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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Good morning ladies,
    Cold here too but no snow. Off with my SIL to get groceries early this morning to beat the crowds.
    NS...GOOD FOR YOU. The jerk deserved everything you said to him and going to his wife may, hopefully, open a door for her to have someone to "vent" too as she know that you know what he is. The deliverance tent for him...I think a sex change is in order! No...maybe he could be a eunich...that would fix his wagon!
    I too find that I have very little patience with rudeness, uncaring, selfish people and when once I would have set back and kept my mouth shut I now speak up and tell it like it is. Life, as we all know, can be too short and I won't tolerate people like that in any situation.
    Hugs all around this morning
    Will check back in later
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    NS, my mouth just hung open after reading about the insensitive things that guy said! I'm really quite speechless. I admire you for speaking up. I probably would have just stared at him in shock.

    I would love to see my ex-neighbor (the one who sold us the lemon, I mean car) in the deliverance tent. When he left a couple of months ago, his grandmother who is our next door neighbor and a very sweet lady, said that if we do see him around, then something was wrong. He's not supposed to be here. Should have been a clue. BTW, one of the reasons we heard from him at this time was his grandfather just died from complications with lung cancer. He was a nice guy, too.

    Ok, now for another chapter in the ongoing saga of my discouraging life. Last night my 15 year old son and 20 year old son got into a major fight. It started to get physical. My dh was at work and I really didn't know what to do. Before I could do anything the 15 year old stormed out of the house. I thought he might just be going for a walk to cool off. After 2 hours it was getting late, so I called my dh. We decided to wait another hour and see if he showed up. Within a half hour he called back to say that he was found in the men's room at my dh's restaurant, curled up in a ball, shivering. The restaurant is on the other side of town, at least 3 or 4 miles away. It was below freezing and all he had was a sweatshirt. I was going to go pick him up, but my dh decided he should just stay with him and come home when he was off work, around 2 am.

    On top of that, my 6 year old is running a fever. He didn't want to stay home from church, my dh is here, so I decided at the last minute to stay with him. I really felt like I needed to go to church today. Girls, please keep me warm in your arms right now.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    G - I'm also speechless, and of course you did the right thing, ESPECIALLY since you are friends with this poor woman! Quite frankly, it probably would have been the right thing to do even if you didn't know her from Adam! It sounds like he has some major issues. I feel badly for her, and hope she is able to see that she deserves much better. As for your poor BIL, I can't even imagine. I do think it takes months to fully comprehend the loss of someone close, and with each "first thing without them" comes more pain. I can remember quite clearly being literally physically pained by the crocuses blooming the first spring after my mother died (she died in November!) This holiday will be hard for all of you that were close to her. Hopefully the fact that this jerk truly must have something really wrong with him will make his comments a little easier to ignore.

    Shirley - Oh my goodness, I forgot about the mouth sores! (How I could forget them is beyond me!)

    Nicki - Yes it's that movie with Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick about the christmas lights. I thought it would be fun for my 10 year old son, and this year we put lots of colored lights on the front of our house. We've decided to do Christmas in a big way this year, for a couple of reasons. A big one was that I was bald, weak, and tired last Christmas as I had finished chemo and was about halfway through rads. Another is that my son will wake up at my ex-husband's house this Christmas. This is the first Christmas that I won't have him (we've been divorced since he was 2.) His dad is remarried and has 2 young boys that still believe in Santa (not that I don't! :-) so he asked if Warren could wake up and be there on Christmas morning so see their excitement. I agree it will be fun for Warren, but I can barely even talk about it without crying. As a matter of fact I'm starting to cry right now so MOVING ON!!

    BTW About my friend's get-together on Friday night. It's so funny, because I am the same way as many of you - hate those types of things! I am really shy and uncomfortable in social situations unless I know the people really well. I had to force myself to go (Friday night, terrible rain and wind storm, etc.) I think for me, I'm finding I'm more confident now (post-bc) at least with folks that don't know I had it! Of course the "you look goods" (however well intentioned) made me cringe a little, but the majority of the women there had no idea.

