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  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    updated pictures of mazer the tazer

    Mazer trying to figure out the skill saw.


    Mazer being fed apple wafers and wanting more.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Member Posts: 282
    edited December 2006
    Good Morning all.....
    Well a quick update...I (or I should say we..DH & I) have been popping into work for a few hours boss was wonderful, I have a computer at home and work while DH rests...I even get to sneak a nap in once in awhile I need them...we are by the way walking upto 5,000 steps a day...who's keeping week we hope to get to 10,

    to all who have entered the Circle while I was away...welcome, this is a warm wonderful place filled with loving people...

    AlaskaDeb, glad your trip went well and glad your back to be with us ..remember we are here for you ...hugs...

    Mena are you exercising?????...start's the quitting smoking going...hmmm...not good for the heart.....and take care of that Cholest# I'll worry bout you too....

    Well its time to get DH home for his rest...please thankyou for all your prayers they are so felt by both of us...

    Karen In Denver....thinking of you...hugs....

    remember to take care of yourselves ...hugs
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited December 2006
    hmmm no name^^^^.
    to all I missed hugs

    OH PS...DH results...
    One 100% blocked main atery.. no other stuff anywhere else?..9they say its heredity...sticky platelets? they put in a stent and he feels very good..his appt isnt until the end of Jan...hope I can keep him under control until then...he doesnt sit well..any one need some carpenter work repairs BUT what a surprise....we don't smoke, not over weight, remember I'm doing weight watchers...,Cholest.# please take care and be healthy...
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    MB, So happy Your husband feels better! Hey CG'S I am now Puppyfive, thank all of You for thinking and praying for my DH! CG'S I have been around the boards and We have So many Sisters going through such Hard times right now, My heart is so heavy with sadness, I have sent Prayers, But I just can't stop crying, Please join me in the Circle and hold hands and touch feet and send whatever Your heart can!!! xoxo Love You All, Puppyfive

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited December 2006
    Happy day girls. Still at daughters. Mostly she is packing and I'm herding kids. Have my favorite 2year old sitting on my lap at the moment. She loved the pics of Mazer. Today is my fathers 70th birthday. Called him this morning and woke him up. He said Hello, then the phone died. UHOH!!! Not good
    Need advise and prayers for my 4 month old grandson. Yesterday he came up with??? for lack of a better way to put it...spontaneous bloody nipple discharge. Very odd. Can't feel anything in his chest and have a call into his doctor. Anyone ever hear of blood coming from a baby's nipple? Not a one time thing....seems to be dripping very slowly.

    NS, cook tent....hahahhah no way. Do you not remember the Fire Brigade on Thanksgiving? I was not allowed anywhere near the stove for Christmas.
    I'm sorry about the piano.
    Thick Forehead???? hahahahh...that must mean you are super smart.

    CherylCy, awwwwwwwwwww. What a treasure

    Socal, wheres the grammie pic?

    Shel, hefty sum? Very cool.

    Vicki, hahahhahah

    Liz, were still packing. They have to be out by Sat eve. Hugs to you hon

    Ginny, no advice but you are in my prayers hon.

    Debbyfive, prayers for you as well. I say call your onc after New Years.

    Deb, my first bone scan scared the bejeebers out of me. Lit up like a Christmas tree. Dx-degeneration...seems I'm falling apart.
    Shame on the tech for opening his mouth. So not his job.

    Nicki, I miss you all too. I'll be home in a couple of days and will probaby need a week in the Spa Wagon after all this time on daughters couch.

    Amy, Mazer is just to pickin cute.

    MB, praying for hubby. The anon thing is very odd.

    OK back to kid patrol. Have a grand day ladies.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Good afternoon girls,
    Called my dr's office. They don't really think I have mono, they are just being cautious because of the BC so they want me to come back for a re-check. I feel good today. better than in a long time. woohoo. take those vitamins. bought me a new purse and wallet!! I feel so good.

    MB glad your husband is doing better.

    puppyfive, I thought it would be Debbysix for 6 years NED. fooled me. Anyway how is your DH?

    I love all of you. I'm out of the fruitcake tent, into the chapel and then the spa!

