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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Emac - So glad to hear you will be going home. I would agree that the Xeloda was probably never absorbed. Here's to your esophagus healing asap and you getting back on track with treatment! This is spring and time for the fresh new starts - go for it!

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Mel - Another one that is just too cute - you and Theo. I think I love that little guy too, and I haven't even met him!

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 829

    Emac Fingers crossed on your release and healing to get back on track. Your body will get the nutrition it needs to be ready for a new plan. Hugs.

    Mel Awwww I love the selfie of you and your buddy sweet. Glad he brings you joy.

    Irish Hope you have good news for us today that your kitty has returned. It's the last thing you need with everything else. Fingers crossed and prayers up…

    goldens That sounds like such a fun weekend ! Enjoy your family and friends, I love all the connections.

    Mara Glad your back is feeling better. In your pocket for Herceptin and hope you get a little walk in also.

    Thinking of all here always, hope it's a good day for all. Starting off here with heavy T-storms this morning and hopefully it's out of here for the weekend. We put our boat in the slip at the marina yesterday and every year I make it back I thank God for it! Buster did enjoy the ride maybe over the weekend we'll get him in the water.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Shanagirl1 - Do you find that all the muscle, joint, and bone aches, etc. are worse within the first week or two after your Faslodex shots? I'm just curious, because I think that's how it goes with mine. Those aches are always there and bad, but they do seem to be worse within a couple of weeks of Faslodex and Zometa (when I get that every 3 mos.).

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Emac, glad to hear you are going home soon, in your pocket as always and definitely agree fasting is not a cancer cure, would love to kick the person who came up with that nonsense in the butt. I am happy to see you.

    Mel, Theo is sweet, pets are wonderful and snuggly family members for sure. My two will take up my whole body, if legs are on the ottoman, Tigger takes the bottom and Ava sits on my chest, sometimes is a pain when I want to do some budget boosting on the laptop.

    I am going to open my muffin pans and figure out what I want to put in them to start, eggs are obvious, might chop up some of the sliced cheese, add some croutons and add an egg or two to the mix and blend all in the chopper. I could also microwave a hashbrown and put in the chopper as well, there are so many different options, excited to try out the different things I can throw in to bake. I am wondering about taking some Kraft Dinner, pre made and adding some cheese to bake on top or an old school mini chicken or tuna casserole vibe with plain chips on top. My mother used to make it that way. Excited to try all the different options.

    I did get some walking post Herceptin since it was too hot yesterday for that. I do believe I should make myself walk at least 5 or 10 mins. Nurses who know me did take note of the bb cream and blush as it gave me some colour which was nice that it did not scream make up and the burts bees stick just added a slight bit of colour. I will get more walking tonight since am shopping with DB tonight, mostly need litter and wanting cottage cheese to add to the eggs to boost the protein. My back is still there but improving each day.

    I hope everyone has a good day whether with pets, eating good food or whatever they do, in everyone's pocket of course and my own to keep up with my own chores, with two cats a daily sweep is a necessity, use telescopic microfibre duster to get fur that is blown around with the fans. I don't like the vacuum as sweeping is better, took a couple of dust pan and taped the bottom down, one on each level so I can sweep in there and use cordless vac to pick up what is collected.

  • tougholdcrow
    tougholdcrow Member Posts: 162

    Hey all, I am wickedly allergic to poison ivy and would hate to think of it in that particular area, so thanks for all the good warnings.

    @mkestrel I envy you the use of the camera, and those are some very nice catches. Do you use the Merlin app from Cornell ornithology? That is quite wonderful for identifying bird calls. I had no idea so many different birds were around me until I used it. There are people around my town who carry cameras with giant telephoto lenses to capture birds around the river. I have only a very good pair of binoculars, which is enough for now. What I like about bird watching is that it really keeps you in the moment, searching for a fleeting beauty, and that is like life itself.

    @goldensrbest As a former Catholic girl, I would definitely choose St. Francis over any other saint, and I think of him from time to time as I am out walking.

    @emac877 This just sounds very difficult and scary, but it seems you're finding your way out of the woods.

