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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    aawwww...eight years old today...growing up too fast.
    Nathaniel trying to figure out the "trick candles" that kept relighting!! LOL.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies...really tired so this will be short and sweet. Nathaniel had a wonderful day today. I am so glad...last year I was a mess...this year is so much better. Thank God.
    BRSTN...we will keep Wylie in the middle to keep her safe and sorry and sending you hugs.
    Cheri...Glad you like the poem and I too love Dr. Phils advice!! Yup our little ones grow up way too fast.
    Thanks all for your wishes for him today.
    NS...missing you...hope your back is feeling better.
    Silvergirl...are you there or still spoiling that new baby. your posts as you always make me smile. glad your out of your funk...really missed here.
    Hugs to everyone that I'm to tired to write to tonight. I'll take notes tomorrow!!
    Sweet dreams and a happy day tomorrow for all.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Two more things...saying prayers for our sisters in Washington and Oregon that are without power...hopefully all will return to normal soon.
    aawwww crud...forgot the second thing...damn chemo brain anyway.
    I'll wake up in the middle of the night and remember for sure.
    OH...I remembered...our site seems to have a "time" problem or else I didn't set my clocks ahead (LOL) last post says 8:44 but it's only 7:44...strange!?! I'm thinking that with the weather we are having here maybe it really is spring!! Our maintance guys were laughing today about how the grass is growing and they are going to have to mow it...IN DECEMBER...that will certainly be a first!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Good evening circle girls!

    First things first…my cards are all made, written, stamped and are ready to drop in the mail! I had fits trying to get my printer to work, but they are finally done. I have enjoyed getting your cards…what fun.

    Sorry to hear about your thyroid. I hate when you can’t get a straight answer. I hope all is well soon.

    Loved the mom story. I have actually put “mom” on a form before and got quite a raised eyebrow.

    Carrie, glad that Denise is doing well. I hope everything continues to go great. You are in my prayers.

    I was sorry to hear about the baby goat. It is one of the sad parts of living on a farm, loosing animals. You did all you can. Big hugs. I love to read your stories about you animals. It always makes me smile. We saw “wild” chickens everywhere when we were in Hawaii. My kids loved it. Our big rooster is named Rogue, so every rooster we saw was Rouge the Second, Rogue the third and so on until we got to about Rogue the 50th and we stopped counting. The wild birds looked just like ours…too funny.

    Lexapro totally got rid of my hot flashes. My onc said it is one of the best drugs for that purpose. Hope you are getting some energy back.

    You made me laugh with your “drinking Tree”. I had an uncle that swore you should put a shot of vodka in the tree’s water. He said it made the tree last longer…maybe you should give it a try LOL

    I was so glad to hear your good news…stable sounds good to me! I hope you get a tree soon **grin**

    Sorry to hear you are tired too…I think it is going around! Maybe we are all trying to do too much because of the holidays…I, for one am trying to learn to SLOW down. Good luck getting some rest.

    Tell “Aunt Flow” to take a hike. I think we should take a vote girls…Don’t you think our reproductive systems should have an off/on switch??? I sure don’t miss my period right now. I am still in chemopause, although chemo has been done for almost 5 months. I still wonder if it will be permanent. I’m passing you the Advil and a Corny Buddy. Never heard of a Corny buddy?? They are my best friends in the winter. You make a big tube, about 2 feet long and 4 or 5 inches around out of fleece and fill it with dried field corn. Sew it up and then pop it in the microwave for about 2 minutes. It stays warm for hours and you can wear it around your neck or lay one on your tummy for cramps…heavenly.

    Sue- I Laughed so hard thinking that your tree must look a lot like mine…I always call mine the floozy tree, but I like French whore better **grin**

    If you are reading I hope your back is better. Rest; take good drugs…maybe some ice. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Good to see ya posting! We missed you

    I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer makes me so damn mad…I have to find a way to deal with this. I know it can’t be healthy to carry this much anger around. Let Jeannie know I am praying for her. I hope you are feeling well. I am so excited for you that you get to go to the Keys. I love it down there. I just saw that Family Fun magazine did a piece on things to do in the Keys. You might want to grab their Dec-Jan issue or check if it is on their web site. They usually have fun things to do with kids.

