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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Carrie, since I'm not sleeping much these days I will go with you to your biopsy. I'm on my way....hmmmm.... how far away is Ohio from Missouri.....instead of my trusty horse, maybe a magic there soon.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Carie remember that we are with you! you will get through this as Distored Humor and Mazor the Tazor and all of us gals and guys wouldn't have it any other way!

    Ok now I promised my hubby I was coming to bed and I heard him turn off the light so I really must throw some logs on the fire and go, but I'm with you all!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Oh no time to read all of the posts. I am getting so behind here. Just finished my last big catering job, until NY eve, now I can get on with my life and catch up here.
    I did read about Carrie's appt and I am going to catch a ride with Susan on her magic carpet, we'll be there.

    I am meeting with the onc surgeon in the am, for the thyroid thing, yuk? I asked for the largest consultation room he has, cuz I know you'll all be there.

    I vote to keep this thread here. We are all "moving beyond" as best we can and with each other's help.

    Gotta get some sleep, tomorrow after my doc appt, I need to start thinking about getting ready for Christmas, aaarrrgghh!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Just popping in quick this morning before getting ready to go to work...boy do I need a vacation.
    Thoughts and prayers for good results for Carrie and Shel today...we will all be with you with our wagons all around to protect you. Just imagine us there holding your hands.
    Back later ladies
    Hugs to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    oops sorry Christine...we will be with you too, holding your hand and everyone else today that is going for tests, treatments, results, etc.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Mroning Everyone: If you are new and just reading, I want to offer you are warm welcome. This thread is a wonderful place for anyone going through any stage of bc. We support each other through new diagnosis, chemo, reoccurances, mets, and all the fears that go along with this difficult journey. So if your reading this, I say hello - come join us - in the wagon circle of love and support.

    Liz: Thanks for noticing I have been gone for a few days. I dont know what has gotten into me. And to be honest, it felt good knowing someone missed me Im going through so many emotions right now, and had to step back from everything including coming to the discussion boards and chat. I fought and argued so hard for some many months with my onc about getting my port out. Now Im scared and confused. Like if I get the port out, it will jinx me into a reoccurance or something. Now I wonder, should I have some tests done like bone scans and such, or should I just try to move on? I think about things I havent told my doctors. Here is me, good ol Nicki who always goes in and says things are great. I always say things are great. Last year I had a chest wall injury from coughing so much during chemo. Well the pain is still there. I cant lay on my right side, which happens to be my favorite side to lay on. Get pain and start wheezing. I get strange shooting pains in both my femurs on and off - blame it on the way I sit. Still have a chronic cough from my cold in September. So my mind is playing tricks with me. As you can tell by this post, Im not so chipper today.

    CherylCY: My goodness you sound so excited about this research study. Im so happy for you. Is it like a clinical study. Please tell us more about it.

    RoundtwoinCA: Wow it was so good to see you post here. How hard it must have been, to have "moved beyond" and then have this awful disease bite you in the butt with mets. I think you deserve something special - so I am wisking you off to the spa tent. A nice massage with soothing music. A manicure and pedicure. And as each of us walk the perimeter of this circle, we will stop by and give you the biggest hug. Promise

    DebC: Sorry about the shingles. They can be really painful. But it sure sounds like your medical team has covered all bases. Sorry you need to get the scans, but Im also glad your getting them. It will provide you with so much peace of mind. Seems like I hear about alot of ladies getting shingles after treatment is done. Must be because our immune systems have been so compromised from treatments. Keep the blisters covered and wash your hands as they are contagious until scabs form. Good luck.

    Lisa: Oh my, I got such a visual of that wart removal. So innocent looking on the outside, but it sure took root. Like a nasty weed you dont want in your garden, and one thats hard to pull out. Im hoping your not having too much discomfort with those stitches. As far as the hats? Well - at least they are in style this year. So just think of yourself as stylish. Go chargers!

    Mena: As usual, your post was articulate and colorful. I love ya dearly.

    Lini: I was thinking the same thing about the "How about drinking thread." So many ladies went to it before it was moved. Not too many of us find bc humorous. Thats probably one forum I dont visit very often. I recently found the drinking thread - by accident and Im so glad I found it.

    Susan: OMG I am so glad you are back, I missed you so much. You bring a special light to my heart whenever I read one of your posts. I sure am glad you had fun at DL. I agree with you, the pictures were a bonus with the cards. I need to buy a camera lol - then get a picture out to all of you. Or at least a picture posted right here next to my name. If I can learn how to do that! I am so computer illiterate!

