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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    They say 3rd times a charm so we'll see if it will take this post. I had night sweats last night. I'm 49 years old & went thru menopause early so I've done all this already. I'm assuming it's a side effect from the tamox. What's next, hot flashses? Say it ain't so! Will someone let me know what the normal symptoms are of this drug? I do know about the weight gain & depression. Believe me.

    I can't go through my list of you 'cos it'll take too long and become "invalid". But know that I read through all your posts and even if I can't post them, know that I'm thinking of each of you with well wishes.

    Cheri M.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    poor Cheri. Hot flashes and "the form you submitted is no longer valid"...hate it when that happens.

    Good Morning Ladies. A windy grey morning here in Orlando. Spent yesterday running amok with sister and family. Had church in morning. A dear friend of sister was being ordained. Then off to dance performance for 13yo and 4 yo old niece. They are so picking cute. From their fly across town to piano recital for 13yo niece and 15yo nephew. Dang this family is busy. Auntie Shirley is pooped. Brother in law just left with the two teens for the hunting camp for the week. So it will be a bit slower around here. Niece is attempting to get her first deer. UGH!!! I told her to make sure it wasn't bambi.

    Nicki, so far so good, but hubby won't be here till friday. ship sails sunday.
    apples and duct tape....hahahhahah
    seems to me you should be able to get an over-ride for the lipitor....I hate insurance companies.
    I have brass knuckles if onc says No

    Vicki, did you buy me chocolate?
    hmmmmm never mind I'll just make the christmas cake.

    Sheri, praying for you and your boys.

    Collen, hugs.

    Jeannie, yippee and yehaw!!! Welcome home Samuel. 8.6 WOW

    Hi Robin


    Hi Lini

    Jeanette, UGH on the IV. Took 16 pokes for me before they finally found a vein that didn't blow when I had my appendectomy.
    O my I hate needles.

    Prayers for RobinTN and Debbyfive

    Donna will pray for sunshine for you.

    NS, Don't know extent of damage to the knee yet. He will have an MRI this week before he joins me for our cruise. Will get the surgery/no surgery verdict when we get home.

    Off to see the wizard. Have a great day girls.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Oh my goodness!!! There is SO much going on here. I'm going to need a wagon to go to just to figure everything out . I'm happy to see lots of my drinkin' buds here! I hope all my friends in the midwest are thawing out! What a storm!! We just have some really strong winds.

    I'm going to get just a little whiny, and then I'll stop. I had reconstruction done over 5 weeks ago, and now I have an infection on the BC side. That just sucks big time. It's partially my fault, since I ignored some symptoms, but I had no fever and didn't feel sick. Oh well, I see my ps tomorrow and hopefully everything will turn out ok. That's my whine and I'm sticking to it!

    I will try to keep up with everyone here. I've told Shel that I wished penis cancer on her DH (and I don't mean darling husband). Going through cancer is bad enough. No one should have to go through what she is dealing with on top of it.

    Well, gotta go now. There are Christmas decorations calling my name. I promised DH that I wouldn't overdo, but it has to get done.

    Hi Donna, Vicki, Chemosabi, Shel and all the others from the drinking thread!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Tee Hee! I guess it took my 2nd & 3rd posts! Isn't this wild? I want to know how ya'll are able to write such long posts. Are you emailing them? Saving them or what?

    Cheri M.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Just one more two cents worth. My kids are grown and have in-laws they must share their time with too and we have all learned that it's not WHEN we are together but THAT we are together. At one point my son was in New Jersey, I was in Maryland and my daughter was in Bangkok! We are all at least back in the same state now so we all consider it a massive improvement, even if we are still 4 hours apart.

    It sounds like you've made some positive moves to make your own holiday so that is good. Life is change and that's not necessarily a bad thing!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls,

    I didn't have time to take notes so everyone is in my prayers and thoughts as always.