    I know I didn’t remember everyone, but know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Now I have a silly question….does anyone know much about gall bladders??? I have had a weird pain. It is right at the bottom edge the right side of my rib cage. It comes and it goes and it radiates through my back. It kind of comes in waves. It doesn’t seem to be a muscle as I can’t make it worse by stretching anything. I doesn’t get worse when I press on either the front or back of my rib cage, but seems to come from inside behind my ribs. I had not even considered my gall bladder (Of course not! In my mind it is rib mets and I’m going to die before sunrise…sheesh) but my mom said when she had GB problems it hurt in the same place. Anyone out there have any experience? My onc said give the pain 2 weeks to go away and then we will start exploring what might be causing it. I guess time will tell.

    Hugs to everyone
    Deb C
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    I agree, this warm weather is weird. Reminds me of my CA days. I am one who actually likes the snow.

    Mena, I'm so glad to hear you are stable. What a tough decision. Until I met all of you wonderful ladies I would never have realized how many decisions there are to make. I was a little naive. I guess my only advice is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." So profound, I know.

    Alright, Amy and Nickie beat me. I have some finished, but have a few left. I will get them in the mail tomorrow, I promise!!!!! I really want to give back after all the joy the cards I have received have given me.

    I think I figured out why I'm having such a hard time staying out of the blues. I was dx 2 years ago right before Christmas, I found out I was pregnant with number 4 right before Christmas 7 years ago, my dh made a dramatic job change right before Christmas 8 years ago, etc. It seems like many of my life changing events take place around this time. Maybe that explains something, I don't know.

    Happy day for Nathaniel. You are lucky to have him, he looks like a sweet boy.

    Haven't done much shopping yet, waiting til the last minute. Maybe then I'll get in the spirit. Trust me, the cards have been a life saver.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh Deb...I had a gall bladder attack a few years ago and it was terrible. I thought I was going to die for sure...seriously. The pain started the front of my chest, under my rib cage and traveled all the way around to the center of my back. I was miserable all night long, I ended up throwing up and actually felt a little better. It hurt to even breath and I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the doctors the next day and yup...gall bladder. He said if I had another attack like that to go to the ER and he would come in and take it out but it hasn't happened since...whew.
    Hugs to you and hope you feel better soon and that's all it is.
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2006
    Yup Deb,

    it's the gall bladder queen here, poping out of the medic tent to say that it sure sounds like gall bladder to me. I had mine out 2 weeks ago today and have been on low energy ever since. doc said it was to be expected since it was so soon after chemo. Anyway, the gall bladder pain is a b***ch - I save my post TRAM surgery pain meds in case I has a gall bladder attack! Watch it and get it checked out if it continues. some gall attacks come once and never return, others come back with a vengeance. Mine was diagnosed by ultrasound - a whopping 1.8 cm stone (gall bladder is not huge either). Blood work will pick up if there is "sludge" in the gall bladder that is making it act up.

    The surgery was pretty tame - laparoscopic, in with a scope and pull the thing out. Severl small incisions and sent home the same day! Go figure, it used to be a 10 day hospital stay. Biggest problem has been post-surgery fatigue on top of chemo fatigue.

    CG's - I have been reading but not posting - low energy or a funk? I am also sorry I didn't sign up for the card exchange. I really feel I am missing out. I thought that with surgery and work I wouldn't have time. Oh well, lessons to be learned.
    Mena, great news. Also so glad to hear that DEnise has sailed through some pretty tough surgery. Now lets hope the best for Carrie.
    Tracey - what a bummer about the roof. Amy - I was so sad to read about the baby goat. May its pastures now be always green. Cherri, glad that the foot can be doctored. Let's hope for a quick cancellation.

    Hollidays are hard for all of us who somehow have our diagnosis or treatment tied to this time of year. Mine was - "Merry Christmas, you have cancer", "Happy Easter, you get chemo". Am trying to put a different spin on it this year but it is a challenge.
    Am also joining Deb with those who keep having friends turn up with CA. A Sharon, sweeet gentle firend got a dx of ovarian cancer as I was doing chemo. She had surgery and chemo and less than a month after finishing chemo was told it had spread to her stomach. Not a good report. Lets please put her in the middle of the circle and throw extra loggs on the fire for all of the special people that are there.

    Where is RobinTN?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Deb, I had my gallbladder removed several years ago. I didn't have any symptoms I had a "gallbladder attack", much like Vicki described. I couldn't straighten up & my dh took me to the E.R. and they scheduled me for a removal a couple days later. That was before they did the laser thing. Hope you start feeling better.

    Vicki, cute picture of your little boy. The expression is pricesless!

    Cheri M.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Hello girls
    Gimpy the cowgirl checking in.
    I realize that I now walk like Festus. Anyone remember him??

