DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ)
Just diagnosed, in treatment, or finished treatment for DCIS.
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DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ)
Just diagnosed, in treatment, or finished treatment for DCIS.
Discussion List
- i am 60 yo (post menopause) and i had R mastectomy 4 weeks ago due to dcis stage 0 and grade 2. i will start letrozole soon and i had vagina atrophy already and using vaginal estrace a pea size (tiny …
- Hello, I am newly diagnosed with DCIS. Stage 0, Grade 2 and hormone positive. I am about to start my radiation journey soon and with the advise of my breast surgeon, see a medical oncologist after rad…
- Are there any younger women, premenepausal that are taking exemestane with an ovary suppressant, that have halted treatment to try for a baby, then returned to the drug after?
- DCIS Diagnosed Outside Regular Screening Increases Invasive Disease Risk by 400% Mar 7, 2024 If DCIS is found before regular mammograms start or in between regular screening, it more than quadruples t…
- Curious if there are women whose doctors suggested watching a small piece of dcis instead of lumpectomy? And if so, how long did you wait it out? This is my second bout of dcis, the first, I did have …
- I am 42 yrs old and was diagnosed with dcis grade 2 in my right breast in April. I had a follow up breast mri which showed other suspicious areas that should biopsied with mri. I have the mri biopsy s…
- I had a biopsy for calcification that turn out to be Atypical ductal hyperplasia, they advised excision. I had lumpectomy in my left breast. Yesterday I saw the surgeon and the result was DCIS with on…
- My sister was diagnosed with DCIS, grade 2, 100% ER+ about a year and a half ago. They originally recommended a mastectomy, which my sister was strongly opposed to doing. She connected with some women…
- my mother 92 had a IDC recurence after 12 years , they won’t operate this time , she started hormone therapy 3 months ago, and her tumor shrank . I have 3 question is : -Doe’s it mean the cancer can n…
- Hello all, my first time posting. I am meeting with a doctor tomorrow to discuss my newly diagnosed DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). What questions should I not forget to ask? What had you wished you …
- I’m getting my first Zoladex injection today and my doctor is also keeping me on the Tamoxifen as well. Why both? Also, why Zoladex now after 3 months of tamoxifen?
- Hi there… I was just diagnosed with DCIS, left breast. I'm not sure what my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc steps are - or should be - from here. Here are the medical notes from my diagnosis: Left breast calcifica…
- Breast Self-Exam, Mammogram Best for Finding Invasive Breast Cancer After DCIS Jan 15, 2024 After DCIS treatment, women who develop invasive breast cancer have the cancer found most often via mammogra…
- Genomic Test Helps Decide Which DCIS Needs Radiation Dec 8, 2023 Dr. Seema Khan explains her research looking at the ability of a genomic test to help make radiation decisions for DCIS. The Oncotype D…
- Hello! I am so grateful this board exists! I (48 yrs old) was just diagnosed with high grade, ER+/PR+ DCIS in my left breast (by mammogram and a stereotactic biopsy.) In hopes of avoiding radiation an…
- I am so sad that I returned to this board reporting after 3 years of left mastectomy, I just found from MRI that I have developed DCIS in my right breast and "suspicious for focal lymphovascular invas…
- Hi all, I am newly diagnosed with DCIS and have had a few dismissive and unsupportive responses to the news from family and friends. Wondering if others may have also experienced this in regards to DC…
- Greetings, I am scheduled for a lumpectomy this coming Monday, September 25th. I was diagnosed with DCIS grade 0 and at this point even after reviewing as much information as possible, I am not sure i…
- Hi! I was diagnosed with high-grade DCIS by a local oncologist but I wanted a second opinion so I scheduled another appointment at a bigger cancer research center but the earliest appointment they hav…
- Hi! I’m concerned about the consequences of having a biopsy. I know it is to lower the number of surgeries regarding benign lesions but I wonder: The definition of DCIS is (according to cancer.org) th…
- Hi, I was diagnosed with ADH in June of this year after my mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. I decided to get a second opinion for several reasons. The second Oncologist practice contacted me in July …
- I have no intention of having radiation or hormone therapy. I am considering lumpectomy only or active monitoring. Has anyone else chosen this route?
- I recently had a lumpectomy for low grade DCIS. The pathology results showed all DCIS was removed at biopsy, so clean margins with atypia only. BS thought I could avoid radiation provided these result…
- Hello everyone I was diagnosed in 2020 with breast cancer. Did chemo, radiation, masectomy, removed lymph nodes, and did reconstruction in Nov 22. Of lately am not feeling 💯 so now u am scheduling an…
- 4 months ago, yearly mammo showed another dcis, behind my lumpectomy scar where my old dcis was —3 1/2 years ago. Surgeon wanted to watch it, and have me take a "baby" amt of tamox. Which I haven't. T…