    I was in the ER with my MIL until after midnight this morning. They admitted her which I knew they would. Her Ammonia level was 191! I really lit into my sisters-in-law today. They need to learn how to take care of their mother OR find a good caregiver. The ER was swamped last night with car accidents, broken bones and a virus. Oh well. My FIL had a return visit today after his bladder laser surgery. The doc is tweaking his meds and I have to call a report in to the doc next week. Oh and my FIL fell this morning but fortunately didn't hurt himself.

    I'm having mega back pain and am super grumpy. Sorry guys. I'm through whining now.

    Take care, be safe and stay warm if you're in a cold wagon. I'm going to go blow the diet, pop some buttered popcorn and watch a movie I rented on Saturday.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening everyone! Dont have alot of time as its late and I havent had dinner. Spoke to my PCP. He doesnt want Zetia. Says my LDL's are too high and wants me to go back to Lipitor. So Lipitor it is. Insurance approved it for the 3rd teer (highest copay).

    Ok - so then I go see my onc. He looked at me and said 18 months since diagnosis. Thats pretty darn good! He drew another set of tumor markers CA15-3. If its ok, I can get my port out. I cant tell you how excitied I am.

    PurpleMB: Oh I am so hopeless. Started exercising again yesterday. Will do it tomorrow morning. But I hate it - it takes away my computer time!!

    Lynn: All of my presents are in plastic canvas. My newest project in a train. It will have 4 cars. The caboose is gonna have a ceramic santa waving. Then along with it, Im gonna make a depot and it will be personalized. Its for my SIL so it will say "Peggy's express." Its pretty darn cute!
    We dont get our tree until around the 15th. But hey, its 21 days away!!! The countdown begins.

    And speaking of Peggy!! How is our Sige? I do miss you so. Hoping life is treating you grand.

    Colleen: A tear or two - thats ok. Just enjoy. We always celebrate on Christmas eve. Christmas day is really anticlimatic. But its all about tradition. So make this a fun - new tradition.

    Liz: I have two words for you. ASSISTED LIVING! Youn cannot be the caregiver - you are recovering from a life altering illness. All the signs are there. Its time. I feel so sorry for you. What a hectic week-end.

    Cheri: Im not computer savy, but if you look at the bottom of my post you will see edited. So I write once sentence and save the darn thing. It takes forever!! But once it is saved I can read each post and then respond by editing. It goes much faster once you have saved the original post. Also, if you are indeed post menopausal, then I would at least ask why you are on tamoxifen. I thought the aromatase inhibitors are a better choice. I might be wrong about this though. Anyways, they arnt much better when it comes to side effects. Im er/pr negative. So Im not on any and Im still having hot flashes at 56 y/o. I believe I will have hot flashes for the rest of my life.

    Biker: Im so sorry about the infection, that stinks. When I had my reconstruction I had an area of necrosis 5 days after surgery. It eventually got infected. Had a revision and its been great since then. Is it the whole breast or the incision that is infected? And yes, you have alot of your drinking friends here. I always read the drinking thread, but Im asleep when everyone else is enjoying themselves. But Im drinking Pinot Grigio now. Going down fast!! On my third glass. Will pass out in about 10 minutes .

