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  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls
    Welcome newbies ... check out the map of the Circle. We are 187 strong. Please add yourself to the map (zoom in a couple of times to spread everyone out ... we have a few who didn't and they are sitting in the ocean )
    the site is

    Dearest Susan... so glad to see you, you are in my prayers

    Have a happy christmas one and all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Good morning sweet circle sisters and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
    I see Peggy stopped in...what a nice surprise.
    Tracey...2am YIKES...did you see him?
    CherylG...I sooo love the map you built for us...187, what present.
    I want to wish each and every one of you a day filled with happiness, peace and joy in your heart and mind. Sit back and hear the quiet for a few minutes...I am thinking of you all...can you hear me whispering "I love you sisters, Merry Christmas".
    Nathaniel just got up so I gotta run but I'll be back.
    Hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Merry Christmas everyone. I know I was a good girl, cause I see presents under the tree - and I shook them. Doesnt sound like coal to me!

    The house is quiet, everyone is still sleeping. Im having my first cup of coffee, strong as can be today! The house is quiet, everyone is still sleeping. By time they wake up I should be quite buzzed from all this caffeine.

    I had a great time at my SIL last night. Lots of good food, good drink, and good presents! Guess my husband told everyone I needed clothes - and they listened. Im knocking myself on the side of my head though - still have cleaned out my closet of summer clothing!!! So where do I put all the new stuff?

    Im sort of laughing cause I did gain weight through this whole journey. But I got alot of sweaters that are 2X! Made me think - oh my do I look that big? I was wearing a Christmas sweater last night that was given to me 2 years ago and it was a large - fit in it just fine! But then I figured hey, sweaters are better larger! Im not a return kinda person - so I guess I better get back into my exercise program. Hmmmm! Guess that will be my New Years resolution.

    I walked the perimeter of the circle this morning. Looks like mostof you had a peaceful night and the wagons were decorated so pretty. Lots of different colored lights and all. I smelled teh aromia of the Feast of the Fishes - I think that was NS tent. A tradition in Italy. And from the same town my parents were born in yet. Bari!! Oh the aroma reminded me of when I was a little girl. We used to have Lobster spaghetti, fried shrimp - thats what I ate. Then there was always a choice of oysters, eel, and snails. Yes snails!! I have yet to taste one in my 56 years and probably wont taste them for the next 56 years!

    There was lots of activities going on in other tents/wagons as well. Lots of laughter - made me smile.

    I was thinking yesterday evening, that the Holidays bring out the worst and best in all of us. The emotions that go along with them are so hard - but even harder once you have entered this journey we all have been walking in. And despite all the fun I had, I also felt some jealousy sneak in. My SIL has 4 refrigerators!! 4 of them. Just bought a brand spanking new one for the bar in their basement. Another good friend is getting their already beautiful house reconstructed. Another family member was talking about how excited they are that they get to retire in one year. I thought to myself - geez - I will be working long past retirement age. Its either that or be a bag lady lol. For me, the loss of one refrigerator, and the only one I have, was such a big deal. And of course - we will get the cheapest one we can.

    But then I think about the Joni Mitchel song. "Dont it always seem to go, you dont know what ya got til its gone. Pave Paradise, put up a parking lot - oooh lalalal." So the jealousy was a passing moment. I looked around and thought - hey! I have something that no one else here has. So many dear friends I have met on You all are so very special to me. YOu make my heart sing. You make my bells ring. You give me everything.

    So thank you one and all. To all the woman who have become so special to me. So Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all my special friends.

    Tinairene: I gave you some of my xanax lolly pop yesterday. Saw a sparkle in your eyes. Clamped off that G-tube, grabbed your had, and made you walk with me through the circle of wagons. We looked at each wagon, tent, teepee, saw so many who are in need of so much. Saw you put your nursing cap back on. Rubbed your hands together and it was magic. You were no longer an orphan. You are a nurse who has taken care of so many people. Touched so many lives. Your family of love is huge. We met a few spirits along the way. Christmas past, Christmas present, and Christmas future. You have touched so many lives - so I think I saw you crack a smile. We all love you dearly.

    Madison: yes, with the hussle/bussle of the Holidays, it sure has been hard keeping up with our friends here in the circle. Seems like when I catch up in the morning, there are a couple of pages to read and reply to. I was so glad you decided to rest from cleaning and say hello. I do so much enjoy, the bad puppy stories. Im smiling right now. So far so good here. My bad generation puppy didnt get into all the goodies that were left on the counter last night. Thank goodness! Some I got all kinds of cookies, candy, banana bread, and other delicasies to munch on this morning.

    Cheri: Just as I expected, alot of people looking at me, wanting to know how I was. With some of them, I got the stare down - I think they were expecting me to look Cachetic or something. But - I smoothly got through all the "how are you, really." And, it wasnt as bad as I imagined it would be.

