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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Darn chemo brain, it just keeps hangin' onto me.

    MB, prayers going up for you DH. I do hope he is doing better. Please try & get some rest. You all are in the middle of the Circle.

    My prayers are with you,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006

    I just put another couple of logs on the fires to keep us all warm through the night. Sweet dreams, hugs and prayers going to to all.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    Hey CG's...I know it's getting late...but it just occurred to me...where in the world is Amy? Has anyone heard from her? Is she away? She doesn't usually stay away this long. I hope she's ok...xo

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited December 2006

    Hey! I just caught that crack you strumpet! hahahaha...ok...we'll see who needs the mental health tent when I'm done with you sister...xo

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    I am hoping Amy is ok too!

    Ginney, you ahve quite a decision to make there girlfriend. There are a couple of questions I have,
    Did you ever try the glucosomine Powder to help with the neurotpathy? I have a friend who had it quite bad and she would mix some in OJ a couple of times a day and it helped.
    I have another friend who used bromelain which is a natural anti-inflammatory made from the pineapple that helped and I have heard that adding L-Lysine also helps.
    All this has to be approved by a doc, but maybe you should try one and see if it helps before you go off the tx that seems to be working?

    Same for you Mena.

    I personally would be afraid to stop what was working. A chemo break is always a good idea but I don't know, in my heart I would be where you guys are- not willing to put my guns down just yet. Can they give you a lower dose for maintenance??
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Strumpet? Ummm, not really. I prefer the word "Tart". Describes me much better.
    I understand the denial you must be in dear, but I'll walk with you hand in hand until we arrive at the Mental Health tent. Then I'm gonna shove you in & run like hell!HAHAHA

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Hey ladies, Thanks for the kind thoughts, prayers and well wishes for my bone scan tomorrow. I printed a copy of our "star chart" amd it is going with me to my scan tomorrow. That way you will all be right there and I know all will be good.

    I just spent a couple of hours talking to my friend that just got her Dx She will have full pathology tomorrow, but it sounds like she is at least stage 2 lobular. Does anyone know if having 20 year old implants has any bearing on her treatment? They told here she needed a mast, not a lumpectomy...but not sure if that is due to the implant. She siad hers are not under the muscle...don't know if that matters either.

    I'm going to head for bed....

    Deb C
  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006

    Good luck tomorrow Deb....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone: Another unbelievable day here in the Chicago end of the circle. Walked the perimeter to check on everyone with only a light shawl! This is my kind of winter. The ground isnt mushy anymore either. I looked around at all the trees in our beautiful forest, they are naked. No leaves - and no birds singing. Cant wait until I hear the first song from any bird. Guess that wont happen until Spring.

    Coffee is done and I have lots more brewing. Along with tea and hot chocolate. Enjoying my first cup. I was so darn tired yesterday. Hoping today, I have fully recovered and ready to rock and roll again.

    Vickie: I think our fruitcake tent is a permanent fixture. It never goes bad - fruitcake that is. Just seems to always be there, and the last thing anyone eats anyways. It wasnt Lini, it was me, sitting in a corner sucking my thumb. Well that was until deb handed out the xanax lollipops. Party tent sounds great. Will start planning now what to bring for New Years Eve. Tradition here is herring and shrimp. I like the shrimp, and husband likes the herring. Husband is playing at a pub New Years Eve - maybe I can get him to come to our party tent. We could use some music and dance a little - or dance alot lol.

    Jezza: I love the hoochie tent. Coffee is good. Will be even better come Saturday. I will have some Baileys in mine then. I laughed about your husband saying what are you doing? Once you come to the circle, its hard to leave. Im usually up at 5am and leave the circle around 7am. Barely get to check out other threads. It sure is a fun place to come to.

