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  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited November 2006
    VICKIE, You were so right, I feel much better!! Carrie, and everyone else, having test, my Prayers are with You All, and I am so thankful for the Good news for all that got them!! OK, meds are kiking in better get outta here, Mena, I love You, I know I promised, But had to vent , after Our sweet susan going through a rough time, Susan, I got it, THANK YOU!!!!! all of me!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited November 2006
    Howdy gals, I was wondering if there was room for another wagon in your circle? I don't want to butt in and I'm not really sure what it's all about exactly. I've only been on this site a short time so I don't know if I was supposed to wait until someone invited me or not. I'd imagine ya'll will let me know. Seems like several of you have been friends for a long time. I could use the support of friends that really understood what I'm going through. I swear I live on this computer.

    Thank Ya,
    Cheri M.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2006
    Welcome Cheri123! No invitation needed. We are all friends and support each other through thick and thin.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Glad to see you posting Debbie...told you we needed you here..even when your pissed off!!!
    Ok ladies...need your help...badly. My daughter (who is in Florida and feels so very far away) went back to the oral surgeon today about her impacted, infected wisdom tooth. They won't touch it until they get her records from here as she has VonWillebrands (sp?)'s a bleeding disorder that is like hemophilia and she has the worst form of it. She called her doctor from here and they believe her records have been shredded so she has to go throught the testing again, has to be hospitalized and under general anethesia to have it removed. Please say a prayer for her...I am soooo scared of this. I am worried about her going under anethesia but more worried that they won't be able to stop the bleeding...she is my precious dream girl. I sooo wish I were there but it's impossible. Need to hire CatfromFl to be her nanny for a week or so...LOL. I hate all the worry.
    Liz...stay inside where it's safe and's supposed to be 60 here again tomorrow then a cold front is supposed to come through on Friday with thunderstorms, heavy rain (which we don't need with all the flooding we've had) turning to sleet then snow. Yeech...NOT READY FOR WINTER...but we've had quite a reprieve lately. My poor confused flowers that are reblooming are in for a surprise.
    Big hugs to Susan...thought of you all day...I've been there..I know how it feels.
    Leaving lots out but have to get busy again...sit too long and I'm ready to sleep!!!
    Love ya girls
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Hi invitation need, we are one big happy family. Lots of love and support here no matter what.

    Lini...are you back in your flip flops? Hope so.
    Lizws...I got the card...oh thank cute. Nathaniel loves it too.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    Hello Cheri, welcome. The circle is the place to be.

    Liz, as a true Cajun we cook some gooooood red beans and rice. We will cook 2 pounds at a time in our huge pot (we let it cook all day). Yum, Yum. If any of you want a true Cajun red beans and rice recipe, let me know. I just have to picture eating red beans and rice and looking outside and seeing snow!! Our high today was 80 degrees – somebody tell Mr. Weatherman it is almost December.

    Amy, we are all dancing and singing with you, hurray, hurray!!

    Vickie, prays are going out for your daughter. I had a wonderful friend tell me one day to send my guardian angel to meet with my child’s guardian angel and TOGETHER watch over my child. I have done this so many times when I haven’t been able to be with one of my girls. Whenever two or more are gathered……we are all here for you.

    Colleen, I started a book 3 weeks ago and just finished page 80. I used to love to read but can’t concentrate anymore.

    Wish I could visit longer, but dh is on his way home from work so off to the kitchen I go…….

    Take care all.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Hi Cheri, welcome! Just as Lini said, we help each other. I am one of the ones with a current crisis but we all kinda take turns. LOL

    Debbyfive I know you always got my back!! I love your enthusiasm. It's gonna take some time for me to work this out and decide what I want to do. God Bless.

