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  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    thyroid scans are withing normal limits and yet you have a thyroid tumor????? Maybe your doctors belong in the fruitcake tent also. LOL

    I agree with you. Let's just say FORGET IT and go have some fun. what will be, will be.

    Where is that Chemosabi??? She promised to get the magic carpet back to me early so I could go to the grocery store. LOL
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    I stole the magic carpet this morning to go with Deb about her bone scan. We promise to be back soon. We are on flight #B9 and will be back as soon as we can. If you need it before we return we can send the carpet back and Mazer will get me home. Let me know.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    MB, hope you DH is doing better. Keep us posted. Look after yourself, too.

    Nicki, a New Years Eve party sounds just great! It prolly was me you saw running through the campground last night. I can go pretty fast with a broken ankle!

    Theresa, I've got tissues for little Menas tears. LOL

    Jeannie, so glad you got an extra day with your grandchildren. Aren't they wonderful?

    DebC, You should be having your test. The results are gonna be good. I just know it.

    Amy, actually that was a sweet story about your son. It shows you're doing a great job. He doesn't relate stress to the Holidays. Childhood is grand.

    Risetolife, welcome. I've only been here a month but feels like forever. This is changing my life around. I'm getting some of my sense of humor back & starting to have some good days. I owe anything positive to these fine ladies. We'll pray for your test results to be good.

    Debbyfive, will be joining you in the Chapel tent.

    Karen, sure hope you got pics of your 3yr old with all that stuff all over her. Make a cute one to look back on years down the road.

    Susan, why do you think I pushed Mena in the mental health tent and ran? I knew if they got the chance they'd keep me, too! On a serious note, I so hope you start feeling much better soon. I wish I could fix you, and everybody else. You've had more than your share. I say a prayer for you & the others daily.

    Gonna make the rounds on the boards. Will check in later.

    God Bless,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006

    I stole the magic carpet this morning to go with Deb about her bone scan. We promise to be back soon. We are on flight #B9 and will be back as soon as we can. If you need it before we return we can send the carpet back and Mazer will get me home. Let me know.


    ROTFL too funny. As long as I know it's in good hands!! I guess I can get in the car and drive to the store the old fashioned way.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    I'm baaaaack.

    susan---this was a follow up visit after that lovely eye biopsy we all traipsed our way thru in September. It's no better---but it's no worse either. Be on the lookout for pain or if the double vision gets worse, blah, blah, blah, see ya in 6 months. It's a nuisance and a concern---but at least it's a B9 nuisance and concern, which is a d@#$% site better than where we started!

    DebC---so how did the scans go? I'm the one that started the whole chocolate fountain thing when I decided to order that as my Christmas gift from my employer. It arrived a month ago, have been saving it for it's Big Debut on Christmas Eve. Guess what doesn't work? You got it----the chocolate fountain! So we just dumped all of the chocolate into a bowl and stuck our dunks with forks and made a mess. It was suggested that next year I just bring the chocolate and straws---or 1/4" diameter PVC pipe for the gluttons!

    Risetolife---you are more than welcome here. We are here to listen, comfort, lend a helping hand, answer questions and act silly.

    Purple---how is everything going?

    Vickie---sounds like you and Nathaniel had a great day. Christmas with the little ones is the BEST! Didn't know you were an "artiste"----I was a fine arts major but wound up with a career in the insurance industry (huh?---like those things are related) and have really lost my "hand". Guess it comes out in the sewing, embroidering, knitting and frustrated interior designer activities I so enjoy. Next I want to learn how to make jewelry---sure, Jean, why dontcha pick something expensive for a change!

    Hugs and healing light to all of my sisters here. I have officially given up on taking notes--not when I'm gone for a few hours and there are 22 new messages!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    Hi CG'S , I wonder if some might join me, in the Chapel Tent, My DH is going to pittsburgh for a follow up appt. to see if he is still in remmision, He has been sick for a few years and they put him on a trial medicine, so far it has been a God sent!! He will be getting a CT scan, and aLiver Biopsy to see if everything is still NED!!! hope everyone is well, debC , my prayers are with you too! Puppy

