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  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited December 2006
    Only have a short time to check in. Whew - gave me a scare here too!!!!

    DebC, thank you for your post - we aren't a clique and I realize it is hard to keep up as it takes a bit when I am not here for a couple of days to remember what is going on with everyone.

    My granddaughter and her Mom and Dad are here for Christmas. They will be leaving around noon tomorrow - right now they are at her Dad's having Christmas with him. Lilah, my granddaughter must have been hatching a stomach virus as it hit last night and she is 21 months and she was just so pitiful and we had the bed stripped to the mattress, rugs had to be taken outside and I am a bigger size now and Tammy, my daughter is a size 2 (no, I was never a size 2!!) and I was running out of small enough pants and tops to give her as she needed change of clothes several times. Been doing lots of laundry today!!!!

    I know everyone is busy and things are hectic. I just want to take a deep breath and relax a bit and have time to listen to some Christmas music. I have been struggling to get everything done and have missed the music. I need to go back to the homepage and read the article on fatigue.

    I haven't gone back beyond this page so not sure, Debbyfive, what is happening, and it appears others have been busy and haven't signed in yet either. Everyone, you are a blessing!!!!!!!! Just in case I don't get back, have a WONDERFUL Christmas - God bless us all.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Hey Nickie and Vickie (sounds like a doo wop singing group!)---

    Try Rachel Ray's 5 minute fudge. She made it on prah last week and it's so simple even I can't mess it up. Melt together 1 1/2 cup chocolate chips, 1 cup butterscotch chips, 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk and 1 tsp vanilla. I added 1/2 cup craisins and 1 cup pecans but bet this would be good with raisins and walnuts, teddy grahams and mini marshmallows---the possibilities are endless. No candy thermometers, no standing there and stirring----my kind of recipe!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey Lini-

    Glad you liked the card but i didn't want ya to cry girlfriend!

    I was so happy the day John took that picture. We went for a walk on the beach by ourselves in the evening. I was halfway down the beach before I remembered I didn't put "the girls" on, and realized in the next instant that I didn't care I was happy, I was healthy, I was walking on the beautiful beach in Maui wearing leis with the man I was one of those "It don't get much better than this" moments.

    We took the photos and then left the leis in a heart shape of the lava rocks for other people to was just so cool. The sun set as we walked back...a truly wonderful night, and you were ALL there with me in my heart.

    I will download those photos to the web and post them here tomorrow when i get a moment between wrapping and baking so everyone can see.

    Big hugs
    Deb C
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    "It don't get much better than this" moments."

    Deb - I could tell that totally from your face. That's what made me cry. It's absolutely beautiful!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006


    i can't even begin to catch up around here lol. not doing real great with the christmas/divorce thing of course i came here to find some comfort.............i've missed you all!

    my dtr had a christmas party last night........5 teenagers giggling until 4 am i tired! but they had a blast, so it was worth it.

    things on the mets front "ain't" so hot...........but i'm trying to think positively (not doing a great job of it, but trying). i can't wait for christmas to be done, i'm really dreading it except for seeing mackenzie smile!

    i leave for florida next thursday..........will be back january laptop is out of comission, so i won't be able to check in here, but i'll be sure to keep reading before i's my only sanity these days!

    thanks you guys for always being here, and for always knowing what to say, and for being honest..........i'm having a rough go of it right now, so i don't post much (for various reasons)...........sorry for the downer started out really well, but went to hell in a handbasket when i couldn't keep my yippy, stupid, overly honest mouth shut!!!!!!!

    love you all!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006

    Hun, you can come here and vent ANY time...don't apoligise for being a are not. How can we help if we don't know you are down.

    You are just getting started on your mets treatment...don't get too down yet. Give things time to work. Seeing Mackenzie smile will make your Christmas bright.

    Big hugs
    Deb C.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Is anyone else having trouble getting photos to upload to Photobucket? I can't get anything to upload at all....I can access what is already there, but can't add new ones.

