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  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    HAHAHAHAHAHAH....omigod G...I'm so glad you're awake...xo

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Mena can we add Lovenox injections to the stomach and the really loverly brusies they leave behind?

    Wow you ladies have been really busy.

    Just courious has anyone checked to see if Robin is on the cancer ward? if she is they won't let you send her flowers! But a nice basket of goodies is another thought!. When I had pnemonia & the pulmonary emblosims they put me on the cancer ward and they wouldn't let me have the flowers my work sent me.

    Karen, please let you mom know that she is in our prayers and thoughts and we just want her to be safe and healthy and we want her out of the hospital too. We miss here around the campfire!

    Boobbuster, You may be lurking around the campfire. We hope you are casue then you would see how much we care for you. Come set close so that you can be heald by the fires warmth.

    I got great news at the Oncs yesterday. My mammo was clear! My CT was clear, no damage from the pneumonia! No more blood clots & the nodule in my lung is SHRINKING! And I am scheduled to get my port out exactly one yer from the date it was put in. The only bad news was that my potassium is low again, no wonder I've been getting charlie horses under my boobs and in my back, and I have edema in the affected breast. The Onc said watch it and if it gets any bigger or looks angery in any way call her right away! (Only she probably wont be there cause she's due to have her baby anytime!)

    Ok after all that news I had to do some retail therapy! I bought a new pedastil sink for the bathroom and some paint called "Cheryl's Rose" which is a very pale shade of lavender, for the bathroom.
    I got ballons, streamers and banners and a helium tank for Cloe's first birthday party in a couple of weeks , but I think she won't mind if we share some of them with Amy for her birthday! Happy Birthday girl! 39 seems like forever ago!

    The weather has warmed up here and the ice and snow are gone. it's in the upper 30's low 40's. but very foggy out there!

    Hubby is so funny he just put the ad paper for guitar center next to me open to the page with the guitar straps and chord charts on it. He's been playing since I've known him but finally wants to learn what the chords are that he's playing. Now's he's talking about getting a piano too! Where are we going to put that!

    Oh there was so many posts that I wanted to address but I'm just to tired to remember which ones.

    Welcome Donna & Jan good to see you here!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006

    oh mena........i fogot to ask if you could wax the f*&^%#$% back while you have him there!.........i'm sure it'll be a large fee.........but i'm more then happy to pay lol!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006

    Don't forget the legs, Undre arms and oh a brazilian wax too!

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Shel, Cheryl...I'll do anything provided it's something we've already waxing is my pleasure...damn, I'll pluck them out one by one...oh, and there's no fee...this is community service guys are getting creative now...I'm loving it...And I thought I was medieval...I shoulda known I'd be topped...

    Now I can't get the image of a really hairy back outta my head...there's a pleasant image to lull me to sleep...

    Cheryl...I left you a "Hallelujah" on the other thread...So here's a CG Woo freakin' Hoo for you! Celebrate!...Mena...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    Oh my...lots of late night chatter last girls are on a roll with Mena's new it.
    I've been up since 4am...a dear friend of my mothers who has been my "surrogate" mom since my mom passed away died in the night. She had emphysema, got pnemonia (sp?)and was doing better until they told her she could'nt go home and had to go to a nursing home...she just gave up. She was a lovely lady and I'll miss her but she's in a better place now.
    Still have a wind warning here but missed the flooding (thank God as so many have lost so much this year, not once but twice!!), old man winter has arrived.
    Have to "work" today...having a holiday bazaar at work and I have been "assigned" to work the free craft table for kids. Nathaniel is thrilled. I'd prefer to stay home and get my Christmas crafts and chemo caps done.
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day...will check in later.
    Big circle hug to all,
    Be safe out there,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    One more thing...I am getting small Christmas bonus (our residents get together and collect money for the staff every year)'s about a hundred dollars. I want to do something really special with it this year...I want to give it away or "adopt" a family and buy secret Santa gifts for someone. I don't know of anyone in real need. I want it to be anonymous but it would have to be a single mom or dad with no more than one child or an elderly couple or maybe you girls know of someone here who is in desperate need...I just am so very happy to be here that I can't think of a thing to do with it other than pay bills and would rather do something for do I do this? I thought of going to our local Open Door Mission and just giving it to them but I really want it to be used for a person or small family that needs it...not just "put in the kitty".

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Snow storm yesterday, now the cold air has set in, but we are having a beautiful sunrise. The entire sky is pink! I so much enjoyed being off yesterday. And now its the week-end, so this is grand.

