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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Afternoon girls,

    Well the winter storm is hitting here in North Central Oklahoma. It started early this morning in my area and we’re now under a Blizzard warning. The winds are gusting to around 50mph too. I am in for the day. I live on a corner of a busy street and just noticed someone didn’t make the turn and drove through my yard. Geez. The idiot school system didn’t close the schools either. That’s not unusual for around here. They are so dense.

    I have the red beans and rice cooking and will make the cornbread in a bit. It’s just so darn cold to me.

    Lynn, I cannot imagine living with the cold you have there. Poor little guy having to deliver his papers.

    Cheri, this site is a wonderful place to spill our guts, whine, cry, complain, moan and give support. So glad you’re here with us. Wow it must be slick if your DH said it was. Right now I have the scanner on and there is a truck stuck trying to get up a hill on one of the roads.

    Cheryl,CY, please please drive safely. The roads here are horrible. They’re even talking about shutting down some of the Interstates.

    Mena, good to see you and count me in on the deliverance. I’ll be happy to help in your wagon as well.

    Madison, just send the recipe when you get a chance. I like to see the different variances in recipes. Right now, the beans smell pretty darn good. I’m on Arimidex and have the occasional aches and pains. Mine are really bad first thing in the mornings but ease up once I get moving. I take Aleve sometimes for them though.

    Betty, I’ll be happy to send you some of this weather. The wind chill right now is 1. Sleet and heavy snow too. Congrats to your husband. Thanks for the scones. I love lemon.

    Nicki, yes snow is pretty when you don’t have to get out in it. I stocked up on extra supplies yesterday so I wouldn’t have to get out. Made my mom do the same. She’s not even allowed to take the garbage out tomorrow morning. Either my DH will go by and do it or it can stay in the garage for a few days. She has strict orders. Sounds like our storm is headed your way. I had a small sports car years ago that didn’t sit up too high. I just plowed through the snow if I could. Drive safely.

    Shers, sorry Orlando is cloudy but hope it’s warmed up a bit down there. Good to see you.

    Jeannie, congrats on the grandson. Babies are such a gift. I love them. Enjoy yourself. I type my posts in Word and then copy and paste them.

    MB, oh wow. I can’t believe your DH remembers the heating pad incident. Tell him hi for me. Get ready girl, this snow storm is a doozy. LOL

    Tracey, I’m going to try to get some pictures in awhile. Right now it’s just blowing into the camera lens. Stay warm girl.

    Betty, the storm is hitting us. LOL I see you do the same way of posting as I do now.

    Susan, you will make the right decision for you. Big Hugs.

    RobinTN, where are you??????????

    Hugs and Prayers to all.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited November 2006
    Jeannie - yeah! and yeah! Welcome to Samuel Bruce and a big woo hoo! for the cyst!

    Madison - triple neg, so no hormones for me, but thanks for the advice, sometimes I worry about taking so much advil! I'm doing a little bit better with the reading, it's a book called The Historian, by Eliazbeth Kostova (got it at BJs) So far it's about the daughter of a single dad who's a historian/professor and it is going to somehow involve vampires. OK, sounds a bit odd I know, but it was descrbed as "spellbinding" so I was hoping it would hold my attention!! LOL

    Betty - great news about hubby's job, and lemon scones -yum!!

    Hey Nicki you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Nicki! Hey Nicki! LOL I'm not sure what possessed me to do that, but that song popped into my head when I thought of your name. Don't get mad at me if everyone around the circle gets it stuck in their head too now!! (And I know, the song is actually Mickey, not Nicki, but it still works...)

    MB - my 10 year old son has taken over my pedometer (at least someone is using it! HA HA!) I've been TERRIBLE for the last 2 weeks, and it might be the last 3 weeks, no exercising at all (except taking Jake for his walk.) I need to get back into it!

    Tracey - hope the shoulder feels better!

    Cheri - warm blanket, book, snuggling up - sounds good to me! I'm trying to start reading again (used to be an avid reader, but haven't had the energy or stamina or attention span for it lately!)

    Cheryl,CY - the map is looking amazing!!

    Hugs to all - off to start my CG Christmas cards!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Jeannie, congratulations!! Give Samuel Bruce a hug from us. Have a great time being Grandma.

