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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Well all the celebrating has me quite tired. Im not one of the lucky ones who gets a recovery day. Its back to work for me today. I just woke up - late again, so I m hoping this coffee Im drinking will put some kind of spark in me.

    The Holidays were wonderful and I ate way too much food. Actually I was good about the real food, I ate way too much junk food. Cookies, banana bread, fudge, and candy. I feel like I have gained 5 pounds in one week-end. Wont be hitting the scales this morning.

    So, I dont have much time this morning. Just saying hello and will catch you all later.

    Robin: I swear we have mental telepathy. Last night I was thinking of you and was gonna ask where you were when I woke up. And lookie here. A post from you. That infection sounds wicked! Glad you are feeling better. And great news about the liver scan.

    Jeannie: I almost forgot. Happy Birthday. Didnt realize you were a Christmas baby.

    Roza, 6packsan, and Karilynn - holding you all close and sending as much love and healing light as I can.

    Well everyone, its time to go. Need to take a shower, Ill be back later - or tomorrow morning at least.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006

    Ok all, hope everyone's holiday was great....I am just jumping in a few minutes at work...and hubby is here too...I will off line for a few...DH had a heart attack on Tuesday so I've been a little busy, know that ht e cards I am still getting have brightened up my safe and be strong....hugs to alll...PS this was so sudden no health problems on his side...hmmm...needing to tkae the painted target off my A***, that sayd she needs this cr*p...sorry to vent but know I'm MB

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    OMG!! I was gone for 3 days and missed 7 pages!!! So of course didn't take notes.

    First to all of our sisters suffering in whatever form. I mentioned you all in our Christmas dinner toast. Did you hear me??

    Holidays were very relaxing here this year. I told my family no more running like nuts anymore and if no one likes it TOUGH!!

    But we had dinner early 4:00pm to be done for the football game. WHAT A GAME!! GO EAGLES.
    We may just sneak into the top seed.....

    I'll check back in later today (after I pay my cable bill...opps)on my home computer.
    I'm at work now and running out to return some stuff and enjoy the rest of holidays.

    Love to all.xoxo
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited December 2006
    I'm an Eagles fan too! What a game! Great Christmas gift to all the Eagles fans!
    I hope everyone is having a great holiday. I am so happy to find this thread. I am one of the September girls 06. I just finished chemo and I did not know where I should go on the boards from there. I'll probably check out the drinking tent.LOL.. I do miss my wine...My oldest son is in the Air Force stationed in Germany. He sent me two bottles of red wine. I had to have a class to toast him. Even though my taste buds are not fully back,I could taste the wine.Sooo good to be back.....
    Take Care,
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2006
    Wow ! The wagon has it's own board! thank you so much Mellisa & Tami ! I hope everyone has the best Holidays ever!

    Alaska Deb ~ add me to the list of you made me cry,your
    card and book marks *sniff* Thank you so much !

    Susan ~ I am thinking of you.I have Diverticulitis too, So I know how sick this makes you feel, Hugs to you sweetie I
    hope you feel better soon.

    Sue ~ Hanna is beautiful, and the tree is lovely thank you
    for sharing I love the pictures and getting to know you all a little more.

    G ~ I hate you are having the migraines ! Hugs to you and I hope they go away soon or you can find one of the suggestions from the ladies that will work until you can get in to see the Doctor!

    Cheri ~ Hug to little Ethan , and what is up with the Fort Knox packaging !! By the time I get the toy out for the 3 year old,she has has lost interest and I am ready to fling the toy across the room !

    Lynn ~ I am sorry you had to work for Christmas , my sister had to work too (she is a nurse) I ahd to make a run to ER Christmas eve for a reaction of the steri strips
    and it makes you think of the people that still have to work and not be with there families, So thank you to all the medical people, civil servants, soldiers, everyone that had to work so that our day is safe ! God Bless you.

    Vicki ~ What a very ncie thing you did taking the stars to
    church,thank you sweetie !!

    Debby five ~ Sorry your youngest could not be with you for christmas {{{hugs}}}

    Jeannie ~ I like your way of thinking about recipes I am
    a the least steps the better kinda girl too !

    Shel ~ You did it girl , It was tough, but here you are
    pushing forward ready for the Keys! And I love your yippy
    overly honest mouth !! LOL

    Cheryl ~ Iam so happy for you that you got the port out
    freedom Girl !!!

    Ginney ~ Welcome and I join you i hoping for a better 2007 !!

    Nicki ! I had a melt down in a Revco of all places one time yeesh ! And wouldn't you know it refigerator out right before the Holidays what timming {{{ Hugs }}}

    Cheryl cy ~ Dh is on blood thinners and one morning he woke'with a bruise th size of your fist on his stomach ,
    they adusted the dosage and no problems now,I hope it goes
    good for you too!

    Jezza ~ I just wanted to welcome you and give youa big CG

    Joy ~ woo hoo FOR ANYTHING that taste kinda normal for you
    or anything you can taste. Welcome and the taste buds will come back !

    MB ~ Oh no Sweetie, Vent away My dh HAS had 3 heart attacks and he is doing good,The technology and meds they have today are light years from only 10 years ago,I am keeping'you and DH in my prayers and taking that sign
    off your ass !!

