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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning ladies. Up at odark30 again. One of these days I'm gonna sleep past sunrise. Going to see Menopause The Musical on friday. Looking forward to it. Today we are going to my dad's for the day. He lives in the boonies aka The Swamp. Have to ooo and aaaa over the latest cow or his feelings will be hurt.

    MB, knitted boob?

    Kristin, fingers crossed and you are in my prayers.

    Shel, UGH!! What a ridiculous thing to say - and from your mother no less...HUGS!!! I vote for the Keys as well. Used to spend summers there as a kid. Great memories.
    How was dinner with the hottie neighbor?

    Tracey, life in the wilderness sounds crazy. Stay safe on those roads. Sorry about your employee.

    Sheri, Whats the name of the play?
    I'd say break a leg but I really don't want you to do that.

    Betty, tooth pulling...OUCH!! The school director sounds like a real idiot. Off to the deliverance tent for him.

    Liz, Happy Birthday to hubby.
    cooperative veins? is there such a thing?
    I am on Tamox, whats the question?

    Vicki, hugs to you hon. Let the memories keep you warm.

    Cheri, congrats on figuring it out

    Susan, Hugs to you too. Hope today is better. Glad Robin is home.

    NS, Think of all the lines we would bypass with two broken knees. Glad you had a good time at the party.

    Colleen, hope your feeling better today.

    cy, gentle hugs, my rads boob has been swollen since I finished rads sept 04. Like Susan, no one seems concerned about it but me.

    Have a great day girls.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    GM all....ok the holidays are here so I give you permission to relax...just remember to park the furthest away so you get a little walking in....then have an extra cookie to reward yourself....

    Jas I have been driving the ladies hard with exercise so I'm glad you are taking over for good to see you.

    Cheri...Buffalo..we must do lunch...was there last bus relief...just think of the poor bus driver (like my DH)...66 of them all at

    Liz, remember to take care of you too...its ok to take a day or two off...

    Shel I hope you found your way to the delivrernce tent...a good time is being had by all...Mena enjoys it way too my cat loves christmas too...thinks the fake birds int he trees..i have 3...are real...

    Kristin take it easy and things will work out...hugs and boy was that waiting room crowed..we drank all the coffee...

    Nicki...still waiting for your reservations at the Hill top Spa...and what would you like on the menu...

    Missing so many...have a warm & wonderful day...or just sit by the fire and have some lovely herbal tea...or a stiff drink which ever....

    Ok CG I am looking for anyone from the Pittburgh. PA area...I will be there for three days next week ( sitting at the hospital with my dad)and would love to meet for lunch.or something...PM me...
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Have a good day Nicki.

    Jasmine, I'm on vacation. Not a chance.
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    Good morning beauty queens,

    I am pissed, my brand spanking new, fully loaded Pontiac G6 (well, not brand spanking, I got it last year) is getting fixed at the dealership. Some computer glitch in the car is causing the interior lights, door ajar sign and the car alarm to NOT shut off. This all happened in the middle of the night last night, holy crap! scared the bejesus out of me and the entire neighbourhood
    Flashing lights, loud horn honking....anyhoo it's getting fixed today on my one and only day off but on the bright side I am now driving a 2007 fully loaded Grand Prix for the day
    My 5 week old brand spanking new little nephew is in the ICU with a severe RSV infection, almost had to intubate and vent him say a little prayer for him please. His name is Austin Kane Bernard. He is such a dear little soul.
    I hope everyone is feeling ok today. It is our staff Christmas get together tonight at the Casino, hopefully it will be a barrel of laughs.

    Take care girls, love Tina
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Yikes! I had lots of posts to catch up on, didn't make it through all of them as work is calling and I'm behind. But I decided it's just as important (if not MORE important) that I give time to myself too, and today that means feeling connected to you all... so work will just have to wait a few more minutes...

    Jeannie - great news about Sam being home!

