how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,994

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Saturday! I heard from Mom's doctor's office, her chest x-ray was fine, no pneumonia, probably a virus, keep up with the fluids and rest and call back if not starting to feel better in a few days. And she says she's feeling better after seeing the doctor. So that's all good. Then she asked me if I had found a house in North Carolina yet, and was surprised when I told her I was going to wait a year and then decide if I wanted to move, and why didn't I tell her this, and I'm afraid I got a little irritated with her while explaining that I talked with her about this MANY times and not long ago. I know that being sick when you are 88 years old can affect your memory, but that's kind of a biggie, not a minor thing easily lost in the day-to-day stuff. I think I was able to not let on that I was irritated/a little upset with her while talking to her, at least I hope so.

    Goldie--I wish I could donate some of my extra weight to you, but I still need it to keep warm here in the still-freezing-overnight-tundra of springtime Maine. I can imagine being attached to the feeding pump is a PITA, but the weight gain is good! And God bless your DB for helping. Glad to hear you like the new PCP. Thanks for the app Life 360 info, I will check that out. Sorry to bump you into the pool, but since we're here, shall we meet at the swim up bar?

    Carole--I have Find My on my phone, I'll look into using that. I want Mom to be as independent as possible, that's why I won't tell her to stop driving or take the keys away even though she really isn't safe to drive anymore. And she is self-limiting her driving more and more, no longer drives after dark, or on the interstate, or on roads with more than 2 lanes, avoids left turns. I would just feel better if I could tell where she, or at least her car, is when I can't get ahold of her on the phone, and I'm afraid she's going to get herself lost if she gets forced into making a right turn when she meant to go straight--she will only drive in the rightmost lane, and sometimes those are right turn only lanes around here. She is still cooking and shopping for herself, generally goes to appointments by herself, takes care of her apartment with just a little help from me with things she can't reach or pick up. I empty her vacuum cleaners (yes, she has 2) each time I visit as she struggles to get them put back together. I'm not going to make her do anything she doesn't choose to do herself, except I will continue to stop her from sending money to scammers. I found out a while ago when she complained about the cell phone company billing her twice every month that she had been paying a scammer every month for several months. Boy did she get some nasty phone calls after she had the bank block that payment! It's getting scary how many of my classmates are deceased now. It seems like I'm seeing a new obituary every week. Sounds like you had a nice get-together with your classmates.

    Karen--I'd like to go to Mom's doctor's appointments so I can hear what's going on first hand, too, but she's not ready for that yet. She did get me put on her records as next of kin and surrogate decision-maker so I can call the office and get info, which is helpful. I won't insist on going with her so she stays as independent as she possibly can as long as she can.

    Chi--oh no, poor BangBang! Saying a prayer for her and for you.

    LOL, Miriandra!

    Reader--I remember driving by the Biltmore during one of my visits to my brother and SIL! I didn't realize they had a winery, too. It is a beautiful area. I am hoping Mom will keep going for quite some time to come. So far, so good!

    Chi--praying you get BangBang to the vet and nothing serious is wrong with her.



    1 1/2 parts Basil Hayden's® Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

    1/2 part fresh Lemon Juice

    3/4 part Simple Syrup

    7 Blackberries

    7 Fresh Mint Leaves

    2-3 parts Wine, Sparkling


    Muddle 6 blackberries and 6 mint leaves in a Boston Shaker with ¼ part simple syrup.

    In the mixing glass, combine Basil Hayden's® Bourbon, lemon juice and remaining simple syrup and add to the muddled blackberries and mint leaves.

    Add ice and shake.

    Double strain into a Collins glass with fresh crushed ice.

    Top with sparkling wine.

    Garnish with a skewered mint leaf and blackberry.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,498

    NM - found your recipe with Averna Amaro interesting. Has anyone tried Amaro just by itself to sip? I wish I could find a 2 or 3 oz bottle just so I could try it alone.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,994

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday! Yesterday was pretty interesting. One of the cats that runs around the neighborhood got into the puppers yard, and got itself chased up a tree by the puppers! They kept the cat treed for almost 2 hours, until I brought them in so the cat could escape. I've had run-ins with that cat before, had to chase it out of the garage and dodge it's teeth and claws in the process. If one of my dogs got into someone else's yard and bit and scratched there would be hell to pay, but when a cat does it, nothing can be done, "it's in a cat's nature to wander" and "cats don't do damage like dogs do, cats aren't dangerous." OK, so let your cat poop in YOUR garden and plant pots and YOU eat the produce, since it's so safe! Arrggghhhh.