    Roza and 6pack you are in my prayers sending you much
    love and healing thoughts ~

    To everyone Hugs and Love ~

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Hey CG's...Big Christmas hangover...not alcohol...just fat...lasagne, cheesecake, of course, chocolate, you name it...wonderful day...hope you all had a pleasant one and today is pajama day for sure...I did manage to get dressed yesterday. I thought it was only proper...and don't you know, my niece answered the door in her pajamas! I'll know better for next year...notice I said "next year"...

    MB: So good to see you posting...just got your pm and I actually came here to fill the girls in on your husband's heart attack so we can get the prayers and positive energy going his way...

    Ginney: Spa Wagon? YAY! Can I get a facial? Can I get face lift? So happy to have you here...I'll be spending a lot of time with you for sure...

    Jezza: Woo Hoo Girl...Yes...You are our designated Hoochie Wagon...that's Mena speak for booze...welcome...we love you already!

    ROBIN ROBIN ROBIN: Merry Freaking Christmas!!! How wonderful to see you! God, we have been so worried...I am so happy to see you cancer who's boss...the nerve of that beast thinking it could mess with you...a Circle Girl...Bah!

    Deb: Guess what's blasting in the background over and over and the CD from my daughter yesterday...yep...JTTW...speaking of wheels, ladies...

    I had a little mommy son just pulled away in the little Ford Focus with decals all over it shouting "Stay Back!," "Student Driver!" can't be real...he won't be back for another two hours...

    I'll be in Jezza's Hoochie Wagon cause I'm so mature and handle everything so well...xo

    PS: Carrie, we were typing at the same time, honey...Hi...great to see you...hugs to you and Denise!...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    CherylCy, so sorry you had to go to the ER. On the bright side, you got to have dinner with your family and you got a beautiful gift from Santa.

    NS, sounds like you had a nice time cooking and sharing your cards with your friends. See you at the party tent later, Sparky.

    Shel, see you made it through!! You're gonna be fine & you have that great vacation coming up in a couple days. Gift for a mother of 2 very young children? A small whirlpool for her bathtub, some aroma candles etc. Just a thought. Babies have to sleep sometime. Or forget the whirlpool, and go with a CD she'd like & bath salts,candles and whatnot. You'll pick just the "right" gift I'm sure.

    MB, hope you dh is doing better. Try & find some time to rest some.

    Carrie, thanks for the Ethan hug. I've realized in order to get these toys outta their packaging you need a few items gathered up ahead of time. Set of regular screwdrivers, set of miniature screwdrivers, needle nose pliers, wire cutters, scissors, duct tape to put over the speakers to muffle, and super glue in case while getting a toy out of the sealed package you mistakenly break a foot or other appendage off, you can super glue before the child finds out. Batteries, oh gee, the huge amount of those in all sizes. But it can be done!

    Prayers out to all of those in need,
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006
    Hello Everyone,

    I am in the process of cleaning my house, have made my way up the stairs and couldn’t resist finding out how all the circle girls were this morning (the dust, cobwebs and JAKE hair will have to WAIT). My three daughters are hitting the sales today and I am in charge of the animals (three dogs and three cats – omg I am outnumbered!!!!!!!) The vet daughter now has her 2 cats at my house. The bad lab puppy is sleeping under the computer desk – he only looks innocent when he sleeps!!!!

    Jake did not get the uncooked turkey, but he almost made it to the tray with the cooked turkey. It took a leap and great effort on my part to grab his collar just in time. Whew, we can now have turkey leftovers!!!

    Ginney, I am going to that spa tent after the daughters leave. It sounds so peaceful, just promise me there are no animals allowed!

    Tracey, too much vodka, truffles, chocolates sounds like fun! Did you get to see Santa? That fellow is one sneaky dude, can never see him. I even left out some spike eggnog thinking he would sit for a spell, drink and be merry – but alas, he was up the chimney before I knew it. Of course he took the spike eggnog – pitcher and all, which I am sure he shared with the reindeer. So if any of you saw the reindeer flying high, slightly drifting to the left and right, it is my fault!!

    CherylG, you ROCK, the map is awesome.

    Susan, I took another look at the circle girls, WOW. How are you feeling?

    Mena, you know EVERYONE freaks out when you don’t visit. I love it when you visit – it makes the circle feel so complete. Kids driving – YIKES, that is when the heart drops into the stomach. I musta missed Jezza’s Hoocie Wagon. HUM, interesting, gonna have to join you. These new circle girls are gonna bring us some interesting wagons, giddy up – lets go.

    Vicki, give Nathaniel a hug from his aunts. I so envy all of you with younger children – the wonder on their faces on Christmas morning is so very special. I think every mother holds memories of their children’s faces in their heart on this one day forever – I know I was watching my adult girls open presents and my mind did a trip down memory lane, remembering the laughter, excitement and squeals of delight that only children can do on Christmas morning. The sermon at Church Sunday was on looking at the face of a child and wondering what that child would become, what that child would grow up to be - I remember holding my girls as infants wondering WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BECOME? Yep, my mind went down memory lane.

    Jeannie, belated Happy Birthday. (holiday birthdays sometimes get lost in the wrappings of Christmas – I know because my birthday is soon) I hope you had a very special birthday!!!

    Jezza, we share in the circle so bring that bottle of gin and Baileys over. We have the glasses ready so you can just pour us all a drink.

    Cheri, I do know what missing family is like and I am sorry you are alone. I know that on the 30th my children take off for their respective homes/military bases. I am so very fortunate that they are home this year – because next year they may not come in for the holidays. You do have family that loves you and you have girls from all over the world that care about you. HUGS.

