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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls,

    It’s cold and full of snow here. We have drifts up to my butt. DH is shoveling our way out.

    Hi Jan, so nice to meet you and welcome to the circle. You will love this place.

    Vickie, what a wonderful thing if Trenton is found before Christmas. I pray that he is.

    Karen26, I will get a card to your mom as soon as I can get out. What’s the name of the hospital she’s in?

    Madison, yes the colder air is good for the hot flashes. LOL

    Colleen, I’ve been singing that song all night. Once I get a song in my head it stays for awhile.

    Mena, girl I love your way of thinking! Hope chemo goes well for you today. I’m so glad to see you posting again. I’m pretty good with a needle also. Let me know if I can help in the Deliverance wagon.

    NS, it is a mess here in Oklahoma. Cold, wet and slick. I think we’re both equal on the banjo girl. Do we need lessons? LOL

    Jeannie, poor little guy. I hope he gets better soon. My prayers are with him.

    Jeannette, you will feel so much better once that gallbladder is out. I know it’s not fun to have surgery though. Gentle hugs.

    Nicki, your song is perfect. I actually thought of it last night also. Glad you got a snow day. Enjoy it. Yep the dog had to be physically carried outside after my DH shoveled a path for him. He hates the snow.

    Sher, sorry about hubby’s knee. You guys can just laze around the pool on the boat and relax. I emailed choca. Will let you know if I hear something. Yes, the pic is big. Guess I need to learn how to resize.

    Christine, sorry about h having to have another bx. Be careful clearing the ice.

    I know I’ve missed many. Be safe, careful and warm.

    Hugs and Prayers,

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    I keep seeng what you all are going through in the midwest!!

    In NY it is sunny and raining at the same time. Kind of like how my brain works!

    The wind is picking up too.

    I was going to put out some decorations yesterday but I couldn't. I have an azalea (!) in bloom, coreopsis in bloom and heliotrope in bloom and my everblooming roses are just that- ever blooming! How in hell am I supposed to put Christmas decorations on top of that??

    I am late for my banjo lesson!! Be back later!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006

    Girls we need to come together for a very special sister. She is in triple neg and you will see her post there. Her name is Boobbuster. She is really a sweetheart and went from being NED to doctors telling her she has no hope. And she just lost her brother tragically as well.

    I know her from the triple neg forum and she is a wonderful, warm and giving person. We need to pray really hard for her! She needs to find BETTER doctors, a treatment plan and a way out of this new dx. WE NEED TO GIVE HER HOPE.

    Please help me help her. She is one of us and she needs the sisterhood right now.

    Thank you girls!!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Karen, I see you made it in here to post. Please tell your mom how much she means to me and everyone else here. Post the address to the hospital and we will swamp her with cards.\

    Robin Prayers and hugs for you. Sending a little something also.

    All: I have Robin's home address if you want to send a card there. pm me.

    I started a prayer thread for Boobbuster in "inspiration"

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Hi Boobbuster,
    I hope you come to visit us in the Circle and I wanted to be ready if you do. We have chocolate fountains, cute pool boys, wonderful food, and a place to go if you are feeling crummy. I think there is also a massage tent and probably even a spa. What ever you want we will make it up for you and support you in your fantasy. I'm so sorry for all you are going through. Would you like cards? we are good at that too. I'll make you a star also.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    Sweet Boobbuster, My Prayers are with You and Your Family!! You, Know God, and You have asked for a Prayer! This is the one that always helps me, when i feel, so afraid! " FOOTPRINTS" It was Then That I Carried You! You, have lot's of Sisters in the Circle, that will help You or Your family anyway We can!! Your Sister, debbyfive

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Boobbuster, praying hard for you my dear. There is always HOPE.

    Mena, yep it's me in the flesh. Well sort of.