    Kristin: Hey girl, I am so glad to see you post. I was thinking of you, just this morning when I woke up. Wondering what was happening. Starting the second part of my chemo was a real stressor for me. A/C became my friend - well sort of - at least I knew what to expect. The taxotere was scary cause it was new. I did get some bone pain from the taxotere, actually figured out it would occur the 3rd and 4th day post chemo. So once I learned my symptoms, I started taking pain medication and it worked. Good luck. I know you will do just fine. I was lucky, I never had the side effects to Decadron that others experienced. I slept like a baby. My only problem was I puffed up like a butterball.

    Jeannie: Im standing up and applauding your SO. What a great Christmas gift. Sure sounds pretty. After everything you have gone through the last 6 months, your deserve that and more.

    Carrie: I just dont know where you get your strenght, but it is powerful. You have been through so much. A wonderful sister and support to our sweet Deese. Now you have to go through this yourself. Distorted Humor is saddled up. He walked over and nudged Mazer the Tazer. We will be there with ya for the biopsy. In fact there will be so many of us there to support you, there may not be room for the surgeon . Will be keeping you close to my heart today.

    NS: You are such a sweet heart. But Im colored blind. So what did you say in red? OMG Im just kidding you.

    Tina: You are a very special person. Somehow I always feel connected to you. Your new picture looks great. Glad you stopped by to say hello and hoping life is treating you kind.

    Shirley: So glad you stopped by. I have a special pillow for you and noticed it hadnt been used lately. Sure do miss your posts and insight with regards to dealing with all this baggage we have in this bc journey. Hope everything and everyone is treating you well. So happy to see you again.

    Christine: Dang, the darn thyroid thing. You must be pretty scared having to see the onc surgeon. Enough if enough I say. Anyways, Susans magic carpet is gonna be a full bus. And imagine, Distorted Humor and Mazer the Tazer getting a free ride! We will be there with you. If you get scared, just squeeze your hand, I will squeeze back. Sending lots of hugs your way.

    So many of you I have missed. Vickie, Betty, Shel, Amy and everyone else I may have innocently missed. You all are so important to me. Sending you all big hugs!!

    Well I guess Im back! spent my early morning just sharing and enjoying time with so many trying to Move Beyond like I am.

    Just one more thing. How can it be possible that Im experiencing PMS? I started menopause 10 years ago. Had my ovaries removed when I had my bil. mast 18 months ago. Im crabby, irritable, my hands and feet are puffy - just like when I was getting my periods. Maybe after having a period for all of my life, my body wont shut down? Its goofy. I still get hot flashes. But today - I feel like the day before my period. Except - lucky me - no flow.

    Sherloc and PurpleMB: Gosh I am so glad you are back. I did miss both of you. Sherloc I hope your husbands knee is ok and PurpleMB Im glad you dad did well with his surgery.

    Anyways, have a great day. Time for me to be off and running. Shower and work are calling my name.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    ok.........i fell asleep on the floor in front of the fireplace out of sheer exhaustion.........i awoke to a twisted up neck and rug burn on my cheel lol!

    i just wanted to say.........nicki, every morning that i see you posting at that god awful hour, i'm reminded that i'm going back to work soon and will have to get up and join you!

    i'm off for about a gazillion appts and a christmas party and shopping and a tan and dinner with friends and then "texas hold'em" (which i suck at)

    i just wanted to send my best wishes to everybody who has an appointment or treatment today...........i'm always thinking of all of you!

    and yes...........i'm going to tina's floor today and making her sing!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    love you, shel!! You have a mah-vah-lous day! Make sure and eat something.

    Tell tina that I didn't recognize her in the new avatar. She looks younger, and to "sing, baby, sing".

    I have my next fill today. I'm thinking only one or two more to go. Looking for some Vans Authentics, size 7 1/2, off white for my baby girl. Called every store within 30 miles of here and none to me found. Help, Santa!!