    MargaretB: I saw you in the fruitcake tent yesterday. In fact I think it was the 2 of us that started throwing fruitcake at each other - the all of a sudden we started giggling. Cooking for 18 people? Man oh man - you must be tired with all those preparations. Round two? Once the guests are gone - Im ready for a food fight!

    CherylCY: I have been on coumadin for my port since June 2005. I didnt change my eating habits one bit. Maybe cause its a low dose and I wasnt too worried. Never did get my blood counts up to a therapeutic level, but my port worked just fine anyways. I just avoided all aspirin and ibuprofen. But, I wouldnt listen to me - I am the worst patient you will ever meet.

    Shel: Im running from you. I heard there was alot of slapping going on. Once I started throwing food, I saw you ducking and weaving though. Grinch? Indeed! Once I ran out of fruitcake I started throwing chocolate mouse. Nice and soft - great throwing speed - I think I caught ya in the cross fire. I saw you wiping away chocolate with your hands and licking your fingers.

    Oh and yes, was I started throwing food, all of you on the sidelines? Well you were all fair game. It got really bad, when I started throwing the hash browns!!

    Jezza: So you are about 12-14 hours ahead of us. Im so glad you found the wagon circle. Hope you your dinner went great. I just love this. I can just talk to you and hear whats gonna happen in the future. I checked you out on the map. I was waving to you from Chicago, Illinois - USA.

    Mena: So good to see you girl. Yes, the Holidays bring a mixture of emotions. Good and bad memories. I questioned the same thing. Will I be here next year? But then I think, well hey, I could pass on in a car accident - poof - Id be gone. So I say, enjoys ourselves and live to the fullest everyday. When I think about Roza, Karilynn, and 6packsan - I realize how little my problems and issues are this Christmas Holiday. Sending love to everyone struggling this Holiday Season with this roller coaster journey. Have put you all in a special tent. Surrounded with healing light.

    DebC: Its never ending. They say studies are showing fewer cases of bc and I think - thats ridiculous cause I know too many who continue to get diagnosed with it. Hugs to all your friends and to you too.

    Sue: Sorry your party ended early, but glad you got to see your grandchildren. Now you better duck, cause I see a fried egg coming your way. Ran out of chocolate mousee so Im flinging all kinds of eggs. Oh geez! A direct hit. Now who said "she has egg on her face.?"

    Vickie: Next time. Definitely wrap the presents before the wine and xanax lol.

    Peggy": Oh my goodness. This was indeed a pleasant surprise. So good to hear from you and on Christmas. You are such a special one. Hope you have a grand day.

    OK - gotta go. Husband is awake and its time to open our presents. I'll check back later. Still havent read all the posts from yesterday.

    Merry Christmas to all

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

    I am getting started on my second cup of coffee (no goodies this morning as the scale said I gained 3 pounds this weekend YIKES).

    The turkey will soon go in the oven, my family will be here later today for dinner, my children (though adults) are all snuggled in their beds - with visions of shopping (with Christmas money) dancing in their heads!!

    I do envy all of you with little ones. There was so much excitement and joy on Christmas morning with the children were little. Enjoy those little ones for they grow so quickly.

    We went to church last night with our military daughter, who decided to wear her Air Force flight suit - our Parish Priest asked us to bring up the offertory and thanked our daughter for her services. After mass, people were hugging and thanking my daughter and all our military personnel - I couldn't stop the tears - I know next year she will be deployed and overseas for Christmas. I will cherish the look of pride and thankfulness she had on her face when strangers were hugging and thanking her.

    I pray for everyone who has a loved one away from home today. I know how thankful I am to have my children home, and I also know that next year will be different.

    Oh no!!!! I hear the bad Jake lab puppy awake and downstairs. I have to go – quickly – because he may do a Christmas Story number on me and MAKE OFF WITH THE TURKEY ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER (I need to go put it in the oven so he doesn’t run off with the turkey).



    Gotta Go, my dh just screamed NO JAKE!!!!!!!!!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to ALL!!!

    I am so glad to see everyone's bright shining faces this morning!

    I am also so thrilled to see so many new girls here!!


    I smell mulled cider and see Mena over by the Egg Nog- what is that you are putting in there girl???

    We have lamb roasting, hams a glazin, turkeys baking and all the pies, cakes and COOKIES!!!!!

    The greatest gift I ever got was this wonderful group of "strangers" who are my Sisters.

    Thank you Circle Girls for hitching up your wagons....

    Love you!!!

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Good Morgan CG's and Merry're the best gift I've given myself all year!

    Even at 16, my son was up at 6...still a kid at daughter has eaten so many Lindt truffles already she's decided they don't taste good anymore...yes, I do allow my kids to eat chocolate for breakfast on Christmas...