    Liz, thanks bunches. I am such a boob sometimes. A dented boob. hahzhhahhahhahah
    I don't want to laze around the pool. Remember the dang bathing suit I can't wear cause I had my gut blown up to oblivion and it's all flabby now....I wanna go hiking.
    whine whine whine.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Hi CGs, I am slowly coming out of the AC fog. Still not feeling great, but feeling good enough to crack open the laptop! There have been over 100 posts since I was last online, so forgive me for not reading through them all! But I send a warm welcome to the ladies who just joined us, and well as many heartfelt prayers for RobinTN and Boobbuster and anyone else in need! And Amy, congrats on your good news!

    So, 4 AC down! I can't believe I finally made it! Over the next few days I will start to feel stronger and stronger. On 12/19 I will start 12 weekly Taxol and Herceptin. Once I finish the Taxol I will do rads and continue with Herceptin until 12/2007. And then 5 years Tamox! This is such a long road...but my onc tells me the worst is over. Is Taxol really not as bad as AC? I am hoping not, especially since I have to do it weekly!

    *Hugs* to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Oh its been a busy day. Love being stuck at home when there is a snow storm. Truth be said, they had the roads pretty clear by about 1pm. But I have had fun all day. Worked on my Christmas presents and decided to stop by and say hello. Im having so much fun. Even have a glass of Pinot Grigio that Im sipping.

    Colleen: I dont know if it is jealousy or what! No one understands why I come here all the time. Not my husband, friends, family, coworkers. When I talk about it they go oh yeah, yeah. Little do they know it keeps my sanity in check.

    Christine: Oh that thyroid biopsy sounds evil. Hope you get the results soon and something more than inconclusive.

    Liz: I hope you are enjoying your snow day as well. Finially got my dog to go out in the yard. Comes in and lays down to wipe his paws just like when its raining.

    NS: Ya know those snap dragons I was bragging about still blooming? Well there is so much snow, they are totally covered. But it was still pretty cool having flowers still blooming when its the end of November.

    Boobbuster: Please go to the middle of the circle. No Hope? What the heck is that? Time to get a good team together and get ready to fight.

    Oh to whiney Sherloc: Im laughing so hard. Hiking it shall be then. You can borrow Distored Humor if ya want and go for a brisk ride. It could be worse, you could be here with a foot of snow!!!

    Kristin: Glad you stawrting to feel better and glad the A/C is over. I worked through my taxotere. No nausea!! Biggest issue was bone pain 3rd or 4th day post chemo. Took pain meds ahead of time once I knew my symtpoms.

    Susan: This is so great. We have the stars and we have the map. This is so much fun.

    Mena: Girl, dont you worry, I got ya covered. Liz and I are great partners. We can handle the deliverance tent just fine.

    Ok, break is over. Back to my craft project. Have a great evening.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    I updated the circle girls stars. Let me know if I missed someone. Click on this link.

    Circle Girls are Stars
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Hi Everyone. Wow took me over an hour to catch up on all the posts over the past 2 days!!! Here goes... hope I don't lose this one

    LIZ ... got your beautiful card today thanks! How appropriate shining beads in a circle.
    MADISON .... cajun red beans and rice yummmmm! Would love your recipe if you would like to PM me
    VICKIE... prayers and hugs for your daughter. I also thought med records were microfilmed before shredding. It sucks but I am sure she will be just fine.
    COLLEEN ... I also ache badly 8 months after chemo and 1 month on Arimidex. I take Tylenol for arthritis when it's bad. Are you on AI treatment?
    CHEMOSABI ... 1 year post chemo and still in pain?? How long does this last?
    AMY .... that monkey bread sounds great. I'm not the best of bakers but am definitely going to try that one.
    BETTY... Good luck on the bone scan and congrats on hubby's new career. Lemon scones??? would love that recipe??
    MENA ... LOL on the deliverance tent. I have a few people I'd like to put there Hope your chemo goes well.
    JEANNIE ... congrats grandma!!
    KAREN... tell your Mom she is in the middle of the circle and we are all watching over her. Prayers and thoughts are with her... I am sure she will be fine but it sucks that she has to go through this
    NS.... 5 years out and still achy??? OMG does it ever end???
    JAN ... welcome! Our "Circle Map" is a guest map on a website that I started. Just go into and go to the guest map. Hit zoom a few times to spread out the "girls" and post yourself wherever you live.
    BALDEAGLE... hope your GB surgery went well. Gentle hugs and prayers for you.
    SHERLOC ...good to see you again
    SUSAN... glad to see you are feeling somewhat better. I was crushed to see your dh's comments, have been thinking of you ever since.