    Hey! I said, "had it" past-tense! That might be the first time I've done that without thinking about it! Perhaps I am indeed "moving beyond cancer"!! LOL

    OK, enjoy your Sunday and your football ladies. (I've kept mum about the fact that I used to be a major Giants fan! I know someone is an Eagles fan! :-) I say used to be, because I moved to MA about 20 years ago, when the Patriots were still really stinky. They would never put the Giants on TV here unless the Pats were sold out (which they never were) so it was hard to still be a fan. Then I got married, had child and because a single mom pretty early on, and I guess I just sort of fell out of being a football fan. If the game is on now, it's usually the Patriots, and while I'll watch it, it's not the same thing as it was when I would sit there in my Lawrence Taylor jersey, blue sweatpants, and white socks drinking beer out of my GIANTS mug! (BTW my son sleeps in my GIANTS superbowl jersey now.)

    OK, well I'm off. Much love and hugs to all the CGs, and especially to those who need a little extra TLC today.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006

    Sam is coming home today!!! The really scarey spinal tap results came back neg today and the cutey patooty is going home. He weighed 8'6" when he was born Wednesday and 8'13" today---this is NOT a sick baby. Gramma is happy---parents are ecstatic.

    Happy Dance around the fire while Gramma puts all of her junk back in the trunk to hit the road for Gramma duty.


    p.s. NS---what an arse! And you weren't supposed to say anything?!? That's how arses get to be arses---nobody calls them on their arsishness and they think they're cute. I should know---I used to be married to one (remember the obnoxious little Irish dude I offered Mena?).
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    That is so wonderful the baby is coming home!
    Sheri, I will say special prayers for you and your test coming up.
    Colleen, LT fan?!! ha ha! I was a Jet fan in a Giant household with a dad from New England... go figure!
    Nicki, I hope they can find the right meds that work for you. Since I am allergic to so many things I can relate.

    I want to come back later and answer everyone more fully, but I wanted to thank you for your support with my friend's DH husband. I am just getting ready to dry my hair to go and see them now. I will reread what each of you wrote right before I leave!

    Be back later

    Love you circle girls!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Sheri...sending you big warm hugs and a wish for brighter days ahead. I'm so sorry your going through so much right now. We'll send your wonderful ex neighbor to the new deliverance tent and give him ALL the treatments he deserves. You can even watch. I'm sorry about your boys and their fight...praying they will work things out and that your six year old gets better soon but most of all sending prayers for you. Don't be upset about missing church...there are many here holding you in their hearts and praying for you and God will hear us...all our prayers together will bring you peace.
    Jeannie...hooray for Samuel! What wonderful news. Have a great time with this precious gift.
    Hugs all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    You'll need the following:

    1 cup of water
    1 cup of sugar
    4 large brown eggs
    2 cups of dried fruit
    1 teaspoon of salt
    1 cup of brown sugar
    Lemon juice
    1 bottle of whisky

    Sample the whisky to check for quality. Take a large bowl. Check the whisky
    again. To be sure it's the
    highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric
    mixer, beat one cup of butter
    in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar and beat again. Make sure the
    whisky is still OK.
    Cry another tup. Tune up the mixer. Beat two leggs and add to the bowl and
    chuck in the cup of dried
    fruit. Mix on the turner. If the fired druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry
    it goose with a drewscriver.
    Sample the whisky to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or
    something. Who cares?
    Check the whisky. Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one
    table. Spoon the sugar or something. Whatever you can find. Grease the oven.
    Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees. Don't forget
    to beat off the turner. Throw the bowl out of the window. Check the whisky
    again and go to bed.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    For some reason my computer doesn't always back me all the way up to the first unread so I missed your post. You know you have whatever care, comfort and support you need from the CGs. We're here when you need us---always so upsetting when the problems are in the family.

  • RobinKW
    RobinKW Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2006
    Hey Nicki - what is your good cholesterol reading? My good cholesterol has always been very high but have not been able to keep the bad in check so I have to take Crestor like Liz and it has helped. I think chemo affected my liver but my pcp wants me to have an ultrasound – onc says readings are ok – will do the ultrasound anyway in a few weeks. I read lately that boosting your good cholesterol is more important than lowering your bad but I do not think I kept the article – I’ll look around. Good luck on Zetia – hope it is gentle on you.
    NS – Kuddos to you for standing up to your neighbor and telling your friend about his behavior. What a jerk. She deserves better treatment.
    Cheryl – congrats on your clean mammo & CT scans. I have been meaning for months to tell you that my BC mentor in Puyallup (where we lived before Boeing transferred us out to Huntville, AL) is a big fan of Harmony Hill. She goes every year and I have been the recipient of oodles of stuff – dream pillow, cookbooks etc. I really wish I could go some year.
    DebC – bring back that recipe for POG!! We all need some sunshine with the way the weather has been lately. Glad to hear you are having fun – you deserve it.
    Anyone get more news about RobinTN?
    Sheri – it will get better. I have two boys in their early 20’s. Some years were rough….kinda like what you are going through. They are both in college and working now – I never thought I would see the day. Hang in there.
    Jeannie – have fun with Sam!
    Vickie – going to the store to get supplies to make the cake. Might make decorating more fun today.