    Vickie, I'm sorry to hear about your daughters impacted wisdom tooth. Not fun for anybody. Try not to worry too much. The doctors will take good care of her. That's a drag that she has to have more tests though.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2006
    Oh Susan.. I feel so awful. I just read this thread today. My heart breaks for you. I wish I were close enough that I could give you a big hug.
    You are a beautiful woman and from your posts I can see that you have a beautiful warm heart too. You of all people did not deserve this. I have no clue what to say or what advice to give you ... I guess NS said it best.
    Just remember that out of every bad situation there comes something good and when one door closes another one opens. God only dishes out what he knows we can handle. It may just be fear that caused dh to lash out ... fear of the new normal and the change BC has brought to your lives. But that by no means excuses his cruel and insensitive attitude.
    Just don't keep it all bottled inside you. Let him know how hurtful he was and keep your distance for a bit if you can. Let him think about what he said. Is it worth staying? Only you will know.
    Keep posting here ... we all agree you are a beautiful woman and this is HIS problem. We are all here for you dear Susan.
    Love and hugs
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2006
    Hi Cheri
    Welcome to the Circle. You need no invitation here. We have all walked the same road and are here for whoever needs us.

    I created a map on my website where you can go and post your location and see all the other sisters out there. It's sad to see that there are so many of us but it's great to have people to talk to that know exactly what we are going through.
    Just go to and go into the Guest Map. There are instructions there for you to post your name ... just remember to click zoom a few times to spread the icons out as the map is getting pretty crowded
    Sorry you have to join us but welcome to the circle
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Cheri, welcome to the circle. There are so many wonderful ladies here. Glad you joined us.

    Madison, would love to have your recipe. I learned mine from my grandmother who lived in Louisianna as well as southeast Texas. Just send me a pm please. Thanks!

    Okay girls, it's freezing rain and cold here. Still predicting the snow. I am not getting out tomorrow unless it's an emergency.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Cheri - Welcome! I only hooked my wagon up to the Circle a short time ago, and I can't tell you what a difference it's made in my life. People who "get it", who you don't have to explain everything to, who let you hide out in the blues tent or pissy tent (at least for a while - and if you get kicked out it's for your own good! :-) when you need to, and who LISTEN to your thoughts/fears with open hearts and open minds. And lots of laughing and good times too!

    Susan - Hope you're hanging in there today!

    Vickie - Good thoughts to your daughter!!

    Sorry, didn't take notes, off to bed. Feeling very achy in all my joints (does anyone else still have this come and go? I'm one year out from last chemo and I still have some bad spells where every joint aches it seems!) so took some advil and I'm off to bed. Will try to read my book again, hopefully I can pay better attention this time!

    Sweet dreams everyone
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2006
    Hey Ladies
    Am at work, so will have to keep it No babies being born at the present.
    Cheri, welcome. This site rocks. Everyone is so supportive and we help each other all the time. You will see lots of talk of 'virtual' tents, wagons, meals and such. Lots of fun. And, of course, the girls here 'get it'.
    Hey, we warmed up to 20 degrees F today!!! Have been living in the -20s with wind chills almost to -40 for the past week. Supposed to get above freezing on Sunday before it dips again. Life here in chinook country is never dull, cause if you don't like the weather....look in the other direction..LOL. Poor son has been getting pretty cold doing his papers!
    Hope Deb is having a grand time in Hawaii. I can just imagine the sun and beaches, etc.
    Vickie, I thought records had to be kept for a certain number of years and are kept on microfiche even after the paper is shredded??? Double check on that so that she doesn't have to delay any longer than necessary. My prayers are with you both.
    Amy, YEAH for the good news.
    Kristin, gentle hugs and prayers. So glad you are almost done.
    Didn't take notes. Gonna go work on the Christmas cards while it is quiet. Thoughts and prayers with you all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited November 2006
    Thank you so much to all you ladies for the warm welcome. Since I discovered this site I have just been spilling my guts! It's wonderful to talk to people who know how I really feel. I've "talked" to some of you on different threads & I always feel so much better. I wish I'd had this when I was going thru all the treatments, but I just started my tamox 6 wks. ago, so at least I've found you now.

    Susan, sorry to hear about your troubles at home. My husband isn't attracted to me anymore either. Could be the fact that I've packed on over 100 lbs! He told me 2 years ago (after a few beers) that he wasn't attracted to fat women. I told him that was alright I wasn't attracted to ugly men! We're still together and have slipped into that comfortable mode that people much older than us should be in. Yes, it hurt like hell, but I wasn't going to let him see it. I still resent it, though. And he knows it. But we do love each other if that makes any sense at all. You just don't let it get you down. Look at what all you've been through with bc, dealing with just a man is simple after that. To lighten the subject a bit, I'm used to seeing all these far away locations on here & you & I are from the same neck of the woods. I live in Buffalo. Just 30 miles N. of you. I don't know how to put where I'm from on here, kinda computer illiterate.