    Sheri - Sorry about the ruckus. My future SIL would make her 4 boys sit on the steps with their arms wrapped around each other hugging when they fought. Of course they were a bit younger. Anyway, they would end up laughing, or mad at mom instead of each other, but it helped reinforce her message - your brothers are your family, you do not hurt each other! (They're 12, 14, 20, and 21 today, and get along pretty well!)

    NS - Recently saw a list of top 10 football players of all time and LT was on it! I cracked up. Sounds like your friend already knows the truth about her DH, and I have to believe she also appreciates your friendship/honesty. Sorry about the couch - I hate shipping costs in general!

    Vickie - Hope yesterday was bearable for you, my thoughts were with you and your adopted mom's family.

    Boobbuster - hang in there today!

    Susan - glad to hear you feel like some progress is being made. You always have a kind word for everyone on this board, I hope your husband can begin to understand the precious gift he has in you.

    MB - got your card, it made me cry!

    Liz - HUGS!!

    Nicki - any news on the port?

    Shel38 - I decided a long time ago to make Christmas fun for my son, and yes, that meant not spending time with my family for a few years. Do what YOU need to do (if you can, I know it's hard!!)

    Kristin - I started with the irr heartbeats after chemo, it turned out to be a murmur, but fine. Good luck, I agree, if there was something wrong with your heart you'd know it!

    Madison - You can't get anything done holding a dog is my quote of the day!!

    Everyone else, cause I missed lots - HUGS to you!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning All,

    I just spent 45 minutes trying to catch up! There really is a whole lot going on here. Went to my ps yesterday. The infection is clearing up nicely, but I had two small openings along the incision. He whipped out the novocaine and proceeded to cut open my incision again and re-stitch it. I was not quite ready for that! It was a little sore yesterday, but feels a lot better today. I hope this is the end of it, although it seems that none of this stuff ever completely ends . He said that now he just wants to save the implant. Say What???? I told him not to utter those words out loud. Oh well, I am dealing.

    Nicki - I'm glad your port is out. I didn't need one. I have veins like garden hoses . I'm glad your revision turned out well. It gives me hope.

    Vicki - I'm glad you saw your daughter! How wonderful!

    Shel - Go ahead an feel pissy all you want. You should put Mike's pic on the punching bag! I can't believe what your Mom said! Take it from one who has been there, men think with their "little head" and get into trouble. I beat myself up for years until I finally realized it wasn't by fault. Thankfully, we were able to get beyond all the BS and we are still together. It was not your fault. Mike has a brain and made his own decisions!

    Susan - Crummy buttons???? ROFLMAO!! I love it! Thanks for the good vibes!

    Chistine - I agree. It takes forever to catch up if you aren't here every day!

    Shirley - Thanks for the good wishes.

    Madison - My son has a huge Lab, so I understand your pain. They certainly do tend to take over.

    I have to admit that I am also a Grinch. I try so hard to get into the holiday spirit, but it never quite happens. My sister is threatening to kick my behind if I don't straighten up. She sits in front of her tree for hours and gets all sentimental. Not my cup of tea.

    Well, time to get to all my chores. Still trying to get decorating done. I will try to take it easy. I don't need to tear out my brand new sutures .
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    You know there just isn't a day that goes by without several crises here in the circle. Thank goodness ya'll are so skilled at making them sound funny.

    Liz/Christine/Cheri our snow is melting fast. How about you?

    Jan, glad your incisions are healing. Veins like a garden hose. LOL!! Do you know how lucky you are. It's a battle everytime I have a blood draw.

    Colleen, good for you. Work is LESS important.

    Tina, wonder what spooked your car last night. How can a car go bad just sitting there??? The more gizmos they put on cars, the more there is to go wrong. Sorry to hear about your nephew. Will be praying for him.

    MB, I will be walking tons everyday next week at Dland. I should get a pedometer before I go so I can report back. I want brownie points. Around here you trade in brownie points for real brownies.

    Shirley: re rads boob. are they telling you that's normal. It's hard to do self-exams when your boob is sore.
    CherylCY: I had similar problems. I did a round of antibiotics and they told me I was fine.

    Kristin: We all know you have a good heart.

