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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006 are not intruding here...we welcome all who need us, so...pull up your wagon and come sit by the fire. Always support, food, fun, tears, ranting, venting but most of all love here. I have no advice or information that I can pass on to you but I'm sure someone will. All I can say is I will pray for your dear sister and we will put her and you in the circle for protection.
    Hugs to you and welcome...this is a beautiful place.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    NS - that's funny, I used to have a great memory, but 20 years ago is a long time to remember a waitress from a place you used to drink at! Spark? You're one of the sparkiest, spunkiest gals here (IMO), and if that comes through in type, I can't even imagine how much fun you must be in person!

    DebC - Hope you got packed and had a good flight home! Welcome back, we missed you and can't wait to hear all about Hawaii!

    Nicki - So glad you were in touch with an old friend, there's nothing like an old friend, that you still can relate to as if you just talked to them yesterday is there?

    Sherndon - hope the memorizing of the lines goes well! I agree, I have a hard time remembering what I've just read well enough to read a book these days, never mind having to recite it out loud! I'm in awe of anyone who can memorize a script!

    Liz/Cheri (and everyone!) thanks for confirming I'm not the only one who goes to the dark side! Cheri - popcorn brain, I love it! That describes it exactly!! Only the popcorn isn't even good or appetizing!! LOL

    Ishop - love those pictures! Ava looks like she has a green goatee!
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening girls…. Hope everyone is well. Have been working every day this week and so I missed a few days. Phew!!! I read all the posts but too many to take notes.

    So here goes nothing ….

    Thanks for all the cards ladies!
    My husband says WOW … You certainly are popular this year! When I explained where they were all coming from he said he thought that was such a special idea.
    NS… LOL 3rd wagon from the left!
    K4KATZ & CMB35 … Great pics, you and your families look beautiful.
    SUSAN … such a nice touch with personalized card
    Getting all these cards is so great … makes me feel like I have many new friends out there. My Circle Sisters are near and dear to my heart. I think of you all everyday and count myself blessed to have met you all.

    NS… thanks for the update on Denise. She and Carrie are in my prayers

    SUE… sorry to hear about your neighbor… prayers and hugs to her and to you also for strength to deal.

    DEBC… glad you are having a great vacation, you deserve it! I never had rib pain but it was one thing my onc kept asking about. Apparently quite common. Try not to worry hun … but get it checked when you get back just to put your mind at ease.

    NANIAM… I am one who was told it was all in her head. Thank you for your comments, made me feel much better … she made me feel so awful and frustrated, needless to say I am indeed looking for a new pcp. I just don’t get her attitude … obviously she hasn’t got a clue about any of the SE of treatments.

    SHEL… here’s hoping there are brighter days ahead for you. Big hugs for you. Been there done that... no shame in loving someone, just shows you have a big heart

    Well hugs to all I missed... be well and happy. Must go and write some cards now
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hey girls,

    I LOVE getting all the cards. It has made this Christmas so special for me. Thanks everyone.

    My prayers and thoughts are always with you guys. I honestly have to say I am so glad I joined the circle.

    Christine, good to see you. Hope you get your results soon. I hate waiting. I tell my doctors I am not a patient patient. A get together would be fun.

    Ishop, what great pics!

    NS, you need to take care of yourself kiddo. Come back into the medic tent for awhile. That is so great about Denise’s surgery. I’ve been thinking of her and Carrie all day.

    Nicki, I’m glad your car was washed by the rain. My son has a black car and it’s actually looks light gray now. He really needs to wash it. LOL Doc appts went well. I’m sitting here trying to decide which day I want to attempt the shopping again. Bah hum bug! Your posts always make me smile.

    Peggy, sooooo glad to see you. I love your snowman-woman.

    CherylCy, I hope you’re doing better. That would freak me out having the broken glass thing in the eyes. Could it have been stress from doing too much?

    Brenda, The NC mountains sound gorgeous.

    Tracey, glad you had a great time at the party. Good for you for enrolling in school. I keep thinking I will do it, but keep putting it off.

    MB, awww geez thanks hon. I hope your dad does well. I’m trudging along here. Hugs.

    Cheri, bless your heart. I truly do hope things improve for you. Be careful on your trip and take care of yourself.

    Shel, so glad you posted. I’ve been worried about you. You reacted to a situation you had no control of. I understand that completely. Please stay here and let us help you heal.

    DebC, you are amazing girl. I’m not sure I could have done all you did on your vacation. I’m sure you’ll be glad to be home. I’m so glad you had a great time.

    Mena, you are a wonderful, forgiving, compassionate woman. You always brighten my day.

    Vickie, take things one day at a time and remember we’re here for you anytime.

    Michelle, welcome to the circle and so nice to meet you. I’m so sorry your family has to endure another stressful event. You and your family will be in my prayers. We will put them in the inner circle and shower you with love. Let us know how things are going for you guys.

    Colleen, good for you! You needed that rest. Tim sounds like an angel. I’m glad you’re feeling better. I felt the same way when I saw that cartoon. I just thought it was so darned funny. Sometimes I have a warped sense of humor. LOL

    Madison, how is Jake? Sorry I had to ask. I have a difficult time during this time of the year also. Hugs.

    I’ve missed many I know. You’re all in my thoughts daily.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited December 2006
    Sige - I know, I am just loving getting the bco cards! I'm not even really excited about the cards I send every year, I tear open any I recognize from here first and really read every word you know what I mean? They just mean so much to me!

    NS - Man, that's terrible! My SIL has a chronic back issue, and has had surgery (twice I think), but I think she's pretty good now. I'm sorry to hear you have to deal with a bad back on top of everything else!

    Cherylcy, yikes! broken glass sounds scary! Sorry about the daily meds, I hope it helps! And yes, the breathing part is important! It's not anywhere near as calming when you're frantically chanting "I'm OK I'm OK I'm OK I'm OK" in a panicked tone! LOL

    Nicki - so glad you got your cards! I know, I've said it like a million times already, they are so special to me! The very first one I received literally made me cry!

