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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    NS Thank you for taking the time to fill me in on the Mondor's. I copied it down and am going to send it to my Primary as she had never heard of it before.
    Back pain is something I understand and have delt with for many years. I have 6 disks that are falling apart. L4 & 5 give me the most trouble. I went on nortiptalyne for about 4 years to help manage the pain.

    Amy, So sorry to hear about baby goat. But she is surely roaming about with our sisters.
    I have had migraines for years and have even lost my sight for short bouts with them but have never experienced the broke glass effect before. That really had me scared and thinking maybe I should have stayed in the hospital.

    Oh Mena, I have some cheescake with an Oreo crust calling your name! And a pumpkin cheesecake too!

    I haven't been able to have real Christmas trees in a long time. My allergies just go nuts with them. Although I have sucumbed to the kids every couple of years to get one. We bought a fake tree after Christmas one year, cause they are expensive to get a good one. I bought a small 4' opticv fibre one a couple of years ago and have been using it. I hate giving up what little space I have for the big tree. Beside I don't know where I'd but the furniture that would have to move for it to go up.

    Deb C. You are probably home and unpacking now. If you flew into Seattle you would have been here about 8:30 or 9pm and then had to fly on up to AK puting you home very late! So you probably slept in. Hawaii can be so much fun, there is so much to do in so little time that you tend to pack it all in. Now you can rest and relax a little now that you're home.

    Cheristine inconclusive? What kinda answer is that? Let us know when they want to do surgery and we'll be there!

    Well it's getting late so I'll put some more logs on the fire to keep us all warm and toasty.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Morning ladies,
    Not much time to write...have to get ready for work. sorry about the baby goat. They are so sweet.
    Christine!! Inconclusive...that stinks but we will all be with you. make me laugh with you Christmas tree stories. is you back feeling?
    Really tired here...just no energy. Have a question though...I started taking Lexapor three weeks ago and my hot flashes are coming only a couple of times a day and are pretty mild compared to before. I am just freaking out a bit as I am on Arimidex because my oncologist is sure that I am permenantly in menopause (I'm 46). I wondered if the Lexapro is the cause of fewer hot flashes as I am so worried that I am NOT in menopause...does the Arimidex even work if you aren't. I have blood work every month to check my hormone levels and they haven't said anything so I'm really hoping its a good side effect of the Lexapro...!?!
    I'll write more ladies,
    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
    Carrie and Denise...sending you big hugs! So happy all turned out well.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Another mild day here in the Chicago end of the circle. This morning, I took my dog out front on his leash. Wasnt about to fight with the mudd on his paws today I will tell you that. It feels so weird to step outside in December wearing only a sweater!

    Glad yesterday is gone! I woke up feeling so good and chipper today. So Ive got my coffee, sitting by the campfire and trying hard to hear the birds sing. But, alas - they have flown south for the winter. We still have Cardinals - they say around all year, but they havent been in the singing mood lately.

    I sure am missing our friends that are on vacation. Susan is probably having a blast at Disneyland and Sherloc is probably enjoying a relaxing cruise. And was it baldeagle who was going on a trip also? I get so confused sometimes.

    Amy: I am sooooo glad you liked your new onc. Sounds like he/she will be right on top of things. Dang, a fracture pelvis? That hurts. No wonder you were in so much pain. And the lesions are healing. Thats wonderful news. The livre thing is a bummer, but I'll betcha thats gonna show an improvement also. I was so worried about you but figured you had your hands tired taking care of that baby goat. Sorry she didnt make it. Not surprised about the lung problem. Always a concern with any premature baby. But as you said she is frolicking around somewhere under the rainbow.

    Liz: Good luck with shopping. As of now, each day closer to Christmas becomes a warzone lol. Only for the brave and strong. I think Im done. I have been such a busy little bee making presents. I need to take them all out and actually see what I have and who is getting what. One more present to make this week-end and I will be done.

    Christine: Man oh man, sorry about needing thyroid surgery. Inconclusive is such a vague term. When is the surgeons appointment? Its so funny you asked about our Italian Christmas tradition. Christmas eve always meant having fish. Many moons ago if you were catholic you werent allowed to eat meat on Christmas eve. The main course is always Lobster spaghetti. Yeppers, you get a fresh lobster and cook it in your tomato sauce. It has a spicey twist to it with linguine. Oh yummy, it is so good. Favorite cookies - anise slices with almonds. They are so good. On Christmas Day it will just be me and my husband and I will be making a big dish of Lasagna.

    CherylCY: Oh that was a great story Being a grandma I guess Im a senior associate. I stand up and applaud all moms!! Moivng furniture around. Yep, my husband did that yesterday too. Interior decorating is not his specialty. So I hate to tell you what the living room looks like. But the poor guy is so proud of himself. I smiled, looked at him and said good job.

