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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hello To All,

    Jake (the BIG PUPPY) is in the animal tent. I hear crashing and banging and a whole lot of yelling – Jake NO – Jake DOWN

    I am going to try to visit for a short while:

    Boobbuster, let us know how you are doing. We are thinking about you.

    Mena, we are with you also, check in tomorrow for a visit. We’ll go visit you in Shel’s pissy tent.

    Shel, I wonder if our Moms are related…..something about all show and no warmth in the person. I wonder if they ever realize that people can see through all the “show” and realize they do things for themselves and not others. I may be overstepping my bounds here, but reading about your Mom makes me think of mine. She is 77 and I don’t think she has been happy a day in her life. I can’t help but feel sorry for her (and awfully aggravated with her at times) All I wanted to do was grow up and NOT BE LIKE HER. I vote for the keys!!!

    Liz, I sorry about your dog and hope everything is okay. Jake gets to go to work with my vet daughter tomorrow (yea) and get free echocardiogram, etc. She is doing a cardiology rotation and gets to bring him to the hospital. I don’t care – I am just so happy he will be GONE FOR A DAY. Let me know what the test results are.

    Amy, how is the eggnog? I think I will join you. Can I visit your new goats? I promise not to bring Jake. My little 5 pound Maltzu has started charging Jake so I don’t have to carry her around as much.

    Tracey, I love the alphabet. I can relate….

    CherylG, why is it when we have problems the docs don’t know how to handle they want us to go to a psychiatrist?!?! Let’s round up these docs for the deliverance tent! I’ve been through normal menopause AND now I am going through hormone therapy after BC. . . . AND THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. I wonder when these damn doctors will realize our problems are real.

    Susan, it is hard not knowing how the problem will resolve itself. Sometimes I wish we have the crystal ball and could see what was “coming around the corner”. The waiting and now known is the hardest part.

    MB, I might have to stop by for some of those cookies. Enjoy your grand daughter.

    Cheri M, night sweats are not fun. I laughed when you said your husband better buckle up for the ride….my dh wanted to turn the heat up in the house earlier and I told him NO. He is cold and not too happy with me right now.

    I know I am missing responding to some of you wonderful circle girls, but I have to go see about Jake. The tent just fell on top of them (I think he knocked it down with his tail because I can see something wagging through the tent material) and there is some awfully loud screaming coming from that area. I’ll pay to fix the tent ladies………

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    I came home from Gramma duty tonite---have been out of the circle since Tuesday noonish. Do you guys know how MUCH we talk?!? There were 79 posts in 48 hours---a person's eyeballs could fall out trying to keep up with all of you Chatty Kathys!

    too much to even try to respond to but each but I definitely vote for the fruitcake tent! Let's focus on keeping the holidays silly---always my strong suit anyway! My favorite Christmas memory? When I was ten all I wanted was my older cousins beautiful black three speed bicycle----an "English". He was selling it but my folks said I wasn't old enough for such a big bike. Santa left me a note under the tree with scavanger hunt type clues that led me all thru the house and guess what I finally found. The "English"! I CRIED---but I do that with gay abandon anyway.

    Whoever said they were going to see Menopause The Musical-----you will love it! Saw it here last summer although I must say forcing a whole theater full of ladies who can't walk and sneeze at the same time to go an hour and a half with no intermission and laugh that hard is cruel and unusual punishment!

    Came home to go see the surgeon tomorrow for the fu on the US last week. I know it's a cyst, the tech told me it was a cyst, but I'm a little fidgety anyway. Isn't that silly?

    Vickie---I drove from Ithaca to Syracuse this afternoon in that mess. For once it was miserable down there and sorta decent here----but we're getting lake effect tonite. Probably 8" by morning. If it's too slippery I'll just take SO's truck.

    Whover is having the Holter? Piece of cake. And it's good for your peace of mind to know just what that is. Had to wear one for 3 days about a bazillion years ago when they were the size of small refrigerators---now they're tiny and someone told me recently that the recording can be xmitted by phone.

    I'm going to be gone for about a week ladies----can you all pipe down a little? I hate not knowing what's going on!

