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  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Hello girls,
    I am back online. My computer went kaput because of somethign called jasc. I have no idea what that is but apparently I can't see anything online without it. I have a temporary fix on it right now.

    I am trying to catch up and I will in the morning. But I saw two posts that caught my eye and I wanted to reach out to you two.

    Dear Shirley, I am so sorry you have heard this news about Carolyn. You can rest assured I will be praying extra hard for your whole family. I know that this is doubly bad because it is around the holidays, and also it so very frightening because when we see someone like that we fast forward ourselves into their places. I recently did that myself when I lost my dear friend in October who had the "same" cancer as me.
    I used to help mentor a group of chemo gals and one thing I tried to remind them of was that everyone is different. Every person's dna, immune system, ability to deal with medications, type of cancer and its various receptors are all unique to each of us. BC is not ONE disease. It is as many different diseases as the many different women who have it. Think of yourself as a snowflake. No two are alike.
    Your prognosis and path are different from Carolyn's. So just because she has taken a turn, does NOT mean you will two. Try to always remember that there are over 2.5 million women living as BC survivors in the us today. All doing just fine.
    I wanted my friend to get another opinion too when she reached Carloyn's stage. Unfortunately the body can take just so much and no matter how many opinions you get you still will have an outcome that may not be what you prayed for.
    So pray for peace in her heart, that she feels no fear, and only the love of her family and friends, and that when the time comes, God will gently take her by the hand and release her from her pain filled body and bring her home where she is whole again, at peace and no longer in pain. Let her know that she is not alone and she never will be.
    It is too bad that the ones left behind cannot escape the pain. I try every day to remember a happy moment I shared with my friend. I want to keep the living, FUN part of her life alive - and leave all this misery and sickness to fade away never to torture her- or us- again.
    You really are such a wonderful person. I pray for you Shirley. Your heart is as big and as open as anything I know. Your compassion is palpable here on these boards....
    may you find peace and may your mind be put to ease with each passing day.

    Cy, your BIL, YOU and your whole family have my prayers. I am so sorry your family is going through this now. My heart is with you.

    As long as my computer behaves tomorrow i will give full detailed responses in the am.

    I don't know what i would do if you all were not in my life.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Cheryl,Cy, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. My prayers are with you & your family. I also pray that if he passes it is without pain.

    I've been browsing around all these discussion boards tonight. There are more people than I ever dreamed, just on here, that are so terribly ill. If I was a crier I'd be sobbing right now. Some of these stories are unbelievably sad. I feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do to ease their pain.
    It certainly puts a different spin on my situation. I AM SO LUCKY! I feel so petty. My issues are nothing compared to the things I have read this evening.

    Best wishes to all, may this be the best Christmas ever.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Shirley, my prayers go out to you and the family. I am just bawling at the pain we all face with dreaded disease.

    Deb C, accupunture really isn't that bad and it's amazing what it can do. like the Dr. said you may have to repeat it a few times as it only interupts the nerves for a small amount of time. But it can really relive the pain when it does.

    OK here's a trick I learned with cold sores. When you feel one coming on, put ice on it for about 5 minutes. do this several times a day for a couple days and it will go away. The virus that causes cold sores needs heat to activate and the cold makes it stay dormat

    Carrie, so glad to hear that the results looks good. And don't be to hard on Deese, she needed to see that you were Ok too so she can heal too!

    Liz so glad the MRI showed no problems!

    Like Mena said there is so much to be thankful for.

    My sister is going with me tomorrow when I get my port taken out. It will be the first time for her to be in the cancer center. I just don't know how she is going to handle it knowing that our dear Johnny is so near he final days. She is really haveing a hard time with it. She has such a hard time anytime we lose someone close to us. She wanted to go be with him but I told her it would just be harder to see him the way he is. Better to send email, cards and call and remember him the way he was before this cancer hit him. It's just happened so fast. It's hard for me to, you see I alsmost married him 30 years ago. Instead my sister married his brother, (they've been divorced for 12 years now). But I've known Johhny since I was in fifth grade. Oh I'm such a wreck right now.

    Tami & Melissa please don't move the wagon circle. We need to be right here where everyone can find us! I don't know what I'd do with out these wonderful sisters

    I have to try to sleep know or I'm just going to fall apart.

    I love you all!

    oh before I go, Cheri, there's a button you can click that will download your pictures to to photobucket in the message board size.

    night all my dear sisters I'll trow some logs on the fire!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Up at my usual time, but I had to fly by most of your posts, as I heard our dear Shirley needs some help for "Carolyn and James." So I will catch up with everyone in a bit.