    I'm so tired...would it be bad manners to show up at my brother's for dinner in my pajamas? I'll just tell him the Circle Girls said it was OK...

    NS: What? Me? Why I never...nutmeg, of course... good to see you in our new digs... sound like you're having a good time...what did Santa have for you at 2 am...huh huh huh huh huh....

    Madison...great story...your daughter deserves that and so much more... always you sound so prepared and's noon and I just put on coffee...of course I went back to bed after the gift opening extravaganza!

    Jersey's going to get hit tonight with some kind of storm...good thing I stocked up on egg nog and to have the essentials!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day...try not to think about cancer...but don't forget our sisters who need our positive energies and prayers...Twyla, 6packsan, Roza, Karilynn...of course Carrie and Denise and our Puppy, too!

    Oh, Silvergirl...Happy Birthday!

    Kats...Happy Birthday!

    Everyone, Happy cheesecake...see you all later...enjoy your, Mena...xo
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006
    Merry Christmas CG's!

    This is fun - I like being in the circle. I'm starting to catch up now too.

    Hubby and I are sitting here drinking our coffee - strong too. I did some clean up in the kitchen and my DD came out and asked if I would stop "banging stuff around - it's like 7am" - cutie - it was 8:30. So off she went to bed again - I was done cleaning anyway!

    Tried to take a picture of my "tree" this morning but my camera needs charging. We don't have a tree really - have a small ceramic one that my grandmother made me almost 20 years ago. I put it on my server with a wall tree and all the presents are stacked up on that. Kind of cute really. Wasn't really in the mood to go full out this year. Going to post a picture when the camera is ready.

    Yes - the mixed emotions - I've been wanting a new tv - saving for it - but just feel strange buying it. My DD and I were talking about it and I told her I feel weird planning for the future now. She said "Well, we can all die any time - I think about when I'm 30 and I don't know that I'll ever see it - but what the heck - ya gotta live. I know you feel like you see yours coming but you don't. None of us do."

    She's an old soul - older than me - and very wise. She's always had good advice and this is good advice. I'll admit I do have to work hard to think that way.

    I've decided my tent is a spa tent - with ocean sounds and lavendar aroma...decorated with lots of nature - wood, stone, and plants. Warm cotton blankets and down pillows to sit on and cuddle in. Come by whenever you need a massage or pedicure or facial - I'll help you escape from your worries for a little while. Can you smell how peaceful it is?

    I'm glad to see everyone is enjoying the holidays and having fun...this is the one day of the year to put cancer on the back burner!

    I am sending peaceful and positive energy to our sisters in need, Mena ...

    Peace and love to you all....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Well! All the presents are opened. Lasagna is in the oven. Husband is playing his guitart with his new PA. And right now I feel like "LIfe is good." Hoping you all can embrace this feeling.

    Ok! Let me first go back and try to see who I missed before I had to abruptly leave - to open presents.

    Tracey: vodka and truffles. Oh my that just sounds decident. Still sipping my Baileys and coffee and will have some fine wine with dinner.

    Cherylcy: Oh I am so glad you didnt have a collision with that jerky driver. Pouring rain? Sounds funny on Christmas. This past week is rained so hard here, that if it were snow, we would have 3 feet! Glad you are home safe and sound.

    CherylG: I just checked the map again today. Its amazing, so many of us. Its great!! I was standing there waying to all of you and saying Merry Christmass ho ho ho - juest like Santa.

    Vickie: I heard the whispers of love. Send a big juicy smooch right back atcha. Hope you Nathaniel had a blast this morning.

    Madison: The story about your daughter in her Air Force Flight suit, well, it is just about the nicest Christmas story I have heard this year. Ya know last night I thought I felt the warmth of someone beaming with pride. Now I know it was you. Little around Christmas are really so much fun. Thats really what it is sort of all about. My husband will settle for me though, cause Im such a kid when it comes to opening presents.

    Menaaaaa! What did you put in the egg nog? No wonder Im ready to fall flat on my butt. And I thought it was the Baileys. BTW - I voite the pj's are aok. Here in Illinois the newest fad with our kids - they are wearing pj bottoms to school. Can you believe it. Geez, when I went to school there were dress codes. So I say, its pjs for you today.

    Ginny: Life is too short, but theres enough time, to do all went want, and say we lived a life, that was full of ourselves, and full of some many others. Last year I had just finished chemo, was bald, puffy from decadron, and immune suppressed. It sort of just passed by. This year was so much fun. Most of all, last year, I didnt know if I would be here this year. But here I am!! And doing good.

    Your spa tent sounds wonderful. I think after the week-end is over, you will be having many of us visit you tent. Get rid of all that Holiday stress we have been building up.