    Brenda: After I read your post, I jumped up and remembered oh the tree. Had to run out into the living room to look at it. I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes to get a clear view of it. The branches are now opening up and making it look fuller. But its still crooked! But Im thinking this morning its not as ugly as it looked last night. I did string popcorn though. Havent done that in years. We decorate it tonight. Thats like a ritual for me and DH. We make a party out of it. Im sure when all the decorating is done, I will look at it and say, this is our best tree ever. Seems like I say that every year.

    Vickie: Long before my bc, my doctor gave me Lexapro specifically to help me with the hot flashes. And it worked pretty good.

    Mena: Your so funny. Ive done that too. Got some presents after Christmas for those I wont see before. Hope the boys did a good job putting up the tree and lights.

    Carrie: Its so good to hear from you. I love the idea of decorating Denise room with the cards. Mine will be coming soon, I promise. Now when is your appointment with the surgeon? We need to be there with you for that one.

    NewFlash: The house is usually quiet in the morning. Everyone sleeping. I just heard sounds!! Went to go look at what is going on. Well my dear dog, Mister the monster - just ate all my popcorn!! I should have figured. He loves popcorn and is tall enough to go grab it from the kitchen counter. Hmmmmm - bad doggy. bad bad doggy.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. For those of you shopping, enjoy and avoid the crowds.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning,

    Just checking in real quick.

    Christine, somehow I missed that your test were inconclusive. One thing for sure, we all know the word patience well. Sorry, that it didn't say benign.

    Vicki, I am Post Menopausal and they haven't been to bad since I can't have my estrogen but when I have them - Watch out. My husband looks at me and goes "do you think it is cold in here". I can't take the usual things they give because of the medicine I take for fatigue. Vicki, personally I think we have down days and feeling tired because we don't have the estrogen anymore. I was never a down, tired person but this is the gift of BC for me. I hope it gets better and sorry that I can't help with the Lexapro advice.

    I need to go check my "drinking tree". I had to put water in it again, that made 4 times, before I went to bed last night. How could it possibly be that dry with us just cutting it on Sunday and today is only Thursday. Good thing it is only water that it is gulping. Let me tell you ladies, these 61 year old knees and hips don't bend to well getting down and up so much to keep the tree watered. We will be gone overnight on Friday and this poor tree will
    be totally dry when we get home late Saturday.

    Hey, Mena, how's the tree coming. Mine is to big for the decorations I have and I refuse to go out in this mess and buy more.

    Yesterday, one of the places I had to go was to Sam's Club. Here I am backing out and 3/4 out of my parking space and this woman comes walking towards me and instead of stopping and letting me continue, she actually walked behind my moving vehicle. I had to stop and let her get past - stupid. It is really warm here and she had on these medium blue leather pants and it is a good thing she didn't hear what I said!!!!!!!!!

    If you are going out today shopping or running errand, better allow EXTRA time as it is crowded and people act like total nuts.

    Denise, saying a prayer that you are doing great and know that you are missed. Carrie, praying you up for Tuesday.

    NS, hope you are moving OK this morning with your back.

    Ok, got to run. Have chores to do today and I must go water this darn tree.

    Have a wonderful day, Brenda
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Did someone say cheesecake ?

    Cause I still don't have a freaking tree! Cheesecake sounds pretty damn good to me as I'm getting kinda nuts about this whole tree thing...

    My son broke his glasses and he's pretty blind without them, so we spent yesterday replacing them...and it was pouring here, so no use getting a wet tree! Yes, we...well, "they" -- yes, I am a sucker for my kids...decided on a real son and daughter are going to put it up...Uh huh...sure...and the cats are going to paint the house, too...

    OK, I'm off to see my onc...have to go over all those results from last week's tests and hope to God I'm really stable and there weren't any mistakes...

    Oh, Roza, a fellow metster, is having a really hard time right now...please pray if your inclined and/or send those positive thoughts and healing energies...

    Gee, all of you who missed my "bad" post hahahah...I would re-post but I'd be banned hahahaha...let's just was too colorful for the know how I get when I hear of cheating all started with an innocent game of darts...ok?

    Who said my jump-starting could have ended in explosion? OMG...that's not even funny hahahah...I think I let the red and black that weren't connected to my battery dangle and I think they were touching and that's why there were sparks...does that sound right? I won't let it happen again...certainly don't need any I have to learn how to change a says my son...

    OK, off to see the Wizard...have a good day everyone...Mena...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    > I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple advice heard on the Dr. Phil show, you too can find inner peace. Dr Phil proclaimed, "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished."
    So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of White Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Kaluha, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now. Please pass this on to those whom you think might be in need of inner peace.