    Cheri and Liz and Christine, Whadya think about this weather, huh??? Since I just moved here it's kinda exciting. It's starting to pile up a little.

    Thanks for the concern everyone. I still feel hurt but I am no longer crushed.

    Cheri:I can relate to what you were saying. We had fallen into a "good friends" kinda pattern and I wanted more than that. Maybe the truth is he's 61 years old and he just doesn't have it in him anymore. Is he selfish and inconsiderate, yes absolutely! He should fess up instead of blaming it on me.

    Mena you are too funny. I would love to send my husband to your tent for a while. His hair is beautiful and how would he feel if it all fell out. Let's put him on steriods so he gains weight. Then put him on hormones so his joints hurt and he can't walk very far. Then gripe at him when he is having fun and being goofy because your embarassed. I could go on and on......
    Gonna go work on Christmas cards.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited November 2006
    Good afternoon all you circle girls,

    Cold weather is actually headed this way. I have on short sleeves today and its probably 78 degrees but by Saturday we will have lows in the 0's. Finally. Send some snow this way for all of you all that are getting it. We wouldnt work for a week around here if we got that kind of snow.

    Nickie-Thanks for the hugs for the DW-She needs them because after all she is the one that has to put up with me. I was just telling her last night that Mazer has an imaginary boyfriend named distorted humor. We were having a good laugh out of it for sure. She said it must be love if mazer shared her cinnamon teddy grahams.

    Vickie-loved the song and I could just picture us standing beside the fire singing it. I cant carry a tune in a bucket but I love trying.

    Vera-Great to see you post and sorry you have been in a funk here lately. I am sure getting out and hiking had to have helped though. We have missed you around here. gonna have to start waving starbucks under your nose to get you to come to the circle and play.

    Cheri-Welcome to the circle. Nobody needs an invitation to join at all. Jump right in pull up your wagon and set a spell. Lots of good talk, good food and every kind of wagon known to man. I must warn you though, this circle is addicting.

    Betty-it sounds as if your husband is really enjoying his writing. Thats such a good thing to do also. I want to come to your city for the national story telling. We almost went this past time but it didnt work out. I cant wait to go though. I go to the small one in Selma and have for the past 3 or 4 years.

    Vickie-sorry about your daughter and I know you just feel helpless not being with her. Best of luck to her. Wisdom teeth,,yuck!

    Susan-Been thinking about you alot and sending positive vibes your way. Let us know if we can do anything. Oh and monkey bread here is the directions for it. Very easy to make.

    3 packages of buttermilk biscuit tubes
    1 cup sugar (divided)
    2 tsp cinnamon
    1 cup butter
    1/2 cup brown sugar

    Take 3 packages of buttermilk biscuit tubes (10 per roll) and cut each roll into 4 pieces. Drop roll pieces into 1 cup sugar and 2 tsp. cinnamon. drop sugar coated pieces into a well buttered bundt pan (don't squish roll pieces when placing them in the bundt pan).
    Put 1/2 cup of the left over sugar/cinnamon mix and 1/2 cup packed brown sugar and 1 cup of butter (2 sticks) into small sauce pan.

    Bring this mixture just to a boil, take off heat right away. Carefully drizzle over the roll pieces.

    Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min.

    Cool slightly in an upright position, then tip pan over onto a plate to remove monkey pull-apart bread.

    Now use your imagination and you know what donkey poop looks like huh? Well we can use that instead of the dough just for your special husband.

    Mena-love the new wagon you have set up. If you need any help let me know.

    Ok got to get busy here at work. Its the end of the month and stuff has to get closed out. I also need to finish payroll so everybody gets paid. Yikes,,better quit chatting and get busy. Amy
  • KariLynn
    KariLynn Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2006
    Susan, sorry to read what you're going through. Let me know if you need a sister to go shopping with, I can make plans to get to Springfield.

    Men are so stupid.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2006
    Hi girls, Just had to post this pic of my dog who hates the snow. Susan, Cheri a sample of what's coming your way.