    To everyone, including all cats and dogs and birds, a blessed day.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Well, noticed that my green lettuce is still good, keeping it in my small salad spinner really extends the shelf life. Decided since I was feeling more lazy, would take some of the lettuce, reheated some bacon, its the kind that is already cooked at purchase and chia seeds as well in microwave for 40 seconds, pulled out and put on top of lettuce. Instead of croutons put a couple sour cream and onion rings and put them on top, seasoned with sour cream and onion seasoning and bit of salt and finally, used caesar dressing with little bit of mayo, filled me up due to chia seeds but was pretty good anyway. Egg muffin will be tried this evening before going out.

  • mkestrel
    mkestrel Member Posts: 180

    @tougholdcrow I love Merlin app too. It heard a lazuli bunting yesterday but I couldn't spot it. I did see a bald eagle. I'm glad you enjoy the photos. It took several tries to get the Oriole. They bounce around. Like you said, flashes of beauty.

    Cute pup selfie Mel.

    Irish I really hope you found your kitty.

    I hope all have a nice weekend.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    OH Tina ! It is so nice to hear from you. I am glad you checked in to let us know how you are doing. I’m glad you’re being taken care of with pain medicine and if you’re able to go out some that’s nice. Be good to yourself and enjoy the things you do. I’m sending you a big hug….

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 580

    Good morning and morning glories out there? lol @tina2 Oh it was so wonderful to hear from you. We all are thinking about you and hoping you can enjoy your time out and about. It sounds like your have a great team, too. Sending hugs and prayers (if accepted) and keep on raisin cane. @emac877 You sure have been thru the ringer and it's time for a break. Thinking of you and hoping the body absorbed some of that meds. I recall a tech telling me you can absorb most meds even using them as a suppository. Hopefully the saliva broke some of the meds down, even if miniscule. Hoping that peg gives you nutrients to get you back on your feet and feel well. Love and prayers (if accepted).

    In pockets for all lovely gals here for good screenings and better days ahead.

    I'm guessing St. Francis took our beloved Bootie home to rest. We've searched a square block but she never went anywhere but our yard and Miss Elvia's across the street, plus the empty lot right next to us. She liked to hide under my garden bench and when it would thunder, I would hurry to the door knowing she wanted to come in and hide under my bed. This breaks my heart as she was quite healthy, a chunky, well taken care of and loved. She will be our last kitty, sigh…….So we have two older pittie mixed (small to medium size mother and daughter) that are 10 and 9. Once again we will no longer rescue after they pass. It will be so hard missing all the joy their companionship has bought in the past. I just do not want to worry who will take them when we pass.

    Physical therapy tomorrow. I thought it was lymph massage therapy. Disappointed but maybe I'll find some help doing these exercises. Night all.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Irish, all the time I was growing up, my father and I were the first ones up in the morning. He would get up first, and then I would stumble out about a half hour later. He always greeted me with, "Morning - Glory!" Consequently, whenever I hear anyone talking about Morning Glories or see the real thing outside, I think of him. I just got up and saw your post, and want to thank you for stirring a very nice memory for me.

    Very sorry to hear about your kitty. Some friends of mine told me that their last cat had gotten old and that she seemed to know when it was "time" and that she just went outside and they didn't see her for days. Later, they found her curled up and gone under a bush in their backyard. She had just seemed to know and wanted to do it "her way". That was their last cat also. It's just so hard to lose a pet - one reason I haven't had any now for quite some time. Sending sincere sympathies and a hug!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459
    edited May 24

    Irish, I am sorry to hear about your kitty, I wish that your kitty could be found and brought home but if not, then be at peace.

    Tina2, I am glad that all the services you need can be done from home and be more comfortable there.

    Emac, still in your pocket as you navigate your treatments as well, hoping the meds are absorbing as well, make things better for you as you really deserve a break from everythingEdit, the egg muffin was absolutely delicious, the cottage cheese turned the egg into a thick liquid, too 3 of the muffin holes to fill up with two eggs, unsure how much cottage cheese etc. Did add milder garlic spread in as well as the bacon and cheese, chopped up and it was perfect. I was happy.