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006
    OH He will go friday! Thank You CG'S
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Crap Crap Crap....I had a spot light up on my spine in the bone scan. They took extra scans of that area and said that Doc would take a look at it all today. I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow to get results. The tec was a great guy, showed me the area that lit up and said if he had to guess, that it was just "something small"...what ever the heck that means. I'm a mess girls. I had a scan 11 months ago and nothing in that area lit up. I have not hurt my back and I don't see how it could be something degenerative in just less than a year. I'm a mess girls....someone PLEASE tell me they have had this happen and it wasn't mets. I don't even know how to get through the next 24 hours...
    Crap...just crap
    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Dear Deb, ME! I have had that happen on THREE bone scans!!!
    The first one showed my degenerative problems and the surgical spots on my spine... it also picked up an, ahem, abnormally thick forehead... but I don't like to talk about THAT one.

    Anyway, the next one picked up a spot on my hip. It wasn't there before. They did an MRI and there was nothing. next bone scan the spot on the hip was GONE but there was a spot on the RIB! It wasn't there before on EITHER one. THey did an MRI and it was a healing, cracked rib. Apparently rads had cracked my rib and as it healed and the scar tissue built up, the Bone Scan picked it up.

    SO YES!!! You CAN HAVE SPOTS that are B9!!! Mega prayers that this is the SAME for you hun.

    Nicki, you are right, the smallest thing can trigger LE. Mine got bad when I was finishing a deadline and was typing nonstop for about a month. After that there was no turning back. And it happened almost 4 YEARS after the surgery. I wish there was something we could do to prevent it!

    Theresa, I am so sorry you had to suffer through my singing!!! I wasn't doing my Loretta Lynn impression again was I???

    Michele, whenever we come up as anonymous that means that Jake ate our screen name.

    Jeannie, I hope all went well at the eye doctor today!

    Amy so GOOD to see you!! I was worried about you girl! I hope your results come back ok too!!!

    Rise to Life, it is an honor to have you join us. Have you picked out your wagon yet? We have all kinds! Now I hope your doctor has a big waiting room because we come to all your appointments!!!

    Debby a chapel tent is a good idea. We can use it in bad weather. I find that when we are all in the inner circle praying or sending positive vibes to a sister in God's cathedral of the towering forest, the majestic mountains and the stars that shine like no where else on earth, we can be heard all over the planet...

    Speaking of which, let's pray for Lisa40 for her scan tomorrow and for Penny lane for her scan tomorrow too. We are with you girls!!!!

    Karen what a postive message! I am so glad that everything turned out clear for you!!

    Susan Sweetie, you CAN have mono you know! WE are entitled and deserve to have normal diseases!!! NO Leukemia for you! I MEAN IT!!! I am hoping to go to NYC and meet the girls too. You know MO isn't THAT far from NYC!!! And we have MALLOWMARS HERE!!!

    Debby I have a thyroid tumor too. They want to biopsy it but I had a biopsy done a couple of years ago- the doctor who did it no longer practices medicine so they can't find my records and want to do another one. NO WAY! Apparently it got much bigger from my last PET. I know how you feel though, I have three things wrong with me that they are wanting to scan and biopsy and I would rather they all leave me the heck alone!

    Ok- time to feed the cat! be back later!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    The tech showed me my bone scan and, to quote someone near and dear to me, it scared the "crap" out of me! It looked like Times Square at midnight to me. Worried myself into a swivet only to find out they were arthritis (which I didn't know I had---and in my FEET?!?), an old green fracture (when did you break your rib? HUH?)----everything but last Thursday's lunch. Not to diminish what you are feeling right now but try to focus on the fact that it will be what it will be. You've sure had a bumpy ride lately----

    My Mom would always tell people she was "holding thumbs" for them to bring good luck---we are all holding thumbs for you tomorrow.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Oh geez, DebC & Debbyfive, so sorry for your worry.

    Debby, I'll join you in the Chapel tent. Praying that your DH is still in remission.

    DebC, so sorry about the spot they found. But not to panic, sweetie, you just have to wait until tomorrow to get results & I'll bet it's nothing. Breathe. We are all here with you, we'll tuck you in the middle of the Circle. After you get finished at the Hooch tent.

    Best Wishes,
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Jeannie, yes a lot of posts but some of them are very very small. I remember about the eye now that you reminded me.