    Brenda - thanks for the absolutely beautiful visual!

    Tracey - turkeys! Christmas bonus! gifts for the kids! a new bra! woo hoo! it sounds like it was a good day!

    MB - hope all is well with your Dad and his surgery!

    Cheri - oh my goodness! I hope the appt goes well and that you get answers and relief!!

    Vicki - I don't know what the deal is! I haven't been this freaked out since my ribs were aching, aching, aching this summer and I had to have a bonescan! (All clear of course!) And yes, Mena's chant rocks, it's definitely become my mantra (and the part about remembering to breathe, to say it with conviction, is defintely important too!)

    Michele - Welcome to you, this is an amazing place you've found. I've only been posting on this thread for a few months, and it takes a while to kind of figure out who's who and remember each other's stories, but you will catch on. And there is no place better to come for a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, or some advice, any time, day or night. About bc, about life in general, family, kids, you name it! I'm sorry to hear about your sister, and I hope she gets good news when she has her biopsy. Come here often and post as much as you like. You're right, there's some SERIOUS power in the positive thoughts from a Circle Girl!
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006

    I feel better already! just knowing that there is somewhere to go is a great help. thanx! I didn't mean to mislead anyone, I have posted on but never in the circle posts, it is a little overwhelming trying to remember everyone! Thank you again!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Thanks for the kind thoughts ladies...hate freaking out every morning...I did read that Lexapro can cause increased anxiety!?! JUST what I DON'T need! I really can't figure it out.
    Just wanted to post to Alaska Deb quick before I run off to bed (or crawl LOL) ribs have been sore since I finished rads in September and are just now starting to feel better...this past week I have actually been able to sleep on my right side again. They are still a bit sore but definitely healing so I think it's normal.
    Sweet dreams sisters,
    Hugs to all,
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    Hi Everyone,

    I too am in awe of all the beautiful cards and the personal messages. I sppreciate all the love and caring in this CIRCLE more than any of you will ever know. I am so used to keeping my feelings, my emotions and my fears to myself (probably cause I'm an only child - and hated every minute of it!) that it is good to be able to share the happy times and vent the yucky times.

    Michele, I'm so glad you came here. I've really missed you and feel terrible about your sister. You know I'll be sending her healthy energy and lots of white cleansing light. PM me and let me know when we can do lunch.

    DebC, it's sounds like you had a fab time in Hawaii. I think it would be hard not to. When we were there we went to a Kona factory and have been ordering our coffee from there ever since. Crazy, huh? Can't wait to see pix.

    Kristin, I loved the picture of your family and you look beautiful. How are you feeling? You should join Michele and I for lunch.

    NS, thanx (also) for the updates!

    Shel, glad you checked in. I don't know what you did, but whatever it was, I'm sure I've done something worse. I went through a horrendous divorce many years ago and the things I said and did could have been printed in one of those supermarket tabloids. Remember: one day at a time.

    Mena, I would love to know what you did to get a slap on the wrist -- it must have been a good one?!?! BTW, how are you feeling?

    I don't know how you girls/women remember so many posts to respond to but I'm still going through the chemo-phase and feel luck to remember anything lately.

    Anyway, I had an MRI on my right shoulder this morning. I was scheduled for a severe rotator cuff surgery the day after I was dx with bc, so that got put off. So now I feel like I have 2 disfunctional shoulders and rest of my bod feels like it's about 90+ yo. Could it be the Arimidex, which I started a couple of weeks ago? Oh well.

    Thanks for all your comments about the 'girls'. Madison's Bday party is Saturday and I'm sure I'll get some good ones there.

    My hair is now back to brownish blond. I'll post a new pic after I get my hair cut this week.

    Love, Sue
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls, hope everyones day went well. I called my pcp and have an appt. tomorrow about my bp.

    Tracey, I knew you'd have a ball at your party. And how lucky to have all the extras!

    Shel, so glad you're back. The week-end never happened as far as I'm concerned. The important thing is you're here.

    Nicki, aren't you the sweetheart for thinking of me & sending me to the pamper myself tent. I have to get directions though, don't think I've ever been there. I had mentioned my foot/ankle before but not much detail. I really do apprecitate the concern. I've been pretty scared about it.

    Michele, welcome. You've stumbled onto the best place you could be. I'm new...but I'm not. I feel like I've been here alot longer than I really have. They all welcome you with open arms. It has enabled me to start to laugh again. I'm sure prayers have already started you & your sisters way. I jumped into this thread with both feet, once they rolled out the welcome mat, I was here!

    Colleen, so glad you finally got some rest, bet you feel better. Also, thank you so much for the well wishes.

    Liz, thank you also for sending positive vibes.

    To those I've missed, sorry,you've all been in my prayers & on my mind.

    May you all sleep well.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    hello girls,
    I feel like I am walking on air since I heard from Carrie.
    Too bad my back didn't get that memo!

    Michelle, we are happy to have you join us here. We love meeting new people and we take care of all your concerns and worries. So bring your sister and have her sit by the fire with us.

    I am hoping to be back on track tomorrow... sitting is the hardest thing for me.

    I have to say that getting the cards is one of the most fullfilling things I have ever experienced. I always knew we had a bond, but this makes it all the more wonderful.

    Ok- my heating pad is calling me...

    Love to all of you Circle Girls!!!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited December 2006
    Thank you for the card exchange as that has meant so much to me! Today,I had nine cards and what a thrill! Although I am away from home(assisting elderly parents) and have no internet access for weeks at a time,I come here when I can as this is a wonderful thread. Thank you for the warmth and the fun! I think of those who are having difficult times even when I am unable to read the posts. There are so many caring friends and I always feel better when I read these posts. Thank you for sharing these good feelings and the support that has meant so much to me.

