Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911
    edited January 13

    We saw the Dylan movie and loved it. It is long, but like Ruth said it didn't feel long…and I'm not a big fan of the middle aged to now Dylan, but am a big fan of Pete Seeger…I actually saw Seeger and Billy Joel at a fundraiser in a high school auditorium in the late 70's/early 80's (Huntington H.S. on Long Island NY - can’t remember date just know I was visiting home during college)

    Wonderland — I say we had 3-5 inches depending on where you were, but we still have snow 2 days later, which is VERY unusual for us. This was the first measurable snow since Jan 2022…and we usually are totally clear in a day. The very cold nights is keeping it here, but tomorrow mid-day is 47, we can only hope. TT

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    BD movie was great. It did not drag at all. I saw Joan Baez with my mother, but i no longer when.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    A very interesting thing about the movie is that each actor learned how to play their character's instruments and all the singing was done by them too. Wow!!!!

    I went to Zumba & ran around doing a plethora of errands! I will go to HIT at 5:30. I have a stew in the oven so I don't have to mess with cooking when I get home!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    The Bob Dylan movie was quite good and the time did not drag. I was telling my 26 year old that whoever played Dylan had him down quite well and she seemed to know who the actor was.

    Saw the Hematologist this morning. I told him I was nervous about the appointment and he said, let me put your mind at ease. MM #'s are good, relatively stable, but creeping up ever so slowly. He is not concerned and if the increase to a point that treatment is necessary (agai), we will go that route. He thinks it will be slow. I'm not in remission (and haven't been), but stable numbers and smoldering.

    My Potassium was high, but Hematologist was not concerned. He said to see my endocrinologist or Nephrologist if I wanted to.

    Well, Hematologist was not worried about Potassium being elevated, but Nephrologist was worried. After three phone calls from them this afternoon, they want me to go have my labs repeated tomorrow instead of waiting to next week. She told me not to eat any Potassium rich foods - and there are a lot that are part of my diet. No tomatoes, no yogurt, no oranges, no potatoes are just the beginning of the list.There are no appointments tomorrow early in the morning, so I will go as a walk in and hopefully the wait won't be long. I wrote work to let them know I would be late.

    I feel like I can't catch a break. Will keep you posted.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    Oh darn, Karen, I hope the labs look better tomorrow. 💓

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    Lift this morning & Core tonight. I am going through old family pictures, letters etc. and trying to organize them into a system that will make sense. DS's gotten interested in family history so now seemed like a good time to do it. What a job!!! DH & I are also in the midst of updating our Wills, Health Care Directives & other things like that. Also a big job, but I know I sure appreciated my parents having everything organized long before they passed away.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    Karen: stable numbers are good but sorry about the potassium, especially since you eat so many delicious foods high in it. Good luck tomorrow, and yes, please keep us posted.

    Ruth: Have fun organizing your family items. Your son will be so happy that you are doing this. A couple of years ago I bid and won a silent auction package with a lawyer to do exactly what you and dh are doing. Our wills were old (ds was 1 or 2 years old and dd was a twinkle in my eye) and it was good to update them plus include health care directives.

    Had a visit at my cardiologist practice today. He told me to stop taking one of my new meds that keeps my heart rate slow. I have a Fitbit that records heart rate and it dips into the upper 40 bpm while I'm sleeping. Normally it's in the 60s while sleeping. During the day it has been in the 50s while I'm sitting. Glad to stop that Rx.

    Happy to report I actually walked in my house today! Went slow but that should change as hr gets normal again.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    Exercise has been zero since Monday as I have been under a stomach bug Tues/Wed…ugh. I hope to get out of the house today if only for a walk!

    Good reminder to rework wills, etc. My DH and I need to do this as well. We did the full allocation 25+ years ago (we have been married 32, so sometime between those dates!) as my husband was a "young" naval engineer constantly on a duty assignment… somewhere. Having a POA has been really helpful over the years, but given our mid-60's ages now, a medical directive is probably more important.

    Take care everyone, TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    HIT this morning & Dance2fit tonight. Along with my other 'getting things in order' activities, I shredded a bunch of old paperwork this afternoon. The more I do, the more I find that I need to do!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    Finally got out of the house! and some exercise! Artic weather coming your way Ruth, take care. TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089
    edited January 17

    The winds are gusting to 54 miles per hour right now! I had a ask a random man if I could hold onto him to get across the icy parking lot at the fitness center this more! Once safely inside, I walked around the track for awhile and did the mat pilates/stretch class. It's going to be way below zero this weekend…brrr.....Karen, I think you are getting some of this too.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,899

    Ruth, it’s going to be like that here in Wisconsin too. Finally will start warming up on Wednesday.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    I'm cold and I am wearing 2 sweatshirts and sitting under a heavy blanket!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,899

    I am cold too. Had to add another blanket to the bed last night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    We are in a cold weather alert through Tuesday; so brrrrrrr………..I went to Yoga this morning & then did some errands (since it's supposed to be even colder tomorrow).

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    I cannot believe how cold it is for Ruth and m0mmy! We will have lows in the teens next week which is nothing like what ya'll are having. But it's plenty cold enough for me!

    Last night I went to a Pride and Prejudice musical dinner theater with a good friend of mine. Attendees were encouraged to dress up like someone from the time period. I wore my friend's long dress and I rolled my straight hair. The dress was not the correct style but I was pleased with my hair. Had a great time!