    DH has turned back into a decent human being. He calls you my "breast cancels". We always asks me what I'm laughing at? Hard to explain.

    God Bless,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Good morning. Nicki, I've been sitting here thinking about the New Year also. Most years I look forward to a brand new year with anticipation of it being "MY" year. Well, bc has changed my thinking. Last year was MY year because it was spent in bc treatment. It's a year I won't ever forget, but I don't want to go through again. 2006 sucked in so many ways. Many bad things happened to us and I'll be glad to see it end. I pray 07 will be good to us all.

    Shel, I hope you have a wonderful time on vacation. You really need this. Leave all your worries behind you & just enjoy yourself. Wishing you a great time!

    Deb, we're all anxiously waiting to hear what your dr. said. We're there with you, ya know.

    Shirley, so sorry to hear your little grandson is having medical problems. I wish I could help you but I've never heard of anything like that. Best wishes for him.

    MeeeNaaa! Come out & play now. I don't like this game of hide & seek. Let's play verbal tag, that's much more fun!

    Girls, I've been thinking over the night I shoved Mena in the mental health tent & ran. I have night blindness and I may have pushed her in the Dental health instead of Mental hlth. She may be recovering from a root canal for all I know! HAHAHA

    On a serious note, thinking of all those who are waiting test results and are so very ill.

    GOD Bless,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006

    Hey Susan, sooo glad you are feeling good today! We've all worried about you. Enjoy your day!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    OK ladies...thanks for all the hugs and B9 wishes. I'm feeling better this morning. Of course, a valium and an ambien helped matters too. Better living through pharmaceuticals…that’s my new mantra.

    I see the doc at 2:30 in the afternoon today to get my results. I’ll post when I know anything.

    Mazer is a very insistent little cutie, so the cinnamon rolls are just out of the oven. I made a special pan sprinkled with dried apple bits for my favorite donkey to share with his barn-mates. Ours have pecans thanks to RobinKW…they are from her mom and dad’s farm in New Mexico. YUM

    Of all the beautiful cards, photos and letters I have hanging on my wall more people comment on Mazer than anything else. He is such a cute little stinker. When I try and explain the story of having an internet friend who is a donkey who is also friends with a retired race horse people’s eyes start to glaze over and I get weird looks….the muggles just don’t get it girls…but that’s OK. We do

    Be back later.
    Deb C.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2006
    Thank y ou Liz for the card even though I didnt get it,and thank you most of all for all of your kind thoughs.

    Susan:You are the greatest! Dont know what I would do without just knowing you are a p hone call away.

    Ginney Thank you for your kind words.

    Cherylcy:thank you also.

    Mena: HOw are you doing? I know before I got sick you were having some tough times also.Pm me and let me know how you are.

    I am so thankful to this group I feel like I can turn to you ladies no matter what the problem is and I will get kind words in return.

    I am so fed up with this chemo.Sometimes I just want to stop and enjoy what time I have left.But then I think that would be stupid to stop now when it is working and the ca is well on its way out.Maybe with the proper anti cancer drug it wont come back this time.I am so looking forward to having a new life that I know is ahead of me.A life of peace of mind if nothing else.
    And now I have all of you to share it with.One thing I am going to do is travel and come and meet all of you I hope that is my dream anyway.
    Again thanks for being here.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited December 2006
    Wow, Mazer is one excited little donkey. She ran right over to distorted humor to give her favorite race horse that happens to be a male a fresh baked cinnamon roll. She must really think distorted humor is cute to share a dried apple bit cinnamon roll. Her two favorites, apples and cinnamon all rolled into one thing. She said thanks Deb she loooovvvveeesssss you!

    Deb-glad you are feeling much better. Drugs are sometimes our best friend even though I hate to take them. I tell you, taking xeloda by pills as chemo has ruined me on taking anything.

    Susan-Glad to hear retail therapy worked great for you. It always seems to work for me also. Also glad to hear your husbands time in the deliverance tent paid off. Its amazing what some precious time with Mena can do for a few men.

    Puppyfive with the new name. I am joining with you and holding hands and thinking of your sister.