    NS, "abnormally thick forehead" spitting on the screen!!! I told you that you were hard headed. I'll take mono over leukemia anyday.
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Me too with the bone scan. Had full body bone scan because I had a sore knee and xray on knee showed a "fuzzy area" They found a suspicious area on my rib. I had to have chest xrays from all different wouldn't say anything.

    Finally got results from Dr. Apparently I had cracked a rib since my last scan. I had fallen a couple of times but just around the house in the past 9 months or so.

    Well that was 10 years ago so I guess it was just a cracked rib.Took a few years off my life worrying about it though!

    Nothing wrong with my knee either.
    Fingers crossed for you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: Oh my goodness the circle has been a busy place today. I just got home and Im trying to catch up with everything that is happening.

    First and most important, I want to take my friend LauraB and put her in the middle of our circle. I met her, right here on - anyways, I heard from her today and she is going through an awful time. So keeping LauraB and her little girl Kaitlin warm and comforted.

    Michelle: OMG another anonymous, I guess with all new things there are some glitches. Sure am glad to see you back here at the circle.

    Tgirl: Im laughing so hard. You will have to get up pretty early to beat me!! Thanks for the laugh.

    Amy: OMG Im so glad to hear from you. Sounds like your Christmas was wonderful. And how much longer do you have to wait until you get the results of the UGI. Now I want you to look at it this way - at least the stuff came out lol - from the UGI I mean. Im laughing cause I had one myself and I can so relate.

    Jeannie: Im hoping the appointment with your doctor went well. And by the way, your glasses sound, well - very stylish. Got my fingers crossed for ya. Oh and one more thing. Flu shots are only good for the respiratory flu. Stomach flu - wash you hands girl.

    Risetolife: I am so glad you found us. Its the best place to be. I dont see it as moving beyond bc, I see it as moving beyond each test, chemo, fear, etc one day at a time. You have found a home in this wagon circle of love and support.

    Karen: good visual of your little girl with all that makeup. Remember doing that myself once.

    Susan: OMG, Im cant stop laughing. I know I was late with that magic carpet but we were having so much fun - distorted humor, me, mazer the tazer and amy. We went weeeeee! Mono at our age? Unheard of - or is it.

    Amy: nutuh! I stole the carpet before you did - hee hee hee. Ya gotta get up early to beat me. But I did stop by and pick you and mazer the tazer up on our way to Debs appointment. nananananana

    DebC: Crap! crap! Crap! Me too. I had baseline scans done before chemo. My legs lit up. Showed lots of hot spots. The tech came over to me and asked me if I had pain. Oh my I cried my heart out. Ended up being arthritis. Thumbs Up!

    Puppy: Sending bigs hugs and lots of prayers for your DH and you. And a big juicy smack on the face.

    NS: Thick forehead. Ahahahahahaha
    Ok I gotta go. NS, Liz, Cheri, Jezza, and anyone that I missed - I still love ya

    Time for me to go. See ya all in the morning.

  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006

    Thought it was time to get rid of my Christmas tree!

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006
    Hello CGs...

    First - thank you for your input on my decision about treatment - I'm using various things for the neuropathy - kept it at bay for a while - it's still not horrible so I'm most likely going to stay with this until my gut says "stop."

    susan - geez - hope you feel better soon - time for a break...

    risetolife - welcome - I just joined the circle - been lurking and posting now and again - it's very helpful to have them surround you when you're down...or not!

    DebC - posted on your other thread - try not to worry...

    ns - sorry - but can't help but laugh about the "abnormally thick forehead"....

    Nicki - sending positive energy to LauraB and her daughter...hope things improve for her...

    Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays...

    Getting ready for a better 2007!!

    Come to the spa tent when you want to relax....

    hugs to all,

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Evening girls,

    Boy you guys were busy today! I’m having a really hard time keeping up.

    Susan, bless your heart! I’m so sorry you’re having this problem on top of everything else. My son’s monocytes are always high. They’ve never figured out why either. Here are prayers that it’s something like that for you. I always have low potassium if I don’t take my medicine.

    Theresa, that sounds wonderful! No family, phones or MEN!

    Cheri, you put Mena where? I didn’t know we had a mental health tent. Think I may be checking it out. First I need to leave the fruitcake tent.

    Debbyfive, sorry about your thyroid. I don’t blame you for thinking forget it! Prayers for you and your DH.

    Amy sounds like you had a wonderful holiday.

