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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls,

    I didn't even try to read 2 days of posts. I hope all is doing well or is in the medic tent if needed.

    I go for my MRI on my back tomorrow morning and have been in a funk for a couple of days. Guess we'll see what happens when the doc gets the results.

    Know that I'm always thinking of each of you.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Good Night Girls
    Just stopped in to say that I hope everyone is well.
    Busy day today ... FINALLY got my cards out, did the tree and baked cookies. No time to answer all posts though I did read them.
    I think of you all every day even though I may not have time to post.
    Hugs and prayers for all
    Keep well sisters
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Hello Girls,
    You know I started to get that Christmas excitement today too.
    It is strange- it is so un-Christmas like here with temps in the 60s and my forsythia blooming!

    So now I see I didn't have to pay for that ugly tea set?? Oh well. I really did SMASH it. My purse weighs a ton!

    Sheri I love that movie... and that part was bigger in the book as well. It is a beautiful book to read.

    Cheri, crusty, sparky and sparkly now- thanks to some out of control Christmas decorations!!

    Mena I am glad you have a tree.
    Shel, I am glad to hear from you... you will be fine. I just KNOW IT!!!
    Cheryl is good to see you check in!
    Liz, good LUCK with your back tomorrow. All I can say is UGH and give you a gentle hug. All my MRIs say I need more surgery and every time I tell them to fagettaboutttit!!!

    Vickie, I might take your daughter up on her offer! She sounds great!! I like how you described how she was as a child too!

    Tracey I just LOVE your tree. I am trying to upload a pic of my cat with a bow on him. He fought me like a deranged tiger with rabies when I was trying to put it on him... you would think I was strangling him!

    I went to a Cocoa Party today where all they served was hot cocoa. You KNOW I would NOT miss that.
    Well, they had two kinds of marshmallows for the top. They had the regular round ones and then they had square ones. So being the curious one that i am I picked a square one. Did you know that square marshmallows are salted???
    I wanted to report them to the marshmallow police or something!

    I see we are missing quite a few girls... this is a busy time in the circle. But OUR TREE IS ENORMOUS! Between the tree and the three fires we really are a beacon for all who need the love and care that only the circle can provide.
    BTW- I made my donation to BCO in honor of all the circle girls the other day- I cried like a baby doing it I was so happy to be a part of this!

    Love to all,

  • RobinKW
    RobinKW Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2006
    Wishing you good night here too!

    I have been sick since last weekend and just trying to catch up.

    Deb - what is the deal with gall bladders? I was out three days last week - thought I had the flu at first but had this searing pain under my right rib and around my back. Everyone at work was in a panic as I had not been out that much even before BC dx. Called my internist and PCP and both were out so went to urgent care since I could not stand the pain. Ultrasound and xrays....doc said since he could not diagnosis what was the cause other than viral, he would do a CAT - give me an early Christmas present - nothing there either. Internist did HIDA scan and should know results tomorrow. What I want to know is it just our age or ? Love your HI pictures!!!!
    Cheryl: I suffer from migraines and I do get the “broken glass” effect at times. The first time it really freaked me out - I know when visual things happen I had better take some meds. Also – so glad to hear you are able to have your port out.
    Mena – I think we should do a collection to buy you the car starter mechanism that works from the glove box – sparks are NOT supposed to happen. Post a pic of your tree when you can!
    Carrie and Denise – prayers for both (B9, B9 for Carrie)
    Cheryl123 – good luck with quitting – we know you can do it. We would love to see the grandson’s pix!
    NewVicki – wish I had my cookies baked! I am envious. Chucky Cheese – glad my days are over (with this generation anyway)
    Tracy – love the tree – your kids did a good job.
    Liz – I will be thinking about you tomorrow and that your MRI is good and your funk lifts.
    Cmb35 – good thoughts to you that you feel better!
    Cheryl G – wow – you accomplished a LOT!
    Amy – sorry about the baby goat – no fun losing a baby. I raised goats once upon a time - they were so silly. I am glad to see that you have a new onc – PM me sometime and let me know who your previous was so I never use her in AL.
    Shel – I hope you have a fun time in the Keys….I pray for you all the time and especially want you to hear NO lung mets.
    NS – how about “scrappy”?
    Susan – how was DL and how is RobinTN doing?
    Susan McHugh –you hubby is much better at planning than mine – sounded like it was fun. Sorry to hear about your friend.
    G – going to make my donation to BCO too. Thanks for the reminder….

