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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Madison, We will have a pet free tent to escape from the pet crazyness!

    Can anyone tell me when the swelling from rads will go away? And the sore nipple? I message to help break up the stiffnes but the edema is driving me batty!

    Jeannie, So glad that Sam is doing much better. I have gone through having to hold my 3 day old daughter while they did a spinal tap, NOT fun. She was only 7 lbs when I had her and she was losing weight fast. She kept turning blue and the Dr. would believe me. I told them I wasn't leaving until and they finally conceded to keep her overnight for observation. When she turned blue in the cormans arms, they believed me!

    Then my youngest was born with the muconium thing too. It appears I had heat stroke about three days before she was born. It was touch and go for awhile with her. She however was not small like her sister she was 9.3

    I'm happy to say they are both lovely young ladies in their twentys now.

    We'll I'm tired and should go to bed. I had to leave myself a voice mail at work to remember to turn in my prescription tomorrow. Carzy chemo brain me keeps forgetting to turn it in and I'll be out tomorrow.

    Well one more round and a few more logs on the fires.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    well ladies.......Captain Jack the wonder cat has just pulled over the christmas tree (for the 4th year in a row)........and geuss what?........i'm killing myself laughing, trying to put it back together!

    he had so much fun batting all the ornaments around and being "sneaky".........maybe laughter is the best medicine? if not i can always have cap'n jack stuffed and mounted lol!

    (since stuffing and mounting mike is not a real option)

    well.......i'll be up all night fixing the tree.......tty tomorrow CG'S!
  • linny
    linny Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2006
    Cheryl, I finished rads in February 2006 - it took months for the swelling to go away, and my breast is still tender. Yesterday I had a follow up appointment with the radiation oncologist and he said I still have fluid under the skin, which causes soreness, and I should gently massage to get rid of it.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Howdy do girls. Wow you all have been busy since I was here yesterday. Sisters house is quite with the hubby and kidlets gone. Oldest is still here but works all the time so we don't see him often. We went shopping yesterday for a whole lot of nothing. Just something to do. Came home, ate some dinner then both of us fell asleep watching a movie. How sad is that.

    Jan, hugs. praying all is well with recon.

    Cheri, I copy and paste. No timing out.

    Liz, prayers for your inlaws and you to my dear. Good for you for telling them whats what.

    Nicki, damn insurance companies. I HATE HATE HATE them.
    yippee on the port.

    Vicki, hugs. Hope your ex isn't there today. Your daughter sounds like a very special young lady and one to be proud of.

    Shel, no objections here. Glad you were able to break some stuff

    Susan, even funnier is all thier friends call me Auntie Shirley too. Cracks me up. I love being the "COOL" aunt from california.

    Lini, not so remarkable. I take notes. Sounds like you need some time breaking dishes in the pissy tent too. It's great therapy.

    Hi Bday. Page 2? O my. Did you read thru the whole thread? I am very very impressed. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the circle.

    Hi Lynn

    NS, $160, yikes.
    Nope not the Nutcracker. My niece and sisters niece go to a dance school that does performances at retirement homes during the holidays. Very cute and very sweet. The old folk are always so happy to see them.
    Tho Liz would probably be way more fun I'm afraid hubby doesn't have a choice. I will break his other knee if he doesn't show up.

    Hi Christine.

    Madison, work is over-rated. UHOH!! labs are great pooches when they grow into thier feet. Perhaps poof dog needs the scotch too.

    Hi Deb. I am so happy you are having a grand time. Visa will understand.

    Cy, have you talked to your onc about swelling. Perhaps you need to see an LE therapist.

    Off to see the wizard, have a great day.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    GM all, boss is gone early so quick hellos...
    Deb, so jealous, remember bring me some of the sand.... pissy tent go to Mena's deliverence tent...sure beats punching a as for christmas, this group of wonderful women have helped me get the ho ho ho back...sending all those cards warmed my heart and now all my decorations are up and I even play christmas music, all my presents are bought and wrapped...
    Vicki...glad you liked the boys story...even at 21-28 it doesnt get better just gets the knitted boob out in the mail today...hope you can figure out crocheted
    susan...sneaking in some nice wine for you this AM...wont help with the hubby but will make you feel chocolate to go with that whine...lo.
    Nicki...I have the guest bed set up so, pack the bags and come on least you'll be used to the are not hopeless, just need someone like me to kick your
    well off to work be back later...
    coffee with gingerbread creamer yummy...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Evreyone: Another cold day this end of the circle. The weather guy is saying a slight warm up - but a warm up means more snow! Hmmmm which do I want? I will take the cold over snow anyday.

