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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,526

    Not happy with the new boards. After 17 years I need to decide how often I will frequent the boards. I find the new platform user NOT friendly. I don't want to leave as I'll miss everyone, but I do't have the energy to deal with the not friendly changes.

    Tomorrow is treatment #5. Tired of it already and the road is so long! Sweet dreams.

  • ddesim1
    ddesim1 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2023


    Karen and everyone who was beset with this, BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE. I changed doctors (he was good but luckily had a flat tire), hospital was NOT, on the DAY OF MY SURGERY! Best decision.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,834

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF Day! It finally occurred to me to check and see if I could get back on the boards by not using the bookmark and signing in directly, and, TaDa! Here it is! It's got a nice look. It will take me a little while to get used to the different look, but that's ok.

    The puppers say Hi to everyone!

    Karen--I'm thinking the same thing, that Mom needs a reason other than she feels the need for more help to move into assisted living. Around here that is quite a process and will take some time, so we will see what happens. She's just started looking at places. Love the T-shirt!

    Goldie--love the pic and the memories!

    Wally--pics have always been a bit problematic here, I'm hoping the new platform will make that better.

    Karen--it sounds like you had some good appointments and you are getting your mind wrapped around the info and the plan. I'm sorry this treatment hit you so hard, wish I knew something that would make things easier.

    Miriandra--That's an impressive souvenir!

    Illi--how I wish I could join you on that deck! What a view!

    Karen--glad to hear you are feeling better. And good for you for having a mind of your own! The Hematologist will learn.

    Goldie--Sorry about the Farmer's Market disappointment. I'm looking forward to them reopening for the summer around here. So much more than just veggies and flowers these days!

    Wally--scary episode with the blueberry!

    Goldie--beautiful pic of the 2 of you! I can see the pic you posted in the next post ok. I hadn't noticed the stuff at the bottom of the posts until now, not sure I like it either, but it's small enough to ignore. I really wish the Name/avatar/etc font was bigger. I really liked the way the poster's ID stood out in the old platform. But I'll adjust, eventually.

    Wally--Congrats on DH getting the Pluvicto!


     Well, it looks like posting pics is going to be a bit more complicated than copy and paste now. I'll figure it out later.

    The Change-Maker’s Cocktail


    • 3 ounce Flor de
      Cana rum Grand Reserve
    • 1/2 ounce Tej honey
      mead wine
    • 2 ounce African
      Rooibos red tea
    • 1/2 ounce Minneola
      or navel orange juice
    • 3/4 ounce orgeat
    • 1 dash Orange
    • 2 dashes Jerry
      Thomas bitters
    • sweet and spicy plantain
      chip, to garnish
    • fresh mint, to garnish



    1. Swizzle all drink ingredients in a highball glass over crushed ice
      using a bar spoon.
    2. Garnish with fresh mint
      and sweet and spicy plantain chip.


    From <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    I don't like the new forum at all, but I will hang in there, as they say they are not done yet. I AM glad that we can post pictures from our computer, I haven't tried any from FB yet. I do not find it very user friendly at all. I ventured off to look around and it took me quite a while to get back to the forums. I am also getting email notifications every time someone posts. Need to figure out how to turn that off. Asking all of you to hang in there as well. I wish our "favorites" would show at the top, instead of at the bottom as "bookmarks". That one took me a while to figure out. And I agree with NM about the posters/avatar being on top and small.

    I also see we have a "save draft", which will hopefully allow users to go back on pages to read and not lose their post.

    I got my neighbor to rototill my garden yesterday, so I can get my tomatoes in the ground before I leave Monday. Hoping to get that done today and set some clothes out to pack.

    Ddesim1, I don't think I welcomed you, so welcome to the Hot Tatties Lounge! If you stick around, I think I will refer to you as DD, if you don't mind.

    WallyCat, I do indeed have a long trek for treatments, 9 hours round trip, every 3 weeks! I'm just glad that we have more daylight so I don't have to stay overnight. I refuse to go to doctors up here where I live, and it IS a pretty drive. But oy vey, it cost me $110 in gas the other day!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,100
    How to stop email notifications of messages posted to your Bookmarks

    moderators Administrator Posts: 6,581April 27 edited April 27

    How to stop email notifications of messages posted to your Bookmarks, and how to update your community notification preferences in general

    You can customize your notification preferences from your profile

    There are some default settings that can be enabled or disabled. 

    1. Click your profile image (avatar) within the community. 

    2. A drop-down will appear; choose Account & Privacy Settings.

    3. On the resulting page, click Notification Preferences in the menu on the right side of your screen on desktop, or at the bottom of the page on mobile. 

