how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Wow I have a lot of catching up to do. It's been a busy weekend.

    NM there are a lot of great scents to choose from but my favorites are the fall and winter ones, the holiday ones and the café ones. If you like I can give some suggestions to try. If you like them then you can order more later on if you want to. :) I love the lazy days with my puppy

    Mema I like the plug in warmers too but you have to watch where you put them so you don't bump into them and have wax go all over. I put those like in my bathroom or kitchen and use the bigger ones in my living room, family room and bedrooms. They smell really good and don't get real hot so they don't burn ya if you touch the wax on accident. Or if little ones touch them.

    Dara have a great time at the baby shower you should be getting a surprise this week. :) And I know God was listening and hes watching over all of us. :) Love you girl

    Genny I love that fishing picture and I'll tell you what I go to a support group here and I see a therapist and they have both done me a world of good. Now on the therapist side of things you gotta make sure you get a good one if your going that route. I have to do that because of my Head injury and they want me to keep seeing her because of the Cancer too but it is helping. The support group is great because you have people you can relate to in person. Between this group and the group I go to on Tuesday nights it has really helped and Mema's right you gotta speak your mind and get things out. Im thinking of you and hope you have a good week.

    I went to a my friends daughters 3rd birthday party yesterday afternoon and felt so bad because I slept during the entire damn party. I sat in this comfy chair she had and just couldn't keep my eyes open. I was so embarrassed but they all know whats going on but still..




    We took Jackson to the Pumpkin Patch today. Had a lot of fun.




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    thanx Nancy, I hocked your BC pic for my facebook, love it! the shower was great, it was today. Jackson just gets cuter and cuter, how could that be?? I just can't wait to hold Logan for the first time so I get what all you grands out there are feeling. As if being a Mom was not special enough, ya know???

    peace out goil scouts!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good Monday morning,
    Loungettes! How is everyone this breezy, chilly ayem?I would rather be back under the covers
    snuggling with Sadie, but there is work to do to earn the paycheck that lets me
    keep a roof over our heads, so off to work I will go.

    Julie--LOL!Where do you find those funnies?

    Genny--Glad you are
    feeling better.I got a lot of help from
    seeing a counselor, she was a Social Worker who specialized in people with
    cancer.The center where you are getting
    treatment should have a social worker who can either do some short term
    counseling or help you find someone who can help.The difference between a counselor and a
    shrink is the ability to prescribe medications (a counselor can make
    recommendations to either your PCP or Onc) and the cost of the
    appointments.I agree with Molly, rads
    is not always the cake walk it can be made out to be, trying to add a class
    into your schedule may be too much.Concentrate on walking--with or without the dogs--and rest when you need
    to.What you are feeling now is the
    effect from 2 to 3 weeks ago, there is a lag time, it is going to get
    worse.Ah,the conspiracy theorists are having a field
    day with the Ebola thing, I can just imagine.I feel sorry for the people on that cruise who got their vacay cut short
    just to find out the passenger tested negative for Ebola.Pretty soon everyone who treats Ebola
    patients will be forced to live in quarantine at the hospital where they work
    to "protect the public."And
    they will be the safest people of all!Looking forward to pics of Nora.

    Julie--My back is ok
    after the bath with Sadie routine.Apparently I can pick up 68 pounds of doggy without hurting myself.Of course, the long hot shower immediately
    after probably helped.But I must have
    missed one tiny spot, I could still smell skunk in her when we were cuddling
    last night.Oh, well, it will fade, and
    it's not bad.I got some housework done,
    too, and a couple loads of bread made, and a ham and rice casserole made in the
    little crock pot.

    Mema--sounds like
    some of you get to ring a bell when rads are done.My place didn't do anything like that.Oh, well, that's in the past now and it can
    stay there.Good advice to Mary.I'm like you, one crisis at a time,

    letter!And what a great boot

    Dara--so glad the
    shower went well!Sounds like exDH needs
    to talk to the place that "fixed" his truck.Hope you got your nap and packing done, by
    now you are at the airport, if not on the plane and in the air.Praying for you and your Dad.