    I'm into the chocolates now and should have all the inner peace I need for a couple of days...LOL

    Mena...we will all be with you today and there will be no bad news allowed! Only good for you...that's my Christmas wish. That's actually my wish for all.
    Nicki...thanks for the info on the Lexapro...I was freaking out a bit as I don't need the estrogen and I'm not ready for another surgery yet to remove my ovaries if they decide to "kick in" again!
    Brenda...I am so sick of the "down" days...and yes, it's a gift of BC along with the lack of estrogen...feels like constant PMS!
    Oh gosh...Nathaniel has a little shihtzu puppy that I bring to work with me (my boss loves him as do all the residents here), well, his administrative assistant brought in a nintendog shihtzu stuffed toy that looks exactly like barks and whines and wags its tail...poor puppy thinks it's real...he's having a ball under my desk with it at the moment.
    Has anyone heard from RobinTN...did I miss a post...worried about her.
    Hugs and be back later (if I get a break today that is)
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    Morning CG's. Sorry haven't posted, just way too busy with work and holidays. My computer at home was down again for 2 weeks and am finally back on.
    Amy, so sad about our little "Angel" goat. I cry everytime someone metions the Rainbow Bridge...

    Mena, wonderful to hear from you again. See you on the 13th.

    Carrie, great news on Denise and you know you're in my thoughts for yourself.

    Vicki, sounds like a plan to clean up everything in my house. I already started with the cookies and chocolate!!

    Life has been crazy around here. Very tired and run down this week. Had business dinners for the past few weeks and so sick of that. Just want to zone out and get under the covers. I tried to go off my effexor and became very dizzy and went back on just 1 a day and it helps.
    I've been thinking of all of our sisters lately and maybe it's because of the holidays that I'm so down and SICK of this disease. But enough downers for now.
    I've mailed out most of my cards, should finish by tomorrow and they will go out on Saturday. Love...Love the cards I've been receiving. Everyone waits for me to open and loves to see what state they're from.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning cg's
    i am poking my head outside the pissy tent and am thinking i might be able to come out for a little while...
    no wonder i was in such a mood yesterday as i got my monthly.... grrrrrrrrr i have wicked cramps today but my emotions seemed to have settled a bit.... hahaha a bit well quite a i can get bitchy and not no it.....
    awwww mena hope you get your tree soon...i am thinking if i can stay out of pissy tent today i might go to town and get one to since i have to go get huge overnight pads!!!!!
    hahah mena yep i am starting college jan 7th... but i am wondering if this is what career path i should be doing... going into management is so freakin stressful..
    10 more shopping days till i go flat broke!!!
    hahah chemosabi i was just giving you a hard time with your christmas cards but you really can send a new years one...... ahahahaha!!!!!!!! stepping outside in december with only a sweater????? lmao try nekkid!!!!!!!
    lol my dogs love popcorn to and also they really love pure pumpkin......
    newvickie i try that one at least once a month...... hehehehehehehe
    speaking of that i have valium still from a yr ago i should finish....!!!!!!!!
    that will definately bring me out of pissy tent.
    omg mena did i tell you about my garden lately its going to be ready for christmas...... i will send you pictures of my organic tomatoe plants!
    they are so yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they have a funny smell to them... hmmmm go figure!!!!!!!
    well ladies have a good day at least today is starting better then yesterday did....
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning/almost afternoon and so far, have accomplished nothing. Oh well . . .

    Cheryl, I'm definitely a 'Senior Research Associate in the field of child shopping and development, child spoiling in the field of human relations with the ability to go broke fast'.

    Mena, I'm loving the Christmas tree bit since I'm Jewish and my dh is Irish Catholic and my niece is more than dating an African American. I would say we are multi-cultural, wouldn't you? So, we get a real tree every year and I decorate it with Jewish ornaments and Christian ornaments and by the time I'm done, it looks like a French Whore -- very religous, huh? I'll post a pic one of these days. To top that off, we have 2 Menorah's -- one in the window behind the tree and one on the dining room table. We just love the eclictic.
    Jumper cables? Gosh, I am so impressed!!! I know how to get in the car, turn the key and GO. That's about it.
    BTW, I always shop right after Christmas for next year (at least for the people I know I'll still be talking to).
    I'm sending postive thoughts and white light to Roza.

    Shel, I'm so glad you're going to get away from it all. Have a blast in the Keys!

    Amy, I'm so sorry about the baby goat. I'm a sucker for any kind of animal and I hate to hear when something bad happens.

    Liz, I definitely do a lot of shopping on line. It's so much easier than fighting the crowds. Besides, my back and legs hurt too much . . .