    Chemosabi: Don't fall asleep at work. Find a way to get more coffee!! I'm glad you took time off from your computer to spend with DH. Enjoy that while you got it.

    Newvickie, more hugs for you today.

    cheri123, hey you figured the computer out.

    As for me, progress has stopped. this is so hard. Whatever is going to happen, I want it over now!! Ha! ain't gonna happen that way. I feel like I have one foot in the world with my husband and with the other foot I'm sticking my toes out to see what the rest of the world is like. <aarrgh>

    I know I'm missing some. BTW what are "she hates mes"???
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    SUSAN...YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT "SHE HATES ME'S" ARE!!! Trust, hide...don't let MB see that question...she's trying to kill us with her exercises! LOL. I'm not good at explaining it but you sit on the floor, cross your arms over your chest, raise your legs off the floor and "walk" in the air...hope I got that right...MB?
    Tina...saying prayers for your dear nephew to get well soon.
    Hmm..I just noticed that MB is giving us a "holiday break"...whew...I have so much candy on my desk it's all I've done is eat chocolate today. Now I don't feel so bad...LOL.
    MB...your a doll...please know that I'm all my circle sisters.
    Nicki...ME riding distorted humor...oh my...would you believe I'm scared to death of horses. It would be a riot to see that though.
    I'm out of the blues tent FOR THE REST OF THE MONTH NO MATTER's been a year since my dx and I'm still here...NO MORE BLUES...if I even mention the blues I invite you to come kick my a$$!!
    Thanks again for all your kind words
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    CG checking in before the boss comes
    Susan..walking at may burn up your pedometer....check out my exercise thread..she hates me are fun...evily MORE magazine article on relationships..and getting some fire had lots of good info... your suppose to work at work...hmmm no wonder my boss gets take time for YOU....I tell him its cheap therapy...

    Cheri..ok it would be a long

    ok this may sound bad but please let me vent.....
    this year I want the holidays to be bout me...what makes ME feel writing cards to over 49 BC friends...and baking cookies every friday with my grand what if I should be working...and I want presents for me......I always take care of everyone it bad to be selfish....its not something I have ever done before so it feels weird to feel like this...

    Ok I feel better thanks...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good morning to you all. My night sweats started the other night, wellll, my hot flashes have now begun. In the night it was covers on, covers off ,on,off,on, get the idea. From what I've read on here it goes with the terrirory. Although I have already been through the menopause thing. My dh better buckle up, it was a bumpy ride the first go 'round!

    Cheryl cy, let us know what the dr. said about your swelling. Was your breast hard, too? Mine is not only swollen but tender & really hard. They say it's scar tissue...I'm not so sure.

    Vivki, they say crying is sometimes a very good thing. You need to let it out. I wish I could take away your pain.

    Kristen, hope your heart tests come out alright. I had to wear a monitor once & I ended up being fine.

    Jasmine, go ahead & start those exercises without me and I'll catch up later....NOT!!

    I live in Buffalo,MO. not NY

    Tina, hope your car gets the kinks out of it today. Also, praying your little nephew will be alright.

    Jan, hope your feeling better after the surprise at the dr.s office.

    Shel, where do I begin? As for your Mother, maybe she spoke before she thought. I have a sister that way, she doesn't realize how things sound....or maybe she's just not a nice lady. And I've already told you what you should do about your dh. (and I don't mean darling husband either)

    To all the other ladies that are awaiting test results, I wish you excellent outcomes. For all those who just plain feel Yucky today, I hope something wonderful happens to make you feel better.

    Best wishes to all,

    Cheri M.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006

    I missed what you are taking. Is it Arimidex or Tamoxifen? I got hot flashes and night sweats with a vengence. I am on Arimidex. I have been taking it since Oct. '04. The night sweats and hot flashes seem to have calmed downed with time, although I go through cycles where they are worse. I know what you mean about the covers thing. My poor DH puts up with the ceiling fan all year, no matter what the weather. He can be bundled up under the comforter, and I'm laying there bare-a$$ed sweating like a pig! I hope things calm down for you eventually!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Kristen, I know what you mean about your heart not doing its thing at the dr. It always seems to work that way. I hope your tests come out ok. Are you starting herceptin already?

