how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    oops, forgot the reason I came here, ms genny distracted me. I have a cute joke for mese goils. I edited to make politically correct. hmm, whats with dat?  

    A 25-year-old girl tells her mum that she has missed her period
    for 2 months.

    Very worried, the mother goes to the local pharmacy and buys a
    pregnancy test kit. The test confirms that her daughter is pregnant.

    Shouting and crying, the mother says, "Who was the selfish bastard
    that did this to you? I demand to know!"

    Without answering, the girl picks up the phone and makes a call. Half
    an hour later, a Bentley stops in front of their house. A middle-aged
    and very distinguished man steps out of the car and enters the house.

    He sits in the lounge with the father and mother, and tells them,
    "Your daughter has informed me of the problem. I can't marry her
    because of my personal family situation but I'll take charge. I will
    pay all costs and provide for your daughter for the rest of her life."

    He continues, "Additionally, if a girl is born I will bequeath two
    retail furniture stores, a deli, a chateau in France and a £1m bank account."

    He continues, "If a boy is born my legacy will be a chain of jewellery
    stores and a £25m bank account."

    "However, if there is a miscarriage I'm not sure what to do. What
    would you suggest?"

    All silent at this point, the mother placed a hand firmly on the man's
    shoulder and told him,
    "You'll try again."

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited October 2014

    data...thanks so much for all the kind words. I'm glad your enjoying the caramels and hope they're a great hit at the shower. That joke is funny!!

    Genny... Half way rads?!!! Woohoo!!! Our little Nora is walking?  Oh no. That can't be. She brand new!  Lol. Time just flys. Glad your hanging in. Careful on the creams. Nothing within 4 hours o r is it 6 hours of treatment.  

    Julie. That's me on my broom! How'd ya know about the wedgie?!!

    Mema. All good on your scans!  Awesome sauce!

    4. Aww we miss you. Hope you're ok.  

    Lara.  Sorry for the sadness. I'm thinking about you. 

    Lori. Hope you're traveling easy. I'm changing boxes. Packaging and getting a logo. Im contacting a graphic designer. We're forging ahead. 

    Cami.  Hey to Joey for me. Hoping you're doing okey doke.  

    NM. Rain here but 58-65 so nice. Great sleeping weather  

    Back robed for be.  Ill swim past the pain fountain first though. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Froggy ayem here, but still
    warm.Finally we're getting some
    summer!Sadie was chasing a critter
    around in the yard the other night, guess what it was?Yup, skunk.Fortunately, skunky was a poor shot and probably young, not too much
    stink.But, Miss Sadie definitely needs
    a bath this weekend.Ah, the joys of
    puppy parenthood!

    Julie--LOL!X 3!

    Dara--Yikes on the
    numb hand!I don't know what the answer
    is when someone dies in a drinking and driving crash.Yes, we treat alcoholism as a disease,but driving under the influence is illegal,
    and survivors often need to blame someone or something, the driver does have to
    live with the knowledge that he/she was driving when the friend died, it just
    gets so tangled.And I sometimes order
    things and then forget, and do the "wtf did I order?" thing, too!

    Julie--I imagine
    that fire control will get to be a new problem, I hadn't thought of that!But some people should never be allowed to be
    in possession of a lit match!4.6 for a
    CEA is just above normal, has yours been normal?I can't remember.

    Dara--So good to
    hear a review of Mrs. Goodman's caramels!So, how can I get some?

    Genny--Hooray for
    over half way through, and a night on the town sounds like fun!Bet you'll have a blast.Nice that you can put big stuff out once a
    month, around here it's twice a year AND you have to buy a sticker from the
    town office to get it picked up.I can
    put out recyclables once a month, and don't have to sort them, which is kind of
    nice.I need to get a big trash can that
    I can designate for recyclable stuff, I guess.Poor Emma, getting bit and you not knowing it!Glad you can take care of her yourself.

    Dara--LOL on try

    PRN--do you have a
    business website up yet? I'm looking to order some yummies!