    Genny--Hooray for
    Nora time, and I can just picture her toddling everywhere!

    Collett--I am loving
    having a whole range of scents to choose from!For the rest of the Loungettes:I
    got 6 sachets and 6 wax blocks, with only a couple of repeats, so I get to
    choose a scent when I get home from work for the candle burner, and can change
    up the scent in the car periodically.It's great fun!I will definitely
    be ordering more eventually.Great
    Jackson pics!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Great Pumpkin Punch

    1 part Rum

    1 part Apple Cider

    2 parts Ginger Ale

    1 oz Pumpkin


    Serve in a hollowed
    out pumpkin with floating pumpkin chunks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Very early morning gals.

    Oh dara what a beautiful pic and how wonderful the shower went well, and I told u gals the candy PRN makes are luscious. Dara all the excitement starts now too, cuz it's getting so close and u'll be holding Logan soon and won't want to let him go until he cries. What a mix up with the truck and all that stuff, I have no patience for things nymore.

    Genny and Nancy both--I think of u'r rads and hope it stays but the same as far as skin goes. And Yes u get tired on them for some reason it just zaps u. So never feel bad about falling asleep anywhere.

    Genny vent whenever u want we do al understand, and it might be a good idea to start going to a group if u need to, but I know (fr me) doing things in the evening in the winter is not easy at all. Once it's dark, I'm in.

    Prn u'r really getting the is business going good. All the luck in the world, and they are so so good too.

    Julie u always lift our spirits, u are so adorable with brightness all around u.

    NM u'r anther one the drink alone is really good but u add more to make everyone feel better.And all this Ebola stuff is s scary, I think if I was flying my can f Lysol and rubber gloves would be first n my list and then I wouldn't fly anyway cuz I'm so afraid of it. But u gals are exposed to everything, that's tough.

    SusyQ I think when I see u'r avatar I start to smile, u have the most contagious smile in that pic And u really are always up, u'r a hoot.

    Well I didn't make it to my GF party, I was so sad---I had my D Friday and Sat and it stopped late Sat, but I never know fr sure and I was just so disappointed --all month I was waiting for it. Normally when I'm not going anywhere I just go along, bt when I plan something I get pissed off and get mad at everyDr. that said oh we'll figure it out. So my floopyness was more so this weekend and when I have it I get s cold and dehydrated so all I I do is sit like a lump with cover and do nothing. Good thing my nature is being lazy so I guess it's not much difference.

    OK a Joey story--we're sitting around and he just hugs me and then starts telling me Lori is in TN now and where she is and what she's doing and said that hug was from Lori. I'm like WHAT???? He texts with Lori that little stinker now I hope he's not bothering her all the time, Oh God poor Lori. She gave him her text stuff, I don't even text.

    Well guess who absolutely has to take a shower, yes me, way overdue. It's still dark out and I'm sure I'll sleep most of the day after cuz that's been what's happening, but I think my new meds will start kicking in soon so I hope I have more energy.

    Lara u've been awfully quiet.

    I hope everyone has a good day today..

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning all,just came back from the gyn- the biopsy b9 again but he is recommending a hysterectomy and both ovaries removed, because  if i have any further bleeding  and if the ultrasound says the uterus still enlarged, it won;t be a office biopsy but a trip to or for d+c and hysteroscopy. so i told him i have no problem with  it  all going , he did say people that have had frb  tend to be more willing for surgery instead of continued wait and see. so just waiting on insurance approval and a date.

    nancy -must admit i thought i would be safer with the warmers as opposed to the plug in's, and nm your right , so many fragrences to choose from.looking forward for my order to arrive.    jackson is so cute

    mary g-glad you had a good day, listen to your body if it says sleep, sleep

    darla safe travels, and hope the packing up goes well and your dad is not too upset, not looking forward to the day we have to do it for my parents, but my sister s and i have agreed we sit down with several bottles of wine and devide things up and make sure the grandkids have something to remember the nan and granch by. seen too many families at war because of a will. my parents have made one and just devided everything 3 ways

    cammi=whats todays smell? sorry you missed the gf meal,know you look forward to them, great pics on fb of ds and joey

    where i work has made the flu shot mandatory this year, so nobody is happy even those who get it every year are upset at being told to get it, those that don't get it  are finding docs won't sign and excemption for them,  so now i got my results i went to get it today but because i have a history of frb i have to get note off the doc to get the flu shot! wtf