    Going to bed – sorry to miss any…have lots of family coming in this week from out of town – you know what that is like – CLEAN. I love the cards…I am not overly sentimental…but this has been so much fun…I too reread the words on the cards. If you know the addresses of any of the girls that are to be given quilts - pleae let me me or Naughty by Nature know. N’ight
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006

    Cy checking in for duty!, We finally have power. Two kids ahve checked in one only lost it for 4 hours we went to her house! The power went out Thursday night and it cam on here at noon today. but around the block it's still out Scary to be driving around out there. Really tired and I dfi need to slepp if I'm going to make it in to work in th emorning. more later, putting a few more logs on to keep us warm out here!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Hidey Ho Girls. Back from the high seas. Had a grand time. Missed you all. Still on east coast time so have been up since 4:30. UGH!! My house is rocking and rolling on imaginary waves. Very odd feeling.
    Hugs to one and all. Have a grand day.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    Ok all, a quick hello, back from Pittsburgh, all went well with my Dad, lovely 3 days with my mom and even had a little time for me, missed you all and will tryto catch up ...but must work't you hate vacations...harder to catch up ...
    hugs...and still smiling...came home to many cards
    hugs to all
  • Melissa
    Melissa Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2006
    Hi All,
    I've been in and out of this very long and lovely thread. I was just wondering if everyone would give an "okay" to moving this to the forum, "Growing our Friendships". We feel that this may be a more appropriate forum to further grow and evolve this thread. Let me know.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    I personally do not want it moved to Growing Our Friendships because it will get lost.

    It was started for women who thought they were "moving beyond" and discovered they had mets. It deals with what it is like to live "beyond" cancer, whether you have mets, are going for tests, are having brain surgery, are having marital problems and is a support for when Moving Beyond gets to be too scary-

    To move it to that forum would destroy the meaning of this thread.

    Thank you for listening.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    i think it should stay right where it is.

    just my 2 cents.
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    I also vote to keep it here. We're all about trying to move beyond and this thread gives lots of support and help for those that are going through tough times in that quest.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Thank you- everyone please let your feelings be known.

    Moving Beyond is not all sunshine and happiness. We have scary tests, heartbreaking new diagnoses, trouble with our jobs and our families, trouble with the after effects of chemo and rads, and we need a place to go. WE go to the Wagon Circle.

    I know there are a few people here who don't like the circle but they do not have to come here. but if they ever NEED us- then we will welcome them with open arms!

    I think instead of this thread being dumped in a forgotten forum it deserves a STICKY instead! It is the most read andmost responded to thread on It should be honored instead of punished.


  • KAud
    KAud Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2006
    Hi Everyone,
    New to this part of the website but just thought I would stop off and introduce myself. I have already been talked down from the ledge by I'm Karen with Stg 3, Grade 3 bc. I am 33 and live in MD with my hubby, daughters (5 & 3) and dog. Starting chemo end of dec/begin Jan and will have surgery after. I was having meltdowns over this crap and my surgeon said he doesn't prescribe pills because then "I won't deal with the issue". What an idiot. I called my family doctor and he gave me a rx for Xanax -God bless him. Called Hopkins too so that old surgeon is no longer involved.
    Anyway, getting ready for Christmas and spending more $$ than I have. Trying to not let this invade every aspect of my life though god knows I have been a true slacker at work :-)
    Talk to you all soon!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Welcome Karen!
    I am so glad you found us.
    We will help keep your mind off of things when it gets scary, we will tell you what to expect from chemo and how to get through it, and we will make you laugh! If you already met Mena then you KNOW what i mean!
    Pull up a log and set down by the fire... we need some help making ornaments out of pinecones this morning.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey Karen-

    Welcome...sorry you had to find us, but glad we are here for you to find...if ya know what I mean It might help you to know that I am a stage 3c gal and i just finished my treatment. Cancer sucks, but you CAN do this. Just keep posting when you need us and we will be here.

    Please don't move the thread. I would hate for someone who is use to it being here not be able to find it. This is where it started and this is where it shoudl stay. JMHO