    Vicky, I'm trying to permanently emerge from the blues tent myself. You've gone through a lot this week. I'll hold your hand if you hold mine.

    I love all your stories about how to deal with the boys. I'm thinking about locking them both out the next time they get into it.

    Well, the play is "To Kill a Mockingbird" and I DID get a part. I am the crazy old lady, Mrs. Debose. The director likes to give me "character" parts. I guess I can be pretty crazy when I want to be. I've been doing plays the past 4 years, but ever since my BC, I'm definitely a lot less inhibited. I figure I went out in public minus a boob and bald, so I can do anything!

    I have my follow up on the MRI tomorrow. I was tempted to call and try to get the results early, but decided to be patient. If it was bad, I think he would have called me by now. My neck is still hurting, so I at least hope they can figure out what is causing the pain.

    My hotflashes are ok lately, it's been pretty cold. My dh swears our house is 20 degrees, though. I think it's just right!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone! Well, do I have time to respond to everyone? Im sure gonna try. First I wake up late and miss my morning computer time and now DH is battling me for computer time.

    Today was another wonderful day. I sure walked off my calories today, I will tell you that. I do love it when Im busy, but not too busy to feel stressed.

    And I walked the perimeter of the circle. It was so lovely. There was a slight warm up here. Felt good to walk about in the forest. The tree still had snow on them, good enough for a picture. Looked like a winter wonderland. It went about 32 degrees, so some of the snow was melting and there was a pleasant sound walking on the ground covered with slightly melting snow and fallen leaves. It was a good day.

    Christine: Adriamycin can have heart toxicity, but most times there is a full recovery. I had issues with my heart on A/C and herceptin. But I was able to get 12 rounds of it. Hoping all goes well.

    Jasmine: OMG! I almost fell off my chair when I read your post. It is so good to hear from you. I hope life is treating you great. Im already running from PurpleMB. If I run away from you, I may just get cornered. YIKES! Time to start exercising again.

    Sherloc: I think "Menopause the Musical" sounds great. Im laughing at it, and its just a title. You have to tell us all about it. Good smiles!

    Tina: Being a nurse, you will really understand it was a full moon day. We have taken "Austin" and put him in the middle of the circle. So many mothers here to protect him. Hope the little guy is ok. The car thing STINKS! I get a new car to prevent problems! Hoping today is better.

    Colleen: Oh how I wish I could sneak in at work. But Im running around all day. Drove 100 miles today! I should get the results back of my tumor marker tomorrow. If its ok, I gonna schedule to get it out the 1st part of January. Im not gonna do anything this year that will ruin Christmas.

    Jan: All I can say is Ouch! Man I would have fallen over and fainted. Glad that its feeling better and Im hoping the infection is responding great to the antibiotics. I was lucky with that. The antibiotic worked. Grinch you say? I say, no way - everyone celebrates in their own way.

    Susan: Ive been right where you are. One foot in and one foot out. Even left for a day. But, I was lucky. Things worked out. If he hasnt apologized please bring him back to the deliverance tent!

    PurpleMB: OK, I am laughing so hard, I almost peed my pants. Yes, I agree - I want Christmas to be about me too.

    Vickie: All that chocolate sounds soooooo good. Distored Humor says he wont go fast if you take a ride.

    Cheri: So who have yous een about the breast thing. Sures sounds like an infection. Are you on antibiotics. Hoping all is well. Im the original red hot mama. Hot flashes I understand! glad there is a window above the head of my side of the bed.

    Sheri: OMG I am so glad you got the part. I remember when you did the last one. You were so excited and it sounded like so much fun.

    Amy: Where are you? Distored Humor is pouting. Hasnt seen Mazer the Tazer in a day or two.

    Robin: Im hoping you are continuing to recover at home. Miss hearing from you.

    Sige: Well picture this. Im sitting on Distorted Humor. Have a red cowgirl outfit on (for Christmas) and Im waving to you. Hope all is well.

