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  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Hi guys,
    Well, my first taxol/herceptin treatment went swimmingly (lol!). No allergic reaction. I took a bit of a nap due to the benedryl, but mostly talked to the other ladies around me. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer. All different drugs, but all similar experiences. It was nice to be among people who ‘get it’. Kind of like coming to the circle!

    So far I have just been tired. No pain or anything yet. My onc seems to think that I won’t have any side effects except for mainly neuropathy. I hope he is right, since I will be getting these weekly for the next 3 months!

    I got the results from my Muga today – 73%! Yeah! Did not get the results of the holter monitor that I wore for 24 hours….seems like they got lost in transit somehow….my onc is not worried but said he would track them down and let me know.

    Thanks everyone for the cards! It is a spot of bright sunshine in my day when I go to the mailbox and see them!

    AlaskaDeb, sorry to hear about the shingles. It really sucks to be in pain. I will be interested to hear how the acupuncture goes. I too would never have thought that it would be something I would try, but after everything I have been through I too am less afraid of needles!

    Carrie, I was thinking of you today, crossing my fingers and toes with all my might and sending B9 vibes your way!

    Christine, I hope all goes well and I am thinking about you!

    Nicki, thanks for thinking abut me. I have been reading every day but just had no energy/motivation to post. I am sorry that you struggling right now. All you can ever do is make the best decision you can based on the information you have today. If you want that port out, get it out and don’t look back! You can’t predict what is going to happen later on. But, if there are aches and pains that are bothering you that cause a little niggling worry in the back of your head, by all means get it checked out, even if it is just for peace of mind!

    Shel, too funny about the shoes! I hope it is not a pain to send them back!

    Mena, so glad to see you again! You are such a strong, feisty person! Your posts crack me up!

    NS, I sure hope your back is feeling better! Hugs and prayers headed your way.

    Tgirl, sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling great. Hopefully for the holidays you will be perked up again! I am so looking forward to seeing you guys – Jan 13 still, right?

    Tracey, I am up for some hot cocoa! Thanks!!

    Michele, I am so happy to hear that the results look good so far! Keep us posted!

    Well, many thanks for all your well-wishes as I start the second ‘phase’ of my chemo. Right now 12 weeks seems like an eternity. Then, once I am done, I get the joy of rads! And herceptin until Dec 2007. It seems like this journey will never be done!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Good evening ladies,
    Has anyone heard from Carrie...been saying prayers all day. Hoping all is well.
    Cheri...a bit blah here too...overtired, overstressed...missing my daughter and so wish she and her DH could come home for Christmas. The webcam will help but would love to give her a hug.
    Shel and two need to go shoe shopping together...would love to see what you'd come up with LOL.
    Brenda...yup last year was a true nightmare but this year is better and praying it stays that way. Post traumatic stress in a major way but the Lexapro seems to be helping. I took it on an empty stomach last night...big mistake...bummy tummy all day today.
    Amy...the whoopies are easy but time consuming and you need to start with a big bowl. Everyone loves them.
    Awww Deb...wish I could fly to Alaska and give you a magic elixer to take the pain away but I can't so I'm sending you a big hug instead. Hang in there.
    Susan...I so love to see you posting. happy for your good news...what a big sigh of relief, now go have some stress free fun.
    Shirley...5 hours at Wal-Mart...I spent 4 hours there with my sister in law a couple of weeks ago and thought I'd go insane!!! glad to have you back! I got the knitty titty...really cool and I have been thinking of a crochet version for us "knitting challenged" ladies. Thank you, you are a doll.
    Liz...clean MRI...yeah and congratulations to you...I am so happy to hear that!!!
    NS...Santa has quite a pile hidden in my closet. All he asked for was the robotic dinosaur but it was 120.00 so he said it was ok, he didn't need it and he would like anything he got. Well my daughter got it for him half price at KMart so he's going to be really thrilled. He mentioned that he wanted the movie "Annie" and a package came in the mail from his sissy that said "Nathaniel, the sun will come out tomorrow"...Love Sissy...he has no idea what it is but I know. I got him building stuff, magnetix, lego's, KNex, some movies, and he loves mysteries so I got him another Nancy Drew mystery for the computer...they are really hard to solve!!! We have a couple going now that I don't think we will ever figure out!!
    As Vera said...this is a wonderful, happy, loving, friendly place to be where we can laugh, cry, be comforted, picked up and dusted off when we need to be and we welcome all...nobody should think anything bad of any of us...if they truly read our posts they would know and understand this. The circle will remain unbroken!!
    Ok...making bosten creme wonder I'm tired.
    Hugs to all and I'll check back in later
    Love you girls
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Thought I'd stop back in to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I had. The Circle is a busy place.