    Is there any other free sites that will do the same thing?

    Thanks to all you photo gurus out there

    Deb C.
    A true photo rookie
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Hi everyone
    Just checking in... been busy scrambling to get son's santa list filled, wrapped and hidden while he is gone to his Dad's
    OMG... I read all posts but no time to catch up on them all.
    The cards are streaming in.. what a special feeling it gives each time I open one. Thank you all.
    Vickie... beautiful idea to take our stars to your pastor. Thanks
    Shel .... so sorry you are feeling blue,hang in there hun it will get better.
    Susan .... dear sweet Susan, so sorry to hear you are sick. Hugs and prayers are on their way to you. Hurry back we miss you.
    ((((everyone)))) to all in need and prayers too.


    Woohoo I think I finally posted a pic !!!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    hello Circle Girls!!!

    You will be proud of me.

    I finished my Christmas shopping. I have things cooking downstairs. And my guest list for tomorrow night just doubled for dinner and I didn't faint!

    You know I was in such a fog this morning I didn't even realize what a tremendous thing has happened to our circle!

    I would like to thank Melissa and Tami and Dr. Weiss for giving us our own forum. This was most generous and a wonderful Christmas present indeed!!!

    Every time I recieve a card I cry! I hate to tell my family and friends this, but the cards from you girls MEAN so much to me! It is like they are the REALLY IMPORTANT ones!!!

    I love the pictures of you and your families and furbabies. It just makes everything so real and makes it feel like we are touching somehow.

    I got Deb's today and started crying in the post office! But they are used to me by now!!!

    I see we are saying some extra prayers for girls with Mets and mine are added. I am so grateful our stars are at Vicki's church. Shel, this will be the hardest one because it is the first and you are breaking a tradition for the first time. Next year it will be much easier.

    Thank you for all your advice on my headaches. I had spoken to my onc and since they are accompanied by a lot of dizziness and some vision problems he wants to talk about getting a brain scan. My back certainly doesn't help matters - but at least this year I don't have to shovel any snow! I still have dianthus blooming in my garden!

    I am going to try to post a Christmas picture for you all. It is so beautiful here in the circle this year isn't it? Each wagon with a different light display??? And how we have decorated the forest! Beautiful!!!

    We have to collect extra firewood for tomorrow night girls. I don't want a certain man to pass us by without stopping... I have been very good this year! Except for that one time- but Santa, I can explain.

    Love you!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    oh G..........i'm laughing my little head off.........."tradition" IS that mike is long gone at christmas!!!!!!!!

    i'm looking forward to next year when it just won't matter anymore, and mac and i have some peace, and a new tradition like "h'asta lavista baby" oh man, i hope i arrive there soon............right now i'm not even close!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Baby steps... You will get there Sweetie!!!
    If not, don't ever forget what happened to ole Earl!!!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    my Rudolph wreath... Guaranteed to attract Santa!!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    NS Have you changed the amount of caffine you normally have. I know if I don't have my coke or Mt dew I get really bad migranes. I've tired the excedrine migrane and sometimes it eases it for me. But I usually take a RX called MaxAlt. They tried to have me do the Imatrex and it didn't work for me. I get several different kinds of migranes. I've been fighting one for almost a week now. The stuff they gave me when I had my port out on Thursday helped but it has been creeping back in. I think this one has a lot to do with stress and my back hurting.

    I had my first salon facial today and all I can say is WOW! It also included a foot massage! then I had a wonderful pedicure too! The package included a swedish massage which I'll do in a couple of weeks when I'm healed from the port being removed.

    The hot flashes and been hitting with a vengance this week. Too cold to go out with out a jacket but then I'm drenced in just a matters of seconds after I enter a store for the hot flashes. Can't win for loseing!