    Collett--I forgot to
    mention the other day that I got my Sentsy order!I have a nice sachet hanging in the car, put
    a Lavender one in the bedroom last night, have had peony and white tea/cactus
    so far after work in the living room.They are GREAT!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Purple Cactus

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1/2 oz Sweet Sherry

    1 1/2 oz Passion
    fruit Juice

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Shake and strain
    into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Garnish with
    a maraschino cherry.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Morning girls, wet and windy here, no golf for DH, he's out with the brats. 

    Julie, thanks for the chuckle this ayem, guess I still got a little spark left in me cause I was not concerned about them being cold!

    Dara, I was headed to the pool, my intentions were good but mese pooped out. 5 weeks till Logan, we'll all be sailabratin at the same time! What's up with the baby daddy? Is your DD back in her house? Funny joke, that might just be a good one for some of my ladies at the shop. I tink my DS worrying about Nora getting Ebola from me is a bit over the top. Geesh, she's around toddlers and preschoolers at the babysitters and he worries about me? I'm trying to keep my cool about it, I may have to just start dealing with his wife after this. If it were up to her they'd even have a microwave in the house! E-Gads!! Good deal on the keyboard.

    NM, have a great day off, glad you got some summer, definately a fall day here.

    PRN, glad to hear the business is going so well, I'll check out the website, are you taking Xmas orders yet?

    Oops just reading back and I guess I missed some posts last night, Dara, sorry about the babydaddy stuff, Oh I hope it all works out ok once little Logan gets here. Hoping dipchit can put his baby first and not cause problems. 

    Julie, oh you shirley are presenting us with the real side of nursing, stuff I have forgotten about. I was actually the infection control nurse at the nursing home back in the 90's, an LPN, can you imagine? Talk about under qualified. Sent me to a weekend seminar and dubbed me IC nurse. And that was just the little add-on hat to the rehab nurse which was my real title. They didn't take it seriously at all. The worse thing I had to deal with was respiratory MRSA tho, seems so much more to worry about now makes me glad to be in my basement with my little old ladies. And the alcoholics on the disability is a bit irritataing, specially when I know how hard some people that truly deserve it have to fight for it. Kudos to you and all the nurses for all you do.

    Nancy, do u have a sentsy website? I'm gonna check out the product line today.

    Well, DH home, gotta eat so I can get my pain meds on board... have a good day, love you girls!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Ooops missed a day.  Was very busy day for me yest, but have some pretty nails and eyelashes..heehee.

    Julie - lmao at your joke and funny pics.  I'm having a brain fart, what is cea and is that a good marker?  I've decided I need to see a gi too.  Got my DD asking around for one in LV I can go see.  Can't believe all the crap I take jes to have a crap.  Something isn't right.  Sounds wicked what you and you other nurses go thru...wicked scary.  Yes, praying for those infected.

    Dara - am excited to kno how the party treats turn out if ya don't eat them all.  I concur to a degree about alcholism as a disease, but many cases are young people making bad choices when drinking, it's just never easy.  Keep us posted on that ulnar nerve, like u need anymore problems.  I took a peek at the Scentsy web site, from what I saw,they are afforable, now I just have to decide.  Ah Hah you and dad and ur sister eating the caramel, well glad u think it's a winner gonna have to get my ewwa in gear and order some soon.  I miss our drinking nights too, I've turned into an ol shoe, in bed by 7...jes terrible!  LMAO about the pg goil and the rich ol man.  Mom got it right mese tinks.  LOL.

    Mary - Whoop Whoop for being more than 1/2 way thru rads.  Like Dara said, get all the scripts you can, never kno when you'll need them.  Can you start the silvadene right away?  Then mental pic of peeling skin skeers me. That night out sounds fantastic.  I love that kinda music, used to have all Frankie Valli vinyl.  I so pray you go and have a marvelous time, it sounds like just the ticket.  That is so sad about Emma getting bit.  Sounds like you and dh did the right thing in bixing her up.  Hope your son lets you see Nora and how cool she is walking now.  Thanks for splaining the ABC, it does make sense, praying it works and no damage.  (((Mary)))

    Prn - good to see your beautiful face in da lounge.  Still waiting for a website on your caramels.  Let me kno when you can K?