    So I got a call from my PCP ysterday. To "talk" about my blood test results! Lets just say Im a walking fat globule. My cholesterol was 338 (supposed to be below 200), my Triglycerides were 359 (supposed to be below 150), My LDL - the bad cholesterol was 219 (supposed to be below 100). There was no arguing with him. Got to go on a pill called Zetia. Geesh another high priced one from my insurance company. I dont think I have anymore room in my medicine cabinet for any more pills!! Im not surprised at this. Always had high cholesterol (another bad gene). Was on medication for about 10 years before bc. Changed from Lipitor to Lescol cause of my insurance company. Had a severe muscle reaction and had to stop it. That was one year ago. So I havent been on any medication for one year. Im not freaked out about this. I knew it was coming.

    Oh and then he says to me "I dont care how little you say you are smoking. You need to quit." apparently my hemoglobin and hematocrit were high - and he says thats a true sign of a smoker! And to top things off, he is sending all my lab work to my onc who I see on Monday. In my quest to fight bc, I forgot about other health issues. Seems like I might be a walking time bomb for a stroke or heart attack. Ya know, its hell getting old.

    Amy: How in the world did I miss your birthday? I hope it was wonderful. I myself am still wiping off the butter on my mouth from the Lobster. It was yummy. Lobster reminds me of times when I was a little girl. My mother always made Lobster spaghetti on Christmas Eve. Yep, instead of meatballs, she put lobster in her tomato sauce. Too bad I was too young to appreiciate it. Now there is another thing Distorted Humor has learned from Mazer the Tazer. He has been nudging me all week, and I thought he wanted cinnamon bears. Now I realize he is kissing me. Oh what else with the two of them get into?

    Sherdon: I was so happy to see you post. I have been thinking about you and wondering how everything is going. Dont freak out about r/o neoplasm. Could be so many things. Arthritis and stress come to mind. Financial set backs - just remember you have been through a catastrophic event with this bc. And your still trying to recover from it. My husbands "big" Christmas present this year is gonna be a pretty card with a hand written letter. Im gonna make it very special. I know Im better off this year than last year. And thats what really counts.

    Madison: Oh boy, Im still singing that song. My husband asked me yesterday what are you singing under your breath. It just about floored him when I told him.

    RobinKW: So glad you stopped by to say hello.

    Donna: So stop lurking and come join the fun. We have such a good time here. And we drink too! I can attest to that - have a headache this morning from all the pinot grigio I consumed last night.

    Cheri: Happy anniversary. I hope you had a great day. So you were a December Bride? Has a nice ring to it.

    Mena: Our feisty little friend is back. What did we do without you.

    CherylCY: Congratulations on the good test results. And what a great idea - getting your husband guitar stuff for a present. I went to Kohls and found a black tshirt with a white guitar on the front of it and it was on sale for 9 bucks. Pretty good deal.

    Vickie: So sorry to hear about your surrogate moms passing. Always seems harder when it happens around the Holidays. Seems like we have had nasty weather across this whole country. I want el nino back. I had this frigid air.

    Ok - time to go. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • casinogirl
    casinogirl Member Posts: 476
    edited December 2006
    Vickie - I think that's a great idea to do something nice with your bonus. I watched Oprah the other day when instead of doing her annual "Favorite Things" show where everyone in the audience gets tons of gifts, she gave everyone $1,000 with the caveat that they had to spend it on a total stranger within 2 weeks. They were showing clips of different things people did with their money. One woman turned $1,000 into $70-some thousand! (she should consider a career in fund raising)

    One women gave hers out in tips to pizza delivery guys . You should have seen the looks on their faces when they went to collect $18 for a pizza and she gave them $200 and told them to keep the change! The last guy (probably in his 40s) was so moved he teared up and hugged her.

    Glad to join you all in the Circle. Having cabin fever in my apt with all the ice & snow in Tulsa. Ex-husband is suposed to move out of our old house TODAY (10" of snow and the temp is 11 degrees this morning) but that might not happen due to the lovely weather. I already have painters & carpet installers scheduled to start Mon.

    I just know I need OUT of this 900 sq ft apt and I can't even get my toy car backed out of my parking space! I may have to "make" a friend with a 4-wheel drive come pick me up and take me somewhere, anywhere! Plus, I'm almost out of antifreeze (wine) how will I keep warm THEN?

    Okay - I've rambled on far too long. Take Care & stay warm girls ~

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    happy sturday girls. It is saturday right? Well it's unofficially official. Hubby has a torn ACL. Whatever the hell that is. Apparently it is important to the functioning of your legs. Doc has ordered an MRI to see if surgery is needed. Hopefully he will get that done before he gets on the plane next friday. So definately no hiking for us. O well. I will still have a grand time.

    Nicki, UHHHH, no thanks. I'll go to the beach with a flabby belly. yikes on the cholesterol.

    CherylG, good to see you too.

    Happy Birthday Amy

    Praying for Robin.

    Hugs Sher, every scan I've had hhas "R/O neoplasms" on it. I think it's pretty standard terminology for us.

    Happy Anniversary Cheri.

    Mena, long time indeed. Tho you have been in my prayers daily.
    Hydroplaning? How scary. Was watching the storm stuff on the news last night. Yikes.
    Stay safe ladies.