    4. A list of options will appear, where you can use the checkboxes to set which notifications you want to receive and how (email, pop-up, or both). If you do not wish to receive any notifications, clear both checkboxes. 

    5. Click Save Preferences at the bottom of the page to apply your changes.

    More here.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,100

    And yes, the "save draft will allow you to do so!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,609

    mods, thanks for mentioning the notifications, I was getting tons of emails.

    Tip, if you’re using a phone, you’ll have to turn it sideways to see the buttons, then you can make the changes.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,641

    Oh, shoot, Karen! (Please notice the placement of the comma – I did NOT say, “Shoot Karen.” I said, “Shoot, Karen.”) I like the boards a little bit better than yesterday, so hopefully I’ll like them better tomorrow. I don’t want you to leave, either, but I understand that you need to pick your battles. If this board adds to your stress, then… Maybe you could just lurk. The old forum used to tell us when someone was last “seen” so we’d know that at least they were still with us. My heart hurts for you.

    Happy Friday to the rest of my lovely ladies!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,526

    Sunshine - your comment made me laugh!

    Staying ahead of any nausea - I have a filling that the oral chemo that is 21 days on, 7 days off helps with the nausea. It is a re-formulation of Thalidamide. You should have seen the paperwork that I had to be allowed to get. Top of the forms said "for women who cannot get pregnant"

    This 16 rounds of chemo total is what they called "Induction". Only step one of the treatment. We meet with the transplant doctor on the 10th - stem cell transplant should be the next phase of treatment, then maintanence (sp). I can't spell today. I really can't wait to meet her and get details.

    Still waiting on the genetic testing. I have access to results through a sort of patient portal. It is still in the processing phase.

    Almost to the donut hole phase for Rx. What was costing me about $70 copay will become $900 copay as soon as I hit the donut hole. Two more cycles unless they extend the induction phase.

    Hopefully we can all figure out this new platform. I'm using the side bar to get to the threads where it has flags. forget what it is called.

    Have a great rest of the day.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,526

    Mods - I can't figure out how to turn off notifications even with your directions. I don't want notifications and it is clogging up my mailbox.

  • janky
    janky Member Posts: 478

    Happy Friday, it has been a long, long time since I have been on these boards and it looks like a lot has changed, and recently according to above comments. For those who remember me, I am doing well, now 6 1/2 years since dx, 5 1/2 stage 4. I still enjoy my daily beer and will enjoy reading these posts again…

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,084

    It looks like "Favorites" is "My Bookmarks" now.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,286

    It took me forever to find the drinking thread and the dinner thread. Once I did, I bookmarked it. When you're signed in and click on your avatar, the dropdown menu lets you see your bookmarks. Then you never have to scroll through the tons of options. Unfortunately, that may eliminate my ability to see other threads, but right now, I too am dealing with a butt-load-o-stress and this is the easiest.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,834

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! Yesterday was entertaining, Mom called me at work and left a message that said to call her back ASAP. So I call and she doesn’t answer. I call several times while I finished up what I was doing and was getting ready to head out to check on her when she finally calls again. She said her tongue was tingling and her throat and chest were sore and she didn't feel good (and sounded terrible) what should she do? So I ran out to check on her, She was looking a lot better than she sounded, so I lugged her to urgent care so she could get a dose of Mylanta and her right ear flushed out. Reflux, again. And while we are sitting in the waiting room I get hold of her phone and discover she has it on Mute. Again. She still doesn’t think she's the one doing that, because "I see anything that says Mute" but she's the only one playing with the phone settings. I'm going to see her today, before leaving on vacation next Saturday. She wanted me to pick her up and drive her to the airport so she could drive my Jeep back to her place, and she'd drive it back and wait for me at the airport when I got back in to save me money on parking. My first thought was "you are NOT driving my car!!! You'll hurt it and kill yourself!" I managed to deflect that one, told her I already had budgeted for parking. I was also thinking that with her phone not reliable, I would not be able to reach her if there were any changes in my return flights and she could sit at the airport for hours or days or I would end up sitting there for hours or days trying to get hold of her and that was not something I could deal with. Not to mention that I'm not sure she could get in and out of the Jeep without help! Anyway, tomorrow is packing day, next week will be busy, Friday will be take the puppers to work with me day, so I can take them to the kennel on my lunch break, then my flight out leaves at 5:22 ayem, getting to Vancouver around 5:30 peeyem and I am getting so excited!