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - very profound your 'letter to cancer'.  Very nice!  And then of course the phucking phunny ones...lmao.  HooRay to b9.   I was thrilled to have all my parts taken out.  Well, 1st my uteris and then 30 years later my ovaries.  But I was already in menopause.  Throwing ya into it is only down side to having them removed, but mayb you're past that.  Does Hysteroscopy mean they can take everything vaginally?  I kno they can take the uteris, I wondered about the ovaries.

    Dara D - So glad the shower was a hit.  I think Jess looks beautiful in her 'mommy to be' sash.  She's glowing!  Hope baby daddy keeping his distance too.  You prolly in SC by now, hoping all goes well with the sale.  Sending you some peace and positive energy to get thru this next hurdle.   Muah!!

    Mary - love you too girlfriend.  Glad all turned out well with DS/DIL and widdle Nora.  Someone the fun begins, lol, now that she's walking.  Sounds like it did you a world of good cuz u sound a little more upbeat, dis is goot!

    Nancy - thats for the suggestions on plug-ins.  Am thinking of places I can put them so they will be safe.  I love that verse too, put it on my fb page as well.  And am sure no one will hold it against you for falling asleep, you obviously needed it.  That widdle Jackson is just too that laughing pic.

    NM -  banging that bong was fun, and I even got a fancy dancy certificate.  Think it's cool these places take those extra steps to ease things for pts.  Glad you got most of the stink, and what lingers must not b bad or u'd not be able to cuddle.  mmmmm homemade bread...I can smell it, nothing better.  Thanks for tips on the Scentsy, will have to get my ewwa in gear and order some.

    Cami  dahhhling - u are the hoot, jes love all your posts.  I'm sad sad the dreaded D made you miss the party.  Has to make you  blue.  I gib u big hugZ, kno it wont help much but u got one coming anyway.  Did I tell you to try G2 by gatoraid for you dehydration?  Not the orig, it says G2 on bottle.  Has electrolights in it.  I have all the time cuz I suffer much one way or the other.  Never been normal.  Mine can last for days too, then stop and I've got the big C.  Never ending circle.  LMAO on Joey and Lori texting.  They're life-long buddies for sure now.  What smell you gonna be today?

    Lubslubslubs all my wonderful brave and courageous breasties!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    according to the doc i'm now menopausel, so will be glad for them to go, can stop the worrying as i take the lovely tamoxifen! and plus maybe once i get this melon out of my belly i won't have to pee every 2 hours. he's going to do bikini line cut!,  could do it vaginally but he said he would not have a good view of the ovaries and uterus is upper limits for removing vaginally, rather he had a good luck at the situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    I have been typing...spilling my guts to you ladies for over an hour...just ready to hit send and this f*%&*ing thing just popped of line and erased it all!!! AAAAGGGHH friggin' gremlins!!!!! I quit! Oh, I'm so mad!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014




    My little porkchop! She's walking and chattering. Looks and sounds a lot like me after some wine and willie!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Evening everyone!! Just got back from Dragon Boat practice. I joined the Indy SurviveOars. Its a Dragon Boat Racing team that goes around the country and races  Chinese dragon boats. They are all Breast Cancer Survivors and its a blast! 

    Im falling asleep as I am typing so this will be short. I love you all and hope your all do well this week. Ill just checjk ban letter

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Arghhh, getting up in the
    dark.Don't like it.Oh well.Going to work for the Augusta office today, they're swamped and one of
    their nurses is out on vacay, so will be a different day.Been a while since I had a full day's worth
    of visits to do!It will be good for
    me.Excuse if the typing is a bit weird
    today, Sadie is being insistent on having her head in my lap or on my arm/hand,
    so I'm having to type around her.