    CY, yehaw.

    Vicki, hugs and prayers. call a local church or salvation army for a family.

    Liz, thanks for getting me chocas number. I very much appreciate it.

    Off to see the wizard. Have a great day girls.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning circle girls,

    Has been a while since I have been here so had lots of TRYING to catch up - so much happened/going on that I am sure I have forgotten something.

    Mena, it was so good to see you post. Boobbuster, Welcome. You will find this a warm and loving group. Amy, a late but Happy Birthday. Kristin contrats on finishing the AC; one down. Nicki my cholesterol is up and I need to loose weight but that gets harder and harder so I am waiting for the cholesterol med to hit too. Sherndon, I agree with some others they have to put stuff down so insurance will pay. Hope you had a good time in Ala. for Thanksgiving. Try not to worry to much. Christine not sure when you are having thyroid biopsy but definitely the circle girls will be there with you and it will b9. So many are having thyroid problems since chemo and rads!!! RobinTN, sorry to learn that you continue to have problems. Everyone is anxious to see you posting again. Vicki, I think it is wonderful that you wish to take your money and help someone. I know locally the elementary schools have a list of needy kids around this time of the year so maybe you could check there. Baldeagle, hope you are feeling better after your gallbladder surgery. For me that horrible pain is gone. I have just been trying to bake and freeze, decorate outside and inside and clean and shop while recovering and just have pushed myself to exhaustion - don't do that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday, I was so tired and felt so bad that I just cried 3 different times - that definitely isn't me. Last night I got nauseated and it is here this morning so - is it from pushing to hard or do I have a bug? Time will tell.

    I feel sure I will have overlooked someone and it certainly isn't intentional. Denise will get the results of her thyroid scan on Thursday and Carrie will be seeing about her newly found cyst in her breast. Please add both of them to your prayers. Denise's surgery for her aneurysm is Dec. 12th at the Cleveland Clinic. I would like to add my SIL, Joyce. She had a mastectomy for BC 12 years ago. Several years later she developed lymphoma, treated; it returned, treated again and now for the 3rd time it has returned. Also on Monday she will be having a biopsy of a cyst in her remaining breast. Thank you for bringing her into the circle.

    Thank you to the very organized ladies that already have sent their Christmas cards!!!! I plan on addressing mine next week.

    Hope everyone comes and sits around the campfire today for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate as it has finally gotten cooler here today. 76 yesterday was rather warm to be doing Christmas shopping or decorating. Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Gentle hugs and blessings, Brenda
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Morning Girls!

    Had a fun time last night at a friend's house. She invited about 10 women from different parts of her life over. I knew 2 other people, but no one else. We all got to know each other a bit, and ate lots of good food and drank some wine. I haven't done something like that in ages, and it was really fun!

    Kristin - Congrats on the last AC!!
    Nicki - Snow day - yeah! But yikes on the blood results!
    CherylG - I'm triple neg, so nothing now, just the aches!
    Amy - Happy Birthday, sorry I missed it!
    Susan - thanks for Robin's address
    Mena - hydroplaning is so scary! I'm glad you made it home safe.
    NS - I'm so sorry about your friend's biopsy news. I'll be sending good thoughts her way.
    Cheryl,CY - congrats on the good news!
    Vicki - Sorry about your mom's friend. It's always hard, but this is a particularly tough time of year to lose someone.
    Donna - I saw just that part (pizza tips) and the part with the teacher who gave the elderly gentleman the books of that Oprah. It was really cool!
    Shirley - Ugh! A torn ACL is no fun! I'm sorry that it's messing up your trip a bit, but you're right, you'll still be able to have fun.

    Hope everyone with wild weather is warm, safe and dry!
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    Good morning to all the wonderful circle girls
    This time 2 years ago I was waiting to hear the results of my breast biopsy of course the rest is history. The surgery, chemo. hair loss, neuropathy, fat, lost toenails, internal combustion AKA hot flashes, 24hr a day sweats, sore joints, achy feet and general fatigue have for the most part gone now (its just the effects of the AI to contend with now...yay. I am happy to be alive no..make it thrilled to be alive because 2 years ago I thought I would be dead and buried within 6 months. So....Why am I sitting here crying my eyes out? I miss my old life, I miss my dad and I miss my mum who died 5 years ago I used to love Christmas but now December is a lousy month for me. Wah Wah Wah

    Anyhow thanks for listening to the sad song I am singing today.