    Hope all have a good day, in pockets for those who need me as well and in my own, have washing to do. I will be using a heated drying rack in living room and hand washing the new stuff, don't want it to pill. Hand washing, spinning dry and then just take out the heated rack which sadly is not used that often, that will dry quickly and avoid wear and tear. Sweeping will occur as well, keep looking at a thing where you can sweep to it and it vacuums up the stuff but realizing that I can just sweep a pile of stuff to a dustpan and use cordless vacuum to pick up.

    I am also excited as I got a movie ticket for Deadpool and Wolverine, although it is in July, many of the showings are sold out already, managed to get one the first day. Going to save money to get all the popcorn I can eat and just so excited.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Tina - Thank you very much for letting us all know how you are faring. You do sound like you have things under control and know what options you have, what is available, etc. That's a really good thing that you can be in charge like you are. Real glad to know that you do get out from time to time, enjoy the company of your partner and friends, and will have what you need at home. I joined this board at a time when you weren't as active here as you were a long time ago, but then I would come across old posts you'd written and I felt that I got to know you a bit that way. You've been, and continue to be, a real help and inspiration to so many of us. Sending all my best and a big hug.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 580

    @threetree Oh what a sweet memory and I'm glad it bought that sweetness back to you. My Grammy use to say "rise and shine you lucky laddies and lassies". PopPop and Grammy were raising 4 of us for a period of time. They taught us the love of outdoors, fishing, reading and Jesus. We were so blessed to have them and another set of grandparents with their own teachings.

    It was brutally hot here today , 92. I had my lymph P.T. and it does seem to be making a difference. I did inquire about lymp massage therapy and the one therapist will ask around. Not just any massage therapist, it must by a certified lymp therapist.

    Cleaned up the garden a bit tonight, refreshed water and food for wild animals and called and searched for Bootie. Perhaps she found the right space to curl up and pass. She did not seem ill, but cats do develop urinary and kidney problems quickly. She was in my bedroom on my lap the night before she disappeared and I groomed her well. She seemed fine and happy. She used the litter pan I set up when she is in my room and all looked normal. Guess I'll never know.

    Thank you all for your kindness and I hope all are safe and have a pain free lovely Memorial Day weekend. In your pockets.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052
    edited May 25

    Hello and good morning ladies. Today is my 54th birthday. I’m awake early with all the years with my mom rushing by me. This is also going to be difficult for me. She would call every year at the time I was born. When that phone doesn’t ring today. My heart will break again. I never imagine grief could be this hard. I hope all you ladies have a wonderful day.
    I am so sorry about the kitty. That just plain sucks. I hope she turns up soon. I really do. Sometimes if cats are knowing it’s their time. They go away to hide. It has happened with a few a my cats when I was a young kid. I am sending you hugs.
    Hope emac is feeling better. Sondra , you too. Love to all!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel— Happy Birthday. I hope you can get some happiness from today.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Mel, happy birthday, if you can find something nice to give yourself be it food, movie going out somewhere that you like. Obviously your Mom is top of mind as it is still recent for you but you know she would like you not only to remember her but also yourself and doing something nice for yourself would make you and her happy wherever she is. I do the same when my Mom's birthday comes around, usually get a cake and watch a movie we both enjoyed together. In your pocket today lending support.

    It is thunderstorms where I am at so no bus to the mall to go to Walmart, looking for the mini pot pies that I enjoy so much. Planning a salad this morning I think, planning to chop brussel sprout, part of my carrot and lettuce, chop in some cheese slices and croutons or Doritos pickle and cool ranch. Send those ingredients to microwave covered for 2 min 30 seconds and add the lettuce, might use chips instead of croutons for flavour, I have to see. Evening meal will likely be the egg and cottage cheese whipped up in the chopper, include some beefless ground and go from there, may also mix in peanut butter as well to bump up the protein.

    Doing laundry, washing up pants and couple of new shirts, either going to hand wash, spin and dry OR do them in a mesh bag to avoid pilling or damage. I will decide later.