    Christine, I'm really sorry to hear about your thyroid surgery and feel positive that it will be okay. We'll all be there with you.

    Niki, You gotta love that dog!!!

    Brenda, I am so estrogen deprived that I feel like a dried up prune and I HATE prunes! Let's not even get into the sex issues . . .

    Vickie, I know there is a reason I love Dr. Phil and it's definitely not his looks; it must be his advice.

    tgirl, I'm sorry you've been in a funk and I think we need to do lunch and cheer each other up. Between your blahs and my back . . . I don't know what I would do without my Effexor -- I'm up to 300 mg a day -- you think I'd be buzzing around like a happy butterfly or something. NOT!

    Michele, Where are you??? I'm worried about you!

    Anyway, today is my anniversary - 10 years and we never had a fight - and if you believe that one I'll sell you a cure for bc. So we've been married for 10 years and been together for 26 (I didn't want to rush into anything the 2nd tinme around). He (Gerry) got a suite a Harrah's for tonight and made dinner reservations and we're both looking forward to it.

    I need to get started on my day. I hope you all have a very happy 14th.

    Love, Sue
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Amy, so sorry about the goat.

    As for Christmas trees, I always wanted a real tree, but every year I would get so stressed out that it would dry up and catch on fire. So, we bought a good fake tree and used it for years. When we moved here to KY, that poor tree didn't make the trip. We were so broke that first Christmas I bought a cheap fake one from Walmart thinking that "next year" I'd get a better one. We are still using that tree and it gets uglier and scragglier every year. Next year we'll get a better one....

    Congrats on 10 years, Sue. I think every year of marriage needs to be celebrated! That and my cancer anniversary are 2 of my most important days.

    Vickie, I don't want to scare you, but I started my periods after being on arimidex and testing postmenopausal. It was a shock, let me tell you.

    I really will get my cards out. Nicki, who will do it first, you or me? I bought mine 2 weeks ago and they are half done. No excuse, just procrastinating. I think I'm hoping Christmas will just slow down. I need a couple of more months, I haven't done hardly any shopping. My school usually gives the teacher's a Christmas bonus. I don't know if we are getting it this year, but if we are, that's the kids Christmas gifts. I can't believe how much the bills keep piling up! No wonder I feel like a Scrooge.

    I'm coming to the whining tent now, since I'm out of the blues. Can we move the fountains there?
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006 your Rx for inner peace!!!!!!
    Hugs, Lisa
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Hi everyone G asked me to post and let you know she
    misses you all but her back is hurting too much to sit at the computer ,so she is trying to rest it . Prayers for you sweet G that your back will feel better soon. We will move you gently to to the medic tent for some moist heat and chocolate . When your back hurts it seems like you just hurt all over !!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good afternoon to all the CG's

    Guess What?????? All of my cards are officially in the hands of the post office as we speak. woohoooo! I can now check that off my list of things to accomplish. I enjoyed do it so much and with each one I had a special thought. Its amazing how much all of you mean to me. O.k. so dont be so shocked when you get my card and its not even Christmas yet!

    So sorry that NS-G isnt feeling well. You are correct Carrie by saying when your back hurts everything hurts. Lets gently get her to the medic tent and she will start feeling better. The chocolate fountain is already turned on and awaiting for her arrival.

    Ishop-I love the description of your Christmas tree. You will have to post us some pictures of that. Happy Anniversary to you and hope you have a wonderful night.

    Tracey-glad you are able to venture out of the pissy tent. Its good that we have that tent though because we all have our days. Geesh dont you hate having to sleep in diapers? I luckily dont have those days and count my lucky stars. Hope you are feeling much better,,,cramps really suck.

    tgirl-sorry you have been in such a funk here lately. Hoping things improve for you. We have missed you around the circle though so nice to see you around.

    Mena-I am really hoping you got some good news today. I feel certain that you did because you dont want to get these wagon circle girls all wound up. Its a sight!

    Nicki-I have had the same thing happen to me with my dogs but it was pizza on the counter that was soon to be dinner. Needless to say I probably strung a few adjectives together but it didnt do anygood and all the other pups was glad the Australian cattle dog had the nerve to make the first move. I can see them all now standing around saying do it,,just do it,,you are always doing something and she expects it out of you,,come on do it. They all had pizza and I was forced to go eat out.

    OK short but sweet as its time to hit the door and go get a load of hay. Hay is scarce these days so gotta go load up and scratch all the way home.