    love you all, Tina
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning CGs,
    Glad to hear that everyone weathered yesterday's storm ok. Close call Mena, but God isn't ready for you yet, we need you in the tent! Hydroplaning is SCARY!
    Boy, you ladies get nasty in the middle of the night! Very impressive!
    CherylCy, great news on the results...WOOHOO! And Chloe's birthday could be a celebration for you too. I bet it will be great to get the port out.
    Vickie, so sorry to hear of your Mom's friend passing. Up here, the Salvation Army has a list, and you can choose, and the Church's sometimes have lists too to pick from so that it matches your ability to contribute and your family to pick for. What a wonderful idea.
    Nicki, WOW on your levels. Hope the new med doesn't give you any problems. Have a wonderful weekend crfting, today I decorate!
    Amy, sorry I missed your birthday, hope you had a great celebration! I loved the pic of the donkey with the lips, Mazer will be jealous! lol.
    Cheri, Happy Anniversary.
    Donna, welcome. Sounds like time for retail therapy?
    Sherndon, sorry about your hubbies knee. A bad tear will need surgery, but a knee brace will help for a bit. Hope your have a great holiday regardless.
    Brenda, good to see you. Rest and relax today.
    Colleen, glad you had a good time at your friend's place. I have such trouble with those kind of party's, they scare me.
    Jeanette, hope you are recovering well from your surgery. At least THAT won't bug you anymore.
    Everyone have a wonderful weekend!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning ladies....
    hahah reading about the hair waxing thing...
    mmmmmmmmm mena i though of you last night:):)
    i am thinking hubby has pnemonia as well buthe wont go to the doctor:(:( so thats causing me some grief....accually i am so fed up with his shit to can i send him for a plucking to...
    my 15 yr old is giving me grief to she said she was going to a hockey game last night and i found out she didnt and she missed her ride home... so me and my step mom went looking for her, found her walking the streets of the town with some boy ( holding hands) ok i am fine with it but the lying is really getting to me........ she stole a doobie from me to...... mena did you go through any of that?
    another cold day here .. almost ok i said almost to cold to go out for a smoke..... hahahaha
    i am doing a defence up for the kid for her litigation suit... i think i am doing a good job so far in representing the way she is going she is going to need a good lawyer for the rest of her life....... lol just kidding i hope.....
    i am so fusterated my camera wont zoom.... i am going through withdrawls............ ack!!!!!!!
    well have a great day ladies and those in snow bundle up and stay warm........
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Hi all,
    Praying for Trenton to be home for Christmas.
    Kristin: Glad they are giving you a break before you start taxotere. I did mine all together but I think by itself it should be easier. NO more AC, woohoo.
    Rondab: where are you???
    Sherndon: praying for b9 results for you. sending hugs!!!
    NS: love the donkey picture. Which one is Mazer???

    What's with all the thyroid cancer scares?? Hugs to Christine, NS, Debbyfive. anyone else?

    Mena: Please take good care of yourself. Drive carefully!! I'm so glad my DH is enjoying his time in deliverance tent. hee hee hee What kind of chemo are you doing now?

    Tina: lots of hugs for you dear. This time of the year can be very hard when we have lost someone. (((tina)))

    CherylCY: congrats on your good news. Go party.

    Sherloc: torn ACL? hope it's not too bad. Had knee surgery a couple months ago. ugh!!

    NIcki: let me know if you want someone to kick your butt. I could probably get PurpleMB to help me. ((Nicki))

    Circle Girls are the BEST!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure you are all right about the insurance needing the "neoplasm" thing, but it really shook me up when I saw it! Of course, I was already thinking it, but when I saw it in writing it almost makes it more real. If my neck didn't hurt so much I would just forget the whole thing.

    I envy those of you who got snow. We had a nice little wind storm and an extreme drop in temps, but I am looking forward to a good snowfall. I know, I'm weird.

    My dh has been behaving better lately, so I guess I won't send him to Mena. I'm glad to know what to do when he starts being a snot again.

    This was a crappy week. Not only do I feel yucky, but both our cars were broken into in our driveway late Sunday night. My cell phone was hooked up to the car charger and they were both stolen. I can't afford to replace it right now, so that's a bummer. Also, we had some trouble with this guy we bought a junky car off of last spring. We had made a deal to have him release the lien on Thurs when my husband would Western Union him the balance. The car dealership called him to make sure he was going to do it and he told them he'd only do it for 200 dollars more than we had agreed on! So, since we had to do it we are out more money. It's extortion, but since we had gotten ourselves into this mess, there probably isn't anything we can do. Like I said, I'm stuck in the blues tent for awhile.

    Believe me, I'm not so caught up in myself that I don't peek out and see what's going on with the rest of you. I am anxious to hear about Robin, hoping DebC has a good time in Hawaii. Who's with me in the blues tent? Hopefully you are all out doing some Christmas shopping and enjoying your Saturday.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006
    Happy Saturday everyone,

    DH and I just got home from a shopping trip to Hendersonville, NC. We picked up a few more Christmas gifts, stopped at the Fresh Market, managed to not get caught in their Christmas parade and made in home a little after noon. He’s taking a nap now and I’m catching up on all of you

    Had my scan yesterday. I asked the gal what my weight was the last time (March 2005). I’ve gained 26 pounds since then. I’m trying to kick start my metabolism with the treadmill, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Arimidex sure does a number on you.