  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2006
    i've sent mike to mena's tent.

    he doesn't have enough hair to worry about, so skip the chemo.

    but if you could arrange a mega dose of steroids combined with a jar of tamoxifen and throw in some syrup of epicac i'd really appreciate it.......then maybe he'll have a minor clue as to how i feel.......nah, probably not lol!

    oh yeah and if you could sleep deprive him till he has big ugly bags under his eyes i'd pay extra for the service!!!!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited November 2006
    Hey Shel,

    I see you ladies talking about the circle and my interest was peaked. What goes on here? Is there room for newcomers in the wagon circle?
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited November 2006
    Good Morning Girls:
    WOW, this is a happening place!

    Jan, WELCOME, anyone is welcome to join. If you read the last couple of pages you will get a good idea of what we're about. This is a place where you can spill your fears, your cheers, your heartache, and your happiness and the girls are here for you in all of it. It IS addicting!

    OK, all you ladies battening down for the coming cold front (can't say as I'm sorry to leave us here in western Canada though), be careful. It sounds like it is coming in pretty harsh. We have warmed to almost 30F today, though the wind this morning was gusting over 100kmh (about 60mph) and blowing trucks off the road!
    Liz, your dog says 'put the camera away and LET ME IN!'. Got your card today...beautiful. Thanks.
    Jeannie, CONGRATS. Glad everything worked out well despite the long pushing stage. Hugs to young Sam and all of you. What a blessing to have for Christmas.
    Amy, your monkey bread sounds very good. They posted a recipe on that thread, but yours sounds a little more decadent! Gonna have to try that variation.
    Betty, congrats on hubby's new profession. Sorry I missed the lemon scones (working nights and they were all gone when I got up!). You'll need to make another batch or share the recipe cause it looks like lots of us like the lemon flavour. Thinking positive thoughts for your bone scan.
    Mena, good to see you. Oh, you have a wicked sense of humour...I like it! My ex doesn't bother me and doesn't even know of my bc diagnosis, so I'd rather leave him alone and let it be that way. My DH wouldn't mind seeing him in that tent though, just on principle! lol.
    Tracey, hope you aren't sending that snow over the mountains, lol. Looking forward to seeing your pics when you post them.
    Know I have missed many but my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Gotta go address all my cards as I got them written up last night.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited November 2006

    giddy up jan!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    Evening ladies...oh it's been such a busy day. Got to work this morning and the power went out! No computers, no phones, nothing...out until 11am so it put me way behind...squirrel in a transformer...the squirrel didn't make it.
    It was so funny though...all our assisted care residents couldn't get back upstairs to their apartments as the elevators were out so they sat in the front lobby and sang songs...guess what the first song was that they sang...SIDE BY SIDE...gave me goosebumps thinking of all of you!!!
    Madison...I am sending a guardian angel to my dear daughter.
    Lynn...we are having a terrible time getting her records which I just don't understand. Doesn't seem right to me.
    Cheri-Cheryl-Tracey-Amy-thanks for all your good wishes and prayers for her.
    Grandma Jeannie...congratulations on baby Samuel Bruce!!! Oh I bet he is just beautiful. My daughters wisdom tooth is the least of her problems...she has a bleeding disorder like hemophilia and has the worst form of it so they won't pull her tooth without her records from NY which we can't seem to get. Looks like she will have to go throught the testing before the extraction that will have to be done in the hospital...just wish I were there. careful...sounds like your weather is about to take a turn for the worst. They are predicting thunderstorms, heavy rain a drop of 30degrees, sleet and snow for here fun...NOT. (still puffin here too but did pretty good today).
    Shirley...your not too far from my daughter...she is in Eustis...enjoy the warmth and send some our way.
    MB...oh yes, we are family!! Always and forever.
    Betty...the wagon train will be with you tomorrow for your scan...we go to all appointments and bring good luck to all...just ask Amy.
    Mena...Can I join the deliverance tent!! I have a few "patients" for you! What a great idea.
    Susan...just sending you a big warm hug.
    Jan...welcome drinking buddy...this is a wonderful place.
    Left a bunch out...need to get something to eat and get my little guy off to bed.
    Love ya ladies...all of ya
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2006
    Hi Jan,
    As long as you are willing to share your wine, you are welcome. oh well, even if you aren't. we got plenty to eat and drink here.