    Shirley: You are so loved here on the boards. So many people care about you. I have pm's to prove it! Woke up to a few pm's and they were about you and how you needed our help and our prayers. Such a sad story about Carolyn, and right before the Holidays. She sounds like such a strong person. My goodness, dealing with bc mets for 10 years! Its very hard to let go, abandon treatment, and move on to palliative care. Sometimes ya just gota think about quality life. Sounds like from what you said, the cancer has spread throughout her body. In addition to the bones, there are inoperable tumors in the abdomen. This is so sad. I couldnt let go when my sister was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. She ended up being in the hospital for 3 weeks before she passed on. The nurse in me should have known better, but I didnt want to lose her. She was 46 years old. She never did have a chance to leave the hospital. Now I wish so much, we would have not pushed so hard. I wish we would have taken her on home hospice and let her be surrounded by her family and be with her dog that she loved so much. My first wish is that she recovers from the surgery and is able to make decisions for herself. There is a realm of options from aggressive treatment to hospice. Only if she makes that decision will any of you, including Jim be comfortable with it. Making the decision is the hardest. Once its made, you move on and deal with it. Its a sad time for you and your family. Im sending you so much love - hope you can feel it.

    Lini and Susan: You both are so funny. Ok so its card confession time! When I wrote my cards, I did them from the address on each card I received. Little did I know, I would be receiving so many more. So I went and looked at the list and there are 3 or 4 of you I missed!! So you all will be received a special card from me, but its gonna be for the New Year. So Vickie, Amy, Vera, and Lini - I still have cards to send to you. Thats my card confession

    Amy: My goodness! Can I come to your house for Christmas. You son is one lucky young man. Those are great, great gifts. Ahahaha size 11? Now that would be one big foot to put in your mouth if you make a blooper. Im so glad your medicine has been decreased. You body needs that rest for a bit. Although, goodness knows, you were so active even at the larger doses. Septic tank for Christmas? Ahahaha now I wonder what Santa thought when you put that on your list. Distorted Humor is prancing around. He is so thankful he got a pair of gloves from Mazer the Tazer. Little does he know, they were yours.

    Tracey: I just cant imagine it be -3 degrees and saying thats warm!! I think I would just want to hibernate the entire Winter. And yes, its December 21st - officially the first day of Winter!! Hope your husband is doing ok. Glad he got a chest x-ray. This cold my husband and I got, was a bad one. I was pretty sick with it. Finially got some antibiotics and that really helped. Doctor said I had bronchitis. I still have a lingering cough. This bug likes to hang on. I got myself some stuff called mucinex. Its over the counter. Its like Robitussin cough syrup, but a tablet and its a little stronger. Anyways, it helped loosen the stuff in my chest so I could at least cough it up. But I had a hard time with my cough. So good luck to him and hoping he feels better soon.

    Sherloc: Now off to Sacramento? Hope you have a computer with you, cause we just miss you too much when you are gone. I know the port coming out is a good thing. Guess I will feel much better about it after I talk to my surgeon. I know he will take control. If I want scans he will order them, or he may suggest them without me asking. Either way - its coming out - its time. Its time to move on. So tired of having to go get it flushes every 6 weeks.

    Colleen: What a ride woo hoo!! I just loved it. Made me feel good about everything I have been eating all week. I am so sugar overloaded its ridiculous. And fugetttt about nasty pm's. We dont have room here in the circle for that kind of stuff. There is no need to get our feelings hurt by what another might say. If ya cant send a nice pm, dont send one is my motto. Thats when our busy little index fingers should hit "ignore, ignore, ignore."

    Lisa: The picture of your 4 y/o grandson is just adorable. A shephard yet . I had to put my sunglasses on cause the light from your beaming pride was so bright!! You are a wonderful, proud grandma.

    Cheri: The pictures are great. Especially the one with your 2 y/o grandson sitting on Santa's lap. Now if that isnt something we have all seen. When he grows up, he is sure gonna laugh at that one. I have 4 grandchilden and I do the samething. My favorite is the second oldest. Her name is Michelle. The only one is this Italian family that has red hair!! Shhhhhh I wont tell if you dont.

    Cheryl Cy: Gosh I am so sorry about your brother in law. He too sounds so very sick. Do they have him on hospice? Its so good for pain control and support to the family. This disease is ugly. Sometimes I feel like cancer is laughing in my face. I see so many people each day who have it and need some rehab to get stronger. Some only with false hope of getting better, as I can see as a nurse they are in their end stage of fighting this disease.