    Deb C.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006

    I also vote for keeping the thread here. This is not just about growing our friendships. This was started when several people like myself was going through a really rough time being diagnosed with mets as a way to pull people together because as a whole we are alot stronger. This thread had continued to grow and offer support not only to the metsters but to anyone with family problems, dog problems, goat problems, and any type of personal problem. My vote is to keep it here and maybe even make it a sticky as was previously mentioned. Amy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good afternoon, ladies. I just read that they want to move this thread. Melissa, I just joined this circle this past Nov. I just finished rads the month before and I was trying to Move Beyond treatments and had so many questions. Finding this thread was a life saver! I would've never found it under Growing our Friendships. That wasn't what I felt like I needed. Making friends in this circle is just a wonderful perk, but that's just not what it's all about. It was a support system coming here fresh from treatment needing the wisdom of those who have gone through the same things & understand. There's so many ladies here who are waiting for test results...the second time around. I would follow the Circle wherever you moved it but what a shame that newbies like I was just last month won't find it there. I agree it is a long thread, start it over but please don't move it under a different heading because I know the feeling of not knowing a soul on here and really needing a place like this. This thread is a shining light of this site, don't turn off that light by hiding it because then the newbies who need it so despartely can't find it.

    Cheri M.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    And sometimes we're just here to be plain old silly! Leave the thread where it is---I'm afraid new sisters would have a hard time finding us on the other obscure thread.

    Karen---you are welcome to the circle! We're here to comfort, support---and also just do the aforementioned silly stuff.

    I am so enjoying getting all of my Christmas cards. Next year I will be better prepared with pictures and will write notes but this year all good intentions were run over by an 8 pound baby! Amy---I got your card today. I must say it's a first---NEVER have I gotten a card with a keepsake photo of a donkey in it! Mazer is sure cute---city girl that I am,, I never knew donkeys could be cute. The last line of your letter made me cry.

    Just a quick stop in today---trying to convince myself I need to run errands despite the fact that somebody gave me a nice juicy cold. I sound like one of those foghorns on Lake Michegan. Had to reschedule my appointment with the eye surgeon for tomorrow since they didn't want it either. Now have to wait until next week (27th) to find out what we do next. Two people asked me what was wrong with my eye the last week or so---I'm thinking it's not just in my head (hardeeharhar) that it looks more obvious. I vote for we do nothing!

    Once again---thanks to everyone for the cards----that was sure a good idea Deb!

    And Shel---we need to see more of you!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    I vote for staying put. This is what "Moving Beyond" is all about.

    Welcome Karen
  • Deese
    Deese Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2006
    *This is csp I am posting on Deese's computer as I am
    staying with her while DH is at work *

    Dearest Melisssa and Tami,
    The Circle the wagon thread is really not for growing our friendships ,although Feelings and respect for one another do deepen here ,as it does everywhere on the boards. This is about support from 100 plus women all in one thread !!
    My sister just went through brain surgery after treatment for BC ,another big bump in the road to moving beyond. She
    has received overwhelming support.

    Although not every post is about surgery, scarey test ,and dealing with the emotions,the vein of this thread is all about trying to deal with and moving ahead . I would be very sad if this thread was moved , please let us stay here Melissa and Tami.

    Thank you ,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Now, on to the wagon circle girls,

    good afternoon! Welcome karen, so sorry you had to join us but glad we are here for you. You have found a great place to drop in and introduce yourself. Be sure and come back though because we are always here. We take different shifts ,,we have your early morning people (who I just will never understand how your eyes open at 4:30, lol) the mid day people like myself and then we have your late afternoon and night people. Somebody seems to always be on watch and there is always several fires buring for our sisters. Back your wagon in and sit a spell. I also forgot to mention that here is always food available along with chocolate fountains and adult beverages if you are so inclined.

    Whats up with this weather??? Geesh, its 72 degrees in Alabama today. How can I think about Christmas when I am sweating getting my word done outside. There is something just wrong with that picture.

    Mena, glad you got your tree up. I would have gotten the same one no doubt. There is just something about that voice that says take me home please. I suppose thats why I have all the animals that I do but oh well, I love them all.

    AlaskaDeb-man, sorry to hear about your gall bladder or shingles or whatever it is that you have. Glad you got home before the pain started though. Bad enough to go to the ER but at least you were in your own surroundings. My sister had her gallbladder out Friday and is doing well. Her pain was alot like yours and she was also having some trouble breathing at times. When they removed it, it was swollen so that all added up. Hopefully you are feeling better today. Pain meds do wonders some times.

    Vickie-wow Chuck E cheese,,you are one brave woman. I'm glad there isnt one close to me. I suppose the closest would be an hour away,,,thank goodness. I am sure Nathaniel had a great time though. Love the picture,,hes a cutie! Couldnt help but laugh about the 8 more years he can drive line. My son reminds me often that he is 12 and at 15 he can get his permit. I just remind him that it wont do him any good because at 13-the dreaded teenage year-is when he gets locked in his room and cant come out until he has a brain. He just laughs,,I guess he thinks I am kidding. hmmmmmmmm

    Septic tank is being installed as we speak on the farm. woohooo. Its amazing how excitied one can be about a septic tank. I also suppose that is what I am buying myself for Christmas. Man, my life is exciting!