    Any thoughts about “elastography” ( Wouldn’t it be nice if they could determine malignant and B9 lumps without a needle? I still wonder how quickly they could relate the information to the patient – if we would have to wait for our doctors to get the results and tell us.

    Cheers to all.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    OH MY GOSH...I have been so freaking out all weekend. I have an appointment at the onclologists Wednesday. I go every month for blood work, blood pressure, weight check and see my onclologist every three months for a follow up...well I thought that I would be seeing him on Wednesday for my followup and I have been making myself sick with worry that he would find something or want to run tests or scans etc. WELL...I just got my appointment schedule out and I don't see him until JANUARY 6TH!!! Oh thank God! Chemo brain is going to drive me insane! Last December was ruined with worry, dx'd, scans, MRI's,x-rays, bloodwork, the works...I just couldn't deal with another December like that.
    whew...had to get that off my chest (ppfftt...literally!!LOL)
    I am just so relieved.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Vickie- Thank you so much for the smiley face toe socks. They bring back good memories. You are so sweet!!

    I can so totally relate to your post. My last December was also ruined by mammos., biopsies and uncertainties. I did have a feeling what was coming down in January and was quite pre-occupied all month. I have my six month check also in January and my bloodwork the end of the month, and I'm already nervous. I've been waking up in the middle of the night totally freaked out lately, and then you mentioned the weight check, too. YIKES!! Need to get that down or I'll really be depressed. LOL!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    OH LINI...I am so glad you got them and so fast!!! I loved the smiley face circles on them...they seemed so fitting! I need to get my weight UP...that's tough to do but I only have 4 lbs to go to be 130 which is where they wanted me. (I've seen pictures of you and you look just perfect to me!) I too have been waking up, freaked out, in the middle of the night...weird, disjointed dreams...general stress.
    Now you need to post a pic of you in your flip flops with your toe socks...
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Vickie-That might just be the perfect picture for the Christmas card exchange, huh?? Good idea!! I've been having some very strange dreams also. I wish I could give you those 4 pounds. I need to drop around 20, but would be happy with 10.

  • bday
    bday Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2006

    I love this picture. I have made it my desktop screen. It will remind me every time I turn on my computer, there are others out there that have survived what I'm going through. Thanks for posting the picture.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    Ok...glad I'm not the only one confused...what picture?

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2006
    Hello CG's,

    I am peeking my head out of the medic tent to let you all know that I have survived the gall bladder surgery and that nasty bugger is gone! Well, it was not without incident - it took 30 minutes and 3 docs before they finally were able to start the IV to put me out. That's like waiting for the guilitine to drop. Finally had to get an anethesiologist from the OR next door. Brrrr.

    Then I wake up all groggy - they gave me too much morphine and I couldn't shake it for hours. I told the nurse in recovery that there was a whole wagon train of women from all of the world encircling me. I think she thought I was daft - but it was great thinking of all of you. And many thanks for your thoughts. Now the healing - shouldn't be too bad, nothing like the TRAM reconstruction in Feb.

    Girls, I can't remember everything I have read today - just that there were almost 3 pages of posts.

    So now sending love and light to RobinTN so that she can heal and be home soon. Amy, big dances round the camp fire. Am thinking of Kevin Costner in Dances With Wolves. And so glad you did lobster for dinner - my absolute favorite.
    NS - you were damn right to tell that SOB where to get off. Better cut off his viagra while wer're at it, or maybe better, wish him an eternal hard he can't get off. (see what the anesthetic did to me?). Glad we have the Deliverance
    tent for those who deserve a spell there.

    Special prayers fgor boobuster/Stephanie. I hope she has good luck tomorrow.

    Vicki,Lini and all of us who were diagnosed in December - let's make this a better new year.

    Now Niki, watch it with all those anti-cholestrol drugs. They apparently make you more prone to gall stones (cholestrol has to find somewhere to set up shop).
    Cheryl, good news, yeah! Susan, thanks for adding all the stars - we are an awesome buch.