    OK, I did it. I got my time before my husband takes over. Betty, CherylCY, Nanium, and so many others. I hope all is going well.

    See ya in the morning

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    Dear CG'S , Please know, that I am thinking of all of You, and Praying for everyone! Susan, my heart breaks for you, go to the pissed tent and kick Butt!!! I am sure You will have a lot of company ( so sad ) Our Mena, needs Your prayers for Strength tomorrow!! and poor carrie, i dont even know what is going on, what a mess some of us are in!!! I myself am in the Fruite cake tent ( I heard they needed some nuts, so i volunteered my Brains) Bless You all! debbyfive--- Miss Debby-- Puppy--- OM , I cant even remember my name!!!!!! xoxoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Sheri...I am right here holding your hand...keep that in mind every time you tnink of sneaking back in the blues tent...imagine me pulling you back out. I am sooo happy you got a part!!! What wonderful exciting deserve it and you will be wonderful. Break a leg sweetie.
    Gotta get dinner
    Be back later
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    If you any of you get a chance like Shirley to see Menopause the Musical, GO!! It's a riot. Had a good laugh!!

    Maybe we need to shut down the blues tent, and kick each others butts out of there. Let's go for a long walk and talk. Then dinner and a drink. Sounds nice, huh??
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Evenin' ladies. Hope everyones day went alright. Mine sucked. I don't have any idea why but I have been mad at the world all day. Nothing suits me, edgy, nervous and feel meaner than a snake. I've worked hard on keeping the mean part inside, I don't want to take it out on anyone else. I rarely get this way and I hate it. Nothing happened to give me a reason I've just been in a bad mood. I'll be alright though. Geez, I just hope this isn't one of the menopausal symptoms of the meds I'd rather be depressed or in a fog than to be angry!

    Jan, I've been on tamox for about 2 months now. Didn't start to affect me until just this past week. Two years and you're still having hot flashes? Geez. How about your mood on your meds? You're not feeling meaner than a snake like I am are you? I'm just hoping I don't run into a controversial thread on here tonight. New friends might become old acquaintences. Nah, I'm not really that bad and I'll be better tomorrow.

    Sheri, congrats on getting a role in the play. "To Kill a Mockingbird" it's my all-time favorite movie. You'll be great in it. Good luck on your results tomorrow.

    Well s
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    We are all holding hands and hearts...
    Now...what do we need for the fruitcake tent...besides the fruitcake...I have tons of Christmas lights...if we use them all we'll be seen in outer space.
    Lets hear some happy holiday stories from years past and some ideas for new holiday traditions for the bright future we are going to have.
    I'll start...I remember the Christmas with my grandparent when I LOVED Barbara Eden in "I dream of Jeannie" and they got me pajamas that looked exactly like her outfit in the show. I have a picture of it somewhere...I'll see if I can find it.
    Had another Christmas were we went and picked up a couple of guys we knew who were all alone and brought them home Christmas eve...watched movies and they spent the night and watched Sarah open her gifts Christmas morning and I made a huge breakfast. The smiles on their faces was wonderful.
    Future Christmas...gotta think about that.
    Hugs ladies
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Best Christmas - When I actually heard the Santa and the reindeer fly by my house. No lie!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    LOL Well. Wasn't I the smug one when I posted without a problem on here earlier? I thought I did things exactly the same this time but it just posted part of it and I somehow lost the rest. Anyway, if you're reading this then I was able to post.

    Nicki, I was at the onc last week and he says this is scar tissue but wants to see me back in Jan.

