how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    PRN - o so glad to hear from you.  Iz was worried...but yeah for DH and conjugal bisits.  Best reason ever to be MIA.  And I am sitting on pins and needles for your website to be up and running.  Ya think it might in time for xmas orders?  I want caramel from you and scented candles from Nancy for xmas gifts.  Glad ur back!

    Cami - energy drain is right.  We got home about 5:30pm and I was out like a light by 7:30 and slept til 7 dis ayem.  Night sweats only woke me 2x's, a new record for me but o boy it feels good.  Now u take your advice and rest rest rest like da doc ordered. K?  Wow 90 and still going stronge, those must me some good genes. LOL about her Italian.  Hope you get enuf rest to go this weekend...mese tinks you will Muah!  Had to snicker about the dog and cat when Joey practices.  Did ya git urself some ear plugs yet?

    Dara - or yes do tell about Tobbi's goodies.  When is the BB Shower?  Ya think next week will b the final trip to dads house?  It will be hard but life must go on and he is in such a better place with you.

    Julie- how you feeling, hows the bleeding?  Loving the posts, giving me some yuks dis ayem.

    Nancy - X C Lent that you have your church organizing your travel for rads.  Cami  mentioned 'aloe vera', and opening the Vit E (kinda messy, but mese tinks that might be a wonderful idea too.  In April when I had rads everyday, (cept wkends) I took a calendar to the bar and it was amazing how fast people signed up to drive me.  Lots of kind peeps in the world, glad we have them around us.  ((Nancy))

    NM - sawee bout the computer glitches.  I can get terribly worked up, blood pressure up, mouth like a trucker, when I have computer problems.  Glad you spent some time in the pool but bet it was cold sleeping there all night...LOL.

    Lowee - Not sure if you'll see this before you start your journey.  But all was GOOD NEWS.  Kadcyla is working as it should, one node that was big concern is now barely noticeable...WOOHOO.  And I did tell ya I'm going in every 4 weeks now instead of 3wks.  My Xgeva every 2 months, jes cuz I been responding so well.  Have another Brain MRI next month and another Muga.  Hoping I can get them scheduled on same day so I don't have to make 2 trips.  Had sooo many tests in last 2 months, they are wearing me out.  Hopefully after these next 2 I won't need anything for 3 months.  Whew.  Oh and my platelets went way down and now practically in normal range so blood work 1 week after tx instead of every Monday.  Hated getting stuck every week.  Hope you have a wonder time...stay safe...mauh!! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    sueHappywonderful news!

    lori-enjoy your trip

    darla-here's to a fabulous shower


    cammi-lmao on the clarinet lesson

    nm-$2 a bag for trash!   do the local gov think your all made of money. went grocery shopping this morning and by time you buy milk,bread and eggs ,you don't get much change out of $10. was talking with a lady sometime ago when the basics started to go up and she said what happens when you can't even afford walmart!

    nancy and mary-hope you had a good nights sleep, and that your skin is doing ok. here's to having chaufers!

    came home to a message of my doc's office, saying if i was off ,they could see me that day  but if i was working hoped i was doing ok,also had email off themNerdy

    hooray bleeding about stopped, still very tired so doubling up on my iron right now, work was crazy , we were short staffed and busy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Oh boy I sure do have some catching up to do, just been so busy since going back to work and then with the rads. My new 1:30 appt is so much better, no rush hour traffic to deal with but now I'm working 4 days. Today was my day off but DH left early for Kentucky and I took the dogs for a 45 minute run in the woods, then came home and showered and got ready for my 11:30 rads then came home quick to let pooches out and drive 45 minutes to meet Molly for golf. Course it didn't help that I got 15 minuted from my house when I realized I didn't have my clubs...arrgghh.. had to turn around, so we golfed, took forever cause we both sucked even more than usual then we had linner. Was a nice time, I hadn't seen her in about a month. Haven't seen my little Nora in 9 days! Going to hafta make a trip this weekend. Last weekend DH and I golfed in a chili open thing. It was just the 2 of us so they paired us up with this nice 17 year old and we had to take extra shots to make it like a fouresome...anyway we were all golfing well and this kid was really good and he asks me if we've golfed much this year and I tell him I didn't get much cause I've been going thru cancer tx and I'm done with chemo and surgery and now doing rads. So he tells me his dad is a rads tech and I ask him where and he says UH downtown and I ask his name and he tells me and holy shit it's one of my rads techs!... What a hoot!.. small world. Oh and we came in first place and I won closest to a hole in one and DH got longest drive so it was lots of fun. OK, so my skin is super pink, putting Aquaphor on like crazy, wanted to ask about silvadene but didn't get to see RO yet. I'm fatiqued in the evenings and having these weird bouts of anxiety in the evenings as well. Not sure what that's about.

    PRN, glad you got to have yer conjugal visit. You sound good, good luck with the candy biz.

    Cami, your 90 year old sounds like a hoot, have a great time and hope you get rested up. Too funny about Joey and the clarinet and the cat and dog, my son played the drums!... I put him upstairs and put carpet padding on the walls to try and absorb the sound... ended up with a whole band up there in my 950 sq. ft home. Oh those were the days.

    NM, sounds like vacay was a good mix of house projects and slacking. Glad first day back wasn't too brutal.