    OK - for evryone else. If I missed you Im sorry. Silvergirl - I just love ya to bits. Amy, where are you. Robintn - I hop0e you are feeling better. Lini - cheers!
    Susan - hope things are ok. Carrie - thinking of you and denise. Debbyfive - hope your tests went great. Whew - I cant remember anymore. So hi - to everyone.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Ya know---I'm originally from Milwaukee. If we lived any closer together we could be downright dangerous! But I'm a vodka martini drinker-------have just discovered appletinis and am finding it very difficult to stick to my one every other day routine. What the h***, it's the holidays!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies,
    Freezing cold here...full moon, spitting snow, the roads were nasty this morning. I hate driving on nasty roads but after two accidents in two days I figure I'm ok for a while...praying so anyway.
    Have my "adopted moms" funeral tomorrow so I'm leaving work at noon. So very hard to believe she's gone. Only 66 years old. They said family only but her son called me and said that I was family and expected to be there.
    Cheri...I always copy my post after I'm done and if it disappears into cyber space somewhere I can just go back and paste and try again. It usually works.
    Hi Jan...whine all you want here...we have a blues tent you can hang out in...there are some cute pool boys outside of it if you go back a few pages you can check them out. MB took away our "pissy" tent and turned it into a sunshine tent...don't know about that girl.
    MB...I got your card! What fun to open the mailbox and have something other than bills! Love it. Hate the "she hates me's...thinking maybe your trying to kill me LOL! I see you started your own exersize thread...good for you. I loved you solution to the fighting boys...that was a good one.
    I was doing desert but it was the whiskey cake so you all can join me for a drink or two or three.
    Nicki...oh I sooo hope you can get your port out...mine drove me crazy. It was so annoying. 18 months!!! Good for you!
    Missing a bunch...too much on my mind with tomorrow looming...really worried my abusive ex will be there...he really needs the deliverance tent will ALL the treatments.
    Stay safe ladies and sweet dreams.
    Liz...back pain stinks...enjoy your popcorn and movie.
    Shirley...Hey...hope your enjoying the will need the whiskey cake when you return...It's cooooold here.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    can we have the pissy tent back for a bit?

    i signed my new separation agreement today, drove into a ditch to avoid hitting a dog, and endured mike's "i'm going to counseling and i'm so down" crap! and my tumour markers are rising.......aye yi yi!

    i'd just like to hit the pissy tent for an hour and feel pissy and pissed off and "scorned"........maybe throw some things around, break a few things and hit the pissy punching bag a few times..........anybody object?

    i'll lock up and clean up before i leave!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Cheri123, you crack me up. I'm gonna have to drive to Buffalo one of these days.

    Colleen, I have mixed feelings about the holiday. I think this year will be better than last year. I had just finished treatment and I was packing to move across the country. I think this year will be fun. there is so much pressure for it to be fun!!!

    Liz sorry about the back pain. You are an angel for taking care of MIL and I'm glad you gave the others "what for"! very gentle hugs for you.

    Jan, crummy buttons about your infection. You aren't the only one, not that it makes you feel any better. Wouldn't you think they could do that better somehow.

    Vickie, I'll bring some of the other cowgirls and we will trap the ex for you and throw him in the deliverance tent, OK? A good time will be had by all.

    Auntie Shirley, how cute. I'm Aunt Susie.

    My cards are done!!!! I can't believe it. This is more christmas cards than I have sent out TOTAL before in my life. what have ya'll done to me.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    hey susan?????

    how is it going at home?

    straighten anything out?

    or need to talk with us?

    let us know ok?
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Shel, I'll hold the punching bag for you, babe, and you punch away. I'm so sick of this crap. It's just not fair. Afterwards, we'll go for drinks, 'kay??

    Hi Shirley, NS, Nicki and all of you that so graciously include me in your posts, of which I'm not so great at riciprocating. You truly are a remarkable bunch of women.

    I thought for sure that I wouldn't miss mammos. This is my mammo time of year and I have nothing to mammo, and I'm really pissed off, so punch away Shel, I can take it. Punch as hard as you'd like. This BC crap has me burning up with anger right now.

  • bday
    bday Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2006

    Well I don't know what an 'ork' is but yes this was my first time posting a message. Sorry about the confusion. I was referring to the picture on page 2 of the campfire beside the lake. My husband and I camp and a campfire is so calming and since I found it on this web site I felt like it would be a connection to other survivors as I go through my new journey. I clicked reply in that box and thought it might directly go to the person that entered the note. Just learning how to navigate on these discussion boards and chat rooms. Hope this explains my note.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Ok...pissy tent is all for Shel...just for a bit though...get it out of your system.
    GUESS WHAT LADIES...I JUST SAW MY DAUGHTER IN FLORIDA!!! She sent me a web cam for my computer...oh my...tears are rolling...she is sooo beautiful and it's the very best felt like she was right here in my living room...Nathaniel is so excited about this as he can see his big sissy anytime he wants now. All I can say is WOW.
    Lini...I'm pretty pissed at this whole bc thing too...all I can think when I look around work at all the women I know is WTF...WHY ME!!! Selfish I guess but I just don't understand. Are you wearing your toe socks with you flip flops or has it warmed up?
    Susan...will be thinking of all of you tomorrow when I see him there and just imagining what you all could do to him...and as Shel are you doing?
    Shaking with excitement...can't believe I saw my and in person.
    Made my yucky day so much better.
    Hugs all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh Bday...gosh I haven't seen page two in months LOL. Welcome and tell us a bit about yourself...we'll help you learn to navigate and help you with anything else you need too.
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    Welcome Bday,
    Boy if you went through all those posts, it would take a week! LOL. Some days we have a lot of stuff going on, some are more quiet. Anyhow, WELCOME, pull your wagon on in and set. Have you been on this journey long? You will find the ladies here a very supportive and wonderful group of girls.

