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Any ladies from WISCONSIN??



  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2021

    Always wondered what is meNtby the driftless areA. Do you know?

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783
    edited July 2021


    This area's name is derived from the fact that it was surrounded by glaciers during the last glacial period, yet remained untouched by passing glaciers. This caused some curious, and beautiful, topography in these areas drawing visitors year-round. In accordance with its name, the Driftless Zone in Wisconsin is also a mark to the furthermost edge of the glaciers' advance. After this, the glaciers receded leaving the rock formations in their path.

    I also live in the driftless region. I had to look it up, lol.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2021

    In the driftless region too but not for long! Hubs is retiring in October and our new home on the other side of the state (Cedarburg) will be done by then. We will be 5 minutes from our kids/grandkids. Can’t wait!!!! I always complain that the only place to grocery shop is at Walmart. My daughter said I’ll have the choice of 6 grocery stores! I told her I’m going to be like God - one store for every day of the week and then rest on Sunday - LOL

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited July 2021

    GoldensRBest - I love Cedarburg, one of my favorites places in WI. I hope you love living there!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2021

    Gailmary & dutchiris, I had to look it up, too. :-)

    The term "driftless" indicates a lack of glacial drift, the deposits of silt, gravel, and rock that retreating glaciers leave behind.

    This website explains it simply and well.

    Goldens LOL, happy shopping. We have four grocery options: Walmart, Piggly Wiggly, Aldi, and a small organic grocery store.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,507
    edited July 2021

    I can’t wait for my husband to retire so I can go back there and go home to the Northwoods region.

  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,303
    edited July 2021

    We went to the Driftless Music Gardens a few weeks ago for a camping/ bluegrass festival. It was awesome!

    And you will love Cedarburg! We live fairly close in Whitefish Bay.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 436
    edited July 2021

    Good explanations. I'm in the area covered by the glaciers. The kettle morraine.beautiful state all around.

  • rk2020
    rk2020 Member Posts: 697
    edited July 2021

    Hello - I’m new here and felt compelled to post because I got such a kick out of GoldensRBest saying she was going to be like God. 😂 When we moved into our Tomah area vacation home from the north suburbs of Chicago, the thing I missed the most were the grocery stores (well, restaurants too). When I went back to my old area to visit friends, I stepped into my neighborhood Marianos and I swear I heard angels singing.

    I found out I had stage 2 cancer after we had accepted an offer on our house but had not yet moved out. Homeless in Chicagoland with cancer. Well dang. I was in love with my cancer team so I completed all my treatments in Chicago. That was 2016. Cancer threw a monkey wrench into our early retirement plans, but we are flexible and resilient. Fast forward to 2020 and while spending the winter in Florida, I was diagnosed metastatic. Dang it, I was sure it was a sports injury. Are you sure doc that I haven’t overdone the Zumba? Pilates maybe? So although I love the lush, green rolling hills and bluffs of my region, I won’t be there much longer. As my cancer progresses, it’s clear that two homes and two sets of doctors is more then we want to manage. So after owning my one of a kind country home for 16 years, it’s time to sell. 😥 I love Naples FL (and we have great grocery stores) but I sure am going to miss my Tomah summers.

    Good luck to all in the Badger state. ❤️

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited July 2021

    Hey Jane, good to see you!

    Hi RK2020, thanks for popping in. Best wishes for life in FL. ♥

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2021

    The other thing I’m looking forward to is real restaurants. There is nothing here is Richland Center that I even want to patronize. There’s a great farm to table restaurant in Viroqua, but that’s a 40 minute drive. Cedarburg has great restaurants and close access to many more! My tastebuds are ready

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,937
    edited November 2021

    been awhike since I posted here! LOL. Busy as we all are. Im in Port Washington. Hiws your move to Cedarburg going Golden?

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 669
    edited November 2021

    Moonflwr - we just moved into our Cedarburg home on Wednesday! Ahh - the chaos of unpacking😂🤣😝 but life is good. 5 minutes from our grandkids

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited November 2021

    Hi there!

    Golden - I hope you enjoy your new home. I go to Cedarburg quite a bit this time of year.

    Moonflwr - did you get any snow in Port Washington yesterday? I had to go to Kenosha for a MRI and it looked like a blizzard from Racine to Kenosha, but melted on contact. Very pretty though!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,609
    edited November 2021

    My parents just up the road in Lake Church sent photos of a dusting of snow. Mom also went down to the Ikea and sent photos of some light snow there. When we were back in mid-September and talking about parents flying here for Christmas, dad was fretting about timing and potential snow in Chicago and flights. Everyone said "oh dad, cmon, it doesn't snow like that anymore!". Huh - maybe we were wrong!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,507
    edited November 2021

    Looking forward to buying a home back in the Northwoods and retiring there sometime next year hopefully. We were going to do it last year but with Covid, we said too risky.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Member Posts: 493
    edited December 2021

    Weird weather forecast for tomorrow - 60 degrees and rain! Too tired to do any Christmas decorating inside and only put up a few lights outdoors this year. Anemia from treatment is slowing me down. However, I still make it to water class MWF since exercise is supposed to combat fatigue…

    We went to Cedarburg recently because my sister was the Cultural Center Artist of the Month. She dabbles in the visible whereas my skills are audible. I began violin lessons more than half a century ago. Just playing in one orchestra this season. Had to give up the 2 community groups for now.

    Mommyof3, where in the Northwoods will you be locating? We lived in Wausau for a while (also Madison). My in-laws had a summer home in Vilas county, almost in Michigan’s UP.