    Shirley-sorry to hear about your grandson. I had something like that happen with my son when he was about the same age but it wasnt bloody it was just milky looking. For the life of me I cant remember what the doctor told me except that I was worrying about something that I shouldnt be and it would pass. Hope the same happens for you all. Glad your grandchild liked the pictures!

    purplemb-glad to see you popping in. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited December 2006
    Hi CG's,

    I just have time for a quick check in (don't want Jake to eat my screen name - or anything else)

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    DebC - love, hugs, prayers - I agree with the pharmaceuticals life.

    Amy, I could fit right in at your place. I'll bring the 3 dogs and 3 cats and we'll have one grand time. I will also bring that vet daughter of mine to watch over them. Those animals are tooo cute.

    Robin, I am glad to see you are posting. You know we are always with you....

    MB, how is the dh?

    Gotta go, gotta go

    Take care everyone
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited December 2006
    Hi Ladies!!

    I've been away for a few days and I can't even begin to catch up!! So much has been going on.

    Christmas dinner was totally insane, just as I thought it would be! The grandkids went and opened all their presents without asking, so I got no pics . Heaven forbid their parents should keep half an eye on them! At least my new SIL didn't pass out. She's done it twice before and we really expected her to do it again.
    Deb C - I'm hoping all is ok with you. Good luck with your test.
    MB - Sending positive vibes to DH. I'm sure all will be fine.
    Shel - I love spongebob!!

    Sending good thoughts to all of you who are going through trying times right now. It seems a little overwhelming! I'm at work, so I don't have a lot of time to spend catching up on everyone. I'll check in later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited December 2006
    Good Evening Everyone: Well my day was busy just like I said it would. And Im home and have a glass of wine too. Drove all the way downtown Chicago to evaluate someone - 80 mile round trip - only to find out she was discharged somewhere else. Oh my, I was one unhappy camper. But then I thought, hey - your getting paid for this no matter what and it was a little fun being in the action. Drove by the John Hancock building. While driving there, I saw our skyline and it sure is pretty. So hey - it wasnt so bad afterall. Iv'e lived in Chicago all my life and sometimes I take it for granted.

    Tgirl: I am so excited for you. Whoooo hooooo private seats for the Eagles game. Now remember - we have been together on this since preseason!! And right when you thought there was no hope, they surprised you!! The Eagles sure are looking good. DaBears were changed to a New Years Eve night game. Some are happy about, some arnt. But if I have private box seats, I would be jumping right outta my skin.

    Jeannie: Im the last one to give you advise about the aromatase inhibitors cause Im ER/PR negative. But my sister was diagnosed 3 months after me and she is er/pr positive. She takes Aromasin. She was having similiar side effects to you. Raised her blood pressure and caused fluid retention too. We have the same onc and he wanted to change her to Femara. I was very excited when she told me that cause I have heard so many good things about Femara. Anyways, she is old fashioned Italian - my older sister - she read the side effects and said "they are the same" so she decided to stick with what she had. But I still seem to recall this past Spring - many good things being said about Femara. My advice is the same I would give to anyone else including me. Got with your gut instinct!

    Amy: OMG it was you, and I thought I was having dreams! And shhhhhh dont tell Susan we are using her magic carpet without her knowing! Oh and thanks for posting the pic of Mazer the Tazer. Geez! Distoret Humor broke out of his stall, came running full speed - now he's still fast even though he is retired - and firmly nudged my arm. Stopped me from typing. Demands a picture of her to hang in his stall! What we do to keep our animals happy

    PurpleMB: It was like lighting striking. Ahahahaa your post about the smoking and cholesterol were under anonymous. So I cant feel guilty! Nananananana. Now remember, its the Holidays - come next week - Ill get my butt in gear. So its agreed yes? Quit smoking and start exercising 1-2-07. Until then - its time to Partyyyyyy!!

    Puppyfive: I figured it out! Before you told us. (Your new name) And you are so right. There are alot of sister here struggling right now. This is serious stuff! So first of all stop your crying. We need to stay strong and help each other. Sometimes I picture us as "Syncronized swimmers" ya know, like in the Olympics? When some of us are down, the rest of us swim together and hold you all, when we get down, you all swim together and help us. Its actually a beautiful sight to see. So stay strong. Im holding you up this week, but I may need ya next week.