    Cammy-Yeah, we
    nurses do get exposed to stuff, makes for a strong constitution, as my
    grandmother would say.Sometimes I think
    we nurses are lucky, we know we are exposed to all these lovely things, many
    people never realize how many things they are exposed to in the course of a
    normal day.I'm not sure you could get
    the can of Lysol onto a plane these days, but many people do carry disinfecting
    wipes.So sorry the D interfered with
    you plans, so not fair.Every doc that
    told you it would get figured out should be taking shifts cleaning your
    bathroom after the D attacks.So funny
    about Joey and Lori texting!

    Julie--Hooray for
    the B9 result, and I can understand being ready to part with a body part that's
    only creating worry.Crazy stuff with
    the flu shot issue.I think they will find
    that the mandatory flu shot approach will back fire on them,because of issues like this--if you need a
    doc's note to get the it with a hx of bc then people are going to start
    wondering why, assume that there is a risk involved, and stop getting the flu

    Mema--You got a
    certificate when you finished rads?How
    cool is that!Bet it felt good to ring
    that bell.What's left of the skunk
    stink on Sadie is very faint, thankfully, so no interference in the cuddle
    time.I'll let you in on a little
    secret--I'm one of those odd people that isn't much bothered by skunk
    smell.It's not my favorite smell, but
    it's not all that horrible, either, so unless it's strong enough to make my
    eyes water I'm not much bothered by it.

    Julie--I think I'd
    want the doc to get a good look at things, too!

    Genny--ooh, that
    gremiln, we have got to exorcise him somehow!Such sweet pics of you and Nora!She is a darling!

    Collett--Good for
    you!Let me know when the Dragon boat
    races will be in New England, ok?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gremlin Fixer

    2/3 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Apricot

    2/3 oz Dry Vermouth

    2/3 oz Pisang Ambon

    3 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake and strain
    into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig, and

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, I am writing /speaking from my phone as my stupid laptop will not power up. I am here in South Carolina and all is well. I have to run out and buy a pair a cheater glasses as I forgot my glasses and cannot even see to read what's going on. I did see the photographs of nora and oh my God how cute. I crashed out sometime after dinner last night and woke up at 8 o'clock this morning. I felt guilty because the bedroom light was on all night and then find my dad in his bed with his light on and his door open LOL. We had the home inspection yesterday and the termite inspection will happen today. It is all bittersweet.

    I hope you are all doing well and I am sorry that I cannot read. The last time I logged into here from my phone was September 30 which was when I was here last time. Ok 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    LDB.....having a HUGE drink of congrats to you an the good scans. I get scanxiety attacks for/with you! Did you tell us about your niece? If so, I had forgotten, I'm so sorry. F'ing RB is attacking way too many young people.

    Mary, I was laffing at you with your son and his drums. I am currently in TN, driving to Nashville today and home tomorrow. The pellet stoves are good, it's just that initial cost that is the one that bites. I do hope you can enjoy your evening out with Molly and your DH. I can totally relate to not feeling like dressing up and looking pretty

    Nancy, the Indy SurvivorOars.....I love it and we will be right there cheering you on! I am so sorry rads are kicking your butt big time, I hope you can make it thru the end.

    NM, I don't think the pellet stoves at Tractor Supply were "good" ones. But after that initial BIG cost, it's not too bad. Sort of like a solar system, altho those are getting cheaper too. So maybe waiting on the pellet stove might prove to be worth it in the long run.

    Julie, always love your funnies and sending prayers out to your colleges that they will not be infected.

    I still have a page and a half yet to read. Need to get the rest of my packing done and then head out to Embassy in Nashville. Maybe I can check in at Happy Hour. Sorry not to address everyone, but y'all know how it is!

    Luv N Huggles!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Mornig Ladies

    Julie yeh for B9--and I think at this point why not get everything out--well that's my thinking. I was in my early 50's ad I do remember my Doc saying would u like to have counseling? hahaha I just did that LOL, there was cancer involved but it was so early stage I didn't worry anyway ad I thought take everything I really didn't care--OK s they told u how u will be cut so u can still wear bikinis right" I just want it not to hurt u so much, I don't know abut the bikini cut really. (((HUGS)))

    Dara I ca't imagine all the work that has to be done, how how long will u be there? I'm not quite understanding how this move will go with all the packing and I'm sure u have lots to get rid of--GOOD LUCK

    Mary I've doe that too with my posts they just disappear and I get so mad, cuz I wrote a long one. That Nora and her blue eyes she knocks me out--and no rabbit holes I covered them up.