    Everyone else - have a glorious day

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    lini.........what the hell are "vans authentics?" lol!!!!

    you guys want a good laugh?

    the UPS guy just showed up with my converse order.........i ordered 7&1/2 ladies in lime green for mackenzie, and 2 &1/2 childrens in bright red for me........WHAT I GOT WAS ..........2 itsy bitsy pair of baby converse running shoes (adorable) but would fit a newborn.........if they didn't cost me an arm and a leg i'd be tempted to keep them just because i laughed so hard when i opened the package..........god i'm computer stupid lol!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Back in the 70's we could custom order them in different prints. Even the sidewalls could be customized. Wish I had my old ones. They'd be worth quite a bit now.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006

    "doc martens" i get it!

    i believe i still have mine around here somewhere! lmao!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning everone,

    Several days ago I posted to many of you and lost the darn post. I haven't had the time or energy to go back and do it again. I look around and see that I have done much more this year than I was able to last year. I do have decorations and I do have hair and I'm not taking treatments. Last year this time, I had been having such abdominal pain after my 3rd treatment that I just cried at the thoughts of having to take my 5th one. We stopped them and I didn't have to have it. Even with all of that behind me guys, I have down days, really down days and my body isn't me. I feel as though I got planted in a body that is much older sometime this past year. Is it because I have no hormones? Is it after effects of treatment? I don't know - but this is the ONLY place I can come and say this and know that you guys will understand what I am saying. Everyone else looks at you and they think oh, you've finished your treatments, you look great and life is just wonderful again. They don't have a clue and sometimes I would just like to pop them a good one!!!

    DebC, I'm sorry that you have shingles - they are painful from everyone I know that ever had them. I'm not surprised as our immune systems are in shambles. I hope the pain pills are keeping you comfortable and they are short lived.

    Christine thinking of you this morning. Ladies, have you noticed how many are having thyroid and gallbladder problems since chemo and rads?

    Carrie, you should be getting that needle localization about now. Saying a prayer - we're with you.

    Susan, good to see you here. Sorry you aren't sleeping well. You ok?

    Nicki, everything that involves a decision anymore is a big deal for me. Getting the port out is a good thing - it means you are OK or they wouldn't suggest removing it. I hope things get better for you.

    Cheri, redo your ankle. Sorry that you are having to face that. Take that broken screw when it is removed and go rub it in the face of your PCP and tell him shame that he wouldn't give you anything for pain.

    Shel, DebC, BRSTN that have friends who have been diagnosed or in hospice - it is one of the hardest things I have been a part of when a friend is told they have cancer. You understand so you will be the kind of person they need. We pray for your strength to deal with all the emotions it brings forward.

    Vera, T-girl, Tracey, New Vicki; know where you guys are coming from. Maybe some of it is we are remembering treatment last year,much of it is probably dealing with where we are now.

    Mena, tree holding up ok? Got a good report - Christmas is going to be good.

    Know I have missed many but hope I haven't forgotten anyone that has specific needs. Forgive me if I have. I keep all of you in my prayers.

    New Vickie, Nathaniel is a beautiful child and glad he had a wonderful birthday. Shel, not long before you head south. RobinTN hope you are feeling better. Debbyfive haven't heard from you.

    Oh the cards!!!!!! They have been so much fun. I love the pictures and the notes - my husband has been amazed.

    If I disappear again for a few days, have a get together here tonight for our employees; daughter and her family will be arriving late of the 2lst and will have my family in for Christmas with her on the 22nd, my stepson and granddaughter will arrive on the 26th and then we will have Christmas with him and his sister and the grandkids and by that time you will be picking pieces of me off the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm already tired.

    I will be back to read but may not have time to post so just in case,

    We all came here to support those that had mets (there were many that were newly discovered at that time) there was no hidden agenda and everyone was welcome. It has now evolved into a group that just needs support in just dealing with the after effects or has questions on some test; it is not a clique; it is open and welcome and warm to anyone that chooses to come. It belongs to no individual - it is our place, our circle and OUR means any person that has had BC and wants to join - the ONLY requirement was BC and that has never changed. I thank you, sisters, for all that you have given me in this circle. I need to be with you. I still have needs and I have emotions/down days that I have never experienced in 61 years and I don't like them.

    I wish you and yours the riches of this holiday season.

    Love, Brenda
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning circle girls,

    I briefly read through all the new post,,37 since yesterday but didnt take notes as I am at work and just dropping in for a quick hello.

    Mena, excellent words. Hows the tree doing?

    Alaska Deb-sorry about the shingles. Havent I heard that they you dont get those on both sides of your body? Its like an imaginary line down the middle and shingles doesnt cross it. I know I heard that somewhere but who knows if its true. You are truly a woman after my own heart. chicken and dumplings,,my favorite,,well besides lobster. There is nothing better than good ol chicken and dumplings when you arent feeling well. Man, I feel great today but sure wish I had a big serving of them.

