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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    leaving soon for KC airport. but wanted to say woohoo for mena and hugs for lini. I love my lexapro. no SE that I can tell. amy, can i be a foster mother for one of your goats.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Nicki and Colleen, I thought I was the only one who had been mislead about my dx in the beginning. After my first lumpectomy my surgeon came out to the waiting room & told my family that all went great, it hadn't spread & he said he could say he was 99.9 % sure he'd got it all & there was nothing more to worry about. When I came out of it there were all kinds of congratulatory hugs! My family & I were sooo relieved. Then 5 days later I had an appt. with an onc & I assumed it was to tell me if I needed rads or not. He'd gotten the pathology report & just started talking about my chemo, what kind, and how long, then rads, then meds, But first another surgery because more tissue needed to come out & they wanted to do a breast reduction. It felt like someone had put a fist in my stomach. I just sat for a moment & stared at him, then argued he was wrong, then the walls started closing in & I couldn't breathe. Had to get out of there. My daughter was with me & she was stunned. That's when the fog began that followed me through all the treatments & that I'm trying to emerge from now. I cannot believe a DR. would tell my family that when he didn't really know! I guess I'm not the only one who was mislead. Now I whined this morning & said I wasn't going to do that tonight. I just started typing & it all poured out. Must be weighing heavy on my mind. I'll lighten up.

    Amy, congrats on your new "kid". The pics were adorable. He's gonna be a handful. And I loved the story. I, too, am going to pass it along.

    Lini, so sorry you're feeling yucky. I guess I must be too since I whined so much today. But I think mine is sub-conscious. Hey, if you feel like you could use some help there's nothing in the world wrong with anti-depressants. Anything it takes to get you through. I'm sorry that you're feeling blue (BLUE-sorry that word always pisses me off when used to describe the black hole, can't believe I just used it!!!) Believe me, I KNOW it's not the blues!

    Mena, a great big CONGRATS!!

    Best Wishes for you all.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Thank you all who are going to contribute to BCO in Honor of the Circle! This is so COOL!!!

    I must say I am having a hard time this year with decorating for the holidays. First, I can't find half of my decorations because I moved TWICE last year and a lot of things got lost in the translation... Second, I used to live in an 1888 farmhouse. Everything I have reflects that kind of ambiance. I liked to keep things looking like the year the house was built and it was very cozy and pretty in a Williamsburg sort of way!

    THIS YEAR I am living in a totally retro 1960s house. It has never been changed. You feel like you are on the set of I Dream Of Jeannie. I don't know what to do! So I have been tweeking things a bit so now it looks more than a little nuts.

    I have taken the stuff off my tree and put it back on three times now. The needles are now coming off I have fiddled with it so much. Then today's brilliant move was my big idea of "trimming" some of the excess branches that made the tree uneven. Great Idea. Except I cut all the lights while I was at it.

    Oh well, tomorrow is another day!

    Mena Mena Mena!!!! STABLE MABLE BABY!!!!!! I am SO FRIGGIN HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Next stop: NED!!!

    Madison, the stories about Jake are cracking me up! My sister has a little monster named Lucy but I swear her name is Lucy NO! Because that is ALL my sis ever says to her!

    Jeannie I hope all went well at the doctor today!

    Susan, have a WONDERFUL time in Cali!!!!! You deserve this!!!

    Sheri! WTG with the MRI!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

    CherylCy , I hope your swelling is better! And I hope you see a doc about it soon!!!

    CHRISTINE! A SMASHING SUCCESS!!! But of course! I would expect no less from you! I know you are tired, but it is a good tired eh?? WTG!

    Shirley, have a WONDERFUL time! Bon Voyage!!!

    Cheri, I really related to what you wrote. I hate it too. I hate everything we have to endure and what makes it worse is that once we are done with treatment the world expects us to "go back to normal" again- as if we had the chicken pox or something. Could you please do me a favor? If you can, draw a circle around the redness you have and if it spreads past the circle go to the doc sooner than Jan? I had a terrible infection caused by rads and I waited too long and had to have pretty harsh surgery because of it. I hate to have you go through that on top of everything else now too. (((Cheri))) hang in there!

    Amy, a goat gave birth and then left the baby? That seems so against nature- so you think the mom thought there was something wrong with it? I am SO GLAD you were there to take care of it!!---just looked at the pictures- that is the cutest little thing I have EVER seen!