    Amy can we serve monkey bread from Mazer in Mena's wagon?

    The weather is exciting.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited November 2006
    OH...couple more things.
    Trenton seems that the police and FBI are looking for an oriental man that Lindy made a call to so they can question him...maybe they will get him home for Christmas!!
    All you ladies in the midwest...please stay home and be careful...the weather outside is frightful! Looks like it's going to be bad here tomorrow and I noticed when I went by the highway dept. on my way home tonight that they don't have the plows or sanders on the trucks yet!! Great...what are they thinking, it's December for crying out loud.
    I think the Lexapro is working...only taking half a dose at night and the nausea isn't as bad and seems to be getting better.
    NS...Vera...Shel...who else are we missing?
    Sweet dreams to all
  • karen26
    karen26 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2006

    Please pray for my mom RobinTN. She is in the hospital with a bad case of cellulits. she's very sick! thank you for all your prayers

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006

    Karen, we are all in the circle, hands joined, praying for your Mom. Please keep us updated.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited November 2006
    Hello Jan, uncork that bottle of wine and join us.

    Mena, I just might have someone to send to the Deliverance Wagon, Let’s make a rule that none of these gents can get any prescriptions for Viagra!!! We will see how they like that!!

    Liz, the cold front just came roaring through Louisiana. The temperature has dropped to below 50 – great weather for hot flashes!!!

    Okay Colleen, yep the song is stuck in my head now… Hey Nicki you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, Hey Nicki! Hey Nicki

    Going to take a shower now, singing Hey Nicki you’re so fine, then bedtime.

    Take care everyone. We'll chat later.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited November 2006
    Hey CG's...

    Biker, welcome to the Circle. Everyone's welcome. It's basically a non-stop pajama party with no nastiness (except for my newly developed Deliverance Wagon -- but that's healthy, imaginary anger management)...we share whatever and love one another. Pull up your wagon, sit by the fire and talk. Oh, and we have really good food, too. And we sing. And cry. And laugh. And we just be. I hope you like it here. It's the place for camaraderie and support and sometimes sheer silliness.

    Shel...Uh, I have Mike here. He's such a pansy. I'm gonna get medieval on his ass...I got your back, sister...I have to mammo his know how it to get them as flat as possible for a good film...

    And Vickie...what a way to celebrate the find Trenton...I just have a gut feeling he's out there alive...thanks for the update.

    All this talk of snow...UGH...everyone please be careful and enjoy the beauty before it turns all yucky...Mena...xo
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2006
    Hey there circle girls!

    Everybody who lives in the middle of the country- stay warm and safe!!!

    Today I saw my gyn and he may have a new endocrinologist for me who actually takes my insurance! Finally!

    Yesterday I was out all day and I had the radio on and they kept playing all these tributes to George Harrison because it was the fifth anniversary of his death. I knew he was dead and I remember that, but I don't remember any of these concerts or tributes or anything in the news about it. I thought that was really weird. And then it hit me. Five years ago I was just starting chemo and discovering that I was allergic to all the anti-nausea meds. And then they found another lump and had to go through a surgery while in chemo so that scar never healed right. It was also still the aftermath of 9/11 here in NY and when I think now of how hopeless everything seemed then... I kept thinking I would not see the next Christmas when I was unpacking my Christmas ornaments that year. I really thought I would not make it through all they were asking me to. And then of course I had the lovely stats to go by and that sealed the deal.

    Never, in a million years, would I have thought I would be here- especially here in the circle- with so many sisters who understand every single thing I feel, who all felt that same way and who all are on the other side of it now (you are almost there Kristin!)

    What was such a gloomy fog back then has become a peaceful and beautiful focus of loving and caring in the sisterhood.

    After I figured it all out, I was really happy and so grateful to have found this group of wonderful wild angels.

    Thank you Circle Girls!!

    Nicki I love the story of your boxing cat! I have found that sneak attacks are the only way with the felines. Wait til they are asleep and then get everything ready and zap em! I hope you are staying warm in this snow! You all are really getting a wallop of it!