    Happy Holidays to all,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Welcome Michelle, prayers went up immeadiatley as soon as I read your post.

    It's been so much fun to get the mail. I have only recieved two cards from someone not in the circle, all the rest ahve been from the circle! My husband has been amazaed!

    So very glad to hear that Deinse came out of surgery doing well. Now for a speedy recovery and to get Carrie through hers.

    Cheri, so glad you are going in on the BP. Mine was like Niki's but only a year ago. Believer it or not once I had the lumpectomy it dropped back to normal. But has been showing it's ugly head again now that I'm dealing with the blood clots.

    NS, I'd like to hear more about this Mondors Disease. I've had three different Dr's look at the cording and now have ever seen it in the trunk like this.

    Niki, I scheduled getting my port out on Dec 21st, exactly one year from when it was put in. I've been trying to get as many of my Dr appointments in before the end of the year as Jan 1 starts a new deductible and out of pocket expense all over again. But it looks like I'll meet that in Jan. because the Lovenox is going to be about $20,000. a month and it goes on my medical not my priscription plan.

    Putting another log on the fires and praying that everyone has a safe anxiety free night.

    you girls are my life line!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    HEY GUYS..........the news about denise has cheered me up considerably!

    i managed to book a fairly decent priced flight to the keys for december 29th through jan 8...........i (and mackenzie) am very years on the beach and 9 days away from this mess that i call life! plus i get to see my long lost friend, shop, go boating, sunbathe and see my kid smile!

    i got 9 cards today too..........can't tell you how much they meant to me! i haven't had a "banner" day today so between the cards and booking the trip, i think i may be smiling at long last!

    G.......thank you for the denise update! that made my day more than anything!

    tomorrow i go for my "back to work meeting" and for my "ooph" consultation.........i'm pretty wound up about going back to work as i've been off well over a year.........but i'm also kind of looking forward to being around people on a regular basis again, and of feeling like i have a purpose. i've felt pretty useless and stagnant for quite a while.

    i'll stop rambling now............i had a strange evening with a relative so i'm kind of restless, plus my stomach is churning and my fx'd rib is screaming at me tonight!

    oh yeah that, and i'm PMS'ing big time!

    probably won't see ya'll tomorrow because i have major running around to do and then of course "one tree hill" night with mackenzie.........but again, all my best to family is screwed up, my marriage is beyond repair, my health is in "limbo"..........but i know i can come here and somebody will "get me"........that is priceless!

    xo, michelle
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Another mild day at this end of the circle. Those 12 inches of snow are all gone. My yard is one muddy, bloody mess. So of course when my dog comes inside, I have to wipe his paws. How can one dog get that much mud on his paws? Now this is called whining, cause I could have put a leash on him and walked him in the front - its wet there, but no mudd. But I was too lazy!

    So anyways, you all guessed it, when you get up and venture out of your wagons this morning, put on your galoshes. Its pretty wet and muddy here by the campfire - but at least its not freezing cold out.

    Michele: There are no intruders to this wonderful circle. Its just a bunch of us ladies getting support, making friendships, and giving support to anyone that needs it. Im sorry to hear about your sister. So very young to have to be dealing with stuff like this. Density can mean many things, including scar tissue. So I hope the biopsy goes well. We will just put your sister in middle of the circle and hope for B9 B9 B9.

    Colleen: I am so glad you finially got a good nights sleep. Next to xanax, ativan is my best friend. It makes a world of difference when you wake up really rested. And what a guy your fiance' is.

    CherylG: It was so good to hear from you. Im sitting here laughing, cause I am so amazed at how chatty we are. Miss a day and oh my, it takes along time to read and catch up.

    Liz: Bah Hum Bug! Indeed! Man it was alot nicer shopping that last week of November. I quick ran into Michaels - craft store - to buy little things for my crafts. It was absolutely ridiculous. Most of the Christmas stuff is gone. The store looked like it had been rampaged by a group of many. Hi tailed it outta there as soon as I could. Today, its gonna be a half work, half shopping day. Im so glad most of my presents are either bought or made. And shhhhhhh to everyone. I dont want work to know Im sneaking some shopping in along with my hospital visits. This job might not be a challenge, but it sure is fun.

    Sue: A rotator cuff tear is pretty darn awful. Hope the tests results are good and you get this fixed ASAP. Its like the song "And The Beat Goes On" there is always something!!

    Cheri: Im jumping up for joy and singing Alleluya (spelling lol). I am so glad you got the appointment with your PCP. Get that under control and move on to the foot surgery. Geez, our life is full of adventures. And of course we are concerned and care about you. This is the circle of friendship. A bond stronger than anything.

    NS: I was so thrilled to hear the good news about Denise and Carrie. Thank you for the update. And of course things went well. All the of circle girls were there making sure!! They even let Distorted Humor in the operating room. Hey, he is invisible so he was ready to give a nudge to anyone that deserved one. Hope your feeling better today, I miss your long posts.

    Iris: Wow, it was so good to hear from you. I would go crazy without interne access! I mean it. They would have to put me in the funny farm.

    CherylCY: That is so great. The post comes out the 21st! I am so excited for you. So how are they doing it? Under a local I hope. I dont want anymore anesthesia. I decided to wait until after the 1st of the year, because I just dont want to have to deal with anymore treatment until after the Holidays. But I sure do understand what you mean about meeting your deductable. Since my job involves driving around all day, I figure it might hurt a little and since Im outta sick and vacation days, January will work better for me. New set of comp days.

    Shel: You are gonna feel a whole lot better once you get back to work. Just taking care of others, and getting your mind off life in general. Im so jealous. Going to the Keys for the New Year, sounds like alot of fun. My life is so darn boring. No vacations planned here. We used to go to LasVegas every year after the Holidays. That was our big present to each other. This year our big present to each other is a new comforter, bedding, and pillows. Geez, isnt that an exciting Christmas gift?