    Today I got to see my granddaughter! She's 2 months old now and is such a good baby. Makes my heart sing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    Love the hair, wonderland! If you like Jane Austin, I can recommend a very fun series; Being Jane Austin Mysteries by Stephanie Barron. They cover the last 15 years of Jane's life (after she rejects a very suitable suitor). Each year there is a mystery that she helps to solve. The books include real people from her life, real places she'd been (plus people she could have known & places she could have been, and fictional characters too (many of whom reappear throughout the series). It's kind of an Regency Era Nancy Drew for adults vib. So fun!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,899

    in an extreme cold weather alert here until Tuesday as well.

  • life1963
    life1963 Posts: 368

    Hi Ladies,

    I was wandering if any of you are fighting with neuropathy since your chemo days. I am on anastrozole for going on 7 years in July. I have started to develop issues with carpal tunnel and pins and needles through out my entire body along with some brain fog.

    Did any of you have issues with AL and choice to stop taking them after 5 years or less? I was considering asking my OC if I could take a break to see if these systems would calm down abit. I was working out in the gym when all this came about. I first developed sciatic in my right leg, after PT that settle down but now my arm and upper body tingle all the time.

    Just reaching to see if any of you ladies experience or are experiencing this and what you are or have done about it.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my comment and reaching back out with any advice.

    Have a wonderful day!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    Welcome life1963! When were you diagnosed and what is your stage, hormone status etc.?

    I didn't have neuropathy, but chest and arm (I had 11 lymph nodes removed) tingled (and I would get 'zaps' at random times) for quite a few YEARS after surgery, which was explained to me as the nerves growing back. I was only mildly estrogen positive, so (in agreement with my oncologist) I stopped Armidex after 5 years. If you are just starting an anti-hormonal, there are several you could try…..or even different brands have different fillers that might affect you. (It took my body about 6 months to adjust to Armidex, so you do have to give it some time.) A regular exercise program can really help manage some of the treatment side effects & is the biggest non-medical thing we can do to minimize the chance of recurrence! I think it is also good for one's mental health, and can help with chemo brain too. Hope some of this ramble is helpful!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    Well, the air temperature was -25 this morning with the windchill was -49. Not fun!!! I did go to Zumba this morning & HIT tonight. In between, I packed; because tomorrow DH & I head out for a much needed break, a week in Arizona. I will check in occassionally (if my phone will let me onto this site).

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,899

    Have fun in AZ, Ruth!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    always love your mid-winter trips Ruth, good for you!

    we are snowing AGAIN in southern VA, ridiculous!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,899

    Got to do a little snow clearing today. Had a little snow overnight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    life1963: Welcome. I was on Tamoxifen for 2 years and then switched Amiridex for 3 years. My main problems on AI were joint problems and UTIs. My feet hurt but I found that walking helped ease the pain. I was only on the drugs for 5 years total without taking a break. Wish you well in trying to find what will work for you!

    Ruth: Have a fun, warm trip!

    TT: Enjoy your snow. We only had a dusting a couple of days ago but the beach got 8 inches or so. Snow, sand, and ocean waves make an interesting beach scene.

    m0mmy: It's cold here also but not as cold as where you are.

    I haven't been doing any exercise except general walking. It's been so cold plus I'm still being cautious. It's supposed to warm up this weekend and I really need to go outside and walk.

    Today I decided to paint a whimsical Valentine sign similar to one I saw on the Internet. It's on a 8"x9" piece of leftover flooring.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    I've been working on projects since I haven't been active lately and it's been cold. Meant to show ya'll this fairy house I made last week. I've never made one before and really didn't know what I was doing. I cut styrofoam that had been packing material in a package and made the house frame with it. Then I decoupaged napkins onto oyster shells I had from the beach. Hot glued it all together, sprayed it with varnish and Voila: my Watermelon Hut!

    I thought I would be involved in adding houses to a Fairy Garden at a Girl Scout camp so I was experimenting. Turns out that's not going to happen. So now I need to build my own Fairy Garden!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    I walked 20 minutes in the house today with no complications. Not fast like I usually do if I house walk but I was glad to get moving. Will walk again later tonight.

    Over the weekend I painted a couple of 6"x6" interchangeable signs for a display that I made for my dd a couple of years ago. She had fall, winter, summer, Christmas. Here is Spring and a generic Birthday one (not shown are little add-ons with name and birth date to be attached under the cake.)

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    Hope everyone is doing okay. Quiet days here on this thread…..

    I walked outside today! Blue sky, nice and cool. Although I walked slow, it still was fantastic.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,089

    I'm back! Love your art work, Wonderland!

    I walked outside every day in Arizona, although it was not 'warm', I wore jeans & long sleeves the whole trip. PLUS both DH & I caught bad colds…..which definitely hindered the fun of being on vacation. In fact, DH felt so rotten that when we got back to town at 3:00, I sent him right to the clinic. He has an ear infection & maybe a touch of pneumonia (they gave him some medicine & will call tomorrow after the radiologist reads the xrays). I don't feel that bad, so will wait until tomorrow before I decide if I need to go in or not. Even if I don't, I will probably lie low for a couple days. Blah!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,960

    Oh no, Ruth! I'm so sorry about your dh and thankful that you sent him to the clinic. I know you'll go tomorrow if you feel like you need to. Please keep us posted on the xray.

    My sil has covid and she is really sick. On Thursday she sat next to a woman at a meeting who told my sil several times she didn't feel good. (Next time stay home lady!) The woman called Friday night to say she was positive for covid. Meanwhile my sil had spent all day Friday with her friends. On Saturday night my sil said she felt like she had been slammed and sure enough it was covid. Went to a clinic Sunday morning and was given Paxlovid prescription. Couldn't get it filled bc our 2 Walgreens were out of it. Finally got it yesterday. I'm worried about her bc she has a tendency to get bronchitis that lingers and lingers.

    Ruth, did your friends also get sick?


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