    I got everything wrapped except the bag for my step son his wife and youngest grandbaby. I won't see them until next year so am not worried about getting it wrapped this weekend. I tried to get things I could put into preprinted boxes or bags. The hubby however didn't so I had to wrap all those ones.
    It's amazing all the stuff I collected over the year! I start on the next Christmas the day after the current Christmas. So that I have most of the shopping done by August.

    Well it's getting late and I need to put some more wood on the fire! Susan hope you can feel our prayers and the warmth of the fire. The same goes for all the others that need our strength too.

    Merry Christmas, hugs & prayers From Seattle!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Christams Eve at the Chicago end of the circle. I know others have just finished celebrating Chanakuh. What a joyous time for all of us. Even when things sometimes dont seem so joyful for many. Its a time to put aside our fears, tears, and just enjoy life for a bit.

    There is a bit of chill in the air, but not cold enough to keep me away from the campfire. As a matter of fact, we have been having warmer weather around here. Got pounded with lots of rain, but no snow and no ice.

    The ground is mushy, so put on your boots when you step outta your wagons. I hoping the aroma of fresh coffee and cinnamon buns cooking, drifts towards your wagon. What a nice aroma to wake up to.

    Vickie: I sure do understand your meltdown at Walmart. Did that myself about a year ago at Office Max. Havent stopped in the store since then!! Thank Goodness its a big chain and lots other stores around. I did something different this year. I got Christmas bags for everyone. So there was no need to wrap, wrap. These bags are the greatest thing. And they look so pretty. The only presents I actually wrapped were my husbands. I finished my last present. All is done - I am so shouting out for joy. So you got lots of bath and spa stuff. Yeppers I think thats just what you needed. Now get a nice, soothing CD and enjoy.

    Lisa: I love the picture and love the quote even more. Really put a smile on my face. Im so excited about it being Christmas Eve, I almost forgot we have football today. Who could ask for anything more

    Lynn: Ya know curiosity killed the cat. So what is a nanaimo bar? Sure sounds good.

    Cheri: Oh thanks for the invite. Of course I just sat myself down and joined in on the feast. Im smacking my lips now. Had a piece of pumpkin and pecan pie. By time these holidays are over, Im gonna be one fat mama!!

    Brenda, sure sounds like your hands a full - with laundry!! Actually there is a stomach virus going around. One of our local nursing homes has closed its doors - too many residents are sick with it. Hoping the grand baby is feeling better really soon.

    Jeannie: Doo Wap de Bop! Im ready to sing and dance! The recipe I followed was 5 minute fudge. The problem is I didnt follow the directions with the first batch. Kept waiting for a soft ball to form before I put in my chocolate chips. 15 minutes later! it was done - hard as a rock and not edible. Second batch, I did the 5 minute thing and they came out great. My lesson learned - Im not a very good cook, so I must follow directions.

    DebC: What a nice thought, walking by the Ocean and just enjoying life.

    Hey Shel: So good to see you post. Ya know when you dont stop by, we worry about you. Im so glad your going on vacation, but hate that your lap top is out of commission. We will miss you while your gone. Im scratching my head, who said you can only come here when your feeling positive? You need us right now!! Come to the fruitcake tent, I have been hiding from Lini and when she isnt watching, Ive been secretly throwing walnuts at her. The more, the merrier. Have they decided how they will treat the mets? Of course your having a difficult time. Top 10 stressors include, divorce, Christmas, and illness. Your dealing with all three of them at the same time. Yes, I say - the fruitcake tent is the place to be.

    CherylG: So glad to see you. Im jealous. You know how to post pics. If and when I learn, I will be outta control. Have a great Christmas.

    NS: It is exciting isnt it, having our own forum? The best Christmas present. My wagon is decorated with all different colored lights. They flash on and off and I can increase or decrease the speed. Gonna make it look like a strobe light today. I sure dont want Santa to pass us up. Although, I dont know how he could. Our circle is so big now. Covers many states. Oh boy, Im excited. Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

    CherylCY: Oh it sounds like your doing great after the port removal. Im so happy for you. And the facial sounds wonderful!!