    Lini-love the shoes and maybe santa will help you out. I just hate when my son is wanting something and I cant find it. I guess thats a sure sign that he is spoiled but oh well. I love to see the smile in his eyes when he opens his surprises.

    CSP-I had the wire thing done also. Its not a fun thing but wasnt as bad as I had imagined. I actually felt like a remote control car once they got it in me. Just glad nobody had a remote to it. My thoughts are with you and I am chanting b9,,b9,,b9.

    Christine-my thoughts are with you also. Glad you have slowed down a bit with your catering.

    Vickie-the woopie pies look great. Are they hard to make? I might just give them a try and bring them to work tomorrow.

    Brenda-naniam-I hate when I type a long post and it goes away. I try to remember to copy so that I can paste if it happens but sometimes chemo brain kicks in and I click continue before I copy. It sounds like you are going to be busy. dont forget to rest and take care of you.

    chemosabi-missed you girl. My morning wasnt complete without seeing your post. Thanks for sending distorted humor over to nudge Mazer this morning. We both needed a nudge to get us going. Mazer is all excited about the magic carpet ride also. She is thinking of painting her nose red and pretending to be rudolph.

    Shel-I hate when I fall asleep when I am not in the bed. It feels so nice when you drift off but then you wake up and everything hurts. Have fun today,,you have a full day.

    susan-come to Alabama anytime and visit my animals. They love visitors.

    cheryl-glad you made it to bed in time with the hubby.

    Shirley-stop by anytime. Everybody is always welcome around the circle.

    Glad somebody else mentioned the drinking thread. I think I posted on it when it first got started but then is disappeared and christine mentioned it the other day or I would have never found it.

    OK,,gotta go get busy here at work. My son gets out of school tomorrow and he is so excited.

    Love, Amy
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    Morning CG's. Out sick yesterday from work so no computer to check in on. All of my joints have just been aching for a few days now. I guess back on pain meds. I also have had cold sore for 2 weeks. I haven't seen them since before chemo.

    Amy...I got a beautiful Gorham dip and chip dish. Very nice
    Loved...Loved the pic of my new favorite pet..(besides Ted)

    Carrie...I'm always thinking of you and Denise, even more for you today.

    NS...hope the back is doing better.

    Shel...I'm so glad you're still standing so strong. I'm so proud of you....When I was young, we would go the converse outlet in Mass 2x a year to buy shoes. Didn't know then that they were so in fashion now!!!

    Lisa...a wart?? How amazing and painful to get that taken off.

    ChristineK....good thoughts for your appt today. I'll be front and center making sure he's taking good care of you.xoxo

    DebC....It stinks to be in pain..Whatever works GO For IT!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good morning cg's
    its been hectic the last few days so i havent caught up yet...
    awwww alaskadeb sorry you have shingles,, now i have to google that cause the only shingles i know of is on a roof!
    I am back to work today and had to bring my little one she is 10 yrs old she has a fever and not feeling good...
    so i put her in a room with her sleeping bag and turned on the tv for her.. she is out like a light....
    it is so painfully slow here at work anyhow... we had two ppl in house last night and we have 49 rooms!!!!!!!!!!!
    well i have a doc appointment today need to get new prescription for tamoxafin ( ugh ) and i have been feeling off but i guess i must of had a touch of what the kid has...
    but i am still going to ask for a ca125 blood test!
    well i am making some coffee and hot coco so anyone wanting to join me pls do!!!!!!!!

    oh and i vote this thread stays here as well... its only the right place for it obviously!! so many of us feel strongly on that so lets just leave it here!!!!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    I NEED A HUG!!!

    To get through everything I have been through and now have shingles is truly a kick in the butt! I did my surgeries with nothing more than Tylenol and usually have a very high pain threshold but this sucker HURTS!

    I have tried everything in the medicine chest and nothing touches the pain….actually, that is not true…hyrdacodone and valium combined helps…it knocks the pain down to about 50% but I am totally looped when I take it. I can’t take nurotinin (not sure if I’m spelling it right) that is made for nerve pain. I had a bad reaction to it in the past. I called my doc at 10 last night and he said I could go to the hospital and he would admit me for pain control, but I would rather hurt and be home than do that.