    Did I exercise today? Nope - Im sitting here at the computer on my fat arse. Maybe I need to try doing it when I come home from work.

    bday: Welcome to the circle. It is a wonderful place to come. We get alot of support, give support, and sometimes even laugh. Or trash the pissy tent like Shel did lol. Im sorry you are newly diagnosed, but so glad you found us. We do have a medic tent, so after your surgery you can come there. We will take good care of you.

    Jeannie: Oh my, I love martini's. Used to have a "dirty martini" thats a vodka martini with olive juice and olives inside the drink. Some day I will tell you all about my adventures in Las Vegas while I was drinking those Martini's. But not today, not enough time.

    Vickie: You adopted mom was so young. Oh my! Hugs to you and her family. Its a sad time to lose a loved one.

    Shel: Ya know I owke up about 1:00am today. I think it was from all the noise you were making trashing the pissy tent. Hoping you feel better now.

    Susan: My nickname is a little different than mama. Even though I have been married for 28 years, all my patients and coworkers call me "Miss Nicki"!

    Lynn: The thing about the port - it must come out!! I think I have fooled my doctors. ER/PR negative, HER2 +, and one positive lymph node (which was my ticket to chemo by the way). Anyways they kept the port in for "just in case" well 18 months later - Im still fooling them! I would have had a hard time getting IV access - bil. mast, so which arm would they use. But I was never given a choice really. One I had a positive lymph node, my surgeon said "you need a port." Its the last thing that reminds me of this whole journey. Once it comes out I think I will finially have closure.

    NS: Yes! you and I have had this same conversation many times. Anonymous! Dont understand how they are allowed to post - but whenever I see a post by anonymous - I ignore it.

    Christine: Your job sounds like fun. So you get to be in a festive mood everyday - somehow that seems tiring.

    Madison: Oh I am laughing so at your crazy house. The animals will all settle down in about a week. Black lab puppies are so cute, but they have alot of energy. When I first got my dog - I would wake up and find that he destroyed the house. One time he chewed all my CD's. Didnt eat them, just broke them into pieces.

    DebC: Oh it sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I had a great visual of your snorkling.

    Ok! I just ran out of time. Saying hello to CherylCY, Linda, Sherloc, and anyone else that I may have missed.

    <-----is running away from purpleMB

    Talk to you all later. Have a wonderful day.


    PS: I havent even bought my cards yet. Maybe you all will get them from me by July 4th.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Madison, you crack me up! ‘You can’t get anything done holding a dog’. LOL! I have a very needy cat. She follows me around and insists on being ON me at all times. I used to try to hold her as much as possible (I know, that doesn’t help the situation), but I finally taught her to ride around on my shoulders. That way I can still get stuff done. That is probably not practical to try with a dog, though! The only issue is with the CLAWS. Not so bad in the winter when I am wearing thick sweaters, but OUCH! in the warmer weather!

    Bday, welcome to the group! I hope we can help you as much as these ladies have helped me!

    Vickie, webcams are so cool! What a great idea! And a great time of year for it, too!

    Shel, so glad the pissy tent helped you feel better. Hang in there, you are doing great! I am amazed at your strength and resolve! I always tell my kids ‘it isn’t being brave if you aren’t scared’. It is the same thing for you – you may not feel strong, but by the very fact that you are making it day by day through this difficult time, you are being strong!

    NS, that is a ridiculous delivery charge! I would be outraged too!

    Deb, good to hear from you! Glad you are enjoying the trip!