    Ok - its time for me to go spend some time with my husband. I will see ya all in the morning.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Merry Merry Christmas my dear friends.

    This year, maybe for the first time I am realizing that Christmas really IS a miracle…but then again, so is every day we are here.

    We went to candle light service last night and it was so joyful. We sang and prayed…you were all there with me in my heart. Yep, as we all shared the light of Christmas and held our candles I cried all the way through Silent Night…but that is nothing new. I always cry through Silent Night. After Church I hugged so many friends and was so glad to just BE there.

    We came home and had a light supper, sent the kids to bed and put everything under the tree. We were in bed by midnight. I slept like the a baby.

    This morning my mom and dad were here, our friends that are living with us were all here and we had a blast with presents. We bought way fewer things this year since we just did a big trip as a family, but the kids loved the little things they got and I got some cool things too.

    Now, get yourself a tissue because I got the best gift in the world and I have to share….

    My daughters went to a 4-H winter camp for 3 days last week and on of the things they made in crafts were Christmas ornaments. They were using glitter glue and writing on glass balls. I opened the one my 14-year-old Carol made for me. It was a blue glass ball with most of the blue rubbed off in patches with silver showing through. It had ’06 written on it in red glitter. She said I had to read the note she wrote to understand. It said:

    “This gift is not perfect. I know this is true; but as someone once said “Life Happens” and just about everything happened this year. From good things to sad things, you kept your head high. For this imperfect Christmas ornament is supposed to represent that even when you end up scraping away some of the good things in life, spending lots of time with your family or feeling great you learn to see the simple things are just as good and shiny. When I first made this ornament the glitter ran down, but instead of throwing it away I scraped off the mess to find a silver lining underneath. Merry Christmas Mom.”

    Oh, I am crying like a baby again. I love my family. I love Christmas.

    Deb C.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Happiness is like a butterfly
    the more you pursue it
    the more it eludes you

    But when you turn your attention
    to other things, it comes
    And sits gently on your shoulder
    Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Merry Christmas my sweet dear are the butterflies sitting on my shoulder and living in my heart.
    Hugs to you all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Merry Christmas to all. My dh went back to work on the road this morning & my dd & her family went to Ark. to spend the day with her FIL. Sooo, that means I'm all alone. But not to worry, we had our Christmas festivities already & it's been a big week-end. A little quiet time is just what I needed today! I've been playing on the computer all day and had pecan pie for breakfast. May have pumpkin pie for late lunch. We got a chance to talk to my little Ethan (5 yr old grndson) this morning after he opened presents at his dads. He got a 4-wheeler! Not a battery, but one with an enginge. A real one, like grown-ups ride. Silly ex-SIL, what was he thinking? My baby's only 5 yrs old and when we talked to him he'd already been out riding it & loved it. Oh well, grandmas don't have much say in things. Welll, some things. lol

    Vicki, I'm sure you had a wonderful time opening presents with Nathaniel. It's great to watch their little eyes light up.

    Nicki, sounds like you had a great time last night. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. And hey, big sweaters are comfy.

    Madison, great story about your daughter. Also, hope Jake didn't eat the turkey!

    NS, I sure hope you're having a good day. Let's get all bundled up & foller our noses to the Party tent and have us some good grub & see what those girls are up to. You know, there's some of 'em, like (wont name names) that need a little lookin' after when they party. And then theres some of 'em (like Mena) that's just plain ornery at times. I sure don't want to miss any of that!

    Ginney, so glad you brought your spa tent. It's gonna be a hoppin' place after today! Happy your here. Wanna come with me and NS (aka Sparky) over to the big party tent?

    DebC, sounds like you are having a wonderful Christmas. I am so happy, you deserve it. You know, the sneakiest people alive are teen-age girls! Just when they push you to the very edge of sanity, at your wits end, and you're beginning to think she needs an exorcist....they turn into the sweetest,most thoughtful, most profound people you know! She gave you a Christmas story that will last a lifetime. How very nice.

    Guess I'll make another round back through the boards, see if there's any trouble to get in. You all have a great day.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    I don’t know what this says about me…but here I am on Christmas day…
    My one daughter is lying on the couch with her feet on my lap reading a book, the other one is in the kitchen scrounging some more chocolate, and my DH is in the garage getting the snow machines ready for us to ride. My apple sheet pie is in the oven and here I am…talking to my friends


    I say go to dinner in your jammies! Put a bow on your head and go…after all…what would they do but laugh.

    G- I will be over for a piece of the lamb…YUM

    Madison- Give that daughter of yours a hug from me…bless her

    Nicki. Think we can round up a time machine and go back to that seafood feast?? My mouth is watering


    Ohhhhh a spa tent! I’m there girlfriend. Can I have the hunky dark haired masseur in the corner??? The one with the big strong hands and the big bottle of almond scented oil please?? I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Vicki- I love that poem. Thanks for reminding me.

