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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Well at least I didnt wake up late today. Made sure of it. I woke up at 4:30 and got my butt out of bed. Its cold again! We had a little reprieve yesterday, but the cold air is back today. Could get some Lake effect snow too, but dont know how much if any. So its certainly not a reason to stay home from work this time.

    Debbyfive: You crack me up. I love the fruitcake tent. Im a nut case also, so I might just go there. I think Im one of those hot and spicy peanuts.

    So what is going on with Mena? Why did debbyfive say she was gonna have a hard day today? Mena - we are with you all the way.

    Lini: Menopause the musical really sounds hilarious. I need something to give me a great laugh. I did so enjoy the dinner and drink. The Pinot Grigio was great, and helped me sleep.

    Cheri: OH I know how you feel. Was feeling the same way about 2 weeks ago. In addition to mood swings from the tamoxifen, bet there is an added ingrediant from lack of sleep. Waking up on and off all night. I find when I dont get a good nights sleep - well no one wants to be around me. After my exchange I had a 1cm lump - in the same spot where my bc was. Scared the heck out of me. Thought I had a bil. mast to take care of this, and here it is back again. I had 3 doctors tell me not to worry about it - but I did. It was determined to be scar tissue also. But it didnt hurt. Im sure it is nagging in the back of your mind. So good luck with it.

    Vickie: I love the idea of decorating the fruitcake tent. I went out while the weather was still warm and made us a snow woman. She is standing right outside the fruit cake tent. She needs to be decorated also. I contributed my red hat that I wore last year when I was getting chemo and didnt have any hair.

    My favorite Christmas story - is getting a "Patty Play Pal" doll from Santa. Oh I loved getting up in the morning to see what present Santa left for me.

    As far as traditions. My mom had 10 brothers and sisters. We would all get together on Christmas Eve. There would be shrimp, lobster spaghetti, and lots of other food. I can still remember the aroma. I was a little tike then - so all I wanted to do was go home. To see what things Santa brought. Our new tradition is that me and my husband stay home on Christmas Day. I make a great lasgna and we just enjoy the day. Actually we are recovering from the night before. Christmas Eve is family get together and midnight breakfast.

    Liz: Boy do I understand sick husbands being babies. Last time my husband got sick, I called my doctor and pretended it was me who had the cold so I could get him an antibiotic. He is such a baby, he wont go to the doctor for anything. Hasnt seen a doctor in about 20 years!

    Colleen: Oh thank you so much for the hot chocolate. It was yummy. I made mine decadent. I put some Baileys Irish Cream in it.

    Madison: Im laughing so hard. I went through what I call "bad generation puppy" I mean he was the worst puppy I ever had. Took him 5 years!! Instead of the usual 2 to settle down. But we do have a tent for pets. Distorted Humor and Mazer the Tazer are smiling. Saying just bring him here. They will watch over him!! And the tent is a special one. Anything there can be totally destroyed!!

    Christine: Hope that the huge catering event goes well. Sounds like fun, but also sounds like alot of work.

    Jeanette: What a wonderful idea. Ok its official, part of the job for the guys in the deliverance tent is to clean up. But clean up everything. So ladies, just throw your clothes on the floor, we will make them pick up after us. And do the laundry too. And when they are done folding the laundry we will make them do it again, cause they didnt do it right the first time.

    NS: Lol, Im laughing at LT. He was on the giants when they defeated the 85 bears in one of there games. I dont remember which one, but Oh I glared at LT!! Guess thats cause he was so good.

    CherylG: Well, well, well - another doctor who thinks he is "God" - Lord knows they dont want to acknowledge they dont know something. The pain in your foot sure sounds real. I would go to an orthopedic surgeon and get it evaluated. Last year I was told my muscle pain and shortness of breath were in my mind. 3 weeks later - almost unable to walk 50 feet - they realized I was having a reaction to my cholesterol medication. I was on it 3 weeks longer than I should have been. Just lucky it didnt damage my kidneys. So I say, get a new PCP and see a specialist for the foot pain.

    Oh, I have one more story to tell. It amazes me how little knowledge nurses have - my peers - when it comes to bc and lymphedema. During morning report yesterday, the Director of Nursing, actually said - well I dont understand why we cant do blood pressures on someone who has a mastectomy 7 years ago. "This is getting ridiculous" Yeppers - those were her exact words! Now you all know me, and I not usually at a loss for words, so I kindly educated her and the other staff members. Just goes to prove, we must be advocates for ourselves!!