    Vicki, glad you navigated the roads without any problems today. Sounds really nasty. Gentle hugs while you attend your 'adoptive' mom's funeral. Prayers that if your husband is there, he behaves (but maybe they didn't tell HIM he was family??! lol).
    Nicki, hopes and prayers that your port can come out. They must be annoying. If I had had to have chemo I was told they would just start the IV each time, no port. I don't know which would be worse.
    Shel, glad you weren't injured on going in the ditch. That's a scary thing. YOu go punch away, and if Lini gets tired I'll hold the bag for you next! Bet once you unlock that door more will be sneaking in to have a few punches. Hugs.
    Liz, what a lot on your plate. Popcorn sounds great. Hugs and prayers.
    Biker, hope the infection clears quickly. What a bummer after everything else.
    Gotta run to choir, getting ready for Christmas concert and I missed last week.
    Thoughts and prayers for everyone.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Vickie- Web cam, that's so cool! Wearing regular socks and clogs. If not flipflops then mules or slip-ons of course.

    Susan-Christmas card done?? Oh mine will probably get done on 12/24 at the rate I'm going.

    How's it going in there, Shel?? Punch away, here's a picture of hobbyboy, throw it at the wall.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    FREEZING today!!

    Well, I need a sofa for my den. It is time. I have had my wicker chairs in there since I moved in here in the spring. But the fire place is in there and curling up in front of the fire in a wicker chair just doesn't cut it!

    So I see a sofa at Ikea that I like. It is around $300. I call to get it delivered and they want $160 to DELIVER IT???
    More than half of the cost of the stupid sofa??? That is highway robbery! Going to see if it will fit in my friend's Explorer, but I don't know how we will lift it, and they don't help you there when it comes to putting it in a car or on top of one. I was so disappointed. I was really excited to get it too.


    Nicki, you are right about my neighbor. he needs a psychiatrist and my friend who is married to him needs a divorce lawyer. He verbally abuses her all the time. I have seen it. It is just awful.

    Thanks Lynn for pointing that out. I don't know who anonymous is- does anyone else? Did someone here give up their screen name? And aren't we all supposed to be identifiable? I asked this question once before and the post was pulled. But I am really curious about someone who uses the name anonymous an is listed as an Unregistered User.

    Cheri, I wish I could help you... but I am a triple neg so don't get to take Tamox. I did have a hot flash during chemo and I vowed I would never have another one! I thought I was going to drop dead!

    Thanks MB- I try- but often am called a big mouth instead!! LOL!! Chicken Salad Pita pockets! Yum!

    LOL Shirley! let me guess... Auntie Shirley saw The Nutcracker??? I think every parent and family member of a girl in that age bracket has that music playing in their head right about now. I hopeyour DH is well enough to go on the cruise with you!

    Biker- GEE! I hope you get that infection stopped right away!! Good luck at the PS. As for Shel's DH and the "cancer" you mentioned... got me thinking that chemo wouldn't bother them because they are already bald

    Oh LIZ! What a time you are having... how about this? If Shirley's husband can't make it on the cruise with her you take his place and get away from it all! That ok Shirley???
    But seriously, I am so sorry you have so much on your plate. No wonder your back hurts. And I would be more than grumpy too! Don't forget to take care of YOU.