    We will be celebrating with family tonight. Go to my SIL house around 7, open presents and then have a late breakfast. My husband is gonna be very surprised as his favorite baby sister bought him a new PA! I cant wait to see his face. Then tomorrow morning my DH and me will open our presents to each other. Im making Lasagna. Then he goes to work at a pub tomorrow night. Then this glorious weekend will be over and it will be back to work. Until next week-end. I love having a 3 days week-end two weeks in a row.

    My biggest issue tonight will be having to answer the questions as to how I am doing. So tired of peoples conversation being about how I am doing! But, for the first time in along time, Im not feeling anxious about the gathering. Guess I am truelly moving on.

    Here is hoping our sweet Roza had a peaceful night.

    Susan: Hoping you are feeling better. We do miss you so much.

    The cinnamon buns are done. More coffee is brewing. Ill check back in later. Have a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning circle sisters,
    NS...what a wonderful invitation you wrote. I hope we see some new wagons moving in soon. I too cry at every card...they mean more than I can even put into words. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have meltdowns in public places. I have to go to the map every now and then to see how close we really are, it's a comforting sight.
    I loved the description of our holiday circle with lights on all the wagons and the forest decorated...I can sit here and close my eyes and envision it all in my mind and brings me such joy and comfort. I loved you Rudolph wreath...we'll make sure Santa stops by. I think he looks a lot like Tami and Melissa!
    Oh is so very good to see you. My daughter and SIL live in Florida. Where are you going? They live just above Orlando and are both really good cooks so maybe I can get you those cookies after all!! It would really make her holiday special if she could do something like that for one of my dear sisters. I hope that Mac's smiles bring joy to your heart dispite all the other stuff you have going on. The mets will disappear...that is my prayer for you. Big hugs and lotsa love to you.
    Deb...I had the same "it doesn't get much better than this" moment when I went to Cocoa Beach with Nathaniel, my DD and SIL and we walked the beach together. I love the ocean...being with the ones I love so very much next to an ocean that make you feel so very small makes everything else seem small in comparison. (not sure if that makes any sense...I just feel at peace with my children by the ocean).
    Hi Jeannie...good to see you...doing the do wop song now LOL.
    Cheri...almost moseyed over to your dinner...sounds like it was wonderful and hope you had a great day.
    CherylG...your welcome...taking our stars there just seemed like the thing to do at this time of year. You are all so very much a part of my life. I love the pic you posted...good for you!
    Cheryl...good for you on the facial and foot massage. What a wonderful gift to yourself. I am glad your port is gone now. I hated mine and was so happy to have it out. It took a couple of weeks to heal (my mast site actually healed faster) but it will be healed before you know it. I'm with you on the hot flashes...never know how to dress anymore! Hot then cold...back a forth all day long! snow here either which is very unusual for our area this time of year. It's fine with me...I like green and brown!! I'm glad I'm not the only one with public meltdowns...only problem is I have to go back to that's our only one close enough...oh well. No more meltdowns for me for at least a couple more days. Hope you have a wonderful day today.
    Brenda...oh my you do have your hands full. Take care not to catch it...we can't have you in the Medic wagon for Christmas. Hope your day today is bright and wonderful.
    Oh my...I have sooo much to do today and haven't even hit the shower yet. My sweet sister and BIL are coming at 2 for dinner and I still don't have their gifts ready and have lots of cooking ahead of gas bill is going to be outragous this month!! Worth every penny though!!!
    Saying prayers for our dear Susan and Roza.
    Off to get busy
    Love you girls
    Happy Christmas Eve
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    woo hoo...go to and track santa.
    He is in Fuji, Japan right now and you can actually watch a video...turn up your speakers.
    I forget who lead me to this site...thanks...Nathaniel is thrilled.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2006
    It's early but I smelled the coffee and cinnamon buns. NS, three Excedrin Migraine usually work immediately for me but when they don't, the Maxalt does. I think those tablets were something like $10 each but they work. Nicki, don't you just love those bags? I only wrapped two presents, everything else went into bags. Costco had a package they were selling that had some adorable bags.