    Wow! I actually have some time to read other threads before I get ready for work. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning All,

    I promise to "catch up" with all later.. I am going to put JAKE, THE LAB, in the tent for pets. Distorted Humor and Mazer the Tazer won't know what hit them!!!

    I was just watching the morning news and they were discussing women wanting to look younger and getting botox shots, well the TV anchor said


    "If women want to look younger they just need to be with a younger man"

    Yes!!!! If those rascally men can do it, why can't we!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    GM all...just a quick hello...
    The cards are rolling in...alaskadeb...thank you so much...everytime I look at one of them I smile so wide and my DH knows exactly why...he actually gets this place...and even helped buy the cards...I was blessed....I have them all hanging around the hot tub room, with christmas lights and candles .so every evening I am tubbying and sipping wine with all my dear come on over...

    FRUIT CAKE TENT...ok...moving in the padded walls....blaring the "Funny Farm Song" think a disco ball light with all the crazy spots ....umloading the big fluffy pillows perfect for a maybe vickie's pool boy pic guys should be referees....sure beats the blues enjoy...

    Cheryl....PM me with the boob size...I'n not fast but Will send one ( or two) out...warm and fuzzy I love it,...

    NS any walking is great...check out the relaxation exercises I sweat stuff. yu'll love

    Nicki...did you think to slap that nurse...if not I

    Susan hugs to you strong and keep your head up...

    Ok Lots of work , BUT hugs and please know you are all in my prayers....Debby5, Mena, Sige...AMY where ever you are...
    and everyone I have missed....
    LOVE PEACE and HAPPINESS (especially for ourselves)..being selfish again...
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    Hey Cg's, It's me the main ingrediant in the Fruitcake! Sorry i did't follow up on our sweet mena, She is having terible pain everywhere, she will be going through many test's today to see what is causing this Pain! s he is having a really rough time right now, although She is finding time to eat Chocalate. I will call her tonight to check on our sweet Mena, and let all know how she is holding up( Yea right, I would pay big money, to see someone try to hold her down) My, so many with heavy hearts and many problems, my Prayers go out to each one of You!!! I would try to remember everyone by name, But I don't want the FRUITCAKE TENT getting to crowded! lots of love, Puppy
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    well, i mailed my christmas cards yesterday and the nicest lady helped me out!

    i went to the post office to get the the tune of about forty dollars lol! she commented on "how many friends i had"........i explained who ya'll were etc. and she says "i remember you now, give me back your bank card".

    she proceeded to reverse the charge, and then marked "damaged book" on one of my books of stamps.......which reduced my price by half! then she just smiled and said "merry christmas"

    little things like that are "huge" in my book.......she sure brightened up my day, not because of the money, but because of the gesture.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Love it, Shel!!!

    For those of you with small children: every year NORAD tracks Santa's trip around the world. It's a lot of fun and we've been doing it for years. Here's the website:

    Fruitcakes to all. Make that beefcakes.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    doing a drive by this morning girls. Have a great day one and all.
    Dear heavens Cy.....heres an idea.....let your pcp take arimidex for a while and then tell you that crap is in your head....What a BBBBBB

    MB, you have a room for your hot tub? Cool!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Mornin' girls. My, some of you get up early! I'm in a better humor today. I don't feel so grouchy. I knew it would pass, least I hoped it would. I just hate days like that when I have no reason but don't like anyone or anything.

    Cherylg, My dr. told me to see a psychiatrist, too. I'm only 2 months out of rads & been on tamox less time than that & he couldn't understand why I was depressed and so fatigued all the time. What idiots they are to be so educated! I don't think most of them have a clue about how we feel when treatment is over.

    NS, at least you have a real tree. My dd picked ours out this year and it's WHITE. She usually has such good taste. Actually, after it was decorated it does look pretty but it's just not the same as green.

    Nicki, my oh my, what a busy girl you've been this morning! You defended our Circle quite well. I guess it was just your day to ride shotgun! Some of the other girls may not know what I'm talking about but you do. Also, you were right on the money when you said you bet I had trouble sleeping. I'm awake off & on all night. I've had about 5 hrs. sleep and I need 8.