    I hope to get a hold of the acupuncture gal today, and right now I have Ice on my side, which I read on the internet sometimes interrupts the pain cycle with shingles…so far I am just cold AND hurting, but we will see. My dad is a pharmacist and I’m going to talk to him about which of my drugs I can safely combine and try a new combo today to see if it helps….I also have another friend who owns a local pharmacy who does compounding (combining the actual elements and making drugs in his store) and he makes a gel that is rubbed on the skin for nerve pain. My doc is calling in a script for me later this am. Hopefully SOMETHING will work.

    It still seems funny to me that I had cancer that really could have killed me and I felt NO pain…and now I have something relatively minor like shingles and it FEELS like it is killing me.

    OK…enough kvetching…I am going to toss this ice…doesn’t help…and get me some hot cocoa. I still say that when all else fails try chocolate

    Deb C.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good mornin'.

    Nicki, I know what you mean about getting your port out. It's a scary thing.I have an appt. w/my onc. in Feb. and he's mentioned it. I'd like to leave it in because of up-coming ankle surgery. Plus, they had a heck of a time getting mine in. They tried twice to put it in when I had surgery & couldn't get it. So I ended up going to the radiologist to have it done. He tried a few times, too. Seems my veins run backwards! It's emotional as well. Kinda like working without a net. But you're going to be fine. You'll know when it's time to get it out.

    Cheryl, congrats on the research program, I don't really know what it is but you seem happy about it.

    Deb, sorry about your shingles, hope you found some meds that'll help w/the pain.

    Shel, you silly girl! How funny about the little shoes. By the way, if you fall asleep in front of a fireplace the rug burn usually isn't on your cheek. Not that I get them anymore, but I DO remember rug burns!

    Brenda, my gosh you are going to be soooo busy. Try not to over-do. But enjoy!

    Shirley, good to see you here. Haven't ran into you lately. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    Roundtwo, so nice to see your post. I always like reading yours, we seem to have the same view point on some things.

    Susan, hoping all is well in your world and glad to see your post.

    Mena,Vicki,Amy,Sparky, and anybody else I've missed, I hope you all have a good day.

    It's a dreary ole day out. I'm still excited about Christmas almost here but sorta have the blahs today. Nothing major, just tired of always being tired. Santa comes to our house this friday night 'cos my precious 5yr old grandson goes to his dads this year for Christmas so we celebrate early on alternating years. So opening presents on sat. then Christmas dinner sunday. Then Ethan has to leave for a week. Bless, his heart, he'd rather stay at home. But life isn't always fair, now is it??
    My dd finished up her shopping yesterday and these boys have so much stuff its just plain silly. Even if I did buy half of it! She sacked up 2 big trash bags full of good toys that they no longer play with & gave them to a family that needed them & some to Goodwill. We don't have enough room to keep them until the baby gets big enough to play with them. Well, I've sarted to babble so it's time to get off here.
    Wishing everyone that's waiting for test results good luck,
    Cheri M.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    I can't believe all these wonderful posts. First, the magic carpet made it to Carrie's appt and Christine's. It's brand new with low miles and very fast. I think Mazer and Distorted Humor were a little jealous but I reasured them I like them best. I even got a picture of Mazer in the mail. THANK YOU so much Amy.

    Colleen thanks for your picture also. You son is so cute. You must be very proud.

    Deb, if shingles has you carrying on like this it must be the worst thing in the world. I've heard that it is. I hope the new meds or accupuncture or something helps it. If not, eat more chocolate. You deserve it.

    Chemosabi you are the best. I missed you too. I was afraid (the jinx thing) about getting my port out until one of the BC nurses laughed at me and said, "don't you think it's about time". I figured she knew what she was talking about and so far so good. Though, if you want a scan first, by all means go get a scan and THEN get that port out. It's funny it leaves a big hole in your chest. LOL

    Cheri123, it's not babbling. you are entertaining me!

    Tracey, sorry your little one is sick. You take care so you don't get it too. I will join you for a cup of coco.

    Teresa, i get cold sores too. I had one at the beginning of chemo and thought sure that meant I would have to battle them all through but I lucked out. Now they come back. Mine seem to be affected by the sun. I have to make sure I keep chapstick or sunscreen on my lips.

    Brenda, I know exactly what you mean about the body thing. I feel like I aged 10 years in one year. I was dx when I was 55 so for me, it's probably a combination of reaching a magic age, chemo and AIs. I wish I could have the old me back sometimes.

