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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Oh Deb...we must be all posting at the same time...yup, your making me cry too. You are just the best. Can I have a Xanex lollipop too...pretty please.
    Oh alway have me covered..thanks sweet sister.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Deb, Your card made me cry!! And here I go crying again...geez I think I need the Xanex lollipop also!

    Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I haven’t been visiting all of you lately!! I have missed you all so much. The only excuse I have for staying away is that I was overwhelmed with obligations and had a few mild panic attacks. I know better now, never stay away!! I just need to go to the fruitcake tent…..

    Just finished baking cookies (trying to find a place where the bad lab puppy can't get to them). I have managed to set my dining room table for our meal tomorrow, working my way upstairs cleaning the house, but felt the circle calling me. So I dropped the dusting cloth, turned off the vacuum, and have to come into the circle to recharge my emotions.

    Nicki, so sorry, have a good are so strong for everyone else, please lean on us now.

    Susan, thank goodness you were able to come home, we are sending healing your way. I have a small white puffball dog also, she just had a bath and I am finding a Christmas ribbon for her hair.... (I just have to make sure the bad lab puppy doesn't eat the hair ribbon..........)

    Vickie, WOW, nice naughty Santa.

    Ginney, I am glad you joined the circle. To all newbies, welcome - I am kinda new here also, but I can tell you THESE CIRCLE WOMEN ROCK. They are AWESOME.

    Okay, now I’m gonna cry again.



  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2006
    Chemosabi my friend, you just sit in the corner and suck on the xanax lolly, I will be lying in the fetal position being tube fed right next to you. I can't wait for this whole season to be GONE.
    This is the first Christmas as an orphan, a 50yr old orphan but orphan nevertheless .
    We are going to church this afternoon so I will keep all my friends and circle girls in my prayers.
    I am mopey today, it was 2yrs ago that I had my bilateral mastectomy, Christmas eve and I am walking around today just going over what I was doing this time 2 yrs ago. I need to shake myself out of this funk. I am teary today.
    I need a good slap.....someone??

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and be well and safe.
    I love you guys!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Wow, this place is hoppin'! That's great.

    Shel, it's about time you checked in with us, I thought we were gonna have to send out a search party. My dd used to have sleep-overs with 6 or 8 girls (always an even #,that way nobody got left out) and it was alot of work but I loved it. Oh, to turn back the time. Enjoy while you can 'cos they're gone too soon. Sounds like you can really use that vacation you've got coming up. I didn't realize you had more treatments, but you'll do fine.

    Cheryl G, WooHoo, you not only posted but it was normal size. I'll master that this week.

    NS, adorable wreath, how creative. We can add 'artistic' to your many definitions. I said you were a wild & colorful creature!

    Cheryl cy, ooooh, a facial sounds grand, but do they make house calls?

    Nicki, do what I do when people ask how you are doing. Smile and say, "I'm fine, thank you for asking, yourself?" It shifts the subject back to them & away from You!

    Vicki, enjoy your dinner today and thanks for the Santa site. Even though he's been to our house, he'll be stopping by Ethans dads tonight.

    Lini & DebC, next year I'll be shipping all my Christmas gifts to you to wrap...I hate it & use gift bags & boxes.

    Ginney! Welcome. You're just what we needed to help spice things up at the ole campsite! We all start out at the fruitcake tent and make our way back there very often. Let us know the type of decision you're going to have coming up & somebody here can guide you to the right tent.

    Susan, dear Susan, so glad to see a post from you. My prayers have gone out for you. Hope you start to feel better, we miss you when you're gone.

    Vicki, love the naughty Santa, cute little wiggly buns!

    MeeeeNaaaa? now you really got some splainin' too doo! I've looked in the fruitcake tent, the deliverance tent, the medic tent and the mental health tent, ya know, all your regular haunts. You're nowhere to be found. You're starting to worry me. Aaaah, you're not still mad because I took Chrisopher Meloni away from you, are you?

    Well, girls I'm sure I forgot a few and there may be some posting while I'm writing mine (it happens). We had a lovely day yesterday and our Christmas is now over. Next year we get to have it at the normal time. I like that better. Watching my grandsons open gifts, opening my own gifts, playing with kids, and having a delicious Christmas dinner, it was nice. Plus, we still have leftovers!!Praying for all our sisters that are ill that they get a miracle.