    Minus--I had to look up Averna Amaro. I would love to get a taste, too. It sounds wonderful.

    Good Morning and Hugs to everyone!

    Averna Limonata


    • 2 ounces Averna 
    • 4 ounces lemon soda (such as San Pellegrino Limonata)
    • Garnish: lemon wheel
    • Garnish: sage leaf


    1. Add the Averna and lemon soda into a Collins glass with ice and stir gently to combine. 
    2. Garnish with a lemon wheel and sage leaf.

    From <>

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,498

    NM - Amaro was cited in your 4/25 recipe for the Black Manhattan. I'd never heard of it before so I looked it up. Interesting history. Since I like many sipping liqueurs, I'll likely try to find a bottle. I was amazed to find the VERY extensive list of liqueurs on Wiki.

    "Liqueurs are alcoholic beverages that are bottled with added sugar and have added flavours that are usually derived from fruits, herbs, or nuts. Liqueurs are distinct from eaux-de-vie, fruit brandy, and flavored liquors, which contain no added sugar. Most liqueurs range between 15% and 55% alcohol by volume."

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Posts: 2,723

    NM, there was an "attack cat" in our neighborhood who would actually attack people. I wonder if animal control was ever called.

    Liquor stores often have "single serve" bottle of liqueurs. That might be a place to try. I know that when I wanted to try something once (I can't remember what it was) and didn't want a big bottle of something I'd never drink, I went to the corner liquor store. They had a big selection and found just what I wanted.


  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,986

    our cat was really chill except for chihuahuas which she would attack. Good thing she was on a leash

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474

    We have a couple of different Amaros (means "bitter"), plus some orange bitters—so if we get the right booze I might try to make Bob a Black Manhattan. (Still think it should be called a "Harlem"—guess you have to be a native NYer to "get it").

    The cats are ok—taking their turns hiding. Friday night Roxy was all over Bob while BangBang hid. Yesterday they both made themselves scarce except for morning & late-night wet feedings, then Roxy climbed into the far reaches of the linens atop the suitcases in the upstairs office closet (Heidi's old haunt but even further back) and didn't come out all day today, whereas BangBang was "alpha kitty" today. I finally reached into the closet and pulled Roxy out so she could at least eat & drink. But she made a beeline for Bob's room.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,994

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Monday Monkey Day! Again waking up to frost, but at least the water in the pupper pool wasn't frozen over, so that's progress! The grass is really greening up, too. I've got to get on the ball and find someone to tend to my lawn this summer.

    Minus--I had to look up Amaro, too, it is interesting. There's a big package store that carries a lot of interesting things that I'm going to visit next time I'm in town and see if they have some on the shelf.

    Sunshine--I've called Animal Control about that cat, it was the ACO that told me that nothing could be done since loose cats aren't dangerous like loose dogs. I keep hoping a fox or something will get that cat someday. I'm going to check the big package store for single serve bottles of Averna, which seems to have a lot of variations in addition to Avero.

    Wren--I think most cats are ok, but not this one. I also think it may be feral. It's roaming year round and doesn't look like it's had a good grooming in a long time.

    Chi--so glad to hear the kitties are ok. Maybe they are still settling in?

    Black Cat Cocktail


    • 1 ounce vodka
    • 1 ounce cherry brandy
    • 3 ounces cranberry juice, or to taste
    • 3 ounces cola, or to taste

    In a highball glass filled with ice, pour the vodka and cherry brandy.

    Fill the glass with equal amounts of cranberry juice and cola.