    I am hoping I improve. All my tricks are not working like they used to and I have SO MUCH to do I can't be on the DL right now!!!

    I see Deb is back- ALOHA!
    I see we have some friends and loved ones who are newly diagnosed or getting mets or in hospice... our inner circle is here for them and for everyone who loves them.

    I have some more info on my thyroid saga.
    I am supposed to meet with the new doc next week. My old endo left medicine to work for a big pharma company and NO ONE on the face of this earth has a copy of my last thyroid biopsy! I am NOT having another one if I don't have to. I am going to get my insurance company on the case. Since they PAID for it they can use their magic to find SOMEONE who has the results.

    Ok- just trying to read and post has started to make me hurt alot again. Back to the floor for me!

    See you in the medic tent!! Anyone want to keep me company???

    I MISS YOU!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006

    Me too Deb..had my gallbladder out soon after my bc surgeries...I had it laproscopically also and went home the same day..Hugs, Lisa

  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening CG's

    An update on Denise ,She is home Woo Hoo and resting .I taped all of your cards

    on her bedroom mirror and she was very touched to see so many !

    She has an incission from in front of her right ear to the center of her forehead

    has a black eye and her face is still swollen ,they have her on decadron

    for the swelling and said it was normal . She is really doing well . As for me

    I will be joining some of you in the medic tent on Tuesday to get this dang

    stupid lump out they are going to insert a wire in first before surgery.

    B9 B9 B9 IS MY CHANT !!

    Deb welcome home and sorry you had to get bad news about your friend

    Erica .I willadd her to the prayer list .Iam sure you will be a big help to her

    Shel {{hugs}} to you too and I will add Jeannie to .

    Also BRSTN for your friend Wylie too

    I can't tell you all how much I HATE cancer !!

    Vickie this is for your handsome big boy Nathaniel


    Nicki my dogs (2 labs ate all the Santa claus suckers I bought

    for my grand daughter "Bad Doggies"

    Mena I just have to say it again WOOHOO for stable

    what a wonderful Christmas present !

    Tracey I hope your cramps are getting better . Man I don't

    miss that at all !

    Cheri Oh my gosh BIG OUCH !! I am so glad they can do surgery

    and I am praying for someone to cancel so you can get in earlier!

    G I am sorry your back still hurts and I have everything crossed

    for you for your appt. nest week.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Morning circle girls...too much to do today but had to check in with all of you first. Quiet night last night but so glad to see your post NS and we miss you too. I remember Festus...I have an uncle who could be his twin!!! Actually Festus was always my favorite on that show. I can't believe that they can't find your biopsy report. My daughter is going through the same thing...the doctors can't find her bloodwork (she has VonWillabrands...same as hemophilia) so she has to have the tests done again. I personally think they should be held accountable in some way or another...with the amount of money they are paid along with the new computer age how in the world do these things disapppear.
    Carrie...thanks for the update on Denise and I am so happy she is home. My mom had brain surgery and was in the hospital for six weeks before they let her come home! It sounds like she's doing well. I am praying for you both and chanting B9B9B9. Thanks for the cute "happy birthday" for Nathaniel...I will show him when he gets up.
    Bald eagle...Hi...glad to see you too. I know what you mean about the "funk". I too was Merry Christmas you have cancer, Happy New Year you get chemo, Happy Easter your getting a bilateral mast, and then happy birthday you get radiation. What a year it has been. I do have to say that I am so very thankful to be here this year as last year when I was dx'd they were very grim...said pallative care was all I would be able to get but the tests all came back and I was downgraded from stage IV to stage II!! They were certain that the cancer had spread as I had three large tumors and lymph node involvement. Thanks be to God they were wrong! Putting your friend in the center of our beautiful circle.
    Yup...we need to find RobinTN...anyone have a phone number? I would be happy to call her...just pm me if you can find it.
    Haven't seen Susan lately either. to the shower...time to get busy. Chucky Cheese today along with groceries, cleaning, crafting and we are having a cookie exchange at work so it's gonna be a busy day. Hope to get everything done so I can relax tomorrow and do nothing but finish my crafts.
    Hugs all around
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Morning CG' impressed with all of you who can post pics...I'm still challenged in that area...still...

    What's with all the thyroid problems here?...My oh my, I'm so sorry you guys are having these additional issues...

    Tracey: You don't want menopause...take the cramps. Eat your tomatoes..and btw, I don't want pictures of them...I want the real freaking thing!