    OK, I must confess - I still havent gotten my Christmas cards yet. I looked yesterday - and didnt find anything that caught my attention. Like I should be picky this late in the game eh? Anyways, I promise you all, I will get off my butt and get cards to all of you. My husband told me if I dont buy the cards, he's gonna get some for me. He too is impressed with all the love and caring that comes from this site. The cards put him over the edge .

    OK, so last night my husband told me I need to style my hair differently. Whattttttt? He says Im styling it like a boy - now thats funny cause I get so many compliments. Anyways, he took a brush to me. Said thats it, now you look pretty. I looked in the mirror and I had a flat head!!! But hey, Im not complaining, this is the first time in over a year that I had to worry about how my hair was styled or how I looked. So lord knows what Im gonna look like after I wash my hair and attempt to style it this morning!!

    Here is hoping everyone has a wonderful day. Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are ready and waiting for you when you wake up.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning,

    I finally got the Christmas tree in a stand and it was 10 o'clock last night and I was to tired to start putting lights on the tree. I HAVE to get that tree done today!!!
    Employees coming here on Tuesday to do Christmas, my beautiful 20 month old granddaughter and her family (hehe) will be coming home on the 21st and leaving on the 24th. I'm telling you since this gallbladder surgery a few weeks ago it totally zapped my energy and takes me forever to move. However, I overdo some days and pay for it. We are to travel to Raleigh, NC to watch another granddaughter ice skate this weekend. Whew - I need some rest!!!

    DebC, you give us such beautiful visual pictures of Alaska and it was fun to read about you vacation to Hawaii. I went once and was there for two weeks - rained the entire time except when we stepped off the plane and the day we got on the plane to come home. I don't mean showers - I mean hard rain. It was January so I learned DO NOT GOT TO HAWAII in January. Can't wait for you to get home, settled and start posting again.

    Mena, it is sooooo good to see you post. Have you been a naughty girl? With all you've been through, you go for it.

    Sue, sorry to hear about a rotator cuff - not fun.

    Michelle, welcome. You couldn't have found a more warm, caring group of ladies.

    CherylG, doctors can be real jerks and sorry that you had the same experience. After my last visit, I have no idea where I am in my schedule for follow up visits or mammograms. I called last week and talked to the oncology nurse and got a refill of my Ativan but she still hasn't called about my next appointment and mammogram. I don't know if I am on six months mammo still or gone to yearly.

    Nicki, we don't get very much snow but when we do, after the first day I think it is just about the ugliest stuff and oh the mud we have too.

    Denise and Carrie, we love and miss you so much. Denise, sending warm, loving thoughts that you will have a good day and the hearing ability in the ear will improve today.

    Everyone, I have missed, love you and love reading your post. I am so enjoying my Christmas cards. If my husband brings in the mail he goes "More cards from your friends".
    I have kept them seperate and I read them as they come in but after all the rush has settled I want to go back and read again and again. I love your notes and your pictures.

    Ok, the tree is calling and I need to get moving. I hope I can have this tree done by noon so I will be like Mr. Clean whirlwind doing this. I walked in the woods yesterday to get some greenery and ladies, I'm sore from that little adventure - yes, I know that means I should be exercising, later, don't have time now.

    Everyone have a beautiful day. Love ya, Brenda
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning cg's

    guess i need to check the mail, havent been there this week yet and all you ladies are getting your cards.
    hahaha chemosabi flat head..... hehehehe awwwww but he tried...... lol you havent done your cards yet ok well send me a new years one... hehehehe

    i think i got the blues..... when things seem like there good i should always no there not really...
    my roof is leaking and now our new floor is bubbling,, how friggin depressing... i have to find 10 thousand dollars to get a new roof.. ugh....
    well my kids missed the school bus today and i am at work,, how fusterating can it be...i usually call them and they get up well either there not getting up or someone has turned the ringer off....
    well if anyone needs me i think i am somewhere in the pissy tent today..
    my periods are really late to now... dam tamoxafin!!!!!!!!!
    oh ya and its freezing rain out there today did a doughnut just about coming off the highway....
    ok i think thats all my gripe today:(:(
    hope you ladies have a better start then me
    i just feel like bawling... running away and never returning........

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    I am slowly moving around this morning. I have to get better- this is ridiculous!

    Cherylcy, I had the cord coming from right underneath the breast down across my rib cage. It hurts like the dickens when it is stretched across the ribs! I also have had it come from my axillary area and go down my arm and end in my finger! I have had about maybe 10 of them. They were worse closer to when I had my surgery, but I still get them even five years later.

    Some doctors call them superficial thrombosis- meaning that they aren't in an artery so it isn't the kind of blood clot that would travel and cause a stroke. But it really is a direct after affect of any kind of breast surgery. It is a blood clot and you can break it up with warm compresses and some people take anti-inflamatories. It is hard and tight at first. Then it will seem to loosen a bit and then it will feel gritty. When the cord feels gritty that means it is breaking up.

    I was checked by every kind of doctor. Even had one sonogrammed. It was just plain mondors and it unfortunately goes with the terrritory of BC.

    Here is the official medical description:
    Background: First described in detail by Henri Mondor in 1939, this condition is a rare entity characterized by a sclerosing thrombophlebitis of the subcutaneous veins of the anterior chest wall. The sudden appearance of a subcutaneous cord, which is initially red and tender and subsequently becomes a painless, tough, fibrous band that is accompanied by tension and skin retraction, is characteristic. The condition, though benign and self-limited, has been associated with breast cancer. It requires only symptomatic therapy. However, the physician must be aware of its existence to properly diagnose it and to rule out the presence of systemic disorders, especially breast cancer.

    Pathophysiology: The pathophysiology has been explained as pressure on the vein with stagnation of blood or as direct trauma to the vein itself. In cases that do not show such evidence, the most reasonable explanation is on the basis of repeated movement of the breast along with the contracting and relaxing pectoral muscles, which causes stretching and relaxing of the veins.