    Vicki, my prayers are with your daughter. I only have one child & she's 23 so I know how worried you must be. I have a feeling she's going to be just fine.

    Cheri M.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Welcome Cheri!

    Amy WOOHOO! doing the HAPPY HAPPY Dance!

    Vickie sorry your daughter is still having problems with that tooth and that she has to do all the testa again.

    Well it's snowing again! We had 4 more make it in to work today!

    I got the call from my sister that she would be in Portland tomorrow at noon and would need me to come get her and her stuff. I told her it would all depend on the weather if I could get down there to get her. They say anywhere from a trace to 7" of snow tonight.
    Think I might go after the Doctor visits tomorrow so I only have to drive one way in the dark. I see the ONC & the GYN/ONC tomorrow to get test results.

    brrr geting colder here again.

    Well I better get a move on here as I need to check in on some others then hit the sack as I'll need to leave early again tomorrow.

    Nite all
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited November 2006
    Just thought of something funny!

    As I lay in bed I'm listening to waves try to lul me to sleep it's Snowing outside and it's really cold!
    OK I'm going to imagine I'm in Hawaii with Deb!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited November 2006

    Omigod Susan...I've sent you a very colorful pm that would not be appropriate for public viewing...probably not appropriate for private viewing...I'm so sorry you've been so hurt...I have another circle over yonder where we deal with them thar there is no violence here...ain't no place for sissies, though...c'mon...bring yer banjos...I'ma plannin' a deliverance...

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning All,

    Liz, I will pm you with the recipe later today or tonight. If your Grandma lived in Louisiana (as I do) then you probably have a great recipe!!

    Mena, plan that deliverance, we are there!!!

    Cheryl, be very, very careful driving today. We will have thunderstorms later today (our temperatures will drop into the 40’s tonight) as a cold front is heading south.

    Colleen, sometimes I think it is the hormone therapy that makes us ache. When I came home from work Tuesday I could only curl up on my sofa with a blanket because I hurt so much. This happens a few times a week. I hope you rested and feel better. I take Bayer Back and Body for my aches.

    Hope everyone has a great day. Time to get ready for work.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2006
    Good morning gals,

    I wrote a long post last evening and lost it and was too tired to try again. I need to start taking some notes, but know you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Susan, that especially means you. I thought about you all day yesterday after reading your post and woke up this morning thinking about you. So many have responded with just the right words, that I’m not going to try. But just know you are not only loved, but lovely.

    Cheri123, welcome…I’m pretty new myself to the circle. I was active in the April 2005 chemo thread, but once I went back to work, I didn’t post as much. I tend to be pretty quiet and hold a lot of stuff inside, but it really makes me feel better to know that what I’m feeling is shared by others and that we all “get it.” I have wonderful friends, a loving DH and supportive family. I feel guilty that I’m not “over it.” I know I present that picture to the outside world. But I think together we will weather the BC aftermaths in all their forms.

    Lynn, send some of that cold weather down here. It was 70 yesterday. At this rate I’ll have to cut the grass again. And that means I’ll have to buy a new extension cord. We bought an electric mower last year because I couldn’t handle a gas mower after my mastectomy. DH is disabled so I’m the grass cutter and I like doing it, but that cord is a menace. On what I thought would be the last cut this year, I ran over it. Oops. Well, on second thought, maybe the lawn can look shaggy this winter.

    We got some good news yesterday. My DH has been picked up as a reporter for our local paper. He’s been doing some writing for them for about a month and getting pretty good at it. He’ll get paid and it is enough to cover my payroll deduction for his insurance. Mine is paid by the company, but we take a really good hit to have him covered. And being November means it went up about another $40.00 a pay. So I live with a member of the fifth estate. We have a good little paper. He does the town meetings and other newsy stuff and writes a “what’s going on in town” column. All our friends are getting into the paper. LOL

    How 'bout I whip up some lemon scones for breakfast this morning. I have this Harry & David (love them) mix that I’ve been wanting to share. I’m not a great baker, but I can follow the directions on the package. LOL

    Hugs to all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: I just spent 1/2 hour just reading through all the posts since yesterday morning. We certainly are a chatty bunch. If I dont come on this site at least twice a day, I get lost! So much has happened since yesterday morning.