    ((Lini)) I know how you feel. I think the blues sneak up on us just when we finally let our guards down from all the fighting and surgeries and after effects. I know so many people who felt this way at around one year. I was put on Wellbutrin for my back since I can't take pain killers and the pain was really getting to me. After a while I noticed my back was better but so too was my mood and I wasn't as leary of surviving as I had been. It also made me LOSE weight. It is the one that doesn't make you gain and doesn't bother your libido. Short term better living through chemistry is something EVERY survivor should get to help us get through the HUGE DEAL we just went through and everyone expects us to be normal again.

    OK- nicki! Thanks to your post I now have Swing on a Star stuck in my head AND as soon as I am done here I am going to make some Hot Chocolate!!! LOL!

    Liz I LOVE that cartoon!! I think I should frame it!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    OK you ladies were way to kind not to mention that it looked like I had had way to much to drink on my last post. Sad part was I had n't had one drink. I was really that tired!

    Well I spent 9 hours at the hospital today, about 8 of it in the ER! I went to see the rad onc about this swelling and the cord going down the front of me! She felt the coard was due to a blood clot and sent me to the ER. They did a CT and you guessed it I have another PE and I also have a blood clot below the bresat causing that cord. So It's a heating pad to help with the one below the breast and back on blood thinners for the next six months only this time I get to do the shots twice a day. They were going to keep me overnight but I pleaded to go home. After going over everything with the on call Onc, and since I had done this six months ago, had already done the same treatment and knew what the effects of the drugs were and how to adminasture them and I caught this one early and was in much better health he said if I could walk around the ER floor 4 time and still keep my O2 stats up then I could go home if I promised to check back in with my Onc by Tuesday. Well I did it I made sure to take deep breaths to keep the O2 level up. I'm a shallow breather and my O2 leves are always low when I breath my normal way. So I got to come home. (Just in time to sign the refi papers on the house!) When I asked why I am getting these blood clots they just said that this desise make us more vunruble to them. They think the one under the breast was caused by rads killing off that area! Great! just great! Bad enough that it burnt the crap out of me nowe it has to give me a friken blood clot too!

    Just about gave my sister a heart attack when she found out I was still at the hospital at 4pm. She knew I had a 9am appointment. We are still reeling from the news that my BIL was told he had less than 2 months left. They have him in hospice care now. They also told him that he had to do 10 more rads before they would release him from hospice care in KY so that he can go home for his final days. I don't understand it since the rads almost killed him last time. Why won't they just let him go home to his family? Cancer Sucks!

    My hubby takes wellbutin too. We call it his "Chill Pill". He has anixity attacks and it really helps him stay calmer, But I don't think anything will make him totally calm.

    We have our annual Holiday Potluck here tomorrow. So he's stressing about getting everythin perfect. It's mostly family so I really don't care if it's perfect. I just want it to be nice.

    Any one want a cat! Scooter is driveing me nuts! He won't shut up! He's mad again cause he can't go outside because the had to lance his foot again! At least with a dog you can usally tell them to shut up and they listen. He will only shut up if I hold him and as we all know you can't get anything done holding a pet! He almost made me lose my post!

    I didn't take notes but am thinking of you all. In fact I could feel you all there with me at the hospital telling the docs to let me go home! Thank you for being with me!

    But who's idea was it to make the contrast go shooting all over the place during the CT. That stuff is sticky! and it all in my hair now. And they had to geive it to me twice to make sure I got it, boy was I flushed! I thought my hot flases were bad!

    Amy Love the pics of Sage!

    Mena way to go! Soon you'll be dancing with NED too!

    Ok Think I'll make the rounds since I spent the day in the ER bed I need some exercise! throwing some more logs on the fires to keep everyone warm!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Yep, its the week-end, I could have slept in late, but here I am. Im telling ya, my body is an alarm clock.

    My husband worked at a pub last night, so when I woke up - he was quite talkative. Told me a nice story. Said 5 women came into the bar. After a couple of hours, one of the ladies took off her wig cause it was just too darn hot. She knew the words to one of the songs he was playing, so he went up to her afterwards. It was her end of chemo party and you guessed right for bc! He is such a pro! So he went on to tell her about how my hair grew back, how frustrated I was - even talked about!! Im so proud of him. So then I say, well did you tell her my name? and he goes no, I kept referring to you as my wife. Then I go, then how will she find me here! Darn anyways. But I know her name. Michelle - so whether she reads this or not, I just wanted to say congratulations Michelle. And Im glad you celebrated with your friends.

    Oh and then he says - she has many internet friends. Has to talked to them everyday. Hahahahaha!