    Shel, glad your day was brightened yesterday. Sometimes even a total stranger can say or do some little thing that makes a big difference in our outlook. It was nice she remembered you.

    Susan, sometimes you have to dig down and discuss some pretty sore subjects to fix things. I don't know how long you've been married but dh & i just celebrated our 17th yr. There's a whole lot of resentment that can build up over several years. I guess you just have to weigh out the good against the bad & see how it comes out. I'm sorry your having problems. But at least you're talking and that's a good thing, one way or the other.

    Best wishes for those waiting for test results, hope all goes well.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Hey Girls!

    A quick check in before I'm off to pick up my son from school. We have Early Release Days for most of the school year it feels like!

    Madison - My Jake is a chocolate lab, but he's 9 now, and moves v e r y s l o w l y! He is the sweetest dog ever, but is dumb as a stump! LOL I didn't meet him until he was 1, so I never saw his crazy puppy stage.

    ChristineK - hope your big event went well today!

    CherylG - what an idiot doc! It drives me crazy when they say it's in your head. It really seems like they mostly (only?) say it to women too. It makes me sooo mad!

    NS - laughing at the vision of the cat climbing the tree. Hey, did you notice the cat on my return address label? I thought it looked like your avatar picture!

    Nicki - uummm.... 4:30am? We need to talk girl! That's just crazy behavior! LOL I find that just as shocking, if not more, as MBs exercise program. Oh darn, speaking of exercise... blew it off again!! Also, every once in a blue moon you get a bad one (nurse) but thank goodness they are very few and far between, at least in my experience! I'm glad you set her straight. It's so annoying to have something that is such an issue be dismissed as nothing. I'm having some LE symptoms right now due to doing too much at Thanksgiving (I'm assuming.) I have to be careful 24/7 that I don't stress out that arm. It's so frustrating, and I hate the psychological/emotional impact of it, it's just another reminder you know?

    MB - I know it, I'm like a kid in a candy store with the cards! I so look forward to getting the mail now, and I get a HUGE smile on my face everytime I get one from a Circle Girl!

    DebbyFive - thanks for letting us know about Mena.

    Shel - your post office lady story made my day!

    Lini - my son LOVES that NORAD web site, I saw trying to remember the name of it last night when I saw that other post. (sorry chemo brain strikes again! Well, according to Cheryl's doc I just need to "stop thinking that way" huh?)

    Shirley - How's it going? Busy day again today, or a relaxing one? Whatever you do, I hope it's fun!

    Everyone else in the Circle - stay warm, stay dry, and stay stress-free (well, as stress-free as you can!!)
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006

    BTW Sorry for all the typos I make. You'd never believe I write for a living!! I never used to be this way, but now I find that I type the wrong word, or the wrong ending to the word, a lot! I swear it is part of the chemo brain for me, and it really impacts my work. Thank goodness for auto spell correct, but even so, I have to proofread everything really carefully (which clearly I don't do here as I'm stressed out and rushing all the time for fear of losing my post!) Oh well... c'est la vie I guess!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006
    Hi everyone,

    I moved into the med tent for a few days. That tooth extraction is just about doing me in. Things like that never hurt this long before BC (or maybe before 53) I'm taking pain meds, but it just keeps the pain to a dull throb. I'm in a bitchy mood and just don't want to be around anyone. I want to go home from work, crawl into bed with my electric blanket on High, grab my teddy bear and hibernate.

    Yep, that's what I want to do...guess I'll quit complaining and go back to work. Sigh!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    No time to write much...I'm at work.
    It is snowing like crazy here...took Nathaniels puppy outside to go to the bathroom (yup, we get to bring our pets to work...and our kids) and I got caught in a stinking blizzard!!! Wind and snow...oh the weather outside is frightful. Supposed to get very cold later today and I'm not looking forward to the drive home. I really hate winter...going to Florida or California...either my daughter or Lini is going to be stuck with me LOL.
    Lini...thanks for the NORAD site. I tried to find it last year and found a couple of different ones for Nathaniel that showed grainy pics of "Santa" but you couldn't make them out very well and he is such a little skeptic...he kept telling me..."mom, it's the internet...they can do anything and that's not real, nobody can get a picture of Santa." AAUUGGHH.
    OH Betty...wish I could send you home to cuddle up with a warm blanket and something to make your mouth feel better. It stinks to have to be at work when you feel lousy.
    Shel...what a wonderful story about the post office!
    Ok...back to finding my's still buried in paperwork...oh well.
    Hugs all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    here is the aging alphabet!!!!