    NM - ewe...skunk.  They say tomato juice bath is best for the smell.

    Til later lublubslublubslublubs!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, I reread my post from yesterday and edited it. I'm so sorry if I offended anyone. I'm having a lot of self body image issues lately, I just don't know that person in the mirror, but my post was just about me. I think I'm having a harder time than I let on, and then my son all but telling me in not so many words that he's worried about Nora around me was the icing on the cake. I love all you  girls.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning all

    here's to halfway mary g and getting enough scriptsHappy nora walking,the phrase here come's trouble popped into my mindWinking  she's getting to be a big girl now

    and 5 weeks until logan arrivesHappy, its so much fun watching as all of  your grandkids grow up  , wonder how;s cammi's ears  are today?

    sue-looking stunning is always good,  glad you enjoyed your couple of days, wonder if the innocent one is behaving or is she breaking and entering again.cea is classed as a tumour marker and normal is below  3 and most places list >10 for any concern so my 4.6 is not a big concern except if you have had any frb

    darla  - enjoy those caramels, hope your hand issues don't slow you down eating them!

    lara-thinking of you and hoping your friend and uncle and you   are doing well

    nancy -hope your open house goes well

    nm-relax. enjoy your weekend. that was my first ever cea,  the mental smile of you trying to bathe sadie  made me laugh.glad it was only a light spray, do you have to use tomato juice on dogs?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    mary, sorry i pushed you in the pool!   vent anytime!  if you think your son is worrying now,what's he going to do when nora;s datingShocked   plus so far the only benefit from frb is a better golf swing for you. there's so much going on in your life from diagnosis and treatments and the change in your body, that  some days you just want to go to bed ,pull the covers over your head and say sod off world . then i get up  put my big girl panties on and eat chocolate.  which is why i coudl be going tback to good will and buying back my bigger clothes!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Sue, glad you got some purdy nails and purdy eyelashes. I love your eye lashes, they bring out your purdy eyes. and you know I just love your smile too. Of all de goils I know, you have de purdiest smile ever. I wish you were here right now and smiling at me or with me. muah back atcha.

    Genny, Juliet is right, no reason to not post a vent and have it all about you. I did not see anything offensive in what you wrote, you silly goil. We are here for you and want you to vent if it helps and I am sure it does. i sure hope your DS loosens up over Nora. I am sorry that I said that I can see where he is coming from. I said that as I was a lunatic when my own DD was that little. I did not trust her with anyone but my mother and my sisters. My suggestion would be to let your son OR your daughter in law know how hurt you are over not being allowed to see her and that you think his concern is unrealistic. You are usually so upbeat and have every reason in the world to vent away. I demand that you vent more love, you need to get this crud that is bothering you out of your mind and if you shove it inside your mind, it will jest fester. Jest my two cents dear heart. Hang in there. 

    NM, you are having the weather we had here earlier this week. It is cold now, for here anyway. It went into the 40's last night.  How is silly Sadie? Is she now outta diapers and in bed where she belongs? I sure hope so. You had us worried, so glad eberyting turned out well. I swear when we are all on a roll with things going well, it is good. and when tings go bad, seems we all have problems at de same time. sort of like young woman who work together who end up haviing their periods at the same time, did you ever here about that study? It some crazy chit. Hope you and all de other goils having a great day.

    Julie, tanks for the funnies. I had to crack up about the witch with the wedgie than I think it was Mary or was it Nancy who asked how you got a pic of her lol.