    Debbyfive,HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It had to be better than last year.

    Lini, glad you found the shoes for your daughter. The things we go through for our kids. I remember when Cabbagae Patch dolls were THE present to get one Christmas. My daughter was 4yrs old then. I finally found one after searching several stores and it was the last one on the shelf. I was so relieved. I carried it around while picking out some more items & this woman actually came up to me & yanked this doll right out of my hands and said her granddaughter would love it. I couldn't believe she did that! Nothing like that had ever happened to me. What could I do? I yanked it right back & said my daughter was going to love it & got out of there! People are so strange.

    Michele, so happy your mama's test came out well. That will make your Christmas happy.

    Hi ya Sparky, how did that Christmas shopping work for you today? Are you totally worn out? Come by the wagon later & some of us will get all liquored up & tell each other lies! (Btw, my grandsons go through the toys with my dd)

    Susan, glad to see you back posting regularly, really missed you.

    Deb, hoping the shingles have eased up a bit. Do whatever it takes to get the pain under control.

    Shirley, so glad you make it out of Wal-Mart alive!

    Liz, Congrats on clear test!! Great news.

    Carrie, glad your testing is over with, now we pray for B9.

    MeeeNaaaa, where are you? Hope you're feeling alright. I havent seen you around these parts much today.

    I know most of you are hustling & bustling around, fighting the mobs in the stores, going to partys, preparing for guests, baking and all the other Christmas stuff normal people do. I have to admit that I'm just a tad bit jealous. I'm happy for all of you, but I'd actually like to be out there fighting the maddening crowds myself. I have to stay off my foot, so all my shopping has been done on-line or I've sent my dd for them. I tell myself I wouldn't have the energy anyway.I've been cooped up in this house for months, except for dr.appts. Ok. I'm done wallowing in self-pity. Just needed to whine a little. I'm in such better shape than I was last year. And I'm so much better off than so many out there, I don't have any reason to complain. I'm surrounded by family that loves me, my bc dx is good, I have a place on here to come to while I'm moving beyong my treatment and wonderful women to talk to. I am so blessed. And shopping the internet was fun, more fun getting a package almost every day. So it would be nice if we all stopped & took a deep breath & realized just how truly blessed we are.
    Goodnight my dear circle friends,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Found this crocheted "boob pillow" so I think I'm going to try to just make the boobs and see how they turn's a pretty silly looking pillow and the boobs may be too round but we'll see.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Holy needle punctures Batman! Acupuncture WORKS!

    Before cancer I was a total needle phobic. I had to take valium to get blood drawn. Treatment cured me of that little problem, but I had never thought of getting acupuncture.

    My shingles had my pain level up to about an 8 out of 10 when I go on the table. An hour and a half later when I got off the table it was zero…no pain at all! I was amazed. The needles didn’t feel like a shot. Most of them I didn’t even feel go in. There were 2 in my rib area that gave me a zap, kind of like an electric shock, for a few seconds and then I couldn’t feel it.

    I had needles in my ear, neck, fingers and thumb, shoulder, back and hip. A few of them were hooked up to a machine that ran electricity through the needles. That part felt funny, but didn’t hurt.