    Shel and Lini, aren't Van's just tennis shoes? All I remember is they don't have good arch supports. Hey, I guess I'm showing my age here. LOL Don't wear any shoes that don't have good arch supports. Heels? what are those??? skimpy sandals? not for me. I'm the little old lady walking around in her Dansko's. So ENJOY your cute shoes!!!!!

    Vicki, good to see you even if you dont have a lot of time!!

    It's Debbyfive birthday today. go give her a hug. she is struggling with a out-of-control adult child as well as all her health problems. huggs to you debby.

    I will call RobinTN today!

    huggs to all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Carrie should be getting out of surgery now... I hope everythign went ok!

    Deb- I really feel for you. I have heard that Shingles are one of the most painful things in the world. I was needle phobic too- but the acupuncture needles are NOTHING like the needles they use for medicine or to draw blood. I hope you find some relief. It is Christmastime! This is no time for shingles!

    Oh Christine, I wish that you didn't have to go through with the thyroid business!! YOu better make LOTS of room because May is bringing her mules, Nicki is bringing Distorted Humor and I am bringing my cat too!

    Nicki, have you mentioned to your doc about getting scans before your port is removed? Have you ever had baseline scans? I am a great believer in baseline scans and this may be the perfect time for you to get them done.
    I missed you too girlfriend! But I was on the DL and wasn't posting much myself because of my stinkin back. Glad to see your warm, welcoming, loving presence here again!

    Shel- WHAT ARE YOU GONNA SING??? Give Tina a big kiss from Ginanina ok??

    Hi Lini! Nice to see you around again! I hope your fills aren't as painful as they were in the beginning. How long do you have to wait between the last fill and the exchange surgery? Hope yo find the shoes!

    Naniam, that was so beautiful. THank you for expressing what this Circle is all about. Good luck with your party!

    Amy I LOVED the picture of Mazer!! WHAT A SWEETIE!

    Theresa, sorry about the cold sore... I think some things that lay dormant in us before chemo suddenly decide to make an unscheduled appearance now. They have medicine for them now, maybe the doc can get you some in it doesn't go away.

    Cheri, your grandchildren won't notice their old toys missing?? My mom used to try to pull that on us and my sister ALWAYS knew! Even before we got home from school!

    Cheryl, what is the study? What are they testing?? I am so glad you got into it. The Fred Hutchinson Center is top notch! I really respect them because they are actively researching ER/PR negative cancers.

    Kristin I hope your first taxol/herceptin goes smoothly today!!

    Vicki, have you seen a sneak preview of what santa is bringing Nathaniel yet???

    Mena as always you are the bomb girl! Thank you for everything you do!!

    As for me, I cancelled my thryoid appointment for tomorrow. I decided as a present for myself I am going to give myself the gift of NOT seeing any doctors if I can help it! I will deal with all that crap in 2007 thank you very much!

    Thank you also for all your wonderful PMs and the beautiful support that you have of this thread. If you want to give yourself a pickmeup- read it from the very first post- it is so full of love and support and togetherness it lifts your heart.

    And a note to anyone who may be recieving anything not so pleasant in their pm boxes about the circle. You can count on one hand the number of people who dislike the circle. IGNORE them. If they do not like to see a bunch of women come together to offer each other a hug, a shoulder, a tear, and a laugh then they can stay away. It is that simple.

    There is another thread here about why people are so cold. I put these people in the same category... they are scared, they don't understand, they don't want to reach out and they just don't have compassionate hearts. We don't need that kind of toxicity in our lives. NO ONE does.

    So if you recieve one, and I pray you don't, simply copy and paste it and send it to Melissa. And then move on.

    Go back to the light of this wonderful group of women where there is only kindess and love. We don't need no stinkin Toxic!!!!


    Love you all!
  • evilelf
    evilelf Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2006
    "QUOTE" There is another thread here about why people are so cold. I put these people in the same category... they are scared, they don't understand, they don't want to reach out and they just don't have compassionate hearts. We don't need that kind of toxicity in our lives. NO ONE does

    As always, well said......
    Some people want to live in a miserable state of mind and try to draw other people down to their unhappy level..

