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So...whats for dinner?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    DH thought that he could manage meatloaf for dinner last night so I bought a package of meatloaf mixture of ground beef, pork and veal. I made an effort to produce a soft meatloaf with liquids and soaked bread. Our side was a delicious cauliflower mash. DH even commented about how good it was.

    Tonight will be the leftover buffet. There's hardly room for additional leftovers in the refrigerator.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 866

    Not a dinner, but just popped an overnight french toast cassarole in the fridge for the morning. After a very busy day of a study group in the a.m., swam laps at the pool, and dinner out with girlfriends tomorrow will be a day at home. I told DH to say what he'd like for dinner tomorrow and I'll make it.

    Carole glad your DH is eating a bit better now.

    Sandy hope things continue as they should for you with Zepbound.

    Illimae, I also am looking forward to less heavy meals.

    Hi to everyone 👋🌺

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    YUM on your meatloaf, Carole.

    I made a shakshuka of sorts…I made a mash of refried beans and crushed tomatoes, seasoned and dolloped with olive oil, nested some eggs that steamed away….topped with sharp cheddar cheese. Hit the spot.

    DH is thinking he may be ready for chicken so I will shop for that today; I'll put it in the crockpot since crispy skin is not on his list now and it should come out super moist. I roasted cauliflower yesterday so all I need to do is heat it up.

    I need to think of a meal for today…..

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    I have not made or eaten shakshuka but I like refried beans and have some leftover. I may make that beans and egg dish for lunch.

    We'll have leftover meatloaf tonight and either sweet potatoes or turnips. DH is working on eating his lentil/leek soup that he made.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289
    edited February 22

    My food coop was happy to order my favorite cheese in the world for me and not gouge me like the on-line stores do. I splurged. Food can sure make us happy!!!

    I'm making a "stuffed sweet potato" and the stuffing will be an avocado and ortiz-canned tuna (yup, pricey and worth it, IMHO) mash-up.

    Tomorrow, the whole chicken in the crockpot. I just seasoned it and stuck in the fridge. I hope it turns out as amazingly as the turkey breast crockpot recipe does. My chicken actually had the liver in the "packet," for which I am grateful. They charge nearly 4 bucks/pound for chicken liver and I adore it.

    Editing to add, Carole, if you have some salsa, you can mix that up instead of opening a whole can of tomatoes.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 966

    Wally, I usually make shakshuka for brunch but it would also be a good dinner. I’m glad you got a great deal on your favorite cheese. What kind is it?

    Carole, Meatloaf sounds delicious.

    I finally got to a grocery store so we had tilapia for dinner, much better than the cereal we had for dinner last night. I’m enjoying the “cool” Florida weather and overdosing on watching show jumping. When we lived in Alabama in the ‘80s DH used to spend a month of winter weekends competing in Tampa. His sport was eventing which took place during spring and fall in the south but show jumping was one of the three disciplines (along with dressage and cross country) and his horse was an awesome jumper. We go to Wellington to spectate now since it is less crowded.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289
    edited February 23

    Maggie, the cheese was La Tur (Italian 3-cheese blend)…the ice cream of cheeses! I'm impressed with anyone that is comfortable around horses. I adore them. My friend had several and let me ride one…terrified. Those animals are huge and smart, unlike me, LOL. But..Florida…no-can-do. Too humid, too warm, too sunny…too summery.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,072

    Tonight we adapted a spaghetti recipe—changing from a hamburger meat sauce to a ground chicken meat sauce. This was a modification for the Weight Watchers "no points for boneless-skinless chicken". We added some extra spices and it was good.

    Carole, I'm glad to hear your DH is getting better enough to eat "real food".

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    I misled you if I indicated dh can eat "real" food. His pain level is the same. He has to eat slowly and mainly just swallows his food between bouts of stabbing pain. He still gets hungry and continues to consume soft food. He has an appointment Tuesday with a pain specialist. Our retired physician BIL brought to our attention that a pain specialist might be able to perform some kind of nerve block.

    Otherwise he does normal things. Today he is playing golf.

    Not sure what tonight's dinner will be.

    Wally, I had not heard of your favorite cheese.

    Maggie, how interesting that your dh rode horses in competition. I watch the jumping event in the Olympics and get nervous for the riders and horses as they approach the barriers. My younger sister raises quarter horses. She has a newly born baby horse. Like Wally, I found sitting on a horse scary, much too far off the ground. LOL.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,072

    When I go "rent a horse" at a riding stable, I tell them I got thrown by a quarter horse… of the ones that sits in front of the grocery store, waiting for a quarter. :-)

    So far, they've always found a horse that suited my abilities.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    Rooting around in the bottom drawer freezer, I spotted a package of catfish fillets. They're thawing and I have a couple of sweet potatoes to bake. So there's a dinner menu.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    YUM on catfish!

    I had chicken liver for lunch…SOOOO good. La Tur (my fav cheese) for breakfast and the crockpot chicken for dinner. Reminded DH of the "broasted" midwestern specialty. Leftovers tomorrow.