    The warm temperatures are gone. The cold has arrived and the snow is coming. They are saying 6-12 inches here in Chicago. Since my job involved driving around all day, I will make my plea to take the day off. Once we are all safe and tucked in our wagons, I bet the snow will look pretty in the circle. If ya dont have to drive in it, the snow is really pretty. But ice? I hate ice.

    Amy: When I read your post I jumped out of my chair and screamed for joy. That is the best news I have heard in a while and Im so happy for you. See - that chemo is kicking that bc butt!! What a relief. And hugs to your DW too - who is going through this with you. Has been there through the tears and fears and now can relax and smile after hearing some good news. Now did I say Mazer the Tazer wasnt innocent? Ooops. Distored Humor told me she looks up at him with the big browns eyes, bats her eye brows and tries her donkey call. He just finds her so irresitable! He also told me she keeps nudging him with her cute little head. A lovable nudge! Now mind you, Distorted Humor, being a male - might just be lying to me. But he sure does like those cinnamon bears.

    Peggy: What a great post. Actually brought tears to my eyes. But then - since this whole bc experience - I can cry if I think someone is looking at me wrong. Im Italian - Im emotional.

    Vickie: Thanks for posting the words to "side by side" and the pictures too. Sometimes when I get so busy that I cant think straight - I get up a walk away (usually to go take a puff or 2). Anyways - when I walk back to the pile of stuff I am usually thinking a little more clear. I would much rather be busy at work and have time fly by, than sit there and count the minutes.

    PurpleMB: You are a slave driver lol. I love the idea of a Holiday/Party tent. Better be a big one with lots of good food and drink. We circle girls do know how to party.

    Susan: Geesh! I was hoping he would have apologized to you already. Not that it will make the hurt feelings go away, but it would have been nice. Selfish is a good way to describe things, cause what he said to you was a selfish, inconsiderate statement. Im a forgiving person. Sometimes too forgiving. I am so glad you are seeing someone for counselling. And like I said before, no matter how you feel - dont let him smell desperation!! You are a great person and you just stand tall and strong. Look at him and go pfffft!

    Liz: Sounds like we are getting ready for the same storm. But I swear! I had a jeep for 6 years and not one big, big snow storm did we have. Sold it this past September. And look - the first storm of the year is gonna be a biggy. The altima has front wheel drive and it should be pretty good, but not through a foot of snow!! Ah yes - Winter is indeed here.

    Cheri: Oh my goodness welcome. The circle is for everyone. Its a great place to come. There are 100+ women here already and many more who are silent friends. Each and everyone one of us came here - one by one - and from there the friendships build.

    Carrie: I just stomped my foot down. Enough is enough is enough already. When does this madness stop? Im hoping the lump turns out to be B9. We all will be with Denise on the 12th of December. Got the day marked on the calendar. Even have a reminder in Distored Humors stall - so he will be ready to ride in the wind.

    Cherylg: I love the map. I check it out everyday. I did what you said and hit the zoom a couple of times and I surely did laugh because there are many woman in the Atlantic Ocean.

    Colleen: Im not on any aromatase inhibitors cause Im er/pr negative. But Im one year post chemo and still get aches in my legs. Thighs down to my toes. Sometimes it reminds me of the achiness I got from the taxotere and neulasta. But then again - when Im working on my crafts I sit Indian style - which is ridiculous for a 56 y/o woman!! I could sleep sitting up in that position. Achiness and fatigue seem to still follow me around. Chemo brain? I either deny or forget I have it.

    Lynn: So good to hear from you and hope things are going well. I thought the same thing you did. I always thought the medical records go on microfilm before they are shredded.

    Cherylcy: Good luck with the doctor appointments. And hoping you get your sister and get home safely.

    Mena: good to see ya gal. Planning a deliverance? OMG that made me laugh. I do believe with our creativity we could come up with some great ideas.

    Betty: That is such good news about your husband. I bet he is smiling from ear to ear. And you too! What a fun job!

    So yesterday I went to my PS. Walked into the office and there were 15 - I counted 15 people waiting to see him. I went to the receptionist and said, ya know what, I think I will reschedule. My appointment wasnt a biggie. It was a follow up. Today I see my PCP. He wants to do fasting blood work! I had a reaction to cholesterol medication last December, so I havent been on anything. As a result, Im drinking my coffee thismorning without cream - and its awful!! But it still is waking me up.