    Goldie--I've got to figure out how to turn off the notifications, too. I didn't notice the 'save draft' feature, I'll have to check it out. So nice you've got your garden going! That is a long trip every three weeks. But sometimes the drive is worth it to get care from docs and such that you have some faith in.

    AHA--directions for turning off the notifications! Thanks, Mods!

    Sunshine--I'm getting used to the new boards gradually, too. But no one needs any extra stress in their lives!

    Karen--the donut hole sounds like a real issue. Do you come out of it after a certain point, or is it for the rest of the year? Hardly helpful to have to deal with that.

    Welcome back, Janky!

    Wally--thanks for mentioning the drop down from the avatar. Now I need to get my browser bookmark updated to take me to the correct place.

    Email Cocktal


    • 1 cup ice
    • 1 fluid ounce light rum
    • ½ fluid ounce lime juice
    • ½ fluid ounce honey syrup
    • 1 tablespoon chilled Champagne


    1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice; add rum, lime juice, and honey syrup. Cover and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted. Strain into a Champagne flute and top with Champagne.

    From <>

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,897

    Thanks to Wally, I can now access my Favorites by clicking on Bookmarks. I was lost before in a land without Favorites!

    NM, I hope you have a delightful vacation. You definitely deserve one.

  • janky
    janky Member Posts: 478

    Thanks NM, life gets so crazy sometimes, and I don't seem to do much🙄 Vancover will take you almost to the other end of Canada, and will be beautiful this time of year, what are your vacation plans? Enjoy!

    Wally I am going to try the bookmark, thanks for the heads up.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,937

    Hi ladies- got back late on Tuesday night from Hawaii and took Wed as a recovery day to unpack and sleep. Still adjusting to the time change (HI 4 hours earlier from here), but did work from home Thurs and Fri to slowly get back in to the game. Well not slowly really, but made it through and it will make next week easier. Ten days away was perfect and decided more than one week is the best for getting decompressed and the crank out of my system. I have really missed traveling on anything bigger for vacation these past few years as I know many have. Last few trips have been family related, but don't consider those "vacation" as I am sure some of you understand.

    We stayed in some great spots, visited some places I love and have been before including the Volcanoes National Park (nothing erupting currently, but plenty of steam coming from some of the calderas) and the most fabulous botanical garden. It was a tropical paradise and one of my most fav botanical gardens ever.

    I had wanted to try a surf lesson this trip but the big island is not the place to do it. So instead, my friend/roommate recommended we go sea kayaking! Eek, never done that before but have kayaked in the rivers back east. But the open ocean is a whole different story. The kayak rental place told us we might see dolphins and as we headed out, I saw a fin but then it disappeared and no other sightings. We went further down along the coast then turned around and as we got closer to shore, there was a pod of spinner dolphins swimming around us and jumping and spinning up in the air. What a thrill! I have some photos I can post later on this from my phone, but wanted to figure out how to navigate this new platform first.

    Came back to more trees out and things greening up here in high desert. I am heading to Lowes today after a haircut to get my first flats of things plant in the pots to get started on gardening season. More pruning to do and also putting away winter things. It snowed in Santa Fe yesterday but not down here in ABQ. I think spring is mostly here!

    Have great weekend and more to follow!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,887

    Record breaking heat here in Seattle. The airport hit 81 yesterday. I took letters to the curb mailbox and could have used a sun hat and glasses to go 20 feet. It will be cool and rainy again on Mon. We're going to paint at a plant nursery on Mon, so hoping I won't get rained on. It doesn't help watercolor at all to have random drops falling on the picture.

    BCO is fixated on my recommendations not being turned on. I'm stage IV and I don't want to hear their recommendations. I don't see an avatar or bookmarks, but it shows me threads in my favorites that have new posts. It will only show me bookmarked threads and I can't find a way to remove some from my favorites. Might help if I read the instructions. . .

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,897

    Jazzygirl, your vacation sounds wonderful! I enjoyed reading the details. How brave you are to go sea kayaking!

    Wren, it's hard to imagine Seattle at 80 degrees. I would love to see one of your paintings if you're able to post a picture.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,526

    Treatment #5 was better than 4. Stayed a head of nausea which never came :) But the dexamethasone messed with me. Only 11 more weeks to go!!! Seems like eternity. Counting down till the 10th when we meet with the transplant doctor. Hopefully, I'll get lots of answers. I guess DH and I are need to come up with a list of questions to get answers.

    Sat outside and read yesterday afternoon. I even put sunscreen on which I never so and got a little too pink. One of the chemo drugs makes you sensitive to the sun. Supposed to be nice again today, but will be in doors as I have lots of paperwork to do for work.