    Have a Merry Christmas,
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    tina..........i'll slap the hell outta ya!

    come on over and we can slap each other around, cause i'm tripping over my lip today too!

    ho, ho freaking ho!!!!!!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Shel...ho ho freaking ho to you too!!!
    I need a slap to go with the Xanex lollipops floating around.
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    i'm partial to the ativan hard candies lol!

    merry christmas my friends........don't know what i'd do without you all {especially the last couple of months}

    xoxoxo, michelle aka "the grinch"
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OK ladies...we have a selection of mood altering, happy making, blues ending treats here...

    chocolate covered carmel flavored xanex lolly pops

    assorted fruit flavored ativan hard candies

    rasperberry and vodka jello shooters

    rum balls

    rum soaked fruit cake

    and good old fashion CHOCOLATE by the bucket full!

    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Yea, Deb, I like you choice of goodies. Yum, Yum.

    I actually braved the awful rain falling here this afternoon to get Hershey Kisses to go on the peanut butter cookies I was worth the effort.

    I'll throw in the peanut butter cookies with oh so soft Hershey Kisses on top.

    I am leaving for church in a few minutes, taking my airforce daughter with us, as well as all of you.
    Ho, Ho, Ho everyone!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited December 2006
    I had to visit the mental health wagon for awhile. Curled right up there and did nothing but relax and regroup. Roundtwo, you can join me there anytime if you want. AlaskaDeb, loved your card and made my day to see the pics again today.

    Today I'm cooking side dishes for my brood - 18 for dinner and I'm doing the turkey and prime rib. Right now the green bean casserole is baking so all I have to do is reheat it tomorrow. Cranberry sauce is made and all the serving dishes are washed. I think we're going out for dinner tonight so I'm on the downhill side. All I have to do is the stuffing (believe it or not, all 18 love Stove Top so there you go, make it and keep it in the crock pot to free up the stove) and turkey; we have one of those set it and forget rotisseries so hubby will do the prime rib tomorrow and we're good to go.

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Gee. I believe I'll just choose a bucket of chocolate. Some of you girls are getting a bit...Hmmm...SCARY! I think I'll just sit on the side lines & watch you slap each other around until you fall on the ground laughing your heads off. I think that'd be a great stress reliever, at least for me!
    Everythings gonna be alright ladies. Breathe. Count your many, many blessings...or whatever it takes to make you feel better. lol

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Welcome Ginny, glad you made it to the wagon circle! We are here to help. Have you seen the map? there are 187 posts on there showing where we all are. Maybe Cheryl G can post the link again so new comers can find it.

    Susan, so glad to hear you are home. I pray that you get back to your old self soon and get this nasty bug behind you.

    Lini & Deb I think you've just got your jobs lined up for next year! You be wrapping so many gifts we my never find you!

    I handed off one big bag of gifs to my BIL last night and my DD, SIL & Cloe came by this morning to open gifts. This afternoon we will go to MIL's and take her her gifts. I will see my youngest tomorrow night and the other two will get there's next week or after the New Year.

    For those of you that take coumadine what do you eat. There's so much on the list of things to avoid! And what do I drink for my kidneys if I can't have cranberry juice anymore? No more oatmeal, pastacios, candy, celery, apples,cheetoes, pie crust, pickles, egg noodles, tuna, grapes, stuffing, bread, carrots, cinnamon buns, tomatoes, chocolate... Ok i'm going to go nuts! I'm a picky eater and most of what I will eat is on the list!

    I think I'm having a reaction to the tape that held my bandage on. I took it off today and I have some blisters and redness where the tape was. I have to go in for bloodwork on Tuesday I think I'm going to stop by the Dr's. office and show them while I'm there.

    Deb you make me miss the walks on the sandy beach when I could say it doesn't get any better than this. The beaches around here are pebble beaches andf are just not the same besides it's usually cold or windy here. Not like when I was growing up, warm sand running through my fingers and the sun beating down on you. Those were the days. Think I need a vacation to someplace warm with big sandy beaches.

    It raining here on this eand of the circle and they say we are going to get more stong winds again! A lot of people are just getting their power back from the last big storm. I still need to go cut up the big branches that fell in the yard. Think I'll weait till it quits raining!

    Oh just a reminder it's still a good idea to copy you text before you hit continue so you don't lose it and if you do at least you'll be able to paste it.

    Did you know that we have had this circle for only 4 months as of last Friday and we have 130 pages and almost 60,000 views! That says a lot about this circle. How much we need each other and how open we are to new weagons being added all the time! You are an extordanary bunh of women and I'm pround to call you sisters!