    Stir well.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474

    I think "settling in" is exactly what's happening. They've had unstable lives for the past 4 years (2 successive owners in a row dying of dementia, and then spending the past 4 mos. confined to a single daylight basement room). They didn't get much exclusive attention in foster care, because the foster mom has other animals to care for & photograph, as well as the necessary paperwork to vet prospective adopters. BangBang was especially starved for attention—even through closed doors and wearing earplugs, I could hear her plaintive meowing this morning; and she is all over me like a cheap suit, forcefully nuzzling and purring up a storm. I think it'll take a while before they fully trust us and can assure themselves that this is their forever home.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,492

    Good morning to all. You seem less frantic about the cats today, Sandy. That's good.

    We're having some light rain this morning that interfered with my walk. But all is well because the a/c is working and keeping the humidity outside.

    Happy…Monday! Yes, Yesterday was Sunday. LOL.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,986

    reading about the awful tornadoes in OK Sat night. The town where I grew up only had minor damage. As far as I can tell all my family is safe. I think earthquakes are more deadly over a larger area, but 22 tornadoes in one night just boggles my mind.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Since I don't post much, I need to go back 3 days!

    NM, glad mom is feeling ok and nothing serious, and sorry that she is bugging you about moving, when you wanted to wait to make that decision. I like how you are letting mom be as independent as she can be. Oh dear, and she fell into a scam? I hope she isn't out too much $$$. As for the cat issue, I have nothing to offer, other than when it comes around, let the puppers out, OR...that fox comes around!

    Minus, good luck to you and NM finding that Amaro! If one of you do, you will have to report back.

    Sandy, glad to hear all seems to be ok with your purr-babies, especially Bang Bang.

    Wren, glad to hear all of your family is safe after the OK tornados. That is just so scary.

    Went over to my new house on Sunday for just a bit. Noticed one of my end tables has a gouge in it and one of the inlayed marble squares is scratched, also my fire stick missing from my big screen TV. Hoping I don't find anymore issues. I do have another TV I need to check and really look at all my furniture. And then there is the missing generator. I found the video of them loading it on their truck, but can't make out the brand, so I have no idea how much DH paid for it. Will be going back over to the house tomorrow with my brothers to get some things done. Having a fridge delivered, and hoping to get internet up and running. Spent most of the day relaxing yesterday as I was not feeling well for the first half of the day, today feels better. Been diligent on doing my exercises and can see improvement, but man, I have so many people coming out for visits! OT, PT, Social worker, Nurses, etc. (not sure if I posted that before or not). Birthday party for Nora this Saturday. I got her a bunch of princess dress up stuff, along with shoes and tiara's. I'm so looking forward to the outing and hope it goes ok. The stickler is having to take my feed pump and getting hooked up with that around 3 in the afternoon, and then having all these bags hanging off me, 4 all together.

    And a big shout out to the rest of my lovely loungettes!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    DOTD: The Fox Trot

    2.00 measure(s) White rum
    0.50 part Lemon
    2.00 dash(es) Orange curaçao

    Shake the orange curaçao, the white rum and the lemon juice with ice. Strain your Fox Trot drink into a cocktail glass and add some more ice. Finish your Fox Trot recipe with the orange peel. Enjoy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,994

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday! Hard to believe it's the last day of April already. The yard is pretty well dried out, even the places that turn into small ponds in the spring rains, so I guess mud season is pretty much over. Still pretty frosty in the ayems, though!

    Chi--I don't know if it applies to cats as it does to dogs, but there's a 3-3-3 rule for rescues: it takes a dog 3 days to decompress in a new home when adopted, then it takes 3 weeks to acclimate, and 3 months to become fully comfortable. I saw this in action when I brought the puppers home. The first 3 days was chaos with both of them jumping every time I moved, alternately hiding and following my every move. During the first 3 weeks they both began coming to me for attention and cautiously exploring the house and yard. By the end of 3 months they were training me to deliver treatos, open and close the door to the outside, fill din-din dishes at certain times of the day and had clearly taken ownership of their spaces. Your poor kitties have had a rough time, and probably haven't figured out they can totally trust you yet. But they will!

    Carole--I'm sorry the rain interfered with your walk. A/C is a wonderful thing when it's hot and humid!

    Wren--I heard about the tornado outbreak, so very frightening. I'm glad your family is ok.