    DebC crap! I’m thinking it’s going to be arthritis or something that’s definitely B9!

    Jeannie, glad your appointment was uneventful.

    NS I love the “abnormally thick forehead” That made me smile for the first time today. I have a “dent” on the top of my head. No one knows why either. It’s a skull abnormality they say.

    Nicki, what’s up with LauraB. I haven’t seen her in forever.

    I’ve missed so many. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers. It’s been a crappy day for me. It will be 2 years on the 30th that my mom and I told the doctors to stop all treatment and I watched my dad die. I appreciate each and every one of you girls. I also know so many of you are going through rough times, scans, tests, chemo etc. I hate feeling not in control. That’s not me. Someone just tell me to straighten up! I hate this frickin disease!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry didn't mean to vent! Thanks for listening though.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Liz, you don't have to straighten up if you don't want to. Sometimes things just happen to us in life that spins us out of control. It reminds me of being in a moving car with no steering wheel or brakes, just along for the ride & hope we don't crash!

    Ginney,Jezza and all you other new Circle girls, have you noticed CherylG's map? It is so cool, you must go there and enter your names if you haven't already. I don't mean to leave any new ones out I just didn't take any notes tonight & my memory is rotten.

    MeeeNaaa! Sorry I pushed you in the mental health tent & ran last night. But I knew they'd release you it's ME they really wanted! Lord knows I could use some therapy! Can you come out & play? I'll admit we don't always play nice together but we sure have fun!

    My prayers are with all of you who are awaiting test results and those who are so ill.

    GOD Bless,
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006

    I'm on the map..down in Tasmania!!!
    Not so crowded down there.

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2006

    heh, heh...I put myself on the map a while ago - while I was lurking around the wagon circle....

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    I love the circle girl map. It's so much fun to see where everyone is. Liz, sorry you are not feeling chipper today. hugs, ok? Debbyfive, prayers for you and your DH. hope the tests go well. Jezza, I like your coffee cup!

    night all

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Rise to Life, so you're a PNW gal, me too! I'm up here in the Seattle area. I had to look but I found you!

    Girls did you know there are 204 entires on the map now! Of course amny are not poted in the area they live in but are somewhat close.
    For anyone that is new to the map you need to hit zoom a couple of times to make the map a little bigger so you can get closer to where you really are. It's been so much fun to see where everyone is.

    Deb5 or is it 6 now, we'll be right there with you and the hubby as he gets his tests done. We are praying that he is still dancing with NED too!

    Deb C, Remember that the scans pick up all sorts of things. Artheritis, brusing, healing. So we are prating it's something minor and won't be a problem.

    Karen, I can remebering my girls and Niece dressing up my nephew with all the makeup and hiar stuff, Mind you he's the oldest of the 4, he just liked all the attention. humm, wonder if I should tell his girlfriend that story???
    She'd get a kick out of it.

    Liz you made me think of that song there was a crooked little man with a crooked little stick that walked a crooked path! OK ok I'll stop signing...

    Susan so good to see you posting again. I hope this means you're feeling better!

    NS, What did we tell you about banging your forehead against the wall! Lord knows he had to make it thick to keep you from hurting yourself!, At leasxst that's what I always told my thick headed sister

    Niki, I don't know how you can get up so early, I'm doing good if I can drag my butt outa bed 10 minutes before I have to go to work!

    Michelle, I see Jake the bad puppy got your name too!

    Ok I think I'll make the rounds to make sure everyone is dry and comfy!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Ginney, you're not lurking anymore. I prefer to call it checking in on everyone. Actually, I'm afraid I'll miss something! LOL

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited December 2006
    deb.........keep your chin up!

    everybody else.........see you on january9th........we're leaving tomorrow afternoon!

    thank you all for helping me through this mess. i'll miss you all while i'm away!

    xo, michelle
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited December 2006
    This is going to be very short, as I've had way too much champagne tonight at my SIL's house. It does help with the pain - I just wish the damn insurance company would pay the bill . . .

    Tgirl and Mena and anyone else with a sleeping bag, pj's and booze -- can't wait for the 13th!!! Jen is leaving us a whole lot of delivery menus so we never have to leave the apt.

    I'll post more tomorrow or Friday after my Herceptin. I gotta got to bed.