    Well I need to try to rest, had only a few hours sleep last night. ex DH had car issues, had a tow truck arrive here at 3am with his car and sent it back to the dealer using another tow truck at 7am. had a little fun between, wink wink. he is work someting, not much but someting :-)

    have a good night goils, mese cousin supposed to come so I prolly be partaying all night. and I still have to shop more for my daughters shower tomorree, can not believe it is here.

    Oh, PRN, we have eaten four boxes of caramel. That will bix my relatives who bailed out at de last minutes, their loss is own gain, hehe, gain of weight too! Oh those caramel and toffee are sooooo good. All goils must sample to get it. and girl, if you knew me, youd know that I do not hand out compliments that are lies. I would have just said the candy was beautiful meaning it was purdy, I would not go on and on about how uber yummy it is.

    Nancy, can you send me a link to the sentsy products, and sorry if mese spelling it wrong. 


    big eArs

    rubber nose

    made of hose

    That my girls is a poem for our Lara, she will get it!! ha! I go now.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    prn need that link, found nancy scentsy link

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Afternoon everyone. Hope you all are having better weather than we are. My open house went well. I do have a web site. Its you can go on there and look around. I have been sooooo tired this after noon. I cant keep my eyes open.  Im gonna check back in a bit gotta take a nap.  

    Love you girls and I will be back later

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited October 2014

    Dara...thank you so very much.  I really do appreciate it and am SO glad that you are enjoying and not your family that bailed!  LOL.  I hope that they make the shower settings look super sweet for baby Logan.

    Julie, Genny and everyone else...SIGH...the website is not up yet.  Because as you know the shoemaker's kids have no the web maker's wife has no website!  LOL.  He is working on it.  What I can tell you is this... I make Original Caramel, Pecan Caramel and Turtle Caramel and English Toffee.  Who ever might be interested you can email me for and tell me what you need and we can see about getting it to you.

    I am working on getting some custom boxes made and hired a graphic designer as well to help us develop a logo.  I am excited.  FURB makes you take stock of things.  Good and Bad.  It helped me know that it was time to make this move.  Fear or not....

    Thanks for being such a great bunch of women and so supportive....truly the best gift ever.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi goils, been playing around the wabbit hole today, trying real hard not to go down. Thanks, Dara and Julie, words I needed to hear. I woulda prolly just sat and wallowed and cried today but DH here the whole day and it makes him feel bad and being of the male species he would feel the need to "fix it" so I'm keeping it to myself. My whole body hurts, it's depressing, I feel so old. My DS just called and said they cannot come here but would love to have us come there. He is working 6 days/wk 10/hrs/day and Sunday is his only day off so I do understand. He's got to mow and get stuff done. DH wants to go there so we prolly will, sure would love to see my sweetie so we'll go I'm thinking. Just finished eating 2 lbs of steamed shrimp between the 2 of us, was yummy. Made myself a dirty martini w/blue cheese stuffed olives, also yummy. Now having my red wine. Cold and damp here, leaves on the ground, very fall-like.

    PRN, my DH says the same thing about getting his haircut, I tend to put him off till he threatens me with going to Best Cuts. Your chocolates sound wonderful, good for you for jumping in and doing this.

    Well, got my appt for my massage now, gotta head over to the spa,(wish it was real and not virtual) have a good Saturday night girls.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014


    Isn't it Pretty?....It's  calling us Nancy, I can hear it!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014


    This is the view off my back patio, aren't the fall colors so pretty?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this Sunday
    ayem?Sadie and I had a lazy day
    yesterday, hope everyone else did too.

    Julie--I don't care
    if those boys are cold, as long as they keep walking where I can watch!

    Genny--I think your
    DS is a bit crazy about the Ebola thing, too, but given how much media
    attention on health care workers being exposed (and blaming them) has a lot of
    people afraid of catching it from health care workers, especially nurses.There was a similar reaction back in the
    early days of HIV in the US.The reality
    is that you are more at risk of getting an infection from Nora than the other
    way around.