    I am a skeptic, but there is no way I can argue with the results…the pain went away! She did say that the pain will most likely creep back in. She wants to see me again in 2 days, but for now it is nice to not hurt!

    So, now I need to shop, wrap, cook, bake and clean….

    Hugs ladies
    Deb C.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Cheri: I should get of this computer right now! But I am so addicted and compelled. Husband has made a nice dinner, but Im not hungry. I have a touching story for you. Last year was so awful for me. I just finished chemo but still having all the side effects and cumulative side effects. So I couldnt go shopping. And to top it off, I had a severe reaction to my cholesterol medicine. Couldnt walk from my bedroom to the kitchen without shortness of breat and severe muscle pain.

    So I was still working. My job, going to different hospitals to evaluate people, and one day as I sat down, a visitor of all people asked me if I was ok and did I need help. Ya know we all do it. Push Push Push ourselves.

    Anyways I hobbled and shuffled, held on to hand rails and did all my shopping in the hospital gift stores. For 32 years I have always bought my husband a vest for Christmas. Well not last year.

    Then, I walked into a gift shop and looked at their Christmas tree. All the ornaments were for sale. This was 12-23-05. So pretty close to Christmas. And what did I find. A vest ornament made out of wood. So detailed it was on a hanger.

    I really understand the foot/ankle thing. See people all the time who have had things like this fixed. Hang in there girl, and when the Holidays are over, get yourself an electric wheelchair and buzz around until that surgery is scheduled.

    DebC: Shingles is very painful. The 2 most common sites are where you have yours over the route of the nerve by your ribs towards your back and another area is on your forehead over your eye. Pain meds dont work cause your right its nerve pain. Definitely talk to your dad, the Pharmacist, he will come up with something. Good luck and hugs.

    Cold sores: I have always had problems with them. From when I was a teenager. There is a salve by prescription called Zovirax. It only works when you first feel that tingle. You put it on right then and there and its amazing.

    Anyways, once again, Im off - talk to you all later.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Hi CGs!! Not much time to chat, as I am at work. It took me forever to try and catch up with all the posts!
    Dec C.- I had shingles several years ago. That is definately not much fun. Your treatment sounds interesting at the very least. Yikes!! I'm glad it seems to be working for you.

    I saw my PS today and had my stitches removed, finally. Everything looks good and doesn't need to see me unless I have a problem. Yay! Between working and partying, I have no time to check in with you girls. When everything settles down after the holidays, I will have more time.

    Also, Melissa and Tami, please don't move the thread!! I never would have found this any other place.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    A big happy holidays from Nathaniel
    Lots of love to you all
    Vickie and Nathaniel
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh happy you are feeling better!
    And Jan...congratulations on getting the stitches out...celebrate girl, you deserve it.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Nicki, OMG aren't you just the sweetest thing?? That was such a nice Christmas story and for my benefit, I feel so special! After I'd whined a couple of lines I looked back over it and wondered what i was thinking! Thank you for caring. I spend so much time on this computer it's about all I have to do and I'm so glad I checked back in to see your post. Thank you.

    Jan, glad you got your stitches out and doing well.

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    Well what a day I had today

    We decorated our floor at the hospital with a Christmas in Hawaii theme, we went all out, decorated the walls to make it look like a Tiki bar, had a life size Santa in a gaudy Hawaiian shirt and grass skirt singing that Maleke song from that movie. We did a fabulous job and we won the contest today for the best decorated the funny part. We had all agreed to come to work dressed in a Hawaiian themed uniform, I went to a thrift store and bought the gaudiest flowered shirt with surf boards and parrots on it, Man's Xlarge, a grass skirt, my frizzy assed curly hair tied on top of my head with a fake flower lei and a couple of bright lei's around my neck. I also downloaded my name in Hawaiian...Kina, close to Tina.
    Now for the really funny part...NO ONE ELSE CAME DRESSED UP!!! I had to work all day dressed like a fricking idiot.
    I was passing out meds, doing baths, etc etc all the while looking like a reject from the Don Ho show.


    love Tina
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Vicki, what a sweet picture. Nathaniel must be an angel. You will be bringing the Boston Creme Pies to the circle???