    Love to you all. Amy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Evening ladies,
    HI Lisa...long time, no see...good to see you here.
    NS...hope you are feeling better are needed here but we can take care of you till you are up and about again...back pain is the worst.
    Sheri...I really hope I'm worries me a lot and I don't know what to think. I intend to have my ovaries out just want to wait till after the holidays...then I won't have to worry about it at all. My oncologist disagrees with me and says its unneccessary but I just don't want them there to cause me more problems that I can't handle.
    IShop...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...have a wonderful time and hope for many more happy anniversaries to come.
    Any news on RobinTN...anyone?
    Tgirl...good to see you, you were missed.
    Missing Peggy and Vera too.
    Ok...busy night here. It's 54 degrees outside...truly weird weather for central NY but I'm not complaining...every day it's warm is one day closer to spring. Making cupcakes galore for Nathaniels birthday tomorrow. He is having a party at school and a party tomorrow night with his all time favorite food...PIZZA...then to Chucky Cheese Saturday with my niece as it's her birthday on Sunday. Off to see Santa at fire station Saturday night. Whew...and I still have crafts to finish for Christmas...may have to call in sick one day next week...haha, no such luck.
    Hugs all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey guys I updated my blog and added some of my photos of hawaii

    More later....

    Deb C
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's...

    T...Bah! You, down? Methinks the lady doth protest! Say it ain't so...I guess I'll be calling you...You always have a big smile on your face when I see you...that's every time I'm in the fridge...I bought the pics Sue took down the shore when we got together and I have a 4x6 framed on the fridge door...I get to see you guys everyday!

    Nicki...thanks for that Dr. Phillism...I think we're all going to enjoy that advice!

    Sue...hahahaha omg I laughed out loud at your eclectic holiday description. I do hope you start feeling better...OH, and Happy Anniversary!

    OK...yes, my onc confirmed today that my cancer is stable. She even wanted to know if I wanted to bridge over to Faslodex now that chemo has it stable...I said "no" will take 6 mos. to even know if Faslodex is keeping it stable and if it doesn't I'll have to go back on Gemzar...I dunno...I have to think about this. In a way, it might be a good idea to take a chemo break, especially since I need surgery on that ankle I broke this past summer that never healed...

    If any metsters want to chime in on this, please do...

    No tree yet...Mena...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Ok!! Busy Busy Busy. I have written out 13 cards. Husband just put the stamps on. Have so many more to do. So its no discussion board for me tonight. I will say hi to all of you tomorrow morning.

    Roza - please come to the inner circle for love and comfort.

    Gotta go, gotta go. Ns - feel better.

    See ya in the morning

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Just checking in for a sec. I did the shopping thing and it actually wasn't too bad. Everyone was very nice and jolly. I've got all I need except for a few simple things which I'll pick up here.

    I'm pooped!

    Know that you're all in my thoughts and prayers. I love getting the cards.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2006
    Evening ladies, I'm finally coming out of my funk and do I ever have so much catching up to do....
    Hugs to all
    good night
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Hi Ladies

    Just a quick check-in, been feeling OK, still not sleeping great, but OK, just been really tired.

    Got tons of cards yesterday and today - I just love getting them! And yes Liz, I did get two! (Was that you? Talk about chemo brain, but I don't feel like going back downstairs to the card basket! Chemo brain and lazy to boot! LOL)

    Peace, love and positive energy to all the Circle Girls! Sleep well...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    I got back from vacation to find that ANOTHER friend of mine has frickin breast cancer. She had found the lump right before I left. While I was gone they got a DX and did a mastectomy 3 days later.

    I just want to scream. How many more people? How many more surgeries? I am so mad at cancer, at fate…Somehow I feel like Typhoid Mary or something. It seems like everyone I know is getting cancer.

    Please keep Erica in your prayers.

    Deb C.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    deb........i'm sorry!

    i found out tonight that a very dear lady to me (like the mom i always wanted) was dx'd with BC and brain mets (and nothing they can do).....we talked for hours, as she is still "with it"........but i was devastated. i know how you're feeling, and the worst part is, she had pity for me!!!!

    i am at my wits end with BC!!!!!

    "bah humbug"..........this isn't fair.

    please send up your prayers for "jeannie piche" of windsor ontario............she needs all we can give right now!

    thanks girls.
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    Hi Ladies,
    Just a quick note, as I am at work. Haven't posted much lately, but have been reading.

    Carrie and Denise, prayers and good thoughts to you both.

    Amy, sorry to hear about your "Sage". (((hugs)))

    NS, hope your back feels better soon.

    RobinTN, where are you? (((HUGS))) and prayers to you.

    Nicki, can't believe the dog ate the popcorn. Be interesting when you take him for his 'walk' in the morning! lol.

    Vera, so good to see you. Glad the funk is passing.

    Mena, glad your bc is stable. Prayers for your friend Roza.

    DebC, good to see you back. I checked out your pics. BEAUTIFUL! Your girls are so cute. Sorry to hear of you finding out about another friend on your return.