    Lori, have a safe trip to Phoenix, so sorry about your neighbor, hope he gets home, so sad. My dad was in hospital dying and all he wanted was to go home. My mom demanded they discharge him then a snowstorm came and he had to stay another day, then she finally got him home and he was so happy. He had his dog there and my mom and brother and he died that night and it meant so much to my mom to have been able to get him home. You sound so busy, aren't you going to TN too? The pellet stove sounds like an inexpensive way to heat.

    Dara, so glad you sold the house, good luck with the final clean out. Yea for extended unemployment.

    Lara, hope all is well, sorry about your uncle. How're the pain meds working.

    Julie, egads on all the bleeding, glad it's finally letting up,  funny about the hazmat bags. Love the cartoons.

    Sue, you're doing OK, glad you got good news from all your scans.

    Well I'm running out of steam fast. go to the BS in the ayem to have her ck this bump on my foob. Prolly scar tissue but RO wants it liiked at. .. Love to all, sweet dreams

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Oh boy I sure do have some catching up to do, just been so busy since going back to work and then with the rads. My new 1:30 appt is so much better, no rush hour traffic to deal with but now I'm working 4 days. Today was my day off but DH left early for Kentucky and I took the dogs for a 45 minute run in the woods, then came home and showered and got ready for my 11:30 rads then came home quick to let pooches out and drive 45 minutes to meet Molly for golf. Course it didn't help that I got 15 minuted from my house when I realized I didn't have my clubs...arrgghh.. had to turn around, so we golfed, took forever cause we both sucked even more than usual then we had linner. Was a nice time, I hadn't seen her in about a month. Haven't seen my little Nora in 9 days! Going to hafta make a trip this weekend. Last weekend DH and I golfed in a chili open thing. It was just the 2 of us so they paired us up with this nice 17 year old and we had to take extra shots to make it like a fouresome...anyway we were all golfing well and this kid was really good and he asks me if we've golfed much this year and I tell him I didn't get much cause I've been going thru cancer tx and I'm done with chemo and surgery and now doing rads. So he tells me his dad is a rads tech and I ask him where and he says UH downtown and I ask his name and he tells me and holy shit it's one of my rads techs!... What a hoot!.. small world. Oh and we came in first place and I won closest to a hole in one and DH got longest drive so it was lots of fun. OK, so my skin is super pink, putting Aquaphor on like crazy, wanted to ask about silvadene but didn't get to see RO yet. I'm fatiqued in the evenings and having these weird bouts of anxiety in the evenings as well. Not sure what that's about.

    PRN, glad you got to have yer conjugal visit. You sound good, good luck with the candy biz.

    Cami, your 90 year old sounds like a hoot, have a great time and hope you get rested up. Too funny about Joey and the clarinet and the cat and dog, my son played the drums!... I put him upstairs and put carpet padding on the walls to try and absorb the sound... ended up with a whole band up there in my 950 sq. ft home. Oh those were the days.

    NM, sounds like vacay was a good mix of house projects and slacking. Glad first day back wasn't too brutal.

    Lori, have a safe trip to Phoenix, so sorry about your neighbor, hope he gets home, so sad. My dad was in hospital dying and all he wanted was to go home. My mom demanded they discharge him then a snowstorm came and he had to stay another day, then she finally got him home and he was so happy. He had his dog there and my mom and brother and he died that night and it meant so much to my mom to have been able to get him home. You sound so busy, aren't you going to TN too? The pellet stove sounds like an inexpensive way to heat.

    Dara, so glad you sold the house, good luck with the final clean out. Yea for extended unemployment.

    Lara, hope all is well, sorry about your uncle. How're the pain meds working.

    Julie, egads on all the bleeding, glad it's finally letting up,  funny about the hazmat bags. Love the cartoons.

    Sue, you're doing OK, glad you got good news from all your scans.

    Nancy, I'm getting pretty pin, have had 14 done. Sweet dreams, home you're doing ok.

    Well I'm running out of steam fast. go to the BS in the ayem to have her ck this bump on my foob. Prolly scar tissue but RO wants it liiked at. .. Love to all, sweet dreams..too tired, good night

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Genny I am getting pinker each time I go. Tomorrow will be my 6 treatment. I am itchy and sore. Like I keep getting pains in my breast and its very sensitive to the touch. I am also very tired by the second or third day.  

    Mema I am so glad your scans were ok.

    Cammi so funny about the cat and Joey. Hopefully it will get better soon.

    I joined a dragon rowboat racing team called the Indy SurviveOars. They race around the country and Canada. They are Breast Cancer Survivors. This season is over so I will have time to finish Rads, get in shape with them this winter and then be ready for racing next spring. I cant wait. It will be so much fun!

    Falling asleep so I will catch everybody later. Love you all and hugs ((())))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014


    n hicccups! HIcc!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Wednesday!The temp went up here, had to run the fan and
    open the window to be comfortable.Gotta
    love Maine weather.

    definitely research the pellet stove, I want to use it as primary heat when I'm
    home, oil for back up, to save money.Last time I priced good pellet stoves they were $3-5K , which will take
    me while to save up.The installation
    costs were almost as much.But that was
    a while ago, things may have changed.


    Cammy--the poor
    kitty and puppy!So funny to think of
    them covering their ears!

    Julie--our furbabies
    can guilt us SOOOOOOO well!

    Mema--Nah, it wasn't
    cold sleeping in the pool, the pool was heated extra for me, like sleeping in a
    water bed!:)Hooray for getting the schedule spread out a
    bit and for all the good reports!