    Goat mommie is doing well. Little peanut Annie the 3 pound rat terrier came into the fence while I was feeding them over the weekend and the mommie thought it was her baby. I had to let her smell of it and then she quickly decided that wasnt hers. Mazer Tazer is coming when called but of course peppermint treats also help. She is such a lovable thing. She stole my gloves out of my pocket also and took off like she had a treasure. I never knew donkeys could be so much fun. Especially baby donkeys. oh heres a good one that somebody sent me. I laughed and hope you will too.

    The Donkey Story....

    An old man, a boy and a donkey were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey and the old man walked. As they went along they passed some people who remarked it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding.

    The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.

    Later, they passed some people that remarked, "What a shame, he makes that little boy walk."

    They then decided they both would walk! Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride. So, they both rode the donkey.

    Now they passed some people that shamed them by saying how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey.

    The boy and man said they were probably right, so they decide to carry the donkey. As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal and he fell into the river and drowned.

    The moral of the story?

    If you try to please everyone, you might as well...
    Kiss your ass goodbye!

    Have A Nice Day and Be Careful With Your Donkey!!!

    MB-Glad your dads surgery went ok and me time is always good. We missed you! Nobody was around to crack the whip and make us exercise.

    RobinDW-what kind of goats did you raise? It was sad to lose the little baby but she was premature and everything that could be done was. Its never easy though and I am such an animal lover anyway. I also PM'd ya with the oncologist name.

    Cherly-glad you finally have power. You all are being hit hard. Can you send some this way?

    NS-I also made my donation in honor of the circle girls. Glad to know I wasnt the only one that had tears in their eyes. It was a very touching experience.

    Shirley-glad to see you returned all safe and sound. We missed you also.

    snowmen in thongs--love the christmas tree pic. Kids did a great job.

    Ok short but sweet and I have missed many but got to get busy here at work. I sure hate when work interferes with my circle time.

    Oh geesh silvergirl, the last thing in the world I wanted to do was make you cry.

    Be back later,,,I hope.

  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2006
    sounds yummy
    what's a whoopie pie???
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    It's me again girls. I was afraid I'd lose my post if I didn't go ahead & submit my thoughts on moving this thread. Now onto regular business.

    Vicki, you had a very busy day yesterday hope you got some much-needed rest last night.

    Tracey, nice tree. Wish I could figure out how to put pics on here, but as you all know, I am computer illiterate!

    Liz, your MRI should be over by now, praying your test results come back good.

    NS, just goes to show you can't always color outside the lines. Shoulda stuck with the old tried & true Round marshmellows. New isn't always better! I think Robin had a good descriptive word for you..Scrappy. Hmmm, I like it. You see what a wild & colorful creature you're becoming? Sparky,SparkLy,Crusty and Scrappy. Paints a lovely picture.

    Cheryl cy, gee I am sooo glad your power is back on. I hate losing it. (Power, I mean)

    Sirley, glad to have you back. So many of you vacationing.

    MB, so happy it went well for your dad. It was nice that you got to spend some quality time with your mama, too.

    Karen, welcome. I'm actually a newbie,too. Although you couldn't tell it! This is the best thread on here. These ladies really care about each other & they welcome the new ones as their own. So post.

    I have the house to myself today. It's almost too quiet. Almost! I love my family but once in awhile it is nice to be alone. My dh left to go back to work on the road driving, my SIL is also working out of town this week, my dd took the baby (who is a big 2yrs old today)to do some shopping and to my mama's, and my 8 & 5yr old grandsons are in school. That just leaves me. Hmmm. Can't remember what I did alone. What should I do? Hmmm. Wow, this house is really quiet! Wonder how soon my dd will be home. I still have a couple hrs. before the boys get home from school. I know I used to love to have time to myself. Wonder why. I MISS MY FAMILY. lol I am such a whiner, I'd b&&tch if ya hung me with a new rope!

    Best wishes to all,
    Cheri M.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    I vote for leaving it here. This thread is one true meaning of "Moving Beyond"

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006

    isn't the circle about how we deal with moving beyond? Yes we are growing frierndships but I think it really has a place in moving beyond! Keep it where it is!

  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2006
    This thread needs to stay where it is - and get a 5 start rating.