    Amy: Thanks for giving me your opinion of my tx plan. It really helps and I very much appreciate it.

    Brst: I am very sorry to learn of your friend and hospice. I will pray that she is pain free and at peace.

    Cheri: So, we have more in common. My broken ankle from the summer never healed, and I'm looking at surgery after Christmas...woo hoo...

    Baldeagle...good to see you! Where have you been?

    Vickie: That photo...priceless. As someone said...that expression...omg...

    Sherndon...thanks to you for chiming in on my tx dilemma also...I'm sorry this time of year is a bummer for'll get through dad was dying this time last year. I totally understand...we're here for are the "lines" going? I wish we could be there to see this production...I really do...I think I'd be cracking up, not at you, but just knowing what bc does to someone and just knowing how nervous you'd be and just giddy with Circle love and all...

    DebC...Hey, that anger thread you started...what a hoot...Can't bring myself to post hahahah...I think everyone here pretty much knows what I do when I get angry...I come here and get deleted hahahah...

    Deb5...Where in the world are you...I think I have to call...has anyone heard from our Puppy?...please pm me if you know anything...I'm worried...

    NS: I will gladly join you in the Medic Tent...I will gladly join you anywhere...besides, I have a freaking migraine from chemo yesterday...I could use good neck massage... OK?

    Carrie and Denise...Healing prayers still going strong...

    OK...I did not take notes because my head is about to blow off and I can barely see straight...gotta go look into my bevy of "things that make me feel better"...and address this bloody headache....

    I'm sorry...I'm not intentionally leaving anyone out...I'll be back later after I BUY ME A DAMN TREE!!! Yes, who mentioned a living tree? Good idea...let's see what the kiddos say...first I have to get them up...

    Love, prayers and a peaceful day to all of you...Mena...xo
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    I'm gone for a day or 2 and I have to read WAR and PEACE --it ain't easy to catch up with all of you, but I do that later or tomorrow. Today is my granddaughter's 2nd Birthday party and tonight is a 'formal' affair at my dh's bosss' estate in Allentown, NJ.

    The 10th Anniversary was amazing and my dh planned it all by himself (with the help of his casino host). We went to Harrah's in AC. Went to the room, which ended up being a penthouse suite - larger than my apt in NYC -- foyer, living room, bedroom, 2 bathrooms (one with a jacuzzi); we got a comped dinner at the SteakHouse along with a bottle on White Star Champagne (my favorite). When we got back to the room at 4:00 a.m. (don't ask) there was a bottle of Dom, along with a beautiful chocolate cake and a fruit platter. Needless to say, we had a wonderful time.

    On the yucky side of life, my neighbor is in hospice and one of my good friends is in the hospital with blood clots in her leg and lung. All due to bc -- I HATE THIS DISEASE AND WHAT IT IS DOING TO ALL OF US AND OUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES!!!

    More later.

    Love to all,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OK ladies...I'm off to the medic tent. I was up half the night raiding my medicine chest for pain meds. I now feel like I have a metal rod sticking through my body at the bottom of my right rib cage from front to back. Most of the pain is in my back, but then I get these bad cramps in the front…all very local but like a labor pain, they come and go.

    I don’t like the internal med doc that is on call this weekend, and my doc who I love is out of town so I can’t even call him at home and ask to see him (he is a great internal med doc and would come if he were here). I don’t know if I have two things going on..The back pain started first, or if this might all be from my gall bladder or liver. I may have to just suck it up and go see the doc I hate.

    I have not had any nausea, which I guess usually accompanies gall bladder trouble. Grrrrr…I’m tired of playing “doctor Deb” trying to guess what is wrong, but I really do hate the doc on call…I guess I am on the horns of a dilemma girls.

    Sorry to blab on and on…I guess I’m just trying to avoid making a decision. Of course, in my mind I have all kinds of horrible things…I know Mena I’m’s not mets…now I just have to convince my monkey brain

    Later ladies
    Deb C.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good morning ladies. I am going to quit smoking on the 1st. I have to in order for my ankle to heal after surgery. When it comes to smoking or walking I think I'd rather walk. (actually took a little thought). I have a new post on my smoking thread in case anyone might be interested. If not, that's ok too.
    Started these ole night sweats again. Doesn't seem fair to have to go through menopause twice. But we all know alot of things in life aren't fair.

    NS, so sorry you're having those awful back problems. I remember Festus, in fact I walk alot like him, too. I liked his character, crusty on the outside but a heart of gold inside. Ring a bell?