    Julie--Yeah, $2 a
    bag,PLUS the portion of the property
    tax that goes to trash pickup.I am
    going to start burning a lot more trash now.Can still get a burn permit for free in person or for $2 online and I
    can burn a whole lot more than 1 bag of trash in one burn!And I like your version of stretching!

    Genny--I've got to
    admire how much you can do while getting rads!

    Collett--I've heard
    the dragon boat racing can be a lot of fun, good for you!

    Mornin', Dara!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Dragon

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Strawberry

    1 part Orange Juice

    1 part Cherry Kool

    Best served in a
    Cocktail Glass.


    Place all
    ingredients in a glass and mix.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning all u extremely active ladies--This sounds like the I can do anything thread. Wow it's wonderful.

    SusyQ I'm really glad u'r scans looked good and u'r platelets too. u'r a kick=ass woman.

    OK Genny slow down, u'r not in a race u might be getting anxious cuz u'r body needs n extra rest with the rads, I'm glad u seem to feel good but remember u'r still in treatment and rads is easy but not as much on u'r body and it's way to long that u haven't been with Nora so do some wonderful visiting with her instead.

    Nancy when u'r tired just rest and u have family time too.

    Julie I thought u were home all this time. U'r working? But I am happy u'r bleeding is under control--please take care of u'r self. And u always make me smile.

    NM how's it feel being back to work, I know it's Wed. but it still is hard to get into things after being home.

    dara u got lots to do I hope u have lots of help. And when is the shower? I'm sure all will go well, just a lot of work, so u have to balance u'r drinking so it's always evenly in u'r system, it's better that way.

    I'm sure Lori is safely on her way and I already miss her.

    Lara u've been a little quiet lately, u OK?

    And the clarinet is still going, I'm sure for a while, he'll never be like Kenny G but I have to act like he's doing good. Oy vey am I a good actress. Yesterday he comes in my room and says Oh mammaw listen, well my smile had a look of wow and my ears had the feeling of a wounded elephant. And I pulled it off. Ha I never encouraged this instrument I was going for the triangle. That's a lost art.

    OK everyone have a wonderful day and some of u slow down.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    uggggg missed u all my friend is in surgery now getting the lump done prayers Im so nervous ill get a text from her boyfriend when shes out she got the dye done yesterday mine was done day of hurts like a bitch she said I am holding bk on telling her things

    My uncle has 8 months to live hes home and the doc said do what makes u happy wtf. I am going there to see him in a couple weeks

    I can not watch this ebola crap anymore its making me crazy


    Juliet omgggg I hope u r ok

    I just have so much going on

    ultrasound showed a fibroid no big deal

    I am very low fertitlity wise so they said if I am going to save eggs do it sooner then later

    I was crying last night just over everything

    Yes genny take it easy I have added exercise tapes dumb could not move for days weights etc I cant do that anymore Im thinking wking with a occupational therapist

    see I was down for every surgery then I have to heal I would heal some what and be bk under again in surgery I  need my boobs fixed and a nipple the tat looks awful I cant think of it now

    lots of scary movies on my house  my aot I mean has all fall things every where I love it

    yes everyone need an NM I am nervous about this ebola and our nurses the one single nurse has a fever and I swear they said her dog has it now IDKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

    Hi everyone I missed ill ck in later

    prayers for my friend she should be being brought down to OR now

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - Yippee for the bleeding, I didnt kno u were back to work too.  Hope you can find some good resting time.  And I do my stretches jes like that...LOL.

    Mary - You are some kinda busy, I envy you.  That big foob didn't help so much with Molly eh?  The chili open thing sounds like a wonder time and what a small world about your rad tech and his son.  HMM about the bouts of anxiety, I'd have some willie or xanax if it continues to plague you. 

    Nancy - How many total treatments do you have to have, are you 1/2 way yet?  Sounds like you have some se annoyances but otherwise doing ok.  I mean, sheez, already planning on getting in shape for the dragon rowboat races.  I like the sound of it tho, surviveOars.  Very nice!

    Dara Wack - hope you got some 'hic' rest last night.

    NM - yeah for sure, I'd be burning a whole lot more trash too.  That's insane $2 a   Liking that DOTD too.

    Cami - LMAO, going for the triangle...LOL.  You such a good mammaw!  Hope you're getting your rest.  Party coming up fast.

    Lara - will send some prayers and positive healing energy out your was for you gf.  So sad about you uncle, prayers to him too.  Did you say your dad was ill too or am I jes nuckinfutz?  Good luck in getting your eggs out and in da freezer, like dey say times awaisting.  Ok to have a crying jag for no particular reason, happens with me too, hope you're feeling better today.

    Did 1/4lies for my ds corp yest.  Can't help it, but feel like I'm forgetting something.  Just hate it.  Well off to my elliptical!

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs all my ladies!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    Thanks mema shes out and groggy good spirts just heard I was getting nervous

    Now she heals and then chemo and rads


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014


    Thought I would share my favorite picture of my daddy and my aunt. RIP Love you both.