    Robin, it is SOOOO good to see you posting. That was one he** of a nasty infection you had but glad you are doing better.

    Cheryl, CY – No, no, no we don’t want you in the hospital. I am glad you had Christmas dinner with the family. How are you doing now? Did you see the doc again? I wake up everyday with new bruises, now idea how I got them, but there are there. I keep thinking it must be one of the drugs I take.

    Deb, you are one wonderful person – you care so much about everyone and hurt when they hurt. I am sorry you had another friend get diagnosed. Yes, this disease sucks, but with you as their friend I know they will be comforted by your presence, wisdom and prayers. I know we are all comforted by having you as our friend, being with us in the circle. You have so much inner strength that you will call upon that strength and help your friend. I feel your strength from across the continent – so I know your friend will feel it also.

    Shel, sponge bob pants – love it!!! You are going to the keys? Great!! My sister lives in Florida so I can tell you it is HOT (or mild) all year long. Lets see, a mother of 2 kids under 2 years of age – I know – tell her you will take care of the kids while she has a nice long spa bath (get her a basket of goodies). Tell her you will keep the little urchins from sticking their fingers under the door when she is bathing – or screaming MOM!!!!!. How many times did we try to relax in a nice warm tub of water – only to have little fingers appear under the door – Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Bless her heart, 2 kids under 2.

    Nicki, you had to work today – I hope you get lots of rest tonight. We are keeping Rosa, 6packsan and Karilynn in our thoughts and prayers.

    MB, Oh no, dh had a heart attack!! Is he okay? Is he home? Please let us know how he is doing. You know we are all praying and thinking about you and your dh. You can vent anytime – Again, please keep us updated.

    Theresa, I know there is a football forum – but I can’t resist
    Oh when the Saints Go Marching In, Oh when the Saints Go Marching In!!! la la la
    Yep, I am a Louisiana girl and have to root for this team (and have even when they SUCKED). We have had so much devastation from Katrina and Rita that it feels good to feel good about something from Louisiana. Local legend has it that the Superdome was built on the site of a graveyard, which has cursed the Saints team that plays inside the building. I don’t want to offend anyone by posting this – this is local legend only – and only posted for information purposes!!! I can only say Good Luck Saints; we need something to feel good about!!

    Joyce, I am glad you found this thread. Please know that I am an Air Force mother also. Your son is in my heart and prayer, as are all our military personnel. A toast to him and all those serving. My daughter was able to come home this year, next year she will be deployed. I do know this forum is for women from all over the world, so I will say that all of our children away from home are held dear to our hearts.

    One of my daughters gave me Season One and Season Two of Grey’s Anatomy for Christmas – Yep you guessed it, I got a BIG DOSE OF DR. MCDREAMY last night. My veterinarian daughter had us all wear her scrubs (she said we had to be dressed for the party) and we curled up on the sofas and chairs and had a marathon Grey’s Anatomy fest. Too cool!!!

    Jake, the bad lab puppy was sleeping under the computer desk as I typed this, BUT HE IS NOW AWAKE, WENT DOWNSTAINS AND IS DESTRUCTIVE, so I gotta go run interference between him and my kitchen counters (filled with Christmas goodies – and my furniture – yep he has eaten a few chair and table legs).

    I know I missed some of you, thinking of you.

    Hey JAKE WHERE ARE YOU????????
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hey guys, it took me so long to type my post that I am listed as Anonymous - they kicked me offline - YIKES -

    So Here goes again - They can edit out my other post if they want.:

    Hello Everyone,

    I am in the process of cleaning my house, have made my way up the stairs and couldn’t resist finding out how all the circle girls were this morning (the dust, cobwebs and JAKE hair will have to WAIT). My three daughters are hitting the sales today and I am in charge of the animals (three dogs and three cats – omg I am outnumbered!!!!!!!) The vet daughter now has her 2 cats at my house. The bad lab puppy is sleeping under the computer desk – he only looks innocent when he sleeps!!!!

    Jake did not get the uncooked turkey, but he almost made it to the tray with the cooked turkey. It took a leap and great effort on my part to grab his collar just in time. Whew, we can now have turkey leftovers!!!

    Ginney, I am going to that spa tent after the daughters leave. It sounds so peaceful, just promise me there are no animals allowed!

    Tracey, too much vodka, truffles, chocolates sounds like fun! Did you get to see Santa? That fellow is one sneaky dude, can never see him. I even left out some spike eggnog thinking he would sit for a spell, drink and be merry – but alas, he was up the chimney before I knew it. Of course he took the spike eggnog – pitcher and all, which I am sure he shared with the reindeer. So if any of you saw the reindeer flying high, slightly drifting to the left and right, it is my fault!!

    CherylG, you ROCK, the map is awesome.

    Susan, I took another look at the circle girls, WOW. How are you feeling?

    Mena, you know EVERYONE freaks out when you don’t visit. I love it when you visit – it makes the circle feel so complete. Kids driving – YIKES, that is when the heart drops into the stomach. I musta missed Jezza’s Hoocie Wagon. HUM, interesting, gonna have to join you. These new circle girls are gonna bring us some interesting wagons, giddy up – lets go.