    Amy, I work for the National Storytelling Network. We co-own the festival here. Try to come next year, It’s a blast. I work the entire weekend, and never get to hear many stories. We have a fund raiser on the Thursday night before the start and I’m able to hear those tellers. Who have you heard that you like?

    Boobbuster, I sure hope you have found your way to the center of the circle. You are in my prayers along with Robin TN.

    Sherloc, bummer about your DH’s knee.

    Kristin, woohoo for getting #4 behind you.

    Susan, thank you for my star

    CherylG – lemon scone recipe. Hee Hee. Just buy the Harry and david’s mix and follow the directions. I picked up blueberry from King Auther today, so llok for them tomorrow morning.

    The weather finally changed and now it’s cold. Brrrrr. But hey it’s Dec. 2.

    Well, better go get shower and dressed for the evening. This weekend is our progressive dinner. We do this every year to raise money for the historical assoc. here. There’s 4 houses where the guest go by trolley. There’s a toast house, soup house, main house and dessert house. Last year I worked the main house as the dishwasher. His year I’m at the soup house and get to dress up and serve. It’s a lot of fun. We do it on Sat. night with 4 seatings and Sunday with 3. At $75.00 a pop it’s a great fund raiser, it always sold out and very Christmasy.

    Hugs to all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    OK! I am going to try & post ONE more time!! This is the 3rd time in a row this afternoon that I've written this. I included most of you girls but it seems I run out of time & it's "no longer valid". So I'll make this one short. Good luck to everyone that's sick and/or waiting test results.

    I couldn't sleep last night so I stopped by the Deliverance tent. There sure was crying, whining and begging going on. I think I even heard some empty promises!

    Sheri, I will go ahead & mention you again. I do hope all goes well for you. With these mood swings of mine I imagine I'll be joining you in the blues tent,ummmm,in about an hour! I sure hate swinging back & forth all the time. Usually the blues is much more dominate.

    Good health & happiness.
    Chri M.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good afternoon! I have been working on my Christmas presents all day. 4 down, and just started a new one, but my fingers are sore - so I thought what a great time to take a break and say hello to everyone.

    Boy it takes persistance and fortitude to sometimes post on this thread. I just lost one too and it takes forever to save them. Wish that problem could be fixed - maybe by Christams. Anyways - my husband played at a pub last night so he is still sleeping. I am enjoying the day by just relaxing. And I just poured myself a glass of wine.

    Donna: Geez! So how many pizza's did that lady order. She must love pizza!

    Sherloc: So he has a torn ACL. Sounds like he was playing football. Forget about being flabby. Go to the pool, swim (great exercise) and catch some rays! I am so envious of you.

    Brenda: So good to hear from you. Prayers for your SIL "Joyce." Lymphedema is certainly something we are all fearful of. And it does sound like you pushed yourself too much. Hopefully today you will just stay home and rest. Dont do anything!!

    Colleen: Sounds like you had a grand time at your friends party. 10 strangers? Now thats a recipe for anxiety for me. Not that I am at a loss for words. Im usually very talkative. I still have issues with social gatherings. probably always will now.

    Tianirene: I was so glad to see you post. Havent talked to you in such a long time. The Holidays brings back good and sad memories. I have a collection of Christmas ornaments for the last 34 years. Alot of people who gave me ornaments are gone now. I miss my old life too. I will never be the same person. Not that I mind my new self, its just different. Hasnt been that long ago that you lost your dad, so of course your feeling sad. Sending you hugs and peace.

    Lynn: Hope your having fun decorating the house. Its so much fun to decorate. Although everything I do, must be planned. I have to make sure its nothing my cats or dog with go after. Its bad enough they climb up my Christmas tree and bob my ornaments. And the dog, well he is all feet so once he starts running stay out of the way.

    Tracey: Your husband sounds just like mine. I had to pretend I was sick to get him an antibiotic when he got bronchitis. And you daughter - wow she sounds like me when I was her age. A rebel rouser I was. Anyways, good luck with both of them

    Oh Susan: Im luaghing so hard. Between you and PurpleMB i will surely stay motivated. Gotta exercise - no doubt about it. Gotta watch what I eat too. Think I will start tomorrow.

    Sheri: Bring that guy you bought the car from to the deliverance tent please. I have a big smile on my face and something very special just for him. Before Im done with him he will give you the 200.oo bucks back and another 200.00 for the heck of it. Now only if we could make our fantasies come true.

    Betty: Sounds like you had a fun day and the evening is looking even better. Just enjoy yourself. Although I dont know if I would be having much fun serving people. Would rather be the one getting served.

