DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ)
Just diagnosed, in treatment, or finished treatment for DCIS.
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DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ)
Just diagnosed, in treatment, or finished treatment for DCIS.
Discussion List
- So, a year and a half ago, had initial diagnosis of dcis, stage 0, very small---lumpectomy. I have had 6 mos. 3-D mammo's. Just had my last one in March it was ok. However, because I didn't want to ta…
- I had a lumpectomy 2 years ago for DCIS. I decided against radiation or Tamoxifen (though did take low does for 6 months). According to the Sloan Kettering risk calculator, my chances of DCIS returnin…
- Went for annual mammo/us this morning. Wasn't feeling particularly nervous as it has been 6 yrs since original diagnosis. I was recently diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm which has taken up the worry …
- Ladies, you are a rich source of information when you have it, and a great help for research when you don't yet have it. I'm so grateful you are here. I'd like to open up a can of worms. Not for the s…
- I'm 62 and had my excisional biopsy last week. Pathology report showed both invasive ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma. Second diagnostic re-excision to get the margins and sentin…
- Just wanted to share that I had my annual mammogram earlier this week and was given 'nothing suspicious' results and told to come back again in another year for annual screen. I was diagnosed with DCI…
- I'm a DCIS survivor, and I'm wondering if it's okay to take hydrolyzed collagen. I have read conflicting articles.
- Hey group! I was just recently diagnosed with DCIS grade 2. Met with the BS yesterday and the area she has to remove is 4.6cm. She seemed slightly concerned about the amount she’ll be removing but sai…
- All: I am new here, and am having a very hard time deciding what treatment I want to do for my DCIS, Grade 3. My malignancy was 8 mm, margins were clear, cells ER/PR+. They also removed a small fibroa…
- hello, this is my second time with DCIS, almost exactly same as about 7 years ago , but this time is on the left side... last time I had lumpectomy and radiation, which all went well. I’m concerned, d…
- Hello, I have been recently diagnosed with DCIS on 5/17. I initially made an appointment with a surgeon recommended by my radiologist. But decided I needed to slow things down and do some research fir…
- I was diagnosed with DCIS in January and had a mastectomy on the left breast last week. This forum is a wonderful resource! I have spent the last two hours parked on the couch, just reading article af…
- Is anyone years from a diagnosis of DCIS still posting on this board? By years, in this case I mean like 10 years or more after diagnosis. I would love to find out how things have worked out for you.
- Hi, I just had surgery for DCIS last Thursday. Unfortunately, didn't get clear margins, so more is scheduled in a couple of weeks. After that I am agreeing to radiation therapy as all the literature I…
- DCIS 0 low grade - lumpectomy left breast close to chest wall. Due to possible heart and lung damage and other side effects seriously considering no rads at age 65. Anyone gone this route? thanks
- In 2016 I was diagnosed with DCIS and had a wide local excision 2.5 mm high grade DCIS and radiotherapy. On my 2nd year mammogram have been diagnosed of intermediate grade DCIS and I believe 1.7mm how…
- I had an MRI guided biopsy done on my left breast 10 days ago --- and it is really bruised! The outer portion is black and blue, and I have a darker rim under the breast which my surgeon said was bloo…
- Hello ! I had a bilateral mastectomy 2 years ago when I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS. I lost my nipple so all that was left was the skin and I had immediate reconstruction. I am now waiting for …
- I wanted to bring over this discussion from the DCIS to Stage IV discussion because I think it is interesting on its own and important to me personally. I was diagnosed with DCIS about 1 1/2 years aft…
- It's been almot two years since I was diagnosed with DCIS. I had Mammosite Radiation Therapy. However, the area in which I had the radiation is still painful and "hard" to the touch. I've been told by…
- Ok ladies, lay it on me. I am supposed to have my drain removed Monday morning and I need to know how painful the removal process is (so I can dread it and not sleep tomorrow night! ). And is the drai…
- Have been diagnosed with DCIS, intermediate grade, under 1cm, Estrogen and Prog positive.. Been carefully researching, speaking with DCIS patients, interviewing Docs and have made my decision to have …
- Is there anyone who can share their journey? My surgeon said this is not seen often and could mean if it came back as IDC it might come back as a triple negative. She's recommening DMX. Im meeting wit…