    Peggy- love the goddess!!!! I want to tell you that one of my dearest friends was an airline stewardess and was getting pushed aside when she was getting close to 40. So she took flying lessons, became an instructor and is now a private Corporate Pilot! I think the goddess was with her!

    MB- thank you for your kind words. I love your comparison between old and new you! I hope everything went ok at docs today!!

    Coleen, I sure like how you came out of the pissy tent! Yum! Thank you for your very kind words-- I try to be a good writer! About your joint pain, I am five years out and I still get that way. My onc told me there is something called chemo induced arthritis. I think I have it. I take anaprox and Bromelain when it gets bad. I am a negative girl too!

    Ha ha! Tina!!! My grandma once hit my grandfather with a frying pan! But I don't think it was over the head! I think she threw it at him! LOL! And I LOVE your new picture!!!

    AMY AMY AMY!!!!! YAY !!!! !Way to Go GIRL!!! I am SO HAPPY!!!!!!! That is the BEST NEWS I have heard. You made my night!

    Susan, hope you are doing better- Love you sweetie!!!

    Liz, from what I saw on the news you are REALLY getting a snow storm! I hope you are inside and have enough food. Your dog does NOT look like a happy camper!!

    Hi Cheri! Glad to have you here!!!

    Vickie, I hope your daughter is ok. I can't believe they would destroy her records. I would contact her insurance company since they PAID for the tests. They may be good for nothing- but at least when push comes to shove at times like this, they can find things that hospitals say can't be found!

    Madison- are you a cajun girl??? My mother is one too!

    Lynn, how about the sauna wagon for you?? -40????? YIKES!!!

    Cheryl cy I hope your tests and your drive to portland all went well today!!!

    Mena girl, can I play the banjo at your deliverance??? Ok- so the Deliverance wagon is where we inflict procedures that we have on our lists NEVER to have done again... ok- the guide wire is definite! i would also like to add the thyroid biospy one- which I have to have again and I swore I would NEVER do again- colonoscopy prep is another fun one--and don't forget the famous scene from the movie Marathon Man where Laurence Olivier stands over Dustin Hoffman with the dental drill and asks him before he drills straight through his front too- "Eez it zafe???"

    Karilynn, You just reminded me- I have a t-shirt that says "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" I think I will send it to Susan!

    Betty, congratulations on your hubby's new job! and you are so right, we never get totally past this. It stays with us. Like post traumatic stress. And it doesn't help matters much when every time we go to the doctor they are looking for IT again. Good luck on your bone scan!

    jeannie! Congratulations on SUNSHINE!! I am so happy for you! As for your sono- I am the cyst queen so if you want to pm me i will be happy to help!

    Hey Jan! There is plenty of room! Pull up a wagon and have some wine- or whine- we do both here in the circle!

    Karen, we are praying for your mom. Tell her we are in the circle holding her tight.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited November 2006
    Karen---Be sure to tell your Mom we are all holding her close and looking forward to seeing her here when she is feeling better.

    Vickie---yes, that is a little more complicated in your daughter's case. Thought we were talking impacted wisdom teeth. We never stop worrying about our kids---something you don't know yourself until you have kids.

    Jan---everyone is welcome here. Be sure to put yourself on the map too---you'll have to read backwards for a few pages to get the link but it's fun seeing where we all are. This is a fabulous bunch of women who run with the wolves!

    As for Sunshine, aka Sam---we have to hold him close for awhile too. There was muconium in the amniotic fluid and I personally think they should have done a C-section when her labor went on and on but nobody asked me. As of today they have put him on IV antibiotics---elevated white blood cells, yesterday his glucose was too low, he's still logey and wants to sleep more than eat, and he has some funky blisters on the top of his head that they are doing a fancy DNA extraction to diagnose possible strep infection in his system. Had to do a spinal tap on the poor little fella today and his arm is strapped to a splint to keep the IV in place. My dtr. will be released tomorrow but she will be staying there with him in the pediatric ward until Monday or so. Rocky start and we all are praying this turns out to be readily fixable. They are pretty certain he has an infection but don't kow if it's viral or bacterial at this point.