    Mondor disease may only involve 1 or more of 3 venous channels: the thoracoepigastric vein, the lateral thoracic vein, and the superior epigastric vein. The upper, inner portions of the breast are never involved.

    I am sorry you are dealing with this Cheryl!

    Shel - good for you making your reservations to the keys!!

    Nicki, you are so right about the stores now. It is like taking your life into your hands! My little car was lost in a sea of SUVS in the Toys R Us Parking lot the other day- I thought one of them had eaten it! You are funny- Not only was Distorted Humor in the OR with Denise, but so was my cat!

    Naniam I have on bit of advice for you...if you are thinking about cutting off some of the branches of your tree..... don't put the lights on first! Take it from me!!!!

    I will come back later and hopefully be able to write a longer post to each of you.

    Have a good day Circle Girls!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies, don't have much time right now I've been trying to get on here for 2 hours. It kept throwing me off saying "error". So I finally got in & now don't have any time. Have to take a shower & get to my dreaded pcp appt. about this stupid bp. Don't know why he couldn't just call something in. I don't like the little pompous a$$ anyway. I need to join Tracey in the pissy tent today. I was hoping to get up and POOF my bp would be normal. Still way too high, swollen feet, too. Not sure I can get shoes on.

    Nicki, thanks again for the well wishes, you are so good.

    NS, hope your back is mucho better today.

    Shel, good decision. Have a wonderful time in the Keys.

    I want to check back in later, ya'll have a good day.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Wow, had to work hard to catch up on all the posts. I know I'm missing alot, but here goes:

    Peggy, good to hear from you. Glad the move went well.

    Glad that the surgery was successful, what a scary time.

    DebC-I had rib trouble, too. After many scans and tests we have decided (my onc and I) that they are healing and it was residule effects from rads. Hopefully that's all it is.

    NS, back trouble is so awful. I'm glad you mentioned what you did about surgery and second opinions. I'm supposed to be seeing a neuro surgeon about my neck. I'm not anxious to have surgery, but really just looking for some pain relief.

    You guys are so funny--memorizing lines is NOT easy for me. I have to work really hard at it. We got our scripts, but our first real rehearsal is not until Jan. 2, so I have time to study. The opening of the play is in Feb, I forget the exact day right now. It's going to be a big deal in our town. We are having a special reception with the "Let's all get along" group (I can't remember what they are called), special pictures for a presentation, etc. Yikes!

    Gotta get back to work. I am still trying to get my cards done. I LOVE every single one I have received. Thank you so much!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Omg ahahaha So Nicki, were you sporting big 80's hair or what? That is so funny. Hey, what a great hubby...he noticed your hair!...things could be worse...'re going to college?...omigod...oyourgod...Canada will never be the same...good for you!

    OK: I did it...I told the kids that if they wanted a real tree they would have to put it up themselves...hahaha... lights and guess what?...Yep...we're off to the store right now for a pre-lit fake tree...go mommy...first time for everything...they want to "smell" the tree...light a freakin' candle I say...

    Not usually such a grinch...just don't want to deal with cutting down the bloody tree and all those lights and needles and the cats...bah! fa la la la'll get a pre-lit tree and the lights won't work...

    Hey, I forgot to share with you my big news...I actually jump-started my friend's car yesterday! Woo hoo! Sparks and everything...really cool...though I don't understand the sparks...from what I hear, that wasn't supposed to happen...Mena...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Mena, uhm, have you talked with your friend since there were "sparks" when you jumped her car? You did really good by getting it started and I can tell that you are quite excited about that. Next time though, it's probably better if there isn't any sparks, that pesky lil' fires can start from. Or explosions.

    I made it back from my pcp appt. He put me on a bp med that I used to take before but doubled the dosage. It has a water pill in it. Of couse,par for the course, my bp wasn't as high when the nurse took it. Although, it was still too high 150/90. But the good dr. said it wasn't really that big of a deal. It wouldn't cause a stroke or heart attack being that high for several years. *Blink*.
    As I was leaving and literally walking on the outside of my bad foot, hanging onto the wall for support, he said that foot must really cause alot of pain. *Blink*. He's the one that's afraid to give me anything for pain because they're addictive. I think the man has a mean streak...gave a crippled woman a water pill!

    Tomorrow is the big trip to Iowa City. About 7 hours. I sure hope it's worth it. I'll be thinking of my pcp every time we have to make a bathroom stop. I want to walk without pain. I hope he can decide what to do with me tomorrow. I packaged up all my medical records and sent them up there a couple of months ago. Postage was outrageous!

    Chat more later,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: I have come to the conclusion that I will never be pretty again. I want my long, dark beautiful hair back. I looked like such a flat head today. My husband liked it, my coworkers like it the other way. Poofy. But all of a sudden I was being given all different kinds of suggestions. Made me realize, I still look like chemosabi. Soooooo! He better get the money together for me to get this styled. And along with it a manicure and pedicure. Thats the only thing that will make me forgive him for suggesting I change. What the heck - I was bald! Then when I come home tonight he says, its no big deal. Geez, sometimes people just dont get it.

    Second on the agenda! I cancelled my appointment with my PS. Told them to schedule it after the 1st of the year. Im sick of dealing with all this stuff and Im taking a break.

    So I go out today and get my cards . come home and husband bought 2 boxes of cards. He wanted to make sure I send cards to all of you. Bless his heart, but you all will be getting the cards I picked out. Sometimes I hate him and sometimes I gotta love him.

    Then, he went out and bought our Christmas tree without me. In the last 27 years we have picked a tree together, accept for last year. I was getting chemo and really sick. So I guess now that I have bc I cant pick out a tree with him!!! Geez! It is the ugliest tree. Its crooked and uneven, and smaller than I wanted. Hopes that "Peanuts" movie is right. Lets just say with decorating it, It needs a make over.