    Shel, (((hugs))) and prayers for you and your friend Jeannie.

    Tracey, be careful on that ice. I heard we were supposed to get that freezing rain, but it has (thankfully) been rescinded! I am in the same club as you. Do you find that Tamox has made your periods way worse? I've only been on T for about 3 months, so the jury is still out but leaning that way!

    Have really enjoyed getting the cards. Each one is so special. Thank you.

    Have a wonderful day today.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Well I did it! I finished writing all of my cards and husband is gonna bring them to the post office today. Im 56 y/o and never in my entire life have I received so many Christmas cards. Its just so touching, I cant tell you all the emotions I feel.

    Its another mild day here in the Chicago end of the circle. Sun was so bright yesterday I needed sun glasses again. Didnt even need a coat. It always worries me when it gets this warm in the middle of Winter. I keep asking, so when is the next big storm coming?

    Coffee is brewing and I have a wonderful treat for us this morning. Its a Panaloni cake - made and imported from a small town in Italy. Have some whipped butter for it to. Oh yummy - its a delightful Christmas treat! Expensive too, but since it was a gift I thought I would share it with all of you.

    Brenda, I sure do love your drinking tree story. Must be really, really thirsty and I sure do understand about the knees. No more stooping for me unless I have something to hold on to get back up! And its wild out there now in the shopping centers. People seem to be so preoccupied and rushed. Not thinking straight at all.

    Mena: Ive been wearing glasses since I was in second grade. So I do understand the need to replace a pair of broken glasses right away. Im also blind without mine. Pretty hard to look for a tree when its pouring rain. A miracle occured here last night. When I woke up this morning and looked at the tree, its actually very pretty. It opened up nicely. We put the lights on last night, but we will do the ornaments on Sunday. Husband is working at a pub tonight and tomorrow night. Congrats on being officially stable. Go with your instinct when making your decision regarding the chemo. Instinct is never wrong.

    Vickie: Chocolates? Oh yes, Im into them also. In October I ate M & M's. Got a bag of Hersheys Kisses, well had a bad. Ate them all! Sure tasted good though. Your week-end sure sounds busy. Please give Nathanel a Birthday hug from me. Hope he has a wonderful day.

    Tgirl: Its so good to hear from you again. Hope the computer is fixed. As the Holidays get closer, it gets more hectic. I have alot business events I have to go to also - and I just want to stay home!! Come January 2nd we can all take a deep breath of relief.

    Tracey: Glad you stepped out of the pissy tent. Periods suck - and the older we get, the worst they get. Your card was the first one I wrote .

    Sue: Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I hope you had a great time at Harrahs. Did they have gambling there? Oh I do love those slot machines. But since it was your anniversary, who would want to play slots.

    Sheri: Ahahaha now who did finish first? The cards are done! I put 2 fountains of wine in the whining tent. Just seems appropriate. The other night, when I went there, I think I passed out lol. When all is said and done, Christmas will be wonderful. We worry and fret so much. This is my second Christmas after my diagnosis and I never thought I would be here to celebrate it. So Im gonna pull out the champayne. Gotta celebrate life!

    Carrie: thanks for the update on NS. Now Im hoping after suffering for this long, she called the doctor. Maybe do muscle relaxants, pain pills, and heating pad are in order.

    Amy: The pizza story is so funny. Reminds me of "A Christmas Story" where the dogs eat all the turkey. My "Mister/Monster" is really doing his fair share of destruction. Last night husband put the box our ornaments are stored in on the floor in the living room. Thank goodness I dont have carpeting there. Guess it was something new! Woke up and sure enough he marked it!! When my husband wakes up he will say "And who brought him home?" Well me of course. Cant put garland on the tree cause my male cat Wesley - eats it and then throws up all over the house. And my female cat? Well shes walking around saying "Ive been traumatized." She does not like her little world upset, and the tree caused her to hide under the bed for 24 hours. My animals rule this house!!

    Lisa: So good to see you. How are your Holiday plans going. Seems like we all are in a stressful mode here. But somehow, the stress is still a little bit of fun too.

    Debc: The pictures from Hawaii are great. The sunsets are awesome, but I really laughed with your 2 girls and husband on the surf boards. Sure looks like you had a great time. Typhoid Mary? Nope, not so. When I was first diagnosed, all my friends, coworkers, and family were shocked. I was the "strong" one who never gets sick and is always helping others. So after my diagnosis, alot of people got scared. Everyone was getting testing done, and some did find bc. Thank goodness!! I figure if it wasnt for me, they wouldnt have known and had it treated early.

    Liz: Well Im hoping you passed out and had a good nights sleep. Next stress after buying the presents? Its wrapping them. Time is running out and I still have 2 more presents to make.