    Goldie--As near as I can tell Mom only lost a couple hundred dollars in the scam, but however much it was it's stopped now. It could have been a lot more if it had continued, and I wonder how many other elders get caught up in that kind of thing. I hope that cat stays away for a while now. After living wild this long it should be able to learn to avoid places where the puppers will tree it! I am so sorry your furniture got damaged, and really surprised that the generator went missing. How does something that big go missing? Did they have to transfer things from one truck to another somewhere? Good for you doing your exercises! I bet you do have a lot of people coming in and out right now. Glad you could get out to your house and will be able to get out to Nora's b-day party.

    Love the Fox Trot!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474
    edited April 2024

    Lori, so glad to hear you're fully moved in and dealing with mundane things like appliance deliveries. Bummer about the damage to the furniture and theft of your stuff: both things inexcusable, but I can see how tempting it would be to minimum-wage (maybe even "gig") workers to have that little dongle—the FireStick—sticking out of your TV. Unless they "fenced" it, they think they hit the jackpot with free streaming, but they're in for a rude awakening when they realize they don't have the password to log in and unlock it. (Maybe if they had to stop for weighing & inspection or a meal/sleep break, someone else may have gotten in and picked the "low-hanging fruit." The generator is a bigger head-scratcher: they had to know they were being recorded. Could it have been someone at the storage facility at destination? Anyway, if it helps jog your memory, the most common generator-makers around here seem to be Ryobi and DeWalt. The brand names & logos are pretty prominently displayed. (We get a lot of storms & floods, and also outdoor fests & farmers' mkts, so generators are popular in our area). And so wonderful you are close to little Nora and your family. Nobody is going to care about your "apparatus," so long as they have YOU!

    Kim, distressing your mom fell victim to scammers, as is increasingly common now among seniors—especially those relatively new to tech and having to get used to the instantaneousness of communications from creditors (legit or not) and relative ease of payment. So fortunate your mom complained early enough to arouse your suspicions and nip it in the bud before she lost too much $.

    The girls are still feeling their way around. I used to joke when Happy & Heidi were alive that my occupation was "cat mattress," and yearned these past few months to be able to complain about that again. Now, with BangBang my occupation is "cat trampoline." She wants to be with—and on—me constantly. Two things wake her up from sleep and flush her out of hiding: the sound of a can or even fridge door opening; and me opening my laptop. She is insanely jealous of anything that occupies my attention and feels duty-bound to insert herself between it & me. There is definitely sibling rivalry going on: she hisses at Roxy whenever I am paying attention to her, and intimidates her out of eating wet food. Yesterday & today she (11.5 lbs) was eating for two, and I was afraid poor little (7 lbs) Roxy would starve—she was so afraid of big sis that she wouldn't even eat when I closed the den door behind us. Finally at 1:30 am, she hesitatingly came over while "the Big Bang" was sleeping and polished off half a can of Fancy Feast. This morning, she's eating more assertively and even sat atop my recliner to gently nuzzle my head. Tomorrow makes 3 weeks in the "acclimate" phase, so I'm hoping your formula applies to cats as well as dogs. (BangBang, for 3 days running, woke me up after 5 hrs of sleep by slamming into the bedroom French doors and yowling for my attention; this a.m. they both let me sleep past 1pm (!) while my HK fed and played (such as it is) with them. Nice I could make up my sleep debt, but sad I missed so much of a sunny, mild and walkable day.

    Drink was a 42mg protein FairLife CorePower vanilla shake—which, mirabile dictu, tastes like vanilla milk instead of plasticky flavored sweetened pea protein! $1 per bottle more expensive than the 26gm version but just as palatable. Even subbing it for milk in faux-french-toast batter. May even try frothing it for cappuccinos. Also, a pour-over of Metropolis Red Line blend—when it's too long past roast-date for espresso, it's still great for drip. (And with an Ember mug, good & hot to the last drop).

    I have to get—acc. to the standard of 1.2gm per kg of body weight— >70gm protein daily from all sources, and should eat (at my age, height, build, metabolic history and currently semi-sedentary activity level) 800-1000 cal/daily to keep losing and no more than 1100-1200 to maintain. At 4 cal/gm, that 70 cal is more than 25% of my recommended caloric intake. And of those remaining calories, quality counts: sugar (even refined starch) and unhealthy fats can make life very unpleasant. (Not gonna give an "organ recital," TMI).