    Carrie, so glad Denise is doing well. She sure had alot of prayers going up from here. So did you. Everyone jumped in and circled these wagons. Wonderful, isn't it? Thanks for the well wishes on my ankle.

    Vicki, you're going to Chucky Cheese Hell today? The things we do for our children! That place is wild.

    Mena, dear Mena. Get something for that headache. Those broken ankles are ugly aren't they? I smushed mine 7 yrs. ago and had 7 surgeries so far on it. Shows what kind of dr.s we don't have in this area! That's why the long drive to a good surgeon. Maybe this will be my last. Hope your surgery goes well. Which ankle is yours? Mine is on the right if yours is on the left we could bind them together & hop anywhere we wanted to go!

    Ishop, sounds like your dh planned a very nice anniversary. It's nice when they do special things for us.

    Deb C, GO TO THE DOCTOR. May not be the dr. of your choice but you need to see I was told by several of the girls on here not to try & dx myself. Good advice. We love you and want you well.

    To all the others who are waiting test results and just all around feeling sh!tty, my thoughts are with you.

    It is well documented that for every mile that you jog, you add one minute to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5000 per month

    Just a thought on exercise that matches my feelings on the subject.

    Best Wishes,
    Cheri M.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    hi I'm back!!! I miss you all and I told my friends all about all of you. I'm sure they think I am looney knowing all about all these people I've never met.

    6 pages of posts. wow. I have to find time to catch up. Disneyland was so much fun. My knee gave out and my friends took turns pushing me around in a wheelchair. We thought we would get to bypass the lines for the rides but to our amazement there is a "wheelchair line". And it's slower than the regular lines!!! We had great seats for the parade. We got our picture taken with Santa Clause. I found an answer for my fear of flying "ATIVAN". Boy that stuff takes care of everything.

    Ishop I love the pictures of the kids
    Amy so sorry about the baby goat. I wanted to be its remote mommy

    Mena you are so funny. I don't know all the trouble you have been in this last week, but I'm sure I'll hear more about it.

    NS, hope you are feeling better. still have funny card to send.

    Shel, glad you are going on vacation. i highly recommend it.

    DebC another gall bladder problem. I'm so sorry yu are in pain.

    I gather Denise is doing good after her surgery.

    the cards when I got home were super. so glad you thought of this DebC.

    I will try and call Robin.

    For everyone else, I missed you!

    oh yes, as a cowgirl in training I met my friends horse, "Hank". He tried to nibble my good boob. too funny.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OK…one quick trip to the ER and I know why I don’t have my medical degree. I got to see a good doc…sometimes it pays to know the whole staff. I got an ultrasound that just about rules out any gall bladder problems. I have no stones, and my blood work shows that I don’t have the GB “sludge” either. There is still a small chance it could be GB disease, but it is a tiny chance. They also looked at my liver and did close-up views looking for liver lesions and found nothing.

    The doc thinks I have shingles, of all things! I only have 3 or 4 of the little chicken pox blisters, but she said everything else presents as classic shingles. I guess the virus follows a nerve, in my case the one that runs around the bottom of my rib cage. It causes nerve pain very much like sciatica. The pain usually comes before the outbreak of sores…so it could be what I have. The pain can also be intense, which also sounds like what I have!

    SO…we are going to wait 24 to 48 hours to see if I get more pox. If I do, it confirms the shingles Dx. If not I will have to go in for more tests to see what is causing the pain. I know the doc who I saw really well and she totally understands my stress thinking everything I get is cancer. She spent a lot of time reassuring me that this does not look like any type of mets she has ever seen. It helped just to talk to her…she is a true gem…doesn’t pooh-pooh my fears and is very thorough and careful. I was so thankful she came over to see me instead of seeing the on-call doc.

    So, I’m hitting the pain meds and getting some rest.

    Deb C.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    So glad you went to the ER---at least now you know what it probably is. I asked my pcp about the shingles vaccine last week since I thought you had a better chance of getting it as an adult if you had chicken pox as a kid. Never did get a totally straight answer, now that I think about it, but the nurse did tell me that insurance companies generally refuse to pay for the shot and it's $170!