    Vicki, give Nathaniel a hug from his aunts. I so envy all of you with younger children – the wonder on their faces on Christmas morning is so very special. I think every mother holds memories of their children’s faces in their heart on this one day forever – I know I was watching my adult girls open presents and my mind did a trip down memory lane, remembering the laughter, excitement and squeals of delight that only children can do on Christmas morning. The sermon at Church Sunday was on looking at the face of a child and wondering what that child would become, what that child would grow up to be - I remember holding my girls as infants wondering WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BECOME? Yep, my mind went down memory lane.

    Jeannie, belated Happy Birthday. (holiday birthdays sometimes get lost in the wrappings of Christmas – I know because my birthday is soon) I hope you had a very special birthday!!!

    Jezza, we share in the circle so bring that bottle of gin and Baileys over. We have the glasses ready so you can just pour us all a drink.

    Cheri, I do know what missing family is like and I am sorry you are alone. I know that on the 30th my children take off for their respective homes/military bases. I am so very fortunate that they are home this year – because next year they may not come in for the holidays. You do have family that loves you and you have girls from all over the world that care about you. HUGS.

    Robin, it is SOOOO good to see you posting. That was one he** of a nasty infection you had but glad you are doing better.

    Cheryl, CY – No, no, no we don’t want you in the hospital. I am glad you had Christmas dinner with the family. How are you doing now? Did you see the doc again? I wake up everyday with new bruises, now idea how I got them, but there are there. I keep thinking it must be one of the drugs I take.

    Deb, you are one wonderful person – you care so much about everyone and hurt when they hurt. I am sorry you had another friend get diagnosed. Yes, this disease sucks, but with you as their friend I know they will be comforted by your presence, wisdom and prayers. I know we are all comforted by having you as our friend, being with us in the circle. You have so much inner strength that you will call upon that strength and help your friend. I feel your strength from across the continent – so I know your friend will feel it also.

    Shel, sponge bob pants – love it!!! You are going to the keys? Great!! My sister lives in Florida so I can tell you it is HOT (or mild) all year long. Lets see, a mother of 2 kids under 2 years of age – I know – tell her you will take care of the kids while she has a nice long spa bath (get her a basket of goodies). Tell her you will keep the little urchins from sticking their fingers under the door when she is bathing – or screaming MOM!!!!!. How many times did we try to relax in a nice warm tub of water – only to have little fingers appear under the door – Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Bless her heart, 2 kids under 2.

    Nicki, you had to work today – I hope you get lots of rest tonight. We are keeping Rosa, 6packsan and Karilynn in our thoughts and prayers.

    MB, Oh no, dh had a heart attack!! Is he okay? Is he home? Please let us know how he is doing. You know we are all praying and thinking about you and your dh. You can vent anytime – Again, please keep us updated.

    Theresa, I know there is a football forum – but I can’t resist
    Oh when the Saints Go Marching In, Oh when the Saints Go Marching In!!! la la la
    Yep, I am a Louisiana girl and have to root for this team (and have even when they SUCKED). We have had so much devastation from Katrina and Rita that it feels good to feel good about something from Louisiana. Local legend has it that the Superdome was built on the site of a graveyard, which has cursed the Saints team that plays inside the building. I don’t want to offend anyone by posting this – this is local legend only – and only posted for information purposes!!! I can only say Good Luck Saints; we need something to feel good about!!

    Joyce, I am glad you found this thread. Please know that I am an Air Force mother also. Your son is in my heart and prayer, as are all our military personnel. A toast to him and all those serving. My daughter was able to come home this year, next year she will be deployed. I do know this forum is for women from all over the world, so I will say that all of our children away from home are held dear to our hearts.

    One of my daughters gave me Season One and Season Two of Grey’s Anatomy for Christmas – Yep you guessed it, I got a BIG DOSE OF DR. MCDREAMY last night. My veterinarian daughter had us all wear her scrubs (she said we had to be dressed for the party) and we curled up on the sofas and chairs and had a marathon Grey’s Anatomy fest. Too cool!!!

    Jake, the bad lab puppy was sleeping under the computer desk as I typed this, BUT HE IS NOW AWAKE, WENT DOWNSTAINS AND IS DESTRUCTIVE, so I gotta go run interference between him and my kitchen counters (filled with Christmas goodies – and my furniture – yep he has eaten a few chair and table legs).

    I know I missed some of you, thinking of you.

    Hey JAKE WHERE ARE YOU????????

  • SuperSurvivor
    SuperSurvivor Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2006

    I am doing chemo right now for the 3rd time this recurrence. I have had 3 recurrences in the last 13 years. I know I should be thankful but I have a hard time moving on and not thinking about it. I get upset when people get upset over thing that I wish was all I need to think of. I know I need to get over it and I could use all the help anyone could give for me to move on.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006

    well duh, don't know how I missed this the first time.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    Hi SuperSuvivor...Sylvie...Welcome! I left you a big, fat, private message...go see...c'mon...put your dukes up...Mena...xo

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    MB - Hope your husband is doing well...I have taken the "Kick Me" sign off your back and replaced it with a "Give me a Break...and a hug" sign. Big hugs to you. You and your family are in my prayers.

    I am a bit stressed today. I have a nuclear medicine bone scan tomorrow and I’m stressing. I hate the idea that I’m LOOKING for trouble…if you know what I mean. Part of me would rather not know, but with the pain in my ribs I can’t ignore it totally. With the itching from the %^&#%%$# shingles I hope I can lay still for long enough for the test. I’m sure it will be fine. I just need to keep telling myself that.