    Cheri, what are you having done to your foot? I'm gonna schedule my knee surgery. Maybe we could do it together? Nicki is going to be my very own special online Nurse. Next year come to Springfield and we can go visit all the Christmasy stores. I'm only a 1/2 hour away if you need anything.

    Deb, so glad you are out of pain. I've had good luck with accupuncture myself.

    Jan, glad you are done with PS. Come back when you have more time.

    Liz, love your good results.

    Lini, oh goodie, you found the shoes. You have been such a busy girl.

    Tina, I'm sure you were the most popular person there today.
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    hey ladies just in the middle of baking and stuffing my face with the cookies I just made!

    Deb glad to hear that the accupuncture is working!

    Vickie he is just too cute!! enjoy the holidays with that little man!

    Tina very funny story. I am sure the patients enjoyed it!!!!

    have a good night! I hope I don't eat myself into a chocolate coma!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi Susan..yup I'll bring the Boston creme pies and about 50 dozen cookies to the circle LOL...I am now baked out...done done done...whew. Nathaniel truly is a doll, I am so very blessed to have adopted him, he is my sweet cuddly little guy that always makes me smile.
    Michele...good to see you...I will truly enjoy the holiday with my little guy...last year was so very hard. A chocolate that sounds like the way to go!
    Tina...oh you made me laugh...that sounds like something that would happen to me (and usually does).
    I really have to go to bed...complain about being tired but here I am again!
    Sweet dreams all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited December 2006
    Tina, my biggest fear has always been doing dressing up and no one else does. I used to hate Halloween because of that. You go girl!

    DebC, you are so brave to do the accupuncture. I'm not surprised that it works, but I would be terrified to try it.

    Nicki, you are always a bright spot in my day.

    NS, thanks for the PM. My humble opinion is we should stay here mainly because some of us may never find the circle again if it gets moved! My sense of direction isn't what it used to be.

    I've been gone a couple of days and missed so much. My dd came home Sat, Monday and Tuesday were extremely busy at school. Mon am our school went to sing Christmas Carols at the local retirement home. After having a lunch at a restaurant, we went to Salvation Army and packed food bags to be handed out as part of the Angel Tree program. It was so much fun watching my 8th graders work. They really enjoyed themselves.

    I may not be around so much since school is out and everyone will be fighting for computer time and I have to definitely get out and shop! So, if not, I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week.
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Hi sweet CG's
    just checking in. All went well and nothing looked obvious
    to the Surgeon ! He removed the target area and told my family he took nice margins around it ,he also removed any hard areas . I go back in a week for results and I feel like this is looking B9 ,he did not say that but his report was encouraging !!

    Guess who showed up in a wheel chair during my surgery !
    Denise ,she stayed long enough to hear the report !When she feels better she is in big trouble !!
    I feel pretty good tonight and I wanted to stop in and thank you all ,and say hey!!

    Big hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited December 2006
    Deb, ask about Lyrica. It's for nerve pain. Was "developed" for shingles and diabetic neuropathic pain.
    My husband's taking it for his back..nerve pain. I looked it up and it talked about shingles. Do a google on it. See what you think.

    Hope you feel better soon. I had those darn things (I think I told you), but luckily no pain just good ole itching.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited December 2006
    I wish I had time to read all the posts. Vickie, what a cute picture!

    Deb, so glad the accupunture worked. Maybe you won't need any pills. Wouldn't that be great. I think I'll encourage my DH to see an acupuncturist. We've talked about it.

    Two years ago at Christmas I knew I was facing cancer. One year ago at Christmas I was still in chemo (Xeloda). This Christmas I'm done except for the Arimidex. So I do have so much to be thankful for (except I'm getting a colonoscopy in Janurary ). I get to see my onc next month and have a mammo on the remaining boob. YIPEEEE!

