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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    I just got a call from Fred Hutchinson Research and I'm going to participate in a study they are doing. I barely made it to the group they are doing, 22 - 44 years old at time of DX. It was 16 days before I turned 45 when I was DX. I told them I would do anything if it ment not one more women had to get this damn disease!

    I go back to work tomorrow but am just relaxing and cleaning up here at home. It's so nice to have the power back on! I think the ground outside is still frozen! I miss the warm sunny days of winter in So. California!

    Still waiting for the paperwork to be finalized on the refi. I tell you I will never do business with this group again.

    got to run
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Melissa and Tami,

    I vote to also keep this in Moving Beyond. I am trying to move beyond my diagnosis, surgery and treatment. I never had pains and aching joints and really down days prior to BC. This is the place that I can come and say all the things in my heart and all my frustrations regarding doctors that see so much cancer they forget our faces and our feelings; they minimize our pains, our fears and just feeling lousy. No body bothered to tell us how life after chemo and rads were going to make us feel or the AI's that we need and the effect they have. We come here and we talk - yes, friendships are formed - but out of a need; not just for social chit chat.

    Again, please leave this in Moving Beyond because that is what we are all still trying to achieve. I also want anyone who is in chemo, rads, post treatment or having recurrence to be able to find this and I don't think they would look in Growing our Friendships.

    Thanks for all you do and I appreciate having this place to come share, ask and discuss.

    Merry Christmas to you both!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I'm back...can't do much more here at work today that doesn't involve total concentration...phones are driving me crazy.
    Hi Liz...Sorry you are in such a funk...we are always with you. Your results will come back just fine. Praying hard that it be so.
    Amy...I told my daughter when she turned 13 that I was going to lock her in her room until she was funny is that! I should have done it too...she met a great guy and he stole her away and took her to Florida!!! There really should be a law that says your kids can't live more than 3 hours away. Loved the donkey story.
    Vera...You've never had whoopie pies...oh they are the best!! I will post the recipe later or can send you a batch if you'd like. Good to see you here.
    Cheryl...I am so glad your power is back on and you had a place to stay while it was out. I checked "our" map and saw that you and a couple other girls where in the area that was having such terrible weather and I was hoping and praying that you were safe.
    Cheri...I got no rest last night...couldn't get comfortable..the volcanic hot flashes have returned and I think I just really overdid it both Saturday and yesterday and was overtired...tylenol pm tonight!
    Deb...did you find out for sure if you have shingles or not...I see that you can get a shot to relieve the symptoms quicker so I'd make sure they got some results asap.
    Welcome Karen...glad you found's a wonderful circle of sisters we have here and we will keep you safe.
    Ok...question...did tons of baking over the weekend and used my hand arm is killing me. It feels really tight from my armpit to my elbow on the inside of my arm...sore and hard. Not red...not swollen. I don't know if it was the mixer or if it's cording. I am wearing my lympedema sleeve today just to be on the safe side and it does feel better...should I worry?
    Be back later
    Hugs all
  • RobinKW
    RobinKW Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2006

    Melissa and Tami: Another vote to leave this thread here and not move it - PLEASE!!

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006
    Hi all,

    I don't post here often - mostly because I can't keep up!! But I do read it often and find it so helpful - especially since I had Moved Beyond and find myself back in the trenches with mets.

    So please Melissa and Tami - I vote for leaving this thread here in Moving Beyond Cancer...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh my...four more cards today...did I really send out that many cards!!! I truly hope I haven't forgotten anyone as I feel like I have gotten sooo many and I love them all!!! Thank you ladies so very much. the picture of son swiped it and put it on the tree.
    Vera...hugs to you...stay here with us as we need you as much as you need us.
    Ok...gotta go feed the "think I'm starving boy" that I swear has a wooden leg!
    Later and hugs all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

    We are getting a lovely coating of fluffy white snow today. Maybe this will be the thing that will get me in the Christmas mood…

    It is official, I have shingles. I saw my PCP today and he agrees with the ER doc that I have them. He is hoping (fingers crossed) that it will be a mild case. He gave me a bunch of drugs and sent me on my way. He also ordered a nuclear medicine bone scan for me for the Wednesday after Christmas. He said he was 99% certain that this had noting to do with my cancer, but he thought I would sleep better if I saw with my own eyes that I don’t have Mets. He said there is also a VERY remote chance that it a condition where you get necrosis of the bone from radiation. The bone scan would also totally rule that out. The really good news is that I can have the scan here at my local hospital instead of going to Anchorage, 3 hours away.

