Anastrozole for DCIS and colon cancer?
Hello, I am newly diagnosed with DCIS. Stage 0, Grade 2 and hormone positive. I am about to start my radiation journey soon and with the advise of my breast surgeon, see a medical oncologist after radiation to talk about hormone blockers. I am not a candidate for tamoxifen so it would most likely be Anastrozole (or…
Aromatase Hormone inhibitor “5 year pill” side effects?
Has anyone used these? what were your experiences as far as side effects? cardio-muscular-bone damage?
Exemestane suspend to get pregnant
Are there any younger women, premenepausal that are taking exemestane with an ovary suppressant, that have halted treatment to try for a baby, then returned to the drug after?
DCIS newly diagnosed
Hi All, I was diagnosed last week with DCIS grade 3 ER- in my left breast. My breast surgeon and I agreed that a mastectomy was necessary because I have two areas of DCIS across my lower breast. I have to get genetic testing and an MRI next week to see if anything is missed in the right breast and would warrant a DMX. I…
DCIS Diagnosed Outside Regular Screening Increases Invasive Disease Risk by 400%
DCIS Diagnosed Outside Regular Screening Increases Invasive Disease Risk by 400% Mar 7, 2024 If DCIS is found before regular mammograms start or in between regular screening, it more than quadruples the risk of invasive breast cancer. Read more…
Anyone Watching & Waiting tiny DCIS?
Curious if there are women whose doctors suggested watching a small piece of dcis instead of lumpectomy? And if so, how long did you wait it out? This is my second bout of dcis, the first, I did have a lumpectomy. No radiation. I was supposed to take Tamox—Didn't, for a variety of reasons. Fast forward a few years, new…
Discussion on taxol and taxotere
hi All, My sister is undergoing for chemo for DCIS Er and Pr positive, nonow she is on taxol drug but she become so weak and few side effects are effecting her life style so now doctor suggested to take taxetre from next chemo cycle can some one suggest which is better and less side effects and she is 37 years old
Dcis -mastectomy or Lumpectomy/rad
I am 42 yrs old and was diagnosed with dcis grade 2 in my right breast in April. I had a follow up breast mri which showed other suspicious areas that should biopsied with mri. I have the mri biopsy scheduled but I feel like skipping it and just having a mastectomy instead. My MD adviced of the research regarding outcomes…
I had a biopsy for calcification that turn out to be Atypical ductal hyperplasia, they advised excision. I had lumpectomy in my left breast. Yesterday I saw the surgeon and the result was DCIS with one clear margin 3 mm and another margin 0.5 mm. They may do re excision and or radiotherapy. I am scared of whole thing…
Update on my sister - endocrine therapy alone seems to have cured her DCIS
My sister was diagnosed with DCIS, grade 2, 100% ER+ about a year and a half ago. They originally recommended a mastectomy, which my sister was strongly opposed to doing. She connected with some women online who chose no treatment for DCIS except for endocrine therapy and decided to give it a try. As an IDC survivor, I…
DCIS diagnosis
Hello, I went for right breast stereotactic biopsy on 1/30, and received DCIS grade 3 pos er/pgr diagnosis on 2/1. While dealing with this I still have 3 biopsies scheduled for Wednesday 2/7 (they couldn’t do them all in one day), two in the right and one in left. Does this mean they will come back bad too??? I can’t…
Shrinkage of lump with IDC
my mother 92 had a IDC recurence after 12 years , they won’t operate this time , she started hormone therapy 3 months ago, and her tumor shrank . I have 3 question is : -Doe’s it mean the cancer can no longer spread ? Also ,she gave us the measurements her doctor gave her by phone , but since she has Alzheimer not sure she…
Newly diagnossed: Questions to ask surgeon
Hello all, my first time posting. I am meeting with a doctor tomorrow to discuss my newly diagnosed DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). What questions should I not forget to ask? What had you wished you had asked in your first appt? I have a list of questions i am asing but I am sure there's stuff I don't even know what to…
Zoladex injection
I’m getting my first Zoladex injection today and my doctor is also keeping me on the Tamoxifen as well. Why both? Also, why Zoladex now after 3 months of tamoxifen?
Just diagnosed... what should be the order of my treatment protocol?