    ChriM: As a joke I keep telling everyone I swear that Im bipolar since bc. Up and down mood swings all the time. Have to fight off the blues - but sometimes stuff just bites ya in the butt.

    Ok, gotta go. Break is over. Back to my crafts. Have a good evening and talk to ya all later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hey ladies,
    Went and helped out at our holiday bazaar today. I worked the free crafts for kids room and it was fun but the strangest thing happened...a women came in and set up her stuff with a little boy...who looked EXACTLY like Trenton. We were ALL freaking out...everyone kept coming to get me to see this little one really knew this women, she just called to rent a table. I couldn't stop staring at him...we didn't know what to do. I was at a table next to hers though and a women came in that knew her and said to her little boy "Wow you've gotten taller, you were a little shorty, I haven't seen you in over a year!" an instant the dream it was Trenton was gone. Other employeees were convinced we should call the police but after talking to another vendor we found out for sure that he is her little boy...just an uncanny resemblence.
    Thanks for the ideas of what to do with the $100. Still working on it. I just feel so blessed to be here a year after my dx. My daughter keeps asking me what I want for Christmas and I truly can't think of a thing. This year is so much better than last year. Dx'd the beginning of December last year and spent the entire month having tests, scans, MRI's...being told I was stage IV only to find out the beginning of January that the cancer hadn't spread and I was stage II. Still have the post traumatic stress thing going on but I think the Lexapro is kicking in...haven't cried this week (except for the passing of my dear sweet "adopted mom" last night but those are a different kind of tears).
    Boy, I'm gonna miss her. She loved me so. I feel so bad that I wasn't there last night to give her a hug and kiss, to tell her how much I love her. I thought they were going to move her to Hospicare and thought I would have time...turns out I was wrong. Don't miss the chance ladies to tell someone what they mean to you before it's too late.
    On that note I want you to all know what you mean to me.
    I couldn't have made it some days without all of you.
    I am so very blessed to have found this site with all of you wonderful, caring, sweet, loving, funny, fighting, beautiful women.
    You are all in my prayers, every day, throughout the day. I am so addicted to this site and this wonderful circle that NS created.
    Bless you all...and know this...I am here for anyone who needs me at any time. PM me, call me, ask me...for anything and I will help in any way I can.
    Geez...crying like a baby...gonna ruin my keyboard one of these days...but happy tears.
    Will check back in later
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Afternoon girls,

    Okay, got out and the roads were horrid. I slipped on some ice in the driveway and twisted my knee. Of course it’s the same knee that I had a torn MCL before. I’m just playing the waiting game for it now. I made it to pick up my mom and was headed to pick up my aunt to take them to the store. Driving 15mph started sliding and did a 180! My poor mom just sat there. Fortunately, no one was coming and I didn’t hit anything. Made my heart beat just a bit. We all made it home safe and sound. I’m not getting out again today.

    CherylG, glad you liked the card. I bought several different ones and didn’t even associate the circle on that one. Wish I would have bought just that one now. It is very appropriate. Oh well.

    NS, what a great picture!

    Mena, I just love you to death. Wish I lived closer. I bet we’d get into some trouble. Ready and reporting to the tent. I have gloves! LOL

    Vickie, so sorry about your mom’s friend. Losing someone around the holidays is so hard.

    Nicki, okay girl, put the sweets down. I am on Crestor and it works great. Don’t know much about the Zetia other than it’s supposed to be really good and metabolizes in the stomach instead of the liver. I’ve actually been trying to do without mine. It wasn’t too terribly high last we checked. We’ll see next time though.

    Donna, welcome to the circle. Hope you managed to get out of the apartment today. Were the roads as bad there as they are here? People amaze me. They drive like its 90 degrees outside. Stay warm. Your vacation sounds like a lot of fun.

    Sher, you’re very welcome. Anything for you my friend. Hubby will just have to hobble onto the boat. The brace is a pain in the you know what though. Have a great time! When you do leave?

    Naniam, good to see you.

    Colleen, sounds like you have a great evening. I enjoy meeting and learning about new people.

    Tina, on my anniversary, I was sad, blue and wishing for my old life back as well. Hang in there hon. Big hugs.

    Tracey, I don’t miss the teenage years. All I can tell you is they do get better. I truly believe Aliens abduct our wonderful children when they turn 12 or so and return them when they’re older. Hang in there.
    Sheri, hope you come out of the Blue’s tent soon. I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough time. Please keep coming here so we know how you are.

    Kristin, congrat’s on getting through the A/C.

    Betty, have a good time this evening. Sounds like a great things you’re involved in.

    Cheri, hope you get some rest today or tonight. I hate those times.

    For everyone awaiting tests, biopsies and everything else. You’re in my thoughts and prayers as always.

    I’m going to a Christmas party tomorrow at my former employer’s. Have to take a white elephant gift so I went to the liquor store and bought some wine. Maybe I’ll end up with it. LOL I did buy some Pinoit Grigio for me since Nicki is always drinking it. Hope I like it.