    OK: Next on the agenda. A lovely person by the name of MJ. She used to go on the chat all the time, and is pretty sick. Has bc everywhere. I should know her. I spent hours on the chat when I was first diagnosed. I guess its chemo brain. Anyways, just wanted to bring MJ, her family, and all our friends on the chat who are saddened by whats going on - to the middle of the circle.

    Lini: I dont know how anyone could go through what we have and not feel depressed sometimes. There are so many good antidepressants out there. Wellbutrin being one of them. For me the Holidays always have a mixture of good and sad emotions. Without my Lexapro, Im a monster! With my Lexapro, Im an "angel" hahahahaha. Anyways, seems like there is alot of laughter going on in the fruitcake tent. So I will join you there.

    Liz: Oh nasty, nasty - headaches are the worst. Come to the medic tent. But I think we need to get someone from the spa tent too. Have a nice massage, listen to soothing music, and just relax. I hope your feeling better this morning.

    Cheri: Whining and venting? They are allowed. Thats really what the circle is all about. Being able to talk about the stuff that bothers us, knowing there are others that will walk us through those hard times. My story is so similiar. I was at my PCP office. Getting my blood pressure checked as I routinely did even before bc cause I have high blood pressure. So anyways, Im sitting there with a smile on my face - glad the surgery is over and so happy that the nodes were "clean" - then the PCP hits me with the bomb. I have the path report and your sentinel node came back positive! If you didnt know, Im a nurse, and the PCP has known me for along time. Poor guy! I sreamed at him to get out of my way. Husband was in the waiting room. Walked outside into the parking lot and screamed and cried - I think the hwole town heard me. It certainly was a kick in the stomach. Then later that day, my surgeon called me at home. Told me I was er/pr neg and her2+ and needed more surgery. My entire life caved in on me that day. But hey, here I am - one year post chemo - and doing great. In the early days of diagnosis, I kept a journal. Sometimes I sit down and read it. To remind me of how I was feeling then. For now, those hard times are a distant memory.

    NS: Hahahahahaha. Its a great song. Im still singing it myself, and now its morning. OK - so how frustrating, to cut your lights! 1960's atmosphere? So Im picturing peace signs, bell bottoms, mini skirts, and the Beatles invading the USA. Was a teenager then - and had a blast. Was this cute little Italian hippy girl with long dark hair. Now that brought back some memories. Good luck today. A new fresh start, and I bet your tree looks beautiful. We dont have our tree yet. Our plan is to go out Wednesday and get one. I think a bigger part of our celebrating is decorating the tree. We have ornaments from that last 32 years. Each one having its own meaning.

    CherylCY: Oh my, 9 hours in the ER would make anyone crazy. A blood clot no less? Now thats scary. You must have done one good job of convincing them to let you go home with a PE! So at this potluck gathering, you better just take it easy. No running around for you, ok? Ive sent a posse from the medic tent to watch over you. They are bringing you a name badge and it says "Princess" cause thats what you should be today. Poor little scooter. Cats are what they are. They have a mind of their own.

    OK - time to go. Need to scurry around and start making breakfast. So much harder these days - now that I have to think low fat! And my mind is still thinking low carb!I havent had a bowl of oatmeal in ages and it sure sounds good today. Lots of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. Some hot chicken soup too. Its cold out there. So pick your pleasure and enjoy.

    Be back later.


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    YEHAW MENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Menopause the Musical......a must see.
    Laughed till I cried and then some.

    Amy, awwwwwwww. Many eons ago when I was home schooling my boys we raise mini goats for a science project. Bought a neutered male name Tyler(he was an absolute hoot, could open doors believe it or not)and a lovely little female named Peaches. Dear goat lady did not tell us Peaches was pregnant. Non farm woman that I am I did figure it out as her belly expanded until the day she popped out 3, yes 3 of the cutest little things on the planet. Thanks for the memories.

    Nicki, snowed once in Orlando when I was a teen. Or at least they called it snow. I didn't have a clue as I'd never seen the stuff before.