    Kim - the donut hole is for the rest of the year (I thinK). This is the first full calendar year on Medicare.

    Ruth - your pictures are great.

    Have a great Sunday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Sunshine LOL at "shoot Karen".

    Karen, I hope you were able to get notifications turned off. Glad tx #5 was better. I get dexamethasone, 3 pills prior to infusion, 2 the next day and 2 agian the next day. I don't like them, makes it so I can't sleep. I did not do my 2 days after this last time, and did not get sick. Wondering if I need the 3 prior to infusion?

    Janky, welcome back!

    Wally, sorry for all the stress...huggles from me.

    NM, glad it was just reflux with mom. And NOPE, you are not driving my car! Like you said, too many "what ifs".

    Jazzy, welcome back. I agree, visiting family is NOT vacation. One week is not quite enough, 10 days is great, but I find I don't want more than 2 weeks. How sweet to see the spinner dolphins.

    I got my tomatoes in the ground, yay! All last minute stuff to do today. Will be back when I can!

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,641

    I'm glad no one took offense at my "Shoot Karen" comment. YIKES!

    Karen, I think the "donut hole" is one of the scariest things about Medicare for me. I have only signed up for Part A for now as we still have DH's insurance. The fact that my Ibrance could go up to $800 a month is scary.

    DH is on his way from seeing the kids and skiing for a couple of days in Mammoth Lakes.

    Love to all and have a great rest of your weekend. I'm glad some of you are getting some sun and outdoor time.


  • janky
    janky Member Posts: 478

    Jazzy - what a vacation, sounds like just what the doctor would order ;) I also feel that 10 days is a great length of time to get away and get the cranks out of they system.

    Thanks Goldie! Sheesh we don't even have tomatoes yet and when we do they won't get planted till very end of May.

    Happy Sunday Funday!!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,897

    In MN, we don't get tomatoes on the plants until August. My neighbor in the campground, Mary, plants three tomato plants and we benefit from the bounty. She doesn't like tomatoes but her dh eats a few. DH and I love home grown tomatoes and cucumbers and green beans. When the veggies finally come in, we enjoy them, whatever the price at the farmers market.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,937

    Welcome back Teka

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,834

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! I had a nice visit with Mom yesterday, if a little frustrating at times. With this latest cell phone she's been told she has free Netfix and Apple TV, she just needs to download the apps to her TV. So she disconnected everything Dish or Spectrum related from the TV. Just how she's supposed to download an app to the TV without the TV being connected to the internet some way totally escapes me. Accessing the apps will require some sort of linking to her T-Mobile account, and Mom says they set up a new Gmail address for her, but she has no idea what the address or password is. I finally told her to go back to the store and have them WRITE DOWN the email address and password they used to set up her phone or to call me with that information. She won't change phones again now because they got her into a new phone and service contract so the phone will take 2 years to pay for and she is not going to pay for 2 phones and phone services for 2 years if she's only using one. The fact that she was paying for 4 at one time seems to escape her memory. I did notice that her phone was set to go to Mute when it was flipped over, something Mom does all the time with the phone, and turned that feature off. Hopefully, that means her phone won't be mysteriously going to Mute all the time. And I got a bunch of her contacts put in for her. She has 5 pages of lists of phone numbers, some people show up on that list 3 times with 3 different phone numbers. Trying to figure out which was the correct number for some of them was a royal pain in the anatomy. One thing I've noticed that gotten a lot worse in the last few months is her changing subjects during a conversation, often midsentence. She's also losing track of what she is doing in the middle of things. She was fixing some instant potatoes for lunch, with me reading her the directions to bring the potatoes, liquids, flavor packet, and butter to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes. She put water in the pot and waiting for that to boil. It took me several tries to get her to understand that all the rest needed to go in, too. The she lets it get almost to a boil and goes off and sits down and starts talking about something else entirely, so I got up and set the pot on simmer and set a timer and told her what I had done. A few minutes later she goes back and gets bent out of shape because it "still not boiling yet" and goes to turn the heat back up. So we go around and around again until she understands what I'm telling her.

    Well, I just got a call and have to go out and do an admission. TTYL

    Just found this on the boards, apparently I didn't hit Post. So I'm posting it now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,834

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! I had to run into the office early yesterday ayem to finish up inputting info into the computer for an admission I did on Sunday. So much for getting packed for vacay on Sunday. So now I'm working on it in the evenings after work. I'd really rather do it all at once, but what is, is, right?

    The puppers say Hi to everyone.

    Janky--I'm going on a cruise through the inside passage. I am so looking forward to the break from work!