    Cheri- I am so glad you are having a restful day. You are right about teens. Lucky for me, mine is still a doll…ALMOST all the time. I do get the eyeball rolling thing every now and again, but not very often. Have a wonderful calm day…take a nap for me will ya? I’ve been up since the butt crack of dawn…

    Gotta go check on the pie….

    Deb C
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Just running in quick like to wish you all Merry Christmas! A healthy and happy New Year too!!

    There are so many babies crying in here right now that the phone rang and---first, we didn't hear it and, second, we couldn't find it! I think it was my cousin. It's total mayhem and a Christmas (and my birthday) we will never forget. We did get a really good picture to post before various small people decided they were tired, hungry, teething, generally displeased. And NEXY Christmas they will all be mobile!

    Merry Christmas sisters.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Merry Christmas Girls!

    I’ve been so busy with the in-laws and Christmas that I haven’t been here in a while and haven’t had a chance to read all the posts which I’ve missed.

    Welcome and nice to meet all the new circle girls.

    Christmas is over (thank goodness) and I’m sitting here in my jammies relaxing.

    DebC what a wonderful gift you got from your daughter. Yep I had the tears rolling down my face while reading your post. Thanks for sharing.

    Peggy! Nice to see you.

    Tracey, vodka, chocolates and truffles! Wooohoooo. You go girl.

    Cheryl,Cy, thank goodness you got home safely. Don’t you hate idiot drivers? Bet it was a man? Hehehehehe

    CherylG, I love visiting the circle map. Thanks for posting the link again. I lost it on my puter somewhere. Now it’s saved in a safe place.

    Nicki, I need to clean closets also. I’m not a “returner” either. I hate returning things and like sweaters large and comfy too. Lasagna sounds wonderful!

    Madison, my scales said I had gained 2 pounds yesterday! Tomorrow I have to get serious. Or maybe the 1st? LOL Did Jake get the turkey?

    Mena, hope you wore the pj’s. Like Nicki, lots of the kids wear theirs to school now days. Rest up tomorrow. So you’re the one who spiked the egg nog huh?

    Ginny, your daughter and my son should get together. He’s an “old soul” also. Can I visit your tent? A spa sounds wonderful and relaxing.

    Vickie, I hope Nathaniel and you had a great Christmas. Having little one’s around makes it so much fun. My great niece got a “talking Dora kitchen”. Man am I glad it’s going home with her. LOL

    Cheri, aren’t alone days good sometimes? I’m glad you got to talk with your grandson. My son had a 3 wheeler when he was 5. He had the best time with it but wasn’t allowed on it unless he had a helmet on.

    Jeannie, Happy Birthday!

    I’ve missed many I know as I only read the last page. I’ll catch up with everyone else later. We took pictures today and I’m going to load them here in awhile. I hate pictures of me.

    Have a wonderful evening girls. I’ll be back later.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    Merry Christmas, CG'S! last night we went to my MIL'S house, and I saw a " Shooting Star " I made a wish for All of Our Sister's and Brother's that are going through such a Hard time Now, Roza was the reason I thought of Our Sweet Mets Family, and of "Course My Mena Too" Wishing everyone a Good night, and wanted to come visit "MY FAMILY" Gods Speed, Sweet Sisters, all my love, Puppy

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    jeannie, Happy Birthday!! OH, and i got Work clothes for Christmas, Remember Mena, PJ'S!!!!!! What wonderful Stories to go tell my DH, You girls are the Best!!! Can't wait until tomorow, I am going to the SPA TENT!! xoxo Puppy ( nite)
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Sounds like you all are having a wonderful Christmas Day and I enjoyed reading all the posts.Boxing Day here of course...recovery day.
    I did post just before my guests arrived but posted under the Stars thread so deleted it (Idiot Tent for me)

    We had a wonderful dinner with all the neighbours..very noisy and lots of laughs. I am trying to get up the energy to go to the Boxing Day Sales but I have a feeling I'm not going to make it.

    We had a phone call from my long lost adopted daughter (long story) which was a nice surprise.Christmas stirs a lot of emotions in people.

    Spa tent sounds good.

    Among other things I got a bottle of gin and two bottles of Baileys from my kids.I asked my 16 year old how he could buy liquor and he said "Don't ask".He was laughing though.I may need that p*ssed tent!