    Maybe next year I'll get nice notes on my CG cards----I sure do appreciate getting them from all of you---but this year it's pretty straightforward. Sam has kind of eaten up the Christmas prep time. And biy, is he CUTE! Gonna kiss all of the skin off his little cheeks if I'm not careful!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    ok ya'll had me in tears again today when I got the mail. Opening these cards is just sooo cool. I'm leaving my troubles behind and flying to California tomorrow by myself. I will get to see all my cancer buddies and then monday i go to disneyland with my dland buddies. I'm sure there will be 10 or 20 pages of posts when I get back. Ya'll help take care of each other, ok??

    I'm in on the donations to in honor of the Circle.

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Have a great time Susan... you deserve it
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    The cards are so much fun to open up. I have mine ready to address, I promise to get them done!

    Had my dr appt today about the neck MRI. No cancer, yeah, but it did show degenerating disc disease. Because of the stenosis, or whatever, my onc is sending me to a neurosurgeon to see if we can find a way to ease the pain. Yuck!

    When I think of fruitcake, I remember this wonderful sauce my grandmother would make to pour on it. It was soooo good. I found out after I grew up it was a rum sauce, no wonder. I can eat fruitcake with that on it.

    I'm not usually up at this time, but after taking melotonin and a sleeping pill and 3 pills for my rls, I'm still awake. Tomorrow is going to be tough, but hey, I can do it!

    Thanks CGs!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Sheri, that's just great news about your neck not being cancerous. I know you had to be worried over it. Going to see a dr. that can help ease the pain is a good thing.

    Susan, hope you have a wonderful time. Hurry back!

    I look forward to checking back in the morning. May you all be well.

    Cheri M.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    wow took a while to reasd thre pagers. By the time zi geet doen reading the words are movina all ove they page andf they won't hold still
    So much has happened in the last couple of day but I'm so b\very tire I only got abou 3 4 hours of bnroken sleep before a long day T work. and I get to do it again tonight

    I'm hurting retty bad and getting swelling goin down what looks like a small tube under my skin from th ebottopmof the breast to my belly and it hurts to push on it.

    Qoq I really bneed to hit the bed as I'fasllign off my chairt as I tupe.
    Nite all my loveing CG Sisters!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Not alot of time to catch up at this ungodly hour. But I say, shel. Keys for you!
    Thanks for all good wishes for my biggest catered event I do all year,
    NS-it was simply a fabulous, smashing success!
    But, I am sure tired and every year hope it is the last, but, so great for revenue!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Was is only yesterday I was telling someone how lack of sleep can make you crabby? Well, my husband did it again last night. TV on at 2:00 in the morning. Tossed and turned until 4am, when he finially decided to turn it off. And now, its my normal wake up time, so here I am.

    Amy: Distorted Humor came over to my wagon and was causing such a ruckus. Had to get up to see what was going on. Finially realized he was telling me you were back and had made a post and he was playing with Mazer the Tazer. It was so good to hear from you, I was getting worried. Darn that work, how dare it be too busy! Now you have to goats? and Im laughing, cause of course the female one is pregnant. Have to start thinking of names.

    NS: the donation idea is just wonderful. The circle the wagon thread means so much to me. I come here everyday, twice a day. Thats really where I spend all my time. So Im in also. Sometimes we need to step back and look around us. I am so greatful I have this site to come to and has just been the best thing that happened in my life after I was diagnosed. Our friendships are so strong. I know I can come here and cry my heart out, or laugh my heart out - or both.

    Carrie: I hope you enjoyed the chili. It was so good to read your post, and even better to hear about your and Denise response to the Christmas cards. I think that made my day.

    Procrastinator here. Pouting. Still havent bought my cards, let alone write them. It sure is something though, getting a card from one of you in the mail. Sort of makes your day - each day.

    Kristen: OMG - I also hope nothing broke lol. Any more palpitations? I hope not. Darn you are a strong woman. I dont know how I could have taken care of little ones while I was getting chemo. Just goes to show we are women and we step up to whatever we need to.

    Cheri: Are you new? Oh my, it seems like you have been with us forever. Im so glad you found the circle. It certainly is a great place. I do the same, come here at least 2x a day just to see whats happening.

    Shel: Im like a little angel, sitting on your shoulder. Im whispering "the keys" "the keys." Let your mom get the dinner catered and enjoy some sunshine before you go back to work.