    SO for now I am just dealing with the pain issues and figuring out which of the meds will give me the most relief. I am determined not to let this ruin my Christmas, so it is better living through pharmaceuticals for me! Kind of funny when I was the one who use to think twice before I took and asprin….

    Deb C.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006
    Well, Deb..always good to have a least it is a place to start, even if it is shingles..
    Shirley..glad you are back on terra firma once again even tho it may not feel that way!!
    I had a huge wart surgically removed from the top of my head. It took root shortly after chemo when my resistance was down..they had to dig all the way to the skull to dig it out. Now I have many, many big black stitches there. Guess there will be no glamor shots this season. I had to dig out my old hats from chemo days to cover up.
    It feels what I think a face lift might feel like except it is sidewards..hahaha..glad to have some vicodin in my arsenal!!
    Hope all our wagonmates in the Northwest have electricity once again. We'll keep a warm campfire going just in case.
    Hugs all around...Lisa
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Melissa and Tami: In regard to moving this thread...nay nay nay...

    And with all due respect, why, why, why...

    I do recall that last year in this very forum there was a very lengthy thread entitled, "Marci, Beth, Where Are You?" where a bunch of select women talked back and forth to one another for a year...I never went there because I figured it was for these women who hung out together and knew each other biggie...I didn't care...good for them...great for them that they had one another...there were no invitations to others to join...

    I didn't get my panties in a it exclusionary...lose sleep and insist that the moderators get involved and move the thread.

    Enough said. Please...we have so many wagons...and so much baggage...can't we just be left alone...we're innocent and harmless...we welcome women all the time...we have newcomers regularly...we're a support network for women who have had and/or still live with cancer...why is this such an issue...

    I don't always come here to talk mushy about friendship...sometimes I want to say I'm scared to death because my mets are progressing and I'm afraid I'm dying...just how does that fit in "Growing Your Friendships" doesn't...but it fits here...why would you take that away from anyone?...I'm baffled and befuddled...Mena...xo
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Well, said Mena. I agree that we should remain here as we are all Moving Beyond but at different stages. I like that there are no judgements or expectations here. We can visit as often or as little as we need and always feel welcomed and comforted. It's much like the "how about drinking" thread, but nobody cared to ask us when it was moved to HUMOR, which I did not find humorous.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited December 2006
    I agree with everyone. Please leave us here. Others have said it much better than I can, so that's all I'll say.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OK...since I stuck at home hurtign and feeling grumpy I decided I might as well COOK!

    I have a big batch of chicken and dumplings and fresh wheat bread just out of the oven. I made chocolate chip cookies and hot cocoa with peppermint sticks to stir it.

    Everything is in the tent next to the fire. Dig in ladies...

    Big hugs
    Deb C.
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Hi Melissa and Tami
    Oh please don't move this. So many newbies would miss out on the wonderful information and comfort found here in the Circle. There is such a lack of information out there for people that are moving beyond their treatments. Only when I found this circle did I feel like I was not alone. I have a lot of support here but only these ladies really get it. We can talk about ANYTHING and know that we will be understood. And when we need information... one little post is all it takes. Everyone jumps right in with what they can to help their fellow "sisters". Whether we need encouragement, inspiration, information or just an ear to listen, the Circle is there for us. "Newbies" are always welcomed with open arms ... I only wish I had found the Circle while I was going through tx.... never would have found it under the title Growing Friendships! Also please don't archive earlier posts... there is a lot of inspiration there.
    Thanks for asking and listening to us.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Melissa and Tami, I would like to leave this thread here in moving beyond. It's not about building friendships as much as it is helping people to move on. For me, moving beyond has been just as hard as treatment. We help each other. We make room in the middle of the circle for whoever needs the most help. Like Chemosabi, I am here to help and encourage those who need it. And I can't believe all I get in return.

    Oh, yes, can we have a sticky???

    Ok, now on to the really important stuff. Deb, I can't believe it is really shingles. That sucks. And it's usually people more, ahem, "mature" than you that get it. My 80 year old neighbor got it. Hope it goes away soon. You can come in here and yell when it itches.

    Lisa, hope you don't mind me saying this but the wart removal, face lift thing is funny. I, too, am glad you have vicodin.