    So I'm still at home but may or may not go back tomorrow---she says she wants her Mommy but there isn't enough room in the hospital for all of us who want to be near. So I guess it goes both ways---we never stop worrying about them and they never stop needing us when the chips are down.

    Keep the little fellow close to your hearts, please. We'll bring him down to the warm fire and sing him lullabies.

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2006
    A special prayer for RobinT tonite.

    Sorry I haven't posted for a few days - the weather froze my brain. Am so jealous of Debbie going to Hawaii. Am having fantasies about Mexico.

    We are warming here - the deep freeze has moved south for the moment.
    Ladies in the MidWest - stay home and stay warm.

    Am moving to the medic tent for a few days - tomorrow is D-day for the gall bladder. I know there will be a circle of wagons following me into the OR. Shall I tell the anethesiologist that he can only do me in and leave the rest of you to watch and make sure he keeps me OK?
    I will have a circle of watching fires - one at my feet and one on each side to keep me grounded and safe.
    You are all in my thoughts and hopes and well wishes.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Silver...sending prayers up for Sam...I'm still trying to catch up here, and with the grand opening of the Deliverance Wagon and all, I missed some news... have an obnoxious 'lil Irish guy named Ed?

    I can't sleep...bring the booger on down...Liz and NS are playing "Dueling Banjos" and I'm homeschooling myself in phlebotomy right now...I need some veins...I'm currently studying the groin...Mena...xo
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006

    Liz plays so much better than me!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Got a little song for some of us today.

    Oh the weather outside is frightful
    But the fire is so delightful
    And if youve no place to go

    Ah yes. Woke up to a wonderful winter wonderland. There is much snow here in the Chicago end of the circle. Daylight has arrived and it is so pretty. All the bare trees now have snow on their branches. The evergreens look the prettiest. Their branches are heavy and hanging a littler lower. And the best thing about it, is I dont have to go to work. Man oh man, got an unplanned 3 days week-end. Wooo hoooo! We already have 5 inches and they are saying the storm wont pass until about noon. Looking at 8-12 inches before its all over.

    Its beginning to feel alot lile Christmas
    Everywhere you go

    My appointment with PCP went very well. Says everything looks good. Did some fasting blood work including a lipid profile. I have known him for many years. So as we were talking he goes "hows you breasts?" I said "gone." It embarrassed him so much he tripped on his pants. He is a short guy and his pants were a little too long. Anyways, he leaves the bc stuff up to my onc. And I dont have to see him again for 3 months - so that makes me very happy.

    Jeannie: Congratulations! Samuel Bruce has arrived and all is well. You are so funny. Actually counting posts. Boy you sure did stimulate some brain cells that havent been used in a while. Havent talked about muconium since I was in nursing school. Sounds like your daughter had a rough time, glad its over and both she and the baby are ok. It is a wonderful sight, to see a baby born. And Im so glad the US went ok. The techs usually know what they are seeing. So a cyst it is! Thank goodness. When I had my ultrasound, the tech ran and got the radiologist. He finished the US - so I knew I was in trouble right then and there.

    Sherloc: So glad you stopped to say hello to us. I told you I was gonna miss my daily Shirley Larson post. Hoping your having alot of fun. Maybe its cloudy, but warm is good. Are you going to Disney World? Universal theme park? Oh just talking about it gives me such wonderful memories.

    Colleen: Thank you for making me keep my sanity. I thought I was the only crazy person who sits Indian style. And enjoy the warm weather while you can - this storm is probably coming your way. But at least its not a noreaster.

    PurpleMB: You crack me up. Exercise stuff in a Christmas card. Oh my I would have laughed my arse off. Unlike many of you, I have not even bought my Cards yet. This will be the 1st year I have ever sent Christmas cards. And Im the biggest procrastinator you will have the pleasure to meet.

    Tracey: What the heck did you do to your shoulder? Hope it wasnt from shoveling all the snow you have been getting. I just have one thing to say. Is it Spring yet?

    Cheri: The snow has made the roads and traffic in Chicago a disaster. Im so glad I have an understanding boss. Driving right now would be very dangerous. Gotta wait until the snow stops and they have a chance to clean it all up. The television news is telling everyone to stay off the roads if they can. They cant get the roads cleaned with all the traffic. Ya see, people here in Chicago who have 4 wheel drives think they rule the roads. Not so, this morning.