    NS: Low fat, low cholesterol, low cardio impact tent? Guess I will be sharing it with MB's husband. With a cholesterol of 338, I have to do something! Ah but gee, its so close - so Im just gonna wait until the New Year. Your too funny - I didnt forget the Jets. I think this has been one of the best football seasons. So many teams are still in the running. Wishing the best to the Jets - well that is until they play DaBears. Not being able to play your piano cause of Lymphedema sucks! Its one of my biggest fears. I had a bil mast with lymph dissection on the right side. I do so many needle crafts - work on projects for hours at a time. I remember "Binny" from the lymphedema thread say she got hers after working on needle point for several hours one day. Anyways, its a problem we all have to be aware of. Thats why I wanted to punch out the Director of Nursing where I work a couple of weeks ago. Couldnt understand why she couldnt have her nurses take blood pressure and draw blood from a patient that had a bil. mast 5 years ago. Scary thought isnt it. Experienced nurses whining about why they cant take a blood pressure!! Thats why we must always be advocates for ourselves. So far, Im good - but after Im done working on a craft, my right arm is sore and achy. Yes indeed, another wonderful gift from this whole bc journey.

    Cherylcy: What great pictures. The story about the dress is adorable. Wow - alot of memories go along with it. Cloe is so cute. When I looked at the picture of you in the hospital I had to blink for a minute. I could see all of us trying to be hams and get in on the picture. Yes we were there with you. Distorted Humor was even trying to shove his way in for the photo too. I think the hardest part with Coumadin is getting the therapeutic dose. I was changing the dosage every week for a while. Im glad there were no blood clots and that you didnt need that filter. Thumbs up - your looking great.

    Lisa: Your 4 year old grandson is adorable. A digital camera for Christmas. Bet it was funny, him running around taking pictures. Showing my age - it reminded me of being little and getting a "Kodak instamatic". I do so agree, I havent had the chance yet, still too busy, but Im peaking under the spa tent also. Heard they even have aroma therapy!!

    Liz: So good to see you!It certainly has been a hectic week and really busy here in the circle. So much is going on. Im gonna be so happy when New Years is over. Will have alot of free time then. The new refrigerator is great. Got the cheapest one we could find. No fancy extras like ice makers and such. But man oh man, its as big inside as our other one was. Im just glad I dont have to go outside to the coolers anymore to get things.

    Ginney: Wow, you do have a big decision to make. But just like Tony the Tiger would say, Its grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreatttt that the tumor markers are down. I always believe we should make our decisions based on what our gut instincts are telling us. So go with what feels right inside. If ya want, Ill come over to your spa tent and give you a great massage. Ya know I was thinking, if accupuncture helped debc with her pain from shingles, wonder if it would help neurapathy pain. I was on taxotere for 2 months - the neurapathy pain was pretty bad and nothing worked to help relieve it. So Im sending you a big hug.

    CherylG: Thanks for the update on PurpleMB. Just walking around my house shaking my head. It never ends does it. Always something.

    Mena: Decision tent? Oh I love it. Think we should bring in a statue of the thinker. Ya know, the guy sitting down and thinking? I envision alot of pacing on in there. Think we should add some of those xanax lollipops and lots of warm comforters to wrap around ourselves while contemplating what we are gonna do with out lives.

    Cheri: What a great story. At first I had that confused couch look. ex BIL and ex SIL - thats funny, but also very nice they thought of you and came to visit around the Holiday season. Hope you had the biggest smile on your face.

    Debc: Sorry again about your friend. Geez, Lobular is so sneaky. Today is gonna be a hard day for her. And good luck to you with the bone scan today. Im using Susans flying carpet - Distorted Humor and I decided to fly in style to be with you.

    Ahahaha Im having my first morning laugh. Ok Cheri, was it you that pushed Mena into the mental health tent? I got a good visual of that. I did see someone running through the camp with the speed of lightening, but I thought it was superman. Now I realize it was Cheri.

    Well my time is up. Gotta get ready for work - again! but like Vickie said 3 more days and then 3 days off again. Hope everyone has a great day.

    PurpleMB: As always, Im thinking of you and your husband today.

    I sent Distorted Humor over to Amy's house. He has been missing Mazer the Tazer as much as we have been missing Amy.