    I forgot about your port. I do remember you telling me it was coming out the 21st! So are they doing it in outpatient surgery or in the surgeons office? All I know is I wont need anesthesia to get it out thank goodness. Obviously I will be on edge wanting to hear how things go. Its a giant step to Moving Beyond though. Good luck. Distorted Humor is anxiously waiting for me to get off this computer. Says we need to leave right now to be with you.

    NS: Glad to see ya gal. Is the back better? Hoping you fix your computer, we would be lost without you.

    Cheri: You mentioned looking about throughout the discussion boards. And yes, there are so many who are dealing with so many difficulties. Makes my concerns seem so small too. For those of us who have been in the circle since the beginning, remember, thats why NS started this thread. There were so many women dealing with mets, reoccurances, tests, more chemo, new chemo. It is a place to come for love and support.

    Thats why, this thread is so important to stay right here in Moving Beyond. Its not about building friendships. Its about helping each other through all the curve balls that are being thrown at us.

    Sue: I see you snuck in a post while I was reading and editing mine. Sorry about the Migraine - they are the worst. Only had one once in my life, but that was enough to know I never wanted another one. Hope your feeling better soon.

    OK, so the excitement about the Chineese grab bag thing at work yesterday. I was one of the first numbers and chose the cutest gift. My gift was the 3rd one to be opened so it was up for grabs. Someone stole the cute little gift I picked. I was given the choice of stealing someone elses or opening a new one. I stole my own gift. Ahahahaha, just want I wanted. So I came home with my stack of bowls - when layered they look like a snowman.

    Well the morning is already flying by. Gotta go get ready for work. Need to leave a bit earlier now each day. Had a bad altercation with the woman I share my office with. Oh she was so nasty to me. Made it personal, telling me if Im not on medication, I should be. Almost issued a formal complaint against her. Anyways, the administrator intervened because of this womans request. I sure do hate that. As a manager, I feel we should resolve our issues at the lowest level possible. Anyways, the administrator asked that we not use the office at the same time. Try to avoid each other until the Holidays are over. So I need to get to work earlier. Always need about one hour before I hit the roads.

    Have a great day, and enjoy your cake.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning,

    Being away for a couple of days - oy vey - and trying to catch up with an ugly migrain . . . I promise to do that (not the migraine) later, but now I need to vent, cry and whine. I promise it won't be very long as my head is pounding!

    So, my week started, all on the same day, with the gynocologist (yeah, that's always a fun exam), then the periodontonist and last, but not least, physical therapy. My ortho sent me for an MRI of my right shoulder because it has been hurting. For those of you who don't know, I was scheduled for surgery on my left shoulder (severe rotator cuff tear) the day after I was dx with bc and obviously never had it done. I found out yesterday that I have 2 tears in my right shoulder, the same side as my bc.
    Enough about the shoulders.

    My very good friend had bc 13 years ago and it came back with a vengence. She's been getting chemo for the past 3 years and last week developed blood clots in her legs and one in her lung. And, she has the best attitude of anyone I know (especially me right now). I found out yesterday that another good friend who went through bc treatment last year - her husband was dx with prostate cancer. And, my neighbor is not doing well at all.

    I feel guilty for feeling okay, except for the bone and joint pain from the Arimidex.

    Okay, I'm done. I will send a pic of the whore (tree) later and will catch up with all the posts if this headache ever goes away. I have my granddaughter's dance recital (she's 3 1/2) at 10:00 a.m. and if that doesn't cheer me up, nothing will.

    I love you girls and don't know what I would do without you!!!

  • Roxwooood
    Roxwooood Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2006
    AlaskaDeb, just wanted to thank you for posting this about accupuncture results. I am gonna print it for my DH, we are at a crossroads with his back. The last epidural attempt was a fiasco, and I'm pretty concerned. I remembered reading (from those wonderful lost/deleted threads) how much accupuncture helped some ladies, but couldn't recall the specifics. He will be thrilled to read your post, thanks again. BTW-shingle pain is some of the worst, to think you got off that table with a pain level of zero!!!! Amazing!!! How did you pick your accupuncurist? What do you look for?

    Just a quick note to everyone, saying that I enjoy reading and catching up on some old friends. I don't come by much, but when I do, I really enjoy reading this thread.
    Merry Christmas, love you all, wish I could be near some snow for the holidays. I got up with my 14 yr old son, watched news and started plotting out a road trip to see some of that glorious snow in the northwest. Anyone who wants to come to Florida for Christmas come right on, I'd trade houses for a week in a heartbeat!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning everyone!