    Merry Christmas or Chanukkauh or just a plain ole happy day to all of you

    Hugs and prayers
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    chocolate covered carmel flavored xanex lolly pops

    assorted fruit flavored ativan hard candies

    rasperberry and vodka jello shooters

    rum balls

    rum soaked fruit cake

    and good old fashion CHOCOLATE by the bucket full!

    Oh thanks Deb...that with the bottle of Disaronno my sister and BIL brought has made me feel just fine...anyone want to join slapping now...I'd fall down.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Check it out ladies...we may get a visit from Santa after all.
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006

    I only saw cranberries to avoid with coumadin - which stinks! It's one of my favorites!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Oh dear...even on Christmas Eve it doesn't stop! I just got the call from ANOTHER friend who was Dx with breast cancer. I kid you not, I am starting to feel like the breast cancer version of typhoid Mary! This is the 4th friend in 4 months. We are getting together to talk the day after Christmas and I will know more then, but please keep Connie in your prayers along with Linda, Erica, and Aunt Rosemary.

    Sigh...this time I'm just sad. MAybe I don't have the energy to be angry. I'm going for the rum balls ladies. So VERY sad.

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Cheryl...I had the same reaction to the tape, showed my oncology nurses and they said there was nothing they could do about it...drove me nuts! Itched like crazy every time they used it. Maybe some hydrocortazone (spelling?).

    Oh Deb...sad right along with you...I'm so sorry. I will and Connie, Linda, Erica and Aunt Roemary in my prayers. Sending you hugs.
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2006

    This is the link that will take you directly to the Circle map.
    DebC, sorry about another friend. Prayers going out for Connie, Linda, Erica and Aunt Rosemary. Big hugs for you. Loved your photos.
    I'm with Cheri on the sidelines, watching and laughing.
    You guys are the greatest.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Welcome to Renee, Jezze, Joyce, Cathy and anyone else new!
    They Party fountains are streaming with champange, punch, spiked punch there's a chocolate fountain, with lots of fruit to dip in it.
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Well I'm a little ahead of most of you. Its Christmas morning 10.30 and I am waiting for youngest son (16) to wake up so we can open presents. No more 5.30am Christmas mornings for him.

    We have all the neighbours over for a sit down dinner at night. We come from all parts of Australia and England and have no relations here so everyone brings food and we have a ball. Noone has to drive home either!

    I am on the map down in Tasmania where I'm originally from.

    I know Deb. When you have been dx with bc you meet so many others with bc...friends, friends of friends who have been told about you and call. They come from everywhere.You sound like a great person to talk to.

    Anyway have a great Christmas. Another milestone for us all.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Hmmm...not supposed to mix Xanex with intensifies the effects...oh you bet it does!!! LOL...I still have all of Nathaniels gifts to wrap so I'll stagger back later if I don't fall asleep (or fall down and can't get up!!)
    What a Christmas eve it has been...
    Love and hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Evening: Dont have much time to talk to you all. All dressed up and ready to go. Its Christmas Eve - big celbration at my SIL.

    Debc: Thank you for the xanax lollipop. It definitely helped. And the Bears won. Hope you all have a wonderful evening and will see ya in the morning.

    Dont mix xanax and wine? But its Christmas!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    DebC, so sorry about you finding out about another friend with this awful disease. Prayers for them.

    Lynn, lol, can't you just picture in your mind those girls wrestling around trying to slap each other then falling down with gales of laughter?? I'll scoot over on my stump & give you room to watch, too.

    Jezza, that is soooo funny what you said on the other thread about the meaning of pissy in your country meaning "drunk" instead of our meaning of being grouchy & pissed off at someone. You'll fit right in here!

    Vicki, maybe next year you might wrap your presents on Christmas Eve before you hit the Xanax & wine, ya think? lol Be sure you can make it to your bedroll later.

    Welcome to all the new wagons I hooked mine on here just a month ago. Seems like I've been on here forever. It's a great group of women.

    I'd like to thank all you Circle girls that immediatley & continually make me feel like I belong here. I needed this group desparately & still do. Thank You.

    Best Wishes,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    hmmm ladies look who I spotted outside out circle...sneaking in to spread good cheer. that one of your moose he's sneaking in on?