    Mema--I found a
    recipe for skunk last time Sadie got good and skunked--a quart of hydrogen
    peroxide, a quarter cup of baking soda, a squirt of dish soap and a quart of
    water.Soak em' down, let it sit for a
    few minutes, rinse off, works great!Sadie must have moved quick cuz she's just got a hint of skunk around
    her head, and nowhere else.The side of
    the house, however, is another story. . . .

    Genny--there is
    nothing wrong with a post being all about you sometimes.That's what we're here for, after all!We all need to vent from time to time.I can see where your DS's attitude would be
    enough to upset anyone.

    Julie--It's funny
    how much a dog that like playing in the water does NOT like getting a
    bath!It can be funny the lengths she
    goes to trying to avoid getting into the bathroom.She can lay down on the floor and increase
    her weight to a million pounds, I swear!I get a workout just getting her into the bathroom.Weren't you saying you had a bad cold
    recently?Did you know lung inflammation
    can cause an elevation in CEA?So can
    gall bladder issues.

    LOVE the Favorite

    Dara--Yup. Silly
    Sadie is out of diapers and back in bed, thanks to phenylpropanalamine.Magic drug!In the 40's here this ayem, should warm up a bit through the day.Still don't need the furnace, which is a
    great thing!

    Nancy's Scentsy site
    has a couple of get 6 for a set price that's a great way to try out the
    different scents, but it's hard to just pick 6 out of all of them!

    PRN--sent you an
    e-mail, would love to get some of your goodies!So neat that you are starting up your own business, you are way braver
    than I am!

    Genny--Some days
    that wabbit hole develops it's own, extra-strong gravity.It can be a real job to stay out of it.Sometimes I just needed a good cry.Well, actually, almost every day I had to
    have a good cry.Hang in there, it WILL
    get better.Ok, I've heard a lot about
    this bell, what is this all about?Very
    pretty colors!

    White Rabbit

    3 oz Seagram's
    Vanilla Vodka

    3 oz Vanilla Liqueur

    1 part Ice

    1 oz Milk

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.


    Fill a glass with
    ice, add in the vodka, vanilla liqueur, and milk. Shake and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Good morning girls, dogs are playing on the bed while I lie here and drink my coffee. Mutt and Jeff, they are so funny. DH went golfing, brrr, it's 43, too cold for me. I'm feeling much better today I think, feel like the blues have left, I'll take the dogs to the metropark for a nice long walk and get some endorphins going and then later we'll go see miss Nora. Thanks for being here girls, don't know what I'd do without ya's. I was thinking about seeing a shrink or therapist or someone since my ins will cover everything till the end of the year. I've never been to one, any suggestions? They also have quite a few BC support groups around here, would that be better? I'm drinking more than I should, I'd like to cut it back to only 1 or 2 on weekends instead of every night. It's a habit I've gotten into and I'd like to break it. I thought about committing to a PM yoga class during the week after dinner but so hard to get myself to do it. Molly says tackle one thing at a time, finish with the rads and then that'll be my next thing to concentrate on. I've really only got you girls and Molly to talk this stuff thru with. My DH is Y chromosome and tho he means well his advice always seems like he's telling me what to do... the Mars Venus thing I guess. DS just called, everything is fine. The problem with him is he is a truck driver and he listens to conspiracy theory podcasts and the news all day long. But they are looking forward to us coming and no more talk of Ebola!

    NM, you are right, Nora has a cold, much more likely I get something from her. I told DS, every generation has a new contagious disease, with us it was AIDS, before that polio, back a ways TB, and on and on. Bird flu was big a few years ago, the media just has to put everybody in such an uproar. I'm not saying it's not a concern, but this early on you have a much better chance of dying form flu complications. My DH said Rainbow Babies Hospital was full with kids in isolation with this resp stuff the kids are getting now when he last took Emma there. He couldn't go in half the rooms. Anyway, my opinion, hopefully they'll contain it, and blaming the healthcare workers is so much easier than explaining why people are flying in and out of a contaminated country. Again..., my opinion. My BC dx was on Feb 14 and I have been so lucky not having any real complications (other than chemo not working), but nothing like Dara and Lara. But once finished with rads all I have left is the exchange... it's all been so unreal and there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it comes on the day I ring that bell! It will be a very emotional day for me, I'm hoping to get some of the old me back. 