    Jazzy--what a wonderful trip! I'm not looking forward to the time change thing, but that's part of the experience, right? It sounds like spring has really sprung for you!

    Wren--the fixation on turning the recommendations off must be a thing of the new platform. I'm way beyond wanting to read about that stuff, and there's this big notice when I sign in. I'm just going to ignore it. 80 degree? Must be so nice. We're still struggling to get into the 60s regularly.

    Morning, Carole!

    Karen--reading outside on the deck is one of my favorite summer activities. Be careful with the sun. That donut hole make Medicare pretty much useless, doesn't it?

    Goldie--planting already? I am jealous!

    Sunshine--how is someone supposed to afford that kind of expense for medication? Scary, indeed.

    Carole--nice to get the tomatoes from the neighbor like that! Farmer's market veggies are always so much better and worth a little bit of extra money.

    Good to see you Tecka! Welcome back.

    English garden cocktail



    • mint leaves, bruised
    • 30ml gin
    • 2 tsp elderflower
      cordial (use more or less, depending on how sweet you like it)
    • 2 tsp lemon juice
    • large handful of ice
    • cloudy apple juice, for topping
    • 1 long strip of
      cucumber, peeled using a vegetable peele



    • STEP 1
      Mix the mint leaves, gin, elderflower cordial and lemon juice
      together in the bottom of a tall glass using a long-handled spoon.
    • STEP 2
      Add a large handful of ice, then top up with the apple juice. Stir
      well, then drop in the strip of cucumber before serving.


    From <>

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,526

    When we lived in Ohio (decades ago) we had a huge garden - tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, green beans and more - I miss garden fresh tomatoes, but growing veggies here is not as good so we don't bother.

    Kim - your trip is just around the corner. I always wait till last minute to pack - but I always have a list. I don't like packing early as I might want to wear something before I leave and also take it. Take lots of picture and post for us.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,286

    Neighbor's dogs kept me up at 11:30pm 2 nights ago…words were exchanged. Hate that. They know better.

    DH's treatment starts May 18th and dealing with Best Buy to order a new GPS (to navigate all the hellish construction in Seattle) that was promised saturday, then sunday, then monday, then the 13th and now maybe on thursday. I hate them and will never, ever order from Best Buy again. Unfeeling callus employees, never mind inaccurate delivery promises.

    I'm trying to figure out the house situation since he will have to sleep separately for 3 days and use his own bathroom (thankfully, we have 3); since he's been using the guest bedroom futon when his back/hips are at their worst, that won't be too much of a problem either. The long day there and back is disconcerting and I'm stressing over how his old body will react to this new radioligand therapy.

    MyChart went down for a day and I'm still waiting for lab results; several did come in and at the moment, I am still stable.

    Cat refused food for 24 hours puked; today, he's eating as if nothing happened.

    My sister's grief ebbs and flows and I hope she will start feeling better and better.

    I'm at max capacity for stress, though I know the universe doesn't care and will easily dump more…..

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,834

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day! Another day and I can start getting checked in for the flight out and the cruise. I'm going to miss the puppers, but I'm really looking forward to the break from work and seeing some of Alaska.

    Karen--yup, 3 days 17 hours 46 minutes as of writing this! I just saw a news article that the COVID vaccination requirement for travel and healthcare workers is being dropped now that the state of emergency is expiring. The travel requirement ends on May 10th, Medicare will need longer to change its rules for healthcare facilities. I was wondering how long it would take for that to happen when healthcare facilities would have to start paying for COVID vaccinations. I have a packing list, too, and still haven't started packing, so I will be last minute, too. I keep telling myself that if I forget something I'm not going to the ends of the earth and will have my credit card, so will be obtainable if needed. I tend to over pack.

    Teka--feeling in control is good!

    Wally--sorry about the neighbor's dogs.I ran into a similar problem with Best Buy when I was replacing my fridge. Got it all set up for delivery and taking away the old fridge, just to get a notice at the last minute that I was outside their service area. They had my address from the start, for the days it took to get it all set up, and they don't figure this out until the day of delivery? I was not a happy camper. Saying prayers for your DH that the treatment goes well. Glad to hear the kitty got over whatever was upsetting the system. So true about the universe not caring about stress levels!



    • ▢2 oz. blue curacao
    • ▢2 oz. sweet n' sour mixer
    • ▢½ oz. gin
    • ▢½ oz. vodka
    • ▢½ oz. light rum
    • ▢1 splash lemon-lime soda
    • ▢1 meringue cookie 


    • Chill martini glasses until ready to serve. 
    • Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously. 
    • Garnish with meringue "glacier" cookie and enjoy!

    From <>