    A's for arthritis
    B's for bad back
    C's for the chest pains- perhaps car-d-iac?
    D is for dental decay and decline,
    E is for eyesight, cant read that top line!
    F is for fissures and fluid retention,
    G is for gas which I'd rather not mention
    H is high blood pressure-I'd rather it low:
    I is for incisions with scars you can show.....
    J is for joints out of socket, wont mend,
    K is for knees that crack when they bend.
    L is for libido what happended to sex?
    M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
    N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low
    O is for osteo, the bones that dont grow!
    P is for prescriptions, I have quite a few.
    Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
    R is for reflux, one meal turns to two.
    S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
    T is for Tinnitus- theres bells in my ears!
    U is for urinary.... big troubles with flow.
    V is for verigo, thats "dizzy" you know.
    W is for worry- Now whats going round?
    X is for xray and what might be found:
    Y is another year I'm left here behind.
    Z is for zest that i still have - in my mind.....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Hey! Hey! Hey! I got to sneak in at work. Thats a first for me. Its soooooo cold, Im dreading going out in it. Hope everyone is having a great day.

    PurpleMB: Oh my in my fantasy world, yes I not only slapped her, I bit her.

    Debbyfive: Please tell Mena I have some homemade chocolate cheesecake. And she can have the whole thing since its not allowed on my diet anymore.

    Shel: Oh what a great Christmas story. Makes ya feel good to know there are some really nice people out there.

    Cheri: All I can say is and I know you know what I mean.

    Colleen: Truth be said, there are so many nurses out there who are advocates. Just sometimes ya have to go dah? I think maybe I was like that before I was diagnosed with bc. I knew so very little, and thought I knew so much

    Betty: Welcome to the medic tent. A stronger pain pill, a nice massage, some soothing music - I can see your eyelids slowly closing. Just rest up.

    Tracey: OMG, I just love the ABC's of aging. Yep, I fit in every line.

    OK - I gotta go. See ya all later. Hoping today is filled with only good things.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    Sneaking in at work....oops that the only tim eI do...No work til Monday so stay warm and have peace all weekend...
    CY 411 for my phone # at home so I can get started on that knitted
    sleep well my lovelies...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    OK! I am so busted. I left work, and guess what I did. I came home! Its just way too cold out there. Gonna work on my crafts and enjoy the evening.

    Got a big batch of chili cooking. It might not be as good as Shel's. Dont have a young hotty male to go with it.

    Pot#1: Vegetarian chili

    Pot#2: Hearty chili

    Pot#3: Vegetarian chili with hot spices

    Pot#4: Hearty chili with hot spices

    Have lots of toppings. Sour cream, grated cheese, guacomole, oyster crackers, and onions. But no green onions. Seems as though taco bell is having an issue with them.

    Have a great evening everyone. See ya in the morning

    PurpleMB: oh I sure do hate when your off the week-ends.

    Sige: I forgot to tell ya the red cowgirl outfit has a sparkly red sequence cowboy hat to boot.

    Carrie: Thinking of you and Denise. Heavy hearts but strong will power. And of course will power wins.

    Susan: BTW! How is your knee?

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Hello to all the wagon circle girls,

    I am not lost just been very busy here lately and not had time to do the things I wanted to do like check the breast cancer board. Man, work has been soooo busy. My boss had said December would be slow,,boy did he lie. I get home and it seems like I run run run until I go to bed.

    Man, miss a few days and its crazy trying to catch up. I dont take notes very well,,but here goes.

    Debbyfive-the fruit cake tent is a wonderful idea and I might find myself in there alot here lately. Reminds me of a story of my sister,,,my aunt makes this wonderful fruitcake not like claxton,it is the kind you make and you put in a ritz cracker box for it to get ready but anyway, homemade and its good. I hate fruitcake btw. Anyway, my sister kept snacking on it all night long one night as we were playing cards,,she just kept getting piece after piece. Well, the next day we were together again and for the life of her she couldnt figure out why she had a bad stomach all day. Geesh, it a whole fruit cake and that will do it. Anyway, we still kid her about it and it wasnt enough to keep her away from it.