    But this group is wonderful for anyone under the weather or just need a quick pick me up...
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    Mellisa-Tammi, I can only speak for myself about the Circle! today is my birthday, and the day I was told i have cancer! I like so many other Sister's come to the Wagon of Moving Beyond, not to make Friends, but to " MOVE BEYOND" I might not be" NED" for long, I have Family Heartaches, and Many other health Issues,I am going through a really rough time right now, and the First thing I thought of, was I have got to go talk with So Many that Understand! to me that is " MOVING BEYOND"- the health problems after, dx is very Important also, and the Advice I get on this wonderful thread, helps me more than My doctors! Please do not take the Wagon of Sisters away, because I really need It to " MOVE BEYOND" You are so wonderful, at taking care of Us, I Pray You make the This a very Special Place, for All on this site to Share. Thank You, Puppy(aka-debbyfive)

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    CG'S , keeping All of You in my Prayers! sure hope what I said made sense( not working on a full load Right now) one thing I can say that is on Full Load, is that I have made some of the Best Friends in My life, Right here, and i Love You All! Puppy

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Found the shoes!!! Thank you Santa!! I called every store that I could think of in Ontario, Chino, Redlands, and San Bernardino areas. Even tried Riverside, even though I didn't want to do the 91. Finally found them at Journeys in SB. Told them that I'd be there in 1/2 hour to please hold them. "no problem" she says. Get there and they don't even carry them. Girl played dumb like she never received the call. I thought okay, "no chemo brain for me, but I have made a lot of calls maybe I mixed stores up." Mgr. there suggested another store in the mall and they had them. Yippee!!! But, psycho-me is thinking "no way, not that crazy" Looked up dialed calls on my cell phone. Re-dialed the last one. Asked "is this the Inland Center store?" No reply. "is this the Inland Center store?" "yes" "Oh, honey I'm not the crazy one, you are.. You lied". All she did was giggle her cute little 18 yr old giggle. At least I know I'm not crazy, just psycho. LOL!!! No wonder my blood pressure is up.

    The fill went great. I think I'm close. One more on the 2nd and then the settling period. Not hurting right now. I'm just happy that I'm done shopping. Now to wrap, clean, make something for tonight's "ladies night", make Christmas menu and grocery list, go to the bank (I forgot earlier), etc. etc.

    Susan-The shoes are for my 21 yr old, not me. I can't wear anything that flat either. Even my flip flops have to have a bit of a wedge.

    Love and prayers to all. Hope everyone gets everything they need done today and has some time to enjoy. I sure am going to try.


    P.S. Totally enjoying the cards. A special thank you to those of you that took the time to enclose a special message. Apologies to you for my not taking that time. You are all a very special bunch of ladies.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    WOW this group can really add up those young son had shingles, I will pray for you as I know the pain you are in...i say try anything to rid yourself of the pain...good luck..

    to all that are testing know you are in my prayers..

    This group means more to me than anyone can know...(at least my hometown friends and family)..thank you all for being here...I keep you all close to my heart and hwen tears start to flow I whip out a few christmas cards and smile...especially the picture from Amy...hehehe hubby wanted to know about the horse....

    Peace to all and a warm feeling in your hearts,,,,
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006
    Nicki..don't you just hate having to make decisions like you are with your port. Sorry you have to go thru this..

    Deb..hope the appointment with acupunture helps..It helped my neuropathy and our breast health center had an acupunture medical doctor that came in...

    Chistine..glad you have a big consult room, your doc will need it with all of us here..

    Brenda and Theresa.hope you are feeling better..

    Debbie..I too found out I had bc on my birthday so it is a double duty day!! Happy Birthday we'll have a big
    birthday celebration at the campfire..

    Sherloc..glad you are back safely home..even if the ground is still tipsy from the cruise...back to the kitchen!!

    Take care everyone...Lisa
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies, I just wanted to let you know you did it again! power in numbers! My mom called to tell me that the surgeon put the scope in to look and saw nothing unusual. possibly some dried blood in the lung and took some tissue swabs but all looks well! he doesn't see anything to be concerned with!!!!! yeah!!!!! BREATHING A BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!!!!! He is sending out tissue samples but thinks all is well. She does have Lupus so he wants her to follow up with Lupus doc to see if cough is linked to that. Thanks for all the positive vibes and prayers! now I hope you all have had a good day!!!

    I am going to bake my *** off now, choco chips pizzells biscotti! tis the season!

    oh and I would hate for this to be moved since I have gotten used to finding it here. still catching up on past threads but just getting to know some of you!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Well I did it. I braved Walmart for 5 pickin hours this morning. Dear me what a mad house. I am grateful I don't have a mall nearby. Walmart and one piddly little Mervyns are the only choices for me.