    Enjoy your Christmas eve everyone.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006

    Nicki-Should've sent your present to me. I love to wrap. Love the crisp edges and neatly folded corners. Then pop a big, beautiful hand tied ribbon. I would have done them all for you. I even boxed and wrapped the gift cards I gave for gifts.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006
    Morning Girls,

    Man those cinnamon buns smell good! I've got some Christmas blend coffee on the go, help yourselves.
    NS, wonderful post on what we are. I feel so honoured to be a part of this group.
    Shel, good to see you back. Hope your day picks up, Christmas with Mac will be the best. I'm praying for wonderful weather in Florida for you.
    RobinTN, thinking about you. Hugs and prayers. Hope you come back to post soon.
    Cy, the Spa sounds wonderful. I have never tried any of that but you make it sound very tempting. Hope your port heals soon so that you can have the last bit!
    Brenda, so sorry for your little one. Hope it doesn't spread to the rest of you.
    Vicki, sounds like a good day for you. Enjoy.
    Nikki, Nanaimo Bars were originally made by BC Ferries and sold for an outrageous sum. They are VERY good. Here is the recipe:
    1/2c butter 2c graham crumbs
    1/4c sugar 1/2c coconut
    2 tbsp cocoa 1/2c chopped nuts (opt)
    1 egg
    Melt butter. Add sugar and cocoa. Remove from heat. Beat and add egg. Add remaining ingredients. Press into 8x8 pan. Chill.
    2nd layer: 2c icing sugar 3 tbsp custard powder
    1/4c butter milk
    Melt butter, remove from heat. Add sugar and custard powder. Add milk a little at a time until mixture is spreading consistency, not runny. Spread over first layer and chill until firm.
    3rd layer: 1/4 butter 4tsp cocoa
    Melt together and spread over other layers. Keep chilled.

    This is quite rich. The bitter topping conteracts the sweet of the other layers (or vice versa) and is very good. ENJOY.

    Vicki, made your whoopie pies. Had to laugh as I halved the recipe and then forgot I did that and made the full amt for the filling. I have LOTS of filling left over! But a question for you. How much is a 'box of 10X sugar'? Is that icing sugar? That's what I used until the consistency and taste seemed right! The filling tastes good spread on my gingerbread cookies!
    So nice to have time to sit this morning. Baking is done, wrapping is done. Need to get a couple of things this afternoon at the store, maybe it will just wait until after Christmas though. Work tonight. Wonder how many babies will be born on Christmas this year.
    Have a wonderful day today and tomorrow. Hugs, prayers and love to all.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hi Lynn...glad you enjoyed the whoopie pies...but...I have no idea how much a box of 10X sugar is. It is confectioners sugar and I buy it in the bags and use half a bag and it works out ok.
    I'm actually in the middle of yet another batch...if I never see another one it will be too soon LOL.
    Someone please come help me wrap...I haven't even started!!! My closet is full and I can see me wrapping tonight at midnight LOL...I'll stop in for eggnog.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006
    Hello Ladies - I'm joining the wagon train too. I've stopped in a couple times but never found a tent. I'm going to start with the fruitcake tent for now.

    Next week I have a decision to make so let me know which tent I need to go to for that...

    It's a beautiful sunny day here - 37 degress but having my coffee out in the sun...

    All shopping and wrapping done, making cookies and fugde today...then a nice dinner with DD and DH...

    Been one HE!! of a year for me (and ya'll) so here's to next year being easier!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006

    I love to wrap gifts too! I get into all the bows and ribbons...the nice thick wrapping paper...I love it. Of course my hubby laughs because he can wrap 3 gifts (man bow, sloppy corners) in the time it takes me to wrap one.