    I am also getting together with my friend who just got her Dx 4 days ago. I’m going to try and answer some of her questions. I hate cancer.

    Be back later ladies
    Deb C.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Don't have time to read this morning dear friends. I will catch up when I get home. Life should settle down then.
    Had a fabulous yesterday. Helped daughter make the yummiest meal ever. Had Ceasar Salad with "real" ceasar dressing...I made it all by my little self. It even had nasty anchovies in it. Chilled berry soup, then on to Prime Rib with roasted vegis mashed taters and asparagus. Dessert was Tiramisu......everything was soooooooooo good.

    Shel, spongebob is cool is where you will find the help and love and understanding you need. Hugs to you hon.

    Madison, that is very very odd...wonder how that happened.

    Mena, thanks for the road warning.....I have panic moments anytime any of my children get behind the wheel...and they are all grown up. I am such a control freak.

    OK out of time. Only got to scan. I promise I will catch up when I get home.
    Love you all to bits
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006

    Went downstairs, had some chocolate, which started the brain thinking again...

    I think I know what happened to my post

    I was logged in - typing in Word - had to break up a fight between my dogs and my daughter's cats - ran downstairs after logging off (without realizing it). When I went back into the forum I though I was logged in, but wasn't.

    MY STUPID Sorry.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2006

    Thanks girls I am glad to be back with you.I have missed you also.I couldnt make it without knowing I have you behind me.That means alot.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Supersurvivor, I can understand what you are saying. When the beast won't let go how do you move on. I still wish I had never had cancer. I hate there is the possibility of it coming back. I hate what it has done to my life. I hate what it is doing to my friends. I hate it everytime I hear about another sister with mets or going into hospice. I haven't been able to "move on" for more than days at a time. I come here to get my strength and encouragement. Hopefully there will be a day in the future where I will be more involved with my life outside of here. It's a journey not an event. We step out and sometimes we have setbacks. I'm gonna trust that whoever is around here will always help put me back on my feet.

    And we have lots of fun people around here. For now we can put you in the center of the circle and you can get lots of love.

    When you get a chance tell us more about yourself.

    God Bless,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: OMG! I was so tired today. I dragged my feet no matter where I went or what I did. I think they should make the day after Christmas an official day off!

    And I have eaten so many sweets, that I cant look at another cookie or piece of candy. I officially had my overdose of all those goodies.

    Got home, new refrigerator is in - so I guess taht fiasco wasnt so bad after all. I didnt get much of a bonus, but to be honest I didnt think I would get anything. Got to work and found $60.00 in cash with a card from the owner. When my husband plays at a pub he teases me cause I steal all of his tips. So I came home today and waved it in front of him and said "sure, take all my tips." I got a good laugh outta him.

    PurpleMB: I have been missing you everyday. Thought you were one of the gals that went on vacation. A heart attack is pretty scary stuff. I just cant imagine what you have been going through the past few days. Coronary Care, and the fears - geez! So how bad was it. Will he need surgery? Sorry, you know me, nosey nicki - but I used to work in CCU and cardiac rehab. Anyways, Im sending you the biggest hug. And looking forward to a wonderful, stress free New Year! Ahahahahah sure!!

    Tgirl: I saw the Eagles game. It sure was good. In fact, they are looking pretty good. Nothing like entering the play offs when your hot hot hot.

    Joy: Just come on in, find a nice place to sit by the fire, you have found the right place. Actually, doesnt matter what stage you are, the circle is for everyone. And a big congratulations on being done with chemo. You are exactly where I was last year at this time.

    Carrie: Allergic reaction to the steristrips. Well no more adhesive for you. Glad to see you again.

    Mena: Oh hoochie mama!!

    Madison: OMG! I just spit my water on my computer screen. Im laughing my a#% off. First your anonomyous post which is hysterical to begin with. But the song, oh my Gosh the song. Oh when the saints go marching in. That is soooooooo funny. I have terrible anxiety about DaBears, but remember either the Eagles or the Saints will have to come to our house!! This could get interesting.

    Supersurvivor: Wow, I know my location says confused couch, but Im really from the Chicago area. We could be neighbors. Your name fits you. Cant imagine fighting this blasted disease for 13 years, but on the other hand, its being treated sort of like a chronic illness. This is the exact reason I think this forum is so important. I dont know if I will ever Move Beyond this. It has been life altering. So now I gotta figure how to Move Along with it. And this thread helps me do that every day. I laugh, I cry, I help, I get help. Im just so glad you found us!!

    DebC: Good luck with the bone scan tomorrow. I know how you feel. I want the test, but I dont want it.

    Sherloc: Good to see you. Sounds like your Christmas was great. Much food, much candy, much cookies = fun fun fun.

    Susan: Just moving along baby, just moving along. Moving Beyond? Im standing up on my tippy toes, but I just cant reach it, if ya know what I mean.

    Oh my there are so many of you and I am so lost with all the posts. I dont know if Im up or down.

    So ehy to Cherylcy, cheri, shel, and anyone else I am missing or forgetting. This day is done. I need some sleep.

    Amy where are you?