    Betty: Hope the bone scan goes well. I yearn for the days when I had tests and they would come back normal! What is normal? I have forgotten!

    Mena: You are so funny,. Im gonna join you in the deliverance wagon. Now remember everyone - we nurses do know how to hurt people! We just dont do it. So I will gladly join in. Just bring em on!

    Liz: your dog is so cute. Tried to let my goofy dog out this morning, he looked at the snow and said no way! Had to walk him in the front yard. Well I didnt have to, my husband did. He came in white faced with snow all over his body. My husband and the dog.

    Colleen: That song brings back some great memories. When I was first diagnosed I was on the chat line here for hours, upon hours during the day. There is this wonderful person I met named "badbabe" - she is really great. Anyways, whenever I signed onto the chat she would sing that song to me. Dang - now Im gonna be singing it all morning.

    Susan: Glad you moved from the crushed feeling. I think all of us have been there on more than one occasion and it sucks. From your description, sounds like you have a clear understanding of whats going on. The problem is HIS! How many years have you been married? Im going on 29, have know my dh for 34 years. So hang in there. Hoping the hurt feelings move on also. You could go outside later and make a snowman with me. Im not so sure Im gonna do snow angels though. Will have to see. The snow might be so deep I wont be able to get up

    Amy: Distored Humor wanted to go outside and frolic in the snow. Stuck his head out and said, no thank you. He is so excited he now has another girlfriend. He says hey to your DW and wants to know if she has any cinnamon bears.

    Kari: You hit it right on the nose. Men are indeed stupid! I love the idea of shopping. Nothing like retail therapy. Always makes me feel better.

    Shel: Oh please send mike to the deliverance wagon. Im standing here with a foley cath - 30cc bulb already inflated, has Mikes name written all over it, and Im ready to insert this sucker.

    Jan: Oh yes, giddy up, and welcome to the circle. Everyone is welcome. We have so much fun.

    Lynn: My goodness. 100 mph winds sounds awful! With all this snow and cold weather I cant help but ask "what do they mean global warming." Im so excited though. I feel like a little child today. I got a snow day. Yipppeee!

    Vickie: Boy I think its ridiculous you cant get your daughters medical records. Thats plain scary. But I say - get new testing, get the teeth out, and move on. It does sound scary though - with her having this bleeding disorder. Do they have any medication like factor 8 to stop the bleeding? Send her well wishes and good luck. Ya know I worked in a Retirement Community for 6 years and I had a great visual of the residents sitting in the lobby and singing. And "side by side" that was great.

    Madison: I am so laughing right now. Cold weather and hot flashes. Yes! They go very well together. I thought I might be the only one who keeps her window open in the middle of winter. My window is just above my bed. Love it when its windy. Feel like I have my own fan - a gift from Mother Nature.

    NS: Glad you got the visual about getting boxed by my cat. Im gonna try the sleeping thing. Thats if I can find her. She is still quite mad at me. Snubbing me! But she does love her food, comfort, and most important warmth. Took her bed and put it over one of the heating vents. That will surely lure her!

    I want to add the blue dye injections for the sentinel node biopsy to the deliverance tent. Yep - I had 5 injections in each breast - no numbing agent! I am now standing in one corner of the tent, I have the needles in my hands and a big smile on my face. So who's first. Susan's husband or Mike?

    Oh Jeannie, just read about Sam. Poor little guy. Have put him in the middle of the circle. All of us ladies will be watching over him.

    Jeanette: Oh my, I forgot about the GB surgery. Went back to the barn and told Distorted Humor, like it or not, he will be riding in the snow today. So we are on our way - gonna be right in the OR room with ya. Glad that its finially coming out. Hey - we could have a coming out party for your GB in the party temp - when your feeling better of course. Good luck.

    Ok! Gonna go take a look and see whats happening in this Winter Wonderland. Hope everyone stays safe and warm.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2006
    You are so EVIL with the starbucks comment thanks
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning girls. I'm seeing patches of blue behind the clouds today. Hubby has possibly screwed up our trip. Well not completely but he has put a wrench in it. The silly man went and slipped on some ice at work. Seems he tore up his knee pretty bad. They told him nothing was broken, but have to wait for swelling to go down before doing any more scans? They have him in a brace at the moment. UGH!!! So much for that mountain hike. O well, I'll just eat drink and be merry on the big boat.