    Everyone stay warm and be safe.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Hey Girls - Just checking in before I hit the hay. Either we're VERY quiet tonight or something is up (and my post isn't going to make it!)

    Brought my son to see Deck the Halls tonight. Not sure if I just wasn't in the mood or what, but it was kind of painful! I mean, it's not like I was expecting it to be fabulous, but it was kind of boring. Oh well!

    Sleep tight everyone.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    ALOHA ladies

    No time to read and catch up, so I will just hope you are all doing well. We are having a super time. I am having some trouble with my ribs being sore, but it could be from swimming, or sailing, or walking, or SHOPPING...those bags get heavy you know

    I'm setting out a giant platter of pineapple and papaya by the fire. There is also lots of POG juice, my new favorite...Passion fruit, orange, guava juice...yum...and good with rum

    I will have internet off and on for the next 10 days so I will try and stop by for a quick hello. Hugs and prayers to everyone.

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    I just have to share this to get it off my chest.

    Today was neighborhood association day here in our little beach community. Many of us were out side filling potholes, cleaning up, etc.

    Remember my dear friend who died a little over a month ago from BC? Her MIL has a house on my street so one of her sons was helping today. He was a rock for my friend's DH, his brother, and was really broken up about losing his SIL as well.

    Her death, even though she had mets, was a shock. It was very sudden. She was stable and then all of a sudden she was gone. We were all reeling. We still are. I even picked up the phone the other day to call her to ask her if she wanted to go to the Christmas Tree Farm with me again this year and then i suddenly remembered she was gone.

    I have another neighbor, I am close friends with the wife but her DH is an a$$hole, big mouth, know-it-all.

    I am on pothole duty- lucky me, I am sure the LE clinic would approve of me filling potholes with my arm- with my friend's a$$hole DH, another neighbor and the brother in law of my friend who died.

    I went over to him and asked him how he was doing and how Fran's DH was doing and he was telling me how tough it has been. We were talking about how sad we were to not have her around this holiday when my friend's a$$hole DH comes over and slaps the BIL in the back and says "How's Dave? Are the chicks beating down his door yet for a little action?? You know they will! They will be there like flies! My wife's co-worker's wife died of "that disease" and within a week the secretaries were all over him!"

    I was standing there with my mouth open feeling like he just punched me in the stomach. The BIL looked positively stricken and the a$$hole KEPT TALKING about "all the action" his brother would be getting!

    The BIL walked away and went into his mother's house.

    I turned on the a$$hole and told him that he was the biggest a$$hole I have ever known and how dare he say such a thing- Fran is only gone a month! And she was my friend and she was loved by us and we are all suffering over her loss.

    Then he starts in with his loud mouth screaming "Don't blame me! Blame your sex! That is what "your sex" does as soon as a man becomes available. Your sex doesn't care how long the wife has been dead!" And he was smiling the whole time!

    He said that if he was suddenly single - which would mean my friend his wife would have to die too- "don't you think the women would be all over me???"

    I looked at him and his fat gut and that snarky smirk and the pure meaness coming out of him and told him that would only happen if he was living in a nursing home because no woman anywhere near his age would want him. Then I told him I was telling his wife what he said.

    Suddenly he is begging me to not tell her. I mean he was scared shitless.

    Yeah too bad.

    So as soon as he went out I told her.

    She was really upset but NOT SURPRISED. They are having major league problems anyway because she can't stand being married to an a$$hole anymore either.

    well do you know that other neighbors later in the day told me I SHOULDN'T have said anything??

    I am glad I told her and glad I called him names and insulted him.

    I really think that what he said tops all the cancer stuff people have said to me that I thought was over the top.

    I have to see them both tomorrow and I am NOT apologizing.

    but it will be a very very tense day.

    I just had to share that because it was really a very hurtful thing.

    Plus, I think he verbally abuses my friend. I have seen it myself first hand. I think that stuff he was saying about "my sex" was indicitive of a really deep seeded hatred of women.. don't you think? I mean, the contempt he has!

    I think my friend should know these things. What kind of a friend would i be if I let that go and kept a secret from her because the a$$hole begged me to?
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Oh my G ! Hey Mena get your tweezers ready the rusty ones !
    Strike up the banjo's girls This guy needs the works !
    What a jerk!! Good for you G for telling his
    wife what kind of creep he is .

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Ya know, I've noticed us bc survivors don't have alot of tolerance for B.S.! We pretty much call them like we see them. I,personally, have always been that way but have gotten a little more intense since bc. I think you did the right thing telling your friend, although I'm sure she's fully aware of what an asshole he is. She's probobaly ashamed of his behavior. I don't see that you owe anyone an apology. He was an insensitive oaf & deserved a tongue-lashing. Sometimes we just have to take a "stand" on what we believe is the right thing regardless of what some others might think. You did what you felt was right, how can anyone criticize you for that?