    See ya in the morning

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Evening sisters
    Oh what a weekend it has been. Too many sweets, my house is still a mess but Nathaniel and I have had so much fun playing with all his new toys.
    Have a bit of the "post holiday blues"...gonna miss the fruitcake tent so I think we need to set up a New Years tent. We'll make it a big one with lots of sparkly lights, party favors, music of all kinds, spiked punch, champagne, wine, cheese and crackers. Can we keep the fruitcake tent till New Years eve? Think I'd rather hang there with my Xanex lollipops for a bit so I don't suck my thumb with Lini (are you still hiding in the corner...come out come out wherever you are Lini!). is you DH...been thinking about you all he home and ok...please let us know, we'll keep you in the center and take care of both of you for a bit. I might even exercize if it will make you smile...I can do 10 "she hates me's" now! good to see you posting, how are you feeling? made me cry, loved your card that came today and the bookmark was wonderful...thank you sweet lady. We'll hook up the wagons (with lots of blankets) and be with you on your scan. I know it will be fine. My radiation ended in September and my ribs just quit hurting a couple of weeks ago. I couldn't even touch my ribs they were so sore and all of a sudden they started to heal and feel better. I can actually sleep on that side now!
    Nicki...glad your new refrigerator is in. Mine is acting weird, everything that is on the top shelf freezes solid so I'm hoping it lasts until income tax time! sorry you have to go through this a third time. Come to the center of our circle and we will get you through it.
    Madison...oh...what a zoo you have going there. It would drive me crazy LOL. I gave Nathaniel a hug from all his aunts...he loves hugs. He was so excited about Christmas this year...It was great!
    OH NS...just found you...glad you heard my whisper...I heard yours and a bunch of others too.
    Cheryl...we'll be with you for your tests and all will be fine...let us know ok.
    Shel...sponge bob!!! Ewww...glad you made it through the day and it will only get easier. Hope you have a wonderful marvelous time in Florida...sending you a hug.
    And where is Amy? Hope she's having fun.
    So happy to RobinTN back in our circle.
    Where are our new girls...come on's safe to post anything here...there's enough love and caring to go around.
    Hi's good to see you and you are very welcome.
    NS...where are you? Didn't read back to far so maybe missing a post...just thinking of you.
    Cheri and Mena...fighting over men! Oh you too made me laugh in the "sexiest man" thread. Play nice now!
    Back to work tomorrow...only three days so that will be nice and then three days off again...Yippee. Have an appointment for my three month followup one day next week with my oncologist so I'm already stressing. Just don't know what to expect. He seemed pretty happy with everything at my last three month checkup...just a worry wart here.
    Off to send little man to the shower, fold laundry and pick up a bit.
    If I don't stop back in...sweet happy dreams all.
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006 much reading on this thread. Hubby went to check his e-mails. I went to check my e-mails and the board. About an hour later he said "What are you doing???" He couldn't believe I was still reading all the stuff thats come in from yesterday!

    Madison... I was wondering who anonymous was. Why would they want to sign in as anonymous I thought. Lucky you explained. I'm in charge of the Hoochie Wagon. OK I also make good coffee so non drinkers are welcome too.

    Deb....shingles..PAINFUL. Hope the bone scan puts your mind at rest.I will be watching and hoping for good results.

    Thanks for the welcome carrie...and welcome supersurvivor

    Drink Anyone?

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Evening Circle Girls,

    I made a sad discovery. One of my Christmas presents was a little piano. I used to play a lot when I was a kid and got pretty good at it. Then I moved away from home and never touched a piano again. Well my mother sent me one! I have been trying to remember my old music, through chemobrain and old age some of it is coming back to me. It has to because I knew it by heart and played it over and over and over again.
    Well the sad discovery is- piano playing is the absolute WORSE thing for LE. I have had a pretty bad case from my fingers to my upper arm, but have kept it under semi-control with daily wrapping for the past year and a half. The piano has made my arm and especially my hand get huge again. it is SUCH a disappointment! Another cancer gift. Does it ever stop??

    Anyway, thanks for letting me vent about that little problem. It is nothing compared to the real problems we face, but it is just one of those gifts that keep on giving that make me hate cancer so.

    MB, how scary that must have been for you and your DH. I hope he is feeling better. You are right- you don't need this! He can come stay in our low fat, low cholesterol, low impact cardio tent. Tell him not to worry, it isn't too crowded! But I make really good low fat healthy food!

    Theresa I heard your toast! THANK YOU!!!!

    Mena, I do like the sound of a hoochie wagon!

    Shel, three days to the Keys! "You're Gonna Make it After All" get ready to throw your hat in the air and twirl!!

    Cheri, the party tent is fun with you!

    Madison, did Jake eat your screen name????

    SuperSurvivor, WELCOME! This is the place to vent away! Let it all out here in the circle because we all understand and are here for you. Come sit by the fire and have some hot chocolate and soon your worries will disappear. I LOVE you picture and your baby is so cute!

    Good luck with your scan tomorrow Deb. Of all the tests a bone scan is one of the easiest and least yicky.

    Shirley, we are officially moving you to the cook tent!

    Susan that was so well put. You know deep down I am still waiting for my doctor to call and tell me this was all some terrible mistake and I never really had cancer.... Five years and I still dream that dream!

    Nicki, I just want to gently remind you that the words playoffs and JETS are being mentioned in the same sentence around here!

    Ok- time to rustle up some grub and do the perimeter... early shift tonight.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    just a couple of pics to cheer us up.
    The first is of mayself, Cloe & Jerri. Cloe is wearing the dress that my sisters and I wore for our first birthday. My two girls and my niece also wore it. It is now 48 years old. The ribbon has changed for each one of us and this is the first time it has had the same color in it as it did for any of us.