    Amy, I just have to come and visit you. The animal stories are just great. Alabama is kinda far away but I want to meet all your friends.

    Liz, praying for great results from the MRI. I didn't know you were in a funk. It's cold and rainy here today also. Staying inside and staying warm.

    Karen, welcome!!!! You get a star as soon as I catch up. I went through meltdowns also. Someone is usually here to talk you down if you can't find Mena.

    Carrie, do you have your biopsy results yet???

    Jeannie, I'm with you, I'll be better prepared and include pictures next year. I love the cards with pictures. Gee, next year at this time I will be 3 year survivor!!!

    Robin, do you have a gall bladder thingy too. Sorry to hear you have been sick.

    I haven't called RobinTN yet.

    welcome back, shirley and MB.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Wow...I think that Melissa and Tammi will be pretty impressed with all the thoughtful responses we sent them. They have such a big job and many thanks to them for asking us our opinion.
    Susan...hugs to you and good to see you!
    Deb...glad they got a dx for you and meds to help you heal...sending prayers that you feel better soon and I'll be over for dinner...sounds wonderful!
    Tired, tired, tired tonight...what a week I have ahead of to bed soon.
    Sweet happy dreams ladies
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies, I am sorry I haven't posted in a while. I start my first of 12 weekly taxol/herceptin treatments tomorrow. I am nervous! I have taken my pre-meds for the night and will do the same tomorrow. They have me on 8 mg decadron, 50 mg benadryl, and 300 mg tagamet. I wonder what will happen? Will I be up all night because of the decadron? Or will I sleep like a baby because of the benadryl? I guess I will find out!

    As far as my vote for where this thread should be, I think it should be left in Moving Beyond. As a fairly new poster to this thread, I have felt welcomed and supported and it is wonderful to benefit from the experiences of so many. If this had been in the Growing Friendships forum, I probably never would have found it.

    Extra hugs to all the circle girls going through a hard time tonight!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    If it's like a sideways face lift does that mean your ears are higher?

    Liz---here's to good results from the MRI!

    Shel---where are you, you're making me nervous.

    Vickie---Chuckee Cheese huh? I'm impressed. I tried that once many moons ago. I'm much smarter now---but then, my kids are much older now too. Where is there a C.C. down there? (Tell me, so I can avoid it!)

    Guess what SO got me for Christmas! A pink sapphire and diamond ring and pink sapphire earrings! He gave me a limit and I went shopping---I am to act surprised when I open them Christmas Day. Hope he tells me to do that again soon since I also saw a gorgeous green amethyst pendant and bracelet. Guess who has a jewlery "thing"? I learned long ago to NEVER watch HSN or the jewelry network!

    Happy evening to everyone----keep warm by the fire. We expect snow tomorrow (finally) so guess I will have to drag my cold out anyway---have gotten to the point where I can't make any forward progress without going to the grocery store. By the time all of the kids and their kids get here we won't be able to tell if the house is clean or not anyway so I think I'll pass on the scrubbing bubbles routine until they leave. You'd be amazed where a three year old can put peanut butter!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    Kristin, wow let us know how it goes. sleep/no sleep. that is the question. During chemo I got used to sleeping at odd hours, but I wasn't working. Thanks so much for the picture you sent with your card. It was so sweet.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OMG will NOT believe what I may be going to do!!! I am trying to make an appointment to try acupuncture! You may not remember, but I was a TOTAL needle-phobic before cancer treatment. I needed a valium before I could get a shot or get my blood drawn. All my treatment has cured me of my fear of needles…at least one good thing about cancer treatment.

    A friend just told me that she went in and got acupuncture for shingles and got rid of her pain totally! I called the office and they were gone for the day, but if it might get rid of this pain I am SO going to do it.

    If I would have told someone that I was going to get acupuncture a year ago they would have laughed themselves to death….funny what a year can do.