    Donna and Jan, and all those who are still reading before posting - welcome. This is a big merry crowd and we get better for each addition.
    And to all the rest of you - in my thoughts, in my prayers.
    Back to the medic tent,
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Take Care Jeannette. Prayers for quick healing to you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Sooo very good to see you peeking out of the medic tent...Glad that your surgery is over and you are recovering. Rest up and we will keep you safe and warm. Love the comment you made to the nurse about our circle of wagons...the real world has no idea!!! Isn't that grand.
    Gentle hugs
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Jeannette, so glad you are recovering well from your surgery. I wonder what the RN thought when you started talking about the wagon train. LOL

    DebC glad you are having a good time. Miss you, but for such a nice vacation we'll let you go for a while.

    NS, didn't that poor guy realize who he was talking to and what you were going to do to him.

    Newvickie, latest research says chemobrain bothers us for 3 years. We have a built-in excuse!!!

    Hugs to you Robin.

    Please also remember Debbyfive. She is getting another ultrasound of her heart tomorrow. And then Tuesday they are taking another look at the tumor on her thyroid.

    have a great evening.
  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2006
    NS - good for you! What a self-absorbed moron.

    It's still freezing cold here and some schools north of Tulsa are still closed tomorrow, but it's a major improvement over the last several days. I actually GOT OUT of my apt yeterday AND today!!

    My ex had to move over the weekend...I get to move next weekend and am praying I get better weather than he did.

    Hope everyone is staying warm.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Donna, do you get to move into your house now that your ex is out? I hope you get better weather!! What kind of toy car do you have? I have a Mini, I think that can be considered a toy!

    Shirley, so sorry about your DH's ACL! I have heard that can be very painful. I hope he is feeling ok... or at least on the road to recovery!

    Oh Sweet Tina, the holidays can bring back so many good memories that they make us sad. And then when we LOSE a holiday because of going through treatment, it is even harder because we see now that we just can get things back anymore. I am sorry you are missing your folks. That is something I don't think ever really goes away. I have been feeling a bit out of sorts this holiday as well. Didn't realize it until I heard a song playing in a store that made me start to cry-- I felt like such a dope standing there looking at garland and christmas lights with tears rolling down my cheeks! Come visit the Pissy or Blues tent- We will fix you right up! REALLY!! It helps me!

    Susan, do you go this week for your test? I wish I could go with you!

    Sheri, glad to hear your DH is behaving. I hear tell that just KNOWING about the Deliverance Tent makes men straighten up and fly right!

    Oh Vickie, what a beautiful post. You got me all misty now!!! BTW I had an Aunt who used to cook like that!!! For REAL!!

    Lini, good luck with your appointment next week! I will say a special prayer for you!

    I am totally confused. Who is Anonymous and bday, what pic are you referring to??? I see you have one post so welcome to BCorg and welcome to the circle!

    Jeannette! SO GLAD you are out of surgery and that GB is history! We say all sorts of things when we are still loopy from the happy juice! Apparently I told my breast surgeon I was in love with him.. SEVERAL times! Rest up and HEAL!

    Oh Susan, almost forgot.. Chemobrain lasts longer than three years... it better or I have alzhiemers!

    Golly days Liz! BE CAREFUL!!!! I am SO GLAD you are home safe and sound!!!

    Aloha Deb!!! I wish I was there!!! I just read that guava is a powerful anti-cancer fruit... so ENJOY!!!

    Ok so here is what happened today. My friend never told her DH that I told her what he said. BUT he told HER. He changed things quite a bit- the a$$hole! He told her that my deceased friend's BIL was standing there talking about how he hopes her widower, his brother, can find a new wife! HE NEVER SAID THAT! We were talking about how much we missed her and how hard it is this Christmas without her... then he told my friend that I went "crazy" for no reason and he couldn't understand my bizaare behaviour!
    This guy is major league trouble and a manipulator. My friend told me she believes me because he is always saying inappropriate things like that and it just made her blood curdle when he walked in with his lame excuse.

    I am so sick of that man. I stayed far away from him today!!!
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2006
    I suspect that "bday" is an ork. It would be our first. But, IMHO, no-one posts to this topic area of the list as a newbie with no prveious posts and then leaves a highly suggestive message without there being something suspect. Let's watch.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone! Its a frigid morning at this end of the circle. No sitting by the campfire today. Im huddled in my teepee. Just cranked up the heat. This hot coffee sure tastes good this morning.