    Anyone who says GLP-1 drugs are the "easy way out" to weight loss, allowing you to eat whatever made you fat but just less of it, is a moralistic jerk—"doing the work" is just as necessary as with conventional methods of weight loss, maybe more so given the need to avoid malnutrition and mitigate muscle loss. (Not to mention not squandering the steep monthly cost—given Medicare's refusal to cover weight loss meds and even allow mfr. discount cards for any brand name drugs).

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474

    Tonight with Arctic char, 2016 Mumm Napa Blanc de Blancs Brut Reserve.

  • reader425
    reader425 Posts: 988

    Had a glass of dry red tonight at Mahjongg. I'm sure it helped me win the first round 😃🍷

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Lori, glad that you got to see your new home but sorry that furniture was damaged and the generator went missing. Hope everything gets resolved to your satisfaction. Have fun on Sunday at the birthday party.

    My DD#1 and GD leave early tomorrow morning. Tonight we will celebrate DD's birthday. DS is also coming for dinner and he will give GD her bday present early. May is a busy month with 4 birthdays and mother's day starting May 3rd and ending May 16th. In order, DD#1, me, DS, mother's day and then GD turns one. It's been great having DD and GD here. We will be with them in Toronto in 2 weeks for DG 1st birthday.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    Sandy, No idea where the stuff disappeared to! Looking at the screen shot and then images of other generators, I don't see anything that matches. And I have no idea how old it is, it might be 10-15 years old, but never used.

    Karen, that is awesome that you get to see them all again in just a couple weeks. Def. a busy month for you!

    I forgot to mention how my brother's dog stays right by me or at lease close. She knows something is going on and I think wants to protect me! Sweet Gucci!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,542

    Goldie, so glad you are surrounded by family and fur!!

    I'm having some Petite Sirah Bogle wine. Love that stuff and always buy it when it is on sale. Minus mentioned several wines at costco I want to try, but ours doesn't have them. DRAT.

    Had my eye exam (last one with this optometrist; his bladder cancer has returned for the 3rd time, so he plans to retire and spend time with his family). All good. My pressures are up but no vision loss so no concerns. He thinks I may qualify for cataract surgery next year. I'm hopeful the new spiral IOLs will be available…no readers, no multifocal lenses that get bad reviews…..

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,498

    Oh but Wally - you are right that the Bogle is always good & I like Petite Syrah.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    DD#1's birthday - the start of our May birthdays.

    Medical Oncologist appointment is this morning. Anxiety has resurfaced mostly because of events of past year. He does labs right before the visit when vitals are taken. Monday I have labs for Hematologist for May 13 appointment.

    Lori - GD is close to walking but not quite. She can walk pushing a riding/push toy or holding our hands for a few week. Have fun at Nora's birthday party. Hugs my friend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Posts: 7,994

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy TGIF day! Had my annual physical on Wednesday, and discovered a new benefit of turning 65--I got to opt out of screening tests without any argument! I declined the PAP smear (never had a sexual partner, never been sexually active, never had hepatitis, vaccinated against most hepatitis strains, plus age = almost no risk factors), colonoscopy (no one local can draw blood or start IVs in the feet anymore, not going to drive for hours just to get to someplace that does, not going to do chemo or other major invasive treatments if I do test positive anyway), no breast exam or mammogram (there is no change in mortality if recurrences are caught by screening compared to identified when symptoms arise, longer treatment times with screening correlates with more treatment side effects, not going to do chemo/radiation anyway). I am willing to get lab work, but no lab in the area will draw from my feet, so that's a no-go. I did take the pneumonia vaccine, and my leg is still sore, and I was really tired all day yesterday, but the potential benefits clearly outweigh that annoyance. I am getting a bone density test, since that's non-invasive and I am curious about that after being on hormonal therapy and years of taking a PPI. Hopefully being overweight will offset some of the pharmaceutical effects on my bones!

