of the time - even while I’m working - makes me depressed and I have to make an effort everyday to remind myself it won’t always be like this.

    I hope you have a fantastic vacation!! Happy 1 Year! And Happy Birthday to your son. Dig your toes in the sand for me.

    I hope everyone else is doing well!

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52


    Thanks for info on Taxol there is always hope as each day gets better. on new meds for tremors. worse part is 3 or 4 people after my treatment had the same effects. I am sure maybe I got an extra strong dose. keeping the faith. Prayers for everyone this year is filled with blessings

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52


    Thanks for implant information. congratulations on your 1 year. Have a great vacation!!

    I worked from home for 25 years. I was an outside sales rep but night and day spent hours at home at my desk. You never leave your work it’s always there. Take walk breaks to get up or sit outside or go to pick up lunch or a quick stop at the grocery store to get out at lunch time. Take time to read or play online game or puzzles to get your mind off work. During this isolation time we even took a drive around the neighborhood or nearby lake. It is a challenge to work from home even with kids home. A change of scenery always helped me. Also on u tube when my angle was hurt I found chair exercise video. I heard they have some yoga ones too. I am going to try now for this anxiety I have from tremors. waiting for my lymphoma therapist to send me link for video. I will share when I receive it.

    I know we have all spent 9 or more months at home and all want to get out more. I have to laugh because my husband had to spend 6 weeks working from home. It came at a good time for us since he had to drive me to radiation but it drove him crazy. He was used to seeing people all day. Prayers to all healing and dealing with Covid. I know people that have lost jobs during this time. We have all been through so much and we made it!!

    Blessings to all,


  • Dottybird
    Dottybird Member Posts: 25

    Hello all, glad to read you are doing well in these crazy times. I am at 11 months post diagnosis and never thought I would get here. It has been a long 11 months. I need to develop goals for work and really my only goal for the past year has been to breathe. Just keep reminding myself to breathe.

    As for treatment, I would recommend DEIP flap surgery, but it really depends on how you feel. I will need one touch up fat grafting surgery (something good comes from this- thinner thighs woo hoo!), probably in late August/ early September. No rush to be in a hospital now and it's not like I am going out anytime soon...

    Because of Covid-19, MO said to stay with tamox. for a few months until can start OS+AI to limit trips to hospital. Tamoxifen caused abnormal VUS so I was afraid push for oophorectomy, but GO wants to wait till I reach 45 because of serious side effects. It would be nice if our treatment was not worse than the disease! Especially preventative treatment!

    My hair is a big curly poof. Humidity is not my friend. I look like Sophia from the Golden Girls, or maybe Bob Ross. One good thing about quarantine.

    Take care all and best wishes ❤

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi everyone! So glad to see the updates. :)

    AC - Your hair looks great! We've had tons of rain here. Please send some of your sunshine to the Sunshine State! :)

    Christi - Happy Belated Birthday! I am so glad you're done with radiation and that your hair is growing. I'm sorry that you're having so many issues and side effects from treatment. That stinks! I know I am still having some minor effects that are fading little by little. I hope yours go away soon!

    Gamb - I'm glad your physical exam went well. Mine is next month. I hope for a good result. I'm also hoping they will teach me what to look for as I examine myself, because I never felt my breast lump. It was buried right in the middle of a very large breast.

    Ange - Congrats on finishing rads! I'm glad you've improved enough to get your Herceptin treatment and that you're able to go back to work this week. Every little step toward "normal" feels good, doesn't it?

    Tracy - I've also encountered a lot of joint pain on Anastrazole and Zoladex over the past few months. It's starting to get better. I am also taking fish oil and tumeric (curcumin). I also take a daily Claritin (I have allergies and used to take Zyrtec, but the Claritin seems to help with joints, too). I hope you enjoy your upcoming vacation. Maybe the change of scenery will help with that feeling of isolation. You're going to a beautiful place. Take a picture or two of the island and post it for us. :)

    Angie - I'm sorry that working from home is making you feel depressed. My husband's co-workers are feeling very much the same thing. Everyone chats a lot to stay connected. It will get better eventually.

    Dotty - I have to remind myself to just breathe, too. I would love to see a picture of your hair. You sound like my hair twin!!!!!!!! My hair is also a big curly poof. Humidity here often reaches 90% or more. I always say I will look like Bozo the Clown with a couple more months of growth, but I definitely prefer the comparison to Sophia or Bob Ross. They are awesome!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    I am well. Mentally, I'm having some trouble staying at home all the time. I miss working on PTA stuff and my son's soccer games. I miss going to the grocery store. I miss seeing friends in person.

    My husband is working from home for now, which is awesome! We both love it. Weird, I know. My husband is a major introvert. I love having him around. He loves not having a commute. A little bit of joy from the situation.

    I'm still having crazy hot flashes and some joint pain from the anastrazole and zoladex, but I'm figuring out how to manage it.

    I gained three pounds during quarantine, so I'm back to working really hard to get those off, plus an additional 10 pounds. It's always a struggle. I'm exercising more, which definitely helps the joints and my mood, so I'm hoping it will also help me lose the weight.

    My hair is like DottyBird's - a big curly poof! It's hysterical!!!!!!!!! My husband and I love touching it. It feels so cool and so different from my previous hair. I am just thrilled to have hair that covers my head and my pointy ears. I do hope it keeps growing and the curls soften a bit, but overall, I'm just glad to have hair.

    Not much else to report. I've spent quarantine doing all my normal stuff at home, plus helping my son do distance learning. Now that it's summer break, I really don't know what to do with myself. I have projects to do, but not much motivation. So, I'm giving myself a break and just enjoying whatever I can, even if it's just movies and playing video games!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289



  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    I love the poof!! Mine is crazy too. I’m just letting it be.

    My depression at being at home had lessened. I got a call on Monday that the PS could do my exchange on 6/8, which I jumped on. Friday, I had a pre-op appointment with him. Prior to going to my appointment, I got a COVID test per requirements for surgery. When I tried to get into the cancer institute building, they wouldn’t let me in because I had a COVID test without results. Normally, I would have been a bit more challenging but the intake person said “I called my boss and she said you can’t enter the building.” Something in that phrase set me off and I started crying. I have not cried like that this whole time I have been dealing with breast cancer. When I finally got in another way, the nurse hit the nail on the head - they were keeping me out of my safe space! That anxiety reduced me to tears! Needless to say, my PS was pissed and was on the phone chewing some butt when I left.

    So, I am now anxiously awaiting exchange surgery. I’m ready! Looking forward to checking off another box earlier than I anticipated.

    I hope you all are enjoying the summer. It’s getting hot here in Arkansas. The kind of hot that takes your breath away. Please keep the updates coming!!