    Liz: This is the way I see it. You are a natural born caregiver. It must be written all over your face. And I know your good at it, I have seen you in action in the medic tent. Poor little doggy. Hope the tumors are nothing. It would be unbearable in this household, if my dog had to wear a lamp shade for a while!

    Mena: Man oh man, sorry about all that testing. Hoping it all comes out good. And more chemo today? Good luck girl. Will take you out of the pissy tent. Put you in the medic tent. Give you lots of comforting. Think I will stand outside the tent with my shotgun. Gonna shoot at any cancer cells that may try to enter!

    CherylG: OK, so we are in a race to see who is the worst procrastinor. At least you have your cards. I havent even bought any yet!!

    Madison: Im so laughing. All that ruckus you heard was Distored Humor and Mazer the Tazer chasing the puppy in the tent. They thought they could tire him out!! But we all know, when it comes to endurance, puppies win. The last time I looked they were sitting there bedazzled, with their tongues hanging out. Ive never seen either of them look so tired.

    Jeannie: Good luck at the surgeons appointment today. The US person wouldnt have said anything, if she wasnt sure it was a cyst - but its still scary. Gonna hve to feed Distorted humor some coffee IV. He is so pooped out from Madisons puppy - but we will be there with you come hell or high water. Sure am gonna miss hearing from you. A week? My goodness - what will we ever do without hearing from you for a week!!

    Susan: Oh your trip sounds like so much fun. Good to get away. Just enjoy and have fun. Get some pictures will ya?

    Sheri: Thanks goodness the tests were negative for cancer. Degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis can be pretty painful. Hoping this all gets taken care of so you can start enjoying life again without discomfort. Rum on the fruitcake! Ha - thats funny.

    CherylCY: Well I can certainly understand the lack of sleep feeling. What the heck is going on with the swelling? What are the doctors telling you it is.

    Christine: Glad the event was a smashing hit. I know your sleeping now, I can hear snoring coming from your tent. Nothing like a hard days work to help you sleep.

    OK - time is up. Gotta go make some breakfast before work. I sure am glad its Friday. Im gonna be busy today cause I just blew off working yesterday. Will have 5 hospitals to go visit. About 15 people to evaluate! Gonna dress warm cause its still cold here this morning.

    Have a wonderful day

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Morning Everyone!

    Well, the frigid cold has finally arrived, with a light dusting of snow too! I hear a bitter wind will be sweeping through many parts of the Circle for the next few days, so I've gone to the provisions tent and gathered up lots of warm, snuggly blankets, hot cocoa, tea and coffee, and those down slipper booties for your feet (I've always wanted them!) And guess what? I also found some other treats for the cocoa or coffee! Bailey's for Nicki (cause it was her idea!), and Kahlua, peppermint schnapps and that almond stuff (frangelico?) Oh, I'm not sure what's what, but there are a bunch of bottles here to add a little bit of warmth and flavor to your hot drink... Enjoy!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning girls. Cold here this morning. Don't have any Christmas traditions or memories to share. Holidays were never a big thing in my family growing up.
    Hubby arrives tomorrow morning. He wants to go to Kennedy Space Center. How he is going to walk around all day is beyond me, but if thinks I'm pushing his 260 pound hiney around he has another think coming.
    This is probably the last time you will hear from me till I get home. So have a wonderful week+. Not sure exactly when I will be home. Gonna spend a few days with the grands me thinks.

    Cheri, Can I come kick your docs butt too? Gosh it just ticks me off that even our doctors don't get it.

    Colleen, It's going great. Having a lovely time with sister. Hubby arrives tomorrow. Ship sails Sunday.

    Betty for heavens sake. Call in sick,

    Vicki, Florida is cold this morning. Had to crack up at the news yesterday....They posted a "Freeze Warning"....all I could think is you people need to come spend some time at my house.

    Tracey, hahahhahahhahahhah

    Amy, good to see you. I adore goats but eggnog....ewwwwww

    Mena, Weeble...ahhahahhahahah
    I will vouch for your loverliness.

    NS, excellent idea.

    Liz, give your poochie a gentle pat from auntie Shirley.
    Rest is over rated.

    Jeannie, It's me going to see Menopause tonight. Looking forward to it.

    Susan have a grand time.