    Off to pick up hubby at the airport. This is really truly the last you will see of me for the remainder. I love you all to bits. Have a great week.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Morning ladies...cold here this morning so I'm going to wait for it to warm up about before venturing outside to finish up my Christmas shopping.
    MENA...yippeee...what wonderful news. No more pissy tent for you...come to the fruitcake tent and have some fun. We have lots of bright sparkling lights there, blankets, slippers, a snowwomen with a red hat and lots of fun. (seems to be some fruitcake fights going on so be sure to duck when you come in). No news on Trenton but maybe your dream will come true before Christmas. I just would like to know that wherever he is he is ok. made me laugh with the tale of cutting the lights...something I would do. We have two trees up, our big one and Nate has his little one. Have all my cards hanging on the front door. I got THREE in the mail yesterday!!!
    Cheri...sending you hugs...stick with us and we will carry you through. We've been there and totally understand.
    Amy...the baby goats are soooo sweet. My mom raised goats and the babys were just the sweetest things. My sister is raising goats now and they always seem to be born when it's the coldest.
    Jeannie...glad you had a safe trip home the other day. The roads here were terrible. They weren't any better yesterday morning either. Kiss that baby all you want his cheeks will survive. Come have lunch with me some day when your down...just pm me and I'll order in and you can see Longview. We can eat in the greenhouse and pretend its spring.
    Shirley...cold in Florida. My daughter called and told me she was freezing...I told her that if she were freezing she must be in NY because its really cold here. Hope your having fun.
    Madison...oh puppies are such fun (NOT)...we have a little shitzu puppy which is much easier to handle than the one you have!!
    Cheryl...hope your feeling better and soon...sending you hugs.
    Sheri...still holding your hand but you sound like your feeling a little better.
    OH...Lexapro and Xanex are my friends. It took me a week to get used to the Lexapro so I took just half a dose and worked my way up and it seems to be kicking in now. I have such weird dreams all night that I wake up full of anxiety but it usually goes away after an hour or so...mornings are the hardest for some reason.
    Loving my is so wonderful to see my feels like she's right here in the room with me. If anyone else has a webcam pm me and I'll give you my screen name (I use Yahoo as my daughter says it works the best) and we can see each other. Oh I love new toys.
    Had a long day at work yesterday so it was a bit hard to catch up and I know I'm missing a bunch of you as usual. Know this...I love you are my family and in my thoughts and prayers all day.
    OH...My "adopted" moms son called and he is coming over this afternoon with a box of things she packed for me before she passed away. Don't know how I'll handle this one but I'm a bit excited...weird to be excited and sad too.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Good news, Mena. It's amazing what good news can do for us!
    Cheri, my dx turned out worse than I originally thought, too. Before surgery, they thought my tumor was 3 cm, it was 5. I am er/pr and her2 pos, so with the size of the tumor I was guarranteed chemo, but with a mast, I could skip rads. A week after my surgery I found out I had 5 pos nodes. When I saw the onc he said rads after chemo and I was shocked! I thought I was going to skip that part, but no such luck. I totally understand you, I go up and down with my outlook. I was stuck in the blues tent, until Vicki blew it up! She's holding my hand, so I'll hold yours, too, ok?
    I take Prozac, have been for years. Does it help? I don't really want to find out. Was going to switch to Effexor, but it's more $$, so prozac is cheap.
    Webcams are great! Glad you can spend some time face to face with your dd, Vickie.
    Susan, I hope you have fun. You are at Dland, not world, right? I lived just a couple of miles from there for years. I miss my friends, but not the crowds.
    Amy, the goat is adorable. What a way to wake up on a cold morning!
    I am coming up on my 2 year dx anniversary. I guess Christmas will never be the same after that. That year I went crazy with gift giving, and ended up broke while I was in tx. Not very good planning, but I was afraid it would be my last Christmas and I wanted it to be good for my kids. Last year I was depressed, so Christmas wasn't very nice. This year I'm doing better, with all of your help, thank you! The cards I receive in the mail each day do so much to lift my spirits. I am working on mine, I promise.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Whoops! Just lost my post. Will try to recap:

    Mena - fabulous news, I'm so glad for you
    NS - count me in, a great idea to express our thanks to bco
    Liz - that cartoon it too funny, I wish I knew how to copy it so I could send it to a friend!
    Lini - more HUGS for you, hope you work your way through your funk soon
    Shirley - glad you enjoyed the show, I've been wanting to see it, but then worried that I might not exactly find it as funny since my menopause is really chemopause - and since it's been a year since I finished chemo, I've given up hope of my period returning (I was only 41 at the time) Oh well, at least I'm saving money on tampons...
    CherylCY - what an experience, I'm so sorry you had to go through that
    Nicki - great story about your DH, I'll bet you were proud of him!
    Cheri/Nicki/Sheri and everyone else - no matter how you hear it, it's a nightmare, but I would have much rather been told it was worse than it was, to find out it wasn't that bad, than the other way around!! Oh well

    I know I've left a lol of you off, I'm sorry (I still have a bit of a headache, my right shoulder/neck has been aching and aching for days, and I keep scrolling instead of taking notes - reminds me of when my son tries to jam his foot into his sneaker without untying the laces, I always tell him this time-saving trick always makes it take LONGER to put his shoes on!! LOL) Whine, whine, whine!