    Vickie, 66 is TOO YOUNG. I am so sorry for your loss. Tomorrow will be hard for you. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Shel- MIKE IS DOWN??? Oh poor booba. Maybe he should have thought about losing his family before he lost his mind doing what he did! I have just one thing to say to him: Don't cry for me Argentina Mike!

    Susan! Rofl-"crummy buttons" ?? I love it!

    Lini, I would offer to have a mammo for you but NOT A CHANCE! Twice a year is plenty!! Still flipflop-less???

    Bday, I am more confused with who Anonymous is who you replied to! That isn't a normal name here- we are all meant to have identities...
    glad to have you here!
  • bday
    bday Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2006

    My journey started about 4 weeks ago when I found a lump in my R breast. Had biopsy. This is what I know about it--I have DCIS 6cm comedo grade 3. Onocologist suspects poss invasion even though path says DCIS. Plan for a mastectomy with immediate recon on 12/19. I'm really glad I found this web site. I'm getting answers to numerous questions.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Oh I miss the CG girls, not enuf time to respond to all, but I LOVE being here. I had to read so many posts to catch up. This is a crazy time for me with being in th Resaturant business, before I can enjoy my holiday, I have to make sure everyone else has a great time at theirs.
    So the cards are coming...soon. Shopping will start, after this weekend. I just wanna say....
    It is freezing here, in St.Louis and I love the CG's.
    If I can find the lyrics, I have a great song I wanna post for Shel, Vickie and Susan and for the other gals that aren't felling so hot, maybe back with it tonight.
    Stay tuned!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    ok........i broke just about everything in that tent.......i'll replace it all!

    thanks for the support girls, and for reopening the tent!

    after a few off key rounds of "don't cry for me argentina" while trashing the place.........somehow i feel a little better!

    tomorrow i'll get my jeep bumper fixed, christmas shop (blech) and keep on keepin on.........but NOT WITHOUT ALL OF YOU!

    vickie........i'm so glad for you!

    bday......keep posting.

    NS (et al)........thanks for the smiles......and the support! "what a day"
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hi All,

    I just came into the circle to check on everyone and I do have quite a bit of catching up to do. I will try to catch up with everyone at work tomorrow (I know I should work instead of be in the circle).

    I just have to ask, is there a tent that will allow me to escape from my house!! One for someone going CRAZY.

    OMG – my veterinarian daughter is home for 2-1/2 weeks to do a rotation at the vet school in our city and she brought her 10 month old adopted black lab puppy (a BIG puppy). She adopted this dog after it was hit by a car, had 5 broken bones and the owner would not pay to have the surgery necessary to care for the dog. They operated on him at the hospital where she is a resident and she has since adopted him and has been working on his rehabilitation. This dog has definitely recovered from his injuries!!!!

    All hell broke lose at my house when the dog came in last night…my cat started hissing and spitting (not happy with the new addition). I have her locked in my bedroom because she is so mean that she would probably win the fight!!!!

    My little (5 lb) dog started barking and now won’t let me put her down on the floor for fear of the BIG puppy. You can’t get anything done holding a dog.

    The Air Force Daughter’s dog is barking and growling at the lab, but hiding behind me (or whatever piece of furniture the BIG PUPPY can’t fit under).

    I just poured myself a double scotch and water!!!!!!!!!!

    It is a zoo here, a CRAZY zoo!!!!! Please can I escape?

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    "You can't get anything done holding a dog." Well crummy buttons!!!

    You guys always make me laugh!

    Vickie---peace for tomorrow. And joy for your webcam!

    Shel---you know what they say---don't let the turkeys get you down. In this case, turkey (singular).

    Bday---keep posting, we can help you through this. We'll keep you warm in the middle of the circle for the time being. The rest of us ride the perimeter to keep us all safe and sometimes come sit by the fire too to lend an ear or a helping hand.

    G'night all. Crummy buttons---I love it!