    Also, please don't archive the early posts - there is some lovely inspiration there that we should be able to go back to.
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    best wishes to all having a tough time right now.....
    it seem crunch time is here, the stress is creeping in. I am really trying not to let it get to me..... My sister's biopsy is tomorrow and I know in my heart of hearts I have to offer it up to God, but i am so worried.
    Sue glad to hear you had a wonderful time. I am married 10 years also

    Deb sorry to hear about the shingles Dx! that is also triggered by stress isn't it??

    I hope everyone is well and I am trying to catch up there is so much to read.......
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Dear Melissa and Tami: is truelly a special place. I am greatful everyday that I can come here and tak with others who are in the same shoes I am. Trying to Move Beyond. Never did I realize that Moving Beyond would be so hard. Im 18 months post surgery and still dealing with issues and fears, doctor appointments and blood tests, port coming out or staying in, arthrits pain vs mets. Its not about growing new friendships. Its about helping each other through this oh so very difficult time.

    It is a place where anyone can come. They can feel safe, reassured, and get lots of support. In addition - get a little chuckle or two to ease the fears, sadness, and worry.

    Yes, I have made many friends since this thread was started. But I get most excited when a new person comes here to talk and get reassurance.

    Melissa and Tami - you both are great moderators. A very hard job it is you have. And I appreciate you asking us our opinion before you make your decision on where you would like this thread to be.

    My humble opinion is to please leave this thread right here on Moving Beyond. We need this safe place to come to help us Move Beyond. I am driven to come to this site every morning. Not cause I want to make friendships. Cause I need help getting through this and I want to help others along the way. Making a friendship? Well thats a bonus!

    Thank you for taking time to listen to our input.

    My dilema today is an overwhelming fear about getting my port out. Something I wanted really bad, and now Im afraid.

    But, I need to go finish decorating a Christmas Tree with my husband. Mine . So I guess Ill check in another time.

    Forever greatful

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I'm at work so I only have a minute to post and will come back later but wanted to leave a message for Melissa and Tami.
    Please leave our thread where it is...yes, we have a great amount of friendship here along with love and caring...a big sometimes happy, sometimes sad family. We accept everyone though, whether they are just beginning, moving beyond or newly dx'd with mets after moving beyond. We do so much more here than offer friendship so placing this under "Growing our Friendships" just doesn't "fit" what we are trying to do.
    Maybe this should be a forum all it's huge sisterhood.:)
    A big thank you for all you do here...I'd be lost without this website and you are doing a wonderful job.
    Be back later ladies...
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi CG’s

    It’s a cold dreary day here. Sorry I haven’t posted much but was in a funk for awhile. Thanks for all the well wishes and being there with me during my MRI this morning. The tech said my oncologist may have the results by tomorrow. We shall see. I love getting the cards. This has been so much fun. Thank you so much.

    Tracey, great tree! I used my small one again this year since I didn’t want to have to move furniture around. I may post a pic later.

    RobinKW, I hope you’re feeling better today. Come into the medic tent and we’ll take care of you.

    CherylCY, so glad you have power. We lost ours during an ice storm in 2002. It was horrible. Stay warm.

    Sher, welcome home. So tell us all about the cruise. I need some warmth.

    MB, glad all went well with your dad’s surgery. It’s nice to spend time with our parents. I always said I needed a vacation to recover from my vacation.

    Karen, welcome and so nice to meet you. Glad you’ve joined the Circle. Pull your wagon or tent up and sit a spell. Anything you need, let us know.

    DebC, I’m so sorry about all the pain you’re experiencing. I had gallbladder bookoo years ago and that sounds like my pains. IF they truly think it is shingles, ask them to put you on the med ASAP to prevent a major outbreak.

    Amy, Mazer is such a cutie! You’re Christmas card and Mazer reminds me of my childhood growing up in South Texas on the farm.

    Carrie, so glad Deese is doing well and we’ll be with you tomorrow. Chanting B9 all the way.

    Vickie, all I can say is you are such a great mom! Chuck-E-Cheese! I hated that place when my son was small. Happy Belated Birthday to Nathaniel he is a cutie.

    Cheri thanks for the prayers. I know what you mean about a quiet house. I’ve been there.

    Michele hugs hon. Keep coming here.

    Nicki, where have you been? You okay?

    And last but not least, Melissa and Tami. You have a difficult job moderating this site. I have found such love, care, compassion and friendship since joining the Circle. I truly believe this is what Moving Beyond means. So many here have helped me with questions and advice on how to move beyond after treatment. Please keep this where it is so we can continue to help new ladies/men “Move Beyond”.

    Hugs and Prayers to all.