    The second is me on Christmas day
    I'm smiling cause I know you are all there with me!

    The last is of me and the hubby, he has on his Bah Humbug hat

    Had my tests this morning. The INR came back that I don't have enough coumadine in me so they upped the dose and I go back on Friday to get that checked. THe US came back no blood clots! Thank God so I don't have to have a filter put in! I just know it was all of your prayes that made it so!

    Oh more new circle girls! Welcome Joyce and Sylvie. There's almost always someone around here to talk with. If not we are patrolling mnaking sure everyone is doing OK and we'll be here shortly. I'm usually on much later but had today off so I'm checking in early. If you haven't checked out the map be sure to do so. You will see that you are not alone. Please put yourself on the map too! As of right now there are 197 of us on there!

    Yeah Shel you made it Christmas is over and you have a wonderful trip coming up! Bet Mac was smiling ear to ear which put a smile on your face too!

    MB wow you've got your hands full. Our prayers are with you and the hubby. hope he makes a complete recovery. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.

    Tgirl, see what you get for going away? we missed you, so have you gcought up on all 7 pages?

    Carrie, so glad to see you post. I know what you mean about having a reaction to the stirastrips, I have blisters all around the edges. But they want me to try to keep them on for another 3 days minimum. I just keep cleaning the edges with alcohol and putting on cortazone cream for the itching.
    How's Deese doing? We are all praying for a speedy recovery for both of you.

    Madison It would have been nice of Santa if he would have brought you a nice kennel for bad puppy Jake!
    Glad he didn't get the turkey

    better post this before I lose it
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006
    Just have a second to peek under the spa tent...I could use this!!

    We gave our four year old grandson a digital camera for Christmas and he just went wild taking pictures of everyone and everything..we couldn't stop laughing...

    Good for the soul


  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    hey you guys!!!

    thanks for all the words of encouragement.........they were much needed!

    i just got back from the casino, where i won a rather hefty sum of money..........i'm just running around getting ready for a ton of company, so i can't post much.

    leaving thursday afternoon, so wanted to say thank-you and happy new year to everyone!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    Cheryl and the pictures. son has had a digital camera for a couple of years and I was looking through his pictures one day and couldn't figure out for the life of me who this man was he had all these pictures of. I had never seen him before in my life and there where at least 10 pictures of this "stranger". I asked him when he got home from school and found out that it was pictures of a man on television that was doing a talk about dinosaurs!!! Goofy me thought I had a man living in the house that I didn't know about LOL. glad for the "no blood clots" news...good for you!
    NS...I know what you mean about the stinking rotten lousy LE thing...I used to paint, draw, sculpt, do stained glass and with the LE (which thankfully is mild) and continued neuropathy in my hands (which isn't mild at all) it's simply hopeless. I can crochet for a little while and have taken to photography but it isn't the same.
    ahh least I'm here to see my little guy grow.
    Hugs and night all
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening everyone,

    Everyone has been really busy today. It took me a good half hour to try and catch up on everyone’s posts.

    Robin, I am so glad to see you back here in the Circle. Take care of yourself. I mailed you a card when you were in the hospital but it was returned as you had gotten out. I’m glad you’re home and doing better.

    MB, oh my! I see where your hubby was with you so that’s good. I hope he’s feeling better and I’m removing that sign off you’re a** and replacing it with one that says I’m loved. Please let me know if there’s anything at all I can do for you. You’re both in my thoughts and prayers.

    Theresa, I hate returning things! Welcome back and it’s good to see you.

    Joyce, nice to meet you and welcome. Wine from Germany? Sounds yummy.

    G, I had migraines for years. They went away with my hysterectomy. It was so worth it. I hope you are feeling better today. Your story about the piano made me really miss having one. So sorry about it causing more LE problems.

    Mena, you always make me smile. Yep, jammies are on the dress attire for next year.

    Carrie, I always dreaded getting toys out of their packages.

    Madison, I love the anonymous post. Sounds like you have your own kennel there now.

    SuperSurvivor, nice to meet you. Come into the inner circle and we will keep you company. Feel free to vent, cry, and whine or whatever else that will help you.

    DebC. I’ll be loaded up and headed your way for your scan tomorrow. You will be a wonderful support and source of information for your friend. Sorry she had to join the club no one wants to be in.

    Sher, glad you had a great time. Did your daughter get moved?

    Susan, you described my “moving on” exactly. I take one day at a time. But some of those days aren’t pretty.

    Nicki, so glad you got the new fridge. I agree the day after Christmas should be a holiday.

    Vickie, will you share the Xanax lollipops? I’m thinking I may need one real soon. I love the story about the man’s picture.

    Jezza it was good to “chat” with you last night. I haven’t been in there in a few weeks. I want to visit your Hoochie Wagon!

    CherylCy, great on no clots! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Lisa, what a great picture!

    Shel, great on winning the money! More for you to spend on your trip. Have a great time, enjoy yourself and relax.

    So many are having tests, scans, and problems. Everyone is always in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for being here girls.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006
    Nicki, Cheri, Deb, Liz, Mena, Jezza, g, Carrie and the rest of you - thanks for the welcome!

    Liz - yes - our kids should get together - old souls are quite interesting, aren't they?

    DebC - yep - a nice muscular masseur for you...

    Shel - glad you got through Christmas - I remember my first one alone after my divorce - I cried all day.

    Mena - a facial or massage or just sititng around doing nothing...