    Mena, sorry to hear you are having it rough. Been thinking about you and laugh all the time thinking about the deliverance tent. This circle just isnt the same without you so dont you stay away too long.

    Lini-The musical sounds like it would be great. Love the title.

    Was it vickie that asked about Christmas stories?? oh well if it wasnt somebody did. I too remember hearing Santa and the reindeers on the roof and seeing the red nose up in the sky. I also remember one Christmas eve lying in bed at night and wishing I had asked for a Big Wheel (yes I have always been a tomboy,,lol) anyway, I asked Santa as I was going to sleep to please bring me one and that I promised to be good and that I knew it put him in a bind at the last moment but pleaseeeeee,,well woke up to the prettiest big wheel I had ever layed eyes on. Wow, Christmas memories are always good.
    As far as traditions, we, the entire family and I have 3 sisters and our kids all go to mothers and daddys and spend the night. We open presents on Christmas Eve and Santa comes that night and we wake up to see what he brought. This started when I was young and we would go to my grandparents and all spend the night. People sleeping everywhere but its so much fun being together. big Christmas Eve dinner and then a big breakfast on Christmas Day.

    Cheri-Sorry you are having a rough time here lately with sleep. If I dont get my 8 hours, nobody wants to be around me.

    Liz-So sorry your husband is sick, they are such whiners when they are sick. Imagine how they would be getting a boob removed. They would never make it.

    Madison-The dog stories are great. I know you dont think so but its nice to know I am not the only one with crazy dogs. I have a lab also along with every other kind of dog known to man and its a 3 ring circus. Mazer the Tazer and distorted humor will have the lab in check in no time. Well, either that or the lab will start braying and eating cinnamon teddy grahams. Have another drink and enjoy the pups. My mom has a chihuahua that will ride in a child backpack so might consider that,,lol.

    Christine-glad you stopped by to check in and good luck on the catering job. sounds like a whole lotta work for sure.

    CherylG-so sorry about your doctors comment to you. Send him to the deliverance tent and we will take care of him. Stupid doctors to be so smart, ya know?

    Sherndon-congrats on getting the play part. Sounds like fun. I agree totally with you statement about how it changes you when you can go out with no hair and no boob. Its a change for the good though.

    Betty-sorry your tooth is giving you so much pain. Have some,,,hiccup,,eggnog,,hiccup,,its really hiccup good and will help,,hiccup,,,with the pain.

    Speaking of eggnog, nice to see some drinking buddies around here. Its not nice to drink along, people will talk about ya.

    MB-enjoy your weekend off.

    AlaskaDeb-Great idea about the Christmas cards. I love going to the mail box and seeing who loves me. Speaking of,,I need to show my love and get my A$$ in gear and get mine mailed. Making a mental note to accomplish that this weekend.

    NS-loved the cat story-and I can just see your mini with a tree on top.

    Snowmen n thongs-love the ABC's-I cant relate to all of them.

    Nicki-love the chili-Its cold here in Alabama for us. A whopping 18 degrees tonight. He!! if its this cold, bring me some snow! distorted humor and Mazer are certainly enjoying the weather. They are frolicing about and having a grand time.

    Oh speaking of animals I got 2 new goats this weekend. 2 little precious pygmys. One is a pregnant female and the other is a used to be male. They are just as cute as can be. I will have to post a picture. I actually did take one, I just need to upload it off my camera.

    OK going to check out the eggnog again and be sure it taste ok. Notice the big glass bottles beside it for anybody that cares to uhhhh partake. Its for medicinal purposes so its ok. There is fresh nutmeg and cinnamon to sprinkle on top also.

    OK gotta run mmmm sure is good eggnog.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    My dear circle girls,

    I will come back later and reply to everyone. I have to run out now but will be back.

    But I have a proposal for you.

    BCO has given us this space to have our circle. And for that I am so grateful. Each one of you is so dear to me that I look forward to reading about your day every time I come here.

    I was going to send a donation to BCO to show my support and to reflect my gratitude to them. I can't afford much- the holidays are killing me right now!

    But I had an idea, if you want to and only if you are able and feel comfortable doing so, what about we send donations to BCO but mark them In Honor of the Wagon Circle?
    If all of us did that, I think it would show Dr. Weiss and Melissa and Tami and everyone else who runs this site, just how much we love being able to come here and sit by the campfire. And if they are all marked In Honor of The Wagon Circle then as a group it will be a large donation. Even if each of us just sent a few dollars.