    OK... fingers crossed/prayers and hugs for all those awaiting results or doing treatments that I missed.

    Congrats to those who got good news that I missed.

    This place IS sooooo addicting... I feel like I missed something in my dayif I don 't get a chance to check in!

    I think of you all every day. I will stop procrastinating now and go start writing those Christmas cards that I bought a week ago

    Love to all
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    OMG just read some posts that came in while I was typing....

    SUSAN ... I will PM you for dear Robin's address. Thanks for maintaining the stars for us

    BOOBBUSTER ... there is no such thing as no hope around here. Gather yourself a good team and fight like the devil. Take your strength from your sisters in the circle who are praying for you and watching over you.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    ok circle girls its a party night so no pissy attitudes allowed. Its my birthday. The big 39, woohooo. I can remember being 36 and diagnosed and in my first panic of being dead within the year and to think I got to experience it again this year also with the mets diagnosis. Oh well, panic gets us nowhere and we soon realize we are going to live and we get our butts in gear. Its a lobster night so hope everybody loves them. I have the big pot of water down by the fire to get ready to start boiling. Fresh butter will be available along with corn on the cob and fresh potatoes. I cant wait. Lobster is my favorite.

    I dont have time to catch up with everyone because its a busy day here at work and I hate when it interferes with my circle time. I just feel lost when I cant check in.

    O.k 15 more minutes of work time then off to party. Hmmm,,I hope Mazer has me something nice. I bet shes been so busy trying to impress distorted humor that she forgot all about my present. Hmmm,,oh well I guess I can forgive her since she is such a sweet little baby and gives the best nose kisses.

    I hope everyone is staying warm that got hit with snow and staying at home and being safe.

    Gotta run, but thinking of all of you.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    CMB35... just realized I overlooked your post. I told my DH and a lot of co-workers about our circle. They all thought it was really cool and all checked out my website to see where we all were. They don't understand though that only WE get it. They think being supportive is enough. I always tell them I love them for the support they give me but NO ONE can every really fully understand it until they have travelled this road. DH thinks I am really lucky ... he had leukemia 8 years ago and went through it alone (before we met)He said he would have really appreciated a site like this back then.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    I tracked down Robin!
    If anyone wants to go in with me to send flowers let me know.

    Robin really wants to go home. Karen says she thinks she'll be in the hospital a while. She has a penicillin resistant staph infection.

    Robin Sears
    Room 107
    Jamestown Regional Hospital
    436 Central Ave.
    West Jamestown, TN. 38556

    931-879-3390 ask for room 107 or Robin Sears.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    I tried to find one with a donkey but no luck! LOL
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Happy Birthday Amy! Party up girl!


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    I've been trying to catch up. I haven't been around since Thanksgiving, we drove down to AL. IT was great, but I've been just "not in the mood" to go on the computer. I guess I'm stuck in the blues tent a little longer.

    Can I ask a question? My neck has been majorly bothering me the last few weeks and this week it's really bad. I told the nurse yesterday at my bloodwork checkup. I just didn't know if it was something I should worry about. She asked the onc and he scheduled me for a Cspine MRI on Mon. I read on the order "suspected neoplasm". I looked up neoplasm and it says tumor. Should I be worried?

    We had another financial setback yesterday, so Christmas is looking a little gloomy, now with this, I just don't know what to think. Help!

    Sorry, Amy, but happy birthday! And congrats on your good scans.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    Happy Birthday to You Amy,

    Enjoy your evening
    Get the champagne ready, raise your glasses…. A Happy Birthday Toast to Amy.