    More later---spent all of my time to type to the CGs this a.m. trying to post a picture of Sam. You will notice there is no picture of Sam here----can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, think I'll blame it on cross purposes technology since I have a Mac. Take my word for it---he is CUTE!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Evening ladies...oh yes...went to Chucky Cheese Nathaniel and his cousins had a needs a drink!!! It's expensive and LOUD! Glad that's over with...think my mast was easier LOL. I am going to try to quit smoking on the first too...fingers crossed! glad to see you back. You were missed. We went to Animal Kingdom and Islands of Adventure in September and it was great but tiring. Glad you had a good time dispite your knee.

    Jeannie...can't wait to see pictures of little Sam and I'm sure he's beautiful as he has a beautiful grandma!

    Deb...oh so glad you went to the ER. Sorry about the shingles (if that's what it is) but happy it's nothing worse and you had good care and a wonderful team there. Hope you are feeling better soon! Thanks for the info on the Lexapro...I can't have those darn ovaries working again.

    Mena...did you get that tree...would you believe I saw a pink artifical one today...can you say eeewwwww!

    Carrie...Nathaniel loved the birthday wishes...he is such a doll baby even though he's no longer a baby. He was so excited to be turning 8...said he only has 8 years and he can drive!!! Thinks we should find him a car now so we can fix it up and paint flames on the side...I fear I'm going to be in trouble when he gets on the road!

    Ok Shel...where are you hiding...we need you here you know!
    Really tired usual.
    Off to get some rest and crochet a bit.
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Susan, so glad you're back with us. Seems like you've been gone for ages! Happy you had a good time but sorry your knee acted up. S'pose you saw Goofy, he's always been my favorite. Who'd have thought?

    Deb, good girl for going to the dr. Glad you got one that you trust & like. Did she give you something to ease the pain? Hope you rest well tonight.

    Shel, I wanna know where you're at, too. Don't make us send out a possee for you. We miss you when you don't check in.

    Vicki, so proud of you for making it through chucky-cheese-hell! If you can do that you can do anything! I'm always tired too. I haven't had any energy in so long. Maybe you'll rest well tonight.

    Praying all of you sleep restfully tonight.

    Cheri M.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Hello Girls!

    They really ought to lock me up someplace and throw away the key. I am a menace to society!!!

    First I cut off my christmas tree branches with the lights on them so I have no lights or branches... and then today i thought I could venture out and try to do some Christmas shopping...

    Well- Festus should NOT be allowed in delicate antique shops.

    I was looking at some items hobbling along when I turned to look at something on a shelf. My purse strap slid off my shoulder and landed around my elbow where I caught it in time but not before it took out half of an antique china tea service! I broke half of the damn thing and yes, I had to pay for what I broke. Of course when I bent down to pick up the broken glass my back went into spasm so I would have given that woman ANY amount of money just so I could get home.

    I think everyone will be getting an IOU this year!!!

    Carrie that lump better be B9 !!!! Unless the Beast would like to meet me and Mena in the Deliverance Tent for a little attitude adjustment!

    Vickie, thank you. I remember your daughter is having that same problem... what on earth is going on today? You are right! This si supposed to be the computer age- those days are supposed to be over! I am glad you rememberd Festus!!! And a very happy birthday to that little QT pie nathaniel! Oh my! I just want to squeeze him!

    Mena you are in luck.. you have your choice of George Clooney, Alan Jackson, Bruce Springsteen or Leonardo Di Caprio to give you a neck massage tonight. They are all on duty!!!

    Sue I am glad you had such a great celebration! But so sorry about your friend. I know THIS FRIGGIN SUCKS!!! My prayers are with your friend in hospice.

    Cheri you always crack me up! Am I crusty or sparky? Can I be both?? or maybe someone turns crusty after being sparky too long??? I am having night sweats too- but it can't be meno because I had all my levels checked. I DID get a down comforter... maybe THAT IS why!! My mother had a broken ankle with screws in it and they had to take them all out and re-do it. My heart goes out to you.

    Did something happen to Amy's goat?? Oh no! I am so sorry Amy. I have been having a hard time keeping up because of sitting for too long.

    Susan- you got to see DL without having to stand in a line?? I am sorry about your knee but hey! It sounds like it worked out just fine! Just what was Hank doing to your boob????

    Deb I am SO SORRY you are going through all this pain!!! I am glad you went to the ER -- but please keep this in mind, it just happened to Naniam- u/s can't really show what is happening in the GB nor can blood. THAT is what they told her too. The only way to truly know is to get a HIDA scan or be scoped. They sent Naniam home and told her that her GB was fine and two weeks later she had to have it taken out because of sludge and tiny stones... and she had the same tests you did! SO don't completely rule it out and keep an eye on yourself. I hoep you don't have shingles. They can hurt SO MUCH. Come on into the medic tent. I need some company and I think Cheri is joining us and Mena too!