    Hello everybody, I finished round 6 today. I also saw my RO and I have 33 total treatments. 28 and then 5 boost he told me. I am more pink today and more tired, and OMG am I very very tender. Hurts like hell when I put Aquaphor on. Just like when you have a bad sunburn and you dont want to touch it. My RO said I should really see some skin changes next week. I am really looking forward to the Dragon boat races next year. We will start to do Winter training after Thanksgiving so just in time. I should be done with Rads then.  Getting ready for my open house this weekend. I am excited cuz my niece is coming home from college to come see me. Shes a sweet girl. She checks in on me every once in awhile. 

    My son told me last night he has a serious girlfriend who has an adorable little 3 year old daughter. I hope it works out for them. 

    Lara I am sorry you had a rough spot. I think we all do from time to time. I had one this afternoon when my friend was telling me about her BIL who was just diagnosed with colon cancer. He has mets to his liver and bone and had to have a hip replacement due to a fracture they saw. Anyway made me think of my dad and aunt who I lost due to the RB.  Hope your feeling better.

    NM I am glad you had better weather. Its nasty here. Raining just about everyday, one day warm and muggy the next day cold and damp and its going to rain pretty much off and on until Monday I believe. Sometimes I think I live in Seattle instead of Indy. 

    Genny hows your skin doing? I have been thinking of you . Hope your doing ok. 

    Cammi I know sometimes us nanas have to do what we need to do for our little babies. I was so tired Saturday and really didnt want to play but little Jackson didnt understand so I just sucked it up and played cars for a bit and then said ok lets play night night. He says no nana I not.. Lol. We put the Disney Robin Hood movie on he and papa watched the movie and nana fell asleep. 

    Dara miss ya and hope your doing good and hope your DD is good too. 

    Well gotta get to sleep I have early treatment in the am.

    Night all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another balmy ayem here,
    seems like summer finally decided to show up!Supposed to start raining in good shape later today though.I hear we need the rain, so I won't complain
    too much about it.

    Cammy--being back to
    work is ok, it's slow right now, so no real difficulty, except for getting used
    to getting up in the dark!You are so
    sweet to Joey and his clarinet!

    ORLA--praying for
    your friend.And for your Uncle. No
    wonder you've been crying.This whole
    ebola thing reminds me of the HIV thing when it first was rearing its ugly
    head.Lots of blame being thrown around,
    very little common sense being heard, lots of fear.Bottom line, no one really knows how to
    manage this, and there is lots and lots of speculation going on and very little
    fact identified.It's gonna be a mess
    for a while.

    Mema--Yup, $2 a
    bag.Plus and increase in property
    taxes.Sigh.Gotta figure out where that bag money is

    ORLA--Hooray for
    surgery over!

    Collett--great pic
    of your Dad and Aunt!I can see why it's
    a favorite.Did your RO give you
    something for pain?Praying the skin
    doesn't get much worse.We've gota run of rain coming starting this evening
    and lasting for a couple days, then it's going to cool off.Jackson is so cute!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Balm Cocktail

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    2 oz Sherry

    2 slices Oranges

    3/4 oz (fresh)
    Orange Juice

    2 dashes Angostura


    Mix all ingredients
    with the orange slices and shake well with ice. Strain into a chilled martini
    glass, garnish with flamed orange peel, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi goils, justa quick pop in cause i have to work today and DH still outta town so I'm on dog duty altho I may take the wimpy way out and take them to daycare. They haven't been there in months so it might be good for them, just hate to spend the money but right now they're tearing around here like a couple of wound up 3 yr olds! I'm getting more fatigued and my skin esp under my arm is bright pink. Yesterday they did the films again and it was a tortureous 50 min of not moving with that stupid thing in my mouth and button in my hand. My arm was completely numb by the time I was done. 15 down, 18 to go. I took a pic of the bell so I can look at it and dream. Saw my BS about the lump (a little pea size one by the incisional line) she said it's just a peice of fat that prolly lost it's blood supply and got hard. She said I'm healing great and to keep doing what I'm doing. She also said best to keep the extra weight on for now that my fat self (not her words) will do better with the rads and she felt so bad when she found out I had to drive downtown and do the ABC breathing chit. We talked about how special I am in that I had a 995 on my cardiac calcium score (normal is 0-20), that the chemo was ineffective and now I'm one of the 1% that has to have the special rads.... agghhh so nice to be just love her, my favorite doc ever! She alse said to prepare to get really fatigued the last 2 weeks.

    Nancy, hang in there, thinking of you, nice pic.

    Lara, praying for your friend, and yer uncle and you and yer eggs.

    Cami, praying for your ears and hope the D stays away and you get some energy.

    Well, I'd like to say hi to everyone but I gotta get in the shower, 1st client at 9 so....hi to ya girls, I'll try and poop in tonight.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hey and happy Thirstdey! 

    I have to be quick, have to take m Bella to vet at 10:15 to get stitches out, wooo hooooo!

    I have just read but not alot of time to post.

    Nancy, so sorry about the burning ((((Nancy))) Great pic of your Dad and Aunt, may they both Rest Peacefully. 

    Lara, sending you some hugs too sis, you need some extra love. So sorry that things are so tough right now. (((lara))))

    Mary, I hate that you went through all that torture with chemo for it not to have worked. Glad you like your doctor, that really helps. You are almost half way done girl, you will be on the upside any day  now, wooo hoooo. Sorry you are hurting, take pain meds when so bad. 

    NM, that is insane to charge for trash pick up, what is this world coming to? taxes are bad enough and then to wiggle more money out of ya, I do not blame you for burning instead. Before you know it, they will charge you by the hour to burn, ugh. HOpe today is an easy one for ya. 