    Nancy u too. Another gorgeous blue eyed little one, dont they just make u'r day feel better. I'm sorry u rad girls are having some hard days, they will be over soon..

    PRN I noticed u did't tell the girls gluten free, which does make a difference too. Ad u really have things under control of course we all wish u the best.

    LORI'S in the house Yeah, The traveling lady it's always nice to see u here ad all is well.

    NM the DOTD sounds yummy. U had a busy Monday, what a way to go back to work but today is twofor Tuesday, so that helps.

    Where has Lara been?

    I got my D back yesterday with a vengence, damn crap. Oh ad I do drink water with electrolytes bt I can tell when I get dehydrated anyway  and I get so tired, Again I don't really go on the computer. So I miss out on stuff going on. My stomach makes more noise than a construction crew drilling to break up cement.. Oh well Oh well my cat and Joey find it amusing so it can't be all bad.

    Hi SusyQ hope u'r feeling good.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - my #5 on Monday was Wodka!  LOL.   That is same thing my gyno said.  Bikini line so he could really check out the ovaries and take them if nec.   Why do 2 surgeries right?  You'll be relieved, really, once all is gone.  Do you have a date yet?  I will keep you in my prayers!

    Mary - I hate that gremlin too.  I usually write on Works then copy paste.  But jes cuz it disappeared doesn't mean you didn't vent you did, now let go, and yes, BEAUTIFUL pics of you and Nora, brings a big smile to my face and you too.  Talked to my gd last night, she is in kindergarten so we don't get to talk much.  She was getting ready to have dessert.  Am hoping to get to see her on Nov 9 and my gs too.  ((((Mary))))

    Nancy - sooo cool, sooo pwoud of you doing the dragon boats, love the name of your go girl!!

    NM - I remember as a kid not being offended by skunk or cow/horse dung on the gparents stead, then when I'd take my own kids...all I heard was ewe ewe ewe.  I always carry the wipes, even to the bar.  Always take my own reading material on the plane too, mags are nasty.

    Cami - LOL about the counseling.  I was very young (29) and my gyno made me wait 6 months to make sure my head was on straight.  I never regretted it.   Glad you get some electrolytes, please take care I worry so about you.  But did have to laugh at your description of noise and how the cat and Joey find it amusing.

    Dara Dear - LOL at your forgetfulness but sawee ur puter not powering up.  Sounds like both you and your dad were exhausted and needed that sleep.  Hope things continue to go well with inspections and such.

    Lowee - Sooo GLAD you're back!!  Thanks for toasting to me, I get same anxieties.  Brain and MUGA on the 3rd and 4th, doc on the 10th, then I hope to breath for a few months.  Not sure if I mentioned my niece before.  Her last chemo is this Fri, then they'll decide whats next.  Looks like I'm going at a good time. 

    Prn - Really?  Gluten free...woohoo.  Not that I have problems with it cuz I don't but nice to know to tell peeps in case they do.

    Gotta get on the elliptal...ugh...but do feel better after.  LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone--

    Oh SusyQ I didn't mean counseling was bad, I do know when u'r young it ca be heartbreaking--I remember one of my GF having it done in her late 20's and it hit her hard so I ca understand that, but by the time u hit 50 anything to stop that miserable period is welcomed.

    Well it's been a couple of weeks ow and remember how I said Joey's practicing sounded like a wounded animal---well hea's learned some new notes and now it sounds like a whole herd beggig to be put out of their misery and I have to say sounds good. Going to catholic school one of my weak points is lying, those nuns could really make u feel guilty about everything. Bit I think I fooled Joey.

    I was crazy busy today for work and it just disrupted my TV time.

    I hope everyone has a good nite's sleep.