    Enjoy the rest of your evening!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Jeannie...sorry I missed your birthday.
    Yeah Puppy...enjoy the spa tent...sounds like the place to be tomorrow.
    Cheri...Nathaniel has a four wheeler too...with a real motor and he loves it. You can adjust the speed and I make Nathaniel always wear his helmet (he has one that has the face shield). They are actually pretty safe, he had a three wheeler first when he was five and was a pretty good driver.
    Deb...your daughter sounds like a doll and she certainly made your day. Glad you had such a good one.
    Nathaniel is having fun with his new toys. Sissy is happy but has the flu now...poor girl hasn't had a very good week. Her "lovely" father called her and told her that she wouldn't be able to call her great grandmother as she was put in a nursing home a week ago. She and I had both been trying to reach her but getting no answer so we figured that she was off to her daughters. Nope, and my lovely ex had to wait till Christmas day to call her and tell her this...after not even getting her anything for Christmas. I managed to find the number for the nursing home and she got to call and talk with her so that helped but I'm putting that man in the deliverance tent for 20 years...just the amount of time it took me to escape him.
    Wish I had the time and energy to write to every single one of you...haha...I'd take up a whole page all by myself with 187(?) girls. I need to reprint our star page so I can see who we are missing.
    Liz...I'm laughing about the Dora kitchen...I know just what you mean...Nathaniel won a flying screaming monkey and I would have paid somebody big bucks to make that sucker disapppear!!!!
    One more day off before heading back to work...have to go get batteries (is that any surprise...I bought several but not enough) and then me and Nathaniel are going to spend the day relaxing and watching all our new movies.
    Predicting a winter storm here and its sleeting still feels pretty warm outside though so who knows.
    Have a peaceful, joyfull evening lovely ladies.
    I have one lone whoopie pie in the kitchen...I got first dibs on it and they are gone till next year. YIPPEE.
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Just read your post on the other thread explaining the types of wagons...thanks...

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Jezza...I post in the wrong places every now and then myself...think we need a "dingy girls tent" for days when we just can't seem to get it right! I have lost so many things in the hubbub of today, can't find my glasses, lost the phone, lost my car keys, have no idea where the scissors are and MY HOUSE IS CLEAN...LOL.
    Hope your Christmas was wonderful and glad your here...what's the weather like in Australia?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Deb, sounds like your day went very nice & you're enjoying the evening with your family. I have to check in here often,too. It's addictive & I don't want to miss anything!

    Liz, you've had a full day! I still have all the childrens toys that make noise, talk, make animal sounds, almost
    every toy the little one has uses batteries. But until they catch on I stick a piece of duct tape across the speakers & it's much quieter, but man when that stuff gets ripped off it's loud. And of course we have almost the constant sound of video games in the background.

    Jezza, glad you enjoyed your Holiday. Actually, I believe your wagon has been designated the new "drinking" tent. We didn't actually have one before I don't think. We just had the Pissy tent...but we've been through all that! lol I think that's why your tent is the drinking one now.

    You know there really is something to be said for peace & quiet. I've basically lived alone until I got sick & my dd moved back in. It was quiet all the time before and I liked it that way. I've missed it at times. Lately, I've come to realize I really don't need that much alone time. I MISS MY FAMILY! Dang, it gets boring with no crying,fighting or the tv blaring. No loud toys in one ear & jabbering in the other. I am bored. Yep. Go figure. I've been all over these boards. I even tried the chat rooms and they're actually empty. Wished I didn't have this danged broken ankle so I could walk.
    OK, I alloted so much time for whining and I exceeded the limit so I'm done now. I am so fortunate. I am alive and have people that care about me & a family that loves me. And my dog thinks I'm wonderful, with or without hair! And I got a new iced tea maker for Christmas, i drink it all day. I'm beginning to babble, so time to go.