    Julie, hope you are healing, I be tinking of you love.

    Cam, love the clarinet stories. I can play clarinet but am quite rusty, I might give Joey a run for his money. Practice makes perfect!! 

    Hello to everyone else, my EWWA has to get moving, I am not even dressed.

    cheers all! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - nice pic of your dad and auntie, thanks for sharing, mese tinks they are in a good place now.  33 tx's, seems like a lot but it will go fast.  Did you find any silvadine for your skin?  Open House? are you selling?  Nice that your niece will be coming to see you, hope you have a nice visit.  And DS has a gal huh, with a child too.  These things work out sometimes, so keeping my fingers crossed.  Funny about Jackson.  I have felt that way may times with my gk's, thank goodness for DVD's.  (((Nancy)))

    NM - send the rain this way, we sure need it out west here.  Starting to cool off, highs have been in high 80's, lows in 60's.  I'm way OK with it, but rain wud sure b nice.  Ebola is scary but I'm still gonna fly next month to AZ.  Need to see my niece who is stage IV uterin cancer with mets to lungs.  Only 44 yoa.  FURB!!

    Mary - I didn't think to take a pic of the bell, but I sure whacked it good when I was all done.   Not sure I understand, OK...I don't, about the ABC breathing chit.  It doesn't sound pleasant and is the Rads for that diff than the breast, that why it special? I'm confused can ya tell.  Anyway, I think you are special, jes like all the ladies on this thread.   (((Mary)))

    Dara D - whoop whoop, Bella gets stitches out today.  She feeling better yes?  Been missing you!

    To all I missed...xcuse mese...kno I Lubslubslubslubslubs ya all!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Evening all my favorite ladies.. Today was kinda a weird day, I was feeling fine just a tad tired this am and then I went to go get dressed after my radiation tx and got really dizzy. I had to sit a bit before I could drive home. My mom came with me today. My friend from church couldn't make it today. Then I was ok for a bit and then around 3p got very dizzy again and really tired and fell asleep at the table. My DH had to finish dinner. I feel better for now but just tired. Little more pink today.

    Mema my open house is for my Scentsy stuff that I am selling. People can come and go from 10-1 and kinda see what I have and then place an order and hopefully either book a home party, basket  party or a facebook party. I didn't get anything from my RO yet. He said that its too soon for me to be having radiation SE yet and that I shouldn't really have them for a week or two yet. I just said well I am not text book doc. He still didn't think I was tired due to SE he thinks it has to do with my seizures or Bronchitis. So I am treating my self right now. My dad had some Silva dine and its not expired so I'll use it if I need to. Im not real red yet just a bit pink. And my PCP gave me a script for stronger Ibuprofen for now.

    Genny I wish we had a bell Ive been looking for one and have not seen it yet. I will have to ask tomorrow when I go what they do. You know your special because you have Vitiligo girl. Us spotted girls never follow the rules. We have to be difficult and keep our docs on their toes. Lol. Thinking of you girl ((Genny))

    Dara I am glad Bella girl is getting her stitches out!

    NM Raining here again today.. Ugg The Ebola thing is scary and I am so glad I am not working in a hospital right now. I always prayed that I would be protected from anything like that. You know though how many times I have been hacked and coughed on while giving a breathing treatment in the ER or ICU or put someone on a vent only to find out a couple of hours later they had TB or some other communicable disease.  That's the scary thing about being in healthcare. There are so many other diseases out there that mimic others its hard to say right away what it really is. They will probably start putting everyone who comes in with a slight fever, flu like symptoms or coughing in isolation right away to avoid an pandemic.

    Gotta get ready for bed girls Im fading. Love ya and see ya tomorrow

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2014

    Oh My Gosh!  I have missed you girls!  I am so far behind, like on page 1478 on September 21st!!  Shameful of me.  

    Please know that I read on email alert to try to ketchup and I pray everyday for you all.  I LUBS and MISS you , I have just been slammed with family stuff, doc stuff, husband traveling, etc...  

    Hugs and Prayerz for all!  I will get reading again because I know some of you are having better times than others.  Extra prayers going up for those who need it.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh Lara I'm so sorry u'r having such a hard time. Cry whenever u want,it's always good to cry   (((PRAYERS))) and good vibes coming u'r way.

    Nancy that pic was great and a wonderful way to remember u'r dad and aunt.--u and MARY are almost at the same point in rads, now my opinion only--use what ever u'r going to use now, don't wait til it gets worse. And ask u'r Pharmacist if they have anything comparable like u have to apread in a spray can. This way u won't have to rub anything. Now enjoy u'r GC this weekend.

    SuszyQ u sound good, I'm always happy to hear that.

    NM our weather is mostly rain the last few days, it's supposed to be over but it's be over when it's over. TGIF I hope u have a clear weekend.

    Julie I hope u'r off this weekend too. or at least slw down.

    4444 It's nice to see you and I think we mostly know how buy u have to be--hope u'r doing OK

    Dara I think of u and I think of busy, u'r family has a lot to do now. Oh the thought of it all.

    Well I hope everyone has a good day tosay


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good rainy morning,
    Loungettes!A full inch of rain fell
    over night.It's, humid, sticky and
    rainy.I know we need the rain, hope it
    blows through quickly.