    Congrats to all. I am praying.

    Mena you crack me up

    Liz, 85F yesterday and muggy, but I'll take cloudy and warm any day. Thats a bigggggg pic and a cute pooch.

    Karen praying for mom.

    Jeannette, gentle hugs. use a pillow when you sneeze.

    Nicki no Disney for me. Got my fill of the place when I worked there as a teen. Just gonna hang with family.

    Could someone do me a favor please. I can't get into the chatroom from sisters puter for some reason. Could someone go in and look for Choca. Tell her I lost her number and if she would pm it to me I would sooooo appreciate it.
    Thanks bunches.
    Have a great day.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Ahem! Just brought in a starbucks wagon. Need someone to run it. Looking for Vera - but maybe thats not a good idea. She might just drink it all.

    Sherloc: Sorry about your husbands knee. Not going anywhere sounds fun. Now me? I would be laying by the pool. Would get a pool side gazebo and just enjoy. I do love Florida so much. Does Choca go on the chat at any certain times?

    Robin: We are all with you. Have you in the middle of the circle. Once again bc has thrown a curve ball, but please stay strong and keep that fighting spirit.

    Catch ya all later.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Sher? OMIGOD is that you? As in the olden days? Sherloc...holy Lorenzo would say, "You make my day!"

    Man, you belong here...oh these ladies have no idea what they're in for hahahahah...but I do and I can't wait to get you going...the fun we used to have in chat and now you're at the Circle...PARTEEEEEEE!!!

    Bring it happy happy happy to see, me, Thongs...aaaaaaaack I'm gettin' all goose-bumply...looking forward to sharing the days ahead with you here. You're now an official Circle Girl. How cool is it!

    Off to chemo...woo hoo...Chemosabi, take charge of the Deliverance Wagon while I'm gone...I trust your nursely judgment...Someone might want to relieve NS and Liz on the to all...Mena...xo
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Morning Girls

    Just a quick one as I have a meeting in a half hour. Almost finished my cards last night! It was the most fun I've had writing out Christmas cards in a while. My fiance was kind of looking at me sideways (I don't talk a whole lot about this site to him, on anyone really) and he finally said, are those the cards you usuall send? When I told him what I was doing, he was kind of quiet. I asked him if he thought it was weird or something, and he said, no, I think it's cool. (But he knows better than to cross me! LOL) Anyway, for the very first time I thought, hmmm... maybe he wonders why I can't talk to him about the bc, or he feels threatened or something? It was just a passing thought, but I wondered if anyone else's close friends or family was jealous in a way of this place?

    NS - 5 years, I can never hear enough of you saying that!
    Jeannie - Keeping Sam and your daughter in my prayers.
    Jeannette - thinking of you and your gallbladder surgery.
    Nicki - glad the song was a fun reminder, not annoying!! Woo hoo to you all clear from the PCP (too funny about the tripping...) And hell yes! those SNB injections were just a little bit painful - anyone else have the 5th and final directly into their nipple!??!?!? I still don't really buy the "we can't give you an anesthetic for it" story - why not?

    OK, on that lovely note - enjoy the day and everyone in the path of the storm - stay warm, safe and dry!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Wow.I've been outta the circle a few days, missd pages and pages.
    Susan- oh, you are beautiful both inside and out. I am hating all this ice, but the snow is pretty. I have a two-fam flat and tenants, so I need to clear the ice for them or I'd just stay in the house.
    Mena your tent cracks me up. I am glad I have no one to send there now

    i would also like to add the thyroid biospy one- which I have to have again and I swore I would NEVER do again-

    me too! I am waiting for a call back. This time with US. My first biopsy cam back "inconclusive" WTH does that really mean?
    Jan, welcome! Some of us drink in the circle too!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006

    I'll email choca right now. Not sure she knows how to do pm's. If not, I'll have her email me and I'll pm you.

    Girls, I'll get my coffee and come back.