    Shiley-my heart goes out to you as you deal with this hard time. I totally understand you wanting her to go to Duke because then you fill like if anything could be done it would be. Her and her husband will have to make some decisions but emotionally they arent prepared to even discuss things. Wishing them peace and love through this difficult time.

    Nicki-chemosabi-that lady at your office sounds like a real witch with a b. I know you are an adult and acted like one but didnt you just want to reach over and smack her? Like mother always said, if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all. Apparently some mothers didnt pass that along to their dear children. So, thats where my gloves are?!? Not that I needed them or anything in this weather. I suppose thats where the new bag of Apple wafers for horses and donkeys ended up also. I swear that Mazer is something else.

    Tracey-wow you have some cold temperatures. Its going to be in the 60's today and raining and thats just not right for December. I would love to swap with you for a day or two.

    Cheryl-sorry to hear about your brother in law. Cancer sucks and it doesnt matter what kind it is.Best of luck to you getting your port out. It was really a step of moving on with me. I havent gone back and got another one since the reoccurence, I just hope and pray they can always find a vein. I dont want another port but I know I may have to have one.

    NS-hope you back is feeling better. Sorry about the computer problems also. Did you have to take it in or are you computer savvy?

    Sue-sorry about the migraine. Those can be awful. My son has those on occasion and I feel so sorry for him when one comes about. Cant wait to see a picture of your tree!

    Roxwoodagain-great to see you dropping by the circle. Drop in anytime but must warn you,,its addicting. Swing by Alabama and pick me up on your road trip please.

    AlaskaDeb-hoping the pain is staying away. Dont overdue it just cause you feel better.

    Ok its up and moving early in the morning, well early for me. I have to be in Birmingham with is 1 hour away from me for an upper GI to figure out this heartburn-esophagus thing. Mazer is all excited to be going to the big city and hopes to pick up a present for distorted humor while we are there. I think she has her eye on a real nice horse blanket for him to wear in this cold weather. I sure hope she has been saving her allowance but knowing her she has blown it all on teddy grahams. Anybody thats up for the trip come on. It shouldnt take long and we can eat lunch out while we are there. I think the fish market is calling my name.

    oh Robin I almost forgot. You were very close to me when you went to the Robert Trent Jones Trail. Yell at me if you come back this way.

    Bye for now but will check in later. Amy
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Ok so its card confession time! ..... Thats my card confession

    Well, since we're confessing maybe you can give me your opinion on this. I recently ended a relationship with a friend. I expressed my feelings back in June and since we run in some of the same circles, see each other, would occasionally would ride together. I was always uncomfortable. There are some parts, the main part, of her personality that is just mean, toxic. I need positive in my life, but I was still working at "getting along" over the summer. Well, I had the last and final blow a couple of weeks ago and the friendship is completely over. Still not sure how I'll handle the common circle aspect. So here's the card confession. Her husband, "whipping boy", oh did I say that?.. Writes the Christmas letter and cards every year. I truly doubt that she has said anything to him about our parting of ways. So I received a card from their family a few days ago. In the spirit I wrote one back with my Christmas letter which has the "Reason, Season, Lifetime" passage in it, about how relationships enter and leave your life at different times of need. When I went to drop all of the cards, yes all of them (yours included), into the mail. I pulled hers out and it is still sitting in my Yukon. Should I or should I not mail it?? One other thing she totally "disrespected" my 21 yr old daughter in front of her coworkers at her promotion lunch a few weeks ago which was probably the major reason for parting of ways. I never mentioned it because she'll blow it off as a joke and nobody heard, and blah, blah, blah. I just am done with her.

    Geez! Sorry for the long post. I guess I needed a therapy session again. I always come here and feel so much better.

    Sending lots of prayers to everyone, especially those that are so very ill. Always in my prayers.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Ladies. I'm off to Sacramento. No time to respond this morning.

    Shirley and Cherylcy, your families are in my prayers.
    As well as your friend Sue.

    I wish you all a wonderful Christmas.
    Or whichever you may celebrate.

    Nicki, daughter has a rather zippy computer. I'll try to get in here at least once a day. I need my fix too.