    Genny--I bet the
    pups will love going to day care, it will be a great outing for them!Glad to hear the lump on the incision is just
    bit of dead fat.Have a good day at

    Dara--Hooray for
    Bella getting the stitches out!I'm
    still trying to wrap my brain around theidea that"pay as you
    throw" is somehow saving me money.Must be that new math.

    Mema--If I can
    figure out how to send the rain your way I will!Your poor niece, way to young to be diagnosed
    with the rat ba$tard.I wouldn't get
    overly concerned about ebola when you fly, I'd worry more about colds and
    flu.Keep your hands clean, don't touch
    anything in the seat back pocket, it's the dirtiest place, germ wise, on a

    Collett--it is true
    how scary it can be working in health care.If the general public knew how often a patient with a communicable
    disease is not isolated for days or even weeks they'd be appalled.And if a care provider catches something it's
    always that person's fault for "not following protocol."I think you may be right about the fever
    thing, maybe they'll start checking temperatures when they do the security
    screening--you go to this waiting room if you have a fever, another one if you
    don't.And it will probably work as well
    as putting a mask on everyone with a cough.I expect to hear about nurses refusing to take care of people with
    fevers any day now.On the up side, this
    ebola thing will probably put an end to semi-private rooms in hospitals.All it will take is one roommate having to be
    quarantined after a positive test and insurance refusing to pay for the extra
    hospital time and private room surcharge, or for treatment costs since it will
    be the hospital's fault.

    Hi, 4!

    Cammy--I'm hoping
    for a dry weekend, but will have to wait and see.Good advice about spray stuff for the
    rads-sore boobs.

    Was just listening
    to a news item.A year ago a couple
    women were in a car, both had been drinking, there was a crash, the passenger
    died.The driver was tried and has been
    found guilty of manslaughter and aggravated criminal operating under the
    influence of intoxicants.She has been
    sentenced to 2 1/2 years, but won't start until March because she is pregnant,
    due next month and has gestational diabetes.What caught my attention was the statement by the dead woman's family,
    about how it's not fair the driver won't start her sentence until March, but,
    now that the trial is over they can "finally begin healing."What ran through my mind was this:If you couldn't begin healing for the last
    year b/c waiting for the trial, maybe we shouldn't be making family's wait, and
    we should not be prosecuting these people.Or is a trial necessary to healing?If so, when there is a true accident, and no trial, does the family
    never heal?Does healing really come
    from something outside ourselves or does it come from within?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Desert Healer

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Cherry

    1 1/2 oz (fresh)
    Orange Juice

    4 oz Ginger Ale


    Build ingredients
    (except ginger ale) in a highball glass over ice, and fill with ginger ale.
    Garnish with orange peel and a cherry, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    Three guys talking in the pub

    Two of them are talking about the amount of control they have over their wives, while the third remains quiet.

    After a while one of the first two turns to the third and says,

    “Well, what about you, what sort of control do you have over your wife?”

    The third fellow says, “I’ll tell you. Just the other night my wife came to me on her hands and knees.”

    The first two guys were amazed. “What happened then?” they asked. “She said, ‘get out from under the bed and fight like a man’

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Good morning girls!

    I hope everyone will have a fantastic friday. I am very fircited as I am getting a package today from PRN with favors for the baby shower. I can't wait to taste her sweet treats. Now let's home there are enough left for the guests at the shower hehe.

    I think I have another issue with my ulnar nerve, this time on my right hand. I had  surgery in the past to unblock an entrapment and decompression of the nerve. Well my right hand has gone half numb which is exactly what happened when I had it with my left hand. It is annoying but a good excuse I tink to git out of work once I return. The things I do to get away from work.

    NM, an interesting point you make on healing. I am lucky that I do not know as I have never lost anyone very close to me in a tragic situation. And I am thankful for that. And I always wonder if doing time in jail is the right punishment for someone is is drinking and driving. We consider alcaholism a disease so why is one punished so severely for something that is out of their control? I guess I would feel differently if it affected one of my loved ones. It is just a no win situation. There was a similar case around here where two class mates of my daughter were out partaying and driving and the driver hit a tree and the passenger was ejected and died. this young kid that survived lost his friend and now his independence. I dunno, I tink breathometers should be on every car, thats the ticket. And I should have one on my computer too. I have been dwinking and ebaying which can be just as dangerous. I get packages and am like "wtf did I order" lol. 

    Hi 4. nice to see you poop into the lounge. Been a lot of dwinking going on here without ya, come more often.

    Hi Juliet. You nurses bring some interesting points on the ebola outbreak, yikes, I try to forget it is happening as it is so disturbing. Funny tings you posted, you know I love the baby fart joke hehe.

    Cammy, so nice to see you posting more often. I hope today is a good day and you can dwink and no FN D for you girl. Muah! 

    Mema Sue, nice to see you posting more often too. Me, I just read as I am not feeling up to posting that much. SO much going on with my DD and her baby daddy. It is just four weeks before baby arrives and I am a mess with worry for all of us affected including baby. I hate to admit it but I am having trouble sleeping over this. I so happy your scans and tests are showing good results, yippee, I will dwink to that! 

    Nancy, someone was talking about the sensy line of products and talking it up real good. It was one of the guys that delivered the piano, one of two. one of them stinks and the guy said to get a sentsy candle thing, like a tart burner and said they kill all odor. when I get a paycheck again, I mean a real paycheck, I want to look at a catalogue or take advise from you and get one of your favorites. are they affordable for a goil on disability with no money lol. I am sorry you had such a rough time of things, hope your day is much better. And I gotta tail ya, I love how you share from your heart girl. I feel ya! 