    Best wishes to all,

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh and's gotta be menopause along with the holiday stress. I have the same kind of days where I am just plain pi$$ed off. It will pass...kind of like PMS only more often. I can usually work through it just by knowing what it is if that makes any sense. Go to the deliverance tent and take out your anger and frustration there...lots of deserving people needing that kind of treatment.
    Hugs to you
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh Lini...I remember the year the year my dad took a flashlight and covered the lens with red was really dark out and he ran across the yard and all my siblings were totally freaking out. He ran out back of the house and climbed the ladder and stomped around on the roof!! It was never saw a bunch of kids go to bed so fast in your life.
    Were you in the eggnog by any chance LOL!
    Our local fire department does Santa sightings on Christmas eve...if you have a scanner you can here them nme town after town where he has been sighted until about 8:00 then sign's soo much daughter used to be totally convinced.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls,

    I’m so glad DebC thought of the Christmas card exchange. It is so much fun getting them in the mail.

    Colleen, what a great picture of you and your son. Thanks so much for sharing.

    NS, I love your note on the back of your card. Third wagon on the left. That really made me smile.

    Sher, Menopause the Musical I’ve heard is really really good. Have fun. How’s hubby’s knee? I think it was Cheri wanting to know about Tamoxifen.

    MB, Thanks for giving me a break. I’ll get back into it day after tomorrow. I promise. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be doing what I do now. Thank you so much. I think Gary from chat is in Pittsburgh. I would love for one day to be just about me. Oh well, maybe sometime that will happen. You’re not being selfish at all.

    Jasmine, how the heck are you? I haven’t seen you in a long time. Exercise? MB gave me a couple of days off. LOL

    Tina, oh my! My mom has a G6. I had a Pontiac Grand Prix and loved it! I sure miss it. I hope that doesn’t happen to her. She’d really freak out. Your nephew is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kristin, hopefully wearing the monitor will show them what’s going on. Hang in there.

    Jan, save the implant? Hugs dear. Hopefully this new stitching will take care of all your problems and the infection will heal quickly. I seem to be a real Grinch this year also.

    Susan, the snow is slowly melting. Fortunately, the roads are mostly clear now. It’s going to be super cold here tomorrow they say. Not sure if it’s headed your way or not. Sorry progress has stopped. All you can do is take it one day/step at a time. You will survive whatever direction it goes. We’re all here for you.

    Vickie, I agree. Susan does not want to know about “SHE HATES ME’S”. LOL Okay, no more blues tent for you. We’ll keep a watch on you. Oh I need chocolate.

    Cheri, oh I still have those on, off, on, off of the cover nights. I’m on Arimidex. Fortunately, my husband works nights so he’s not here to complain. I get grumpy, mean etc. for no reason at times too. I blame Arimidex and chemo. It does get better though.

    Shel, describe your couch. I’m thinking I need to go shopping for a new one soon. Of course, I’d love to redecorate the whole house but that’s impossible now.

    Sheri, congratulations on getting the part. We’ll be with you for the MRI results. But in case I’m late, be sure to let us know.
    Robin, hope you’re feeling better.

    Debbyfive, how are you doing? Didn’t you have another test recently? What’s up with our Mena? I miss you guys.

    Carrie, prayers still coming your way for you and Denise.

    Lini, good to see you.

    My DH has the upper respiratory gunk again. He is the world’s worst sick person. I sure hope we caught it early this time. Last time he was home and in bed for a week with high fever etc. Wish me luck girls.

    Hugs and Prayers to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh Liz...wishing you luck with DH...hope he bounces back quickly and you don't end up with it.
    NS...I got your card...and I too love the 3rd wagon on the truly made my day. I'm hanging all my cards on my new fancy front door that way I see you all coming and going every day...just might have to leave them there year round.
    debbyfive...good to see you.
    Freezing cold and windy the propane fireplace going with hot chocolate and chocolate covered cherries...come on over Liz and all.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Gather round ladies - hot chocolate, hot tea and a selection of cookies. Oh, and marshmallows, whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for your cocoa if you like.

    Shirley - that is one active group! Glad you're having fun!

    Lini - Hugs! bc sucks, in so many ways....

    Liz - sorry hubby is sick again! I am the most unphotogenic person on the planet, but I LOVE that picture. I was so happy I forgot to stress out about having my picture taken I think!

    Shel - we have an endless supply of dishes, so break away... except oops! now you need to throw fruitcakes! Watch out, you could hurt someone with one of those!