    Carole, I hope your DH will find some pain resolution. Nothing worse than pain, and even more-so, in the mouth. Best to you both. Keep us posted on your exchange surgery.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Eric, I got thrown for a friends horse she had at a local stable, the next time another person let me ride her horse, his name was tumbleweed, he was perfect.

    Dinner is French onion soup and sandwich (turkey, salami, provolone, red onion and lettuce on s NY style rye)

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 966

    Wally, I had never heard of La Tur cheese but I’ll be looking out for it now.

    Carole, I hope the pain specialist comes up with a solution.

    Eric, Since we always had chicken to eat because of DH’s job I have used ground chicken in the place of ground beef for almost any recipe that exists.

    Illimae, your French onion soup looks delicious.

    Dinner tonight was chicken Alfredo on penne pasta.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 966

    Dinner tonight was mushroom ravioli. Since I’m cooking in a vacation rental I’m trying to keep things simple.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Tonight is a beef and veg stir fry.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,141

    Oh Mae - that looks delicious. Thanks for the picture.

    My dinner was a small can of Beenie Weenies and two pieces of French bread. I've been spending 5-6 hours every day the last 4 days in the yard trimming bushes, pruning roses, cutting back things like Shrimp plant that froze, digging up weeds, etc. I have aches in places I had forgotten even existed. Two more days to go - and that doesn't count pulling the plumarias out of hibernating in the garage & plopping them in the ground. At least I got the hanging baskets out, trimmed & fertilized.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    Beenie Weenies. A favorite of years long past. Minus, you're reminding me of all the yard work that I probably won't get done if my replacement surgery takes place any time soon. My pre-op appointment with the PCP is this afternoon. I'll see one of her two NPs.

    Last night was linguine with Italian sausage and Sal's marinara, which tastes a little different from Rao's but is good. There are enough leftovers for tonight, but I'm thawing a small pork steak to cook in the oven with barbecue sauce. I'm hoping it will be very tender so dh can manage eating part of it. If not, there's the pasta to heat up. He has his appointment with the pain dr. tomorrow. I'm hoping it will lead to improvement.

    As I posted on the Drinking forum, three of my five siblings will be at our house on Saturday for a get together. My youngest brother is flying in from OK on Thursday and will be staying here. With dh's problem with eating, I need to plan a meal he can eat so I'll cook a big pot of chicken and dumplings. That was one of my mother's dishes that we all liked a lot. She was from MS, chicken and dumplings country. The dumplings are not drop dumplings but rolled out like rustic noodles.

    This occasion on Saturday was supposed to be a get together for all six siblings but two can't come. Life interferes with best laid plans.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,352

    Yesterday after Bob's bimonthly haircut at the "gentlemen's barber" shop in the Bloomingdale's building, we walked to dine at Gibson's Steakhouse, a Chicago classic—as we've been doing for over a decade, so we can still eat within the 3-hour discount parking window . Sometimes if the haircut was so early that Gibson's wasn't open for lunch, we'd eat at the adjacent connected Hugo's Frog Bar and order off both places' menus. A plus for that was being able to use Hugo's first floor restroom.

    But last evening was horrible. Crowded & deafeningly noisy (we had reservations so were seated promptly). The waiters now periodically parade around the room in single file, loudly chanting something unintelligible (because not all of them have English as their first language)—all we could make out were "happy" and "Gibson's." Prices jumped 30% since summer—$5.75 for one jumbo cocktail shrimp, $4.50 per oyster, even the smallest steak was $55. Shrimp, bread (yeah I ate a piece) & spinach were excellent and the server was gracious & professional. BUT the mushrooms came in a huge bowl (easily >a pound) and were tiny (obviously canned), excruciatingly salty and so greasy they kept falling onto the tablecloth when we tried to dish some up and rolled around on the plate when we tried to spear one with a fork. At least the waiter took them off our check.

    But the steak was dreadful. We ordered the large filet mignon ($80) to split, since it's the leanest cut (because of my new medication I can't tolerate the fatty red meat I used to love) and I get very full on small portions. Filet is supposed to be cut from the tenderloin—the ones they used to serve were buttery-tender with fine vertical grain. This one was horribly over-salted and even though it came mid-rare as we ordered, it was so tough to cut that it was almost as much of an upper-body workout as oyster-shucking. No easier to cut the little portion I put on my plate, and easy to obey the dietary advice of chewing each bite 40 times. The vertical grain was very coarse. I suspect they either used choice rather than their previous prime, or (likelier) the cheaper "baseball steak," which looks like a filet but is cut from the top sirloin cap.