    Kristin, Yippi, you go girl!!! Outta that fog and into the circle, grab your glass cause we are going to raise our glasses ….A You Go Girl Toast for Kristin

    Susan, love the circle, I had not seen it before, cool!! I will send a card to Robin and would love to go in with you for flowers. PM me with your address and I’ll send $in the mail. Robin needs everyone.

    Boobbuster, come into the circle and feel the strength, love and support of everyone. My prayers are with you.

    Can we get Boobbuster’s address? I’m kinda new here, but my heart is breaking and I want to help……

    Cherylg, I’m gonna send you that recipe as soon as I type it into the computer.

    Okay everyone, I have to see about putting some food on the dinner table, keep the party for Amy and Kristin going…….
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    hope its a wonderful one!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Sher, It could just be arthritis. They put neoplasm on there so that the insurance will pay for the CT scan I'm sure. Hang in there hon. Sorry things aren't getting better for you. Anything I can help with, let me know.

  • RobinKW
    RobinKW Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2006
    Susan - I will go in on the flowers for Robin (I have your address and will put a check in the mail). Thanks for spearheading this. How generous and kind you are - this is the part of you that shines through - this is what your husband should cherish. I am sorry to read about how hurtful he has been. You gotten a lot of good advise from the others but I will add that my motto has always been "the best revenge is being successful".

    Mena – In the Deliverance Wagon, do not forget to insert the port-a-cath – so that it constantly causes aggravation and pain. I just had a colonscopy this morning so I will send over the leftover Trilyte – also the leftover Femara and Aromosin that I could not tolerate.

    Happy Birthday and congrats on your scans, Amy!
    Congrats on finishing AC, k4katz!
    I would also like Boobbusters address

    I do not post much as I don’t have a lot of time - I have a very hectic work schedule and a daughter that plays club soccer (until just recently we had to travel to tournaments every weekend-how exhausting is that?). However, I do try to keep up with everyone and I just wanted to say if I do not mention someone it does not mean I do not care - Robin
  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2006
    Happy Birthday Amy!

    Haven't posted before on this thread. Have just been lurking...

    Everyone keep warm and take care.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi Donna...another drinking bud come to the circle. Stick around and join us. Lots of fun here with virtual wagons, parties, Bruce Springsteen on occasion (although NS usually has him "tied up"), great support, just a wonderful place all around.
    Sheri...wishing you the best with your scan...we will all be with you and we are allowing NO bad news.
    Boobbuster...we will take good care of you here and ignore the statistics.
    Praying for RobinTn...thanks Susan for getting the address...will send her a card. She's had so very much on her plate lately.
    Shel...where are you...having fun with your neighbor I hope. did it! Good for you...I think the hardest part is done now.
    Thanks Liz for the prayers for Trenton to be found before Christmas. No new news. made me laugh with the banjo lessons.
    Baldeagle...hope your doing well. Thinking of you and sending you hugs.
    Really nasty here...heavy rain, flood watches, tornado watches, high wind warnings...60 degrees today...50 now but supposed to drop during the night into the 30's...looks like winter has arrived in NY...yuck.
    Really tired so I'm missing a bunch of girls as usual but you are all (as always) in my thoughts.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    OOOH! I hate that! I just poured my heart out on here then when I started to post it, my "form was no longer valid". Oh well, at least I got some things off my chest. LOL

    Happy Birthday, Amy. Pop open that champagne 'cos it's my 17th yr. wedding anniversary today. (And they said it wouldn't last.)

    Susan, the circle of stars is great.Thank you for the time & effort you put into it.

    Cherylg, I FINALLY got my name on your map. Geez, I'm not very good at this computer but yet I practically live on it. Go figure. Thank you for your time on it.

    Dang, I sure hate it that I lost my first post. I felt it to be quite uplifting. Ya'll just know my prayers are with you and this site means a great deal to me.