    I have a new worry….have been having irregular heartbeats since my 4th AC last week. It was making me nervous, so I finally called my onc so that they could tell me it was nothing and I could stop worrying. But guess what? They are concerned and so he is squeezing me in tonight at 7:00. They even asked me if I thought I should go to the emergency room. I said ‘if it was gonna kill me, it would have by now, so it should be OK to wait for the appointment’. I am just worried that if something is wrong with my heart, they won’t be able to give me the herceptin. So keep your fingers crossed that it is nothing! I will keep you posted!

    I know I missed many, but you are all in my prayers!

    Hugs, Kristin
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    ok girls......last rant for a while (i usually go in spurts lol)!

    my mom called to say she thinks it would be better if i just "shut up" about mike and all of his affairs.........because "it doesn't say much for me that he repeatedly steps outside of the marriage"!!!!!!!!

    as if i don't think about that everyday??????

    and people are marvelling at my lack of self esteem?????

    good grief.......i'm surrounded by walking lips!!!!! to the drug store to get my christmas cards, write them and mail them........i think i'll skip my mom this year lol!

    anybody got a good chili recipe? i make a decent chili, but "hottie neighbour" is coming over for dinner and drinks tonight and i'd really like to make an "extra special" batch!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning ladies.
    well i am back to work after having my two days off...
    at least its warmed up a bit spose to hit a high of minus 3 today celsious. yay!!!!! its so beautiful out there it sure is a winter wonderland....
    the roads were so bad yesterday and i had to travel a hour north for my daughters litigation... meaning i had to file some papers in the courthouse and can you believe the nearest one is a hour away.. well i got this guy friend to come with me and that took alot of stress away from me.... there was a 4 car pile up on the main highway so all traffic was diverted the way we went... it was so scary......
    well i am feeling a bit bad as sunday night i came into work to get some paperwork and found the front desk girl behind the counter with a beer in hand so i sent her home with a suspension but i feel terrible about it:(:( this was her 3rd warning on fratinizing with the customers...
    well thats my rant for the day so far... have a great day ladies............
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Morning ladies....only have a few minutes to type as I have a ton of work to do before the funeral.
    First...Shel...I sooo want to come give your mom a good swift kick in the ass for her insensitive remark. Mom's are supposed to be your self esteem builders not the other way around. Off to the deliverance tent with her...she can hang out with Mike for a while till she changes her tone! First I'm laughing at your Christmas tree misadventure then crying at your mom's remark and your loss of the Christmas spirit. No Grinch's allowed. Hang those lights, decorate that tree again and again if you have to, play Christmas music, go shopping, watch sappy Christmas cartoons with you hottie neighbor. I would come join you and put you in the spirit myself if I could. You could come join me...looks like I'm going to have a houseful this year as my brother, SIL, and four kids are coming along with my sister and BIL and maybe one other sister!!!! Wow...with my webcam we can even have my wonderful daughter Sarah and SIL right in the same room with us. Lots of drink, food and fun and you are welcome any time. Sending you's Mike who has the problem...certainly NOT you.
    NS...go down to the local bar and find someone with a pickup...offer a round of drinks, put on your biggest smile and I'll bet you'll have plenty of offers to deliver your couch! $160 to deliver is crazy!
    Linda...thanks for the swelling infor. My breastbone and armpit has been swollen since rads and my radiation onclologist had told me to massage the area which I truthfully haven't been doing...will give it a try.
    Shirley...oh my daughter always makes me smile...she is such a doll.
    MB...woohoo...a knitted boob...I can hardly wait. You are soo sweet for doing this and I will figure out a crochet version for all us "knitting challenged" ladies. Thank you so much.
    Deb...I am so glad to hear your having a good time. I went to Florida to be with my daugher and SIL after I finished rads and stayed on Cocoa beach for a week and it was so incredibly healing and restful!
    Mena, Jeannette, Jeanne, Susan, Liz, Nicki, Kristin, Cheryl, Tracey and oh so many more that I can't remember right are all in my thoughts and prayers today.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    shel, i think we should send your mom to the deliverance tent. If you want to come to the ozarks for christmas we have an extra room. Make sure you like country/western music. We have a big screen TV and lots of computers!!