    OMG. Did I just whine? Yeppers I sure did, and it sure felt good - so thank you for listening.

    Brenda: Wow, I cant believe all the entertaining your gonna do. And you betcha your tired. You just had surgery. Sure does sound like fun though.

    Tracey: Well, well, well. Sounds like we both had frustrating days to say the least. I was thinking, do we have a whining tent yet? Thats where I want to go. And I think there should be wine there. Anyways, hugs to you. Once you get your mail, you will be touched in your heart. And today is only the 13th. Now dont under estimate me. I am the queen of procrastination but can usually pull it together in the end. I say you all have my cards by Christmas lol.

    NS: Are you crazy? Toys Are Us this time of year? OMG!! I went to Kohls today. Had a $50.00 gift certificate. Had to get a present for our company party grabbag. Its a weird one. Called Chineese Grag bag. You pick numbers and if you dont like your present you can exchange it for another. You can do this 2 times. Well I didnt want to have the present nobody wanted. $20.00 limit. So what I find is really cute. Its a snowman. 4 bowls stacked up and you match like a puzzle. He has a "red hat" and a scarf, and its really cute. If nobody wants it, I'll take it. Ok, so there is no line. I get checked out really fast, and the gift card wont get approved!!! 25 minutes later it gets approved. All the gift cards like this one are pulled - not to be sold to anyone as they are defective. I havent used $13.11 - and they wont give me the money. So I run about the store get a Christmas top and Christams stockings and go to the same guy. Guess what. It took another 25 mintues!! Today I say Bah hum bug!

    Cheri: So you have to let us know what the doctor said. I sure am glad you have the appointment. You can join me in the whining tent if you want. I will save you a glass of wine. Somehow, even though Im pissy, I just need something more.

    Mena: Oh ahahahahaha thank you for making me laugh. A prelit Christmas tree! And Im whining about my somewhat crooked, weird looking tree. I swear, Im ready to make popcorn right now and string it up. I so wired I will have strung popcorn for this tree. Its gonna need everything I can get.

    Cheri: The mild diuretic sounds like the perfect ingrediant to get you where you want to be. Good luck with the doctors appointment tomorrow for your foot. Ask him for pain meds. Yes your PCP sounds jerky. I always have Darvcet here for whenever I need it.

    OK, now that I have gone back and read everything I wrote, I have decided Im must really sound like a witch. Instead of the whining tent, I need to go to the Fruitcake tent. I am now running around the house going lallalalalala lalal.
    blahblahblahblah. Heeheeeheeheeheeheehee. Im one big nutcase.

    Love ya all, see ya in the morning

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good afternoon CG's

    Wow miss a few days and its almost hopeless to try to catch up. I did post yesterday but was in such a hurry i didnt copy so I could paste if it lost it and you guessed it,,my long post hanging out there in space somewhere. I said forget and signed off. I might have said more than that but forget it sounds alot better.

    mena got spanked and I missed it dangit. so do tell,,did you enjoy it??? hmmm,,did i say that outloud? OK so did you get the tree? If I had your address I would send your kids a candle. I love a real tree and have one but like you I hate picking up after them. A candle is much cleaner and doesnt leave a mess.

    MB-I know I missed you since you are already gone but hoping your dads surgery goes well. Be careful in the big city.

    Michelle-Welcome to the circle! Everybody is always welcome, there is no special handshake or nothing. Just pull up a chair and warm by the fire. There is always food available and somebody to laugh or cry with whatever the case may be. You have found a great group here, sit back and enjoy. It takes a while to learn the stories of everybody, hmmm who am I kidding, sometimes I have to look back myself but with time you do catch on.

    colleen-wow what a fiance! Better hang on to him because I know alot of women that would love to trade their husband in on him. Can he be cloned?

    Carrie and denise-so happy to hear the news from NS-congrats and Carrie we will keep you in our thoughts for your upcoming surgery also.

    DebC-Hope the packing went ok and you arrive safely home. I have been missing your post and cant wait to hear about your trip.

    Sherndon-Good luck on memorizing lines. I have trouble remembering my debit card pin # and cant imagine anything longer than 4 digits. Geesh!

    I shop-love the family pics! Its nice to see that little kids still get to dig in and have fun.

    Cherylcy-I know all about the sparkling eye thing. I have them also on occasion and have been told its a form of a migraine. I call them squigglys-(yes I know thats not a word but thats what they seem like)

    Brenda-hope you enjoyed the NC mountains. they are so beautiful and i love going there. Its so relaxing.

    NS-sorry to hear your back is still hurting. Have you tried biofreeze on it? Just a thought.

    Naniam-hoping you got your tree up and decorated. Its always alot more fun putting it up than taking it down.

    Snowmen n thongs-sorry to hear you had a bad day. Hoping your day has gotten better.

    Shel38-Congrats on booking the flight. the keys will be a great place to escape to. Dont apologize for actions around here,,we have all done worse no doubt.

    Nicki-glad to see your car got clean. My truck is dirty and I dont even have the snow to blame. Mine is a stone color that isnt black but its a dark color so dirt shows up easily.

    Ok i didnt let Mazer go in for the surgery because she has a habit of taking things out of your back pocket and I was afraid she would take something that was important. She did wait patiently in the waiting room. Well, as patient as a baby donkey can be. She kept smelling weird things and kept doing the donkey smile to try to figure them out.

    Ok now for the sad news..lil baby goat didnt make it. She died yesterday at the vets office at about 2. She was just too premature and her little lungs couldnt get the fluid out of them. they suctioned her and tried to iv her but it didnt work. I do know that everything was done for her that could be done so that helps a little bit. Poor lil baby goat. Now she is running and playing across the rainbow bridge and enjoying the life she didnt get to have here.