    Robin: Hope your day is gonna be a good one.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    Morning CG's.
    Beautiful but alittle cooler today at my end of the circle. Just waiting for some snow to make extra money...not like Shel who must have the magic fingers to win money. You go girl!! so happy to see you up and fighting again. Please take it easy so you heal quicker. Great news on hopefully finishing the chemo in the spring. Can't wait.

    NS...that stinks that you're ready for the music you've missed and your arms acts up. Not fair. Can you just play a little a day and build it back up again? I thought I heard you singing over here in my wagon. Not bad....

    DebC...See my star? I'm shining over you tomorrow with a big smile...and only want good news...

    Mena...count down to NYC...18 more days....

    Amy...WHERE ARE YOU??? Maybe more babies being born??

    Ishopi...where are you???

    Lisa...I saw the show on Steve Speilberg and that's how he got started getting a camera as a gift. So maybe??

    Cheri...I'm staying on your GOOD side..but be nice to Mena..I hate it when she cries...hehehe

    Niki...wait until I get my computer back up and running...I'll be first in the am again.

    Love to all. (I'll pm purplemb asap)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006
    WOW I really missed alot! I hope everyone is recovering from their holidays!
    PurpleMb sorry to hear about you hubby I hope he is recovery as well!
    shel have a great trip you deserve it!!
    Deb sending out prayers for a good bone scan!(very nerve racking)
    tgirl thanks for the toast!
    welcome to those joining the Circle it is a great place to be!!
    I wonder, is everyone else feeling exhausted? I did way too much this season and now I am paying for it! my whole body hurts! but i did have a good time! now to recoup!! I hope everyone is well and now taking the kids to the movies to see Night at the Museum. have a good day to all!
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006

    I just came up anonymous too! what is going on????? that was me on previous post.....

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Another quick fly by from the frozen (not quite) North. Son and DIL are staying another day because DIL has come down with the flu. Means I get to play with the kiddies another day but the sounds of wretching coming from upstairs are kind of a downer. :-( SO refuses to do the sensible thing and get flu shots---keep your fingers crossed.

    Purple---we're all thinking about you and hubby. Hope all is going well with his treatment and recovery.

    DebC---I'll be riding shotgun during your scans today. Guess I'll have to leave the firearm outside the door----kinda hard on the magnetic equipment! Loved your card---that's a keeper!

    Shel---enjoy your trip! You deserve it. Mike may have been gone other Christmases but this is the first year really without him, if you get the distinction. We tried to have a "family" Christmas the first year my husband left and it was both grotesque and awful----better to make all new traditions solo. It takes awhile but it's worth it. Don't look back!

    Welcome to all of our new Circle Girls. This is the only thread here, as far as I'm concerned. Wonderful caring and support---and the goofy senses of humor don't hurt either. (Mena!)

    I'm off to the eye surgeon this afternoon but I'm not particularly worried about it. That eye is quite noticeably larger and I'm experiencing double vision at the top of my field of vision, which is a little worrisome---some pain when I'm tired too---but it will be what it will be. Got new glasses frames (big round Kate Spade tortoise shell fgrames) that cast enough of a shadow across my eyes that it's pretty hard to tell. They make me look like an old blonde Harry Potter!

    Our holidays were great---now all I need to do is recover. Did someone suggest a jammie day? Sounds like heaven but can't do that until Saturday!

    Hope everyone has a great day. We finally got some flurries last night---what a weird winter!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Circle girls,

    Wow, didnt even try to catch up this morning since I have been away so I will have to take the time to do that later. thanks to all of you that missed me and mazer around the circle.

    Deb-will be thinking of you as you have your scans today. Crossing my fingers and toes for everything coming out great.

    Welcome to all the new members.

    Wow, our own place. I was shocked when I saw it!

    Purplemb so sorry about your husband. My thoughts are with you.