    Sherloc: Ahahahahah this is one of those, as Susan explained it, laughing out loud and everyone in the house thinking Im crazy moments. Yes, I do remember the the dinner. Think we will have you just pour Mamosa's on New Years Eve. No cooking for you.

    Susan: Ah retail therapy. New wallet and purse - oh its the little things that make us so happy. Im so jealous - Im gonna get a new wallet tomorrow. Thats the one thing I wanted for Christmas and didnt get. I am so happy that things are calming down with you and your hubby. Damn, Damn, Damn why do they put us through this. He is your life partner. He knows it too! I am so glad the doctors office reassured you, that you dont have mono. And bravo to them - its good they worry about you. Hoping your feeling better. Now when your done with praying and relaxing, please come to the party tent. We must put together an affair for the New Year. A new and good year for all of us.

    Cheri: You got what I was trying to say this morning. My world has been turned upset down, inside out. Im gonna flush 2006 right down the toilet!! I see the sun shining, peaking in as 2007 approaches.

    DebC: I hate it. Im in central daylight savings time. So I dont know when you will get home after your doctors appointment. I thought about you all day. Oh and Distorted Humor thanks you for the cinnamon buns. Any excuse to eat and be close to Mazer the Tazer - he is there.

    Robin: You know it, you have always been special to me. You have every right to be sick of the chemo. Enough is enough. But - there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Can you see it sparkling? I can. Your almost there girl.

    Susan: There is no way to explain the laughing out loud, they just dont get it. Leave here? Never. You all are too special to me. And when I laugh out loud, I feel so good.

    Madison: The choas from Jake is one of those laughing out loud moments. I so do understand.

    Jan: New SIL passing out. Now thats funny. She is not invited to the party tent for New years. No passing out allowed.

    Ok everyone, I end this with a sad note. My good friend. another bc survivor is going through such difficult times. Almost 2 years after diagnosis and treatment, her dh wants a divorce. What is it with these men? Cant say much, other than I have encouraged her to come here.

    Sometimes I feel guilty. Im feeling good right now. Others are struggling. But I know I have been there - struggling - and I know it will happen again.

    Have a wonderful evening

    See ya in the morning. Is there anyone that will beat me?

    And where is Vickie?

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited December 2006

    NICKI, You are so sweet, always know what to say, and I knew You would be the one to figure out my new name!! I never want to get rid of 5 , Because It was a very Important Goal for me, and I wanted to keep Puppy, because Sweet Mena gave It to me, My DH , will not be having the liver biopsy tomorrow, he will be having the CATSCAN, and then talk to his doctors about setting the appt. for the biopsy, of course I am sooo woried, because the trial meds. were his last hope, they kept him on them longwer then usual, and it worked, they are keeping a journal on him, his next step will be a liver transplant, So please CG'S Pray for everything to go our way!!! God Bless You All, xoxo Puppy

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    tgirl/Sue---What weekend away?

    Nicki---You confirmed my gut instinct. We don't have the same side effects from different drugs and I figure Femara is worth a try. Yes, it's more expensive, but are comfort and hands and feet that work worth it? I think so. If it isn't an improvement, I can always go back. The clicky thumb thing is just plain weird and wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't my dominant left hand. Writing is becoming unpleasant.

    Yes---where is Vickie?

    Puppy---Love the new name. Chin high and hope to match. My grandson was here for the holidays with an extensive collection of Weebles. Remember them? Weebles wobble but they don't fall down. I often think of all of us CGs as Weebles---we may wobble but we don't fall down!

    Back later. After a week of culinary excess I am nuking leftovers and we are eating in front of the TV---and my dinner just beeped.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited December 2006
    Hey girls,
    I have been away from my computer since before Christmas and my, have you all been busy! Over 200 posts and I cannot possibly catch up in the few minutes I have. But tomorrow I anticipate that I will be couch-bound all day so maybe tomorrow I can read through everything. I hope everyone had a joyous holiday! Still have New Year's to look forward to, but we are keeping it very low key this year, especially since I usually go to bed around 8PM these days!