    Kristen, we are all going with you to the doctor tonite. Take a big purse.

    Tracey, you are entitled to a rant. Sounds pretty stressful. I hope today is a better day for you.


    MB, knitted boobs? never hear of that. I'm sure it would be easier to wear than a plastic/rubber one. those are heavy.

    Newvickie, question about knitting machine. I went and looked at them. they have one in a circle and one that is shaped like a long skinny rectangle. The round one, i would guess makes a hat and the long skinny one a scarf?? zat right?

    my cancer boob is still sore. my surgery was in feb'05 and rads finished in aug'05. I've had an infection and gotten LE therapy. No one seems worried about it but me.

    Aloha AlaskaDeb.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    Susan...knitty is warmer and search archives for titbits...took me a few hours, I'm not a very good 3 needle eenvelope is on its way...hoho merry
    Nicki...I see you hiding behind the door...come on check out the exercises they won;t kill you...
    Tracey bib hugs, it stinks being in charge sometimes...we'd all like a beer at work once in need one at least...hugs for you I know raising teens is difficult...
    Shel...well your mom should talk to my mom....sounds like they'd get along just fine...remember its never our fault when they stray...but we must remember to reinvent ourselves once in awhile too...if you don't get MORE magazine cool article this months...try it...if not I'll send you my copy...let me know...
    god afternoon. all back to lunch...who's cooking dinner...
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006

    well i'm malking a big pot of dinner is on me, but i won't be dining with you girls because i'm having company lol!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Hey, I stepped out of the blues tent for awhile. Last night I auditioned for another play--that usually cheers me up. There's a chance they may not be able to cast it, they needed certain types of actors for specific parts, but it was fun anyway. I guess I really surprised people when I read, I got a lot of positive affirmation. I think I'm one of those people who thrives on that.

    Still waiting for results on my MRI. The pain is still there, so if it's nothing bad I will see my chiropractor.

    My baby(6) is better, but now my dh and 15 year old are sick. It never ends. My daughter called from college yesterday. She's not feeling well and is extra stressed with end of semester stuff.

    I'm making chili for dinner tonight, too. We had tortilla soup last night. My boys all love it. I don't cook much, but that's always a favorite at our house.

    I've gotten some Christmas cards. Yeah! Mine will hopefully be going out soon.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006
    Hi everyone,

    I had the tooth extraction today and it's starting to hurt. Maybe I'll go home early today. I'm the only one here right now. I'm caught up with my work and thought I’d check in for a few minutes.

    I'm so behind with Christmas. I'm going to try to get my cards out this year, as opposed to last year. The dinner last weekend went well. Our Christmas parade is this Sat. night. It won't have any music because the Dir, of Schools forbade the HS band to play. He's feuding with the mayor over her (correct, IMHO) comments over the poor schools here. I have a co-worker who is always telling my how better or worse, depending on the subject, things were in FL where she moved. She tried to tell me how the schools aren't that bad, but we know real estate agents who have to combat the perception every day to sell a house to a young couple with children. So bad or not, the perception is there and the dumb director won't do anything about it. This is the same guy who ordered a mural dedicated to a little boy who died over the summer painted over because they didn't dot every i and cross every t before the painting began. The kid's sisters watched as the mural was painted over as if their brother didn't matter. Ah, life in a small town. So I'm thinking about buying a bunch of kazoos and passing them out Sat. night and we, the watchers will make our own music.

    Hugs to all waiting results, dealing with crappy family members and generally having a hard time with Christmas.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    Betty ahhh, small town life...evryone knows your business in my small town...but we don't even have a school, must go to neighboring the mail too...but get the kazoos , or remeber the comb harmonicas?,, wax paper over a comb works too...good luck and bring light & laughter where ever you go..
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls,

    Today is my DH’s birthday. I took him out to eat earlier so of course that blew my diet again. I’m going to create my own diet I think. I haven’t been able to walk because of the snow and cold and didn’t exercise for the past few days either. Mental note to self: get off my arse!

    Nicki, I agree on the Assisted Living however the money isn’t there for them to do this. I didn’t go to the hospital today and am not going later either. Hoping you get that port out. I really miss mine for lab draws but we have finally found a vein that’s willing to cooperate.