    I don't know how you feel about it. But I cherish this space and the time we have together, and I thought at this time of giving we should do something to give back since BCO gives us this place for free.

    Let's talk about it in the Dining Tent and decide if we want to do this. I think it would be great.

    I got the idea today as I was opening your cards. I am so overwhelmed by each Circle Girl card that I don't care about any of the others I get- yours all get a place of honor. That is when I thought about giving back a little, but doing it as a group to honor the circle.

    Ok- gotta run and will be back later!

    Thank God I'm a Circle girl!!!
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Hello all you wonderful CG's
    First G what a wonderful ideal although I don't post here
    everyday I read most days and it helps me keep you all in my prayers and a little extra prayer for those of you going through tough times ! It is so nice to be able to keep caught up on about100 of you in one place !

    I want to give you all a very heartfelt thank you for the
    Christmas cards you sent to Deese and I , She had her follow up appointment with her onc today .She has a Goitter and multiple complex nodules .She is scheduled to go to a Endocrinologist the 22nd of Jan. as they want to give her time to recoup from her Brain surgery this coming
    tuesday. She came into my house after her appt. to talk and have a cup of coffee with me and I was able to give her
    a big hand full of Christmas cards from the circle girls !!
    Thanks to you she was smiles from ear to ear reading your cards , notes and pictures .

    Thank you dear ladies for the smile in both of our hearts!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Only have a minute right now ladies...NS...I think that you have a wonderful idea with the donation from the circle girls...count me in.
    Left work early as it's snowing really hard and I'm a chicken when it comes to bad roads.
    Be back later
    Hugs all
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    I don't have much time tonight (hubby is working late so I have to keep the boys from destroying the house and each other...they are really wound up tonight... LOL!) but, NS, I think that is a great idea! I am in too!

    Yikes, I just heard a crash...I hope nothing is broken!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    well..........i will be one of the first ones (i think) to make my donation to!

    i'm gonna make it in honour of the "circle" and the "drinking girls".........but i hope every single person here will know that it is for "all of us"......from every walk of life, from every continent, from every heartache, from every diversity, from every mindset, from every uncertainty, from every treatment choice...........for everyday that we walk this path (that we did not choose), for our "sanity"

    ok.........i'm stepping away from the soapbox lol!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    This circle has been a "safe haven" for me & I appreciate the warm welcome I've received. I think NS has a good idea, I'd contribute. I find myself checking in here a couple of times a day just to see what's going on. Gotta keep it short, forgot to copy & paste. LOL

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's...made it through the day...holy crap...I'm going to Shel's pissy tent...too many tests in one the big wait...thanks for your thoughts and prayers; keep them going...

    Jas...Calisthenics? Surely you jest...just 'cause you're getting in shape and all...I prefer to be a weeble. This way I won't fall down...

    NS...great idea...even $5.00 from each of us...

    Shel...that rat bastard. I hate him...and your mom...send her over...bring a banjo...

    Vickie...I had a dream that they found Trenton...any news?

    I'll be spending the night wandering between the pissy tent and the deliverance wagon stuffing my face with comfort food and inflicting medical prodedures on Mike and Shel's mom...yes, I've decided to take anybody that pisses us off...not just loser husbands...though they get VIP treatment...

    Welcome to all new CG's and love to everyone...ok, just 'cause I have the deliverance wagon doesn't mean I'm not a loverly person...I just have some issues...

    Chemo tomorrow...woo hoo...Mena...xo
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    lol at mom has been nothing but a pain in the ass since my dx.........mike has been a pain in the ass since conception!!!!!

    my mom likes everything to be "just so".......she is christmas obsessed.......she has a "dickens village worth about a bazillion dollars that my poor dad spends days assembling.......but then no one can go near it lol!!!!

    she decorates every bathroom, every bedroom, every nook and freakin crannie of her stupid house.......she invites like 50 relatives to christmas (sit down) dinner.......but i cook and delegate the whole stinking affair every year!!!!!!

    last year when i had my first chemo on dec 19th.......she flipped right out because it was "bad timing" d/t christmas dinner........she is a great lady.......loves my kid tothe death but holy shit........she has her priorities all wrong!

    my mom likes to bury her head in the sand......i'll never change that, don't even care to try, but "damn"......i'd rather hit the keys for christmas, and so would my kid!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening CG’s

    I just love getting mail now. I feel like a real schlep since I didn’t write something in each card. I knew if I did that, you’d get them next year. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

    My dog has some tumors removed today. He has lots of stitches and is in an e-collar. Needless to say he’s not a happy camper. The vet said she was sending off two tumors just to make sure there’s nothing there. I sure hope there isn’t.