    Lil sis, how you doing love? I hope you are feeling better. It seems that the glooom and dooom around here is contageous. when one of us is hurting, we all seem to be hurting ya know? I feel your pain and hope it gets better. We gonna have to have some facetime before it gits too cold. oui  need to come and have a big ass bon fire with me in my yard. The pool is still open.

    well that is it from here, if I kept writing it would be all dara downer type of words and aint nobuddy got time for dat!

    cheers goils!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good afternoon all, went to the gi doc today, my cea was 4.6!!!!!!!!!!!   (if i smoked it would be ok )  gyn sad no ovarien issues but he wanted gi to assess  gastric tract issues, well needless to say gi not impressed either!  but have to have it redrawn in 4 weeks .as least the gi didn't laugh out loud  but did smile when i told him why i was there!

    woohoo to bella having her stiches out

    nancy and genny-lots of prayers for your skin

    nm- so when the county  has to pay more for fire control because people are burning more trash because of the punitive fees and you know some people should not be allowed  near matches without lots of supervision, they'll say what, here's to slow days in workHappy

    darla-unfortunately a lot of alcoholics get disability so that gives them money so they can continue to drink, plus most don't have medical insurance so has tax payers  we are funding their lifestyle choices and  paying for the medical care as a result of  their drinking, so we enable them . we dry some people out on a regular basis , most  don't want treatment until they hit rock bottom so while they getting the regular check their not interested in staying sober!  and most have lost their licenses but resort to other transports such as motorbikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also with the ebola crisis going on ,the liver makes the clotting factors for the blood ,so when one of our regulars starts vomiting blood in public , this will put the ems/police in a  bind as they know the person but there's blood involved!

    re the ebola- one of my former colleagues looked after mr duncan, so very close to home that fellow nurses are infected ,lots of prayers for amber and nina right now. and nm is right quite often  come back to work and find one of your patients is now in isolationShocked ,now we see mrsa,c diff,esbl, acinobacter ,flu on a regular basis but its scabies,nits and bedbugs that everybody hates  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Juliet, glad your doctor did not laugh at you. Honestly, I am not quite following what is happening with you but I take it is mostly good news? I am sorry you have to follow up on the GI or is it another blood draw in three months?

    Geez Louise, this place is quiet. 

    Tankfully, I have a news update to report. Today, de 17 of October, mese received a big arse box of Mrs. Goodman's sweet treats. So guess what me and mese Dad had for snack after dinner? And after lunch too lol. My Dad is a tough critic but after dinner, he said it was the best caramel he ever had and I have to agree. So good job PRN. I just know your bidness gonna take off. I tailed my Dad that when I see her brand in the stores next to the Godiva chocolate, I will have bragging rights and be able to say that I knew her when she was jest a widdle goil making caramel in her little goil kitchen.

    Tobb, I really think that if you keep moving forward with your business, you will eventually have people, sort of like the little keebler elve. making them for you using your secret recipe. Mese seester was also quite impressed with the great taste. I love a good bag of Kraft caramels but I tail ya, they got nothing on yours, yours are far superior.

    So who is doing what dis weekend? I am having XDH#2 over tonight. He has a driviing job, he drives a stretch limo for rich snobs, den he come and park over her over night and I git a little boom chicky wow wow. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it but tongith should be good as he will not be around until near midnight. I took a long nap this afternoon so I am ready to partay. who wants to partay with me? Geez, I miss the days here when me was jest widdle and wese had some big bashes on a friedey night. Come one, come all.  Or ok, just one is ok, two makes a partay right?

    where is mese widdle seesta Lara? Come sis, partay with me. 

    thinking of both Nancy and Mary and hoping you girls are not burning. Please report asap as we are all wondering how you goils are making out. Peace girls, all goils and wishes of happiness and joy, k? 

    CheErS all goils! Love you all brunches. make that bunches!! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Evening girls, and TGIF, no work, no rads for 2 whole days...yay!!  I'm doing fine bright red under my arm and on the subclavical spot where they are really concentrating on cause of all the pos nodes. Can't wear a bra anymore, I found a super soft undershirt and turned it inside out so no seams and sewed a pad on my little foob side and I think it will prevent any friction and help soak up the greasiness. I'm getting really stiff and achy from the AI's I suspect and I feel like and old woman. Saw my RO today and told the nurse I've been trying to space out the Percocet to make em' last and she said.. don't be a hero, take what you need, she'll give you more. Just what I wanted to hear, then she wrote me a script for more Xanax and doubled the amount from my MO back in the spring. I don't need that many but nice to have. She wrote me a script for Silvadene also, said I don't need that till the skin peels or opens up which she expects will be soon...yipee! Anywho, just poured my red wine and sitting on my butt. Gonna be rainy and chitty tomorrow so good weekend to tackle some paperwork and huncker down. Molly called me a few days ago and said she had Nov 1 and 2nd off (she usually works 12 hr shifts every weekend) so she wanted to know if DH and I would want to go to this "thing" in downtown Toledo to see some band that plays oldie music, Frankie Valli type stuff. So I said ok, what the heck, something to do. She calls me yesterday and says she got the tickets were $75 and they include dinner, cocktails and dancing after the show and it's evening attire !!! Now a year ago this woulda been fine but I do not have anything that fits, 1/2 my wardrobe these days is from Goodwill. I actually started to cry when she told me, I feel about as feminine as Chastity Bono. My DH says he will take me shopping, I'd rather have a sharp stick in my eye, the only thing that sounds less appealing to me is bathing suit shopping. Anyway, the lady I work with is about my size and may have the perfect dress, I hope. I asked her if she had any cocktail wear that covers everything and she answered with "all my clothes cover everything". So anyway it's like a cowl neck with 3/4 sleeves so that sounds pretty good. I need to cover up the red skin and magic marker drawings but not be so warm I'm a walking hotflash. Silly BFF..she told me today she did it on purpose so I'd dress up and maybe have fun. She's prolly right it'll be good for me maybe...we'll see. Oh and btw today was rad #17 so I'm officially over 1/2 way thru.