    Got to go make some coffee. Welcom to all the folks that are joining us. pick a wagon and join the circle If you need some company or extra carecome to the center of the circle by the campfire and pull up a chair and chat. There is always food and someone to talk to. Share your problems and we will be there for you.

    Big hugs
    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Hi all,
    I'm here. Didn't have to go to the hospital. I'm in bed. Thinking of you all and hope you have a wonderful Christmas or wonderful weekend.

    NS, I suffered from migranes for year. I found a headache specialist and he put me on monthly meds to lessen the pain. I still had some, but the ones I had were milder.

    love you all. I would love a whoopie pie but I'm afraid all that stuff is not in my diet for a while. Great time to get sick, huh.

    wanna hear something funny. My cute tiny little white dog is laying here in bed next to me farting up a blue streak. Wow does that stink. What a pal she is. I get a digestive problem so she does too.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Well, I went to the pity tent for a bit. Had a good cry and now Im back in the fruitcake tent. Running around like a crazy woman go lalalalalalalalala. Making all sorts of noises!

    Sometimes it just seems like ya just cant get a break. Our refrigerator decided to die this morning. So quick ran out and got ice. All the stuff in in a cooler outside. We will still proceed with Christmas dinner tomorrow and then get a new refrigerator on Tuesday.

    Some of you know about my brother. Has pretty bad schizophrenia and lives in a home. Well he's in the hospital after having a psychotic episode. Guess they are talking about electric shock therapy. My sister is his power of attorney and she is much more involved than me.

    I gotta tell ya, I just broke down. Husband is upset that I was crying on Christmas Eve. He was running after me, telling me here have a glass of wine. WINE? at 11:45am. I'll be passed out before we go to my SIL. So I took a xanax.

    Ya know, none of this is like the end of the world. So why do I lose my composure and break down? Sure seems like since bc, I dont handle day to day issues too well.

    Im going back to the fruitcake tent. Youll find me in the corner, sucking my thumb.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Well CGs, I'm trying to get ready for 22 hungry bodies here tomorrow ( including my neice, the stripper, but we won't go there). DH has been helping me clean the house. He's a good guy! Christmas is always so stressful for me. I really need to get a grip and just enjoy the beauty of the season!

    We are going to my younger sister's house tonight. Add more youngest son absolutely hates her! He is 30 yrs. old and I told him he is old enough to just suck it up and show up. Sometimes we do things we don't want to do in the interest of family harmony!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to all the Circle Girls!
    Wishing everyone a very Happy & Healthy New Year also!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey Nicky...I'm handing you a chocolate covered carmel loppy pop with a Xanex center to suck on....Waaaaayy better than you thumb. Hang in there girl

    I'm going to try and send the circle girls some hawaii sun...lets see if it works...
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    WooHoo! It worked...

    Have a great day girls

    Deb C
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited December 2006
    Okay, there you go again, Deb. You're gonna make me cry.

    I'm out of the Fruitcake tent, now that Deb sent Nicky the happy lolli, and over in the gift wrapping tent. Send them over Vickie. I've got ya covered.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Welcome Ginney...glad to see you here. You can make up your own tent and wagon as you go along.
    Oh Susan...I am so very glad your not in the hospital!!! What a lousy place that would be on Christmas. I am sorry your having problems and hope you mend soon. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
    AWWW Nicki...I am so sorry. Go ahead with the Xaxex and thumbsucking...I'm into the Xanex today too (and the wine)...get it out of your system (I know...easier said than done). Sending you a warm fuzzy hug, a glass of wine, some chocolate...anything else you need?
    Gee Lini and Deb...wish I had known how much you like wrapping...I would have had you come visit LOL!! Oh what fun we could have had!
    Hi Biker...Merry Christmas to you too drinking buddy. And a very happy healthy New Year.
    smooches all around
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    For those of us who have been naughty...a naughty Santa
    Sorry...couldn't help myself