    Vickie, stay warm. How nice that you were included as family for the funeral. I have a friend whose family is like that. So sorry for your loss. Webcam’s are so cool. So glad you got to see your daughter. How’s it coming with her tests?

    Shel, oh my. Don’t you hate idiot drivers? Glad you weren’t hurt. Don’t let Mike or the family get you down. Talking from experience here. Oh no, cat’s do love Christmas trees don’t they. Hugs

    Susan, me an angel? LOL Might get a different opinion from the sis-in-laws now. I’m glad your DH got shook up. Sometimes it takes a big eye opening statement to make men see what’s going on.

    Lini, I didn’t think I’d miss mammo’s either. Punch away. I hate this frickin disease!

    Bday, welcome to the circle and we are here for you. I have a list of chemo tips if you’d like them just let me know.

    Biker, hope the infection is getting better.

    Donna, so you’ll be moving this weekend? I hear the weather may cooperate. Stay warm. I hate moving but I’m sure you’ll be glad to get out of your apartment.

    Lynn, the popcorn was great. Wasn’t real impressed with the movie though. I rented The Breakup.

    NS wow! I can’t believe they want that much to deliver that sofa. They charge $25 here and I always complain about that. I would love to go with Shirley, but I’m sure your DH will make it.

    Christine, good to see you! I’m sure you are busy at this time of year.

    Cheri, Arimidex here. Don’t know much about Tamoxifen. Shirley aka Aunt Shirley aka Sherloc is on it though.

    My cousin’s boys call me Aunt Liz even though I’m not their aunt! I’m sure your DH will be so glad to find out what’s wrong and hit the high seas!

    Madison, I love puppies but can’t imagine having one in the house. Especially a black lab. I know it’s not funny, but you gave me a wonderful laugh today. I could just picture it all.

    MB, I got your card and thank you so much! I’m not able to do the she hate’s me’s right now. Either pulled a muscle in my back or something. Will get back to it once I can actually move again. Hugs

    DebC, I’m so glad you’re having a great time!

    Cheryl, Cy, I have to leave myself notes all the time. Otherwise, I’d never get what I needed.

    Kristin, will be with you during your appointment. Let us know what you find out.

    Tracey, oh my! I loved my job as a manager but hated it when my employees did something stupid. Hang in there. Lots going on with you.

    Sheri, hope you get the part you auditioned for. Try to avoid getting sick. Take things one day at a time. That’s all we can do.

    Betty, OUCH! I’m so sorry you had to have the extraction. I think kazoos would be great!

    Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks so much for the support each of you provide daily. Couldn’t do this without you!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: OK I read everyones post but I have a husband, a fire, and new Christmas decorations to enjoy.

    I had a great day. Today just call me Officer Nicki!1 Why? Cause I was the chief of the marketing team. I love these kinds of days.

    Shel: I still say go to the "Keys" girl!

    Liz: In Illinois we have some Assisted Living facilities that are for lower income seniors. Do you have something like that available? I mean these are new, and beautiful apartments with assisted living. Both of my in laws are gone now, but they both got sick at the same time so I understand right where you are coming from.

    See ya all in the morning

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi all
    Susan...yes the circle ones I use for making the hats and the rectangular ones for making scarves or you can use the rectanglar one and make several strips and sew them together and have an afghan...they are lots of fun and really easy.
    Liz...happy birthday to your DH...enjoy your dinner out. My daughter hasn't gotten her test scheduled yet...I need to send someone from Florida to "babysit" her...she is such a procrastinator when it comes to doctors and dentists. I'm putting in a call to her FIL...he'll get her moving on it.
    Totally exhausted so I'm missing many. Long sad day. Lost my mom, dad, grandmother and grandfather and now my dear sweet "adopted" mom who told me when my mom died that she would be my "mom" forever. She was buried between my mom and her husband who passed away in 2000. It was tough seeing them side by side, they were best of friends all their lives... I feel orphaned, empty, lost and alone now. Gonna grab some tylenol pm and sleep the sadness away in the blues tent.
    I'll be better tomorrow...thinking of you all my dear sweet loving circle sisters.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    OK, girls. As I've made it quite evident ya'll know I'm computer illiterate. Been having a little trouble posting on this thread so you may or may not be reading this. Thanks to all of you who have given me advice you make it sound so simple. My daughter just came in and showed me how to put it on my wordpad & we'll see if I can transfer it back. If not, it'll be floating out there in cyber space until it lands on somebodys computer. Gee, won't they be surprised!