    Chi--it sounds like Bang Bang and Roxy's personalities are beginning to show through! LOL at being a cat trampoline. I can relate to the one going after the other's food, little Zoe will eat out of Colt's dish if she gets any chance at all. Colt will not tolerate that for more than 30 seconds after the first growl. I learned quickly to make sure the bowls are a few feet apart at din-din time. I bet the kitties are moving into the learning the routines and developing trust phase.

    Reader--wine helps EVERYTHING! Not sure how it helps at Mahjongg, but hey, we'll roll with it!

    Karen--so wonderful to be with your grandbabies for their first birthdays! I bet you are having a great visit.

    Goldie--Guicci sounds like quite the pupper! What kind of doggo? What is the moving company doing about the disappearing generator? Even if you can't remember the exact model or year, they should either get you a new one or at least give you some substantial amount of money to replace it. AND, there should be a police report. If the movers lost it, they should file the police report, if they won't, you should. Even if it's only for getting the loss on the record. Have you checked to see if homeowner's insurance might cover or at least help out with that? Or the mover's insurance company?

    Morning, Teka!

    Wally--isn't it disappointing to not find something you are looking for like that? Sorry to hear about your optometrist. Sad news.

    Morning, Minus!

    Karen--Happy Birthday to DD#1! I hope the lab draw and appointment went well.

    Mayday Martini


    How to make a Mayday Martini

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with strawberry.

    From <>

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474
    edited May 2024

    If I had the chance (or inclination) to rename the kitties, Roxy would be "Gracie," and BangBang "Butchie"—because she's the least "femme" girlcat I've ever encountered. We keep slipping up and calling her "he." But Roxy is Daddy's girl (from the moment they met) and he loves to sing "Roxanne" to her. They've established their fave sleeping spots now: Roxy curled up on my brown leather Taylor-logo guitar-playing stool; BangBang in the gray-plush cat bed on the sofa, which I bought because that's what she slept on in Sheri's basement.

    Mug of Metropolis RedLine espresso blend (too stale for 'spro, but makes great drip) this morning. With duck tonight, likely pinot noir (or if I shuck oysters as an app, bubbly).

    Finally got my report from Wed's ab MRI—usually takes only 12 hrs, but specialists have been quitting the Endeavor system ever since it took over NorthShore; and the tech warned me to expect the delay. Thank goodness there has been no change since November—and this time the attending radiologist, not a resident or fellow, read it and expressly noted there were only little cysts and scars with exactly the same measurements (down to the fraction of a mm) he saw last time. And he was skeptical that I should have the R breast diagnostically-mammogrammed semiannually, since the "5cm artifact" observed was obviously "postmastectomy scarring" surrounding what had been the now-dried-up 9-yr-old seroma. I hope he gets to read next month's mammo, instead of the newbie who read my Dec. screening mammo while I waited.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    Hi all, checking in with my DOTD, a Tequila Sunrise in my beach bar. Happy Friday 😁

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Posts: 12,002

    Hedgehog cactus in bloom

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,498

    Jazzy - I think of you every month when I read my New Mexico magazine. Hope you're still having fun adventures.

    NM - I'm in Houston - one of the biggest medical centers in the US - and I can only find two people who will so an ankle draw. I now tell all my docs to let me know what they might want to test and I make the trek twice a year for my blood work - since I have to have blood work before my Prolia shots every 6 months. If anyone wants something tested outside of that - well wait for the next 6 months. On top of that, most docs won't give shots in the thigh or the butt. It's been a royal bixxH trying to get vaccines. SOOOO annoying.

    Mae - love that you're in the beach bar. Supposed to be over 90 here later this week.

    Goldi - I think of you every single day and hope things are getting easier.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,492

    Enjoyed the photos. Hi to everyone. We are mentally gearing up to depart on May 19 and head to MN for the summer.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,755

    Minus, it’s been in the low 80’s here and dry, so warm enough but not so much that I’ve had to us the AC yet. I don’t miss humidity but my skin does.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,474

    Rollercoaster here—dry & cool one day (turn heat on), warm & humid the next (turn heat off). warm & storms the next, lather, rinse, repeat. So much for going out to dinner—severe storm not expected to end till after 8. Totally spaced on making mint juleps for the Derby—cats were all over me and forgot to go outside & pick mint before the rain hit.


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