    Had my 2nd weekly taxol/herceptin today. The results of my holter monitor test from a few weeks ago were finally tracked down. My onc said there was some 'atrial' abnormality but no 'ventricular', so apparently I have nothing to worry about! Whew! He also said that the extreme weepiness and fatigue and constant hot flashes are from being slammed into chemopause....he prescribed Effexor to help. Has anyone else been on Effexor?

    Welcome to the girls new to the circle - glad to see you here!

    DebC - LOVED your card, made me cry! The bookmark is great. Thank you!

    I am longing for sleep, so good night for now! I will check back in tomorrow!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I'm here ladies,
    Lurking, just not posting.
    Having serious anxiety attacks lately and working my way through them without bringing anyone here down. Worried about my daughter...lots going on there and really not sure what to do...can I borrow the magic carpet and fly down. I have my six month checkup with my oncologist on the 8th and freaking out about that...I feel fine, just worried he will order scans or tests or something that will just make me feel more anxious. I am really hoping my estrogen levels are continuing to stay down as I really need to be in menopause and I'm just not ready for the surgery to remove my ovaries if it comes to that. I know its an "easy" surgery but it's surgery just the same. Post holiday blues and so terribly swamped at work that I just can't keep up. Being a bookkeeper at the end of the year sucks. Also worried about so many here that some days I'm afraid to even look.
    Nuf whining!
    Praying for you and your DH puppy...all the time.
    AlaskaDeb...I was thinking of you today at 2:30...duh...eastern time...don't know what time it was there but I know your behind us...please let us know your news...worried!
    Nicki...I think I need to take a drive like yours...just get lost for half a day and see some sights. Christmas was wonderful but Lord knows I need a break.
    Purplemb...thinking of you and your DH. Hope all works out ok, sounds like he's doing well and I am so glad.
    Susan...retail therapy is wonderful. I can't bring myself to wear a hat this year. I wore so many different "chemo caps" last year and my hair is still really short so when I put on a cap and see myself all I see is me "last year", well I found a hood with an attached scarf today that actually works and a new pair of shoes. Got Nathaniel a 3D Notre Dame puzzle half price that he's been wanting for so we just have to figure out how to put it together!?!? He loves building things.
    Madison...oh Jake sounds like he's really something...our puppy is little and so much easier to handle than our two german shepherds (who are huge!). Our cat is actually bigger than the puppy and beats him up on a pretty regular basis!
    I think we all need to flush 2006 down the toilet...shall we have a toilet flushing party New Years Eve. son soooo loves the picture of Mazer...he now thinks he wants one (along with a hippopatimus...go figure?!?)
    Robin...don't give up...we are so very happy to see you back home in our circle. You can and will beat this and a visit sounds wonderful. Wouldn't it be grand if we could all find a central meeting place and have a huge circle sisters party!
    Cheri...where have you stashed Mena or is she hiding out with one of your men?
    Lini...where are you?
    NS...come out come out wherever you are.
    Jeannie...I am taking Arimidex too and hate the achiness...I am happy to take it and praying I will stay in menopause but don't like the side effects either. Is Femara the same thing? Keep my head in the sand a bit too much so I avoid reading many things that only cause me more stress. advice about your grandson but saying prayers that it's nothing serious.
    Hello to all our new girls...come on ladies...join the fun, ask us questions, lean on us...we are here for you (well I am most of the's just been a rough week.)
    I'm leaving out so very many...but...thinking of you all every day and even when I don't post, I'm lurking and reading.
    Love ya sisters,
    Oh...had a terrifing moment yesterday on my way home from work. Came to the intersection just above where I work and there was a propane truck waiting for the light to change and there was a major fire coming out from under the truck (and I mean MAJOR, like 40 blowtorches coming out of the underside of the truck, fire hitting the road and shooting up in the air, black smoke...I thought at first I was seeing things), this guy was totally oblivious...I ran the light and pulled alongside him and was yelling a waving my arms for him to get out of the truck, a women behind him got out of her car and started to run up alongside his truck and I yelled at her to get back in her car and MOVE, FAST and then it dawns on me that I'm parked right next to him by his door!!! He shut down a switch or something inside the truck and the fire went out and called the fire department. What the h#ll was I thinking...I could have been blown sky high!!! I just didn't even think about it until afterwards, all I could think was this man has no idea his truck is burning and it's a propane truck and going to blow up and he has to GET OUT. I tell you...I shook all the way home just thinking about the "what ifs". Soooo ladies if you see a propane truck on fire...don't park next to it LOL!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    I posted on my other thread too but....