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited December 2021

    Vlnrph - sorry you the anemia has you so fatigued, but I understand. My first real outing since being diagnosed and covid was to the Packer game on Sunday. I should've went with my gut feeling that it was not a good idea. Lesson learned. I wish I had somewhere to swim near me. I love being in the water and able to do arm exercises.

    I think it's awesome that you're still playing the violin. Music is so therapeutic. My neuropathy won't allow me to do much of anything that requires my fingers, I used to play piano.

    My son and I spent the day in Cedarburg on Monday. Love Cedarburg, especially this time of year.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,507
    edited December 2021

    Vlnrph, we are looking at the Minong area. I grew up there for the first few years of my life. My hubby likes it there too

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2021

    We just moved to Cedarburg at the beginning of November. We are 6 minutes from our daughter’s family (3 grandkids). I can’t really enjoy this lovely little town right now - anemia as well due to MBC meds, was hospitalized just after thanksgiving with sepsis and septic arthritis of the right shoulder which required a PICC line and 28 days of IV antibiotic infusions (done 12/28). Plus I’ve got long term messed up lumbar area. Can’t walk much. And now with this new variant running rampant, I don’t want to go anywhere.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Member Posts: 493
    edited February 2022

    Oh dear, Goldens, you were just new to the area and had to be hospitalized! Hopefully your recovery went well and omicron did not find out where you were hiding. It is worth a drive to be treated at Froedtert, in my opinion. We can private message about cancer care in Ozaukee County…

    Not real snowy this winter but, pretty much staying home in order to avoid crowds and COVID, it's nice to look out the window especially during the really cold weather. Didn't even walk out to the mailbox a few times. Some warmer days caused melting which then froze resulting in icy pavement.

    There are election primaries next week. Usually not a big turnout but do consider voting. Things like school board and county supervisor races are becoming quite important. You can find very interesting info on line. Our absentee ballots arrived promptly however we returned them to city hall in person.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,507
    edited March 2022

    Looks like our big move home to the Northwoods areawill be some time by the Fall. Our house here in Connecticut goes on the market later this month. Hubby retires from his job in early June.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited January 2023

    Hello all. I'd like to apologize again for disappearing from this thread I started so long ago. My life has been VERY chaotic for many years. I finally rid myself of the toxic element, my ex, so past 18months I've been finally spending time on ME . I have a new outlook, less toxic, and working on my health, weight, etc.. I lost my appeal on my breast fat grafting but plan to start a new appeal with new info for my case. Unfortunately I found a new lumps(s) in my left breast about 2 months ago. Since the pain has now started about 4 wks ago, it's time to get it checked. I prior had a small papilloma on that side. Hopefully it turns out that way again. I pray everyone here is doing well at the start of this New Year! I will catch up on the last few pages here over next few days. Currently battling respiratory virus *coughcough*. Thankfully not covid.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited January 2023

    Hello all. I'd like to apologize again for disappearing from this thread I started so long ago. My life has been VERY chaotic for many years. I finally rid myself of the toxic element, my ex, so past 18months I've been finally spending time on ME . I have a new outlook, less toxic, and working on my health, weight, etc.. I lost my appeal on my breast fat grafting but plan to start a new appeal with new info for my case. Unfortunately I found a new lumps(s) in my left breast about 2 months ago. Since the pain has now started about 4 wks ago, it's time to get it checked. I prior had a small papilloma on that side. Hopefully it turns out that way again. I pray everyone here is doing well at the start of this New Year! I will catch up on the last few pages here over next few days. Currently battling respiratory virus *coughcough*. Thankfully not covid.

  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,303
    edited February 2023

    Hey BlueWillow, glad to hear from you and that your are on a good path. Stay warm!!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2023

    Zogo...thanks and unfortunately I have business in Madison , but I will bring extra blanket just in case!

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2023

    I had my manual breast exam with my new primary doctor today. She did feel the same thing that I was feeling and as she was doing so I did have the pain that I was feeling on my own. She wants me to have a new mammo Friday.. It sucks because I've been working hard the last 6 months especially to improve my health lose weight fix my back issues. I also had CT scan today for 2 areas of nodules. Hoping very much it is not related to my prior breast cancer or my dad's lung cancer. He starts his treatment Thursday he only needs 5 treatments radiation so that's a plus. But as for me it seems when it rains it pours. On top of that I locked myself out of my house today for about 2 hours I can't win for losing. Or whatever that old saying is.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Member Posts: 493
    edited February 2023

    My old saying is “If it's not one thing, it's your mother". I probably inherited both my cancer and now gout from her. Last fall, sadly, I learned that bone metastases had moved to my liver.

    This is a terminal diagnosis unless it goes to my lungs or brain, then one of those might kill me instead. I have a 2nd opinion next week at UW-Madison since a clinical trial could be of interest.

    Currently, I'm desperately attempting to stay on PIQRAY but it's sending my blood sugars soaring. I'm not diabetic however take metformin and Jardiance, plus try to eat a low carb diet.

  • bluewillowskys
    bluewillowskys Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2023
    Options im so sorry you're dealing with that . I can't imagine it.... will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Member Posts: 493
    edited February 2023

    Thanks bluewillow. I hope your dad gets through radiation OK. Those treatments can be very tiring for us “old" folks. Are your CT results expected soon? Many non-cancer lung nodules get watched for a couple years to make sure they remain stable.

    At least you weren't locked out of your house during a sloppy snowstorm like today. When we were little and that happened, one of us would be put through the milk chute/delivery door (about 2 feet square as I recall) to get inside.

    Good luck for a 'relaxing' mammogram tomorrow. Do something nice for yourself after that won't wreck your weight loss plan!