    Hope everyone has a great day.


  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2006
    Mena-You crack me up!! Good to hear from you again.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited November 2006
    good morning girls. Posting from cloudy Orlando. At least it's warm. No time to read but hugs to all. Susan don't know whats going on but you have my prayers.
    Welcome Cheri. Always room for more wagons.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Nicki - Yes, I'm triple neg as well, and had my last chemo Oct 2005. Find that it seems to be related to the weather at times (or at least in my head it does.) That's funny! I do the same thing (sit cross-legged) and then can't walk when I try to stand up. Still keep doing it though!

    Enjoy the day everyone - seems like we're all either having super mild weather (mid-60s here today) or vicious storms!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited November 2006
    good morning CG .....
    MENA good to see you, and my banjo is all strung up...lynch rope ready too...
    Cheri ...the circle gets a little crazy...but its the warmest place on this earth, and your heart will fill with all the love here....
    CY , was thinking of white sand from Hawaii too, only thing is I may have to use it under my tires this weekend to beat the Deb brings lots back...
    Susan I love the dancing bear, and what a way to celebrate
    AMY you get the first party in the Formerly Pissy tent now holiday tent..i vote Vicki gets the for the monkey bread, just in time for tea...
    Betty thanks for the lemon scones..I love lemon...
    Vicki ....well if you cant be with your fam for the holiday consider a trip across the state...i'm a great cook, if we get snow your son would love to snowmobile in the back yard...warm fire to keep you toasty...and Santa has never missed my house...hugs...we are family right?
    Nicki ready to mail your card and had a whole stack of exercise stuff, pamplets and things...But DH said I couldn't put that all in the envelope.not xmas stuff you i did try...
    Liz ok the snow is many steps around your living your pedometer on at all times...thanks for the GYn support, not the first problem...but you know me always positive...PS DH wanted to know which BC friend sent the card, so i told him, the heating pad one..he knew right away..he tries to keep up with everyone...I am blessed..
    I know I missed some, but know you are all in my thoughts and prayers...I'm still taking names for xmas cards...just PM me...I love to send smiles by snail mail...
    Love and peace MB
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2006
    good morning ladies....
    holy cow its snowing like a shakin up snow globe out there.. gonna get some pictures once the sun is up here....
    ugh did something to my shoulder yesterday feels like its seperated....
    welcome cheri.... glad you found us,, this is the best place!!!!!
    oh newvickie your poor daughter,, i remember i had all my wisdoms pulled at 18 and all at once....i feel for you and her..... give her a big hug for me.... i hope all that works out for her pls keep us posted on how she is doing!
    mena mena how i have missed you girl....i think of you every day!!! hehehe i wonder whats not appropriate for public viewing hehehehehehehe
    tonight mena i have a giant cigar just for you!!!!
    big hugsssssssssss to you mena!!!!!!!!1
    ok i am working on my christmas cards and got writers crap......
    good to see all you ladies.lizws, susan big hugsssss, debbyfive, lini57, madison, cherylg,cmb35,lynn48 cthomason, brstn, nicki hugssssss i love your post i so look forward to them every day and shirley i so miss going to chat.... but i am glad i have you here:):):):):):):)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited November 2006
    Good morning ladies. I have some advice for any of you that live in the area where this new winter storm is hitting. DO NOT TRY AND DRIVE IN IT!! I had an appt. in Iowa this afternoon with a specialist about my crippled up foot, we live 30 miles N. of Springfield, MO. We got up at 4:00 a.m. to make the drive. My dh was driving me up there. We only made it 40 miles & had to turn around because the roads were so ice-covered & slick. We don't have snow yet, just freezing rain & sleet. My dh is an over-the-road truck driver & has been for 20 yrs. so when he thinks it's too slick to drive, it's too slick! So ya'll stay in, snuggle up with a good book or anything else you've got to snuggle with. We want everyone safe.

    Cheri M.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited November 2006
    So I wasn't here for a little under 48 hours and there were 78---78!---posts. No time to read every single one thoroughly but skimmed most.