    So I survived the Bears football game. We won, despite our quaterback Rex Grossman. He looked pitiful. But we still won our division.

    Husband is already outside starting up the car. And there is ice everywhere. We hit a record for the coldest December 3rd ever recorded. Man oh man, I hope this is not a sign of what this Winter is gona be all about.

    Sheri: I can remember having a few all out brawls with my older sister. We were about the same ages. Lots of stress in your life - I am hoping soon things will calm down.

    Colleen: Just remember Christmas is just a day. So you can make it special anyday you choose. Your description sounds so much like mine. Last year, I just finished my last chemo on 12-2-05. I was bald and fatigued. Didnt go to any shopping centers. This year, I have hair and Im enjoying the whole Holiday thing. Thank you for the warning. I will avoid "Deck The Halls" - think I will stick with Miracle on 34th street, A Christmas Story, and Santa Claus is coming to town.

    Jeannie: Thank goodness the little guy is ok and coming home. From your description, he certainly sounds healthy. Now dont dance too much, you need your energy to play with Sam.

    RobinKW: My good cholesterol (HDL) was 47. It should be above 50. thats the one area I can work on - should see them increase with exercise. When I was on Lipitor, my cholesterol levels were great. Below 200! This is another bad heredity gene I inherited. I produce my own cholesterol. But as I think about it, I really need to eat more fish. See my onc today - hope he doesnt concentrate on the cholesterol stuff. This is D-day. I want my port out. So thats gonna be the just of my conversation with him. And if he says no, lets wait, Im gonna punch him in the nose.

    Lini: What a difference a year makes!

    Jeanette: Im so glad you peaked out of the medic tent. Have been thinking about you. Im so glad the surgery is over and your in the recovery mode. I dont have much choice about the cholesterol medicine. PCP wont take no for an answer. At least he is gonna give me samples so I can try it out first and see how I react to it. Ya know, this past year - I have said what the heck - and have been eating everything. Havent really watched my diet. Have been trying to stay on South Beach - but cheating all the time. So I need to start watching what I eat. Forget crazy diets and eat what is good for me.

    Susan: Thanks for the reminder about Debbyfive.

    Debbyfive: Hoping the US goes well. A few months ago, this date seemed so far away and now its here. The waiting is over.

    Donna: I cant imagine moving this time of the year. Hope all goes well. And hoping the weather warms up for you.

    NS: Your neighbor sounds like a malignant lyer who live in a fantasy world. Ideas of Grandeur!! Give him the name of a good psychiatrist. Sounds like he needs one!

    OK - time to go. Get ready for work! Oh how I hate Mondays.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Girls,

    It has warmed up some at this end of the circle, already above freezing!!!! For those suffering the big chill I put an extra log on the fire for you. (and I think Tamoxifen is putting an extra log on the fire for me whew!)

    Sheri, hope your son is feeling better soon. My two older daughters used to argue like crazy too, glad your son was found safe and sound. Did hubby get a chance to have a good chat with him on the drive home? ((((((hugs))))))))

    Nicki, your fingers must be tired and ready for a day of 'work'. What are you working on now? I got my decorating done, it is not extensive and will look incomplete until the Christmas tree goes up about a week before Christmas. Glad your 'Bears' won their game!

    Colleen, Christmas celebration is when you make it. There is a day designated, but that is so the world has a time to gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Having been a military family for many years, with a husband who was out of country sometimes on that particular day, we celebrated our family Christmas at a time convenient for us when we COULD be together as a family and celebrated Christmas at church knowing he was doing the same on the other side of the world. Our main family celebrations will be after the 25th this year too as my younger daughter will be working over Christmas (as am I) and both daughters will come down after to celebrate with the family. I hope you enjoy your day with your family and find a way to make Christmas day a celebration too.

    Jeannie, Welcome Home Sam! So glad it turned out to not be serious and your Christmas season can be without that worry. Spoil him well Grandma! lol

    Jeannette, glad you're starting to feel better. Bet that nurse was surprised to SEE the wagon train around you! I never remember being in recovery rooms, so I don't know what I say to the nurses! Probably don't want to either. (((((speedy recovery))))))

    NS, I agree with everyone else that you did the right thing. Too bad he had to lie about what was said. What a doink! As for 'bday', they have still only done the one post, but the pic they referred to was one posted way back in August (22) of chairs in a circle at a beach with a ring of fires/candles there too. It is a nice pic. If you click on the "re:anonymous" at the top of the post it will show you the pic. bday must have been going through the posts from page 1! There are some really nice posts and pics in these postings!