    Anyway I've been on here a long time, prolly bumping someone in the pool by now, have a good day girls, pics of Nora to come. Thanks for being my lifeline now...taking the pooches to the park.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning all, as you can see the housework is going well as i'm on the computer, sunday paper read,trash out , next some ironing. cook some food.

    thanks nm, did n;t find that resp virus can raise your cea in my research  but not too concerned as it is so low. how miss sadie today and how's your back after bathing her

    mary you can't go down the rabbit hole as its blocked up.   enjoy your nora time, so far no one has been diagnosed with that particular strain in this area but there was a bad virus going round that affected every age. wish there was an update on nina and amber. ,  hope they know there's a massive prayer group for them.cdc looks like a laughing stock, best bet would be for them to say they are talking with doctors without borders  as these people have been on the grounf in the thick of the ebola epidemic for months

    prn-  haha at the shoemaker's wife , had a family friend that was a great handyman loved helping people with projects, the joke was he could smell cement  in mile radius but his wife struggled to get anything done in their house

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Mary - my widdle heart aches for you, such a tough time, but I think Dara said it best, 'if ya don't vent, it festers and just makes things harder'.  Try to let those down times come in and speak your mind, then you can file it away til the next wave hits.  Gotta try and cleanse the heart and mind each time a wave hits ya.  That brings us in, we're here for ya.  ((Mary))

    Julie - Thanks muchly.  I knew cea sounded familiar but cudn't remember how.  Praying those nasty markers go way down soon.  Jes lmao on all your pics, too funny.  I can't seem to get any pictures to post, sigh!Snooze

    Dara darlink - you make me blush!  Always smiling with you girlfriend.  Tomorrow Logans babyshower, wow, seems like time is passing tooo fast.  Glad you got a widdle boom chicky wow wow, I'm soo jealous!  Naw, I'm happy fer ya.  Hope you got some rest b4 ur cousin came. Lara will hafta splain the end of your post bout the nose and hose.

    Nancy - I have been nosing around on your web site, kno I want some warmers, jes wondering if I want the one you plug in.  Do you have a preference?

    Prn - OK, at least someway we can contact you.  You'll do fine, everything will come together...and you'll be hearing from me.

    Mary - Glad your ds called you to come over.  what a relief.  Yum, on the steamed shrimp and the dirtytini with them stuffed olives.  That's my kinda dwink.  Is that the bell at the RO's place for when you finish?   It's beautiful and calling both of you.  Mine was a gong, like a chinese gong.  It was fun!  Wow, see, that is what I miss, FALL, real fall with all the changes.  We go from summer to winter around here.  Glad you are feeling better on this lovely (altho cold for you) Sunday Funday.  I like Molly's advice, tackle one thing at a time.  FURB gets us and somehow we can't manage more than one challenge at a time.  Well, mayb some of  you can, but not me...I like the 1 ata time.  Less stress.  I thot about bc groups in LV, never went.  My dh sounds alot like yours, telling instead of suggesting gently.  Mars & Venus is correct.  If you feel like trying a group or counselor, do it, nothing wrong with it and you'll always have Molly and us whenever you need us.  NICE BUNS!!!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs and hope a fantastic SundayFunday for everyone!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


    dolly mai

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls,

    I have to be quick,, I am under a gun with time. The shower was perfect, everything about it. My photographer will prolly be slow in getting me pics. The favors were a huge hit. I opened a box myself to share samples so that people did not think it was junk (I have been known to throw away shower favors). Anyway, I ended up opening three boxes as so many people wanted to try them and I offered since I had plenty so that the guests could take their boxes home in the sweet packaging. PRN, remind me to tell you how excited I am to read that you are getting a pro to help with packaging, I thought the packages were perfect but can imagine that going pro will help too. I am saying this as I remember you mentioning in an email that you are getting help with marketing. And when I see them in the malls, I can tell people that I knew her when lol. 