    Nicki, no tv allowed in my bedroom for that reason. If he wants to watch he can haul his ass outa bed.

    To all that I missed. Love you to bits.
    See you when I get home.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Mornin' girls, it is still before noon here. Slept much better last night so that helps with the mood. Still a little concerned about the side of my breast being hard & swollen, but will see my onc again in Jan. and he's aware of this. It feels like I still have a drain tube in it from when they had to get the infection out created by the chemo so close to the breast reduction. I can't belive a little ole tumor the size of a pea could cause my life to be turned upside down. But it was invasive and I had some bad nodes come back. I remember just a year ago meeting with the surgeon for the first time and he took everything so lightly because the tumor was so small. He said I wouldn't need chemo, but maybe rads. A week later, I found out it had spread to nodes. I DID need chemo, rads and all those other uglies along the way. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Breast Cancer just never ends does it? It just keeps causing more problems, it waits until you think everything is gonna be fine and then another worry crops up. I HATE IT. I hate that we all have it. I hate that we all have to hear on a daily basis about another one of us who's going in for more testing. I hate every little new ache or pain is under suspect. I hate the side effects of meds. And I'm actually one of the lucky ones!! Some of you have had a much harder time than I have.
    Whew! Ya know, I didn't start out to vent. I'm not even in a bad mood....imagine if I was! Thanks for the ear.

    Cheryl cy, sorry for the pain & swelling you're experiencing. Hope you feel better very soon.

    Nicki, you're right, it doesn't really seem like I'm new. I feel like I've been on here a long time. Maybe 'cos I just jumped in with both feet, needing this group so badly. I think you should tell your dh to sleep on the couch & watch his tv so you can get some much needed sleep. Men just don't have a clue. Even the good ones.

    Looks like I've done enough damage, my work here is done for now! Sorry again for the whining. Don't know what came over me. I guess it was in me & had to come out. When I check back in this evening I'll have a better attitude.

    Cheri M.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006

    Sounds like we had very similar "beginnings" to this nightmare called bc. I was also told, "very small, probably just rads" and then the path report came back. Umm... triple neg, grade 3, pos nodes pretty much trumps the good news of the "very small tumor" I guess! Made it feel like an even harder kick in the stomach at the time.

    So glad we have this place for venting, laughing, crying, whatever. I was in tears this morning reading a post, and then had a huge smile on my face when a received a card from a Circle Girl this afternoon - can you say mood swings?!?! LOL

    Never be sorry for whining here, it's the ONE place where you really can tell the truth about how you feel (at least for me!)
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Procrastinator #3 reporting for duty here. I have promised myself that I will get mine in the mail this weekend or at least get them ready and put them in the mail on Monday. My cards will show a little bit of the farm so you all can learn a bit more about me. Are ya skeered yet??? LOL!

    Ok coldest freaking night this year last night, a whooping 18 degrees and the pygmy goat gives birth. She was fine at 10:30pm and no sign of labor but this morning my SO goes out to feed them at 5:45 and looks down to find a baby goat and no mother in sight of course. She scooped her up and got her to the house and woke me to tell me she had a baby goat. Let me tell you, thats quiet the wake up call. I sprang to my feet and got dressed, woke my son up to get him up and get him to mothers so he could shower there and she could get him to school. Got out to the barn and she had no milk because the baby is 3 weeks early. She did clean it up but that was it. The baby was freezing and frost bite had started on the tongue so off to the vet we went. She got a shot along with 4 more to be given daily and some cholostrum for her to be fed the first 24 hours. Had to stop and buy a baby bottle only to find out the nipple was too big and then had to go to the co-op to get a very small one. Her tongue hurts her so she has to drink from the side of her mouth. My SO milked the mother goat and got a little bit of real goat cholostrum so maybe she will feed her. The vet said regardless if she has milk or not the goat needs to be bottle fed because she is only 2.5 pounds and will never make it in this cold. She has to eat every 2 hours also.
    Exciting morning to say the least.

    Nicki-sorry distorted humor woke you up but he had been over at my wagon and said if I didnt post that a posse was being sent out for me. He did his job so be easy on him. He also wanted some cinnamon grahams so that might have been the real reason he was at my wagon.

    NS-Love the donation idea and I wont procrastinate on that. I will take care of that today for sure. Great idea!