    Mena, I will join you in the deliverance tent. I’m praying that all those horrid tests you endured today come back with good results. I’m so glad to see you. I miss your bright and cheery face.

    Tracey, I love the alphabet. I’m going to copy it and send it to some friends via email. I can so relate to a lot of those things now days.

    Debbyfive, I too love the idea of the fruitcake tent. I’ve never cared for the stuff myself. But think it would make a good weapon. Hmmm maybe we should use some in the deliverance tent. LOL

    Nicki, good for you for educating that nurse. I’ve been known to do the same. DH says he’s better so he’s going to work. I think he’s doing that so he doesn’t have to deal with the dog tonight. He sounds like a cartoon character when he talks. The chili was great! I love anything/everything spicy.

    Madison, I’m sure Jake is driving you nuts. I love puppies though. They’re so much fun to have around. Of course I can say that as he’s not here.

    MB, I’ve been getting in at least 8,000 steps a day. The weather is still way too cold to walk outside so I’ve been doing a lot of walking at the grocery store. I just go the long route to get what I need. Back is still bothering me so haven’t done much else.

    Shel, how wonderful of the lady to do that for you. Sometimes people can be so nice.

    Sher, you’re going to need your cruise to rest up from your vacation at your sis’s house.

    CherylG, I hate doctors who say things like that. My PCP and Oncologist both tell me this takes time and the aches and pains are real.

    Susan, when do you leave for Dland? Have a great time. I’ve never been there. Someday maybe.

    NS, my cousin’s cat climbs their tree every year. She can’t put ornaments on the bottom of it anymore either. Great idea on the donation. I’ll get that in the mail.

    Colleen, watch your arm carefully. I overdid during the summertime and thought I was developing LE. So far, I’ve been lucky. Typos? I didn’t know typing and spelling counted here. Uh Oh!

    Betty, bless your heart. Sorry you’re having pain. I hate anything dental related. We’ll take care of you in the medic tent.

    Vickie, your son sounds like mine at that age. He was adamant about Santa pictures/tracking. Glad you made it home safely. I hate blizzards. Cool you can take your pets and kids to work though.

    Amy, I mentioned to the DH last night that I’d like to see him recover from a mastectomy. OR have a testicle or two removed. Shut him up right quick. My friend has pygmy goats. They are cute when they’re small. Another friend has fainting goats and Emu.

    Carrie, I’m glad the cards are brightening yours and Deese’s days. You’re both in my prayers.

    Kristin, hope nothing was broken. It always made me cringe when I heard a crash.

    Cheri, I couldn’t have made it through this without this site.

    Donna, hopefully the weather will hold out for you to move. It’s this weekend isn’t it? I’m sick of this cold weather already.

    I’m missing so many CG’s. Know you’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006

    Shel, geez! I vote for the Keys girl.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    i'm cracking up at liz.........i wrote squat in my cards.......i was just so proud of my despicable and illegible handwriting that survived my efforts, that i actually toasted myself for getting the cards out!!!!!!

    god help me when i go back to work next month......i'll have a heads up on the doctor's rotten writing lol!!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    NS, in the dining tent with all of you and have decided to donate to in honor of the Wagon Circle. The check will be in the mail tomorrow. GREAT IDEA. You are all like a lifeline and it will be an honor to donate to this site giving credit to the Wagon Circle.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Good evening girls
    Thanks to all for encouragement. I noticed you all thought my pcp was male what makes this worse is she's a woman!!!!!! You'd thinkm she would understand. And yes I mentioned the foot pain to my onc and she said it was a normal condition after chemo and could also be aggravated by Arimidex. She's the one who told me to see my pcp for treatment
    NS... great idea. Count me in too. Don't have much to spare but if we group together I'm sure we can show them how much we appreciate
    MENA... in my thoughts and prayers.
    Well, my cards are staring me in the face again ... I must be the world's worst procrastinator I have got to get them out this weekend or xmas will be over before thay get there!
    Hugs and prayers to all