    Thanks for the welcome backs. My house finally stopped rocking. That was very wierd.
    Probably won't get a chance to catch up with everyone till after the holidays. Off to Sacramento tomorrow, will be there at least till Christmas and probably till New Years. Daughter is moving again, UGH....and has to be out by Jan 1. How ridiculous is that. Not her landlords decision. Silly girl came up with that one all on her own. She does know how to make her life dificult.
    Anywhos as soon as the turkey is eaten will be loading boxes. No rest for the weary.
    I love you all to bits. Have a wonderful Christmas.

    Socal, one word. OUCH!!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls,

    Another cold dreary day here. I didn’t even get out of the house today. My PCP’s nurse called earlier and said my MRI reports said all was clear. I’m going to take her word for it, but am still waiting for the oncologist to call. So that’s a big relief. I’m going to chalk the pain up to old age and Arimidex.

    Nicki my dear friend. We’ve known each other for over a year now. You described the way I felt in April when I was planning on getting my port out. I had all kinds of thoughts that if I did it, I would be jinxing myself and almost chickened out having it out. I did have it out though when I had my exchange surgery. I felt that it was part of my moving forward and I could always get another one if/when I needed it. You will be fine my friend. I haven’t had any scans until this recent MRI either. My doc doesn’t do them unless there’s a complaint. Talk with your doc and see if you can get some baseline ones. Also, get a chest x-ray for that cough. I did do a baseline DEXA before starting Arimidex though. Of course you are missed. I’m sorry you’re experiencing all this. I’m here for you anytime.

    Carrie, I have been thinking of you all day. It was sure crowded in the room with all of us there with you. When will you get the results? I hate waiting.

    Christine, how did the consult go? I couldn’t hear a thing running between you and Carrie’s rooms. Susan’s magic carpet works really great!

    Susan, welcome back! I’m so glad you had fun. I love your magic carpet also. For the past few days I think my family thinks I’m riding my broom. LOL

    Shel, OUCH! Hope those aches/pains are better now that you’re up and about. Have a good time this evening. I couldn’t play “Texas hold-em” if my life depended on it. LOL the shoe thing sounds like something I would do.

    Lini fills! Man am I glad I’m done with that. Actually, mine weren’t too bad after we figured out the right amount. Hope you don’t have any pain. So glad you found the shoes! You have been one super busy lady today!

    Kristen, hope your new chemo went well today. I had some bone pain with Taxol but once I knew it was coming I would pre medicate myself like Nicki did.

    Brenda, oh I want to pop people also. I’m always getting the “you look great, isn’t it nice to feel good again?” How the heck do they know how I feel? Big hugs to you.

    Amy, I think it would be so cool to see all your animals. Hope it stays nice for you in Alabama and woohooo on the septic tank.

    Lisa, hugs to you. How’s the head feeling today?

    Theresa, hope you’re feeling better today. Have you tried Abreva for the cold sore? My DH uses it and it works great.

    NS, hope your back is somewhat improving. I’m so sorry you’re in such pain. Good for you for giving yourself a break. I don’t plan on seeing any doctors until January myself. Once again, thank you so much for starting the Circle. It is such a huge help to me daily.

    Tracey, be careful not to come down with your daughters illness. It’s good you can take her with you though. When will things pick up for you guys? Is this a normally slow time for you?

    DebC, I hope the acupuncture helps. I remember when my mom had shingles. She said it was worse than labor.

    Cheri, I completely understand the tired of being tired thing. Sounds like you’ll have a full weekend. Try to rest and enjoy yourself.

    Vera, good to see you here.

    Debbyfive, I hope you’ve had a great birthday today. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time still with your son. Know that we are always here for you.

    Mena, how’s the tree and more importantly how are you?

    Michele, oh what a relief for you and your family. I love good news!

    Sher, glad you made it through the stores! Moving again??? Oh my. Have a great Christmas and New Years! We'll miss you while you're gone.

    MB, guess this means I have to start working out again. How about after the holidays? I know okay I’ll start this evening. Geez! You’re a tough cookie. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.

    I’ve missed many I know. Hugs and prayers to each and everyone of my circle sisters.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Oh I dont have much time. I jsut read all of your posts and want to send a big big hug to all of you. But I'll catch you all tomorrow morning.

    Hey Hey Michelle great news. Whew - big sigh!

    See ya in the morning