    Carrie-glad you and Deese are enjoying the cards. When I get off my A$$ you'll get one from me also.

    Shel-go to the keys, your mother will get over it hopefully, and if not you will have had a great time regardless. the keys,,,the keys,,the keys,,,

    Liz-hope you pup is doing well with the lampshade. Also, glad to hear you husband is better because that makes your life easier.

    Mena, sorry about all those test. Dont you just hate waiting. Hope your chemo goes ok or at least as good as chemo can go. Love the Weeble Wobble line. I just died laughing when I read it.

    madison, hope you are enjoying your quiet day with no lab running around. Give the lab a big squeeze from me and let it know it is loved. Labs are puppies forever!

    Susan-have fun on your trip. We will miss you but you deserve to go out and have a good time.

    Sheri-Glad to hear the pain wasnt cancer but geesh, its always something isnt it. Best of luck in dealing with the pain.

    Christine-glad the big catering job is completed and it went off well. Put your feet up and have a drink, you deserve it.

    Colleen-never complain about whining here,,we all understand.

    Betty-hope your tooth is much better.

    Cheri-loved your words and they speak for alot of my feelings at times also. Sometimes it is just great to get it out of you.

    O.k. thinking of all of you and hoping everybody is staying warm. I am sure AlaskaDeb is since she is basking in the sunshine,,lucky girl.

    I am off to make my rounds but cant be gone long because baby goat will need to be fed. Right now her name is Sagitarrius and will call her Saggie or Sage. It seemed fitting this morning at 6:00 but who knows, it can always change. The farm name is Swinging on a Star so trying to stick to constellations for the goats.

    tossing a log on the fire to keep everyone warm but I will be back.

    Love to all,,Amy
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006

    Shirley...have a wonderful cruise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: I am so glad its Friday. And Im home, so the week-end begins. Yippeee!! It was pretty cold out there today, but not frigid. 16 degrees - not too windy. And I was out in it all day. The only saving grace was the sunshine. It was out all day. Needed my sun glasses for sure. I had a pretty busy, but enjoyable day.

    It sure was nice stopping by for some hot chocolate and it was decadent with the Baileys. Now Im home and enjoying a nice glass of wine. Feels good to relax.

    Sherloc: Ive been in Florida when they have a freeze warning. Its pretty funny. Everyone panics. I was actually in Orlando one year when they got about an inch of snow. And talk about someone that needs to be in the fruitcake house - we actually went outside and sat in there jacuzzi. All those Floridians thought we were crazy. A week seems like such along time. Im gonna miss you, but Im hoping you have a blast. Tell you husband to get a jazzy - ya know, one of those electric wheelchairs if he needs one. I know they rent them and insurance might even cover it. Anyways - have a wonderful time. The fun begins. "Menopause the Musical." Hahahahahaha.

    Cheri: Oh girl, you just told my story. Same thing happened to me. Was told it was early stage, had bil. mast and after surgery I was told the nodes were negative. 8 days later the sentinel node came back positive and I had to go for more surgery. Lymph dissection. Anyways, that one positive node was my ticket to chemo. This disease likes to wait until you are feeling pretty strong, then pushes you down so you fall on your butt. I hate this disease and I hate that so many have it so much harder than me. But - I then think - I would never have met any of you, and you all are so very special to me. A very important part of my life now.

    Colleen: And you too? Yep, I was the 1 out of 4 who is er/pr negative and her2 positive! And go figure, my older sister was diagnosed 3 months after me and she is er/pr positive and her2 negative. But here I am, 18 months post surgery and enjoying a full life. Despite the curve balls.

    Amy: I swear to God, I have never met anyone like you. Your life has to be so darn interesting and fun. What a great story about the baby goat. My goodness. Joyful indeed. No wonder Distorted Humor was prancing today! Ok! will out baby Mazer the Tazer get jealous? I love "Swinging on a Star" it reminds me of the movie "Going My Way" with Bing Crosby. They sing that song.

    Oh would ya like to swing on a star
    Carry moon beams home in a jar
    And be better off than you are
    Or would you rather be - a baby goat. Hahahahahahahaha

    Oh the pictures are adorable. That cute little baby.

    Ok! Gotta run. Tonight I work on my projects. Gotta finish enough presents for Christmas.