    Shel, look on the bright side, since your cat knocked over your tree you got to decorate twice. Most everyone is having trouble dealing with the Hell-i-days! I'm just so glad to be seeing another Christmas that I'm kind of into it. "Course I'm still paying off credit card bills from last year at this time when I was sure I was dying! Get rid of Mike once and for all & your self-esteem will sky-rocket. Nothing like a man to squeeze out all the self esteem you ever had...unless it's your mother.

    Bday, so glad you're here. I'm new here also. This is the greatest bunch of women in the world. No matter what kind of problem you have nobody judges they just try and help. So keep posting.

    Kristen, good luck with your test results. Pray all is well.

    To all of the rest of you that are going through testing and just having a booger of a time, my thoughts are with you.

    I have a little something to celebrate this evening. My daughter & her family live with me. She has 3 sons. ages: 8, 5 and the baby is 2. SCHOOL IS NOW BACK IN SESSION!! The 2 older ones are back on the ole yeller bus in the morning. Yep, thas right, the roads have cleared. I love my grandsons dearly (especially close to the 5 yr old) but being snowed in with them all is a bit taxing...after several days.

    Susan, there's nuthin' goin' on here in Buffalo, maybe I'll take a drive up there sometime. Actually, most of my family live there so I go quite a bit.

    Best Wishes To All.

    Cheri M.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Vickie, i'm fixing you a cup of hot chocolate. In fact, I think I'll make one for me too. Haven't had a good day today myself. I'm giving myself a treat tonite and taking an tylenol pm also. I need a good few hours without any worries.

    I talked with Robin today. She's home, she sounds better. She will get online after she rests up some.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    So glad to hear that Robin is home and better!

    Cheri- you get PEACE!! Imagine that? A yellow bus can bring such happiness!

    Susan, I am glad that you are talking things out... I hope that you continue to make progress!


    Chery, where is your swelling? You may have some LE. I had it in my chest after rads and then later it settled in my arm. What are your symptoms?

    Oh Shirley! We don't want you breaking his OTHER knee!!! LOL!

    Nicki, I want to hear the martini story NOW!!!!

    Oh Kristin, I hope your heart flutters aren't anything serious! God luck with your tests... you need a break!

    Tracey, every time I hear about your roads and driving conditions i get nervous for you! I am glad you had someone to accompany you! If someone is drinking on the job and this is the THIRD TIME?? You did the right thing. I know it is hard. But sometimes being the grown up sucks doesn't it?

    Come to the inner circle. Let us cheer you up. I am sorry you had a rough day of it today. I thought of you. Sending you a big ((hug))
    When i think of how many friends I have lost to this damn disease I get so overwhelmed. I am sorry you are feeling so bad. About your other suggestion, I measured my friend's Explorer today and it will fit! So on monday we will go get the sofa. But in the meantime, can I still go to the local bar and pick someone up???

    Sheri! How exciting! What is the play??

    Betty, I hope you feel better! Anything with teeth gives me the shivers.

    Today was a crazy day! I hung around waiting for a neighbor's ping pong table to be delivered to MY house so their son's won't see it... never got much work done! but I had meetings late in the day and the last one was a surprise party for the director of the group - it was her birthday. This place REALLY does it up! I was just there as an outside consultant, but they insisted I stay and party with them. This then turned to dinner and it was FUN! I am hoping they use me for A LOT of PR work!!

    It was so cold today that I thought some of my blooming plants would die. Nope. Coreopsis still going strong and still blooming!

    I am going to get some of Shel's chili, just a little because I had dinner, and then mount up... got my woolies on though! Gonna make sure the horses are warm and Mazer and Tazer too... BTW- where is Amy??