    MB - gingerbread creamer - yum!! I'm that way about my birthday now, I feel like my fiance should shower me with gifts and basically get down on his hands and knees and thank god that I'm alive and in his life. (Didn't happen though... LOL)

    Nicki - no exercise for me either, it's terrible! I have no excuse at all. Hope you get good news re the port, but you're so right, no "procedures" until after the holidays!

    Kristin - Well doesn't that just figure! Good luck with the 24 hours test. (I once had to have a 24 hour urine test - that was interesting!!)

    Betty - love the kazoos for the kids, you should definitely do that! Hope the tooth is feeling better...

    Cheri - glad the snow days are over!

    Susan - thanks for the update on Robin. I once read that Dr Phil book (Relationship Rescue) I'm not a huge fan of his, but I found the bood really helpful. Don't put too much pressure on yourself right now though.

    Tina - prayers for your nephew, how scary, I hope he's improving

    Sheri - Congrats on Mrs. Debose!!!

    Vicky - Fruitcake tent - count me in!!

    OK, off to read with my son for 15 minutes, and then probably into bed. I'm exhausted (for a change of pace!)

    MB, NS, and Lynn - I'm loving getting the cards!!

    Everyone - so thankful I found this place, and for each and every one of you.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hello All,

    I just came into the circle to say hello. I miss you all.
    I can't visit any tent because of the BIG LAB PUPPY at my still crazy house. He would jump on everything, eat all the food, drink whatever you have on the counters......

    Love to all

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Just a quick "Hello CG's" Missing you all and tru=ying to stay in tune with all that is happening here. I belong in the Crazy Fruitcake tent, at least until this, mu busiest work week is over.
    Susan- we had more ice than snow, so many outta power, some for 6 days! So many down trees, and this was just after our last big damaging storm in July.
    cheri- where is Buffalo, MO?
    shel - do what is best for you and Mac and I know I am late with this, but a little secret that I love to add to chili is some chopped mild banana peppers. Yum, maybe you could try next time you are making chili for "company"
    Tina, prayers for you nephew. I hope it is a quick recovery.
    Gotta check a couple more threads/forums, then off to bed (right after Medium) tomorrow is my HUGE catering event. I am not too stressed at this point, maybe the effexor I started last week is kicking in. Tomorrow, I increase from 37.5 mg to 75 mg, just in time (lol)
    TTY in a day or two.
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2006

    Didn't we tell you that we have a puppy tent? Presided over by Mazer the taser and Distorted Humor. They keep the animals in line and even let in the pussy cats. We go there for snuggles and then send the crew from the deliverance tent to clean up the messes.
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Girls!

    Wow miss one day and it's darn near impossible to catch up! Here goes...

    BOOBBUSTER: best of luck on this new regimen of chemo. You are in my thoughts and prayers

    MENA: Prayers and hugs to you

    SUSAN: glad to hear about you having the difficult conversations. Good step in the right direction. Hang in there, it will all work out for the better.

    Knitted Boobies?????? I would pay big $$ to anyone who would knit a pair for me ... I am knitting challenged but they sound so comfy compared to my heavy rubbery ones

    Puppies?? We have two 2 year old Shittshu (sp?) they are eternal puppies LOL Cute as heck but boy do they keep you hopping

    OK my turn to vent...went to my PCP yesterday for checkup and bloodwork results. Realized she forgot to test for the estrogen levels so have to go for more bloodwork. Then she referred me to a psychiatrist!!!!!!!!!!!! She says that the foot pain (hobbling around) is all in my mind just not exercising enough, chemo brain is gone by now but I am not making an effort to think differently, Arimidex doesn't cause night sweats or brain fog... it's just normal menopause. I got out of there with the worst attitude you ever saw only to find a cop putting a ticket on my car because my meter expired 5 minutes ago. Poor guy never knew what hit him ended up apologizing and cancelling the ticket!
    Time to find a new PCP .... ya think??

    Ok I feel better now Don't know what I would do without the Circle girls.