    Deb C.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Kristin...I loved the picture too...and thanks. We will keep you in the circle till you see how you feel. The first is the hardest because you don't know what to expect. I couldn't sleep because of the Decedron but they didn't give me neices came and spent the night with me and I slept with them in the living room and watched The Polar Express off and on all night long!! Sending you hugs and support.
    Jeannie...CC is in Vestal...oh it was something to behold!! Nathaniel had a wonderful time and it really wasn't too bad when we first got there, I played a bunch of games with him and my neice and nephew but then it got really busy and the noise level got a bit too high for both me and Nathaniel...he was as ready to leave as I was when it was all said and done! Woohoo on the jewelery...lucky girl!
    I'm with CherylG too when it comes to archiving our posts...I often go waaaay back to see who we are missing...still think we should have our own forum!! This is my favorite thread of all.
    Ok...really going to bed now or I won't get anything done at work tomorrow.
    Night all
    Oh Vera...I'll post the recipe...promise.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Whoopie Pies
    2 cups sugar
    1 cup shortening
    1 cup cocoa
    2 egg yolks and 2 whole eggs (save the egg whites for the filling)
    2 teaspoons vanilla
    1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
    2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    4 cups flour

    Cream sugar and shortening together in a large bowl. Add eggs and mix. Sift dry ingredients together and add to the creamed mixture alternatively with milk. Batter will be stiff. If it is too thin, add more flour. Drop by tablespoon onto greased sheets. Bake at 350 for 8 to 10 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the cookies comes out clean.


    2 egg whites
    1 box 10X sugar
    1 cup shortening
    4 tablespoons milk
    1 teaspoon vanilla

    Beat egg whites till stiff. Add shortening and vanilla and blend. Add milk and then add the sugar. Beat until smooth. Spread some filling on the bottom side of one cookie; top with a second cookie. Repeat with the remaining cookies and filling. Store in the refrigerator or freezer. Yields approximately 5 dozen.
    I don't add the egg whites to the filling...just doesn't seem like a good idea and then they don't need to be refrigerated.
    They are kind of like an oreo cookie only soft and round when you put them together with the filling inside.
    Everyone at work loved them. I used to make them at the diner and all the truck drivers would buy all of them so all the other customers would get mad because they missed out LOL. Early birds get the worm (or in this case the whoopie pies).
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Good evening ladies ! Speaking of somewhere to come and say
    how you feel and others understand .... Yikes I'm scared !
    I report to the hospital for my biopsy at 8am The wire thingy then to have an excisional . I'm a big chicken!!
    I have been trying very hard to keep my mind from going to
    the scarey place but my tummy is flip floping tonight !

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    CARRIE we are all going to be in the inner circle tomorrow sending you all the best thoughts and strongest prayers and positive vibes and we will start the chant:



    THANK you so very much from the bottom of my heart Circle Girls!!!
  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    If it is a vote that's needed for this thread to remain where it is then here's mine!

    Carrie, praying for you, singing the B9 song for you.

    I love all you chicks

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Carrie, I know how scared you are. Everything is going to be fine. Know that you are in all our prayers. Say a little prayer in the morning, take a deep breath & just do it. We'll pray its b9. Good luck.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006 are too saintly for anything but "b9"..............and even if it isn't, you can do it!

    you've carried the likes of someone like me through this mess, and you've been your sister's salvation.........god forbid you get bad news, but KNOW that you can handle whatever is sent your way............and KNOW that if it's your turn to be in need........i'm first in line to help!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Holy Guacamole Circle Girls! I'm in kind of a funk for a day, go away for the weekend, come back in even more of a funk, and what do I find when I FINALLY check in? 67 posts!

    I can't possibly read them all right now as I'm heading to bed, but I will come back and read each and every one tomorrow. But... I agree, this is more about sisterhood than friendship (if that makes any sense.) It's like an online support group of bc survivors that are "moving on" with their lives, and the many different challenges we face in doing that. I'm with you all, it's about moving on, not growing our friendships...
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    oh and hey tina???????????

    don't make me come up to your floor tomorrow and have you sing.........i could definitely use a "pick me up"..........i might be your worst nightmare lol!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited December 2006
    Don't know why I stopped by, but just had to.

    I see where it's been suggested to move this thread. Oh no, that would not be good. I don't come by often, but I believe this is a perfect spot for the wagons. There's just too many to move!

    Well, Deb, I see you have shingles. And, um, yes Susan, this old lady of 60 had them also. LOL I thing it states that 60 year olds can get them and should be vaccinated against it. However, I do believe this disease weakens our immune system.

    You gals make me smile. This is really a safe place for all to meet...those just starting the bc journey all the way to those with mets.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Don't worry about those butterflies in your tummy. We will all be with you in spirit...

    Deep breath. In with the good, out with the bad. You can do it!

    8am your time will be 4am mine, which is when my pain pill wear off, so I will be up saying a praryer for you. Just think of all of us in all our wagons surrounding you with love.

    Big Hugs
    Deb C