    I have nnot read, I still have to pack and find some time to sleep. And I never did get that boom chicky wow wow, xdh's truck broke down, he used his insurance road side assistance, I went to pick him up nd did not get home until am. The fn police treeated him like a criminal after seeing a big ass bottle of JD in his truck which was for me. He let them search his truck. And I am telling you, he had nothing illegal, he does not do drugs and does not drink and drive. The pigs were looking for trouble and he was so aggitated that he just said search. So the tow truck (flat bed) arrives at my home around 4am, wakes up my neighbors with the lights and noise. I then called my AAA and had it towed to the dealer, Mind you, he just put 1800 in it for this same problem and it got worse leaving him stranded. 

    I was out last night with my cousin, she stayed over night since she lives far away and of course a good excuse to hang with me and get away from her p-RICK DH.  we spend two hours shopping for baby gifts then ended up closing down  local bar. and oh, I got flagged, refused to be given any more likker. I was not even messed up, the drinks were soooo lame that I had to order a shot to add to  my drink to even taste mese JD. So I scrwed the bartender and left her a 5.00 tip, take that biotch hehe.

    I will try to take tikme to read and respond once I get to SC. I have to leave her at 3:30am for the airport. And I  need to pack and take a nap. My clothes are everywhere, I mean my bedroom is the biggest mess it has ever been as I have been in a major funk. I was freaking and tore the room apart looking for my slacks for today. FOund then hanging in my laundry room ughhhhhh. I got to the shower three minutes before the start time as we both slept til noon, ooops. my cousin said she would set an alarm but we both slept through it. I am as people call me one hot mess. and the two of us together are a total chit show, so much that it is comical to others. But I had a nice time last night and today and it was all so worth it. My DD made me sooooo proud. No one asked about the baby daddy, at least that I know of. I was stressing over that and I know Jessica was too. 

    Well thanks girls for not hating me for making this all about me. Know I love you all and I am so sincere. You have all been so supportive even with my recent selfishness.

    Julie, thanks for the funnies, especially love the pic of the wiener dog in the boot. DOXINS ROCK, I just love that breed with all my fart. uh, I mean fart. Ok, gonna get something done. I have to first try to put my bedroom back together, I tore clothes from my closets and my drawers and made a wicked mess. I was so angry at myself for not having everything out, bad likker bad bad bad!! hehe. 

    Nancy and Mary, hoping and praying that you girls will get through the rest of your treatment without much pain and fatigue, I said a prayer that it will be easy. I hope God was listening, he mighten be mad at me as I was praying today and cursing in the same breath. God forgive me and do not take it out of mese goils, k? 

    Peace girls, send some back to me please, I need it. It is gonna be a tough week but I promise to take the time for your girls as I will take regular breaks and maybe hide if Dad gets too upset and stresses me. So far, so good but it is going to be hard on him.

    cheeRs, tittys up and bottomes up and up!!!! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Quick pop in, great afternoon with Nora and DS and DIL, we took dinner, it was nice then they took dogs to the metropark while we babysat.  She is walking now, she never, ever stops....never!! I don't know haw they do it but I guess I forget what it's like to be 30. I'll get pics on soon.

    Dara, wow, I was tired before reading your post, now I'm exhausted! Good luck with the drive, hope your dad doesn't get too down. So happy the shower went well and PRN's goodies were a hit. Thanks for the prayers, and you can make your post all about you anytime.

    Julie, nice letter to FURB. Dog is so cute.

    Sue, tanks for listening, yer right gotta keep it from festering, love ya girl.

    And love all you girls, took my Xanax, dwinkin' my glass of red wine, only 1 tonight tho, gotta sleep now, DH too, Nora wore us out. Sweet dreams to all!