    Love you all, Sue
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited December 2006
    Shel have a wonderful time in the Keys! we'll miss you!

    Ok putting some more logs on the fires and off to bed with me.
    Nite all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning Everyone! Well things are back to normal - I just wish I knew what normal was. Im sitting by the campfire. Just put on a few more logs. Sipping my coffee and thinking about why NS started this wonderful forum. There were so many sisters dealing with new dx, chemo, new mets, reoccurances. It seemed like so much was happening to so many, so fast. And this became a safe place for everyone to come to. As I drift around these discussion boards, I see once again - so many struggling. And I wonder if there is a relationship to the change of Seasons. In the beginning it was the end of Summer and beginning of Fall. Now its the end of Fall, beginning of Winter. All I know, there are so many out there that need our help.

    Then I thought about it for a while longer. Life sure likes to throw curve balls. BC being one of those curve balls - a mighty fast one - but still a curve ball. So we have to face the regular stuff thrown our way in addition to bc. I think of our sweet purplemb whose husband is recovering from a heart attack. I think about those who are having issues with their husbands and significant others.

    It just dawned on my, that we are approaching a New Year - well duh! Im glad I can put 2005 and 2006 behind me. Welcoming in 2007 with open arms.

    There has been one consistent thing, something that has always been there when I needed it - and that is having all of you to talk to. I know that no matter what, you will always be here when I need someone most. So I just wanted to take time to thank all of you.

    Anyways, I have more coffee brewing. And this morning, its like that old movie "Coffe, Tea, or Me." Also have a wonderful egg casserole cooking. Its so good. Has layers of egg, cheese and canadian bacon. The aroma is wonderful. It is drifting through the air - penetrating each tent. A great aroma to wake up to. So when you do wake up, stay in your jammies, put on a jacket (its ot that cold in the chicago end of the circle) and come join me at the campfire. Good food, good drink, good company, and lots of hugs and laughter to share with all of you.

    Today is going to be a busy one for me. I have so many people to go evaluate. Have to to Northwest Memorial Hospital which is right smack in the middle of downtown Chicago. Now going Downtown this time of the year is insane! So Im especially appreciating my quiet time this morning. By time I get home, I will be needing a glass of wine, just to relax!

    Ginney: Im so glad you are here. And Im even happier that you made your decision. Cant go wrong when you go with your gut instinct. Sometimes I think life in general is about choices. Seems like your made the right choice this time around.

    Liz: Life events. Survivorship isnt the only thing we think of. So sorry about your dad. I have my daily calendar I carry with me. Sort of a big appointment book. I always begin the day by writing something. Well on December 21st I wrote a note remembering my dad,that was the day he was buried. And then I realized, my goodness that was 38 years ago! How did life go so quickly? He passed at age 52, so I have reached a point now where I am older than he was when he left us. I have saved a special place for you by the campfire. So who is it that has the "hoochie" tent. Thats where I want to be this week-end. And lets steal tgirls Idea. No phones, no family, no men. Now that sure does sound enticing!

    Cheri: After you ran, I stayed watch and wouldnt let Mena out of the mental health tent. Ha! Caught ya Mena.

    Susan: Nutty Nicki Nurse has been thinking about those blood tests all night! I know this is gross, but wondering if you had diarrhea with the diverticulitis. Thats one sure way for sodium and potassium to be low. And I wouldnt worry about the monocytes. Not really a sign of mono. Think those blood tests could be off cause of the stomach problems youve been having. I think you need to go to Ginney spa tent and be kind to yourself today.

    Cherylcy: I check the map everyday. Its awesome. So many of us around the world! Hee hee as I laugh under my breath. The crooked man song was good.

    Shel: Oh I hope you have a wonderful time in the Keys. Im jealous of course. My next vacation comes in February, when I get my port out. Man oh man, I am so tired of using vacation to recover from something. Maybe come summer, I will have time off where I can just play and be fancy free.

    Sue: Sounds like you had fun last night and sounds like you all are gonna have a blast on the 13th. Acctually it reminded me that the Illinois girls are talking about a get together. I think we decided on the 15th. Im gonna have to go check that thread now to see if it is still on.

    Well, time to go walk the perimeter of the circle. Check in and see how everyone is. I may just sneak in some tents and tweet your toes. Then run like made and blame it on tgirl.