    Nancy, so sorry you're having such a rough time, I suspect it's the seizures and stress are wearing you out, both are very big causes of fatigue. My fatigue started at about #12 although I know everyone is different. I'm glad you have someone to drive you. Good luck with the Sentsy open house, I hope it's a great success.

    NM, I agree with you, although no one should be drinking and driving and I believe repeat offenders deserve prison time, I see no purpose in this woman delivering this baby in prison tho. How does this help with closure? I called my DS yesterday to see if they will come over on Sunday afternoon, I told him they could have a date night and go out to dinner and to the movies and we'd watch Nora and they could spend the night and head home Monday morning since he works at 3. So today I call to see if that's what he wants to do and he starts in about this Ebola chit and tells me 2 nurses from Cleveland Clinic were on that plane and where did I get my rads? Good grief!! I wish the media would just stop already! I told him I am at UH and I come in contact with 4 rads techs and I go nowhere else in the hospital. Respiratory infections, the flu, all the kids at the babysitters and he's worried about me giving her Ebola?? I know, and he told me this is all him and not his wife. We'll see what happens, says he feels much better about it after talking to me and I was oh so good at not coming unglued! Hope you have a dry and beautiful weekend with your Sadie. Emma musta got bit at daycare or the dogpark. 2 open nasty looking bite marks on her side, looking infected last night when we found em'. DH shaved it then flushed good with hydrogen peroxide and I had antibiotics left from folliculitis that I checked on the internet and ore ok for dogs. So we are giving them to her and it looks much better tonight. Saved us $150 vet bill I figure. We pay $15/month for trash pickup, can included reg and recycle. They take whatever will fit in the can and then once/month you can put big stuff like furniture out.

    Dara, I'm over halfway, woohoo! Congrats on selling the house. Lots of work for you, so glad Bella is all better.

    Lala, so sorry things not so good, I'm praying for you and your uncle and your friend.

    Cami, I think u have a birthday party with your friend turning 90 this weekend? Am I right? Joey getting any better at the clarinet? Dog and cat surviving?

    Suzie, the ABC breathing is a technique where you take a deep breath and they take an x-ray and it creates space so they can zap you with the rads to avoid the heart and/or lung. My RO said no matter what angle she tried with the conventional method could she avoid damaging my lung. So they put a snorkel like tube in my mouth and nose pugs and I take a deep breath and they take a pic and draw lines all over me with magic markers. Then this machine measures the depth of my breath and I hold it and get the rads zaps. Then a bolus and more zaps. It's necessary in about 1% of patients...oh lucky me. That's about the best I can do with explaining it cause I really don't understand it that well myself. So, so happy your scans have been good.

    4, nice to hear from you, hope all is good with kids, DH and self. Hoping you can catch up soon and tell us what's up.

    Lori, hi, hope you're having a good time with your oh so busy self. Is it TN I think? Having fun I hope.

    Have a good Friday night all and hi to anyone I missed, Might head down to the pool in awhile, maybe see some of ya there. Oh and by the way, DS sent me a video of my girl taking about 6 steps. He said he picked her up at the babysitter's tonight and she walked to he, he picked her up and she waved bye-bye to sitter.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi Genny, 

    Tanks for partaying with me. Congrats on being half way done, you will be ringing that bell in no time at all, wooop wooop.  I hate that your treatments are so much more difficult than the norm, hate that you are in that one percentile. So sorry that your Emma was bitten, glad you were able to quick wound care. Give her a kiss from me. OMG, your son is being a bit paranoid but hell, I can't blame him. Sweet that he sent a video of sweet Nora walking towards him. She is at such a sweet age.  I was talking to a lady at the vets office who just became a grand mom six months ago and she was just glowing as she was talking about her grand son taking his first steps. I so can't wait for Logan to arrive. I misspoke before, it is five weeks to go, her due date is Nov 23rd. So happy that your doc is giving you lots of pills. Pills = comfort and you deserve it after all you have been going through. I hope that you are not discouraged but seeing the light at the end of the tunnel by now. 

    I miss Julie working nights, she would partay with me often. Anyone else around? I am waiting for company to arrive. For fun, I have been practicing John Lennon's song "Love" on my new casio keyboard which I got from ebay for less than 25, including shipping. It was a good deal and now I can play outside in my office whilst mese dad sleeps. 

    Ok, enough from me, time to talk about YOU. Now get in here, you and parta with me, somebuddy anybuddy. tanks and cheErs!