    Best Wishes,
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2006
    Hi Girls:
    I am sorry it took me awhile to get back online.But I have been very sick.I want to thank all of you for your prayers,cards and flowers while I was in the hospital.That is the first time in my life I didnt know if I was going to live or not.And it all came from a cut on my finger that I got while I was cooking thanksgiving dinner.Bet I wont do that again.Had a temp of 103 and it took it 8 days to get down to normal.My left arm was a solid boil.I have been a nurse for 27 years and have never seen anything like that ever.It took me about 2 weeks after I got home to feel like a person again.I lost 15lbs which I need to anyway but not that way.
    Of course the DH showed his hind end while this was going on he was so upset he just had to take 2 days off from work which yup you gusessed it he spent on the pc while i thought I was dying.His day will come.
    But enough about me.Hope all of you had a great Holiday.
    I do have some good news to share,I had a repeat ct of the liver and it only shows 5 small areas now much better than 12.My onc said I should be off chemo mid spring and ready for recon.That is a miracle compared to what I was told in august.
    How is everyone else doing,can someone fill me in the short version as to what has been going on with everyone.I think of you all every day.
    Thanks to all of you for being my friend.
    Much Love.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Robin!!!!!! I am so happy to see you. You have been through so much and we've all missed you. Yes, the DH (and doesn't stand for dear) will get his. Congrats on the good news. I can't fill you in because I haven't been here much. Just was so excited to see you! Welcome back.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    ROBIN...OH HONEY WELCOME HOME TO THE CIRCLE. We have missed you so very much and worried about you too. You have been in everyones thoughts and prayers. So very glad to see you back again and so very sorry you were sick. It sounds like you are getting the good news you so deserve with your liver scans...thank God! Lots going on around here, we have our own forum now and some wonderful new girls. Too tired tonight to give you much of a rundown but the other girls will be sure to see you here and fill you in on all you've missed. Big hugs to you. sorry your feeling lonely and bored. You can always PM me your number if you want and I'll give you a call and keep you company. I know it isn't the same but if it helps...I'm willing. I know lonely all too well even though I have my little guy here, sometimes I miss the way it used to be. We had a big family (six kids) and it was always hustle and bustle and noise...Christmas was a huge family affair and lasted all day at my mom's but with her gone we have all seemed to go our seperate ways. Babble away honey...we are all here to listen.
    Hugs ladies...may check back in later if I don't fall asleep.
    Hope everyones day was wonderful...having Susan at home and hopefully healing and Robin home was a great present.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Cheri...I do have a flying screaming monkey I can send won't miss the noise after hearing that a dozen times or so LOL! (not making light of how you feel...just sending you a little smile).
    More hugs to you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Vicki, you are just the sweetest thing! Your offer was so nice & I appreciate it very much. But my family just walked in, bringing my favorite 14yr old niece to stay a few days with us. LOL I had to read back through to make sure I had actually said I was bored and it was too quiet here! The bored & quiet sure didn't last long. So things are back to normal. If I feel that way again, I'll look this posting up 'cos it went from 0 to 90 in the noise dept. within just minutes. Thanks again, sweet Vicki.

    Best wishes,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Vicki, actually I have a climbing, screaming monkey in the form of a 2 yr old. lol But thanks.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Vickie, we have one of those flying screaming monkey's it's my hubby's favorite toy! And the dd's friend's just love it!

    Well it's been an interesting day. Last night my leg starting hurting and I felt a large hard spot just about where my thigh hits the end of the chair. So when I went to bed I checked both legs out carefully. I have bruises all over them! And another hard spot on the other leg just below the knee. So I call the on call Onc and he said it my be from the blood thinners and that I should come into the ER, but that he thought it could wait until the morning. Good thing cause I had already taken my Ambien, Gabpentin and percocet and the hubby doesn't drive at night! So this morning after we opened our gifts I packed up the gifts for my dd, sis & niece took them over to my dd let them open them and then headed to the ER. After 4 hours they came in and said "we don't think they are blood clots and we won't do anything different than you will at home so go home and enjoy the rest of Christmass with your family and we'll schedule you to do the doppler US tomorrow" So I made it home intime to have Christmas dinner with the kids after all. I so like it when Dr's. will tell you they won't do anything you can't do at home and let you go home! I am really getting tired of being at the hospital. He also saidf that the coumadin hasn't built up enough in my system yet. I'mm have another test again tomorrow for that ast 7am.

    OK enough whining!

    Jezza, Have you visited the drinking thread under Humor? You'd fit right in there too!

    Susan M. so glad you found us! Glad the rads are done too!

    Yeah Robin TN is back with us! So glad you are feeling better you've been missed!

    Santa must have thought I was really good cause he told the hubby to get me one of those "Past, Present & Future" diamond necklaces!

    Jeannie Happy birthday!

    Ok masking my rounds to check on everyone digginf out from under the wrapping paper and overstuffed from all that good food! The fires will be bright tonight!

    I thank God you you all every day!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Happy Boxing Day to all our UK girls!

    I cannot believe I accomplished all I did - but I did and now I am pooped!

    The meal I made last night I have to say was one of my best because I didn't try too hard... I went on pure instinct... Christine will understand this - I just went into Chef-mode and went to work. I thought I had forgotten everything, but apparently I haven't! So that was fun.

    At one point last night some of the women and I were in the den, the Major Nelson Mod 60s den, where I have louvered doors and all my cards hanging on them. One friend started to read them and then looked at me and said "what is a circle girl?" and then they ALL started to read my prized possessions from you all. Well, by the time they were all done reading them everyone was crying in the den! My 16 year old step sister walked in at that moment and stopped, looked at all of us, and then said " whatever" and went back to thel living room! Too funny! She just couldn't deal with THAT - what ever it was!

    I gave her the best present last night. A chocolate fountain! In honor of the one she had at her sweet sixteen party. You would have thought I gave her a new car the way she carried on- but I know a few ladies here who understand the feeling!