    Vera: We must have mental telepathy. I was just thinking about you and wondering where you were. Glad your outta that funk. We miss you here.

    Colleen: Have you tried melatonin or tylenol pm to help you sleep? If you dont sleep, you will be tired tired tired all the time. I know, been there and done it. Now I take xanax each night.

    I have moved Jeannie, Erica, and Roza to the middle of the circle. Have healing lights around their tents. Sending love and peace.

    Lynn: So good to see you. Hoping all is going well. Hard to imagine that when Im sound asleep, your up and working!

    Ok! time to go - get ready for work. TGIF!! Yippee.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Morning ladies,
    Nathaniel is up early as his big sissy called to wish him happy birthday before she started work so I'm getting tons of kisses. What a way to wake up...both my children full of love. He turns 8 years old today (boohoo...where is my little boy!!!) Thinking it's time to adopt another...he wants a little sister but don't know if it's even possible with my bc. I could have a houseful of babies if there was a way. happy to see you back...really missed you and your wonderful fun posts.
    Mena...YEAH...I told you we wouldn't allow any bad news. So happy for you.
    Deb...I'm so sorry about your bad news. Hope your friend makes out ok, we will add her to our circle and keep her safe...does she have a computer? I checked out your blog last night...beautiful pictures and you looked so very happy...what a beautiful family you are.
    Shel...good to see you too and will be sending prayers for jeannie Piche. It does feel a bit like "Bah Humbug".
    Sending hugs to Liz, Nicki, Lynn, Vera, Mena, ohh...EVERYONE.
    Have to get ready for work (Bah humbug to that too) but it's supposed to be 56 degrees today! Who wants to work when its 56 degrees in feels like spring.
    OH...I got three more cards yesterday...what a wonderful feeling it is. I am hanging them on my new front door and I'll post a picture soon.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day,
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    Morning CG's. Warm and foggy here.

    Vera, was that you next to me in the Funk Tent?? I would have brought drinks had I known someone was sitting there.

    Mena....Kick a** lil sis. Pretty soon stable will be an old word and improvement will be your next. xoxo

    NS...sorry about your back...Does stretching help with warm heat on it?

    Vickie, I keep having dreams about my youngest son and in it he's 6/7 yrs old?? How wierd is that? He's 22 and why not dreams about my other one?????

    Sue...Hope you had a great time in AC and did some shopping...

    Lynn...welcome back. I guess we'll be on more after the holidays. can add some chemical from the garden center to help with the tree and it's needle drop.

    Shel...bad news seems to happen around the holidays...Hope you're doing better these days. xoxo

    Sheri...we have a tree that we took out of my sister's attic the house she bought 5 yrs ago. We have it bolted to the wall because it's so crooked. But when it's decorated and lit up, you can't tell it's fake.

    Had a hen party last night with my mom and her friends. Imagine partying with 25 75-80 yr old women who are wild. Was a blast. Other people call it Yankee swap or something like that. You bring a wrapped gift and fight over which one to keep. Fun but tired again.

    Last year I dropped out of going to all parties, so this year I can't drop out again even if I'm tired.

    Have a peaceful day. xoxo
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Circle girls,

    DebC-welcome back. I checked out your blog and love your pics. I know you have tons of things to do but I would love to see Alaska pics on there also for those of us dying to go to Alaska. Please tell me I am not the only one. That has to be the #1 place in the world that I want to go. Keeping your friend in my thoughts also. BC Sucks!

    Vickie-give Nathaniel a big birthday hug from the circle girls. I am sure he is excited. birthdays are so much fun!

    Woohooo--go mena for kicking some cancer A$$! My initial reaction when I read your post was the same as yours. Why change when something is working? I must admit a chemo break sure sounds nice but would it really be a break if you were constantly worrying if it was working? I dunno, when I went the other day and was told my lesions were gone I was scared to death he was going to make a change and I wasnt ready for it. As much as I hate taking chemo it scares me to not have it. OK call me weird I dont mind. Its hard to explain those feelings but I guess we can all relate in some type of way since we have all been there. Its more scary this time being mets though because its proven to me that it can go somewhere else. Listen to your heart Mena and you will make a good decision. Good luck on getting the tree. Just a thought,,what about a living tree that would be smaller but you can plant it later. Planting trees is always nice and you and your children can watch it grow together and that Christmas memory always stays with you.

    Liz-congrats on getting some shopping done and not killng anybody. I ran in yesterday at lunch and got my son some of those ipod Nikes that are out. The new thing so of course its on his list. One by one I keep picking up Santa stuff and I made a list this morning of everything and I am doing pretty good if I say so myself. I have gotten everything so far that he has mentioned except for that 07 Ford Mustang. Just what a 12 year old needs ya know?!?