    Wow, Christmas is over and its back to work today. My son had a wonderful time and enjoyed all of his gifts. Christmas Eve we were feeding the donkeys and goats and running late of course to get to my parents. I had been busy all day, wrapping presents, cooking and everything else known to man so was feeling pretty stressed and running out of time. My son looks at me and says, mom, arent you excited about Christmas?!? I said of course I am. He talks on then says, you know they say christmas is one of the most stressful holidays and I wonder why since you get presents and all?!? I swear, the mind of a 12 year old. While I ran around all day getting everything ready he was on the computer and doing whatever just waiting for nightfall.

    The game GuitarHero II was a greeaaat gift. Nicki, your husband might like it if you have a PS2. Its a fun game for sure. My son had my entire family taking turns on it.

    OK will be back later to catch up but just wanted to do a quick check in to let everyone know I am alive and well. No results back yet from my upper GI so anxiously awaiting those. The test wasnt bad but the afterwards sucked. What goes in must come out!

    Mazer said thanks for sending distorted humor over to check on us. Mazer of course thinks he only came to see her.

    ok off to get busy at work but will be back later. Thanks again to everyone that missed me. Its kinda nice to be missed.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2006

    I have just looked into this site and I am so impressed by the spirit and love all you ladies extend to each and everyone. I put my name on the map. I am just starting my treatment so perhaps this is not the best place for me? (yet), but I really believe that in order for me to move byond cancer I have to start moving right now. Unfortunately, my situation my not be very good right now. It is possible that I am Stage IV from the get go. I go in tomorrow for a bone biopsy on my hip to see if it is mets. I have had a CT scan, bone scan and MRI to the area and they are still not sure. All other areas are clear. I was handling it quite well I thought, and had a very nice Christmas with my family, but this morning I woke up in a panic! Funny thing is that the area in my hip that is suspicious has hurt at all for a long time, but this morning it was very painful. I think it was more psychological than anything else. A prayer for me would be of great help and I, of course, include all of you in my prayers each night. I have have been a reader here, but not much of a poster, I will try to change that. Have a wonderful new year ladies!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Risetolife you are so welcome here. This group is all about loving and supporting those who need it. It doesn't matter if you are newly diagnosed or a 20 year vet. We share our struggles and our successes! I will be praying for you. Sure hope your biopsy comes back negative for the bone mets.

    God Bless,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    risetolife, welcome to the circle. Sorry you've had to join us, but this is the best place in the world. We'll do anything to help you. Keep posting and we'll be with you during your bone biopsy. I'll be back later to catch up on everyone.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    risetolife, The Circle is YOU!!! thats what it is all about, Helping each other Fight this Monster, and Helping You and All of Our Sisters and Brothers with anything We can Do!!! You ask For Prayers, We now Have a Chaple Tent in Your name, We will All gather there to Pray for You!!! God Can and He Will is my Prayer for You! Others Will Maybe send You Healing Light, Many Good Thoughts, WELCOME to Your Wagon xoxoxo debbyfive

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006

    Welcome!! We're here to protect you. Please come sit by the fire and have a warm cup of coco. xoxo

  • KAud
    KAud Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2006
    Hope everyone had a happy holiday! My sister-in-law bought my 5 yo a makeup kit for Christmas. My 3 yo got into it and painted her fingernails, feet, face, hair, carpet and walls with bright red christmas nail polish! It was kinda perfect actually since it reminded me that I have alot of living and parenting left to do.

    You have found some incredible people here to help you. I was only diagnosed a month ago and came here looking for hope. I just finished all the tests you are talking about and thank god my hair is about to fall out since its all gray now The waiting was hard for me because I was positive it was in my liver. So positive that my side hurt so bad (right where I thought my liver was) that I could barely walk. Turns out it was fine and the pain mysteriously went away. The minds a funny thing......

    Take care all!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    Purplemb, My prayers are with You and Your DH. And with all that need them!! OH CG'S guess what, Melissa and Tammi, are going to give me another gift( A NEW NAME--- BET YA CAN'T GUESS WHAT IT WILL BE) of Course giving us Our own Forum, was The Best!!!!! "ME"
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OK ladies, hop on the magic carpet...I'm off for the hospital and my bone test. I printed out the star map, so you all will be right in my pocket...I don't think the chocolae fountain will fit though

    Welcome to Risetolife and all the new gals. Glad you found the circle.