    Everyone, please keep Stephanie, Boobbuster, in your prayers tonight, she starts a new chemo regimine tomorrow.

    Love ya circle girls!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    I DID IT! I was actually able to post on here. (OK, my daughter did most of it) I had started my post and she copied it over to my notepad and there I was able to think and type at my leisure. It was great. Then when I was finished she copied it & brought it back here & pasted. Gee, is my face red, trying to post today, it telling me "invalid" and posting it anyway! Silly me.

    Vicki, you posted while I was in the middle of my big technical trial so I didn't get a chance to say anything to you. I am so terribly sorry about your loss. It's hard to lose someone you love and it being the Hellidays didn't help. You are not alone, though. You have so many friends right here on this site. Everyone always mentions you. Best wishes to you, if there's anything any of us can do just let us know.

    Cheri M.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Hey ladies - just a quick check-in, I'm actually heading into bed with a cup of hot tea...been feeling a bit under the weather yesterday and today... just a cold (I hope) but it's making my head hurt...

    Hugs to all of you, sleep well and stay warm!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Susan, I'm so glad Robin is home. I hope they forward her card to her from the hospital. BTW, your money is in the mail as well. It went out yesterday.

    NS, so glad your couch will fit in your friends car. Just be careful loading and unloading. Don't want to hurt yourself.

    Cheri, I type mine in Word and then copy and paste. Glad you've got it figured out.

    Nicki, no such places around here. The lowest assisted living facility is around 3500.00 a month. We'll see what the next step will be. DH said she'll likely be released tomorrow.

    Colleen, take care of yourself. Lots of colds, viruses and flu going around in this area.

    Have a good night girls. Will see you all tomorrow. I'm going to walk the circle and check on everyone then head to the wagon myself.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Well SHel i can't believe you mom, GO TO THE KEYS! Have FUN!

    Kristen hope they figured out whats up with the heart.

    Vickie, thinking of you. you are not only you have all of us.

    So very tired I can't think straight. I called the Onc's Nurse this morning and they want me to go see the Rads Onc. for the swelling. So I go back to see her on Friday morning. My boob is swelling all over. When I take my bra off it lloks like that one side the bra is too small and leaving an impression of where it was. It's also so tender I can't stand the slightest touch. & I have a spot under it that is like a welt and it really hurts. I have done the message daily to check the scar tissue broke up but that it hard to do with it so tender.

    Well I have a nother crazy day at work tomorrow so I better get some sleep.

    Hugs to all and I'm so gratefull to have you all.

    MB I got your card yesterday, but just got to the mail today!

    nite all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Sitting here bawling my eyes out. Thanking God that I have all of you. Thank you for all your kind words.
    Have blood work this morning then off to work...wishing everyone a wonderful, healthy, happy day.
    Love you circle sisters
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: So, I woke up really late today. Dont even have enough time to enjoy a second cup of coffee!

    Im am so glad to hear that Robin is home. I hope all is going well. You are in our thoughts everyday Robin.

    Vickie: Tough day today. Got Distorted Humor saddled up! He said to me, private service or not, we are going to be there with Vickie. So Im riding in the wind today.

    Thats about it. Time is up. See how boring I can be when I dont have my computer time? I will catch up with you all later.

    Cheri, Sheri, Susan, Betty, Tracey, Shel, NS, Kristin, and everyone else that I have missed. I love ya all. Have a great day.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Good morning all. I had my appointment last night. Thank you all for coming with me!! I was the last patient to be seen last night, but of course the waiting room was crowded with all the CGs! Of course, the heart thing did not happen while I was there! My onc wants me to get further testing. I will have to get hooked up to a 24 heart monitor (called a Holter monitor, I think?). I also have a muga scheduled for Monday that I was going to get anyway before starting the herceptin. Hopefully those two tests will rule out anything serious and I can continue with treatment as scheduled!

    I have to get back to work (I actually came to the office today...first time in a week...yippee!) so I don't have much time. Thoughts and prayers going out for all of you though!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good morning happy campers. Calisthenics will begin in 30 minutes. Up and at 'em!