    LUBS u all.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hello everybody, finished number 10 today and slept most of the day. My left side is pretty damn pink and sore. Oh well .... it will pass right?  I will definately tell you all when the Dragon races begin and if we will be in your area so we can meet up and you all can cheer us on. The ladies I met last night are soo cool and such an inspiration. I cant wait to get started.  

    Genny Nora is so Stinkin cute!!

    So my son has a girlfriend now that he is pretty crazy about and she has a beautiful 3 year old daughter. I am hoping it works out for him. I am babysitting her on Sunday. Her name is Samara. Oh my gosh she is cute!

    Going to bed I cant keep my eyes open. Love you all and sorry Im not keeping up too well right now.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone

    So sat saw my friend we had a cancer party drank till the early morning had a blast. Shes doing good she has a handle on whats next chemo.Shes in a lot of pain we had a pill party to lmao man thaat surgeron she llooks butchered on the side and under her boob is purple sent chills to me you can remember the things u block.

    Stayed in bed from sun until now slept all day all night depression and we partied hard.

    Genny see a counselor I hear and feel your words.I know where u r right now. I have little devils on my shoulders and when u go through this or get deep in it they come out.I am going to a counselor but I have a pyschatrist to for meds. I need xanax.

    PRN yummy candies so glad u made the leap to owningb this biz lets write the candy channel is their one???? You can be willa wonkas GF LOL

    Hi mema glad u r posting as well

    NM it frezzing here we had the furnance on

    everyone posted so much I need to think

    Cam very insightful thoughts on healing

    collett day by day

    the bell will b ding dong soon

    Juliet I am confused but sound great nothing bad fewwwwwwwwwww

    yea im over ebolia can not think about it

    I hate my patch want the pills now but I know blah

    lve u all

    big sis hanging in there love the pics from the party she looks so happy. God damn cops we drank jameson had a bottle in my car going to my friends I thought that to wonder if a cop ppulled me over what would he think I was not drunk.Oh screw that bartender for cutting u off



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Dammit I wrote a post and it disappeared. I'm trying so hard to read this little fn font  and it is a pain in the ass. And my eye balls hurt 

    Hi sis

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    cam I am laughing my ass off at the herd begging to be put out of their misery. I just love you girl.

    Nancy, I hope your sons new relationship continues to blossom.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Camille, I had a thought. Tell Joey that I would rather see him play the flute since I played flute and we can do duets together. I used to play clarinet and I know how bad it sounds, I feel your pain love.

    Made of the main or, I hope work is going well for you. Ha, I mean NM, dumb phone.

    Mary I just loved the video of Nora that you posted. I watched it three times. She is going to be a little genius or she already is.

    Sue, thank you for your kind words these are very hard times right now with the sale of dad's home. 

    Julie, I thought of taking a day trip to ride down and see you. I am halfway there.

    PRN, I have one photo in my iPhone and will try to copy and paste it here. I mean one photo of the favors. My cousin was my photographer and I already told you she and I are both a shit show. I might see my photos next year.

    Lara, I'm sorry I missed that booze and pills party. I am so glad you were there for your friend, I'm sure it means the world to her. You are a dear.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, the big heavy rainfall
    we were supposed to get overnight didn't happen.We may still get it today, but we'll have to
    see.Not that I mind the rain all that
    much,really, it's just annoying at
    times.Full day yesterday, met some
    really nice people, treated myself to a nice lunch.Not a bad day.

    Dara--Glad you and
    your Dad arrived safely, funny how you both fell asleep with the lights
    on!Good luck with the inspections.

    Goldie--Good point
    about getting a good pellet stove, I think I need to bite the oil bill bullet
    this winter, do some research and (try to) save up some money so I can buy in
    the spring when they go on sale.I'd love
    to go solar, but that start up cost was astronomical when I looked at it a few
    years ago.It'll have to come WAY down
    before I can afford it.Someday, maybe,
    I can get completely off the grid.That
    would be cool.

    Cammy--it's funny
    how the medical community assumes we all want to save our boobs and wear
    bikinis, but doesn't care about the pain their treatment is causing us.Vanity over comfort, right?Not for this chick!Sorry about the construction noises in your
    bowels, LOL at Joey and the cat being amused by them!