    Wanna know why I wasn't here? Sunshine arrived!!! Samuel Bruce was born at 4 a.m. yesterday after 25 hours---and 5 HOURS---of pushing! Couldn't believe they let her go that long since there was muconium in the amniotic fluid (which broke first with no immediate onset of labor). They kept saying as long as the baby's vitals were strong they would try to stick with it. What an adrenalin rush!! I didn't see my own deliveries as well as this one---all of a sudden there's another person in the room---what a rush! He's absolutely beautiful even with a very swollen little head from getting beat up that badly.

    Also managed to squeeze in the US----and true to form my lovely little tech told me it was a cyst. So two great things in one day! Of course, the answer isn't official until next Friday when I see the surgeon but what a relief.

    Liz---got your beautiful card. How come I can never find those really pretty cards? SO asked me who I knew in Oklahoma. Honey, it's a Circle Girl---we're awesome and we're everywhere!

    Vickie---couldn't find the original post from you but gather your daughter needs wisdon teeth out? My top ones have been gone since forever but had to have the bottom ones removed 3 years ago----and dreaded it based on what I remember of my sister's experience 35 years ago. Know what? It was a piece of cake! Technology has made the proceedure much easier, even on us geezers with impacted teeth. Couldn't believe it. No swelling, not much pain and that was very manageable with meds----and I understand I was very entertaining in the dentist's office! I wouldn't know---donn't remeber ANY of it!

    Susan----just remember we are God's children and God doesn't make junk. Your DH (and I don't mean dear hubby) is the one with the problem and has successfully managed to reveal the depth of his shallowness! I know it's hard and words once spoken can never be retrieved but stand tall and proud because it's not you---it's him! Shel and I are a united front when it comes to stupid men stuff----so feel free to PM me if you want to talk. I've been there and been beyond it long enough (like 15 years from the very start and he finally stopped harrassing me 2 years ago) so I can listen well based on way too many years experience. Anything is fixable if you both want that---but it has to be a committment from both of you. And you don't quit until you know you've tried absolutely everything to retrieve it---but when it's time to quit, it's time to quit. Glad you are doing counseling---it's what saved my sanity (?) and put one of his kids thru college, but it was worth every penny.

    So I'm probably back to Ithaca tomorrow to play granny for an unknown period. If I'm not around I'm busy holding the baby! What a Christmas present!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited November 2006

    Here's a new trick for all of us who write long posts. Typed all of that above and got the dreaded "invalid form" message. Copied the text, backed up to a new blank message window and pasted it back in, hit submit and there you are----no lost post. It went right thru.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited November 2006
    Jeannie and all,

    Boy did I learn that back up post trick last night. It happened to me after I wrote a long (for me) post. When I tried to pot it there were four or five new posts and mine got lost. So today, I just used Word, copied, and pasted. No misspelled words either.

    I forgot to mention...I go for my bone scan tomorrow. This is after a year plus of Arimidex. My bones were already heading south before I started. I'm expecting to hear I'm in full-blown osteoporosis. Will keep you posted. I probably won’t get the results for a week or so.

    Everyone in the Midwest take care. That sounds like a nasty storm. I had a conference committee member call today from St. Louis and she said they were being hit hard. We are supposed to go from the 60’s to the 30’s. It’s about time. It IS November 30th.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited November 2006
    I apologize for not welcoming all the new CG's in my former post. My bad. I was consumed with rage at Susan's news and similar news about other sisters and I've been obsessed ever since.

    I've decided we don't have to be violent and, therefore, my wagon is now the designated Deliverance Wagon. Susan's husband is my first formal guest and I welcome him with latex gloved hands, masked face and an enema.

    I figure some humane treatment will suffice and I welcome suggestions as well as other guests. My ex is already here and has already had at least seven mammos, countless ultrasounds, two steriotactic biopsies, two excisional biopsies, two guided wire biopsies, one sentinel node biopsy, and a modified radical mastectomy.

    As I type he is receiving his first round of dose dense Adriamycin/Cytoxin. Since he's already pratically bald, he doesn't look much uglier than usual. He is crying for his mommy. Damn, I'm just not attracted to him anymore.

    Ah! Susan's husband has arrived. He looks a little pale...

    Susan, I can start him on Lupron injections. That'll kill his sex's that?
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited November 2006
    Too Funny!! Want a little obnoxious Irish guy named Ed?