    Geesh, its time for me to leave work but one more thing to say. Met with my new oncologist yesterday, as some of you may remember that i fired my previous one. Well, he was wonderful. He checked everything from head to toe and more than once. Very thorough is putting it lightly. Anyway, the best news is there are no lesions now on my pelvic bone and the bone has grown back where it was broken. Yes,,I said broken. My stupid oncologist before never told me my pelvic bone was broken. That explains the severe pain I was in and how I had to have help if I got down because I couldnt get back up. Anyway, new guy was great to sum it up and I found out alot of stuff in my chart that I had not been told before. Like, i also have lesions on my liver but they are improving and I am having a CT scan on those next month to get an in depth look. GRRRRRRRRRRR,,brings back all the madness I had when I fired my oncologist. Oh well, taking a deep breath and chanting, I dont have to see her anymore. And to think,,she is the head oncologist at a top 10 cancer research hospital. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I am woman,,hear me roar.

    OK gotta run but will get on here earlier tomorrow and get all caught up with everybody. My cards arent out yet so I lied when I said I was going to have them out on Monday but lil baby goat interfered with that. They will be out tomorrow for sure!

    lots of love to everyone. Love, Amy
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Oh Amy...such great news about the new onc! I am so happy for you! But I am saddened about the baby goat...I had just shown my daughter the picture and she asked if we could get one...I'm sorry, did your best, Amy...maybe God needed a goat for his nativity scene in heaven...for our sisters up there to enjoy...

    Well, the fake tree got nixed...checked it out...more work than a real one...and very expensive! So my son is going to put the tree in the stand and do the lights...then they both hang about 5 ornaments and get bored. I'm left with the rest...gonna bulk up on spiked eggnog or mulled wine...feel free to join me...of course, none of this is happening until it stops raining in Jersey. And it's going to be near 60 degrees tomorrow!

    I actually bought some gifts today. Nowhere near done, but whomever I don't get to I just won't visit til after Christmas hahahaha...(1/2 price gifts too!)...Mena...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    My sister is my heart.
    She opens doors to rooms
    I never knew were there,
    Breaks through walls
    I don't recall building.
    She lights my darkest corners
    With the sparkle in her eyes.

    My sister is my soul.
    She inspires my wearied spirit
    To fly on wings of angels
    But while I hold her hand
    My feet never leave the ground.
    She stills my deepest fears
    With the wisdom of her song.

    My sister is my past.
    She writes my history
    In her eyes I recognize myself,
    Memories only we can share.
    She remembers, she forgives
    She accepts me as I am
    With tender understanding.

    My sister is my future.
    She lives within my dreams
    She sees my undiscovered secrets,
    Believes in me as I stumble
    She walks in step beside me,
    Her love lighting my way.

    My sister is my strength
    She hears the whispered prayers
    That I cannot speak
    She helps me find my smile,
    Freely giving hers away
    She catches my tears
    In her gentle hands.

    My sister is like no one else
    She's my most treasured friend
    Filling up the empty spaces
    Healing broken places
    She is my rock, my inspiration.
    Though impossible to define,
    In a word, she sister.

    Poem by Lisa Lorden
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls,

    Well, I called the oncologist about my back pain which I've had for a month now today. I’m having an MRI on Monday. Not sure when I’ll get the results.

    Sue, I tore my rotator cuff in July of 2004. Never did get the surgery. What will they do for you? It’s painful.

    CherylG, good to see you. I have such a time keeping up with everyone.

    Nicki got my son’s Christmas presents today. Tomorrow I’m headed to the city to finish up. If I don’t show up tomorrow, might want to send out a search party. Just check the local OKC jail. LOL I don’t think I’ve ever heard you whine. Go right ahead. Everyone needs a day or two to do such that. Hugs. I love Kohl’s but can’t believe that about the gift cards. Geez!

    Brenda, hope you got your tree done. You need to take it easy girl. Having surgery zaps your energy. Hugs. My oncology nurse tells me if she doesn’t call me back to call her. I’ve had to do it once.

    Tracey, sorry hon you’re having a bad day. I hate driving in the ice. Come here and we will let you cry all you want. We won’t tell your family where you are either. Big Hugs!

    CheryCy, hope you’re feeling better. I can’t believe the cost of those shots!

    Sheri that play could be next year at this time and I still wouldn’t be able to memorize lines. That is so cool that you do this.

    Mena, did the lights work? I have a pre-lit tree and love it. So easy! Good for you for telling the kids that. Didn’t take them long to change their mind did it? Sparks are not good dear when jumping a car. That could mean you had the cables connected wrong which means you could have blown up the battery. PLEASE be careful.

    Cheri, I’m sitting here with my mouth open. Your doc said what?????? I do hope the meds help you. I don’t take my water pill if I’m going to be traveling. But mine isn’t for blood pressure either. Just leave early enough to take breaks. I hope you get some answers.

    NS, I can’t believe you went to Toys R Us! You are one brave woman!

    Amy, I’m so sorry about the baby goat. You did everything for her and she is happy where she is now. I’m glad you saw your new oncologist. I can’t believe your old one withheld information from you. That’s just plain mean.

    DebC, hope you’re home. Glad you had a great trip.

    I’ve missed so many I know. You’re all always in my thoughts and prayers.

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    "My sister is my soul.
    She inspires my wearied spirit
    To fly on wings of angels
    But while I hold her hand
    My feet never leave the ground.

    She stills my deepest fears
    With the wisdom of her song."

    What a true and beautiful poem.