    Yup Cheri...think I will forgo the Xanex and alcohol next year till after the presents are wrapped. My brother, SIL and their four kids just left...I wasn't expecting them tonight so now I'm really behind schedule. They got me the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" so I'm going to pop it in and get my butt wrapping. Gotta finish up the last of the wine...pop a Lexapro and go off to lala land before Santa shows up (still hoping for Harrison Ford or Kevin Costner under my tree but think I haven't been quite that good this year.
    Welcome new girls...see you all in the morning and Merry Christmas once again...may it be happy and bright.
    Hugs to all
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Wow...busy place...funny...I've read everything I've missed and here's what stood out: Sue's whore tree (very eclectic!)...DebC's extraordinary Circle on the Beach (way cool) and, naturally, the Xanax lollipops...(got three in my mouth right now)...

    I'm just a mixed bag of emotions....Dad was literally dying this time last year. We had our family dinner tonight; he was with us last year, even ate with us...but when the cancer hit his brain, he was gone by Jan. 1st...I can't believe it's been a year and I hate cancer...

    I broke up with my half-hearted boyfriend earlier today...I'm just not going to waste time on anyone that makes me an option and not a priority. Period. One less gift to buy. But his damn guitar is still here and he had some pretty cool gifts for my I guess I'll have to see him again...pass me another lollipop...

    I'm thinking of all my fellow metsters that are really suffering like Roza, Karilynn, 6packsan, Twyla, my dear friend from, Linda B. (who was also very close to our sweet, late Karen L, rest her soul...

    I'm not depressed, just kinda blue, I guess...I am excited about watching my kids open their gifts tomorrow. They have no idea what I managed to pull off with help from friends and family...they are going to be shocked. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such generous and loving people. I could never have done this alone...

    OK, now I'm crying...what the hell...this is supposed to be a happy night...somebody smack me...

    I've got "maybe this is my last Christmas" thoughts in my head...and maybe that's ridiculous, but nevertheless they are I have to go shut them off and turn my thoughts around and come back later.

    Deb, thanks for telling us about Sue. That sucks. I'll pray for her, too...I hope Carrie and Denise are healing and doing well...any news on them?

    Oh...our own forum? Maybe that email I sent did help...I didn't even notice. I just clicked on us from "Active Topics"...Mena...xo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Seems like its been a crying day for many today...join us in the fruitcake tent can throw walnuts at Lini who's hiding in the corner sucking her thumb...I think it was Lini..had a bit too much to drink today. I'm sorry that your blue and sending you a warm hug.
    Carrie and Denise are both doing well...Susan is at home and posted earlier.
    take care dear Mena...hugs to you and Merry Christmas.
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    Mena and everyone,

    I think this is a very difficult time of the year for many people, especially those who are sick, have family members that are sick and those who are alone, or feel that they are alone.

    I'm not really sick, except for bc and a touch of mental illness (LOL) and I have my daughter and SIL here and my son came over with my 3 granddaughters. As usual, my DIL never showed up. Anyway, he had to leave at 5:30 - he's a (Jewish, would you believe?) police officer and is on duty tonight. After they left, I went outside and bawled my eyes out. No particular reason. The girls were crying because they wanted to stay here and yatayatayata.

    You (Mena) obviously made a good decision about breaking up with whatever his name is; Shel, it does get easier and better as time passes. I'm glad you're going away next week - it'll be good for you and your daughter; Susan, I hope you're feeling better; and I pray that no one is in chronic pain and can enjoy the holidays.

    Love, Sue
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited December 2006
    (((((Circle Girls))))))

    I see we've relocated to a much nicer field!! Thank you Melissa & All!!!

    I'm just dropping in to wish ALL of the circle girls, and ALL of the non-circle girls a Very Merry Christmas!!! We are having a peaceful night, going to an open house and just relaxing until tomorrow's festivities!!

    Love you all....will be back another day!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!
    ok i had to much vodka, truffles, chocolates, but it was fun!!!!!!!!!
    maybe not enough vodka yet!!!!!!!
    tomorrow is going to be just as bad,,, turkey, ham, cabbage rolls and yep vodka...
    i just told hubby to set the alarm for 2 am then i might see santa!!!!!!!!
    whoooooooot have fun ladies!!!!!!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Well I made it back from my MIL. Although I was almost run off the freeway by an idoit that then pulled in front of me and slammed on his brakes an I almost hit him. MY hubby call the cops but he was long gone. and it was pouring down rain so was hard to see on top of it.

    But I think I saw roudolph flying over head!