    Good luck,
    Cheri M.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    OMG, G! It is hard to believe that any human being could be so cruel! He deserved everything you said and more! I hope that your friend (his wife) is able to get away from him and get on with a happy and fulfilled life, because I am sure she deserves much better than him!

    I am just speechless.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning ladies. Saw "The Nativity" last night. Very good.
    Thanks for all the sympathy for hubby. We will indeed have a good time no matter what.
    No time for replies this morning. Hugs to all.
    NS, O my...another candidate for the deliverance tent. I vote mouth sores for him. Big ole nasty cankerous oozing sores all the way down to his stomach. That should keep his mouth shut for a while.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Very cold here at the Chicago end of the circle. But its gonna be a sunny day. I can never understand why after it snows, the sunny days are always colder! We are in the middle of an artic blast! Wont go above freezing now until next Saturday and they are predicting single digit numbers for this week. This is indeed why I hate Winter.

    I dont have cabin fever yet, but I have been in this house for 2 days. I sure am glad I got a jump start on buying presents - and making them. Now that December is here, Christmas will be here before we blink an eye.

    I just walked the perimeter of the circle and almost everyone is quiet and sleeping. So happy so many finially had a well rested night. Well except for the deliverance tent. I heard some whimpering going on in there. And evryone in this house is sleeping too. The dog, the 2 cats, and my husband. Its a calming quiet. The only noise you hear is the clicking from my keyboard. Having my first cup of coffee - which is always the best cup. I have the Christmas blend which is hazelnut - cinnamon. Its really good. Have also put regular coffee, tea and hot chocolate on. And the aroma of the fresh coffee brewing is penetrating the camp. I sure some will be waking up shortly.

    My anxiety of the day is gonna be the Bears game - again. This week we play the Vikings. There has been alot of trash talking going on once again. If we win - we win the division. If we lose - Im gonna go hide in a corner and suck my thumb!

    Liz: Oh my the roads sounds just awful. I cant believe you hurt your knee. I think we need to put you and Sherlocs husband in the same tent. Im hoping by tomorrow the roads and parking lots will be clean. I will have alot of walking to do since I didnt work Friday. Hope you enjoy the Pinot Grigio. For me, the biggest problem is that it goes down way to smooth. Before you know it, you are on your 2nd or third glass, with noticable speech slurring.

    Because I had a severe reaction to the Lescol, I cant be put on any "statins." This was a pretty severe reaction. When they say you might get muscle pain, no kidding - it was debilitating. Ended up with myopathy, liver enzymes spiked and I was pretty sick. This all happened right after my last chemo which was one year ago. So when I first got the symptoms I thought it was chemo related. After 3 weeks of getting worse instead of better, we realized it was the cholesterol medicine. So its been one year since I havent been on any medication. Guess my blood right now is like sludge! Thank goodness Im on Coumadin for my port. So Zetia it will be. Add another medication to my already way too big list.

    Colleen: so was "Deck The Halls" a movie or a play? If you were bored, it had to be bad! But hey, at least you got out of the house and did something. 90% of success is just showing up. I finially put my plastic canvas down around 8pm last night. Realized I had been working on it for 12 hours! Just call me one of Santa's little elves.

    NS: What a jerky neighbor. I have always believed that those with the biggest mouths are the most insecure. He was so insensitive. Really deserved a smack in the mouth. Im glad you spoke up and said something to him and to his wife. Sounds like he's a cheater for sure. Women - we think with our brains. Men - they think with their little peter pans. And from your description of him, Im sure no one is beating down his door. These are tragic times for your friend who lost his wife. He is still probably in shock, studies say true grief sneaks in about 3 months after a loss. If I were you I would bring an apple and some duct tape. If he says anything, tell him to shut his mouth or you will shut it for him. Would love to see him walking around with an apple shoved in his mouth and duct tape holding it in place. Distorted Humor is asking that you please point him out to him. He plans on hitting him with his head and knocking him down. He is encouraging him to go for a horsey ride. Once he has him on his back he will be bucking like a wild stallion. Maybe scare the begebees out of the fat f%##. Oh and Mazer the Tazer - has a beautiful set of teeth. She plans on biting the big old fat fart of a neighbor.

    DebC: Wow, sounds like you are enjoying yourself. The POG juice sounds great. 10 more days? Man, I am so in need of a vacation. So just keep enjoying yourself. We do miss you here though. And looking forward to your return.

    Sherloc: Sounds like you are having a grand time also, despite husbands knee.

    Vickie: I too am so thankful I have this place to come to. Its a respite. A place for me to be with friends and share both good and sad feelings. I dont know what I would have done without - I mean it. We all have a very special bond.

    Ok! Santa's little elf need to get back to work. Have many more presents to make. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