    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Alaska Deb I am on the magic carpet and so is Mazer so if you hear a strange noise its probably her practicing her donkey noise.

    risetolife-this circle is for everyone. We are here with you to support you. I'm a mets person and still consider myself to be moving beyond cancer because I refuse to sit back and let it catch up with me. My thoughts are with you as you go through these test and wait for results.

    ok Deb-away we goooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  • Unknown
    edited December 2006

    Thank you all...I am in tears right now because of your so prompt, loving and generous support. I will be thinking of all of you tomorrow during my test and praying for each and everyone.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2006
    good day ladies,
    ugh i did post a long post and guess what... yep it disappeared!!!!!!
    been a busy few days here... lol... i have some pictures posted in the picture thread if you get a chance check out what we are doing!!!!
    purplemb i am sorry of this news hope all goes well!!!!!!
    welcome to riseoflife!! you have found a great place here!!!!
    well i am back to work after having 4 off.....good thing i come back to work cause now i need to
    well ladies all have a great day!!!!!
    its still snowing out there!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    I am with You, DebC!!!!! and You too risetolife, Gods Speed! Big Pot of Chili cooking for when You get Back. xoxo debbyfive

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    can i post now? Earlier when I tried to post it told me I wasn't a proper host. Now who decides that??? I can be a very good host when I need too. I'm pretty casual but what the heck. Go judge your own hosting abilities.

    here's my post from 2 hours ago. (i had actually copied it before trying to submit) still need the fruitcake tent:

    Amy what is going on with your upper GI? I have been so out of it. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. give Mazer a hug for me.

    Jeannie what are you about to do to your eye? Does your eye know you are taking it to a surgeon? I sure hope this turns out to be nothing serious. Chemosabi is borrowing my magic carpet to check on DebC so I'll ask her to swing by and see you also.

    DebC good luck with your scan tomorrow. Huggs.

    MB so sorry to hear about your husband. Make sure you get your rest. We'll be here when you need us. for now you are in the center of the circle.

    Michele, welcome back. Glad you had a nice christmas.

    tgirl what's going on in NYC? with Mena? I know what you mean about her crying. She just floods the place and she makes those awful funny faces.

    Cheri, you pushed Mena into the mental health tent? Don't you think you should have gone in there also! Oh, guess not, then the two of you would have been squabbling all morning. hmmm....come to think of it, my mental health isn't so good either. Put me in the fruitcake tent.

    ok, my dr's office just called. My monocytes are high and my potassium is low. They want me to come back in two weeks. I could have mono! what??? why would they think that? I haven't even gotten out of bed from the last disease!#^&*@#*& Of course then I go to an even worse place, "leukemia". so put me in the fruitcake tent. i need to chill out.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006 just can't catch a break sista!!
    Ishopi, mena and I are trying to spend the weekend in NYC in our jammies and just hang out. NO family, phones or MEN!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    Before cancer I was soooo healthy. I wish I could hang out with ya. NO MEN sounds very relaxing.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    Susan, I can't even think of the right words to tell You, Please know I'M with You in Prayer!! My doctors office sent me a note that said thyroid scans were within " normal limits" What do I do now about the Tumor do i call the ONC. the same with My Bone Scans YET as i type my back and ribs are in so much pain!!! Is the family doctor supposed to get in touch with my ONC. or Me?????? So many stupid Pains and Problems, I am ready to just say FORGET IT!!!!!!! Next is my Mammo 3 years I have had Really BAD Pain, and the lumps are so much bigger, will they send me a within normal limits again?????? The Mammo nor the US evr found my cancer because i have such Dense Breast(1) I just don't know what to do anymore, my body says " hey something is wrong" OK, back to the Fruitcake tent!! xoxo debbyfive