    You gals lift me up. And when one of you are down we know exactly how you feel. This IS a safe place to come and share good and bad news.

    Hoping all of you have a wonderful Christmas!

    One of my favorites songs.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Vickie, that child's cuteness level should be illegal....your gonna get some real mileage from that picture in about ten years.

    Deb so happy the needles worked. You are a braver woman than I.

    Liz, YEHAW!!!

    Kristin, all appendages crossed (makes it really hard to type) for no issues.

    Cheri, I've never been one for all the hoopla of the holidays. Haven't had a tree in 4 years now. Simply cause I'm too lazy to haul the thing out of the basement. At least you have a good excuse.

    Nicki, what a lovely story. I call those happenings God Moments. He always knows just what we need.

    I'm sure you looked grand.

    Hi Susan

    Michele, can I have some cookies?

    Sheri, good for your school. Personally I think all school children should be required to do community service thru out the year.

    Jan, yippee on no more stiches.

    Carrie, yippee!! yehaw!! Rest up dear girl.

    Shirley, I probably have a colonoscopy to look forward to in January too...right now I'm in denial.
    Mary did you know is one of my favorites too.
    Another is Who Would Imagine from The Preachers Wife.

    well caught up on this page.
    I'm off to my pillow. Sweet dreams
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    I'm so glad I stopped by...TINA was worth it...I'll be back when I'm clean and dry...xo

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    hahah mena dry and clean???
    ok i need to be dry cleaned!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    hi ladies...........i just got in from a "texas hold 'em" party..........lost my shirt lol!..........i never was a great "bluffer"...........good thing nobody cares to see under my shirt lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!

    anyhow..........i'm exhausted, but wanted to give a shout out to everybody, and especially carrie.............i'm thrilled for you girl!

    g'night all..........tty whenever i can get time on mac's computer!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited December 2006
    Just catching up and noticed, Is the time wrong at My clocks all say 11:28pm, central. Mena's post says 1:15am, that would be 12:15 here, but it is not that time yet, or did I change something in my settings by mistake?

    Hi everyone.
    Carrie, that is awesome that denise rolled in to check on you. I often wish I had a sister, but I do have all of the CGs. Hope you are both doing well.
    Deb, just wanna say, I hope your bout with shi**y shingles is a fast one.
    Tina, if I were in the Hosp, I'd wanna be on your floor.
    Nicki, have you found a vest for 2006, maybe you should make one.
    Shirley, I love that song, I don't know if it is new, but it sems like I first heard it 2 yrs ago, right after dx.
    Shel, 2 yrs ago after dx and during tx, all of the kids I buy for, for Xmas (about 15 of them) all got hi-top Chuck Taylor's Converse. Different colors and patterns. They loved them and all wore them on Xmas eve in group photos.
    Those Vans are something else. I have never owned a pair, but my brothers grew up wearing them and one recently bought them for his whole family. LOL, not my style.
    Sheri, enjoy your daughter's visit, I know your in heaven with her home.
    Vicki- what a doll. He does look like such an angel and a good boy.
    Hey Susan, I just got a pic emailed to me of my cousin holding the WSeries trophy, she works for them and gets a ring. I wish I was at Disney with you, I could use a lil Fantasy Land.
    Everyone -Hugs and Happiness over these next few hectic Holiday days.
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Ah. That's better. Looks like we have some good news to celebrate...

    DebC's feeling better YAY...

    Liz has good results YAY...

    Kristin's tx is moving right along pretty well YAY...

    Tina is the life of the party YAY...

    Chemosabi is going to get her port out, right, Nicki? YAY...

    Carrie's feeling well and things look good there YAY...

    Denise is up and out? YAY...

    Michele got good news and is making us all biscotti YAY and YAY...

    No, didn't take notes...what did I forget?...One of our Shirley's shopped for FIVE hours at Walmart...YAY for not going mad cow...don't know how you did that! I have a two hour limit in Walmart...not a shopper...I get all claustrophic and sweaty and crabby...although I did spend a good two hours in a mall yesterday...YAY me...Hot Topic know, where the sales staff has all kinds of body piercings and wears black from head to toe, including eye shadow and lipstick...figures I'd feel at home there hahaha....