    Hope all have a good Memorial Day weekend in US and in pocket for those who may need me as well.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Happy birthday, mel. I know your grief will feel overwhelming when that call doesn't come. I hope you find peace today.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,357

    Mel, happy birthday. I hope you get to enjoy your special day…I know your mom would want you to enjoy it.

    Threetree, thank you for the sweet memory. My dad would also say "Morning glory." I had forgotten that—brought sweet tears to my eyes.

    Sweet Mara, thank you for allowing us a glimpse into your life everyday. It is special.

    It was warm enough this morning with no wind so that I got to enjoy my cuppa on the deck. Looking forward to summer mornings. I have my shots this Tuesday…ugh. Sometimes I feel battered. Thinking of you all and your own challenges.

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Mel - A great big Happy Birthday to you! You've got double with your birthday and Memorial Day weekend. I hope you find some real enjoyable things to do 🎂.

    I know that you will be grieving also, and I am so sorry for that. I was 55 when my mom died (2008), and as before, you just never stop missing them. Those "firsts" are especially hard though, e.g. first holidays and birthdays without them. Even though the grief remains over the years, it does get much better and you seem to find a "special place" to keep it in your head, where it's not so overwhelming. Peace and a hug!

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,656

    Intolight - How delightful to hear of another father/ daughter, "Morning - Glory! "sister". It really was a special greeting over my whole childhood. I'm so glad that this brought back such a dear memory for you too. (Happy tears I hope!) Like with Mel though, these memories can be sad and remind us how much we miss them. Bittersweet.

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 589

    Mel - birthday best wishes to you. I hope it is one of happiness. Your wonderful memories of your mum keep her close to you. In your pocket with good thoughts.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Wishing you a happy birthday today, Mel ❤️ Sending hugs your way

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Best wishes for a wonderful birthday Mel, even if it is bittersweet this year.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 515

    Aw Mel, we're all happy your still among us to celebrate yourbirthday. I hope it was good with sweet memories of mom.

  • irishlove
    irishlove Member Posts: 580
    edited May 27

    Wishing Mel a very happy birthday and a good holiday. Be still, close your eyes and you will hear her voice and feel her presence today. I wish your Mama could be with you, but she will in spirit.

    I heard a knocking at the front door and rushed to let Bootie in as she does this when it thunders. Well it wasn't Bootie, it was Genevieve's cat. I guess Bootie taught him that trick. We haven't had rain in many weeks so this storm helped a bit, but it was very little rain. I was using the water hose and a dragonfly followed the flow of the water from the plant straight up to the nozzle. It was so peculiar but I know that all the critters are so thirsty. 92 degrees again today. sheesh and it's only May.

    In your pockets for scans, tests and all of your needs.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Happy Birthday, Mel!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,560
    edited May 26

    Happy birthday, @micmel!!!! 🎉🎉🎉

    We're sorry you're going through the grief of your first birthday without your mom. But we're happy for the wonderful memories that you shared with her. Even though it must be bittersweet, we hope you can find some warmth in those memories of her this weekend and ongoing. ❤️

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,459

    Mel, I hope there were moments from your mom's birthday and family gathering that were good even while remembering her, in your pocket offering hugs anyway.

    I did not sleep much, my overanxious mind was going nuts. AC in window leaked a lot while I was not aware, that sucks bad enough but DB sounds as if he cannot come. Just running AC at higher temp to see if can at least keep out humidity, did try putting extra piece of wood in there to angle unit upward in case it was leaning forward. Hoping a warmer temp will allow everything to dry out and will pull out more fans as needed. It is not super hot but it will be soon. I will try hard to avoid another call to DB, he is already busy, we will see what happens.

    Other than the bad sleep, not too much on the agenda but usual stuff, budget boosting, frugal thoughts. The carrots and brussel sprout added to my salad yesterday were not too noticeable with the beefless ground and croutons chopped in. Going to make the eggs mixed with cheese and cottage cheese, heavy protein morning, whip up in the chopper and cook at 375 , they were good together before as well.

    Hope everyone has a good day and in pockets for everyone.