    Hope you all have a wonderful evening. I will see ya in the morning.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    New pictures of the baby! will be small because taken with cell phone but will get more this weekend with the camera.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    ok dont normally post forwards or send them along but this one got me so wanted to forward to all my circle girls.

    A lesson for us all -


    I remember my first Christmas adventure with Grandma. I was just a kid. I remember tearing across town on my bike to visit her on the day my big sister dropped the bomb: "There is no Santa Claus," she jeered. "Even dummies know that!"

    My Grandma was not the gushy kind, never had been. I fled to her that day because I knew she would be straight with me. I knew Grandma always told the truth, and I knew that the truth always went down a whole lot easier when swallowed with one of her "world-famous" cinnamon buns. I knew they were world-famous, because Grandma said so. It had to be true.

    Grandma was home, and the buns were still warm. Between bites, I told her everything. She was ready for me. "No Santa Claus?" she snorted...."Ridiculous! Don't believe it. That rumor has been going around for years, and it makes me mad, plain mad!! Now, put on your coat, and let's go."

    "Go? Go where, Grandma?" I asked. I hadn't even finished my second world-famous cinnamon bun. "Where" turned out to be Kerby's General Store, the one store in town that had a little bit of just about everything. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars.

    That was a bundle in those days. "Take this money," she said, "and buy something for someone who needs it. I'll wait for you in the car." Then she turned and walked out of Kerby's.

    I was only eight years old. I'd often gone shopping with my mother, but never had I shopped for anything all by myself. The store seemed big and crowded, full of people scrambling to finish their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, confused, clutching that ten-dollar bill, wondering what to buy, and who on earth to buy it for.

    I thought of everybody I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors, the kids at school, the people who went to my church. I was just about thought out, when I suddenly thought of Bobby Decker. He was a kid with bad breath and messy hair, and he sat right behind me in Mrs. Pollock's grade-two class.

    Bobby Decker didn't have a coat. I knew that because he never went out to recess during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, but all we kids knew that Bobby Decker didn't have a cough; he didn't have a good coat. I fingered the ten-dollar bill with growing excitement. I would buy Bobby Decker a coat!

    I settled on a red corduroy one that had a hood to it. It looked real warm, and he would like that.

    "Is this a Christmas present for someone?" the lady behind the counter asked kindly, as I laid my ten dollars down. "Yes, ma'am," I replied shyly. "It's for Bobby."

    The nice lady smiled at me, as I told her about how Bobby really needed a good winter coat. I didn't get any change, but she put the coat in a bag, smiled again, and wished me a Merry Christmas.

    That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat (a little tag fell out of the coat, and Grandma tucked it in her Bible) in Christmas paper and ribbons and wrote, "To Bobby, From Santa Claus" on it.

    Grandma said that Santa always insisted on secrecy. Then she drove me over to Bobby Decker's house, explaining as we went that I was now and forever officially, one of Santa's helpers.

    Grandma parked down the street from Bobby's house, and she and I crept noiselessly and hid in the bushes by his front walk. Then Grandma gave me a nudge. "All right, Santa Claus," she whispered, "get going."

    I took a deep breath, dashed for his front door, threw the present down on his step, pounded his door and flew back to the safety of the bushes and Grandma.

    Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobby.

    Fifty years haven't dimmed the thrill of those moments spent shivering, beside my Grandma, in Bobby Decker's bushes. That night, I realized that those awful rumors about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said they were -- ridiculous. Santa was alive and well, and we were on his team.

    I still have the Bible, with the coat tag tucked inside: $19.95.

    May you always have LOVE to share, HEALTH to spare and FRIENDS that care...

    And may you always believe in the magic of Santa Claus

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    I need some advice. There's been trouble on the home-front, I always get blue this time of year, I was going through all of the mammos,biopsies and such last year at this time, I'm seriously pissed off about not having my boobs. I've always managed to pull myself out of my depressions over the years, but I can't seem to shake it off. It's sunny, it's bright, normally this would do it for me. I'm thinking that this might be the turning point where I'll need to fill that prescription for anti-depressants. Any advice?? I don't want Paxil, makes you gain weight. Actually I don't want to be on anything, just want peace of mind. I'll be mulling over stuff in the fruitcake tent.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    lini, I experienced the same thing around my 1 year anniversary. Nothing was right! I ended up going on Lexapro even though I didn't want to. I have to say, it's one of the best things I've done. I still have "pissy" days and some down days, but it's so much better. Might give it a shot hon. Hang in there. I'll see you in the fruitcake tent in just a bit.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    I decided to come out of the medic tent (I've been running fever) to see how everyone is doing and will be moving over to the fruitcake tent to be with Lini.