    And we're still here need to pack just yet...

    OH, Twyla doesn't post here but she is having a seriously difficult time. If you are familiar with her story and would like to send a card or word of encouragement, send me a pm and I will send you her home addy.

    I still have a bit of catching up to do...oh yeah...that Nathaniel is too freaking cute...still at that age where you can get him to do these things, huh, Vickie...ah, those were the days...

    Yesterday my 16-year-old woke me up with "Mom, which one is my toothbrush?" UGH. Me: "If you don't know which one is your toothbrush you ain't my kid. That's disgusting because that means you aren't brushing your teeth." Him: "Ok. Whatever. Which one is yours?" Me: Deleteable. Seriously. He was going to use my toothbrush! Ick. really are sounding like you've been around happy to have you here...

    Tgirl...hope you start to feel better soon. I hate to think of you not feeling well...

    Karen (Kaud)...Welcome to the Circle...jump in any time and yack...

    Healing hugs to anyone not feeling well...Mena...xo
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    chritine..........i have "messed up time" on my (or mack's) computer too!

    the "hightop" thing still has me laughing...........HTH did i manage that???????????

    i wish i knew how to post a pic, and i would show you guys how itsy bitsy these shoes are lol!

    anyhow, i should get to bed..........."muga scan" tomorrow, and an oil change, and another ultrasound..........when will it ever end??????????
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Morning ladies,
    the time has been messed up for a few days...did move to a new time zone!!'s really confused me lately but it doesnt take much to do that at this point.
    Sounds like lots of good news around the circle...praying it continues into a wonderful, healthy new year for all.
    Running late...gotta shower and head off to work (sorry about that four letter word LOL)...I actually love my job...just tired as usual.
    Hugs and will check with you all later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: I woke up late!! OMG!! I have lost one hour of my computer time with all of you. Yes the timing is off on the boards, but as of late - posting has been much easier. Doesnt take as long. Anyways its 6:00 am here in the Chicago end of the circle. Two more days and we will have had the shortest day - or longest night! Pick which one you want. I love this time of the year, cause from then on, it starts staying lighter later. No more driving home in the dark at 4:30 pm. Yipeee. Well I know it will take a month, but its the first sign we are moving towards Spring! What a wonderful thought that is.

    Today is our Christmas Party at work. Gonna have that crazy thing called Chineese Grab bag. Ive never participated in this before so we shall see how it goes. Everyone gets a number and you can swap presents 3 times. So when all is said and done, I hope I get what I bought

    Jan: Working and partying - that is good! Keeping yourself busy and enjoying life. Who could ask for anything more. But it was sure good to see you pop in.

    Vickie: That picture of Nathaniel is so darn cute. Where in the world did you get all that energy to bake. And still have some left for the Holidays. I have already eaten everything I made - which wasnt alot lol. Still have a batch of fudge, but Im gonna wait til Saturday. That way we will have some for the Holidays. South Beach diet? Oh no, I am overdosing on sugar this week. Figure now, just start a new exercising program and diet after the 1st of the year.

    Cheri: Im so glad you enjoyed my little story. It was pretty special when we trimmed the tree this year to put up that silly, sentimental ornament. It will always have special meaning each Christmas - heart and soul if ya know what I mean!! Im lifting my cup of coffee and saying cheers to you. Heres looking forward to next Christmas, surgery done, and you walking about - going where ever you want to go and doing whatever you want to do.

    Tina: Oh my goodness, Im laughing my head off. I got a real visual of you in your get up - and then you had to work the floor all day in it. I bet your patients enjoyed it though and I bet is caused alot of conversation and talk. Thanks for the early morning laugh.