    Drum roll please……….

    “No evidence of metastasis disease!!!

    Can you say WOOHOO!

    The report just said it was normal amounts of deterioration of the bone, what ever that means. Frankly, at the moment, if it is not cancer I don’t care if my bones are turning to dust.

    And all Gods people said AMEN to a whole boatload of prayers.

    Thanks ladies. You are my cheerleaders, my strong shoulders, my uplifting arms and my lifeline in the dark….

    Party at my wagon....

    Big hugs
    Deb C.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited December 2006
    I am so very happy, was worried about you all day and prayed my heart out for you!!!
    Big hugs back to you
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited December 2006

    I'll bring the Champagne!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2006
    Jeannie, I started with Femara, hurt like heck, switched to Arimidex, it's not as bad. I know others that have had the opposite experience. Sometimes it seems like most people hate their first one and do better with a second one. Maybe it's your body adjusting to a reduction in estrogen.

    DEBC. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Vicki, you kinda worry me If I ever see you on the street I'm heading the other way. LOL

    Kristin, good for you. Keep up the great work.

    Nicki, glad you are feeling good.

    oh vicki, if you can get chemosabi and amy to quit "borrowing" my magic carpet, yes you can borrow it. In fact, let's just put it in the magic carpet tent. Everyone can borrow it. I'll have to find another way to get to the grocery store and go buy my new purses.
  • jezza
    jezza Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2006
    Deb: So VERY happy for you and your good results. Reading all the posts about false positive results it makes you wonder doesn't it ..all that stress.Same with tumor markers..sometimes they seem to be sky high one test and normal next time.

    MB: My hubby and I wear pedometers every day and have done for about a year. I run around a lot at work and do about 10,000 steps by the time I get home. We go for a walk every night.It helps with the sleeping too if you wear yourself out excersising.

    Amy: An Australian cattle dog? Would love to see a picture. I think they may be what we call a kelpie here in Australia.I had a kelpie and you couldn't wear her out.She was the best dog and so smart. She lived to be almost 18 years old.I would love another one but don't think I have the energy to go through another kelpie puppyhood!

    Well lets all go over to the Hoochie wagon and celebrate Deb's good news. Drinks are on me!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2006

    Deb..I will bring the s'mores and champagne for the campfire tonight...wonderful news..Lisa

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Hello! me and my forehead checking in....

    DebC so glad about your news. I knew it would be... You should go back and read that post of yours from a couple of weeks ago where we joke about congratulating each other because we have arthritis! Still- any cause to break open the bubbly is a good one.

    Vickie, you really do have scary things happen on the road! I am sorry about the anxiety. When you get to the point when you are anxious about getting anxious, that is when you really need to think about taking something on a more regular basis until it passes. Sometimes we wait too long to take something and it defeats the purpose. But if we have a prophylactic xanax or a long acting klonopin in our system then the cycle of anxiety attacks can be broken. I hope you feel better really soon.

    I can't type too much tonight because I have another headache. These damn things are making me very nervous. I have appointments set up with nuerologist, onc, gyn and endocrinologist. Hopefully ONE of them will help me.

    Love you girls!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2006
    Wantd to add-
    Lisa40 and Pennylane had scans today- let's pray that they have the same kind of wonderful news that Debc got!!!!! They have both been on my mind all day.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited December 2006
    Adding my B9 prayers for Pennylane and we want good results only

    Big hugs
    Deb C
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited December 2006
    Hi girls,

    It’s been another busy day here in the circle I see.

    Nicki, Thank You! As always you know just what to say. I think it’s all hitting me worse this year since my mother-in-law is in and out of the hospital. They admitted her again tonight and she just got out a week ago. Brother-in-law is still against Hospice. I don’t think there will be much of a choice soon. Her kidneys are beginning to fail now.