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    Madison, oh my!!!lol. I have this mental image of chaos, but I have to admit it is making me laugh! The cat would probably cream all those dogs!
    Bday, we will keep you in the center of the circle and those doctors will be some amazed at all the wagons, horses, etc that will be in that OR with you to support you. Hugs and prayers.
    NS, I believe that the person who posted the picture on page two, and it is a really nice picture, didn't realize they were not signed in and so posted as anonymous. I don't believe it was done on purpose and if you look at the photo you would not believe it was malicious either. I can't believe IKEA would charge that much. Hwy robbery! You need a Wagon to bring it home in, wish I lived close enough to help.
    Have a good night girls, sleep well. Going out to do a couple tours around the circle then gotta shut my eyes too.
    God Bless,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    I’m back!!

    I think the 10 month old black lab puppy TERROR has gone to bed with my dear daughter (at least he is behind a closed bedroom door). How come they are so cute when they are asleep (yea I mean the dog and the daughter)?

    Okay, I have another scotch and water and will try chat for a little while (I need some sanity back in my life!!) I was able to put the little white 5 pound puff dog down and I am going to attempt to read everyone’s post .

    CheriM, Night sweats are not fun. I’m in a clinical trial and don’t know if I am on tamox or Arimidex. So far I have had hot flashes, depression, but no weight gain. I hope you have an easy time adjusting to the medicine. Also, I agree, enjoy time with family and friends. The day we spend with love ones is important, not the date on a calendar.

    PurpleMB, got the card today, love it!!! Your chicken salad pita pockets sound great. The only dessert I can bring is my scotch and water. Actually, I drank my supper (crazy zoo around here!)

    Sheri, I hope this week is better for you. Life can throw some awful stuff at us. Can you come out of the blues tent and meet me in the “crazy” tent? I promise you we will laugh until we cry!!!! How is your 6 year old? Is he feeling any better? I sure hope so.

    I see that DebC came into the circle to tell us ALOHA!!! I am so glad she is enjoying her trip. I know that she will shop, swim, sail and have a good time. I would even exchange my scotch and water for some of what she is having!

    NS, h***, that neighbor sounds a bit like my soon to be x-son-in-law. My dd asked for a divorce last month and now he has been going out almost every night. Yep, I just bet the ladies are “waiting for him”…AREN’T WE LADIES - - to the Deliverance TENT with him!!!!! He was one that could not take my dd success and said he needed a wife that “was all about him”. Well guess what, we will make the deliverance tent ALL ABOUT HIM (and a few others). I like the many ideas you ladies have suggested. Hum, I have to have a colonoscopy on Friday and I will send you the rest of my gallon of stuff I have to drink!!! Shirley, I like the mouth sores – I like the wax idea, yea, and sounds like fun. Can you tell I am aggravated? (I’ve got the dd and her DOG at my house now!!)

    Shel, I think my dd will be signing her divorce papers this week…..let’s have a drink together in the tent, I could kick a few x-husbands!

    I see everyone enjoyed football this Sunday. Can I say go New Orleans Saints??? I can’t believe how great they are doing this year. Maybe the curse has finally been broken!! It looks like our LSU Tigers are going to the Sugar Bowl. We have had one crazy year since Katrina and Rita visited out state.

    Jeannie, I am so glad that Sam was able to go home and that you get Grandma Duty and NEGIVATIVE results. WOW, yippee, give him a BIG hug from all his Aunts.

    NewVickie, I just read your Christmas Cake Recipe. Gosh, I’m gonna try it NOW, that big black lab puppy is making me CRAZY. If scotch doesn’t do the trick, switch to whiskey (hic-up)

    Nicki, okay, whoever discovered cholesterol readings, what is considered high, low, good, bad – send them to the deliverance tent - What the he#@ - one more thing to worry about. It is also very had to quit smoking. I quit in May and TO THIS DAY I WANT A CIG. I used the 4mg Commit lounges (told off a few people, had road rage, went crazy, etc.), but I did quit. It is not easy to stop, forgive yourself if you can’t.

    Susan, hope you got my pm about the flowers for Robin. Thanks for making her day brighter.