    Susan: Virtual nurse indeed!! In fact today I have to go evaluate a woman my age, 56 y/o who had bilateral knee replacement surgery. She gonna come to us for 5 day of acute rehab before she goes home. As of late, many people getting total knee replacement, are doing so well, they are going straight home instead of getting rehab as an inpatient. I know you are gonna do just fine!

    Michelle: I surely do understand the chocolate coma thing. I ate so many cookies last night, I had so much sugar, I should have been wired. Guess the xanax I took was stronger willed than the sugar. Gotta love these holidays.

    Sheri: I knew you were a teacher, but didnt realize you taught 8th graders. Now thats a challenge. All the hormone stuff just starting up. Bet you have lots of stories you could tell us. 5 more days and all the stress of the Holidays will be over! Thank goodness.

    Carrie: Im so glad this ordeal is over with. Its done finially. And God Bless Deese - for coming to your side to hear the report. The two of you are so lucky to have each other. B9 is like sugar plums dancing in my head for you.

    DebC: Somehow I have missed the post, but it sounds like from what others are saying, that the accupuncture worked!! I am hearing more and more about the value of accupuncture. Might even try it myself to help me quit smoking - since I am so pathetic and cant do it on my own. Hoping each day gets better for you.

    Shirley: Good call on the Lyrica. I forgot all about it. Actually I dont know much about it lol. So when Im done here Im gonna look it up. I hate not knowing the name of a medication and what it does.

    Sherloc: All I can say is I sure am glad your back. Glad you had a grand time on your cruise, but glad your back.

    Tracey: Got a good visual of your sweet little daughter sleeping in her sleeping bag. I hate when work is slow. Minutes turn to hours. I would much rather be busy and have the day fly by.

    Christine: This year, he gets a real vest. Already bought it. Got so lucky cause it was marked down half price so was affordable. Next year? Im already planning on a green tuxedo like vest. Will buy it from a formal wear store. Gonna start saving right now for it!!

    Mena: I havent scheduled my appointment yet with my surgeon. Gonna wait til after Christmas. He is a pretty good guy. Has always been the leader of this whole journey. Whenever something scared me, I would go see him. So - yes - the port is gonna come out. I just have to convince myself - this is good!!

    Taking Twyla and putting her in the middle of the circle. Special prayers and hugs. Hope we can help getting her through these difficult times.

    Shel: Good luck with the muga and US. What a busy day you have - and then get the oil changed too!! Whew.

    Vickie: Its funny. I love my job too. Working with the older folks can be so much fun sometimes.

    OK - gotta go. Just ran outta time.

    Liz- yippee

    Brenda - We love ya to bits

    Everyone else - if I missed you, Im sorry. Didnt do it on purpose, just ran outta time.

    Have a great day

  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    good morning ladies I am just waking up from my chocolate coma! timing is off, I thought it was me I am always off......
    sending all of you some cyber cookies!!! enjoy!

    off to the supermarket to shop for food(can you imagine that?should be fun)then some last minute gifts.and home to bake all before I go to work!!!! I just made myself exhausted!!!have agreat day!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    At least I know I'm not crazy, just psycho. LOL!!!


    P.S. Totally enjoying the cards. A special thank you to those of you that took the time to enclose a special message. Apologies to you for my not taking that time. You are all a very special bunch of ladies.

    Okay, so I am crazy!! I seriously thought that I had put all of my Christmas cards in the mail. Just found the whole stack of them. I mailed family cards and Canadian BC friends' cards, but have all the rest right here in my hands, stamped, sealed and ready to go. Oh my, oh my!!

    Sorry about that, girls.


    P.S. She's a pink little angel card because you are all my angels here on earth.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Hey goodie. more cards coming. too funny lini. I still have a card for NS that I put together way before christmas and it's STILL sitting on my desk. NS at least You know you are never far from my thoughts. And I still haven't called RobinTN. I blame it all on chemobrain. I still have 1.5 years left on the 3 year clock.

    Micele, goodness how can you do all that and then have the energy for work. you are super human girl.

    short post gotta go to work.