    I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and just sit for a bit. Would love some quiet company if anyone else wants to pull up a log to the fire (gee, wish I actually had a fire!)

    Love to all you Circle Girls!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning cg's,

    omg l2cmp i love your goat... they are so cute.... i wanted one but hubby wont let me..... hahahahah
    years ago i ran into the pub to grab a few beers to take home and left car door open and there billy goat decided to get in.... lol caught him eating my ashtray!!!!

    lizws i loved your fruit cake picture i had to go find a few......



    and my favorite........hahahahahaha


    yep i am in a fruity mood now!!!!!!!

    oh mena so glad to hear your good news
    i will celabrate!!!!!!!!!

    hey no surrender that 1960 retro house sounds cool.....haha i live in one to... when i was away doing rads hubby finally took out the burnt orange carpet and we put in laminated flooring!!!!!!!! hehehehe

    big hugs to you cthomason..... hope your feeling better!!
    chemosabi that is such a cool story about your hubby!!!!! you give hubby a hug for us cg's well ok tell him a snowmen n thongs is giving him the hug..... hahahaha

    well today is my friday...
    sunday night is our staff christmas party and if we have even one drink we have to stay here at the hotel
    might as well make it worth it then.. one of the girls is bringing a kareoke machine..... omg these poor poor ppl if they get me to drink enough to accually sing.... ahhahahahaha
    well all you ladies have a good day....
    big hugsssssssssssss to you all.....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    OK! Taking a break from my newest project. Almost done with it then on to a new one. We are actually gonna warm up today. Might even break freezing! Thats my kind of winter. Sunny and warm.

    Vickie: Christmas shopping on a Saturday morning? Yowser. Im not that brave. Gonna stay home and relax. I sure do hope they here some news about Trenton soon.

    Sheri: 2 year anniversary. Thats wonderful no matter what time of the year. Its hard to think about how life was before bc. I only know the new me now. And I like it.

    Colleen: I so enjoyed the fire. Needed warmth when I first woke up. Enjoy your tea. I have some great cookies to go with it.

    Tracey: The Christmas party sounds like so much fun. Have a drink on me. I guess Im pretty proud of my husband too. He is educated about this disease after.

    Well, back to work. See ya all later.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Yeah Mena!!! Great news!

    Lini, I get depressed now and then. It really sucks! Try and hang in there and if you need meds, don't feel bad, just take them.

    Nicki, Those different chilis you were cooking sound delicious!

    Vicki, Sounds like you got quite a bit of snow. You're not that for from me. We just got huge winds and now it is absolutely frigid.

    Christine, Congrats on your successful event. That is a lot of work!

    Shel & NS, I will also be making a contribution to BCO for the Circle Girls. Great idea! And Shel, I loved the post office story. There still are good people left in this world.

    Gotta go now. It's the weekend and there is too much to do and not enough time to get it all done .
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Mornin' girls. It is still morining here but I usually cut it pretty close. Slept well last night except for getting up to let the dog out and jamming my little toe on my bad foot. I don't think I broke it. Just bruised & sore. Now I really hobble around. In a much better mood today. Sometimes things just stick in my mind and I have to get them out. And what better place to do that? I have all my Christmas bought, most of it wrapped, the tree up & decorated and a huge amount of Christmas lights on the house 'cos my 5 yr.old grandson wanted the house all decorated. Sounds like I've been busy doesn't it? NOT. I didn't do any of it. My dd did it all except for the house lights which my dh did. I am sooooo lazy. I'm supposed to stay off my foot and I sure do! Tired all the time.

    Cheryl cy, Sorry to hear about your ordeal and hope your feeling better. But you DO sound better than you did the other night. Sorry to hear about your BIL.

    Nicki, thanks for understanding the whining. Sounds like you have been through similar things that I have. You must have a nice dh, too. Mine is good most of the time. I guess we're lucky in that aspect.

    NS, hey Retro is In! I see all kinds of retro stuff in the catalogs. Live a little, get you some milk cartons to use as end tables, few bean bags & you gotta have a clock with the tail that wags to hang on your wall. And whatever you do don't forget the hanging colored beads in your doorways! Enjoy. (You could always bake some "old fashioned" brownines and really enjoy decorating!) Just a thought.