    Mema--I take my
    Kindle whenever I travel, so I have a tablet and reading material all in
    one.Ever since I read that article
    about the germs in the seat back pockets I cannot bring myself to touch it or
    anything in it!I carry a small bottle
    of hand sanitizer and use it often.

    It's funny, with all the attention on
    "hand hygiene" (fancy talk for washing/sanitizing your hands) one of
    the nursing homes here has taken down all the hand sanitizer dispensers in the
    building, to "encourage staff to use soap and water" which is
    supposed to be more effective.After all
    the research showing that readily available hand sanitizer INCREASES compliance
    with hand cleaning and DECREASES the spread of infection, this nursing home has
    taken them ALL out.I wonder how long it
    will be before they have a norovirus outbreak there.

    Cammy--at least the
    herd of wounded animals begging to be put down don't have to be fed!LOL!

    apologies for being tired, that's what treatment does to you.Samara sounds like a cutie!

    ORLA--Sounds like
    you and your friend had a GREAT party, good for the two of you!I don't know about where you are, but here an
    unopened bottle of booze in the car is no problem, but an open one better be in
    the trunk or back seat, out of reach of the driver's seat.

    Dara--watch that
    autocorrect, I texted a message back toa co-worker last week, was trying to say I got the message and
    understood the drug names, the autocorrect stuck "orgy" into my
    message!It got a good laugh at the
    office later.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Left Handed

    2 oz Vodka

    3 oz Grapefruit

    3 oz Orange Juice


    Pour the vodka and
    juices into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain
    into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning Ladies--

    NM u and orgy-LMAO---I hope the rain is gentle even tho it doesn't bother you/

    Lara it's good to hear from u, wow in bed all this time. Well if it made u feel better good. U sound like u had a good time.

    Dara u have so much going on, how is it coming--I would be a basket case, I can't take confusion and trying to organize things. especially with moving.

    Nancy do whatever u feel like these rads can exhaust u, so rest whenever u need to.

    Oh Julie Joey's wear hi Mickey shirt today and he just loves it and fits great. People who kow him don't ever get the size cuz he is a big boy and u got it right on the nose. U'r so sweet.

    OK so far I've cleaned the litter box, dam that cat can go and cleaned out my small vacuum which means I'd better vacuum my room today. No shower today just to lazy-- I know I'm a little dehydrated especially cuz I had another round of my D yesterday so I'm drinking like crazy.

    OK I'll be back just stopped by to say


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Good morning girls, it is another sunny beautiful day here in Myrtle Beach. The weather is perfect all week, in the 70s. Sad that I have to spend most of my day inside the house but I do take plenty of breaks.

    Chamomile, you mean Joyce sent Joey a shirt from Disney? Oh my God how sweet is that. Julie is just the best. I hope your big D goes away and that you feel better today darling. And don't worry about me working too hard, I am in autopilot mood.

    NM, I did something similar last week with auto correct. I was texting my sister regarding a gentleman that I worked with who will be doing the notarization of my parents sale. Well I might I meant to write that I had known him for 12 years but I put I've blown him for 12 years. My sister's reply was have you blown him or known him or both. She and her husband also had a laugh at my expense. Lol

    I think I uploaded another shower photo to my photo bucket trying to figure out how to get it on here from my phone. I am not good at the old copy paste stuff.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    oops pasted the link, will edit and remove since it shows my long-distance cousins mothers brothers sisters name as I use her account. Lol 

    Chamomile and Julie, sorry AutoCorrect messed up your names in the above post. Oops Camille yes that's the girl I mean. I miss my laptop. Wahhh!

    Cheers, back to work fir real this time. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    ps the pic is of the favors made by our own PRN.  Note, the photograph was taken before I straightened up the pretty bows and turn the boxes in the right direction. I got to the shower five minutes before the start time. That was because I was up all night and overslept. The night before I was flagged at the bar for my first time in 53 years. Oh my God I still can't believe that. Love you ladies!