    Almost as bad was going to the restroom. The two restaurants are now physically separated, and Gibson's restrooms are on the second floor—either a 2-1/2 flight stair climb or a ride in the smelly utility elevator. And though the only things we didn't share were Bob's soup and his wine, the tab came to >$150. I can understand that given the gargantuan portions (including desserts, as many of which we saw being returned to the kitchen as served) the prices might be justified—but at those prices I expect quality, not just quantity! Never going back. Next time we'll pay extra to drive to another restaurant.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    Sandy, I shuddered at your descriptions of your dining experience.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Tonight was a throw together pasta dish and the last hunk of a baguette. It was really nice though, tasted like spring.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,289

    I have used up nearly the whole of the crockpot chicken. Several days ago, the chicken salad. Tonight peanut noodle chicken…SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. I found a new "ramen" (japanese) noodle I used and almost ate too much. Leftovers tomorrow….glad the last of the chicken is done, LOL.

    DH's PSA went down about .10 points, but Down is DOWN!!! Grateful we can kick the can on new therapy. Our next schlep to Seattle is March 14 for follow up care.

    Carole, thinking about you and your exchange surgery and your poor DH and his pain….so hard to watch those we love struggling in pain.

    Sandy, DH and I have had so many less than stellar dining experiences that we almost always prefer to spend more on ingredients and dine in…it literally "hurts" when you spend so much and get such bad outcomes.

    SO windy here I fear yet another power outage, but so far, doing OK.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Almost forgot, DH made a banana coconut cream pie, yum!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 966

    Carole, It’s nice that you can make a family favorite for your siblings get together that is soft enough for your DH to eat.

    Illimae, Everything you and your DH make looks so good.

    Wally, Good news on your DH’s lower PSA. I hope your power stays on.

    Sandy, It’s a shame when a restaurant dinner turns out to be a waste of time and money. I can no longer eat out since I have to mask around everybody except DH but other than missing the company of eating with others I don’t really mind.

    Dinner tonight was stuffed peppers.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 7,899

    Tonight will be leftover pasta and also salad for me.

    I had lunch today with two friends at a sports bar called Walk Ons. The first one was in New Orleans. Apparently it has gone national and international. The corporate headquarters are moving to Atlanta. I don't like sports bars with all those tv screens but this one is spacious and wasn't horribly loud. I had fish tacos with a mango salsa and would have it again. I don't know why I don't make fish tacos at home since I enjoy them so much.

    After lunch I took care of pre-op testing and lab work at an Outpatient Center. DH saw the pain specialist and is scheduled for a procedure tomorrow morning to get an injection under sedation. I'll go with him to drive home. Fingers crossed for success in soothing pain.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    DH made a beef pie. I’ve never had one before but it was delicious.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 966

    Carole, I hope the injection helps your DH’s jaw pain.

    Illimae, Beef and pork pies are staple foods in the UK. The heart on the crust is a great touch!

    The horse show was on hiatus today so we went to a spring training game. It ended in a tie so everyone went home happy. Dinner tonight was oven fried chicken and cauliflower.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,611

    Maggie, the heart was to identify my own pie, lol. He actually made two and his has mushrooms, which I don’t like.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,072

    Those pies do look good.

    Dinner for us tonight was the remaining "leftovers" of the chicken based spaghetti sauce on the spaghetti.

    Today's edition of the local newspaper had a disappointing story about our local pharmacy closing. They closed on the 20th and were available to transfer prescriptions through the 23rd. Today is the 27th, so I guess we need to go back to our doctor to get new prescriptions. Since none of the stuff we take is a "controlled substance", I'm hoping it won't be a big deal to get a new prescription.

    The news story blamed below cost reimbursements and PBM DIR charges for making it impossible to continue with business.

    I'm disappointed as I really liked the pharmacy/pharmacist and his staff of (I think) five pharmacy techs.

    So, now to find a new pharmacy. Fortunately neither of us need any refills for another month, so it's not one of those "gotta do it NOW things".

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,141

    Mae - have you considered loaning your husband out as a chef. YUM to the banana/coconut and the beef pies. Cute with the heart!!

    Wally - glad you have a break from schlepping to Seattle. Hope it's relaxing and non-eventful.

    Maggie - great that you're posting regularly. Glad to have you.

    Eric - Sorry about your pharmacy. I just heard my GYN is leaving her practice. I will now have to find the fourth GYN in 10 years. Too much turnover!!!

    Carole - I'm glad someone is paying attention to your DH. Hope the treatment works. I see my plastic surgeon in 2 weeks. Looking forward to your decision about implants. Since I already have lymphadema, I really don't want more surgery that would make it worse.

    I had a $10.00 'reward' at Pappadeaux so I stopped on the way home to buy a shrimp cocktail to go. Got home & found they have given me a slice of cheesecake. URGH. After a trip back to get it corrected they let me keep the cheesecake. But the shrimp cocktail was $17.00 for NINE shrimp. I'll stick with Costco.

    I ordered Beltone hearing aids today from a very knowledgeable tech. I'm truly only doing this because my son bitches about my saying "pardon me". (well at least I don't say 'what'.) Oh I know there has been hearing loss (thank you cancer drugs for erasing all my hair - including the cillia in my ears). But I only see my son once a year and I live alone & I prefer to read than watch TV. On & on & on…. Anyway, I ponied up for the 2nd time since I finished treatment. (returned the first pair since they drove me nuts). Hope it works.