    Looking for Sherdon, Tinairene, and Peggy.

    Missing PurpleMB and sherloc!

    Have a wonderful day. Be kind to yourself today.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited December 2006
    Happy almost NYEve!! Let's hope new hope for peace for all of us. ready for our weekend away. Starting to save the booze and money....

    Puppy...I'm kneeling next to you in the chapel tent saying my silent prayers for much better days ahead. Is this just us getting older? No way!!!

    Cheri....where did you hide Mena?? Did you tape her mouth shut and tie up her hands???

    Ginny...when I'm finised in the chapel tent though I may be there for a while, too many sisters & brothers to pray for...I will sit with you in the spa tent...But no pedicures... I said on the other thread. I think you just want to go back to HAWAII!! You are so giving to everyone else you have to be B9.xoxo

    Shel...stay away from the cabin boys. They're too young..well ok just one if you really need it.

    Michelle...send Jake to my house. My Ted will help him, Ted hates all dogs...(I think he's just afraid of them) He doesn't realize he's one of them.

    Amy.... need updated pics of Mazer. She is so cute..I wish I could have one. But I don't want to clean up after her.

    NS...are you Irish or Italian like me?? I think mine is thick also.

    Nothing going on with me this week. Taking Friday and Tuesday off so I can put all Christmas away.

    Niki...going NY Eve to the Eagles game in my company's private suite. I'll take pictures.

    Love to all. xoxo

    ps...Mena where does Cheri have you stashed??? I'll keep yelling and hoping for you to call for help.xoxo
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Morning all. Beautiful day here. DIL is feeling better and they will probably hit the road sometime today---a 4 hour drive back home. She woke up with an earache but urgent care will take a good four hours so wants to wait until she gets home. Gramma got another day with the grandbabies so it wasn't all bad!

    I tried asking this question over in the Hormone Therapy thread but didn't get much info so will ask the CGs---somebody here has probably been in this situation. I take Arimidex and can tolerate most of the SAs but the joint pain has been pretty uncomfortable at times. The last time I saw my onc she suggested glucosamine which has helped some but still have hurty feet and hands---and now that clicky thumb thing---which is weird! She said she might switch me to Femara. I see her tomorrow and was wondering if anyone else has made that switch and has it helped any? Femara is quite a bit more expensive (like Arimidex isn't?) and my insurance makes me pay a percentage, not a flat rate. I'm also building breast cysts like I think I'm premenopausal and I'm wondering if the Femara would knock the estrogen levels down further. Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Anybody made the switch? Anybody happier with Femara?

    Hope everyone has a great day. DebC---let us know how the doc appointment went. Susan---glad to see you back too, even if you are an inappropriate host! I thought that was Mena's job but hey!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning all,

    NS-I know you arent laughing about it but I spit all over my computer screen when I read about the thick forehead.

    AlaksaDeb-If you read back a few, well alot of pages you will see my freak out from my nuclear bone scan. Yep, lit right up on the ribs and I am doing chemo. Well, after every xray and position known to man of my ribs, nothing showed up. I was told then that nuclear bone scans can show alot of false positives. Wrapping my arms around you until you have your appointment. Waiting sucks. Mazer is nudging you with her nose too because she hates to see people sad. Hmmm, she seems to be getting closer,,,I think she heard you could cook some mean cinnamon rolls so she is just buttering you up for one or maybe two. Hang in there girl,,,we all love you and you will be fine.

    Nicki-Better watch it trying to steal the magic carpet away from me. You might get it pretty early in the morning since I am doing my resting but come late at night, me and mazer are off riding about while you are nestled in your wagon sleeping. We are careful to put it back so when we return so you never know that its gone. Sneaky,,huh?

    ok cheri, can you let Mena come out and play now? Where exactly did you hide her? Mazer and I have looked all over.

    Michelle-Jake would fit in and my house also. Bandie the australian cattle dog needs somebody to keep up with her. Man, that dog has some energy. Its not her fault though, I knew it when I bought her just been so busy lately.

    Shel-have fun at the keys you lucky girl. We will miss you.

    tgirl-have fun at the game. Private suite huh,,arent you special! Sounds like fun.

    Susan-crossing my fingers for good news for you.

    ok, just a quick drop in this morning but will be back later.

    bye for now. amy