Hi there… I was just diagnosed with DCIS, left breast. I'm not sure what my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc steps are - or should be - from here. Here are the medical notes from my diagnosis: Left breast calcifications:- Grade 3 ductal carcinoma in situ, solid type with comedonecrosis. - Numerous microcalcifications are identified. -…
Breast Self-Exam, Mammogram Best for Finding Invasive Breast Cancer After DCIS
Breast Self-Exam, Mammogram Best for Finding Invasive Breast Cancer After DCIS Jan 15, 2024 After DCIS treatment, women who develop invasive breast cancer have the cancer found most often via mammogram or find it themselves, rather than during a doctor’s exam. Read more…
lumpectomy vs mastectomy - why did you choose your route?
Hi all, i was wondering if anyone could elaborate on this question. i have multifocal, grade 3 DCIS, and am contemplating another lumpectomy vs a mastectomy. my surgeon is confident she can clear the margins with another lumpectomy, and recommends radiation afterward. BUT anecdotally, so many women I’ve talked to, even…
Genomic Test Helps Decide Which DCIS Needs Radiation
Genomic Test Helps Decide Which DCIS Needs Radiation Dec 8, 2023 Dr. Seema Khan explains her research looking at the ability of a genomic test to help make radiation decisions for DCIS. The Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Score test is used to help people and their doctors make decisions about whether radiation after lumpectomy…
Node Testing for Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy?
Hello! I am so grateful this board exists! I (48 yrs old) was just diagnosed with high grade, ER+/PR+ DCIS in my left breast (by mammogram and a stereotactic biopsy.) In hopes of avoiding radiation and hormone therapy, and for symmetry, I am wanting to do a bilateral mastectomy with aesthetic flat closure. I was told my…
Suspicious lymphovascular invasion and Triple negative DCIS?
I am so sad that I returned to this board reporting after 3 years of left mastectomy, I just found from MRI that I have developed DCIS in my right breast and "suspicious for focal lymphovascular invasion". I did not have MRI in the past 3 years. All I had was diagnostic mamo and ultrasound which is all clear. I wonder what…
Newly diagnosed DCIS
Hi all, I am newly diagnosed with DCIS and have had a few dismissive and unsupportive responses to the news from family and friends. Wondering if others may have also experienced this in regards to DCIS and how they have managed it please? While I understand DCIS may have very positive outcomes, it is still overwhelming…
Upcoming Lumpectomy
Greetings, I am scheduled for a lumpectomy this coming Monday, September 25th. I was diagnosed with DCIS grade 0 and at this point even after reviewing as much information as possible, I am not sure if I want the traditional treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy. I am 67 years of age. With regards to radiation, I am…
How long should I wait for an appt to get a second opinion?
Hi! I was diagnosed with high-grade DCIS by a local oncologist but I wanted a second opinion so I scheduled another appointment at a bigger cancer research center but the earliest appointment they have is one month and a week away. I’m nervous to wait that long since my local surgeon can do a lumpectomy this coming Monday.…
Can a biopsy needle rupture the membrane of a DCIS and make it invasive?
Hi! I’m concerned about the consequences of having a biopsy. I know it is to lower the number of surgeries regarding benign lesions but I wonder: The definition of DCIS is (according to cancer.org) that “ the cells that line the ducts have changed to cancer cells but they have NOT spread through the walls of the ducts into…
MRI Biopsy
Hi, I was diagnosed with ADH in June of this year after my mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. I decided to get a second opinion for several reasons. The second Oncologist practice contacted me in July indicating after reviewing my images that I actually have DCIS stage 0. They recommended that I have an MRI and also…
Has anybody decided to do excision only? Or active monitoring?
I have no intention of having radiation or hormone therapy. I am considering lumpectomy only or active monitoring. Has anyone else chosen this route?
Lumpectomy - no rads age 40
I recently had a lumpectomy for low grade DCIS. The pathology results showed all DCIS was removed at biopsy, so clean margins with atypia only. BS thought I could avoid radiation provided these results and my history of uncommon reactions to medicines. RO states it is my choice, however, per my younger age would still…
Breast cancer
Hello everyone I was diagnosed in 2020 with breast cancer. Did chemo, radiation, masectomy, removed lymph nodes, and did reconstruction in Nov 22. Of lately am not feeling 💯 so now u am scheduling an appointment to see my doc to get a X-ray or ultrasound done, the breasts pain every now and then and last night I started…
Some discomfort
4 months ago, yearly mammo showed another dcis, behind my lumpectomy scar where my old dcis was —3 1/2 years ago. Surgeon wanted to watch it, and have me take a "baby" amt of tamox. Which I haven't. The dcis was very small. (I'm due for my 6 mos mammo follow up in two months.) But, I've noticed some pain in the breast, or…
Age and DCIS Studies
Why do the DCIS monitoring vs. treatment studies all have an age cut off of 40 or 45 to qualify?