    Vicki, enjoy your web cam. We've got one somewhere I think. But my dd bought it when my hair first fell out so I never used it. But it's great that you can use it with your daughter. It's wonderful that your adopted mom left a box of things just for you. It should make you feel so special and they'll be things you'll treasure forever.

    Sheri, thank you for holding my hand. I appreciate it. I had already had a couple of surgeries the month before Christmas last year and, like you, thought it was going to be my last and spent WAY too much on gifts! Actually, I didn't much better as far as spending this year.

    Colleen, don't you just hate losing a post? I had the hardest time with that and sometimes still do. I'm sorry your neck is still hurting maybe they will be able to give you something for it.

    Tracey, great cartoons. I think you should thoroughly enjoy your party Sun. night. Sing your heart out with karoke, eat , drink & be merry. Be sure to take your jammies 'cos it doesn't sound like you need to drive home!

    To all you other girls that I missed, be well and don't worry about anything.

    Cheri M.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    hey ladies!

    please see my new thread, and join me in being completely dismayed at my ex!

    thanks, michelle
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    You may be dismayed but I am APPALLED and PISSED! How dare he? I know my reaction stems from my own experience, Prince Charmless would have done the same thing if he weren't so computer illiterate, but still. Mike has no business snooping in your life like that. GRRRRRR. I believe I conveyed that sentiment adequately in the other thread!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Shel, he's lying. How concerned has he ever been? Take it easy on're kidding right? You know how we feel about you. You asked to say Hey to him & we did.

    ANYONE who makes you feel bad about yourself does not belong in your life. Remember that.

    I am sorry you got hurt.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    you guys are the best!

    i really need to do some serious work on my self esteem............for about an hour i actually felt like i did something wrong!!!!!!!!!

    what a friggin mess my life is............but you're right cheri.........i haven't felt good about myself for years.........except for the times that i actually set him free and moved on.

    i'm smart and i'm "cute" and i'm kind and i'm generous and i'm just plain stupid for ever thinking that i could find any true happiness with him.

    and in the long run, i've cut myself off from the rest of the world and lots of chances at peace.

    what a my therapist will be working overtime next week lol!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Don't make us do to mike what we had to do to earl
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls,

    Shel, big hugs honey. This too shall pass and yes you are all of the things you mentioned and more. It is Mike’s loss and your gain. You will get through this and we’ll be right here to help you.

    Cherylcy, I’m so sorry you are going through the PE and blood clot. Be sure to take good care of yourself. I hate emergency rooms but am so glad you went.

    Nicki, how cool of your husband. My husband is very private and told very few people he works with. Well that all changed when I was the Relay for Life Honorary Chairperson in May. I know you’ve chatted with MJ. She was coming in around the same time as we were. This is all very sad to hear.

    Vickie, Lexapro and Ativan are my friends! How wonderful that your “adopted” mom left you something that you will treasure forever.

    Sheri, focus on 2 years! That’s great. I wasn’t in the best frame of mind last Christmas either. This year, we’re taking it nice and easy.

    Colleen, to copy the cartoon – right click on it and save it. Then when you want to send it in an email just click the attach link, browse to find the picture and then click it and attach it to the email. Hope you’re feeling better.

    Tracey, love your pics! Have a drink for me at the party and sing your heart out girl.

    Christine, hope you’re resting up after the big event.

    To all I’ve missed hope you’re having a good weekend.

    Will see you all tomorrow.

    Hugs and prayers,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006

    NS, oh what a good idea!

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Oh Mena that is the best news!! WOO HOO stable stable
    Amy can we have a name the baby goat contest? I vote
    for Miracle.
    shel posted to the Mike thread I was as civil as I could muster !!
    lini I am sorry you are feeling down here is a {{{{lini}}}
    for you and a prayer for peace in your heart and mind !
    Susan you deserve a vacation have fun sweet lady !
    Liz I love the picture sooo funny !!
    Madison sorry you are having such a hard time, I hope the swelling goes away very soon.
    Niki I love to read you morning post each day and the pictures you paint in my mind.

    I know I missed some of you but I read each and every post,
    We are still getting your beautiful cards in the mail and it is so fun to open them each day. I have mine ready to go
    and will put them in the mail first thing Monday morning.
    I have an appt. with my surgeon for the stupid lump and to
    get my results Monday ,then we will be leaving for Cleveland for Denise's brain surgery staying over in Cleveland the night before as it is a 3 hr drive and surgery is bright and early for her. I will be imagining
    you all there with us !