    Madison - no animals and come when you're ready...

    SuperSurvivor - you are a survivor - it's hard to move on when you're battling. I too get irritated when people worry about "normal" things - it's hard to understand it once you're in our shoes. We're here for you to vent or whine or whatever you need to do. It's ALL OK here.

    RobinTN - I was wondering Sunday how you were - did a search to find an update - I'm happy to see you here and posting...

    MS - hope your DH is better - what a month this has been!

    I can see this thread will be fun to keep up with - I'm glad I'm here...

    My decision is next week - I've been on Abraxane/Carboplatin for 5 mos. for liver and bone mets. Looks like my liver is happy again so onc is happy. Markers are down quite a bit so looks like it's doing a good job - but the neuropathy is getting to be too much. I have to decide whether to try another chemo (probably Gemzar), stay on Abraxane/Carbo until I can't deal with the neuropathy if it becomes long term, or try hormones to take a break and possibly stay on them.

    I'm leaning toward sticking with Ab/Ca as long as the numbers keep going down...but wondered about the long-term neuropathy possibility. If it more likely will fade, then it's an easy decision - if not, then I really have to think about it.

    Any input would be there a decision tent??

    Hugs to all of you!

  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2006
    Hi Girls
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but ... Purplemb just pm'd me. Her dh had a heart attack last Tuesday. She said to tell everyone she will be back as soon as she can and she is thinking of us. Wasn't sure where to post.
    Prayers and hugs out to Purplemb and DH
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006
    Lisa, we were obviously posting at the same time...yes, we heard about MB's husband...we starting praying and sending all our positive thoughts his way...thanks for the update...did you get any further news as to how he's doing? Did she say anything other than he had a heart attack? God, she must be beside herself.

    Cheryl...glad you got good news! Now is this what a woman has to do to get one of those necklaces? I've been eyeing them for awhile now...the girls are beautiful, as is that dress...what a wonderful tradition! good to see you, my friend...

    Well, Ginney...You can have it! I think it's a great idea...Are we cool with that? Can we have a Decision Tent?

    Ginney, I've been on Gemzar since August and just recently got good news after almost a year. When I saw my onc she mentioned bridging me over to Faslodex. I was shocked. I was scared. I said "no way." First of all, it takes six months to know whether or not it's even working, and why mess with something that is? Hello?

    She said now that I'm stable, it's the time to do it...give my body a chemo break, and since I'm so sick, why not?

    I said, duh...because if I progress on it, I'll be really pissed!

    So, I'm in the Decision Tent with you. I told her I'll wait til my next set of scans in March. If I'm still stable, I'll consider it then.

    Now, if I were you, I might opt for Gemzar, considering how you're taking what you're on now. If you've lost your hair and you want it back, you might want to consider Gemzar, especially if the Abraxane/Carbo is making you really sick. I get Gemzar weekly for three weeks with the third off, but that's usually the week I get Herceptin, so there usually isn't any week off...just the way it works...something for you to ponder in your tent...I'm off to Jezza's for a cocktail...I'll be back when I'm less coherent...all the better for making really important decisions.

    DebC...Here's to a clean scan...we're with you...

    Where is Lini? She's got my she hibernating, isolating or otherwise being unsocial? Anyone? Is she ok?...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    DebC, you're going to do fine tomorrow. Sending a prayer up for you that results will be great.

    Vicki, glad we could entertain you. lol We have had some fun with the sexiest man thread. But ya know, I think Mena may need the Mental Health tent, that girl ain't right!

    Jezza, yep it moves pretty fast in the Circle. I have to take notes but then I'm lucky to remember my own name.

    NS, Awwwwww, I am so very sorry about your little piano. There's so many things we can't do anymore for one reason or another. But we are here and we have to count our blessings...alot! I had a great time with you at the party tent, sounds like another trip is in order. You'll laugh!

    CherylCy, love the pics and soooo glad there's no clots!

    Lisa, what a cute pic of your little grandson. Thanks for sharing.

    Shel, won big at the casino? DRINKS ARE ON SHELLLLLL!!

    Ginney, geez, you do have a decision to make. I'm sorry I can't help with the answer (didn't really understand the question) I just don't know enough about all that stuff. Mena has a booger decision, too. I'll let much more experienced ladies come along & help. Good luck.

    Life is certainly strange. My dh is in for just tonight & we were sitting here talking when someone knocked on the door. Well, we don't really know anyone in this town 'cos I've been crippled the whole time we've lived here & he's gone all the time. (Plus we live in the sticks) When he opened the door there stood my ex-BIL that I hadn't seen in 30yrs! And he'd came with my ex-SIL. It was so good to see him, I could feel the pages in my life turning backwards! I knew him immediately! We just hugged each others neck! They sat down & we visited a couple of hours. He wanted to see pics of our family and we dug out photo albums. He was always my favorite BIL out of all of them. Believe me, I've had alot of them. I have 5 older sisters that have all had multiple marriages but he was the best. I see my ex-SIL every now & then, my brother also had multiple marriages. So there I sat having such a good time with people that had once been married to 2 of my siblings. It was great!! Incidentally, I have been married twice, this one 17yrs. I can't wait to get the email back from my sister! Well, you know I had to send her one! Gotta laugh in this life.

    I imagine I'll be riding shotgun awhile so ya'll sleep well. I'll try & keep the bad guys at bay.

    Best Wishes,