    Love to everyone I missed....Stephanie and Lisa40 hope you two chicks are doing ok... you are both always in my prayers.

    Love Sparky Crusty Festus The Festivus Destroyer
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Chuck-E-Cheese...omigod...I remember those days hahaha...oh Vickie, what fun! All those germs and boogers in that ball pit...Go Nathaniel! Hug and kiss Mommy hahahha....

    DebC...Wow...I am so sorry about your situation. Shingles are so painful. My uncle suffered for a long time with them. He looked like he walked through a fire. I'm so glad you went to the ER. Good girl! And no mets! See? I told you! Now, don't hit the pain meds, they don't feel do...swallow them whole...

    My tree...well...I went to the local yokel and when I pulled in the lot, there was this sorry looking thing laying on the ground, looking like it just got run over by a truck...if it could talk, it was shouting, "puhleeze take me home, they're gonna burn me in five minutes and I want one last go-round..."

    It was so pathetic even my daughter picked up on it. She felt sorry for it and begged me to buy it...I talked the guy into giving it to me for $25. We brought it home...put 800 lights on it, hung our candy garland and ornaments...I swear it's the sweetest tree I've ever had! I've been thinking of all of you for hours as we've toiled...I wish I could take pictures and get this thing up here for you...I am really enjoying it.

    And, look at me! I even did some more decorating outside...after all it is 60 degrees in Jersey...people are behaving oddly...when in Rome...

    If anyone hears from Debby5, please let me know.

    Rest well, my friends...Mena...xo
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Ok, I give up. I had written this long post and when I hit submit it just goes up in smoke and disappears. I didn't know my computer did magic!!!!!!

    To tired and frustrated to try it again. Oh, I hate it when that happens. DebC, I'll post again later about the gallbladder thing.

    Mena, Praise be you have a tree, up and decorated? I hope you don't take everything home that ask you to "puhleeze take me home" hehe. It was close to 70 here today and is supposed to be 70 or more on Monday You have "candy garland"? Is it like life savers? I have that one and hate to tell you how old it is.

    I've got to go get the heating pad to these estrogen deprived hips and also "submit this post" or it is going to be magical and disappear too.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    i'm ok!!!!!!!!

    the bone mets thing seems on an even keel............i have a bit of a crowd "phobia", but ativan is helping...........the divorce thing is a bit hard.............but i can do it...........i'm waiting to hear about lung mets......perhaps they can tell me after i get back from the keys???????? lol!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Yeah...Shel is here. You can do it...we are all behind you all the way. NO LUNG METS. That will be my chant every single day until you get your results. Praying hard too.
    Brenda...hello. I type my post, then highlight it and select copy then submit so if it disappears I can go back and just hit paste and try again. It usually works.
    Oh Mena...believe me I was thinking of all those germs and boogers. I have become obsessive compulsive about such things. Did you get your tree?
    NS...oh sounds like you had a lousy day yesterday. I read that they can't really make you pay for something broken in a store...I can't remember where though. My daughter is really giving the doctors a hard time about her paperwork...she has more backbone than you can imagine, we owned a diner and she practically grew up with truck drivers and she can really tell it like it is. It's actually pretty hilarious to hear her...she can be so subtle and so cutting at the same time. She always sticks up for the underdog and was always in the office for one thing or another and the principle would call me and say..."I just had Sarah here again..." My heart would sink and then he's laugh and tell me about how she put one of the football players up against a locker for picking on someone and threatened to break their nose...of course the football player would run to the office and end up being the one in trouble. It was always that way and she actually won the "Good Citizenship" award from church when she graduated. The only time she actually hit anyone was on the bus. They had one kid who was always a bully and she went over the back of her seat one day and punched him in the nose and threatened to do worse if he ever picked on a little kid again. Told him if he wanted to bully someone he could bully her. I thought for sure she'd be kicked off the bus but the next morning her bus driver came in the diner and I asked him and he winked and said "I didn't see anything, guess it didn't happen." Nathaniel would take all the hugs he can get. He is my little snuggle bug...all the time...hope it never ends.
    Cheri...I did rest well. I was so exhausted and I actually slept until 7am!!! waking up at 4am!
    Ok...shower and cookie baking I go...
    later and hugs to all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Mena, your tree sounds great. It sounds like you are getting into the Christmas spirit.