    All of the presents that were hidden in my garage for weeks for the parents of kids who were expecting these gifts from Santa, were all a hit because the kids searched their own houses and really believed they werenot getting them. Late last night it looked like I was having a midnight garage sale with everyone sneaking in and carrying them to their own houses.

    Today was spent at other people's houses, but to be honest I would have preferred spending the day in bed. I am really worn down and have to get a lot of the things I have put off checked out. I must admit I am a little scared at some of them, but I will deal with whatever happens.

    Very special prayers are being said to our dear sisters who are having a tough time with mets and the end stages of their journey. My heart aches for all of you. Let our love here be your strength... find peace in knowing so many sisters love and care for you so very much.

    Now, I have tried to catch up a bit....

    Ginney I am glad to see you have officially joined us! We have plenty of tents and wagons and horses! So whatever your heart desires is yours. Spa sounds GOOD!

    Our dear Lisa40 is having scans on the 28th to see if her new chemo tx is working on her mets- Let's say some extra special prayers for her and help her while she waits.

    Susan, I hope you are feeling better... even if your "nurse" is a bit stinky!! I once asked my vet if there was something wrong with my cat because after he uses the litter box it is like an atomic bomb exploded... he said to me "use your head- YOU know how bad cat food smells BEFORE it goes IN- what do you think it will smell like later????"

    Nicki, I know you have had a rough time with your brother, it is so sad. I hope that this treatment will help him. I saw a show on it once and it isn't the same as what they used to do to people, it can really HELP now. Special prayers for your brother.

    Ha ha Jan, I hope all worked out for you and your family dinner. We have a few members of dysfunction junction in my family too- it is pretty funny to keep up with who hates who anymore!

    Madison what a beautiful post... yes, i can feel the warmth!!!

    Oh sweet Tina, no slap for you- EGG NOG instead! We will help you make new memories for a better Christmas from here on out. I am so happy to know you.

    Ok y'all, if you are gonna be passing out those lollis make sure you spell them right- we veterans will want to make sure we are getting the good XANAX and not some knock off like they sell on the corners in NY where Fendi purses are spelled Fendy. I want the REAL thing!!!!

    Margaret, love your recipes and that all your family loves stove Top! how NICE of them!!!!

    Cherylcy, that is really interesting about the diet and coumadin. I am on Plavix and wonder if there are similar restrictions. And you are so right, this thread was started a mere four months ago... and JUST LOOK AT US!!!

    Deb I am sorry about another friend of yours getting diagnosed. I had a similar experience when I was done with treatment, except I lost 4 friends within a year of eachother. Totally freaked my out and I thought I could never hide from the beast and felt such terror all the time. That is when I decided to stop hiding and to stand up to It, by LIVING my life the best I could so that in case It did come back I would not have wasted a single moment. I don't get the terror like I used to- but the ANGER is unreal. I hate this disease so very much. In fact, it was a combination of the fear, anger and pure frustration of BC that made me start the circle. And if living well is the best revenge, then the beast is pretty damned pissed right now. GOOD!

    mena, I am sorry that this year is bringing up so many memories for you. Stick with us and make new memories. We will help you through this first Christmas season without your sweet dad. As for your boyfriend, well if YOU broke up with him then I trust your judgement and you did what you have to do! And since you are a Stable Mable I am not going to be listening to any more of this last Christmas stuff either- ya hear???

    Cheryl, thank you so much again for the map of the circle girls. It is TOTALLY AWESOME!!
    And the Circle Girls Stars are another blessing- thank you Susan!

    Vickie, I could hear you whispering!!! I hope you heard me whisper back!!! please give that Nathaniel a big hug from me!

    Deb what a beautiful gift your daughter gave you!! It sounds to me like the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree! And you will be proud of me- I know that in Alaska a snow machine is what we lower 48s call a snow mobile!!

    Jeannie HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

    Glad to see you are back and feeling better Robin and SO happy about your scans!!!

    Jezza, glad to see you are getting the hang of things around here!


    Cheri, I will meet you in the party tent!!!

    I am missing SO MANY- I just love you all so much. I can't tell you the joy this new FORUM ( ) brings me!!!

    Love you!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    hey you guys!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm over here in my 'spongebob" pj's............not my choice but my kid bought them for me lol!

    what a wicked day...........but i made it through to the other side, and here i am, alive and well and on my way to the KEYS on thursday!!!!!!!!!!! yafreakinghooooo!!!!!

    this is by far, the worst christmas i've ever had, but i got through it, with all of your help...........and mackenzie smiled a lot!!!!! that is what it's all what if i'm happens all the time right?

    happy boxing day chicas.............i'll be busy packing lol!

    btw..............what do you bring to the mom of 2 kids under 2 years of age?..(besides booze?)...........i'm in canada, she's in florida????????????

    xo, merry christmas, shel