    Love to you all. You brighten my days. Peace.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good morning all. I stayed up too late and got up too early. I may remedy that with a nap later. Another beautiful day in the Ozarks! 38 degrees, but no ice. Santa comes tomorrow night! He has to come early this year but that's ok, at least he'll be here. He cleans out Grandmas closet when he stops in to put all those wonderful toys under the tree! I'm getting so excited. Camcorder tapes are bought, new batteries in my camera. I just adore watching my grandsons eyes light up when they open a toy they really want! I hope I can capture those wonderful Kodak moments! I'm not even going to stay pissed off at my SIL for taking Ethans shoe outta my hand & saying he was big enough to deal with his own shoes, this morning.

    Cheryl Cy, you should be having your port out, let us know how it went. I stilll have mine.

    Nicki, hope you get rid of that nasty cold & cough. My GS have it too. Ethans has held on for about a month.I cannot believe you stole your own Christmas go girl! Ya kow, you could bake some brownies add some ex-lax and give them to your office mate as a peace offering. Then she wouldn't be in the office much. Ahh, the spirit of Christmas.

    Sue, hope that nasty headache goes away. Sorry about your friends bc.

    I know there's prolly been countless posts while I've been doing this one. Don't ya just hate that? Then you feel like you've left people out.

    Wishing you all a good day.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    ok really leaving now. forgot to say I'm loving everyones pictures. Hoping to have some to share when I get home.
    See ya.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Roxwooood...oh careful offering your daughter lives in Florida and I'd swap in a second LOL...the only problem is we have no snow either. It's supposed to be in the upper 40's again today...very strange weather for us.
    Lini...send that card...I surely would!! I've become such a catty little b*tch to people who hurt me it isn't even funny (well...maybe a little).
    Cheri...take a nap for me while your at it ok.
    Cy...I'm so sorry about your BIL...sending lots of heartfelt prayers for your whole family.
    Shirley...I am sending hugs and prayers your way too.
    Ok...back to work for me.
    Later sweet sisters
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Since I don't have any children... this is the best I can do!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh NS...that's just as sweet as all the other babies here. How is the back doing? Really hoping it's better.

    I DON'T WANT TO BE AT WORK. I want to go home and take a nap! Geez...I guess if that's all I have to whine about I might better just shut up. Feeling pretty blessed today.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006

    Hi's ok to ask about Trenton. His little face floats through my mind all the time...he is never far from my thoughts. There is no new news though. He seems to have disappeared into thin air. Popular belief is that Lindi sold him and he is in another country. I pray that if she did she sold him to someone who loves him very very much. I don't believe for a second she would have let any harm come to him...she just felt worthless as a mother and couldn't bear the thought of his father having him. I just don't know...

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies!

    Michele - Speaking of chocolate coma, we have TONS of cookies and chocolate in my office and I can't stop eating! I work for a'd think we would get healthier snacks (not)!
    Shirley12704 & Cheryl,Cy - You are both in my my prayers. Shirley, I had a colonoscopy last year and it wasn't bad. Just the prep sucks.
    Tina - Loved the Hawaiian shirt story. I am always the only one who dresses up in my office. I go through the day feeling lilke a real idiot !
    Vickie - Nathaniel is a real cutie!! You are so lucky to have him in your life!
    Mena - That toothbrush story....UGH! We had a patient, a couple of years ago, who had been married for 20 yrs. and he told us he still had the same toothbrush he bought for his honeymoon! Bleah!! Wouldn't want to be his wife lol.
    Tracey - Great deal on that jacket!!
    Lisa - What a cute grandson!!
    NS - Kitties are just little people with fur! Love the pic!

    I'm at work again, so gotta go for now. I'll check in again as soon as I can. Thank God, no parties this weekend! I never thought I'd hear myself saying that ! Take care all!
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's...

    So sorry to read of the sadness...

    Shirley...can you get Mawmaw's husband to get the records to Duke for a second opinion, at the very least, just for everyone's peace of mind? She has lived with mets for 10 years. That is a good, long, run. While it is incredibly sad, her body just may have had enough. I'm so sorry. I do hope that if this is the end of her earthly life, they contact Hospice. My dad was dying this time last year. Although he was sitting at the table with us on Christmas Day, he was gone on Jan. 1. He wanted to be home, so we had Hospice. They were wonderful and we were with him when he left our time zone. I will pray for her, you and everyone who loves her.

    CherylCy...that goes for you, too...I am sorry about your BIL.

    SoCal...your grandson in that get-up...precious...

    Cheri...what? I wasn't quick enough for Your Highness?...look at you...great pics!