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hi All,

    Mena, GREAT NEWS. I haven't been with you all very long but I want you to know I have you, and all others, lifted up in prayer.

    NS, wicked, wicked, wicked, but I loved the EARL mention. hehehehehehe Yep Shel, we are here for you. Don’t mess with the BC sisterhood.

    Lini, how are you?

    Alaskadeb, have you returned from the Aloha state. We miss you.

    Tracey, love the pics. It is great to laugh.

    I finished all my Christmas cards and they are now in the mail. I had soooo much fun addressing them and even more fun is being had when I receive them. Thank you all ever so much.

    Vickie, I know that will be comforted by the fact that you will be receiving something special from your adopted mom.

    Sheri, I am sorry to hear you are joining the DDD (degenerating disc disease) club. I have both DDD and stenosis and think that your onc is making the right decision sending you to a neurosurgeon. I take ultram for pain, on an as needed basis. There are many options available to help you deal with the problem. Good luck and let us know what the neuro says (yep, one more doc to add to the formula).

    Susan, have a GREAT time in Calie-for-ni-a. Tell Mickey and Minnie hello.

    To all others, thinking of you and will catch up later.

    Okay everyone, does anyone have a list of tents available for use? I need one where I can cry and kick something at the same time. A friend's husband was killed yesterday at 1:00 p.m. in a car accident and a senior in high school committed suicide that morning. The friend's husband was drinking; as was his friend driving the car and they ran off the road, were both ejected and killed. The senior killed herself on her birthday. Why, Why, Why. My friend’s husband had survived a brain aneurysm years ago and was given a second chance at life and wasted it drinking. Kristin, the senior, was just starting her life. I think I want to cry, but then I want to hit something, no cry, no hit. Geez, everyday is a gift and I need to drop to my knees and give thanks. Yep, I am going to the tent to rant, rave and cry
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    OH SHEL...I just posted on your "Mike" thread...what a total jerk...what a total invasion of your privacy. He has no right. I wanted to say much more but would have had to send an apology to Melissa and Tami LOL. And you are the best right along with the rest of us.
    Jan...we only actually got about two inches of snow but it was an icy slushy mess and the wind was was like a blizzard outside. Driving home was terrible with the snow and wind it was like driving on ice in a white fog of snow. The sunshine actually melted most of it today...yeah.
    Nicki...didn't end up going shopping today. Stayed home and cleaned my poor bedroom has been neglected for so long it was a disaster. I even vacuumed the cobwebs and dustbunnies from one end to the other. Gonna miss those dustbunnies...they were gettin kinda cute.
    My "adopted" moms son stopped by and brought me an Indian doll that my mom had made my "adopted"'s beautiful and I am so touched. Can't write more about the rest right crying for me.
    Gotta check out what NS's link is.
    Have a sweet dream night dear ladies
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    OH Madison...sending you hugs. I think we still have the blues tent but we won't let you stay there long. We are holding hands with each other and we'll pull you back out when your done or we'll cry and rant with you.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    Thank you for the kind words. Now, I need to find the words for my friend (or maybe just long hug 'cause words sometimes aren't enough).

    I just went downstairs and I have an update on Jake the BAD lab puppy . . The score is Jake 1, my tennis shoes 0 - yep he ate them.........
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Madison...sometimes long, comforting hugs is all that is needed. Sometimes it expresses more than words ever could.

    Jake ate your sneakers...I have one better...a customer who used to come to the diner I owned came in one morning and didn't look quite right. He then told us that their new beagle puppy had knocked over the glass on the their bedside table and ... ate his teeth!!! I thought I'd die laughing...can you imagine explaining that to the dentist. So far our new puppy is too small to eat anything of any importance but he loves crayons which makes for some interesting colored puppy poop...Nathanel will take him out and come back in and say "Oh mom...he ate my blue one, or green, or orange, or yellow!!!" He got ahold of a pink marker one day and that made for an interesting look!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Madison, so sorry for your friend. A hug and just being available will help your friend so much.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Cherylcy, OMG! what a night for you!!!
    I have that too if it makes you feel anybetter... it is called Mondors Disease- that is the cording. I am on blood thinners too- but I have to be on them for life because mine went to my retinal artery and if I don't stay on them I could lose my vision because of the big blood clot on my retina. Take GOOD CARE!!! Go easy with the heating pad because it can cause a bit of LE. I learned that one the hard way.

    Nicki, your husband sounds like a doll!!! Congrats to Michelle from all of us! And special prayers to your friend MJ. Now about my house... it isn't THAT kind of 60s- this is pre-hippie! It looks more like an astronat should live here when he isn't at Cape Canaveral!