    Cheri M.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's...Welcome Donna...happy to have you...what's your poison? What's your pleasure? We have it! Pull up your wagon and settle in...

    Cheryl...that map is awesome, but I'm challenged, apparently. I can't figure out how to get myself on there. Can you pm me and give me the "Get on the Map for Idiots" instructions?

    I'm a little late, but Happy, Happy Birthday Amy! I wish you many more...

    And Happy Anniversary Cheri! And just who are "they?" Fools.

    Ok, I already forgot. Who reminded me about catheters for the Deliverance Wagon? I just got an express shipment and I cannot stand the wailing that Susan's husband and Shel's Mike are doing. Such cry babies. Ugh. Please crank the banjos...

    Oh, and everytime I go to post, I get that "your submission is no longer valid" I'm not intentionally leaving anyone out...I've had to resort to a lot of pm's to get to everyone...we've got such a huge group, wonderful!

    Susan...thanks for Robin's addy...please pm me your addy so I can send something for the flowers... wonderful to see you in the almost's been way too long...

    I was so restless during chemo today and I still can't sleep...Where is Lini these days with my tequila?

    I had a near-death experience on the highway on the way home from chemo...that was rather bizarre...I thought, " I'm not gonna die from bc after all...I'm gonna bite the dust right here on an on-ramp..." Seems I was hydroplaning...all kinds of weird weather in North Jersey. Unusually warm and wicked thunderstorms...but I hate snow so I'm not complaining...besides Amy said "no pissy attitudes tonight"...

    Love to all...sleep well...if you're up, pm me, I'm all Decadroned-up and cannot sit still!...Mena...xo
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Thank you all for your support of Boobbuster/Stephanie. I hope she comes up here and sets a spell. I see you girls have been all over the board giving her a hand. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I knew I could count on you!!

    Oh Christine! Aren't they the worst? I can't believe I have to have another one. I just heard from a dear friend who is a 3 year bc survivor that her biopsy came back positive. I am freaked about this. I really don't think I could handle that surgery if I can't even handle the biopsy.
    What I know about inconclusive on your test is that they look for a certian protien. if you have it then you have regular thryoid disease, if you don't then it is cancer... or the other way around, I can't remember! When I had mine done two years ago there was a pathologist in the room testing the samples. I was ok then. But now they think something has changed because of how it looked on the PET. Good luck with yours Christine!!! I will pray for a good result!

    jeannette, I hope your surgery goes well. You will feel such a relief to have it out. All that pain will be gone. I hope everything goes smoothly!!

    Kristin!!!YAY!! no more A/C!!!! You know the BEST PART? You can NEVER be given it again! It is in the chemo rulebook someplace. So you and the red devil are DONE and NED is waiting!!!

    Hey Nicki? How many snow angels did you make today???
    Listen, about those snap dragons... just leave them there. The seeds will fall into the soil... some will have blown to the other side of the yard too! But you will see them again next spring. Same thing goes for Morning Glories. Never clean up the old vines- they are packed with seeds that come back!

    Susan I love the Circle girl stars!!! You are THE BEST!

    Cheryl, I do still get achy five years out but a little anaprox and I am fine. I may still be achey but it gets easier!

    Amy girl! I hope you are partaying!

    Sheri, don't worry yet! A tumor doesn't mean cancerous... it can be a B9 tumor! I will be sending you B9 vibes!! Good luck!

    Hey Donna! Great to see you here!

    Vickie same here! It is like they couldn't think of any weather catasrophe NOT to include in our forcast tonight!

    Mena girl- be careful on those roads!! is there anyway we can give the "visitors" to the deliverance wagon CRAMPS???

    Well I hope everyone is warm and dry and have full tummies and are sleeping well. I am a little late for duty but the banjo teacher made me stay after school to clean the erasers.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    Yes, NS...I think we can use IV laxatives that will induce cramps...and craps...hahahah...xo

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006

    This would be a perfect place for those famous Coffee enemas!!