    Shel-so sorry about your friend that has BC and mets. The other day when I was getting chemo there was a lady there that was 37 and had just found out she had breast cancer and it had already spread to her bones. I hate this disease!

    Nicki-congrats on finishing the cards. We ran a tight race on that one. Can you imagine our two monster dogs getting together? Oh my gosh, the house wouldnt be standing very long. I love her to death and she is so cuddly but I swear while she is cuddling with you shes also hurting me with her big feet. Bull in a china shop is all I can say.

    OK milked mommy goat yesterday and the day before and her milk is drying up so will be making some goat milk soap this weekend. It will be only one batch because you just dont get tons of milk from a pygmy goat. I am thinking I need to get a nigerian dwarf goat so that I can get more milk and make soap and lotion. Now just gotta find a Nigerian dwarf that I like and get a buck,,ewwwwwwwww stinky! Thats my plans though and I love making goat milk soap.

    Vera-Glad to see you. Been thinking I was going to have to head to the big city of Ft. Payne and brew some starbucks at your window to lure you out. Been missing you girl so get yourself out of that funk and call me anytime if you wanna have a drink. I'm always up for that!

    tgirl-your hen party sounds like alot of fun. Nothing better than hanging out with crazy older women. so what gift did you get?

    OK gotta get busy here at work. Payroll to close out, gotta go to the courthouse and get some UCC's filed and also get some deeds. Its gonna be 70 freaking degrees here today and this weekend,,what the he!! is up with this weather? Somebody please send me some cold weather,,pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Love, Amy
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning cg's
    christine i love the snow to but not our icy roads!!! we got another dump of snow last night and are in a heavy snowfall warning... i will get some pics this weekend!!!:):):)
    l2cmp..........LOL diapers,,, yep and next its going to be depends for me....hahahaha:):)
    alaskadeb, wow you have some great photos there. hope you will post a few of them in the photo thread:)
    hahaha chemosabi....... you rock girlfriend!!!!!
    i have received a whole bunch of cards and its really a nice feeling!!!!!! ty ladies!!!!!!!!!
    well its a slow day here at the hotel...we have 49 rooms and we only rented 11 of them last night!!!! but i will enjoy the quietness while i can because come spring we will be rocking again!!! then again with all the snow we have been getting we should pick up for ski and snowmobile season!!!
    i am going to go home and start my snowmobile up i think hehehehehe we have enough snow i can leave right from my front door....
    well all you ladies have a fantastic day......i feel good today but still a bit crampy... i cant wait for menopause or can i?????
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006

    Please keep my friend Wylie in the middle of the circle. She is in hospice care now. This time last year she was NED. I hate this damn disease.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies, hope you all are well. My dh took me to my ankle/foot surgeon yesterday. He didn't think amputation was needed. Wants to do a surgery to straighten out this mess. He showed us the x-ray that shows my ankle is still broken and one of the screws inside is broken into. No wonder I can't walk. He's booked until June but they put me on the "call list" in case someone cancels they can get me in. I'm tired today, 360 miles up there & we drove it back home too. My dh had to work today so we had to get back. It was a big day. My bp is on its way down so that's good. This bc has just left me so tired all the time.

    Vicki,I loved the sister poem. I copied it and sent it to each of my 5 sisters. And it was so nice for our sisters on here. Happy Birthday to your son. They grow up so fast. I just started Lexapro a couple of weeks ago myself. I went through menopause in my early 40's (now 49) and the night sweats have started again. I don't know yet what kind of symptoms I'm going to have to live through again. I hope the Lexapro is a help but I don't know yet. I was already over the menopause when bc hit. Also, very funny what you wrote about Dr.Phils advice.

    NS & Cheryl cy, I pray your backs will get better & your pain will ease. I've been lucky so far I've never had that trouble but I hear it's terribly painful. Isn't there something you can take?

    Mena, so glad your appt. went well & you're stable! So now it's time to put your tree up.

    Sue, you painted a very interesing picture of your tree! lol Hope you had a wonderful anniversary with your dh last night.

    Liz, it's great you have your shopping done. Sometimes the crowds can be uplifting. I've done all mine on the internet, I'd like to get out among all the glitter, hustle & bustle. Now for you to get them all wrapped.

    Colleen, hope you're sleeping better. A good nights sleep can make a world of difference in how you face the world.

    Deb & Shel, I am so terribly sorry about your friends being sick. We seem to be multiplying so quickly.

    Wishing all of you the best. I'm worn out today so I have chemo-brain something awful! Hope I got everyones name with their situation and sorry if I forgot some of you ladies. Bless you all.

    By the way, I posted again on the smoking thread. Maybe some of you would like to check it out.

    Cheri M.