    I just wanted to thank you all so very much for your prayers and outpouring of support for Denise and I.
    I posted an update in the brain surgery thread (thankyou G )
    I felt like her room must have been lit up with all the prayers and good thoughts going her way !!!
    what would I do with out all of you ! I DON'T EVER WANT TO KNOW ! I am going to take all the cards that you have sent and tape them up all over her bedroon before she gets home from the hospital.When I got home from Cleveland another pile of cards was waiting, it made me very emotional I cryed good tears ,the first in a few weeks as I have been so scared for her ! Thank you lovely CG'S

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Aw CG's I haven't taken notes, but I do want to...
    let Carrie know, I am so pleased and can only imagine the relief she and all of the family is feeling now.
    Susanmcm, where have you been the past few days?
    The drinking thread is the place to be for happy and good news, for a change.
    Mena-pls be careful with the tree. I am skipping it this yr. My mom is "rolling over in know" I have neither the energy or desire to unwrap or put away the hundreds of ornaments she has left me and I have a acquired over my years of travel. Including, my recent Vegas trip with the girls here. That new ornament will just have to wait, til next yr.
    Tracey, I love looking at the snow and don't mind driving in it, but ICE, OH Panic Attacks!
    Michelle, welcome to the circle. Lots of love and understanding here.
    Shel, as others have said we have all been there. It must be a pre-req for BC. Loving a man that is not good for our self-esteem. I wanna go back to when I was a strong 17 yr old! Before I was ever emotionally pushed down. There have been ups and downs, but I know how you are feeling.
    Nicki, I am anxious to hear what your Italian family cook and eats over the Christmas holiday. We usually do the traditional Prime Rib etc.., not Italian, but SIL's family is and owning an Italian restaurant we have to have some tradtional Italian treats, of course cookies, Canelloni or Manicotti and my SIL's dad always makes the "greens" lots of garlic, olive oil, SD tomatoes and olives-YUM
    OH- my thyroid bx, is back-early! Inconclusive again! Guess what that means, surgery! I meet with the surgeon Tues. i don't have a good feeling about this. You all know, "that" feeling. Sorry to end on a bad note, but this is too long and I'll probably lose it, if I don't post now-
    Love to all!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006

    A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office
    was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.

    She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

    "What I mean is," explained the recorder,
    "do you have a job or are you just a......?"

    "Of course I have a job," snapped the woman.

    "I'm a Mom."

    "We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, 'housewife' covers it," < BR>said the recorder emphatically.

    I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself in the
    same situation, this time at our own Town Hall.

    The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised,
    efficient and possessed of a high sounding title like,
    "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."

    "What is your occupation?" she probed.

    What made me say it?
    I do not know.
    The words simply popped out.
    "I'm a Research Associate in the field of
    Child Development and Human Relations."

    The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and
    looked up as though she had not heard right.

    I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.
    Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written,
    in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

    "Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest,
    "just what you do in your field?"

    Coolly, without any tra ce of fluster in my voice,
    I heard myself reply,
    "I have a continuing program of research,
    [what mother doesn't)
    in the laboratory and in the field,
    (normally I would have said indoors and out).
    I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family)
    and already have four credits (all daughters).
    Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities,
    (any mother care to disagree?)
    and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it).
    But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are
    more of a satisfaction rather than just money."

    There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
    completed the form, stood up and personally ushered me to the door.

    As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career,
    I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3.
    Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model,
    (a 6 month old baby) in the child development program,
    testing out a new vocal pattern.
    I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy!
    And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than
    "just an other Mom." Motherhood!

    What a glorious career!
    Especially when there's a title on the door.

    Does this make grandmothers
    "Senior Research associates in the field of
    Child Development and Human Relations"
    and great grandmothers
    "Executive Senior Research Associates"?
    I think so!!!
    I also think it makes Aunts
    "Associate Research Assistants".

    I just had to post this! My Father sent it to me.
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Just dropping in before I turn in for the night.

    Carrie, glad that Denise is doing well. We don't know what we would do without you and Denise. Thank you for all your beautiful post in the inspiration thread.

    NS, Mena and Nicki - couldn't help but laugh about your post about Christmas trees. Mena, I checked out a fake one too and couldn't pay that right now. The more I thought about it, I figured artifical or not, I would have to "arrange" the limbs and decided it would still be work!!
    Nicki, I have some empty looking places on my tree - I picked it out!!!!!!!!! I told my husband I thought it was ugly and he said I was just tired; it looked fine; this from the man who let me buy this tree. NS, we trimmed before we brought it in the house, however, I am tempted to get the scissors out to even up some of these short limbs and long limbs - maybe tomorrow.

    I did finish the tree (decorated I'll look at it again tomorrow but right now I don't care and not happy with it) and I have put water 3 times today in the tree stand - didn't know a tree could drink so much water and we cut it on Sunday so it can't be that dry!!!!!!!

    Nicki, good luck with the hair. I had lots of gray before and it is a little darker but when mine grew back, it came in with the biggest cow lick in the crown and that gives me a fit. Kind of looks like I put a hair piece in at that spot and it poofs.

    Mena, I wouldn't admit to anyone if I had a pair of jumper cables in my care - I would get them reversed or something and cause damage - I just remember my husband telling me they had to go a certain way and no, I don't think sparks is part of the deal.

    Tracy, hope your day got better. I don't think you will be alone in the pissy tent.

    Vicki, loved the sister poem. It certainly speaks to the "sisters" in this wagon circle.

    Liz, I did get my appointment card today for the return oncology visit. Still on 6 month schedule for mammo. She told me I was on 3 month visits with oncologist yet but since I had an appointment in Feb with radiation oncologist, to just keep that. (Rad oncologist told me if I was been followed by oncologist to cancel his appointment) Any of you still seeing your radiation oncologist?

    Amy, sorry to hear about the baby goat. Glad that you enjoy the NC mountains.

    Shel, hope you are having a good day and New Years in the Keys sounds wonderful.

    MB, what type surgery is your dad having? Hope all goes well.

    Ok, been a long day. Along with the tree, I had to run some errands and then do food for my church as they go visiting the sick/shut-ins. We do soup and sandwiches but tonight I had to help set up and clean up afterwards. That is what I get for being in the food business!!!! Don't normally mind but last year and this year it has been a bit much to handle.

    Hope everyone has a good restful night. I am off to take my Ativan.

    Hugs, Brenda