    Hugs and prayers to anyone I missed... luv to all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Hey there Circle Girls!

    Today I had to have something done that I never had to have done before! I had to have my Christmas tree DELIVERED! I usually pick it up, throw it in my car or on top of my car and take it home. But now that I have a Mini with a glass roof I can't!

    My local place is great- they do it for free- but I think they made a mistake. I brought my stand and they put the tree in it for you so you have a straight tree for once but they gave me a brand new stand... So either someone else has my stand or they added this one to my charge account. I have to check this out in the AM. It just came tonight and my cat is FREAKING about having a tree inside the house.

    I am praying all our girls are well or at least coping ok... Lisa, Penny, Stephanie, Robin, Menathebanjogirl,Shel and all our little relatives and loved ones we have been thinking of...

    That poor man who was lost in Oregon didn't survive. How SAD. They said he tried SO HARD and got further than they could believe... too bad we couldn't have had another miracle.

    Kristin, I had to wear one of those monitors once. No biggie. Still hoping and praying all your tests are FINE!!

    Jasmine, LOL! Calisthenics sounds so much more healthy than "going for the burn!" OK I will sign up!

    Hey Shirley, I hear that is a funny show! Have a great time at THE SWAMP!!!

    MB- I do that! I park far away!!! That counts right??

    Oh boy Tina you have a lot going on! I hope your car is fixed for good! And an RSV infection can be really serious can't it? I will say extra prayers for Austin.

    Oh yeah Colleen, LT is a perennial favorite! You may have a collector's item on your hands!

    Biker?? OW! I hope everything works out for you! Lord, just when you think you are finished!!

    Oh Susan, I am sorry about your progress... I have a friend who found out her DH was cheating on her with not just one woman but with two. One of them lives right next door to them! Ever since she found out and forced him to confess, she has taken away everything he has... his computer- where she found all sorts of really gross stuff, his cel phone and he has to sleep in the basement. They have this HUGE THING hanging over them and the kids all know that there is something majorly wrong- but she "can't decide" what to do...
    Every single member of her family has told her she should dump the bum. He has been seen around town at lunchtime calling god knows who from payphones... but she is holding on. A leaopard doesn't change its spots where this guy is concerned. But she let this whole thing deteriorate when she suspected something was up with him years ago.
    I am NOT saying that is what your DH is doing at all... but what I am saying is, sometimes we have to listen to the warning bells and read the writing on the wall before years of misery go by. She has been robbed of good years where she could have found someone else... like that book says- "Don't waste your pretty!"
    Do what you think you have to do. Limbo is a terrible place to be. Sending you a big hug (((Susan)))

    Oh Sheri! That is a great role!! SHe is the one who says to her visiting nephew " I don't want you to go near that house- a maniac lives there!" I wish I could see you in it!

    Cheri, everyone is entitled to one of those days... sometimes we just need to get it out of our system. Have you ever baked bread from scratch? The kneading and beating of the dough is GREAT therapy!

    Vickie we DEFINITELY need EGG NOG in that tent!!!

    Lini, every year I look up to see if I can see him... sometimes if it is clear outside I can make his sled out... I love Christmas Eve- SO EXCITING!

    Christine, I wish I could help you! I miss not catering anymore!!! Let me tell you, I can relate to what you are going through! Hang in there!!!

    Cheryl, SO sorry to hear about the blood work mix up! As for the psychiatrist recommendation- IF I HEAR ONE MORE DOC SAY THAT TO A BC SISTER!!!
    I was told my breathing problems were stress related... until I went to a pulmonolgist and it is asthma, we have someone here who had a bad gall bladder who was told it was all in her mind.. hmm.. then why did they have to operate on it??? We are medical pros- we have been there done that and are WAY PAST "needing to see a doctor" to complain about some phantom illness.... don't they know by now we HATE going to doctors? I hope you can go to a different doc and get the attention you need. Let me tell you one thing, I had bad foot pain and it was coming from a compressed disc in my spine- not my mind. ((good luck Cheryl!!))

    Ok-time to see if the cat is trying to climb the tree again!