    Vickie, Micah, my little one, always wants to go to Chuckee Cheese. The disadvantage of being the youngest is no one in our family wants to go. It's also about an hour away, so we are lucky.

    DebC, I had a student who had shingles a couple of years ago and she was out of school almost 2 weeks. It almost seems like a gallbladder would be easier, they can just take that out. My dh is always saying I never get the stuff that has simple solutions. It always has to be something complicated.

    NS, I guess they can make you pay, but it sure doesn't do much for customer relations. At my husbands restaurant they have a store, Cracker Barrel, and they never make you pay for something you accidentally break. If they ever do, let me know, it's a policy.

    Shel, glad your mets are ok. Keep hoping for good results on the lungs. Enjoy your time in the Keys.

    I watched the movie for my play this weekend. I was hoping to see how my character was portrayed. Unfortunately, she doesn't have as much of a role in the movie as in the play version. My dd is home from college and I'm going to make her help me learn my lines. I will have all of you helping my chemo brain overcome it's deficiencies.

    Believe it or not, I did get some cards out yesterday. The rest will go out tomorrow, I promise! Just think, if they come after christmas, that will keep the good feelings going for a little longer.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good morning everyone. Well, I guess it's afternoon but I slept in this morning. Trying to get my mind set for the big smoke out day. Yep, I am quitting the 1st. I have a new post on the smoking thread. Tomorrow is my grandsons 2nd birthday so we're having a little family party today while his daddy & grandpa are both home. Wish I knew how to put pics on here because he is cute as a button, but meaner than a snake!

    NS, so I guess you're like a bull in a china closet when you're all crippled up! Yes, so far I have sparky & crusty for you. As time goes on I'm sure there'll be others, until you are described as the wild & colorful creature that you are.

    Mena,see, you were meant to put off getting your tree until just the right one was ready for you. Glad you're enjoying it.

    Brenda, don't you just hate losing a post? I used to do that all the time on here. Hope your hip is feeling better.

    Shel, glad to see you stopped in. It's got to make you feel good to know that you are missed when you don't post.

    Vicki,so glad you slept well last night. Sounds like you have a great daughter. My dd and I are very close. She'll be 24 next month. She's an only child & has 2 little boys I adore. Especially close to the 5 yr old, she had him so young and we helped alot with him.

    Sheri, glad your dd is coming home & can help you with lines for your play. You'll be great in it.

    Next year I want to get in on the card sharing. I didn't make it to the circle in time this year.

    I'm beginning to feel the excitement of Christmas. So many presents under the tree, the house all decorated with lights outside. Plus, there's the wrapped presents from Santa hid in my closet. I just love seeing one of the kids open something that I've bought & know they're going to just love, seeing their's priceless. Have to admit, though, that having and extra step-grandson does put a dent in my budget because I can't play favorites. My dd & SIL have him here full time. He's 8 yrs old and lost his 27yr old mama almost 2 years ago to breast cancer. So we're his family now.

    Praying you all have a good day. Pain-free.
    Cheri M.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hmm...quiet day in the circle. Hope you are all having fun. I've spent the entire day baking cookies, 3 dozen whoopie pies, 2 dozen each of Oatmeal with M&M's, Oatmeal with choc. chips, chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips...WHEW...I'm done and the dishwasher is running on overload...the kitchen is clean and I need a drink.
    Cheri...give your dear step grandson a hug for me...breaks my heart to think of those so young losing their mom. Thank God for you as I know that he must feel lots of love.
    NS...hope that back if feeling better daughter says she can give your doctors a call and give them a piece of her mind if you'd like...she's had a long week and just looking for someone to take it out on LOL.
    Sheri...hope your lines are coming along well...I have chemo brain so bad half the time I can't remember what I was doing 10 minutes ago. I now know how our poor residents at work with dementia feel. It took me two years of working there to not get lost in the building so I know how they feel when they can't find the dining room!
    Mena...hows the tree!?
    Oh gee...too tired to continue and still have laundry to fold and craft stuff to pick up and take care of...oh shoot...two boxes to get ready to send too...I'll never get to bed at this rate.
    Love and hugs to all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    evening ladies!
    quiet day here to, went grocery shopping ..... oh my favorite thing in the whole world,,, haha not!
    well did manage to put the tree up,, the kids did it.... here is a picture to prove it..... hahahaha

    well i am off in the am to christmas shop again...
    its acually amazing what a few wine coolers can do!!!

    have a great nite ladies!
    oh and ps elvis is singing white christmas!!!