    Who offered their Florida home? I forgot already. Does that come with roundtrip tickets? If so, please pm me...I'm packed and ready to go. I promise to leave it spotless. And I won't use anyone's toothbrush either...

    There's a newbie in the Recur/Mets forum named 6packsan who's got brain mets and could use some encouragement and prayers if anyone here is inclined. Thanks...Mena...xo
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies I just got the best phone call from my surgeon
    He said Merry Christmas you're path report is B9!
    I am with Denise today and she gets the sutures out friday and I get to take off this maddona wrap and take a shower !
    SO we are moving along here ! I will check back in later
    I was just so excited to share my news !

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls.

    Sorry about our sisters with such bad family problems. Prayers to Shirley and Cherylcy.

    Lisa...your grandson looks so handsome and taking his role very seriously!!

    Niki...maybe some superglue on her phone????
    (wipe all prints though)

    NS...glad to see you back again. I can only type from my computer from work. My home one is just a mess. I said it's going through menopause....

    Mena...hey lil sis. See you in January???

    Sue(ishop1) Is that Marilyn that you're talking about? Who sits next to you in chemo?? If so, I'm sorry, she's an amazing person. A true person to be in awe of.xoxo

    6packsan...Come over near the fire with friends here for comfort. No need to be alone in this fight.

    Cheri...great family

    Vicki...sorry to bring this up...but any word on Trenton??

    Amy...we need a picture of Mazer in holiday hats before he eats them...

    All is good here office shop party is tomorrow and all of the guys are cleaning outside my office better than they do at home!! Offer beer and look how great they are.
    Have a peaceful night sisters.xoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    WOOHOO...YEAH FOR CARRIE...I am so happy for you. What wonderful news!!!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited December 2006
    Hi Carrie and all the other Circle Friends,
    I was checking in and found your good news,Carrie! Yeah!!!
    What a wonderful holiday present! Best to Denise as well as I have thought about both of you!

    Happy Holidays to all the Circle gang and those who gain such comfort from your sharing(as I do)! I have learned so much from so many neat people that it is like a family reunion when I read this thread. Thanks!

    Happy 2007!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Yeah Carrie!!! So happy you are B9. That is always the
    greatest news to hear!

    I just ate my 300th cookie today. I tell myself that I will just eat a little dinner, but I know I will eat the whole thing (plus my Thurs. Martini ). After the holidays, I need to get my butt in gear. When I was teaching aerobics, the woman who invented the Reebok step said that if you were going to have a big butt, you might as well have a "great" big butt. . My goal is to get my firm butt back again!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: I am so excited. I just went to "Great Clips" got the cutest cut, wash and style for $20.00 - for the first time since July 2005 I look like any normal person with styled hair. No more boyish look. It sure feels good. Now the test will be, can I style it myself!!

    I really blew off work today. Went in for morning report and then spent the rest of the day shopping. Our census is full so not many people to go evaluate. I had a blast. My husband loves this certain kind of candy. It licorice but there they look like little sandwiches, and circles with licorice in the middle. Had the most awful time trying to find it. Most stores just stopped selling it. I went to World Market for the first time in my life and I found the candy!! Sometimes doesnt it seem like somehow we always find what we are looking for. Then I went to Michaels and found the cutest candy tin marked 60% off.

    Roxwood: Ahahaha Im the blue cat dancing with the orange cat. It you and me dancing up a storm. I was so happy to see your post. Life is good! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. Someone who is so special to me. Now picture this! Im stomping my foot down and waving my Italian finger telling you, you better stop by more often. Otherwise your gonna get coal in your Christmas Stocking.

    And if you are Jewish, your gonna get coal instead of chocolate coins when you play dradel.

    Amy: Apple wafers for horses and donkeys! No wonder Distorted Humor is smiling. And by the way, yes I did bite my tongue. She is a recovering alcoholic and my immediate response "a little Freudian" was to say "and did you start drinking again." But I am a professional, and I know how not to cross that line. Along with a smack, I wanted to bite her!! I saw on TV today that Barbaro - the horse that broke down during the Kentucky Derby - was frolicking around. They saved the horses life. I will be looking for his colts, just like I look for Distorted Humors. I may even adopt him lol.

    Lini: I dont know if this is the right or wrong answer, but I wouldnt send the card. But also knowing me, I would probably send one next year lol. She sounds wicked. Pick on me, but pick on my children and I get serious!!

    Sherlock: whew! I was worried for a minute. So now you can tell us how much fun you are having with your daughter.