    Vickie I know what you mean about the cards! I was SO BUMMED today! I missed the post office- the lobby closes at 3 so I couldn't get my mail! I think the box from your adopted mom sounds like a little gift from heaven. Treasure it. I know opening it will be hard, but also so very special too.
    ((( Vickie)))

    Cheri! LOL! Well, I did put shag rugs in the "family room with wet bar"- oh my- you have to see THIS room. it has the panelling and the big stone fireplace and of course the wet bar. I asked if I could please paint the paneling but was told "but that is GOOD panelling" SORRY! That is an oxymoron! The most retro is the kitchen. Knotty pine cabinets with the Roy Rogers black iron hinges and handles...yellow formica with a really "mod" design, yellow wall oven and cook top and a brown hood!

    Madison- you are great! What would we do without ole Earl!
    I am SO VERY sorry about your losses! That is an awful lot to go through! Sometimes there just are no answers at all. None. ((( Madison))))

    Today I thought chemobrain had the best of me. I went shopping with a friend and wanted to take her to my favorite antique shop. When we walked in a woman comes over to me and says "Gina! OMG! how ARE YOU!!! It's ME! Amy!!! You look great- haven't changed a bit!"


    I had NO friggin clue who she was.

    I whisper to my friend in the other room "you have to ask her where she knows me from"
    My friend was like- yeah right!

    So I start to ask her where is she living now, what is she up to.... I was really reaching and trying to not let on I had the world's worst case of chemo brain.

    Finally I said- SO! how long has it been???
    She said- oh at least 20 YEARS.
    ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? How far back do I have to go!

    Then she starts to talk about "the good old days" when we both "worked" at that waterfront restaurant.



    I started to come to.

    I reminisced about our "restaurant days" and then she asked about my SISTER- BY NAME- and told her about her and she told me to tell her HI.

    So we leave and I start to laugh.

    I turn to my friend and tell her, I NEVER WORKED IN A WATERFRONT RESTAURANT.

    So how do I know her???

    I USED TO GO to the terrace/bar with my sister all the time! it was a great place! You could sit on the deck overlooking the water and have a few drinks and have some clams or whatever... we were regulars! It was within walking distance from our apt.

    My friend was shocked. She thinks I am this shy quiet type- not the type who went to a gin joint so often the members of the staff thought I was an employee!!!

    I called my sister when I got home and she said "OH! Back when we used to have fun!!!"

    It is funny but also sad too. This darn BC took a lot of spark out of me. I also don't live in that same town anymore and that was a happening town- not like Noah's Ark where I live now. Everyone is paired up two by two... this is no place for a single girl!

    So my friend sees me in a whole new light now.. she has NO idea!!

    maybe I need to join the drinking thread- even if I can't drink more than one drink anymore thanks to the Menieres the chemo left me with!

    Now Last but Not Least:

    Please do not let Mike invade your space here. THIS IS YOUR PLACE- NOT HIS.
    He is playing mind games with you and it only shows just how sick and mean he really is.

    I know you have that book "Let's face it you're not into him either" BUT one of the books that REALLY helped me dump my boyfriend was "He's Just Not That Into You"
    There are some very insightful things in there... it is like a man's owner's manual.
    One of the lines I quoted to you earlier- DON'T WASTE YOUR PRETTY- and DON'T !!! not on HIM!

    And this one is harsh- but it cuts RIGHT TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER

    "He's not that into you if he is putting it into someone else."

    That line is what got me over my ex-boyfriend.
    It hurts- but letting him play you hurts even more.

    Remember what happened to Earl
    Now that Mena is stable there is NO TELLING what she and I will do!!!

    Love you Circle Girls!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey girls...I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!

    We are still on vacation and having a blast. My idea of sitting by the pool with an umbrella drink went by the wayside...we have been doing SO many things...swimming, sailing, beachcombing, luau, name it and we have done it.

    Do you think you can vacation yourself to death???LOL

    I am SO glad that I have felt well enough to do everything. What a blessing.

    There is no way I can take the time to catch up on everyone's news....know that I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I swore I could hear the wagontrain down on the beach with me tonight at sunset....

    Big old hugs to everyone!!!

    Deb C.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    NS, honey you have not lost your "spark"! I've read enough threads you've posted on to think your nickname should be SPARKY.

    You're a lucky girl,too. Not just anyone can boast Roy Rogers black iron cabinet hinges & handles!

    Later Sparky,