    Jeannie, I’m on Arimidex also. I’ve heard so many of the ladies say they’ve changed and things were better and others who have done so and said things were the same or worse. I know my oncologist is going to ask me about it in January. Right now I’m thinking I’ll try to tough it out. Of course that may change by my appointment date. I did start taking the glucosamine and it has helped my knees, wrists and fingers. I always go with my gut instinct.

    Madison, I always love reading about “little” Jake. I love puppies.

    Michelle, what type of “dog” is Ted? Mine thinks he’s human.

    Amy, I bet Jake would enjoy your crew. Thanks for the new pics of Mazer. She is so cute.

    MB, I’m glad your husband is feeling better. I’m glad you’re both resting and taking care of yourselves.

    Puppyfive, I find myself crying reading posts also. So many are struggling right now. I’m joining you in the circle.

    Sher, did the doc call about the grandson? Sorry I don’t know anything about that. I’m sure your daughter is busy packing up. Did she even have time to unpack from the last move? I can’t imagine why she didn’t let you cook. LOL

    Susan, I love retail therapy. I buy shoes, purses and those types of things right now as they always fit no matter what size I am. I’m glad the doc’s are keeping a close eye on you. I’m glad your DH has straightened up. Mena’s tent must really work!

    Mena, where the heck are you??????????????????

    Cheri, oh no! Surely you didn’t send Mena to the dental tent. I avoid that one I hate dentists.

    Robin, gentle hugs my friend. You are so close. Hang in there and always know we’re here for you.

    Kristin, I’m not on Effexor but lots of ladies are. I’m on Lexapro and it has really helped a lot. Good news on the holter. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and will be there with you in spirit.

    Vickie, oh hon. As I’ve been told, it’s better for us to post than not. I was in such a mood yesterday but after posting I did feel better. I’m sorry your daughter is having problems. That is always stressful for moms. Stopping to help the man in the truck just reaffirms what a good person you are. You didn’t even think about anything but him. I’m so glad everything turned out well for you both. That is truly scary. I would love to find a central location for all of us to meet.

    DebC….. YES! YES! YES! I love your news. Congratulations.

    Jezza, I’m headed to the Hoochie wagon now.

    NS, you have plenty of appointments coming up. I hope you find the answer to what’s causing the headaches.

    Okay, so New Years Eve is coming up. I’ve been thinking we just haven’t had enough food here lately. I’m going to bring mini quiche, bacon wrapped scallops and mini meatballs. How’s that for starters? What booze do we need?

    Thanks girls for being here. You are all so special.

    Hugs and prayers to all in need.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited December 2006
    Deb---a big WOOHOO and a happy dance around the campfire for all of us! I worried about you all day. How many hours behind the east coast are you?

    Off to the onc tomorrow a.m.---blech. The last time I went we wound up with the eye thing---I think I'm getting a little gun shy! But then I'm done until the MRI in Marchish.

    Sweet dreams----

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited December 2006
    Deb, yes I can say WooooHooooo! Congrats. I've checked to see your post all afternoon to make sure you were ok. I know you're so relieved. Lots of prayers went up for you.

    Lisa40 & Pennylane, how about an update on those scans today?

    Amy, cute pics of your ass. Or is Mazer a donkey or mule? (just couldn't resist)

    ShirleyL, how about your grandson? Let us know what the dr. said & how he is.

    Nicki, it's probably good that you drove all the way downtown today. Sometimes we just need to take the scenic route.

    Vicki, you should feel great. You saved a mans life or maybe more than one life. You didn't stop to think of yourself you just naturally went to the aid of someone else. You could've been killed. Don't do that anymore! As far as miss Mena, I haven't seen her since the other night when I pushed her into either the Mental or Dental tent, we had been to the Hooch tent first,so I wasn't seeing real clear. Not too sure which tent it was. You had an idea, though, when you said she might be hid out with one of my men! HUMMMM, wonder which one. That little Trollop!! I've hollered at her a couple of times to come out & play but haven't heard anything.

    MeeeeNaaaa, you got some more splainin' too doo!

    I hate to vent whenever I do I end up giving way more info than anyone wants to hear. So I called myself down & edited.

    Best wishes