    Did I miss something? Is PurpleMB on vacation? Im looking all around. Under bushes, up in trees, behind tents. I even looked in the stable.

    Same goes for our Peggy (Sige) - looking all over. Maybe I need new glasses.

    Cheri: Santa is coming early cause he has to. He couldnt possibly deliver all of his gifts to everyone across the world. Hope you have lots of fun. Looking forward to the pictures your gonna post. Yeppers, stole my own present - isnt that too funny. I knew I bought it for a reason.

    NS: your kitty is so cute. Hey, at least you know how to post pictures. Maybe if I get a camera you all can teach me how to do it. But I gotta have something to take pictures with!!

    6packsan: Oh sweety, you must be scared. Im so sorry to hear about the mets. Hope you come and visit the circle. We will take care of you. The magnificent thing is the new treatments available. Gamma knife, chemo's. There still is hope girl, so dont you give up.

    Carrie: ewwwww! No shower? It reminds me when Deese was peeing in the woods and we had to build an outhouse. We are certainly in the celebration tent tonight. B9 B9 B9. Surgar plums are dancing in my head. Finially - moving forward. I am just so darn happy for you.

    Mena: I will arm wrestle you for the home in Florida. Cant believe its Chicago and no snow here either. Now Im not complaining!! Looking at the TV and the pictures from Denver, Kansas, and Nebraska and its giving me the heebie geebies. So much snow right before Christmas. Oh My!

    Theresa: OMG! Imn laughing at the super glue. Would serve her right. But she didnt look so good in the meeting with the administrator. Started crying. Im a sucker for tears!! But I have my own personal conduct rule. No one see's me cry about work issues. I just cry about Da Bears

    Jan: My dentist loves black jelly beans. I always bring her a bag when I go see her.

    Iris: Im smiling and winking an eye at you.

    Cheryl: Hoping the port removal went good and all is well.

    Speaking of ports. I have mine scheduled to come out February 8th. Now is that procrastination? My surgeon who I love dearly, says no need for scans. I have baselines. He said 18 months post surgery - all is well

    Although I found out I have to go to day surgrey, get IV anesthesia, and husband has to drive me home. Will schedule a 4 days week-end. Big Sigh! The last step, but its a mighty step. Can go off my coumadin unless my onc or PCP have issues with it. Whew - its gonna be a great year.

    Trenton: Its a sad story indeed, but I know he is frolicking somewhere.

    OK - gotta go. Need to stand in front of the mirror and admire myself with my new hairdo.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    The mayhem starts tomorrow---all kids with their kids arrive around dinner---so you know what I am doing. Shoving things in drawers, under beds, into closets, so the house looks relativly neat before they drag all of their stuff in here and "unneaten" it again!

    Just wanted to say YAY to all who have had good news (like Carrie and Denise---I have SO been thinking about you) and send prayers and healing hugs for those of you struggling with your own issues and family members. Please keep my life long friends, Ray and Sandy, in the middle of the circle. Ray has had 2 heart attacks and brain bleeds and hematomas and has been in ICU for 6 weeks now. So worried about them and they are so far away from me---they are in Florida. Feel pretty helpless.

    It will be a wonderful holiday for me---so thankful for what we have this year---my health seems stable and we have these THREE wonderful babies to celebrate with! If I can ever get my act together will try (again) to post pictures. One can hope. My kids asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told them I already have it.

    Deb---so glad the acupuncture worked---no wonder my onc maintains an acupuncturist on staff.

    I know I am missing many but I know we all understand how precious time is about now. I'm sending blessings and hugs for the holidays. We are all so lucky to have each other---the best gift is friendship. I even have a donkey as a mascot now---whodda thunkit?!?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Jeannie: Oh my. You snuck in while I was editing my posts. All my love to Ray and Sandy. 6 Weeks in ICU, how awful for Ray and how hard on Sandy. Sounds pretty serious.

    Hugs to all of you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Vicki, I hope you feel refreshed after "our" nap. You asked me to take one for you,too,so I did. A nice long one so I imagine I'll be up late again riding shotgun.

    Amy, be sure and let us know what the results on your tests are. I think the tamox is causing me problems in that area. I've been on Protonix or Prevacid a long time but since starting the tamox I've been waking up sometimes in the night with that old familiar burn in my esophogus.

    Lini, you said you made a complete break with your friend, in MHO, I wouldn't send the card. If she's toxic, make it a clean break.

    Hey Sparky, is that a picture of you or your cat? lol I somehow associate you with a feline. Although, more of the tiger. Cute pic.