    Mena, I found the post from Boobbuster and it broke my heart. We really need to circle around her. Do we have a way to send her a card? I know I may have missed a post due to post traumatic stress black lab puppy craziness!!! Let us know please if we can send her anything. As always, she is lifted up in prayer.

    Liz, are you okay?

    Vicki, aren’t computers GREAT. A web cam, wow is right. You are going to love it.

    Well dear friends, it is time to say good night. I know I missed several people, not on purpose you know (the reason being the scotch and water – how many now?! and one CRAZY BLACK LAB PUPPY).

    Good night All (and I hope that black lab puppy sleeps ALL NIGHT LONG!)


    Oh no, I just head a thump, thump behind the door (I think it is awake, the black lab puppy) and the white puff ball dog is growling. Oh, no - off to the liquor cabinet again!!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    I submitted my post before I proof read it. It is amazing what 3 scotch and water drinks will do to your spelling. Any way, I heard a thump, thump behind the closed door and IT IS AWAKE, the white dog is now in my lap. Gotta go, can't type anymore......

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    I don't think you can post as anonymous. If you are poster and you leave (are deleted by administrator), your name becomes "anonymous:

    Bday, welcome.

    shel and all. I'm doing ok right now. DH and I are having very difficult conversations and making progress. more than i expected. In fact, things are down right pleasant right now. Of course, I don't want to fool myself, either. What's going to happen the next time he is angry about something. Big question. We are still talking. I finally got through to him, that I was ready to bolt. It shook him up. He's a very pleasant interesting man when he's not being an a**.

    shel, sorry about your car. sorry about the jerk. above all take care of yourself!!!! I wonder if they were neutered, would they be any easier to live with. I'll see ya later, laughing in the deliverance tent.

    Madison, love the puppy stories. my kinda house!

    I wish I had a drink.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    ok you guys..........i don't do christmas well, haven't for years. as you may or may not know (or care) this is the 8th christmas that i've allowed mike to screw up! i just "go through the motions", spend way too much money trying to make things up to my daughter, watch all the movies in a "coma", put up the tree in a bitter daze, go to the get togethers cynically.........well, you get the picture lol!

    anyhow.........i used to be a "christmasaholic" and now i just dread it, i want to go back to "christmasaholic"......any suggestions?

    my immediate family is about as dysfunctional as mike (that would explain the former attraction lol)........i'm thinking of packing mack and i up and heading to the keys to spend christmas with my best friend, but my mom had a total meltdown at that now i have even more guilt, but i need to try to find a way to regain my old "joie de vivre"!


    how could christmas, of all things, bring one little chick so much dread?

    i want my dtr to love christmas like i used to, but i'm faced with so much this year that i can't seem to make it special.........i just keep buying "things" and that, i know, is not what it's supposed to be about!

    thanks for letting me rant........i geuss my destruction of the pissy tent allowed me to feel some "other feelings"

    xo, michelle.......aka "the grinch"
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Just a "drive by" Aloha. I will have pages and pages to catch up on when I get home, but for now I wanted to send hugs and tell you about my day. We hiked about a mile along the edge of the ocean here in Maui. We were hiking through a lava field, up and down HUGE craters, in and around bays and pools of the clearest water I have ever seen. The waves were crashing on the outer edges of the coves, but the water inside was calm with just a bit of surge to the waves. We snorkeled for hours with literally thousands of fish. I can not even begin to do it justice with a description. We found an 18 inch long trumpet shelled animal on the bottom that my hubby carefully dove down and brought up for us to look at. We saw huge moray eels and hundreds of angel fish..yellow and blue and gold. Fish of every color and shape.

    Here is the coolest part…I’m HERE…I’m alive! I DID it! The hike was grueling, but I loved every moment of it. The water was like being in a different world. All those horrible days during treatment were worth it. I’m here in paradise with my family…running up visa bills I might not pay off for years, but to heck with it….It is all worth while.

    I will post lots of photos on my blog when I get home so you can all see, but truly, I don’t know if I have ever felt so alive, and so thankful to be alive.

    Hugs and big love!
    Deb C.