    Peace of Mind is so hard to obtain after bc. I know I haven't found any normal yet and can't decide how to even go about finding it. Our families (God love them) just DON'T GET IT. They think that we can just "get over it". That is why the circle girls are a life line.

    I made my dh go to my onc appointment two weeks ago to discuss my mood swings. To be honest with you Paxil and Prozac and I did not agree with each other. I didn't like the side effects of either drug. I told my dh he had permission to tell my onc I was going crazy (this was even before JAKE THE LAB PUPPY came to visit). We discussed all options with my onc and he prescribed 75 mg of Wellbutrin to take in the morning. I started the RX two weeks ago and have noticed it helps me get through my day at the office. There were times when I felt overwhelmed, that there was NO WAY I could do my job, no way to get through the day. I do tell people that I work with that I am old, minus a body part and crazy sooooooo put up with me (ha)

    Lini you are one fantastic person and we will rope Peace of Mind for you if you like....I think Amy’s new babies are too young to help us rope Peace of Mind but JAKE the (BAD) Lab puppy is big enough to ride and Distored Humor and Mazer the Tazer are going to help keep JAKE in line (now don’t you run away Distored Humor and Mazer the Tazer 'cause we need you!!!)

    So here we go, let’s all rope Peace of Mind for Lini

    We love ya girl!!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Saw this and decided it might make us smile!

    It's not the statement as I love each of you! It's the fruitcake that made me smile.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    I am laughing at the cartoon , funny, funny(even while there is a massive dog fight in the study)

    Gotta go break up the fight!!

    It almost (the key word being almost) makes me feel sorry for the fruitcake
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Liz - I'm cracking up right now. Second time today somebody has recommended Lexapro.

    Madison - Thank you for the kind words. I know that I have it really good and there are so many out there with so much bigger things going on. I feel like such an wimp sometimes.

    Let's rope "peace of mind" for all of us. Peace to all.
    By the way, I don't feel like the fruitcake, unloved. I do feel love and God's grace everyday on these boards.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    I just peaked in. Im laughing my arse off at the picture liz. Im in the fruitcake tent, but I never did like fruitcake lol. Soooooooo funny

    Im not insane. Im just a nut case.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Lini, Lini, Lini...honey, where the hell have you been? Down, huh? That sucks. I know all about it. I've been looking for you and my're on the downside of that proverbial roller will pass. I promise...I am walking testimony to that...

    Now, outta that Pissy Tent, and the Fruitcake Tent 'cause there's a rockin' party at the Deliverance Wagon Tonight...

    Can everyone say S-T-A-B-L-E?

    I can! I can! Got the news today when I went for news I've had in I don't know how long...

    Thanks to all of you for your ongoing love, support, prayers, positive thoughts and good vibrations...

    To my fellow metsters...keep swinging! It's one helluva freaking battle...and when you start running out of options it gets scary...just don't ever give up hope...

    Amy...congrats on the new baby...what's the name?'s on...bring your poison and anyone that's pissed you off lately. Oh, and musical instruments, the chocolate fountain and a karoake machine...Mena...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Mena: Im speechless. Stable?

    OK, Im falling asleep. But I just wanted to say

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Mena!!!!!!! I am so happy for you.


  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Yo, Mena!!! Here's a shot for you, girl!!! So happy!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006

    lini, I hope you know I didn't mean you felt like the fruitcake. I'm sorry you've been down. Big Hugs.

    Nicki, enjoy your weekend and keep up the good work on the Christmas presents.

    Madison, I thought of you today. I saw a BIG black lab puppy. His name was Brody and he was quite happy and full of life.

    Amy, I love that story. I got that this week in an email. I saved it and forwarded it also.

    I'm missing many, but am heading to the medic tent to see if I can get rid of this nasty headache I've had all day.

    Hugs and Prayers to all