    Mena, I stumbled on to 6packsan last night in my travels. It is just one of the saddest things. I didn't write because it was late and I was in a daze. But will go back & put in my 2cents worth. That's about all it's worth. There are sooo many on this site that needs prayer. It changed my attitude after browsing last night.


    Nicki, you lucky dog, you! I can't wait to have hair that's long enough to have it fixed. Right now I'm at the mohawk look. But with enough gel it can be spiked. Enjoy!!

    Jeannie,prayers for your dear friends. Enjoy having your family home for the holidays. I, too, feel very thankful.

    For anyone who needs a reality check all you have to do is go through these boards. Gosh, it will break your heart & at the same time show you how fortunate you are.

    Wishing the best for all awaiting test results,
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Hi ladies,
    I didn't take notes so I will miss many - my apologies. Carrie, so happy for your results! Nicki, I can imagine how pleased you are about your hair! I hope someday I get there too! Right now it just seems sooooooo far away. NS, love the picture of your cat! Someday I will get adventurous and try to post a picture of my lilac-point Siamese. She is a big pest, but I love her little pointy face to death!

    OK, has anyone been on weekly taxol and experienced this? I was SOOOOO depressed and weepy the past two days. It was better than AC for sure, but I was so tired and detached I could not go to work. I am starting to perk up now but I am wondering if this will happen every week! And the hot flashes are AWFUL. They wake me up sometimes 2-3 times an hour. If I had any hair, I would be about ready to rip it all out in frustration! LOL

    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Good evening ladies,
    whew...baking again...really getting tired of all these cookies! Hasn't been a good night on this end. My poor daughter called and has cried all day. She is so very homesick, overworked, stressed and just plain miserable. I sooo wish I could jump on a plane and go down and cheer her up. If we have any circle sisters in Florida...wanna be a 2nd mommy and go give her some hugs? I've been missing her as much as she has me but trying to hide it from her as it would only make her feel worse.
    Ah problems are so very much smaller than so many here...sorry for the downer.
    Cheri...I'll ride shotgun with you tonight...the cookies are taking forever and I have gifts to wrap to take to work tomorrow. I swear I may never sleep again!
    Jeannie...saying lots of prayers for your friends.
    Where are you Deb...hope your feeling better and out having some fun.
    Ok Mena and Nikki...I got first dibs on the Florida house!!! BUT...I would take you with me! I sure as h*ll can't arm wrestle you for it.
    (((Kristin))) I had taxotere along with cytoxin and adrimiasin (sp?) all at the same time and was pretty miserable. I think the weepiness is from the chemopause...kind of like constant will get better...promise.
    Ok...gotta get back to aauuuggghhh.
    Someone come rescue me.
    Where are all our missing girls...gonna have to take a head count tomorrow and see who we are missing.
    Hugs all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Good evening dear ones-

    I have not had the time to take notes, but I want you all to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    My shingles have improved SO much with the acupuncture. I really don’t know much about acupuncture. I went out of pure desperation from the pain. Whenever you don’t understand something, it seems like pure magic. I will have to do some reading up on the whole process and see WHY I got such a dramatic result. My pain was awful and now it is virtually gone….too amazing. I am not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

    It was very cloudy here today. That combined with the fact that tomorrow is winter solstice we had a very grey day. The sun was barely up at 10:00am and had already gone down at 4:15. I used my car lights at 2:00. I am ready for the return of the sun.

    I am going to go make some good old comfort food for dinner…homemade mac and cheese, green beans with almonds and mandarin oranges….yum

    Deb C
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006
    congrats to Carrie on wonderful news!

    kristen I hope you feel well soon! this time last year I was just starting chemo and was so depressed. just know it gets better!

    for all those here who need thoughts and prayers, know that I am doing my part!!!!!

    Nicki it does feel so good to look like hair has an actual style!!! my hair is coming in even more curly than it was before and now it is even long enough to get a 1/2'' flat iron in there to straighten so it looks even longer(at least I think it does!)enjoy your new do!

    Theresa hope to see you and Sue after the Holidays and possibly meet Mena also!

    I know i am missing alot of people here tonight, I am sorry. I am still trying to catch up and remember everyone!

    I am exhausted, I have really pushed myself this week and now hubby is saying he doesn't feel good! He is not allowed to get sick now. I need all the help I can get the next few days, I am having Xmas Eve dinner for entire family and i am working on Sat. so no sickness allowed!!!!! no rest for the weary!

    have a good night! peaceful sleep to all!