    Donna, good luck on your move. Hope the weather and roads improve for you.

    Special prayers and hugs to lini, RobinTN, mena, Debbyfive and anyone else who needs them.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Hey Ladies

    Thanks for your words of encouragement about Christmas. I know it's up to me to make it special. And we have rearranged this year so that Christmas Eve is going to be Christmas for us. I've planned lots of activities for that day with my son, and I've invited myself over to a good friend's house for that evening (after her daughter is in bed) for a nightcap once Warren is off to his Dad's house. I know it will be really special for him to have a Christmas morning with more people/excitement (it's always been just me and him, so he really is excited about the prospect of seeing his little brothers open presents too!) And I'm trying to look at the positives - like not being woken up at 5am to go down and open presents. I'm going to get myself something really yummy for Christas breakfast (I'm thinking maybe an entire tube of Grands cinnamon buns with the icing), sit and look at my tree while listening to Christmas carols, maybe even get a fire going in the fireplace, and think about how truly fortunate I really am.

    Sorry, did a quick read, will come back and try to repay the favor later today.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    OK, I will probably still shed a tear or two, but I know in my heart that you are right, the calendar day doesn't make it special, it's the time together that's special.

    Thanks again, I knew I could count on you to keep me out of the blues tent!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Well girls, I believe I had my first real side effect of the tamox. I woke up in the night with night-sweats!! I'm 49 yrs. old & went through menopause early and I haven't had night sweats in 2 years. What's flashes?? Say it ain't so! I've already lived the side effects of menopause and it looks like I'll be repeating them. (My DH barely lived thru the first bout) Somebody enlighten me here, tell me what the normal side effects are on the tamox.I already know about the weight gain & depression just not sure if that's really the tamox or chemo & treatments.

    We're celebrating Christmas the day before also. My 5 yr. old grandson that I adore alternates years with his dad so we just have Santa come a day early & my daughter cooks a big dinner and we open presents & play. It's not so bad.

    Good luck to all, I'm rather self-absorbed today. But I did read through this and pray for all who is having a rough go of it.

    Cheri M.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    WOW CG you can rack up the posts over the weekend...hmmm yup an hour to catch up..and no notes...
    NS...more people need to stand up for each other whether ist a jerk or some one being abusive in public...
    NICKI...I guess you need to take a health spa break,,,,you know some where in my house...and leave your ciggy's at ash trays at my house...PS I do have a hot tub for after the work outs...
    Silver glad to see Sam coming home what a wondeful holiday gift.
    Baldeagle, remember to take as much time in the medic tent , but a few minutes inthe deliverence tent helping mena may make you feel even better,
    Mena so glad your back....and found soaking hands in hot sauce while they are sleeping will make everything they touch
    Susan. thanks for the help with Nicki...sounds like we will have to gang up on her to keep her in line...
    Sheri, I have 3 boys, and my fav..."bad" day was when they were was January...and very cold,,, ( I live in NY) I locked them out and told them no one was coming in until someone drew blood...and I meant it...they got it over an dhavent fought like that since...I hated it as a mom but couldnt stand it anymore...good luck...
    Tracey I hope warm sunny thoughts get you thru the do grow up...eventually...
    got to run...making chicken salad pita pockets for dinner who's doing Dessert
    Love MB
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Mornin' girls, I guess I'll make this fast considering it's the second time I've tried to post. I think I had my first for-sure side effect of the tamox. I woke up in the night with night-sweats. I'm 49 yrs. & went thru menopause early and haven't had night sweats in 2 years. Am I to expect hot flashes as well? Say it ain't so! Will someone enlighten me as to what the norm is on the side effects, please? I know about the depression & weight gain.

    Our family alternates every other year having our Christmas on the day before. My 5 yr.old grandson goes to his dads so we have Santa come the morning before & my daughter cooks dinner that day. It doesn't matter what day you celebrate it on. Just enjoy!!

    I did read through what all of you had to say this morning but I don't think it'll let me post my list again so just know that my prayers are with you & I am thinking of you even if I can't mention it.

    Cheri M.